Model type:
Commercial code:

General notes
Technical Documentation guidelines
You can find herewith some generic information to simplify cunsulting of technical documentation:
1. Models of same range share the same exploded views, which report the richest set of spare parts:generally, a model does not
necessarly have a related spare part for each particular shown on exploded views.
2. Some spare parts can not be represented directly on the exploded views (instruction booklets, specific kit, etc...). You can find
those codes in the spare parts list with the same reference of particular where spares are installed or with references 099, 999.
Instruction booklets, once managed, appear with 000 reference.
3. On the higher right site of each exploded view there is a serial number which indicates the beginning of the production of
certain range:some models might have more than an exploded view for a given category, each distinguished by a different serial
no.and linked to another spare parts list, In this case, serial no. is required to supply the right spare part code. Exploded view to be
considered is the one with a more recent serial no. but previous than the one of the model that needs assistance.
4.Exploded views might require further updates even after publishing. Addition of new spares will go on following the already
existing numeration references. Revision number of an exploded view is shown into last four digits of serial number into upper
right hand corner.
5.The spare parts list associated to an exploded view shows related codes of spares managed for a certain model; for each spare
part other informations are available:
REF: reference no of spare into a table; SUBSTITUTE: list of spare(s) which can replace a code but that keeps same functional
INDUSTRIAL CODE: list of variables of a model (shown into model label) where such spare is used; NOTICE: code of
information(s) to refer to complete technical intervention, track for changes or to find correct spare part code.
6. Some notices, into a same section are generic therefore cannot be directly linked to a spare part. In order to assist a model in
the best way as possible, it is helpful to pay attention to all notices and constantly verify documentation updates
7.Technical documentation cover shows model name and its commercial codes
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1140150 Exploded views
mod.AVD109EX page 3

1140150 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
000 C00095731 user instructions booklet rs-gb-p-
002 C00091882 pivot pin drawer front 106.5x5
003 C00091889 1 x C00098713 control avd 80284460200
003 C00098713 1 x C00116554 control lcd evoii amd n1040359 80284460200
003 C00116554 1 x C00143339 control lcd evoii amd pw 80284460900
004 C00091890 potentiometer support avd
005 C00094065 1 x C00118964 knob timer disc 28 pr b27 n1040359 80284460200
005 C00116381 1 x C00203083 knob timer disc pw 80284460900
006 C00094205 1 x C00116666 control panel + handle avd109it n1040359 80284460200
006 C00116666 control panel + handle pw 80284460900
007 C00091873 1 x C00115953 wash timer knob white 27 avd n1040359 80284460200
007 C00115953 wash timer knob white pw avd 80284460900
008 C00092157 1 x C00115670 door frame and glass assy 80284460200
1 x C00115678 80284460201
008 C00115670 1 x C00116553 door frame+glass assy evoii b27 n1040359 80284460252
008 C00116240 door frame+glass assy evoii pw 80284460900
009 C00092158 1 x C00116576 door handle kit b27 ariston n1040359 80284460200
mod.AVD109EX page 4

1140150 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
009 C00116576 door handle assy white pw 80284460900
010 C00064505 plinth white 80284460200
010 C00110325 1 x C00116552 plinth white n1040359 80284460200
010 C00116552 plinth white pw 80284460900
011 C00087084 foot
012 C00083828 foot spring (11x8.5mm)
013 C00019846 civata t 1/2 t m4x12
014 C00064541 outer door hinge assembly n1040349 80284460200
n1040359 80284460201
014 C00115666 zama hinge 150° 80284460900
015 C00002497 nut m4x3,2x7
016 C00012687 self-tapping screw hi-lo 3,5x13
018 C00089803 blanking plug d = 53 mm
019 C00046666 collar for drain hose
020 C00089419 blanking plug 6.5 mm
021 C00065871 blanking plug
022 C00099313 1 x C00116923 rear cover - white n1040359 80284460200
022 C00116923 rear cover - white pw 80284460900
023 C00084817 blanking plate-rear(test plug)
024 C00094018 insulation pad (front panel)
025 C00091904 cable clamp hose
026 C00077411 transit bolts kit (1 screw + 1
027 C00046667 wiring stop
027 C00064550 drain hose holder
029 C00091867 1 x C00116550 worktop - white 595 x 522 mm n1040359 80284460200
mod.AVD109EX page 5

1140150 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
029 C00116550 worktop - white(pw) 595 x 522 80284460900
030 C00091836 1 x C00115662 cabinet white standard n1040359 80284460200
2 x C00115666 80284460201
1 x C00115676 80284460252
030 C00115662 1 x C00116539 cabinet white standard 80284460252
030 C00116539 cabinet white standard pw evoii 80284460900
031 C00091886 pushbutton display grey left avd
032 C00091884 pushbutton display grey right avd
033 C00094356 push buttons on-off white 27 evo2 n1040331 80284460200
n1040359 80284460201
033 C00116387 push buttons on-off pw evo2 80284460900
mod.AVD109EX page 6

1140230 Exploded views
mod.AVD109EX page 7

1140230 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
001 C00064786 1 x C00143260 bolt m8x23 torx tefl
002 C00002591 bearing 20x47x14
003 C00064785 1 x C00193879 bolt m8x22 tb6lt
004 C00002590 bearing 17x40x12 6203-2z skf
005 C00042890 sealing ring 600 rpm
008 C00088408 bolt + washer
009 C00064517 tank cradle channel-top left right
010 C00064548 upper counterweight 11 kg
011 C00064515 anchorage pad - suspension
012 C00064502 suspension spring - tank
013 C00092154 40613... door seal
013 C00110326 40614... door seal
014 C00092156 door seal retainer front
015 C00092155 door seal- rear retainer
016 C00092178 front counterweight
017 C00092411 1 x C00094908 hose clamp
018 C00092174 hose tank to filter with oko ball
019 C00092412 hose clamp
020 C00091148 1 x C00094908 clamp d=79 mm
021 C00093848 cradle outer- set n1040325
022 C00030443 1 x C00047136 nut romob m8
023 C00065152 nut romob m6x22x1,5
024 C00093884 shock absorber 80 n 8.15 mm
025 C00064789 lifter - extractable
026 C00094273 1 x C00094272 outer- set 46 l. evoii n1040300
1 x C00094275
027 C00093750 bolt zink m8x40
028 C00092161 hose dispenser to tank
029 C00064514 1 x C00112708 bearing spider assembly
030 C00066080 drum pulley cone d=210 mm h=
031 C00074218 belt (1046-1051mm h8) n1040365 80284460200
031 C00118629 belt l=1046 - 1051 mm h8 80284460900
mod.AVD109EX page 8

1140230 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
099 C00001109 loctite 270 10 gr.
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1140330 Exploded views
mod.AVD109EX page 10

1140330 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
001 C00094203 1 x C00115769 supply cable 3 x 1.0 1,5mt shuko n1040365 80284460200
001 C00115769 supply cable 3 x 1.0 1,5mt shuko 80284460900
003 C00019902 plastic -u- to make drain hose
004 C00027466 drain hose - to sink l=1860mm
005 C00091885 wiring dashboard avd avsd evoii
006 C00087067 60228... 1 x C00143095 programme select bitron 16
006 C00143095 60301... programme selector potentiometer 80284460905
008 C00064537 support - pressure switch
009 C00095412 reading desk symbols
009 C00095413 reading desk pr28 rs 14802557601
010 C00093813 support - programme guide evo ii
012 C00046148 soap dispenser drawer (rotary)
013 C00092176 dispenser body
014 C00092151 pressure switch 1 l.78-50 n1040299
015 C00092412 hose clamp
016 C00092170 pipe pressostat l= 470mm. evo ii
017 C00019755 anti-vibration bush (foam)
018 C00092173 air trap x oko
020 C00065185 bolt m4,5 x 11
020 C00091911 door interlock avd
022 C00045023 filter handle
022 C00045025 filter seal
022 C00045027 pump filter kit
023 C00076510 1 x C00092264 self cleaning pump 240v./50hz.
027 C00040932 self locking nut m6
028 C00094023 50222... motor three phase cim2-55 n1040351 80284460200
028 C00097258 tacho generator for motor ceset
028 C00116103 50223... 80322... motor three phase standard (stator 80284460252
028 C00265827 80323... motor three phase standard (stator n4008f00
mod.AVD109EX page 11

1140330 Spare parts list
Ref. Code From To S/N Substitute Description Notice Industrial
029 C00087188 heat element + sensor hole n1040300
030 C00058523 pillar retainer-heating element
031 C00083915 thermistor ntc
033 C00066292 insulated tweezers
033 C00084943 1 x C00099862 serial cable lb2000 - pc n1040317
033 C00095669 1 x C00145046 hardware key mk1 n1040317
036 C00046152 additive container
037 C00046157 stopper detergent container
038 C00092177 2 x C00064534 hopper cover 1e 2u ev
1 x C00110333
1 x C00115914
039 C00110333 fill valve 2 way (7lt rst 2.5)
040 C00064534 seal - dispenser to valve
041 C00005572 sealing washer-mains inlet hose
042 C00005781 inlet hose filter
043 C00003070 mains inlet hose cold 25c 10bar
044 C00064946 electrovalve support 1 ev
045 C00092348 self-scraping screw 3,5x8
046 C00094047 support cover 3 f
046 C00094049 bracket for module 3 f
047 C00254298 51025... module(3 phase /3.5 software/inc n4008c01 80284460905
047 C00257406 51024... module wd>1200 rpm+sc fw2.74 n1040378 80284460200
n4008c01 80284460201
049 C00019682 rubber bush 20 mm - motor n1040365 80284460200
049 C00118675 rubber bush 20 mm - motor 80284460900
050 C00074153 spacer motor support l= 187 mm
051 C00074152 bolt m6x30
055 C00260448 50223... 51024... card avd109ex evoii 8kb n4008c01 80284460252
055 C00262127 51025... card avd109ex evoii 8kb n4008c01 80284460905
mod.AVD109EX page 12