THANK YOU for choosing the Infinity®BassLink
4sc amplifier expansion module for use with
BassLink®II. To ensure optimum performance,
we strongly recommend that installation be
entrusted to a qualified professional. Although
these instructions explain how to install the
BassLink 4sc in a general sense, they do not
show the specific installation methods for your
particular vehicle. If you feel you do not have the
necessary tools or experience, do not attempt
the installation yourself; rather, ask your
authorized Infinity car audio dealer about
professional installation options.
Remember to keep this manual and your sales
receipt in a safe place for future reference.
Playing loud music in a vehicle can permanently
damage your hearing, as well as hinder your
ability to hear traffic. We recommend using low
volume levels while driving. Infinity accepts
no liability for hearing loss, bodily injury or
property damage resulting from the use or
misuse of this product.
This owner’s manual assumes BassLink II is
installed in your vehicle. If you are installing
both units simultaneously, refer to the BassLink II
owner’s manual for instructions regarding the
mounting of BassLink II and the REMOTE LEVEL
control, and to this owner’s manual for tuning.
The BassLink 4sc is a four-channel plug-and-play
amplifier designed to make upgrading your
system easy. The BassLink 4sc is designed to
slide into an available slot in the BassLink II. The
BassLink 4sc also includes a Phantom Center
circuit, which creates the illusion of a center
channel without requiring a center speaker.
1. Disconnect BassLink II’s power connection
from the battery.
2. Remove the wiring cover from BassLink II.
3. Remove, but do not discard, the eight screws
that hold the AMPLIFIER DOCK cover panel in
place (Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
4sc amplifier
Mounting screws (8-M3 x 14mm)
Spare fuse (30A)
Owner’s manual
Infinity sticker
Warranty card
4. Remove and discard the screw that attaches
the two wiring harnesses and connectors to
the dock cover.
5. Slide the 4sc amplifier partially into the
opening and connect the wiring harness
connectors to the appropriate connectors on
the BassLink 4sc’s circuit board (Figure 2).
6. Insert the amplifier and secure it using the
eight screws that were removed in Step 3
(Figure 2). Extra screws have been included
with the 4sc.
7. Upgrade the fuse at the vehicle’s battery
(installed with BassLink II) to a 50A fuse.
8. Reconnect battery power lead.

BassLink II
Remote Level Control
Remote Level
4-Channel Line-Level Outputs
(from Source Unit)
Source Unit
Remote Level
Remote Level
Remote Level
2-Channel Line-Level Outputs
(from Source Unit)
2-Channel Speaker Outputs
(from Source Unit)
4-Channel Speaker Outputs
(from Source Unit)
Note: In order for the Phantom Center circuit to
operate properly, the speakers and input wires
MUST be connected in proper polarity!
Connect the speakers to the FRONT and REAR
screw terminals, observing proper polarity
(Figure 3).
Figure 3.
You must connect full-range signal to all four
inputs on BassLink II (if you are using the 4sc).
Do not connect a subwoofer output to any of
the inputs if you are using the 4sc.
Connect the input signal wires according to
Figures 3a through 3d.
If your source unit provides only speaker-level
output wires, connect those wires to the Universal
Interface connections as shown in Figures 3a or 3b.
If your source unit provides line-level outputs
with RCA-type connectors, connect the signal
cables to the FRONT and REAR LINE LEVEL
inputs as shown in Figure 3c or 3d.
Note: If your source unit provides two line-level
outputs and two speaker-level outputs, you may
connect the line-level output to the appropriate
(front or rear) RCA-type input and the speakerlevel outputs to the other (front or rear)
Universal Interface connector.
BassL i nk