Doosan purchased Bobcat Company from Ingersoll-Rand Company in
2007. Any reference to Ingersoll-Rand Company or use of trademarks,
service marks, logos, or other proprietary identifying marks belonging
to Ingersoll-Rand Company in this manual is his torical or nominative
in nature, and is not meant to suggest a current affiliation between
Ingersoll-Rand C
ompany and Doosan
Company or the products of
Revised (10-12)
T h is m a nua l co n tain s impor tan t s a fety in fo rm atio n .
D o no t d es tro y thi s m an u al.
T h is m a nua l mus t b e a v ail a bl e to the perso n ne l wh o o p er ate an d main tai n thi s m a chin e.
P.O. Box 868 - 501 San ford A ve
Moc k sv ille, N.C. 27028
Proposition65 W arn ing
Dies el en g ine e xhaustand someof its c onstituents are known
totheS tateof Californiatocau se
oth er re p ro d uctiveh arm.
, birthdefec ts, and
READTHIS MANUALcarefullyto learn how to operate andserviceyour enginecorrectly.Failureto do so
could result in personalinjury or equipmentdamage.
THIS MANUALSHOULDBE CONSIDEREDa permanentpart of you r engineand shouldremainwith the
enginewhenyou sell it.
MEASUREMENTSIN THISMANUALare given in both metricand customaryU.S. unit equivalents.Use
only correctreplacementparts and fasteners.Metricand inchfastenersmay requirea specificmetri c or
inch wrench.
RIGHT -HANDAND LEFT -HANDsides are determined bystandingat the drive or flywheelend (rear) of
the engineand facingtowardthe front of the engine.
WRITEENGINESERIALNUMBERSand optioncodes inthe spacesindicatedin the RecordKe eping
Section. Accuratelyrecordall the numbers.Your dealeralso needsthesenumberswhen you order parts.
File the identificationnumbersin a secureplaceoff the engine.
SETTINGFUELDELIVERYbeyondpublishedfactory specificationsor otherwiseoverp oweringwill result
in lossof warrantyprotectionfor this engine.
CERTAINENGINEACCESSORIESsuch as radiator, aircleaner,and instrumentsare optionalequipment
on Ingersoll-Rand
insteadof Ingersoll-Rand. This operator’smanualappliesonly to the engineand those optionsavailable
throughthe Ingersoll -Rand distributionnetwork.
supplied e
ngines.Theseaccessoriesmay be providedby the equipmentman ufacturer
Engine Owner
Ingersoll-Rand EquipmentEngineOwner:
Don’t wait until you need warrantyor other serviceto meetyour local Ingersoll -Rand Distributoror Service
Learnwho he is and wherehe is. At your first convenience,go meet him. He’ll want to get to know you
and to learn what your needsmight be.
Symbolsbelow point out pote n tial saf ety ha zar d s and provideimp ortant infor mationabout this
machine.Re a d and understand.H eed warningsand followinstr uctions. If
you do not u nders tand, informyour sup ervisor.
Prohibition/Manda toryInformation/Ins tructionsW AR N IN G
W ARNING- Readthe
operato r’s ma nual before
operati n g this machine.
W ARN IN G - Do not open
radiatoruntil radi ator is
cool and pressu re is
W ARNING- Readthe
op e rato r’s man ual b efore
towi n g m achine.
W ARNI N G - Dieselfuel is
flammabl e . No open flamesor
sp arks.
W ARNING- Battery
con tains acid. Gas es are
flammabl e . No open flamesor
sp arks.
W AR N ING - Do not perf orm
main tenanceuntil allelectrical
powerhas be e n
disco nnec ted.
W ARNING- Ro tating fan65 MPHm aximumtowingspee d.
Safety Symbols
SafetyDe c als areaavail a ble freeof charge.
Safetydecalsare ide n tifiedby the de c al head in g
Dec a l p art num b ers are on th e bottomof eachdecala nd are listed in
th e par ts manual.H elp promotepr o ductsa fety! Assureth at de c als
are p resenton the mac h ines.Rep lace d e calsth at are not le g ible.
Lo ok forthesesignso nmach inesm a nufacturedinNorthAm erica,which
pointout pote ntialh a zardstothesaf e tyofyouandoth e rs .Readand
understan d thoroughly . Heedwarnin g s andfo llowin structions.If youdo not
und e rstand,inf o rm yoursu p ervisor.
Indicatesthe p rese nce of a h azardwhichWILLca use
(Red Background)
(Orange Background)
(Yellow Background)
seriousinj u ry, dea th or pr operty dam age, if ign o red.
Indicatesthe presenceof a h azardwhichCAN cause
seriousinj u ry, dea th or pr operty dam age, if ign o red.
Indicatesthe presenceof a h azard which WILL or can
causeinjury or pr operty dam age , if ign ored.
Indicatesimp orta nt set -up, o perati ng or maint enance
(Blue Background)
Th is machi n e is not d e signedfor op e ra tinglife -s ustainingequ ipm e nt. It
is equip p ed witha safetyshutd o wn s ystemthat will causethe machineto st o p
operatingwhe n evera s h utdownconditi on is pres e nt.
Nev e r
ve n tilation.Avoidbre a thi ng exh a ustfumeswhenw o rkingon nearthe m achine.
andpote n tiallyexplosiv e . A v oidconta c t withs kin, eye s , a nd cl o thing.In caseo f
contact,flusha rea imme d iatelywithw ater.
Im p r o p er o p erationof thisequ ipmentcanc a usesev e re injuryor d e ath.
ReadOperator’sManu a l suppli e d withth is mac h ine beforeo p erationor s e rv ice.
Modification o r alterat ion of thism achineCANresultin severeinjuryor de ath. Do
notalt er or modifythismac h inewithouttheexpresswr itten co n sentof th e
man u facturer.
operate the engine of this machine inside a building without
battery contains sulfuric acid and can give off gases, which are
ad e quate
corrosi v e
Exerci s e e x tr e me c autionwhenusingboost e r battery.To jumpb a ttery, con nect
e n dsof o neboo s ter cableto thepositive(+)termin a l of each bat tery. Con nect
o ne end o f othercableto the negative(-) terminalo f the bo o sterbatt e ry andother
e n d to a groundconne c tiona w ayfromd ead bat tery (to avoida sparko c curr ing
ne a r any explo s ive gasesthat maybe pres e nt). Afterstartingu nit, always
disconne ct ca b les in rev e rs e order.
Nev e r in s pector serviceunitw ithoutfirst disc o nnectingb atterycabl e (s) top r e vent
ac c identalstarting.
We a r e ye protectionwhilec leaningu n it withco m presseda ir, to pre v ent de b ris
HOTPRESSURIZEDFLUID- Re m ovec aps lowlyto reli e ve PRESSURE from
. Prot e ct
skin and eyes
water or steam and
ch e micaladditiv e s can
c auses eriouspers o nal injury.
Fl a mm ableFuels- Do not fill tank wheneng ine is runn ing.
Do not smokeor u se an openfla m e in th e v icinityof the generat o r set or fu e l tank.
Do not perm its moking,o p en flame,o r sp ar k s to occurnearthe b a ttery, fue l,
cleaning solvents or other flammable substances and explosive
ga s es.
Do not operateGensetif fuel h a s beenspilledinsideo r n ear the un it.