Ingersoll-Rand 4IRQ2N, 4IRS2N Operation & Maintenance Manual

Operation & Maintenance Manual
2007. Any reference to Ingersoll-Rand Company or use of trademarks, service marks, logos, or other proprietary identifying marks belonging to Ingersoll-Rand Company in this manual is his torical or nominative in nature, and is not meant to suggest a current affiliation between Ingersoll-Rand C
ompany and Doosan
Company or the products of
Revised (10-12)
T h is m a nua l co n tain s impor tan t s a fety in fo rm atio n . D o no t d es tro y thi s m an u al. T h is m a nua l mus t b e a v ail a bl e to the perso n ne l wh o o p er ate an d main tai n thi s m a chin e.
P.O. Box 868 - 501 San ford A ve Moc k sv ille, N.C. 27028
Propos ition 65 W arn ing
Dies el en g ine e xhaust and some of its c onstituen ts are known
to the S tate of California to cau se
oth er re p ro d uctive h arm.
, birth defec ts, and
READ THIS MANUAL carefully to learn how to operate and service your engine correctly. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage.
THIS MANUAL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED a permanent part of you r engine and should remain with the engine when you sell it.
MEASUREMENTS IN THIS MANUAL are given in both metric and customary U.S. unit equivalents. Use only correct replacement parts and fasteners. Metric and inch fasteners may require a specific metri c or inch wrench.
RIGHT -HAND AND LEFT -HAND sides are determined by standing at the drive or flywheel end (rear) of the engine and facing toward the front of the engine.
WRITE ENGINE SERIAL NUMBERS and option codes in the spaces indicated in the Record Ke eping Section. Accurately record all the numbers. Your dealer also needs these numbers when you order parts. File the identification numbers in a secure place off the engine.
SETTING FUEL DELIVERY beyond published factory specifications or otherwise overp owering will result in loss of warranty protection for this engine.
CERTAIN ENGINE ACCESSORIES such as radiator, air cleaner, and instruments are optional equipment on Ingersoll -Rand instead of Ingersoll -Rand. This operator’s manual applies only to the engine and those options available through the Ingersoll -Rand distribution network.
supplied e
ngines. These accessories may be provided by the equipment man ufacturer
Engine Owner
Ingersoll -Rand Equipment Engine Owner:
Don’t wait until you need warranty or other service to meet your local Ingersoll -Rand Distributor or Service Dealer.
Learn who he is and where he is. At your first convenience, go meet him. He’ll want to get to know you and to learn what your needs might be.
Engine Details
S4Q2 S4S
1 Water Thermostat 2 Lifting Eye 3 Charge Alternator 4 Fan 5 V-belt 6 Oil sump 7 Flywheel 8 Starter Motor 9 Exhaust manifold 10 Injector 11 Air Inlet Housing 12 Water Drain Plug 13 Oil Filter
14 Oil Drain Plug 15 Dipstick 16 Crankcase Pulley 17 Oil Filler Neck 18 Fuel Pump 19 Water Pump 20 Oil Filler Neck 21 Governor 22 Fuel Feed Pump 23 Engine Serial Number 24 Fuel Filter 25 Oil Pressure Plug
Table of Contents
Engine Owner............................................................................................................................................3
Engine Details...............................................................................................................................................4
Safety Symbols .............................................................................................................................................7
Fuels, Lubricants, and Coolant ...................................................................................................................15
Fuel specifications
Recommended oil Specifications................................................................................................................15
Recommended Oil Viscosities.............................................................................................................16
Limiting Requirements For Engine Oils...............................................................................................17
Coolant Specifications
Coolant Quality
Coolant Specifications
Recommended Types of Long Life Coolants (LLC) ............................................................................18
Features of Recommended Brands.................................................................................................18
How to use non-amine type LLC......................................................................................................19
Disposing of Coolant...............................................................................................................................19
Capacity of Cooling and Lubricating Systems............................................................................................19
Engine Operating Guidelines.....................................................................................................................20
Starting The Engine ................................................................................................................................23
Cold Weather Starting.............................................................................................................................23
Stopping the Engine................................................................................................................................23
Using a Booster Battery or Charger.......................................................................................................24
Checks, Adjustments and Maintenance Procedures To Be Carried Out After The First 50 Running Hours
Cold Engine .........................................................................................................................................25
Warm Engine .......................................................................................................................................25
Preventive Maintnenace..............................................................................................................................26
General Maintenance Instructions
Maintenance Schedule ........................................................................................................................26
Daily Maintenance Checks...............................................................................................................26
General Maintenance Schedule.......................................................................................................27
Battery ..........................................................................................................................................27
Check the electrolyte level and top off..........................................................................................27
Check the state of charge and recharge if necessary..................................................................27
Clean the terminal lugs and grease with silicone grease.............................................................27
Tighten the terminals....................................................................................................................27
Exhaust Muffler.............................................................................................................................27
Check the pipes for leaks .............................................................................................................27
Retighten mountings.....................................................................................................................27
#These operations require specialist knowledge and must be carried out by a factory trained
Ingersoll-Rand technician with special tools.Maintenance Record..................................................27
Maintenance Record........................................................................................................................28
Engine Maintenance.........................................................................................................................29
Checking the Oil Level..................................................................................................................29
Checking the Coolant level...........................................................................................................29
Replacing the Lube Oil and Oil Filter............................................................................................30
Replacing the Fuel Filter...............................................................................................................31
Adjusting the Valve Clearnance ...................................................................................................31
Checking and Cleaning the Injectors............................................................................................31
How to Replace an Injector ..........................................................................................................32
Checking the Condition and the Tension of the V-belt, Replacing the V-Belt..............................33
Checking the Preheating Glow Plugs...........................................................................................34
Cleaning the Air Filter ...................................................................................................................34
Cleaning the Radiator and the Fan Blades ..................................................................................35
Checking the injectors ..................................................................................................................35
Lubricating the water pump..........................................................................................................36
Retightening Fasteners ................................................................................................................36
Draining the Cooling System........................................................................................................36
Filling the cooling system: ............................................................................................................37
Exhaust Muffler.............................................................................................................................37
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................................38
Engine will not start..............................................................................................................................38
Not enough power................................................................................................................................38
Overheating .........................................................................................................................................38
Too much white or blue smoke............................................................................................................38
Too much black or gray smoke............................................................................................................38
Too much black or gray smoke............................................................................................................39
Fuel consumption too high...................................................................................................................39
Oil consumption too high .....................................................................................................................39
Oil pressure too low .............................................................................................................................39
General Engine Specifications—S4Q2 General Engine Specifications—S4S
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS Manual .................................................................................................42
Cause ...........................................................................................................................................39
Fuel of incorrect quality ................................................................................................................39
Change the fuel ............................................................................................................................39
Fuel injection pump faulty.............................................................................................................39
Repair or replace ..........................................................................................................................39
Fuel injectors faulty.......................................................................................................................39
Repair or replace ..........................................................................................................................39
Wrong injection timing ..................................................................................................................39
Safety Symbols
Symbols below point out pote n tial saf ety ha zar d s and provide imp ortant infor mation about this machine. Re a d and understand. H eed warnings and follow instr uctions. If you do not u nders tand, inform your sup ervisor.
Prohibition/ Manda tory Informatio n/Ins tructions W AR N IN G
W ARNING - Read the operato r’s ma nual before operati n g this machine.
W ARN IN G - Do not open radiator until radi ator is cool and pressu re is relieved.
W ARNING - Read the op e rato r’s man ual b efore towi n g m achine.
W ARNI N G - Diesel fuel is flammabl e . No open flames or sp arks.
W ARNING - Battery con tains acid. Gas es are flammabl e . No open flames or sp arks.
W AR N ING - Do not perf orm main tenance until all electrical power has be e n disco nnec ted.
W ARNING - Ro tating fan 65 MPH m aximum towing spee d.
Safety Symbols
Safety De c als area avail a ble free of charge.
Safety decals are ide n tified by the de c al head in g
Dec a l p art num b ers are on th e bottom of each decal a nd are listed in th e par ts manual. H elp promote pr o duct sa fety! Assure th at de c als are p resent on the mac h ines. Rep lace d e cals th at are not le g ible.
Lo ok for these signs o n mach ines m a nufactured in North Am erica, which point out pot e ntial h a zards to the saf e ty of you and oth e rs . Read and understa n d thoroughl y . Heed warnin g s and fo llow in structions. If you do not und e rstand, inf o rm your su p ervisor.
Indicates the p rese nce of a h azard which WILL ca use
(Red Background)
(Orange Background)
(Yellow Background)
serious inj u ry, dea th or pr operty dam age, if ign o red.
Indicates the presence of a h azard which CAN cause serious inj u ry, dea th or pr operty dam age, if ign o red.
Indicates the presence of a h azard which WILL or can cause injury or pr operty dam age , if ign ored.
Indicates imp orta nt set -up, o perati ng or maint enance information.
(Blue Background)
Th is machi n e is not d e signed for op e ra ting life -s ustaining equ ipm e nt. It is equip p ed with a safety shutd o wn s ystem that will cause the machine to st o p operating whe n ever a s h utdown conditi on is pres e nt.
Nev e r ve n tilation. Avoid bre a thi ng exh a ust fumes when w o rking on near the m achine.
A and pote n tially explosiv e . A v oid conta c t with s kin, eye s , a nd cl o thing. In case o f contact, flush a rea imme d iately with w ater.
Im p r o p er o p eration of this equ ipment can c a use sev e re injury or d e ath. Read Operator’s Manu a l suppli e d with th is mac h ine before o p eration or s e rv ice.
Modificat ion o r alterat ion of this m achine CAN result in severe injury or de ath. Do not alt er or modify this mac h ine without the express wr itten co n sent of th e man u facturer.
operate the engine of this machine inside a building without
battery contains sulfuric acid and can give off gases, which are
ad e quate
corrosi v e
Exerci s e e x tr e me c aution when using boost e r battery. To jump b a ttery, co n nect e n ds of o ne boo s ter cable to the positive (+) termin a l of each bat tery. Con nect o ne end o f other cable to the negative (-) terminal o f the bo o ster batt e ry and other e n d to a ground conne c tion a w ay from d ead bat tery (to avoid a spark o c curr ing ne a r any explo s ive gases that may be pres e nt). After starting u nit, always disconn e ct ca b les in rev e rs e order.
Nev e r in s pect or service unit w ithout first disc o nnecting b attery cabl e (s) to p r e vent ac c idental starting.
We a r e ye protection while c leaning u n it with co m pressed a ir, to pre v ent de b ris from injuring eyes.
HOT PRESSUR IZED FLUID - Re m ove c ap s lowly to reli e ve PRESSURE from radiator
. Prot e ct
skin and eyes
water or steam and
ch e mical additiv e s can
c ause s erious pers o nal injury.
Fl a mm able Fuels - Do not fill tank when eng ine is runn ing.
Do not smoke or u se an open fla m e in th e v icinity of the generat o r set or fu e l tank.
Do not perm it s moking, o p en flame, o r sp ar k s to occur near the b a ttery, fu e l, cleaning solvents or other flammable substances and explosive
ga s es.
Do not operate Genset if fuel h a s been spilled inside o r n ear the un it.
Disa ble
StartControl-Beforeperforminganyserviceor maintenance
d isconn e ct battery c ables to prevent a c cident a l start - up s .
extreme care to avoid contacting hot surfaces
(en g in e
op era tion, always
m a nifold a n d
+ 29 hidden pages