Infocus LP740, LP740B User Manual

RS-232 Terminal Specifications
Communication configuration
To control the LP 740 from your computer, connect the RS-232 cable and set your computer’s serial port settings to match this communication configuration:
Setting Value
Bits per second 192000 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bits 1 Start bit 1
Command format
All commands consist of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all enclosed in parentheses.
( starts the command AAA denotes the command #### denotes the value to be written
(leading zeros not necessary)
)ends the command
NO TE: To assure the projector can process a command, wait 3 seconds before entering the next command.
Supported commands
Function Command Meaning
Power PWR 1=ON, 0=OFF Volume LMP 1=Volume Up,
0=Volume Down
Mute MTE 1=Mute On,
0=Mute Off
Track TRC 1=Phase Up,
0=Phase Down
Sync SYC 1=Sync Up, 0=Sync
Bright BRT 1=Bright Up,
0=Bright Down
Resize RES 1=Expansion On,
0=Expansion Off
Source SRC 0=Comput er
1=Video 2=S-video
Menu MNU 1=Menu On,
0=Menu Off
Zoom ZOM 1=Zoom +,
0=Zoom -
Point PNT 1=Poi nter On,
0=Pointer Off
Mask MSK 1=Mask On,
0=Mask Off
Cursor CSR 0=Up, 1=Down
2=Right, 3=Left