Ingenico BIO930 B, EFT930 B, i7310, i7780, i7810 Specifications

Paym ent Ter minal s
With Ingenico, secure and speedy mobile payment becomes a reality. Our wireless products enable merch ants t o offe r cust omers true payment conveni ence – even on the go. Perfect f or accepting payment in places su ch as resta urants, bars , stadiums as well a s deliver y op erations, our batte ry-powere d pay ment devices delive r the excep tional perform ance a nd hi gh-end functi onality mercha nts ne ed to maxim ize rev enue a nd improve cu stomer servi ce. From tran sport able or porta ble option s, t o a choi ce of Blu etoot h, W iFi and GPRS communic ations, I ngenico’s battery- powered wi reless s olutions enable merchants to underta ke mobile tran sactions i n any environ ment. From pa y-at-table, to t aking fares­on-the- move, payme nt at the point of s ervice bec omes simpl icity its elf.
Wir eLess
i7310 EFT930 P i7780 EFT930 B i7810 EFT930 W i7910 i7910+ EFT930 G
EFT930 B
EFT930 G
BIO930 P BIO930 B BIO930 G
Type ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 7 ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 ARM 9 & ARM 7 S
9 MHz200 MIPS & 50 MIPS29 MHz200 MIPS & 50 MIPS29 MHz200 MIPS & 50 MIPS29 MHz58 MHz200 MIPS & 50 MIPS200 MIPS & 50 MIPS200 MIPS & 50 MIPS200 MIPS & 50 MIPS200 MIPS & 50 MIPS200 MIPS & 50 MIPS
in MB)
/4 or 2/88/16 or 16/162/4 or 2/88/16 or 16/162/4 or 2/816/162/4 or 2/82/4 or 2/88/16 or 16/168/16 or 16/168/16 or 16/168/328/3216/32
MMC optional optional
optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
l l l
emovable Memory
SD Card optional
optional optional optional optional
l l l
µSD Card
ommunication Mode
nfra red
l l
Dial-up Modem
l l l
with base Modem optional with base Modem optional optional with base Modem with base Modem with base Modem
l l
Ethernet with base Ethernet optional with base Ethernet with base Ethernet Wi-Fi
l l
l l l l
l l l l l
1 to 3 2 or 4 1 to 3 4 1 to 3 2 or 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 2 or 3 4 2 or 3 4 4 3 + 1 SIM
Card Readers
mart Card
1 1
or 2
1 2 1 1
or 2
1 1 1
or 2
1 1 2 2 2
Magstripe Track 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2/3 Track 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2 or 1/2/3 Track 1/2 Track 1/2 Track 1/2
Graphic 128 x 64
l l l l l l l l l l l l
lines x 16 characters
l l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l l l
White T
FT Color QVGA 320 x 240 pixels
l l
Fast Wake up
l l l
Number of keys 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 Navigation keys 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 6 6 2 2 2 Backlit
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Privacy Shield
optional optional optional optional optional
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Thermal Printer
Lines/second 12 l/s 18 l/s 12 l/s 18 l/s 12 l/s 18 l/s 12 l/s 12 l/s 18 l/s 18 l/s 18 l/s 18 l/s 18 l/s 18 l/s
Connections on terminal
l l
optional optional
USB Host USB Slave Mini USB Host
l l l l l l l l l
Mini USB Slave
l l l l l l l l l
Type Modem
or Ethernet
or Bluetooth-
or Bluetooth-Ethernet
or Bluetooth-
or Modem
or Modem
or Modem
or Bluetooth-Ethernet
or Bluetooth-
or Modem
Modem Bluetooth-Ethernet Modem
Connections on base
Power supply
l l l l l l l l l
Line in
l l l l l l l l
Phone out optional optional optional optional optional optional
l l
RS232 2 1 or 2 2 1 or 2 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 2 1
USB Slave
on base Modem
on base Modem
on base Modem
on base Modem
Power Supply
Car charger
l l l l
Travel charger
l l l l
optional optional optional optional optional
l l l
l l l l l l l l l
Size (in mm)
Terminal L 209 x l 96 x H 60 L 180 x l 79 x H 57 L 209 x l 96 x H 60 L 180 x l 79 x H 57 L 209 x l 96 x H 60 L 180 x l 79 x H 57 L 209 x l 96 x H 60 L 209 x l 96 x H 60 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 L 180 x l 79 x H 58 Base
L 910 x l 350 x H 202
L 140 x l 80 x H 23
L 910 x l 350 x H 202
L 140 x l 80 x H 23
L 910 x l 350 x H 202
L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L175 x l 100 x H44 L175 x l 100 x H 44 L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L 140 x l 80 x H 23 L 140 x l 80 x H 23
Weight (in gr)
Terminal 600 360 600 465 600 410 600 600 410 465 410 460 Base 150 100 300 100 200 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Lens optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional Printer cover flap optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional Casing optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional
Operating temperature -5 to +40°C +5 to +45°C -5 to +40°C +5 to +45°C -5 to +40°C +5 to +45°C -5 to +40°C -5 to +40°C +5 to +45°C +5 to +45°C +5 to +45°C +5 to +45°C +5 to +45°C +5 to +45°C Storage temperature -20 to +70°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +70°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +70°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +70°C -20 to +70°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C
Relative humidity, non condensing
20% to 90%
without condensation
85% HR at +40°C
20% to 90%
without condensation
85% HR at +40°C
20% to 90%
without condensation
85% HR at +40°C
20% to 90%
without condensation
20% to 90%
without condensation
85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C
Online & offline
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Performa nce
Ingenico’s wirele ss terminals offer all the ingr edients necessary for speedy mo bile payment. Wi th cost-effective WLAN options, our reliable and secure wireless solutions feature fast encry ption proce ssing to make the enti re p aymen t pro cess effic ient , easy and cost-e ffective. Ingen ico’s unique pla tform maximi zes applicat ion flexibil ity and redu ces approval cos ts while its fast printer allows very rapid transac tions.
Design/ Ergonomics
Compac t, l ight w eight and e asy-to-u se, In genico’s wirel ess term inals make cust omer-fac ing paymen t sim plici ty it self. Featuring l arge backlit displays, colour display on the EFT93 0G and B, fast easy-loading printers, long magnetic strip e readers and exten sive battery life, our solutions are designed to work as hard as you do. Drop and spill resistant, th ey perform in even the most d emanding enviro nments.
Communic ation
With faultless 24/7 communic ations a must, Ingenico’s wireless termin al so lutions delive r tran saction integ rity a nd se curity through the widest variety of connectivity interfaces. Our terminals are equipped with an unpa ralleled array of communic ation technologies, in cluding: fast modem, GP RS, Bluetooth and WiFi. To deliver increased perform ance and conven ience, merchants can choose to use a con tactless EMV pay ment op tion whi ch supp orts mobi le p hone Near Fie ld C ommun icatio ns ( NFC) payment.
Securit y
A w orld l eader i n secu re trans action and p ayment systems, Ingenico’s payment terminals are all EMV and PCI PED approved. Our industry proven High Secure Core (HSC) as well as our 32-bit RISC security co-processor support powerful encryption (including RSA, DES AND 3DES) to provide the assurance of secure data and application management. Our products have all the necessar y tools to provide secure WiFi ( WEP, WPA or WPA2) and IP/Internet (SSL V3, etc.) communications.
Software development
By enabling the integration of a host of additional applications and service into its terminals - including loyalty programs, pre-pai d, and langua ge or currency options - Ingenico allows merchants and banks to generate sign ificant incremen tal revenues. In addition to offering world’s most extensive library of value added applications - over 800 - our uniquel y scalable operating system creates the ide al enviro nment on which to rapi dly bui ld and deploy EMV e- payment soluti ons as well as bespo ke new solutions, tai lored specifically to the customer’s need s.
Field S ervices
To reduce total cost of ownership and enabl e merchan ts and banks to maximize their terminals investments, Ingenico provides a compr ehensive ra nge of terminal a nd software update and manageme nt serv ices…both remotely and in the field. Fully certified profes sions and l ocal l anguage helpdesk perso nnel operate in ever y one of our regions, ensuring Ingenico is on hand to suppor t customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of th e year.
EFT 930 P
i73 10
EFT 930 W
i79 10
i79 10+
i77 80
EFT 930 B
i78 10
EFT930 G
EFT930 B
BIO 930 P
BIO 930 B
BIO 930 G
EFT 930 G