INDESIT KN1M11S(W)/BA S User Manual

Operating Instructions
Naudojimo instrukcijos
Naudojimo instrukcijos
viryklл ir orkaitл
viryklл ir orkaitл
Operating Instructions,1
Using the hob,14
Cooking modes,15 Precautions and tips,18
Care and maintenance,19 Assistance,19
Інструкціі з експлуатаціі
Інструкціі з експлуатаціі
Інструкціі з експлуатаціі,1
Опис установки-Загальнии вигляд,7 Опис установки-Панель управління,8 Встановлення,20 Включення і використання,24
Користування робочою поверхнею,25
Програми приготування іжі,26 Запобіжні засоби і поради,29
Догляд i технічне обслуговування,30 Допомога,30
Naudojimo instrukcijos,1
Prietaiso apraљymas -Bendras vaizdas,7 Prietaiso apraљymas -Valdymo pultas,8 Montavimas,42 Бjungimas ir naudojimas,46 Orkaitлs naudojimas,47
Rankenлlлs naudojimas,48
Atsargumo priemonлs ir patarimai,51 Techninл prieюiыra,52 Pagalba,52
Seadme kirjeldus - Ülevaade,7 Seadme kirjeldus - Juhtpaneel,8 Paigaldamine,53 Esmakäitamine ja kasutamine, 57 Pliidi kasutamine,58 Ahju kasutamine,59 Ettevaatusabinőud ja soovitused, 61 Hooldus,62 Klienditugi,62
Eesti keeles
Lietoрanas instrukcija
Lietoрanas instrukcija
Lietoрanas instrukcija,1
Ierоces apraksts -Vispвrоga informвcija,7 Ierоces apraksts - Vadоbas panelis,8 Uzstвdорana,31 eslзgрana un lietoрana,35
Cepeрkrвsns lietoрana,36
Plоts virsmas lietoрana,37
Piesardzоbas pasвkumi un ieteikum,40 Tehniskв apkope un kopрana,41 Palоdzоba,41
WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use.
Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements.
Children less than 8 years of age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised.
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
WARNING: Unattended cooking on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may result in fire.
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
The internal surfaces of the compartment (where present) may become hot.
Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance. Remove any liquid from the lid before opening it.
Do not close the glass cover (if present) when the gas burners or electric hotplates are still hot.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
CAUTION: the use of inappropriate hob guards can cause accidents.
NEVER try to extinguish a fire with water, but switch off the appliance and then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire blanket.
УВАГА! Під час роботи цей прилад, а також його доступні частини нагріваються до високих температур.
Слід бути особливо обережними, щоб не торкатися нагрівальних елементів.
Діти віком до 8 років мають знаходитися на небезпечній відстані від приладу, якщо неможливо забезпечити постійний контроль над ними.
Дозволяється користування цим приладом дітьми віком від 8 років, а також особами з обмеженими фізичними, сенсорними або розумовими можливостями або особами без належного досвіду і знань, якщо вони перебувають під постійним контролем або проінструктовані щодо правил з небезпечного користування приладу і усвідомлюють ступені ризику. Не дозволяйте дітям гратися з приладом. Операції з очищення і догляду не повинні виконуватися дітьми без належного контролю.
УВАГА! Небезпечно залишати без нагляду плити з жиром або олією, тому що це може призвести до пожежі.
НІ В ЯКОМУ РАЗІ не слід намагатися погасити полум’я/пожежу водою. Необхідно вимкнути прилад і накрити полум’я, наприклад, кришкою або вогнетривким покривалом.
Не використовувати абразивні засоби ані металеві загострені шпателі для очищення скляних дверцях духовки, тому що вони можуть пошкрябати поверхню, призводячи до розтріскування скла.
Внутрішні поверхні відділення (де вони наявні) можуть нагріватися до високих температур.
Забороняється використання апаратів для очищення парою або високим тиском.
Витріть насухо всі наявні на кришці рідини, перш ніж відкрити її. Не закривайте скляну кришку (якщо вона наявна), якщо газові пальники або електричні конфорки залишаються нагрітими.
УВАГА! Щоб запобігти враженню електричним струмом переконайтеся в тому, що прилад вимкнений, перш ніж заміняти лампочку.
Витріть насухо всі наявні на кришці рідини, перш ніж відкрити її. Не закривайте скляну кришку (якщо вона наявна), якщо газові пальники або електричні конфорки залишаються нагрітими.
УВАГА! Щоб запобігти враженню електричним струмом переконайтеся в тому, що прилад вимкнений, перш ніж заміняти лампочку.
УВАГА! використання невідповідних захисних пристроїв варильної поверхні може призвести до нещасних випадків.
ĮSPĖJIMAS! Naudojamo prietaiso pavi-
ršiai ir pasiekiamos dalys įkaista.
Būkite atsargūs ir neprisilieskite prie įkaitusių prietaiso dalių.
Jaunesni nei 8 metų vaikai gali būti prileidžiami prie prietaiso tik prižiūrimi suaugusiųjų.
Vyresni nei 8 metų vaikai ir asmenys, tu­rintys fi zinių, jutimo ar psichinių sutrikimų arba nepakankamai žinių ar patirties, šiuo prietaisu gali naudotis tik tuo atveju, jei jie yra prižiūrimi arba instruktuojami, kaip saugiai naudoti prietaisą, taip pat supranta kylančias grėsmes. Vaikams turi būti draudžiama žaisti su prietaisu. Neprižiūrimi vaikai taip pat negali valyti prietaiso ar atlikti jo priežiūros darbų.
ĮSPĖJIMAS! Ant įjungtos viryklės palikti indai su riebalais ar aliejumi gali sukelti gaisrą.
Orkaitės durelių stiklo nevalykite šiur­kščiomis valymo priemonėmis arba aštriais metaliniais šveistukais, priešin­gu atveju kyla grėsmė subraižyti sti­klo paviršių, o dėl to stiklas paprastai sutrūkinėja.
Vidiniai stalčiaus (kur yra) paviršiai gali įkaisti.
Niekuomet nevalykite prietaiso gariniais ar slėginiais valikliais.
Prieš atidarydami gaubtą nuo jo nuvaly­kite skysčius.
Neuždarykite stiklinio dangčio (jei su­montuotas), kol dujiniai degikliai arba elektrinės kaitlentės neatvėso.
ĮSPĖJIMAS! prieš keisdami lemputę elektros prietaisą atjunkite nuo elektros maitinimo tinklo – nepatirsite elektros smūgio.
NIEKADA nebandykite liepsnos gesinti vandeniu – išjunkite prietaisą ir kuo nors uždenkite liepsną, pavyzdžiui, dangčiu arba priešgaisriniu apklotu.
ATSARGIAI! Netinkamų viryklės apsaugų naudojimas gali sukelti nela­imingą atsitikimą.
BRĪDINĀJUMS! Ierīce lietošanas laikā stipri sakarst.
Nepieskarieties sakarsušajām ierīces daļām.
Bērni, kuri ir jaunāki par astoņiem ga­diem, drīkst atrasties ierīces tuvumā tikai stingrā pieaugušo uzraudzībā.
Ierīci drīkst lietot bērni, kuri ir sasnie­guši astoņu gadu vecumu, bet perso­nas ar ierobežotām fi ziskajām, maņu vai garīgajām spējām un personas, kurām nav ierīces lietošanas pieredzes vai nepieciešamo zināšanu, tikai tad, ja tās tiek uzraudzītas vai ir atbilstoši informētas par ierīces drošu lietošanu un iespējamajiem riskiem. Bērni nedrīkst rotaļāties ar ierīci. Bērni nedrī
kst bez
uzraudzības tīrīt ierīci un veikt tās apko­pi.
BRĪDINĀJUMS! Atstājot uz ieslēgtas plīts virsmas pannu ar taukiem vai eļļu, radīsit ugunsgrēka risku.
NEKĀDĀ GADĪJUMĀ nemēģiniet dzēst uguni ar ūdeni, bet izslēdziet plīti un nosedziet liesmu ar vāku vai nedegošu pārsegu.
Cepeškrāsns durvju stiklu nedrīkst tīrīt ar abrazīviem tīrīšanas līdzekļiem vai asiem metāla skrāpjiem, jo tie bojā durvju vir­smu un cepeškrāsns stikls var saplīst.
Papildu nodalījuma (ja cepeškrāsns ar to ir aprīkota) iekšpuse lietošanas laikā var sakarst.
Ierīci nedrīkst tīrīt ar tvaika vai augstspie­diena tīrītājiem.
Pirms pārsega atvēršanas notīriet no tā visu šķidrumu.
Ja gāzes degļi vai elektriskās sildīšanas virsmas joprojām ir karstas, stikla pārsegu (ja tāds ir) nedrīkst aizvērt.
BRĪDINĀJUMS! Pirms cepeškrāsns lampiņas nomaiņas pārbaudiet, vai ierīce ir izslēgta, lai nomaiņas laikā novērstu elektriskās strāvas trieciena risku.
UZMANĪBU! Neatbilstošu plīts virsmas aizsargu lietošana var izraisīt nelaimes gadījumus.
HOIATUS: sisselülitatud seade ja selle juurdepääsetavad osad muutuvad kasu­tamise ajal kuumaks.
Olge ettevaatlik ja vältige kontakti kütte­elementidega.
Alla 8-aastased lapsed tuleb hoida se­admest eemal, v.a. juhul, kui nendele on tagatud pidev järelevalve. Vanemad kui 8-aastased lapsed ja isi­kud, kellel on vähenenud füüsilised, meelelised või vaimsed võimed või vähe­sed kogemused ja oskused, võivad seda seadet kasutada juhul, kui on tagatud nende järeelvalve ning neile on antud juhised seadme ohutuks kasutamiseks ja nad mõistavad seadme kasutamisest tulenevaid ohte.
Ärge kasutage ahju klaasukse puha­stamiseks tugevatoimelisi abrasiivseid puhastusvahendeid, sest need võivad kriimustada pinda ja klaas võib pragune­da.
Panipaiga (kui on) sisepinnad võivad muutuda kuumaks.
Ärge kasutage seadme puhastamiseks auru- ega survepuhastusseadmeid.
Enne kaane avamist eemaldage sellele kogunenud vedelik.
Ärge sulgege klaaskaant (kui on ole­mas), kui gaasipõletid või elektrilised keeduplaadid on veel kuumad.
Lapsed ei tohi seadmega mängida. Lapsed võivad seadet puhastada ja ho­oldada ainult siis, kui on tagatud nende järelevalve.
HOIATUS: rasvas või õlis küpseva toidu jätmine keeduplaadile järelevalveta on ohtlik ja võib põhjustada tulekahju.
Tulekahju kustutamiseks ÄRGE kasu­tage vett, vaid lülitage seade välja ja seejärel katke leek näiteks kaane või tuletekiga.
HOIATUS: enne lambi väljavahetamist veenduge, et seade on välja lülitatud – elektrilöögioht!
TÄHELEPANU: valede keeduplaadipiire­te kasutamine võib põhjustada õnnetusi.
2.TIMER knob
4. Oven indicator light
6.ELECTRIC HOTPLATE indicator light
7.Hob BURNER control knob
8.Electric HOTPLATE control knob
1. Автоматичне запалювання
2.Сукоятка ТАЙМЕРА
3.Peґyлятор TEPMOCTATУ
4.Індикатор ДУХОВКА
6.Ручки для керування газовими
пальниками на варильній поверхні
Description of the
Control panel
Опис плити
Панель управління
1.Elektroninis kaitlentčs degikilř apšvietimas
2.LAIKMAČIO rankenčlč
3.TERMOSTATO rankenčlč
4.kontrole orkaite
5.PARINKIMO rankenčlč
6.Indikacinč KAITINIMO ELEMENTŘ lemputč
7.Kaitlentčs dujř degikilř valdymo rankenčlčs
1.GAASIPÕLETI süütenupp
2.TAIMERI nupp
4.ahju tuli
7.PÕLETITE reguleernupp
Prietaiso aprađymas
Valdymo pultas
Seadme kirjeldus
1.GĀZES DEGĻA iedegšanas poga
2.TAIMERA slēdzis
3.TERMOSTATA slēdzis
4.indikatora gaisma cepeškrsns
5.SELEKTORA slēdzis
7.Ручки для керування газовими
Ierîces apraksts
Vispariga informacija
Prietaiso aprađymas
Bendras vaizdas
1Dujų degiklis 2 Kaitlentès tinklelis1 Elektros kaitlentè
10 11 12 13 14
6 Reguliuojamoji kojelè (Yra tik tam tikruose modeliuose)
7 Elektroninis kaitlentčs degikilř apšvietimas 8 TIškalų sulaikymo paviršius 9 Slankiųjų grotelių TAKELIAI 10 padètis 5 11 padètis 5 12 padètis 5 13 padètis 5 14 padètis 5
Description of
1 Hob burner 2 Hob Grid
3.Control panel
4.Sliding grill rack
5.DRIPPING 2.Control panel pan
6.Adjustable foot
8.Containment surface for spills
9.GUIDE RAILS for the sliding racks
10.position 5
11.position 4
12.position 3
13.position 2
14.position 1
the appliance
Overall view
Опис плити
1. Газовий пальник 2 Піддон на випадок переливань
3.Панель управління
5.Полка ДEКО
6.Лапка для налаштування
7.Eлeктрична конфорка
8.Пoверхня для збирання збiглoї piдини
9.HAПPABЛЯЮЧІ для полиць
10.положення 5
11.положення 4
12.положення 3
13.положення 2
14.положення 1
Загальнии вигляд
Ierîces apraksts
Vispariga informacija
1 Gćzes deglis 2 Plīts virsmas režģisģ 3 Vadības panelis 4 GRILĒŠANA 5 CEPE TAUKU PANNA 6 Regulējama kāja 7ELEKTRISKĀ SILDĪŠANAS VIRSMA 8 Norobe˛ota virsma traipiem 9 VADOTNES slīdošo pamatņu ievietošanai un izņemšanai 10 pozīcija 5 11 pozīcija 4 12 pozīcija 3 13 pozīcija 2 14 pozīcija 1
Seadme kirjeldus
1 Gaasipõleti 2 Rest 3 Juhtpaneel 4 GRILL 5 TILGAPANN 6 Reguleerimisjalg 7 Elektriline keeduplaat 8 Tilgaalus 9 SIINID restide sisestamiseks 10 tasand 5 11 tasand 4 12 tasand 3 13 tasand 2 14 tasand 1
! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important information concerning the safe installation and operation of the appliance.
! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Make sure that the instructions are kept with the appliance if it is sold, given away or moved.
! The appliance must be installed by a qualified professional according to the instructions provided.
! Any necessary adjustment or maintenance must be performed after the cooker has been disconnected from the electricity supply.
Room ventilation
The appliance may only be installed in permanently­ventilated rooms, according to current national legislation. The room in which the appliance is installed must be ventilated adequately so as to provide as much air as is needed by the normal gas combustion
process (the flow of air must not be lower than 2 m
/h per kW of installed power). The air inlets, protected by grilles, should have a duct
with an inner cross section of at least 100 cm
and should be positioned so that they are not liable to even partial obstruction (see  gure A). These inlets should be enlarged by 100% - with a
minimum of 200 cm
- whenever the surface of the hob is not equipped with a flame failure safety device. When the flow of air is provided in an indirect manner from adjacent rooms (see  gure B), provided that these are not communal parts of a building, areas with increased fire hazards or bedrooms, the inlets should be fitted with a ventilation duct leading outside as described above.
Adjacent room
Room requiring ventilation
Disposing of combustion fumes
The disposal of combustion fumes should be guaranteed using a hood connected to a safe and efficient natural suction chimney, or using an electric fan that begins to operate automatically every time the appliance is switched on (see  gure).
Fumes channelled straight outside
Fumes channelled through a chimney or a branched flue system (reserved for cooking appliances)
! The liquefied petroleum gases are heavier than air and collect by the floor, therefore all rooms containing LPG cylinders must have openings leading outside so that any leaked gas can escape easily. LPG cylinders, therefore, whether partially or completely full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or storage areas that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). Only the cylinder being used should be stored in the room; this should also be kept well away from sources of heat (ovens, chimneys, stoves) that may cause the temperature of the cylinder to rise above 50°C.
Positioning and levelling
! It is possible to install the appliance alongside cupboards whose height does not exceed that of the hob surface.
! Make sure that the wall in contact with the back of the appliance is made from a non-flammable, heat­resistant material (T 90°C).
Ventilation opening for comburent air
Increase in the gap between the door and the flooring
! After prolonged use of the appliance, it is advisable to open a window or increase the speed of any fans used.
To install the appliance correctly:
• Place it in the kitchen, the dining room or the bed-sit (not in the bathroom).
• If the top of the hob is higher than the cupboards, the appliance must be installed at least 200 mm away from them.
• If the cooker is installed underneath a wall cabinet, there must be a minimum distance of 420 mm between this cabinet and the top of the hob.
This distance should be increased to 700 mm if the
wall cabinets are flammable (see  gure).
mm. with hood
mm. without hood
Min. mm.
Min. mm.
• Do not position blinds behind the cooker or less than 200 mm away from its sides.
• Any hoods must be installed according to the instructions listed in the relevant operating manual.
! Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply cable and the electrical socket must be easily accessible.
! The cable must not be bent or compressed.
! The cable must be checked regularly and replaced
by authorised technicians only.
! The manufacturer declines any liability should these safety measures not be observed.
If it is necessary to level the appliance, screw the adjustable feet into the places provided on each corner of the base of the cooker (see  gure).
The legs* fit into the slots on the underside of the base of the cooker.
Electrical connections
Install a standardised plug corresponding to the load indicated on the appliance data plate (see Technical data table). The appliance must be directly connected to the mains using an omnipolar circuit-breaker with a minimum contact opening of 3 mm installed between the appliance and the mains. The circuit-breaker must be suitable for the charge indicated and must comply with NFC 15-100 regulations (the earthing wire must not be interrupted by the circuit-breaker). The supply cable must be positioned so that it does not come into contact with temperatures higher than 50°C at any point.
Before connecting the appliance to the power supply, make sure that:
• The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with the law.
• The socket can withstand the maximum power of the appliance, which is indicated by the data plate.
• The voltage is in the range between the values indicated on the data plate.
• The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an authorised technician to replace it. Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.
* Only available in certain models.
Gas connection
Connection to the gas network or to the gas cylinder may be carried out using a flexible rubber or steel hose, in accordance with current national legislation and after making sure that the appliance is suited to the type of gas with which it will be supplied (see the rating sticker on the cover: if this is not the case see below). When using liquid gas from a cylinder, install a pressure regulator which complies with current national regulations. To make connection easier, the gas supply may be turned sideways*: reverse the position of the hose holder with that of the cap and replace the gasket that is supplied with the appliance.
! Check that the pressure of the gas supply is consistent with the values indicated in the Table of burner and nozzle specifications (see below). This will ensure the safe operation and durability of your appliance while maintaining efficient energy consumption.
Gas connection using a flexible rubber hose
Make sure that the hose complies with current national legislation. The internal diameter of the hose must measure: 8 mm for liquid gas supply; 13 mm for methane gas supply.
Once the connection has been performed, make sure that the hose:
• Does not come into contact with any parts that reach temperatures of over 50°C.
Is not subject to any pulling or twisting forces
and that it is not kinked or bent.
• Does not come into contact with blades, sharp corners or moving parts and that it is not compressed.
• Is easy to inspect along its whole length so that its condition may be checked.
• Is shorter than 1500 mm.
• Fits firmly into place at both ends, where it will be fixed using clamps that comply with current regulations.
! If one or more of these conditions is not fulfilled or if the cooker must be installed according to the conditions listed for class 2 - subclass 1 appliances (installed between two cupboards), the flexible steel hose must be used instead (see below).
Connecting a flexible jointless stainless steel pipe to a threaded attachment
Make sure that the hose and gaskets comply with current national legislation. To begin using the hose, remove the hose holder on the appliance (the gas supply inlet on the appliance is a cylindrical threaded 1/2 gas male attachment).
! Perform the connection in such a way that the hose length does not exceed a maximum of 2 metres, making sure that the hose is not compressed and does not come into contact with moving parts.
Checking the connection for leaks
When the installation process is complete, check the hose fittings for leaks using a soapy solution. Never use a flame.
Adapting to different types of gas
It is possible to adapt the appliance to a type of gas other than the default type (this is indicated on the rating label on the cover).
Adapting the hob
Replacing the nozzles for the hob burners:
1. Remove the hob grids and slide the burners off their seats.
2. Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner (see  gure), and replace them with nozzles suited to the new type of gas (see Burner and nozzle speci cations table).
3. Replace all the components
by following the above instructions in reverse.
Adjusting the hob burners’ minimum setting:
1. Turn the tap to the minimum position.
2. Remove the knob and adjust the regulatory screw,
which is positioned inside or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady. ! If the appliance is connected to a liquid gas supply, the regulatory screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.
3. While the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa several times, checking that the flame is not extinguished.
! The hob burners do not require primary air adjustment. ! After adjusting the appliance so it may be used with a different type of gas, replace the old rating label with a new one that corresponds to the new type of gas (these labels are available from Authorised Technical Assistance Centres). ! Should the gas pressure used be different (or vary slightly) from the recommended pressure, a suitable pressure regulator must be fitted to the inlet hose in accordance with current national regulations relating to “regulators for channelled gas”.
Oven dimensions (HxWxD) Volume Useful measurements relating to the oven compartment Power supply voltage and frequency
Electric Plate
Data plate, is located inside the flap or, after the oven
34x38x39 cm 53 l
width 42 cm depth 44 cm height 23 cm
see data plate may be adapted for use with any
type of gas shown on the data plate, which is located inside the flap or, after the oven compartment has been opened, on the left-hand wall inside the oven. Standard Ø 145 mm: 1500 W Directive 2002/40/EC on the label of electric ovens. Standard EN 50304 Declared energy consumption for Natural c onvection Cl ass – heating mode: EC Directives: 2006/95/EC dated 12/12/06 (Low Voltage) and subsequent amendments ­2004/108/EC dated 15/12/04 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent amendments ­2009/142/EC dated 30/11/09 (Gas) and subsequent amendments ­2002/96/EC. 1275/2008 Stand-by/ Off mode
compartment has been opened, on the left-hand wall inside the oven.
Table of burner and nozzle specifications
Table 1 Liquid Gas Natural Gas
Nominal Reduced (mm) (mm) *** ** (mm) (mm) Fast (Large)(R) Semi Fast (Medium)(S) Auxiliary (Small)(A)
100 3.00 0.70 41 86 218 214 116 286 143 286
75 1.90 0.40 30 70 138 136 106 181 118 181
55 1.00 0.40 30 50 73 71 79 95 80 95
Supply Pressures
* At 15°C 1013 mbar-dry gas *** Butane P.C.S. = 49,47 MJ/Kg ** Propane P.C.S. = 50,37 MJ/Kg Natural P.C.S. = 37,78 MJ/m³
WARNING! The glass lid can break in if it is heated up. Turn off all the burners and the electric plates before closing the lid. *Applies to the models with glass cover only.
Thermal Power
kW (p.c.s.*)
Nominal (mbar)
Minimum (mbar)
Maximum (mbar)
By Pass
20 35
37 25 45
20 17 25
Start-up and use
Using the hob
Lighting the burners
For each BURNER knob there is a complete ring showing the strength of the flame for the relevant burner. To light one of the burners on the hob:
1. Bring a flame or gas lighter close to the burner.
2. Press the BURNER knob and turn it in an anticlockwise direction so that it is pointing to the maximum flame setting .
3. Adjust the intensity of the flame to the desired level by turning the BURNER knob in an anticlockwise direction. This may be the minimum setting , the maximum setting or any position in between the two.
If the appliance is fitted with an electronic lighting
device* (C), press the ignition button, marked with the
symbol BURNER knob down and turn it in an anticlockwise direction, towards the maximum flame setting, until
the burner is lit.The burner may be extinguished when the knob is released. If this occurs, repeat the operation, holding the knob down for a longer period of time.
, then hold the
Burner ř Cookware diameter (cm)
Fast (R) 24 - 26 Semi Fast (S) 16 - 20
Auxiliary (A) 10 - 14
! On the models supplied with a reducer shelf, remember that this should be used only for the auxiliary burner when you use casserole dishes with a diameter under 12 cm.
Using the oven
! The first time you use your appliance, heat the empty oven with its door closed at its maximum temperature for at least half an hour. Ensure that the room is well ventilated before switching the oven off and opening the oven door. The appliance may emit a slightly unpleasant odour caused by protective substances used during the manufacturing process burning away.
! Before operating the product, remove all plastic film from the sides of the appliance.
! Never put objects directly on the bottom of the oven; this will avoid the enamel coating being damaged. Only use position 1 in the oven when cooking with the rotisserie spit.
The oven knobs
! If the flame is accidentally extinguished, switch off the burner and wait for at least 1 minute before attempting to relight it.
If the appliance is equipped with a flame failure safety device (X)*, press and hold the BURNER knob for approximately 2-3 seconds to keep the flame alight and to activate the device.
To switch the burner off, turn the knob until it reaches the stop position
Practical advice on using the burners
For the burners to work in the most efficient way possible and to save on the amount of gas consumed, it is recommended that only pans that have a lid and a flat base are used. They should also be suited to the size of the burner.
To identify the type of burner, please refer to the diagrams contained in the “Burner and nozzle specifications”.
With these two controls you can select the different functions of the oven and choose the cooking temperature suitable for the food you are preparing. The different cooking functions are set up by operating the two knobs:
the selection knob the thermostat knob on the oven panel.
For any selection-knob setting different from idle, identified by the “0”, the oven light turns on; the knob
setting marked without any heating element being switched on. When the oven light is on, it means that the oven is in use, and it will remain on for the entire time the oven is being used.
permits turning on the oven light
Switching the cooking zones on and off
The control knobs for the hob electric hotplates
The cookers can be fitted with normal and rapid electric hotplates in a variety of combinations (the rapid hotplates can be distinguished from the rest by the red boss in the centre of the same). To avoid any heat loss and damage to the hotplates, we advise you to use pans with a flat bottom, with a diameter which matches that of the hotplate itself. The table contains the different settings indicated on the knobs and the use for which the hotplates are recommended.
Practical advice on using the hob
• Use pans with a thick, flat base to ensure that they adhere perfectly to the cooking zone.
• Always use pans with a diameter that is large enough to cover the hotplate fully, in order to use all the heat produced.
Before using the hotplates for the first time, you should heat them at maximum temperature for approximately 4 minutes, without any pans. During this initial stage, their protective coating hardens and reaches its maximum resistance.
Electric hotplate indicator light
This light comes on when any of the electrical hotplates on a hob which features electric hotplates have been turned on.
Setting Normal or Fast Plate
Cooking vegetables, fish
Cooking potatoes (using steam) soups,
chickpeas, beans. Continuing the cooking of large quantit ies of
food, minestrone For roasting (average)
• Always make sure that the base of the pan is completely clean and dry: this ensures that the pans adhere perfectly to the cooking zones and that both the pans and the hob remain effective for a longer period of time.
• Avoid using the same cookware that is used on gas burners: the heat concentration on gas burners may have warped the base of the pan, causing it not to adhere to the surface correctly.
• Never leave a cooking zone switched on without a pan on top of it, as doing so may cause the zone to become damaged.
For roasting (above average)
For browning and reaching a boil in a short
Cooking Modes
Static oven
Knob setting: anywhere between 50°C and Max The oven light turns on and the top and bottom heating elements (resistors) switch on. The temperature, fixed by the thermostat knob, is reached automatically and kept constant by the thermostat control. This function permits cooking and type of food thanks to excellent temperature distribution.
The bottom heating element
-Knob setting: anywhere between 50°C and Max The oven light turns on and so does the bottom heating element. The temperature, fixed by the thermostat knob, is reached automatically and kept constant. This setting is recommended for finishing the cooking of foods (placed in pans) that are well done on the outside but still not done inside or for desserts covered with fruit or jam which require a light browning on top. Note that this function does not permit reaching the maximum (250°C) temperature inside for cooking foods always on this oven setting unless the foods are cakes which only require temperatures below or equal to 180°C.
The Top heating element
-Knob setting: anywhere between 50°C and Max The oven light turns on and so does the infra-red ray grill, and the motor starts turning the spit. The rather high and direct temperature of the grill permits browning the outside of meats immediately thus keeping in the juices and assuring tenderness.
The grill ,
The top heating element is activated. The extremely high and direct temperature of the grill makes it possible to brown the surface of meats and roasts while locking in the juices to keep them tender.
The rotisserie
To operate the rotisserie, proceed as follows: a) place the dripping-pan on the 1st rack; b) insert the special rotisserie support on the 4th rack and position the spit by inserting it through the special hole into the rotisserie at the back of the
c) to start the spit, set the oven selection knob on
Storage recess below the oven
Below the oven a recess can be used to contain
cooking pans and cooker accessories. Moreover, during oven operation, it may be used to keep food warm.To open the storage is necessary turn it downwards. Caution: this storage recess must not be used to store inflammable materials.
The oven offers a wide range of alternatives which allow you to cook any type of food in the best possible way. With time you will learn to make the best use of this versatile cooking appliance and the following directions are only a guideline which may be varied according to your own personal experience. Preheating If the oven must be preheated (this is generally the case when cooking leavened foods), the “fan assisted” mode as quickly as possible in order to save on energy. Once the food has been placed in the oven, the most appropriate cooking mode can then be selected.
can be used to reach the desired temperature
To activate the Timer proceed as follows:
1. Turn the TIMER knob in a clockwise direction for almost one complete revolution to set the buzzer.
2. Turn the TIMER knob in an anticlockwise direction to set the desired length of time.
! When inserting the shelf make sure the backstop is at the rear of the cavity (see image).
Practical Cooking Advice
When cooking in the oven, use only one dripping pan or rack at a time. Select from among the top or bottom rack heights based on whether the dish needs more or less heat from the top.
When using this mode, we recommend you set the thermostat to the highest setting. However, this does not mean you cannot use lower temperatures, simply by adjusting the thermostat knob to the desired temperature.
If the oven must be preheated (this is generally the case when cooking leavened foods), we recommend you use the “convection mode” to reach the desired temperature as quickly as possible. When preheating is over, which is indicated by the red light “E” going out, select the required cooking mode.
Cooking Fish and Meat
When cooking white meat, fowl and fish, use temperature settings from 180 °C to 200 °C. For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. In general, the larger the roast, the lower the temperature setting. Place the meat on the centre of the grid and place the dripping pan beneath it to catch the fat. Make sure that the grid is inserted so that it is in the centre of the oven. If you would like to increase the amount of heat from below, use the low rack heights. For savoury roasts (especially duck and wild game), dress the meat with lard or bacon on the top.
In models fitted with a rotisserie spit kit provided when using the “grill” mode. In this case, cook with the oven door shut, placing the spit kit on the third oven rack from the bottom and the dripping pan on the bottom rack to collect any sauce and /or dripping fat.
! Always use the grill with the oven door shut. This will allow you both to obtain excellent results and to save on energy (approximately 10%). Therefore the best results when using the grill modes are obtained by placing the grid on the lower racks (see cooking table) then, to prevent fat and grease from dripping onto the bottom of the oven and smoke from forming, place a dripping-pan on the 1st oven rack from the bottom.
, you can use the
Baking Cakes
When baking cakes, always preheat the oven and do not open the oven door during baking to prevent the cake from dropping.
Using the Grill
Use the centre of the grill (situated on the 3rd or 4th rack form the bottom) because only the central part of the top heating element is turned on. Use the bottom rack (1st from the bottom), placing the dripping pan provided to collect any sauce and/or grease and prevent the same from dripping onto the oven bottom.
“grill” mode, placing the food under the
Oven cooking advice table
Selection knob setting
1 Static
2 Oven bottom
Foods Wt.
Lasagne Cannelloni
Pasta bakes au gratin
V eal
Chicken Duck Rabbit Pork
Mackerel Red porgy
Trout baked in paper
Napolitan pizza
Biscuits or cookies Flan or tar t
Savoury pie
Yeast cake Frui t cake
Finishing touches
2,5 2,5 2,0 1,7 1,5 1,8
2 2,1 1,8
position from
1 1
1 1
2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
Heating time
5 5
5 10 10 10 10 10 10
5 15 10 10 10 10 10
200 200 200 180 200 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 220 180 180 180 160 170
45-50 30-35 30-35 60-70 80-90
70-80 70-80 70-80 30-40 30-35 25-30 15-20 10-15 25-30 30-35 25-30 25-30
3 Top bottom
4 Grill
NB: cooking times are approximate and may vary according to personal taste. When cooking using the grill or double
grill, the dripping-pan must always be placed on the 1st oven rack from the bottom.
Sole and cuttlefish Squid and shrimp on spits Cod fillets Grilled vegetables
Veal steaks Cutlets
Mackerels Toast sandwiches
With rotisserie (only in few models)
Veal on the spit Chicken on the spit
1 1
1 1
1 1
n.° 4
1,0 2,0
4 4
4 4 3 4 4
Max Max
Max Max
Max Max Max Max Max
Max Max
8 4
70-80 70-80
Precautions and tips
! This appliance has been designed and manufactured in compliance with international safety standards. The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully.
General safety
These instructions are only valid for the countries whose symbols appear in the manual and on the serial number plate.• The appliance was designed for domestic
use inside the home and is not intended for commercial or industrial use.
• The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave the appliance exposed to rain and storms.
• Do not touch the appliance with bare feet or with wet or damp hands and feet.
The appliance must be used by adults only for
the preparation of food, in accordance with the instructions outlined in this booklet. Any other use of the appliance (e.g. for heating the room) constitutes improper use and is dangerous. The manufacturer may not be held liable for any damage resulting from improper, incorrect and unreasonable use of the appliance.
• The instruction booklet accompanies a class 1 (insulated) or class 2 - subclass 1 (recessed between 2 cupboards) appliance.
• Keep children away from the oven.
• Make sure that the power supply cables of other electrical appliances do not come into contact with the hot parts of the oven.
• The openings used for the ventilation and dispersion of heat must never be covered.
• Do not close the glass hob cover (selected models only) when the burners are alight or when they are still hot.
• If the appliance breaks down, under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or further malfunctioning of the appliance. Contact Assistance.
• Do not rest heavy objects on the open oven door.
• The appliance should not be operated by people (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacities, by inexperienced individuals or by anyone who is not familiar with the product. These individuals should, at the very least, be supervised by someone who assumes responsibility for their safety or receive preliminary instructions relating to the operation of the appliance.
• Do not let children play with the appliance.
• When disposing of packaging material: observe local legislation so that the packaging may be reused.
• The European Directive 2002/96/EC relating to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) states that household appliances should not be disposed of using the normal solid urban waste cycle. Exhausted appliances should be collected separately in order to optimise the cost of re-using and recycling the materials inside the machine, while preventing potential damage to the atmosphere and to public health. The crossed-out dustbin is marked on all products to remind the owner of their obligations regarding separated waste collection.
Exhausted appliances may be collected by the public
waste collection service, taken to suitable collection areas in the area or, if permitted by current national legislation, they may be returned to the dealers as part of an exchange deal for a new equivalent product.
All major manufacturers of household appliances
participate in the creation and organisation of systems for the collection and disposal of old and disused appliances.
• Always use oven gloves when placing cookware in the oven or when removing it.
• Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol, petrol, etc...) near the appliance while it is in use.
• Do not place flammable material in the lower storage compartment or in the oven itself. If the appliance is switched on accidentally, it could catch fire.
• Always make sure the knobs are in the • position and that the gas tap is closed when the appliance is not in use.
• When unplugging the appliance, always pull the plug from the mains socket; do not pull on the cable.
• Never perform any cleaning or maintenance work without having disconnected the appliance from the electricity mains.
Respecting and conserving the environment
• You can help to reduce the peak load of the electricity supply network companies by using the oven in the hours between late afternoon and the early hours of the morning.
• Check the door seals regularly and wipe them clean to ensure they are free of debris so that they adhere properly to the door, thus avoiding
heat dispersion.
Care and maintenance
Switching the appliance off
Disconnect your appliance from the electricity supply before carrying out any work on it.
Cleaning the appliance
! Do not use abrasive or corrosive detergents such as stain removers, anti-rust products, powder detergents or sponges with abrasive surfaces: these may scratch the surface beyond repair.
! Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance.
• It is usually sufficient simply to wash the hob using a damp sponge and dry it with absorbent kitchen roll.
• The stainless steel or enamel-coated external parts and the rubber seals may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in lukewarm water and neutral soap. Use specialised products for the removal of stubborn stains. After cleaning, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Do not use abrasive powders or corrosive substances.
remaining drops of water should also be dried.
The cover
If the cooker is fitted with a cover,
this cover should be cleaned using lukewarm water. Do not use abrasive products. It is possible to remove the cover in order to make cleaning the area behind the hob easier. Open the
cover fully and pull it upwards (see
 gure).
! Do not close the cover when the burners are alight or when they are still hot.
Inspecting the oven seals
Check the door seals around the oven regularly. If the seals are damaged, please contact your nearest Authorised After-sales Service Centre. We recommend that the oven is not used until the seals have been replaced.
Gas tap maintenance
• The hob grids, burner caps, flame spreader rings and burners may be removed to make cleaning easier; wash them in hot water and non-abrasive detergent, making sure all burnt-on residue is removed before drying them thoroughly.
• For hobs with electronic ignition, the terminal part of the electronic lighting devices should be cleaned frequently and the gas outlet holes should be checked for blockages.
• The inside of the oven should ideally be cleaned after each use, while it is still lukewarm. Use hot water and detergent, then rinse well and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive products.
Clean the glass part of the oven door using a
sponge and a non-abrasive cleaning product, then dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Do not use rough abrasive material or sharp metal scrapers as these could scratch the surface and cause the glass to crack.
• The accessories can be washed like everyday crockery, and are even dishwasher safe.
• Stainless steel can be marked by hard water that has been left on the surface for a long time, or by aggressive detergents containing phosphorus. After cleaning, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Any
Over time, the taps may become jammed or difficult to turn. If this occurs, the tap must be replaced.
!This procedure must be performed by a qualified technician authorised by the manufacturer.
Replacing the oven light bulb*
1. After disconnecting the oven from the electricity mains, remove the glass lid covering the lamp socket (see  gure).
2. Remove the light bulb and replace it with a similar one: voltage 230 V, wattage 25 W,
cap E 14.
3. Replace the lid and reconnect the oven to the electricity supply.
! Do not use the oven lamp as/for ambient lighting.
Please have the following information to hand:
• The appliance model (Mod.).
• The serial number (S/N). This information can be found on the data plate located on the appliance and/or on the packaging.
! Важливо зберегти цю брошуру, щоб можна було до неі звернутися при необхідності у будь-якому випадку. У разі продажу, передачi iншiи особi або переізду, переконаитеся в тому, що вона залишається разом з виробом.
! Уважно прочитаите інструкціі: інформація про обладнання, використання и безпеку грає дуже важливу роль.
! Установка вироба
має виконуватися згідно даноі
інструкціі кваліфікованим персоналом.
! Будь-яке втручання в регулювання або технічне обслуговування має виконуватися на плиті, відключеніи від електроживлення.
Вентиляція приміщень
Обладнання може бути встановлене тільки у постіино вентильованих приміщеннях, згідно діючим нормам в краінi, де вироб буде викорисовано. У приміщенні, в якому встановлено обладнання, має відбуватися зміна
повітря, у ступені, необхідному
для нормального горіння газу (швидкість зміни
повітря не має бути меншою 2м
/год на кожнии кВт
встановленоі потужності). Вхід приточноі вентиляціі, захищении ґраткою, повинен
мати корисну площу не менше 100 см
корисного перетину і має бути розміщении так, щоб він не міг забитися, навіть частково ( див. малюнок A). Такии вхід повинен бути збільшении на 100%, тобто
мінімум 200 см
якщо робоча поверхня плити не
має пристрою безпеки у разі зникнення полум’я, і коли можливии непрямии потік повітря із прилеглих приміщень (див.малюнок B) – якщо це не спільні частини будівлі, пожежонебезпечне приміщення або спальні кімнати, обладнані вентиляціиним трубопроводом назовні, як описано вище.
Прилеглі приміщення
Вентильовані приміщення
Вентиляціинии отвір для відпрацьованого повітря
Збільшення щілини між дверима і підлогою
! Після тривалого використання плити, доцільно відкрити
вікно або збільшити швидкість вентиляторів.
Відведення продуктів згорання
Відведення продуктів згорання має бути забезпечене через витяжку, підключену до каналу з
природною тягою з належною ефективністю, або за допомогою електровентилятора, якии би включався автоматично кожного разу при включенні плити (див.
Відведення безпосередньо назовні
Відведення через канал або розгалужении димар (зарезервовании для кухонного устаткування)
! Зріджені нафтові гази, важчі за повітря, бираються внизу, тому приміщення, де
знаходяться балони з газом, повинні бути обладнані витяжними отворами, що виходять назовні для евакуаціі знизу при можливому витоку газу. Балони із зрідженим нафтовим газом, порожні або частково повні, не повинні бути встановлені або берігатися в приміщеннях нижче за рівень грунту (льохи і т.п.). У приміщенні можна тримати тільки використовувании
балон, далеко від джерел тепла
(печі, каміни, обігрівачі), які нагріваються вище від 50°C.
Розміщення і вирівнювання
! Можна встановлювати плиту збоку від меблів, які не вищі за робочу поверхню.
! Переконаитеся в тому, що поверхня стіни, яка контактує із задньою частиною плити, виготовлена з негорючого та теплостіикого матеріалу і витримує нагрівання (90°C).
Для правильного встановлення
• розміщуите плиту в кухні, обідніи залі або в
однокімнатніи квартирі-студіі (не у
• якщо поверхня плити є трохи вищою, ніж
поверхня меблів, меблі повинні знаходитися не ближче ніж 200 мм від плити;
• якщо плита буде встановлена під секцією навісних
меблів, esso відстань до іі поверхні не повинна бути меншою за 420 мм.
Така відстань повинна складати 700 мм, якщо
секція навісних меблів зроблена з горючого матеріалу (див. малюнок);
• не розміщуите занавісок позаду плити або ближче
ніж 200 мм від іі сторін;
+ 44 hidden pages