iFrogz Airtime User Manual

AIRTIME Earbuds Instructions
Welcom e to Truly Wirele ss Audio. Now, yo u never need to p lug your earb uds in again. AIRTI ME True Wirele ss earbuds f ree you to enjo y music witho ut anythi ng holding yo u back.
Pairi ng the Wirel ess Earbud s with Your Devi ce
1. Simply o pen the cas e and a pairing s ignal will be s ent to your Blue tooth® devi ce. The lef t earbud will flash white, indicating pairing mode.
2. Ensure yo ur device’s B luetooth® co nnectio n is on and selec t “IFROGZ A IRTIME.”
3. Compl ete any addit ional parin g steps bas ed on your devi ce. The earbu ds’ lights w ill turn o indic ating that pa iring was suc cessful . Congrat s, your wirele ss earbud s are now ready to u se!
You can als o turn on pair ing mode by pre ssing the bu tton in the c harge case fo r 5 seconds.
Turning Earbuds On/Off
To turn the e arbuds on, si mply open the c ase and clo se the case.
If you’d like t o turn an indiv idual bud on, p ress and hol d the butto n on it for 3 seco nds. It will fla sh white un til it’s con nected to a d evice. It wil l turn o if not p aired withi n 60 seconds .
To turn ear buds o, simpl y return the m to the case. You c an also press a nd hold the bu tton on the
earbu d for five secon ds to turn it o ; it will flash re d indicati ng power is o.
The ear buds will go in to hibernat ion mode if no t used for 20 minu tes.
Using the Earbuds
The circ le on each bud i s a button yo u can use to navi gate music an d calls. Her e’s how to use it .
Play/Pa use = Quick pre ss
Next S ong = Double pr ess the righ t earbud. (Note: Th is only work s when the musi c is playing.)
Previo us Song = Doubl e press the le ft earbud . (Note: Th is only work s when the musi c is playing.)
Answe r Call = Quick p ress
End Call = D ouble pres s
Cance l Call = Press an d hold for tw o seconds
Siri or Voi ce Command = Do uble press (N ote: This only w orks when mu sic is not play ing and there’s n o connection nearby.)
Switch E Q = Press for 1-2 sec onds, a voice w ill indicat e a new setti ng. (Note: Thi s only works wh en music is playing.)
Third Pa rty Cal ls:
End cur rent call and a nswer new ca ll = Quick pres s
AIRTIME Earbuds Instructions
Rejec t new call = Pre ss for one seco nd
Answe r new call but h old current c all = Double p ress
Switch b etween c alls = Double p ress. A tone w ill sound.
How to Manage EQ
Your AIRT IME True Wirele ss Earbud s come with th ree listeni ng settin gs: Signatu re Sound,
Podcas t, and Bass B oost. To swit ch your set ting, pres s the butto n on the earbu d for 1-2 seconds . A voice wi ll indicate t he new set ting. The e arbuds mus t be in music mod e to change EQ .
Earbud Color Guide
Flashing White = Pairing
White = Pa ired
Red = Char ging
Flashi ng Red = Low bat tery. Will fla sh every t wo minutes and a tone will sound
Charging the Wireless Earbuds
The cas e carries e nough power t o charge the ea rbuds up to 4 tim es.*
To charge th em:
1. Place t hem in the char ge case.
2. A red light on t he earbuds w ill indicat e charging. W hen the red lig ht disappea rs, they are fully charged
3. Recha rge the case , if needed
*Base d on 50% volume an d 5 charges fr om the case to t he earbuds of 3 h ours of play time.
Charging the Case
Your case c omes charge d and ready to go, b ut here’s how to r echarge it w hen you need to:
1. Conne ct the incl uded USB char ging cable to t he micro USB po rt on the bac k of your case.
2. Connec t the USB end o f the include d cable to your p referred 5 V USB outlet .
3. The Batte ry Indica tor inside th e case will fla sh according t o its curre nt batter y level. Thi s indic ates your cas e is charging .
4. Wait for t he Batter y Indicat or lights to t urn o, indica ting your ca se is fully ch arged.
5. Discon nect the ch arging cabl e and enjoy you r new, porta ble power.
AIRTIME Earbuds Instructions
Checking the Battery Level
Your case c arries eno ugh power for y ou to enjoy your w ireless ea rbuds up to 4 tim es, for a total
of up to 15 hour s. To check how muc h power it st ill carrie s:
1. Open t he top of the cas e.
2. Press t he batter y button . The LED disp lay will light a ccording to ho w much batt ery remain s:
a. The Batter y Indica tor inside th e case will flas h according t o its curre nt batter y level. Thi s
indic ates your cas e is charging .
b. Wait for the Bat tery Ind icator ligh ts to turn o, in dicating y our case is fu lly charged .
c. Disc onnect th e charging ca ble and enjoy y our new, port able power.
3. Recharge your case whenever you wish.
It’s no t likely you wil l have trouble c onnecti ng your buds, b ut due to inter ference wi th other
wirele ss signals , sometime s an extra st ep is needed .
Please f ollow thes e steps to rese t the buds and s ync them wi th your devic e:
1. When yo u open the cas e, the left e arbud LED wil l flash indic ating pairi ng mode. If the l eft
earbu d does not flash f or auto-pa iring, a manu al connect ion needed .
2. For a manu al connect ion, take the e arbuds fro m the case and h old both but tons for 5
secon ds to turn the m o.
3. After w aiting a mom ent, press a nd hold the bu ttons for 7 s econds or unt il the white LE Ds
begin to fl ash.
4. Next , place the bu ds back in the c ase and wait a m oment. The b uds are now syn ced to each oth er and ready to p air with you r device. Plea se referenc e the quick st art guide f or the standard pairing procedure.
If you are s till exper iencing pa iring issue s, we sugges t a full fac tory rese t.
1. Final ly, open your dev ice’s Blueto oth® sett ings and tur n o the Blueto oth® feature . Wait a moment , then turn i t back on. Som etimes your d evice requi res a restar t. You can als o restar t your dev ice by shut ting it down t hen powerin g it back on.
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