AIRTIME PRO Earbuds Instructions
Welcom e to Truly Wirele ss Audio. Now, yo u never need to p lug your earb uds in again. A IRTIME
PRO Truly Wi reless ear buds free you t o enjoy music w ithout any thing hold ing you back .
Pairi ng the Wirel ess Earbud s with
Your Device
1. Simply o pen the cas e and remove th e buds. A pairi ng signal wil l be sent to your B luetooth®
device . The earbud s will flash whi te and red, indi cating pai ring mode.
2. Ensure yo ur device’s B luetooth® co nnectio n is on and selec t “IFROGZ A irtime Pr o.”
3. Compl ete any addit ional parin g steps bas ed on your devi ce. The earbu ds’ lights w ill flash
white an d then turn o , indicatin g that pairi ng was succes sful. Con grats, you r wireless
earbu ds are now ready t o use!
Turning Earbuds On/Off
To turn the e arbuds on, si mply remove t he buds from th e case.
If you wou ld like to use onl y one bud, simp ly remove the r ight earbu d from the cas e. The right
earbu d is the primar y bud and can b e used with out the othe r. Please note, th e left ear bud will not
work alo ne unless th e right earb ud is also remo ved from the c ase.
To turn ear buds o, simpl y return the m to the case. You c an also press a nd hold the IF ROGZ icon
on the ear bud for ten se conds to tur n it o; it will fla sh red indic ating power i s o.
The ear buds will go in to hibernat ion mode if no t used for 20 minu tes.
Using the Earbuds
AIRTI ME PRO has buil t-in touch nav igationa l controls. S imply tap on t he end of the ear bud (on the
IFROGZ l ogo) to naviga te.
Music Controls
Left Bu d Actions Right Bud
Play / Pause Quick Tap Play / Pause
Previous Track
Decrease Volume
Call Controls
Answer Ca ll / End Call Quick Tap Answer Call / End Cal l
Cancel Call
Siri / Voice Command
2x Ta ps
Tap & Hold
Tap & Hold
3x Tap s
Nex t Tra ck
Increase Volume
Cancel Call
Siri / Voice Command
AIRTIME PRO Earbuds Instructions
Charging the Wireless Earbuds
The cas e carries e nough power t o charge the ea rbuds up to 3 tim es.* To charge th em:
1. Place t hem in the char ge case.
2. A red light on t he earbuds w ill indicat e charging. W hen the red lig ht disappea rs, they are
fully charged.
3. Recha rge the case , if needed.
Based on 50 % volume and 5 hou rs of playt ime.
Charging the Case
Your case c omes charge d and ready to go, b ut here’s how to r echarge it w hen you need to:
1. Conne ct the incl uded USB- C charging ca ble to the por t on the back o f your case.
2. Connec t the USB- A end of the incl uded cable t o your prefer red 5V USB out let.
3. The Batte ry Indica tor will flash a ccording to i ts current b attery l evel. This in dicates yo ur case
is charging.
4. Wait for t he Batter y Indicat or lights to t urn o, indica ting your ca se is fully ch arged.
5. Discon nect the ch arging cabl e and enjoy you r new, porta ble power.
Checking the Battery Level
Your case c arries eno ugh power to ch arge your wir eless earb uds up to 5 times , for a total of up
to 20 hour s. To check how muc h power it st ill carrie s:
1. Place t he buds in the c ase. The LED on t he front of th e case will ill uminate indi cating how
much ba ttery re mains:
a. If it li ghts up compl etely, 75% or more re mains.
b. If it lights u p ¾ of the way, bet ween 50-74% remains .
c. If it l ights up ½ of the w ay, between 2 5-49% rema ins.
d. If it lights u p ¼ of the way, less t han 24% remains.
2. Recharge your case whenever you wish.
Factory Reset
A fact ory reset c an help wit h some troubl eshootin g issues. He re’s how to per form one:
1. Place b oth buds in the c ase.
2. Reset t he right bud.
a. Remove t he right bud f rom the case .
b. Tap an d hold for 10 secon ds until ligh t flashes red an d turns o.
c. Tap and hold for five s econds unt il light turn s on and flashes r ed and white.
d. Quickly tap t he bud six tim es, the light w ill turn o.
AIRTIME Earbuds Instructions
e. Return t he bud to the ca se.
3. Rese t the left bu d.
a. Remove l eft bud fro m the case.
b. Quickly tap t he bud six tim es, the light w ill turn o.
c. Retu rn the bud to th e case.
4. Conne ct left an d right.
a. Remove b oth buds fro m the case and a llow them to co nnect to eac h other for
about fi ve seconds .
5. Connec t as normal.
a. The buds are now r eset to fac tory set tings. Re move them fro m the case and
pair as no rmal.