IDEC FL1E User Guide

Revision History
Date Manual No. Description
November, 2008 B-1090(0) December, 2008 B-1090(1)
February, 2009 B-1090(2)
July, 2009 B-1090(3) Deleting the circuit program and password “Note”
First print Sensor connections for IDEC SmartRelay:
• Compatibility (FL1C-PM3 memory cartridge in FL1E)
• Compatibility (FL1E-PM4 memory cartridge in old er IDEC SmartRelay modules)
Safety guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring to property damage only have no safety alert symbol. The notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the cor­responding notice is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual i
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notices in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
Copyright IDEC CORPORATION All rights reserved
This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by IDEC. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
The reproduction, distribution or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights reserved, in particular in the event of patents being granted or the registration of a utility model or design.
Disclaim of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
ii IDEC SmartRelay Manual


Dear customer We thank you for purchasing IDEC SmartRelay and
congratulate you on your decision. With IDEC SmartRelay you have acquired a logic module that meets the stringent quality requirements of ISO 9001. IDEC SmartRelay can be used in many fields of applications. Due to its high functionality and easy operation, IDEC SmartRelay offers you the utmost efficiency for almost any application.
Purpose of this manual
This IDEC SmartRelay manual provides you with information about the creation of circuit programs, about the installation and use of FL1E IDEC SmartRelay base modules, the Text Display and the IDEC SmartRelay expansion modules, and about their compatibility with the previous FL1A–FL1D versions (FL1x are the last four characters of the order number of the base modules and differentiate the device series).
IDEC SmartRelay’s place in information technology
The wiring information in your IDEC SmartRelay manual is also found in the IDEC SmartRelay Product Info included with all devices. For further information on programming the IDEC SmartRelay on your PC, refer to the Online Help for WindLGC. WindLGC is the programming software for PCs. It runs
under Windows get started with IDEC SmartRelay and to write, test, print out and archive your programs, independent of the IDEC SmartRelay.
The manual is divided into 8 chapters:
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay installation and wiring
Programming IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay functions
Configuring IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay memory and battery cartridges
IDEC SmartRelay software
(including Windows Vista). It helps you to
IDEC SmartRelay Manual iii
Valid range of this manual
The manual applies to devices of series FL1E.
New features of the FL1E IDEC SmartRelay device series
The Text Display provides an additional display device for messages, and contains four cursor keys and four functions keys that can be used in the circuit program.
The new IDEC SmartRelay Battery cartridge and the IDEC SmartRelay Combined Memory/Battery cartridge provide up to two years of backup time for the real-time clock. The new IDEC SmartRelay Memory cartridge and the Combined Memory/Battery cartridge provide 32 Kbytes memory space: four times the memory space of the old Memory cartridge (brown).
Additional optional analog inputs and fast digital inputs are available on some of the FL1E IDEC SmartRelay base modules.
FL1E IDEC SmartRelay menus can be displayed in ten supported languages. You have a configuration choice to specify the language for IDEC SmartRelay menus.
New instruction blocks are available: Pulse Width Modulator (PWM), Analog Math, and Analog Math Error Detection.
Message texts can tick on and off the display; can include bar graphs, can switch between two character sets, and can be displayed on either the IDEC SmartRelay Display, the Text Display, or both. Full editing capabilities are available from WindLGC; editing from the IDEC SmartRelay base module is limited to simple text. See section 2.1.3 for further details.
USB PC cable between a PC and IDEC SmartRelay base module is provided.
You can now have up to 200 program blocks in your circuit program.
iv IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Additional differences compared to previous devices (FL1A to FL1D)
Extended set of reference parameters for function blocks.
Enhancements to up/down counter, Operating hours counter, Twelve-month time switch and analog watchdog instruction blocks.
You can find information on compatibility of IDEC Smart­Relay FL1E to previous devices at section 2.1.3.
Additional support
At our Internet address you can quickly and easily find answers to your queries about IDEC SmartRelay.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual v


Preface ............................................................iii
1 Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay ..........1
2 IDEC SmartRelay installation and wiring ....15
2.1 Modular IDEC SmartRelay setup ........................................ 18
2.1.1 Maximum setup................................................................... 18
2.1.2 Setup with different voltage classes.................................... 20
2.1.3 Compatibility ....................................................................... 21
2.2 Installing/removing IDEC SmartRelay................................ 22
2.2.1 DIN rail mounting ................................................................ 23
2.2.2 Wall-mounting ..................................................................... 26
2.2.3 Mounting the Text Display ................................................... 27
2.3 Wiring IDEC SmartRelay ..................................................... 28
2.3.1 Connecting the power supply.............................................. 29
2.3.2 Connecting the Text Display power supply ......................... 30
2.3.3 Connecting IDEC SmartRelay inputs.................................. 31
2.3.4 Connecting outputs............................................................. 40
2.3.5 Connecting the AS interface bus ........................................ 43
2.4 Putting into operation.......................................................... 45
2.4.1 Switching on the IDEC SmartRelay/Power On ................... 45
2.4.2 Operating states.................................................................. 48
3 Programming IDEC SmartRelay ..................51
3.1 Connectors ........................................................................... 52
3.2 Blocks and block numbers ................................................. 54
3.3 From circuit diagram to IDEC SmartRelay program......... 57
3.4 The four golden rules for operating IDEC SmartRelay..... 60
3.5 Overview of IDEC SmartRelay menus................................ 62
3.6 Writing and starting the circuit program ........................... 63
vi IDEC SmartRelay Manual
3.6.1 Selecting programming mode............................................. 63
3.6.2 The first circuit program ...................................................... 64
3.6.3 Circuit program input .......................................................... 66
3.6.4 Assigning a circuit program name ...................................... 71
3.6.5 Password ............................................................................ 72
3.6.6 Switching IDEC SmartRelay to RUN mode ........................ 75
3.6.7 Second circuit program ....................................................... 77
3.6.8 Deleting a block .................................................................. 83
3.6.9 Deleting block groups ......................................................... 84
3.6.10 Correcting programming errors........................................... 85
3.6.11 Selecting analog output values for RUN/STOP transition ... 85
3.6.12 Defining the type of analog outputs .................................... 86
3.6.13 Deleting the circuit program and password......................... 87
3.6.14 Summertime/wintertime conversion ................................... 88
3.6.15 Synchronization .................................................................. 92
3.7 Memory space and circuit program size ........................... 94
4 IDEC SmartRelay functions ....................... 101
4.1 Constants and connectors - Co ....................................... 102
4.2 Basic functions list - GF.................................................... 106
4.2.1 AND .................................................................................. 107
4.2.2 AND with Edge Detection ................................................. 108
4.2.3 NAND (not AND).............................................................. 108
4.2.4 NAND with Edge Detection............................................... 109
4.2.5 OR .................................................................................... 110
4.2.6 NOR (not OR) .................................................................. 111
4.2.7 XOR (exclusive OR).......................................................... 112
4.2.8 NOT (Negation, Inverter) .................................................. 112
4.3 Special functions ............................................................... 113
4.3.1 Designation of the inputs .................................................. 113
4.3.2 Time response .................................................................. 114
4.3.3 Backup of the real-time clock............................................ 115
4.3.4 Retentivity ......................................................................... 116
4.3.5 Parameter protection ........................................................ 116
4.3.6 Calculating the gain and offset of analog values .............. 117
4.4 Special functions list - SF ................................................. 120
4.4.1 On-delay ........................................................................... 123
IDEC SmartRelay Manual vii
4.4.2 Off-delay ........................................................................... 127
4.4.3 On-/Off-delay .................................................................... 128
4.4.4 Retentive on-delay ............................................................ 130
4.4.5 Interval time-delay relay/Pulse output............................... 131
4.4.6 Edge-triggered interval time-delay relay ........................... 132
4.4.7 Asynchronous pulse generator ......................................... 134
4.4.8 Random generator ............................................................ 136
4.4.9 Stairwell Light Switch ........................................................ 138
4.4.10 Dual-function switch.......................................................... 140
4.4.11 Seven-day time switch ...................................................... 142
4.4.12 Twelve-month time switch ................................................. 147
4.4.13 Up/down counter............................................................... 153
4.4.14 Operating hours counter ................................................... 156
4.4.15 Frequency trigger.............................................................. 160
4.4.16 Analog trigger ................................................................... 163
4.4.17 Analog differential trigger .................................................. 166
4.4.18 Analog comparator............................................................ 169
4.4.19 Analog watchdog .............................................................. 174
4.4.20 Analog amplifier ................................................................ 177
4.4.21 Latching relay.................................................................... 179
4.4.22 Current impulse relay ....................................................... 180
4.4.23 Message texts................................................................... 182
4.4.24 Softkey.............................................................................. 194
4.4.25 Shift register...................................................................... 197
4.4.26 Analog Multiplexer............................................................. 199
4.4.27 Analog Ramp Control........................................................ 201
4.4.28 PI controller....................................................................... 205
4.4.29 Pulse Width Modulator (PWM).......................................... 211
4.4.30 Analog math...................................................................... 214
4.4.31 Analog math error detection.............................................. 219
5 Configuring IDEC SmartRelay....................223
5.1 Selecting parameter assignment mode ........................... 224
5.1.1 Parameters ....................................................................... 225
5.1.2 Selecting the parameters.................................................. 226
5.1.3 Modifying parameters ....................................................... 227
5.2 Setting the default values for IDEC SmartRelay ............. 229
5.2.1 Setting the time of day and date (FL1E-H12RC...) ...........230
5.2.2 Setting the display contrast and backlight choice ............. 231
viii IDEC SmartRelay Manual
5.2.3 Setting the menu language............................................... 233
5.2.4 Setting the number of AIs in the base module .................. 234
5.2.5 Setting the start screen..................................................... 235
6 IDEC SmartRelay memory
and battery cartridge (card)....................... 237
6.1 Security function (CopyProtect)....................................... 240
6.2 Inserting and removing memory and battery
cartridges ........................................................................... 242
6.3 Copying data from IDEC SmartRelay to the memory
cartridge ............................................................................. 244
6.4 Copying data from the memory cartridge to IDEC
SmartRelay ......................................................................... 246
7 IDEC SmartRelay software ........................ 249
7.1 Connecting IDEC SmartRelay to a PC ............................. 251
8 Applications ................................................ 253
8.1 Stairway or corridor lighting............................................. 255
8.1.1 Requirements for a stairway lighting system .................... 255
8.1.2 Previous solution .............................................................. 255
8.1.3 Lighting system with IDEC SmartRelay............................ 256
8.1.4 Special features and expansion options ........................... 258
8.2 Automatic door .................................................................. 259
8.2.1 Requirements of an automatic door.................................. 259
8.2.2 Conventional solution........................................................ 260
8.2.3 Door control system with IDEC SmartRelay..................... 260
8.2.4 Special features and expansion options ........................... 263
8.2.5 Extended solution with FL1E-H12RCC............................. 263
8.3 Air-conditioning system.................................................... 266
8.3.1 Requirements for an air-conditioning system.................... 266
8.3.2 Advantages of using IDEC SmartRelay............................ 269
8.4 Factory door ....................................................................... 271
8.4.1 Requirements for a gate control system ........................... 271
8.4.2 Previous solution .............................................................. 272
IDEC SmartRelay Manual ix
8.4.3 Extended IDEC SmartRelay solution................................ 274
8.5 Centralized control and monitoring of
several factory doors......................................................... 275
8.5.1 Requirements for a gate control system ...........................276
8.6 Luminous rows .................................................................. 279
8.6.1 Requirements for a lighting system................................... 279
8.6.2 Previous solution............................................................... 280
8.6.3 Luminous row control system with FL1E-H12RCC........... 281
8.7 Service water pump ........................................................... 283
8.7.1 Requirements for a control system of a service
water pump ....................................................................... 284
8.7.2 Previous solution............................................................... 284
8.7.3 Service water pump system with FL1E-H12RCC .............285
8.7.4 Special features and expansions ...................................... 286
A Technical data .............................................287
A.1 General technical data....................................................... 287
A.2 Technical data: FL1E-H12RCC/FL1E-B12RCC ................ 289
A.3 Technical data: FL1B-M08C2R2 ....................................... 292
A.4 Technical data: FL1E-H12SND.......................................... 295
A.5 Technical data: FL1B-M08B1S2 ....................................... 297
A.6 Technical data: FL1E-H12RCA/FL1E-B12RCA ................ 299
A.7 Technical data: FL1B-M08D2R2 ....................................... 302
A.8 Technical data: FL1E-H12RCE/
FL1E-B12RCE and FL1B-M08B2R2 .................................. 304
A.9 Switching capacity and service life of the
relay outputs ...................................................................... 307
A.10 Technical data: FL1B-J2B2 ............................................... 308
A.11 Technical data: FL1D-K2B2 .............................................. 309
A.12 Technical data: Text Display............................................. 310
x IDEC SmartRelay Manual
B Determining the cycle time........................ 311
C IDEC SmartRelay without display ............ 315
D IDEC SmartRelay menu structure ............. 319
D.1 IDEC SmartRelay base module ........................................ 319
D.2 Text Display........................................................................ 321
E Type Numbers............................................. 323
Index ............................................................ 325
IDEC SmartRelay Manual xi
xii IDEC SmartRelay Manual

Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay

Here’s IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay is a universal logic module made by IDEC that integrates:
Operator and display panel with background lighting
Power supply
Interface for expansion modules
Interface for the memory cartridge, battery cartridge, combined memory/battery cartridge or a PC cable
Interface for an optional text display (TD) module
Pre-configured standard functions, for example, on-and off-delays, current impulse relay and softkey
Digital and analog memory markers
Inputs and outputs, according to the device type
What IDEC SmartRelay can do for you
IDEC SmartRelay offers solutions for domestic and installation engineering applications such as stairway lighting, external lighting, sun blinds, shutters, shop window lighting and more; switch cabinet engineering, as well as for mechanical and apparatus engineering such as gate control systems, air-conditioning systems, rand ainwater pumps.
IDEC SmartRelay can also be implemented for special control systems in conservatories or greenhouses, for control signal processing and, by connecting a communication module such as an AS-i module, for distributed local controlling of machines and processes.
Special versions without operator panel and display unit are available for series production applications in small machine, apparatus, switching cabinet and installation engineering.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 1
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Which devices are available?
IDEC SmartRelay Base is available in two voltage classes:
Class 1 24 V, i.e. 12 V DC, 24 V DC, 24 V AC
Class 2 > 24 V, i.e. 100...240 V AC/DC IDEC SmartRelay Base is available in two versions:
With display: 8 inputs and 4 outputs
Without display (”IDEC SmartRelay Pure”): 8 inputs and 4 outputs
Each version is integrated into four subunits, is equipped with an expansion interface and Text Display interface and provides 39 pre-configured standard and special function blocks for the creation of your circuit program.
Which expansion modules are available?
IDEC SmartRelay digital modules are available for operation with 12 V DC, 24 V AC/DC and 100...240 V AC/ DC, and are equipped with four inputs and four outputs.
IDEC SmartRelay analog modules are available for operation with 24 V DC and some with 12 V DC, depending on the specific module. Each is equipped with two analog inputs or two analog outputs.
The digital/analog modules are integrated in two or four subunits. Each one is equipped with two expansion interfaces for connecting additional modules.
Which display modules are available?
IDEC SmartRelay Base with display
Text Display
2 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Features of the Text Display
The Text Display is available with the FL1E series. It provides an additional display that is wider than the Base module. It has four function keys that you can program in your circuit program as inputs. Like the IDEC SmartRelay Base module, it has four cursor keys, an ESC and OK key that you can also program in your circuit program and use for navigation on the Text Display.
You can create and download a power-up screen for the Text Display from WindLGC. This screen displays briefly when you initially power on the Text Display. You can also upload the power-up screen from the Text Display to WindLGC.
The menus for the Text Display are shown in Appendix section D.2. You configure the settings for the Text Display independently from the IDEC SmartRelay Base module. The settings can be different.
Which communication modules are available?
IDEC SmartRelay communication module (CM) AS interface, which is described in more detail in a separate documentation.
The communication module has four virtual inputs and outputs, and acts as an interface between an AS­Interface system and an IDEC SmartRelay system. The module enables four data bits to be transferred from the IDEC SmartRelay base module to the AS-Interface system and vice versa.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 3
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
It’s your choice
The various IDEC SmartRelay Base versions, expansion modules, Text Display and communication modules offer you a highly flexible and adaptive system to suit your specific tasks.
The IDEC SmartRelay system offers you many solutions such as for small domestic installations, simple automation tasks, and even complex engineering tasks involving its integration into a bus system (e.g. communication module AS interface).
IDEC SmartRelay base module may only be equipped with expansion modules of the same voltage class. Mechanical encoding pins in the housing prevent you from connecting devices of a different voltage class.
Exception: The left-hand interface of an analog module or communication module is galvanically isolated.
This type of expansion module can therefore be connected to devices of a different voltage class. See also Chapter 2.1.
A Text Display, if used, can be connected only to an FL1E IDEC SmartRelay base module.
Each IDEC SmartRelay base module supports the following connections for the creation of the circuit program, regardless of the number of connected modules:
Inputs 11 to I24
Analog inputs AI1 to AI8
Outputs Q1 to Q16
Analog outputs AQ1 and AQ2
Memory Markers M1 to M27:
- M8: Startup marker
- M25: Backlight flag: IDEC SmartRelay Display
- M26: Backlight flag: Text Display
- M27: Message text character set flag
Analog Memory Markers AM1 to AM6
Shift register bits S1 to S8
4 cursor keys
16 blank outputs X1 to X16
4 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
The IDEC SmartRelay structure
IDEC SmartRelay Base
IDEC SmartRelay
expansion module
L1 N
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
(e.g.: FL1E-H12RCC)
L1 N I2 I3 I4I1
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
(e.g.: FL1B-M08C2R2)
Power supply Control panel
1 5 9
I5 I6I2 I3 I4I1
Q1 Q2
(not for FL1E­B12...)
Inputs LCD
2 6 10
(not for FL1E­B12...)
Outputs RUN/STOP
3 7 11
Module slot
4 8 12
with cap
Expansion interface
I7 I8
Mechanical coding pins
Mechanical coding sockets
Text Display cable connector
Version number
represents Version 1.)
0 9
X 2 3 4
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 5
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
L+ M
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
IDEC SmartRelay Base
(e.g.: FL1E-H12RCE)
expansion module
(e.g.: FL1B-M08B2R2)
Power supply Control panel
1 5 9
L+ M I2 I3 I4I1
1 2 1 2
Q1 Q2
1 2 1 2
Q3 Q4
(not for FL1E­B12...)
Inputs LCD
2 6 10
(not for FL1E­B12...)
Outputs RUN/STOP
3 7 11
Module slot
4 8
with cap
Expansion interface
I7 I8
I5 I6I2 I3 I4I1
Mechanical coding pins
Mechanical coding sockets
Text Display
cable connector
Version number
6 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
L+ M
L+ M
M1 U1 M2 U2I2
36 53
Power supply Mechanical
1 9 12
coding pins
Inputs Mechanical
2 10
coding sockets
7 11 13
Slide Version number
indicator Expansion interface
PE terminal, for connecting earth and the shielding of analog measuring cables.
Power supply Expansion
1 8 11
Outputs Mechanical
2 9 12
coding pins
7 10 13
Mechanical coding sockets
PE terminal, for connecting earth
Version number
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 7
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Text Display
c Communication interface d Power supply
The Text Display includes a wider display area than the IDEC SmartRelay Display. It includes four programmable cursor keys, four programmable function keys, and an ESC and OK key. You use the included Text Display cable to connect from the communication interface on the right side of the Text Display to the corresponding interface on the left side of the IDEC SmartRelay base module.
How to identify the IDEC SmartRelay
The IDEC SmartRelay identifier informs you of various properties.
Base module FL1E-cdefg c B: Base module without display
H: Base module with display
d Number of Inputs and Outputs e R: Relay output S: Tr. (source) output f C: With clock N: Without clock g D: 24V DC E: 12/24V DC A: 24V AC/DC
B: 100...240V AC C: 100...240V AC/DC
8 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Expansion module Digital module FL1B-Mcdef
c Number of Inputs and Outputs d B1: 24V DC B2: 12/24V DC
C2: 100...240V AC/DC D2: 24V AC/DC
e S: Tr. (source) output R: Relay output f Terminal type 2: non-removable terminal
Analog input module FL1B-Jcde
c Number of Inputs d Resolution B: 10bit e Terminal type 2: non-removable terminal
Analog output module FL1D-Kcde
c Number of Outputs d Resolution B: 10bit e Terminal type 2: non-removable terminal
Communication module FL1B-cdef
c C: Communication module d L1: LONWORKS AS: AS-Interface e blank: AS-Interface rated voltage (30V DC) C1: 24V AC/
f Terminal type 2: non-removable terminal
Text Display FL1E-cd
c RD: Remote Display d Version type
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 9
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Version with display unit is equipped with 8 inputs and 4 outputs
Version without display unit is equipped with 8 inputs and 4 outputs
The digital module is equipped with 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs
The analog module is equipped with 2 analog inputs or two analog outputs, according to the device type
The communication module (CM); for example, AS Interface is equipped with 4 virtual inputs and 4 virtual outputs
The Text Display
10 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
The following IDEC SmartRelay versions are available:
Symbol Designation Supply
FL1E-H12RCE 12/24 V DC 8 digital
FL1E-H12SND 24 V DC 8 digital
24 V AC/ 24 V DC
100...240 V AC/DC
FL1E-B12RCE 12/24 V DC 8 digital
24 V AC / 24 V DC
100...240 V AC/DC
(1): Of those can be used alternatively: 4 analog inputs (0 ... 10V) and 4 fast inputs. (2): AC versions: Two groups consisting of 4 inputs each. Each input within a group
must be connected to the same phase. It is possible to interconnect groups with a different phase.
(3): The digital inputs can be operated with P or N action.
Inputs Outputs Properties
4 relays (10 A)
4 solid state
no clock
24V / 0.3A
8 digital 4 relays
8 digital 4 relays
4 relays (10A)
8 digital 4 relays
8 digital 4 relays
no display unit no keyboard
no display unit no keyboard
no display unit no keyboard
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 11
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Expansion modules
The following expansion modules can be connected to IDEC SmartRelay:
Symbol Name Power supply Inputs Outputs
FL1B-M08B2R2 12/24 V DC 4 digital 4 relays (5A) FL1B-M08B1S2 24 V DC 4 digital 4 solid state 24V
/ 0.3A
FL1B-M08D2R2 FL1B-M08C2R2 100...240 V
FL1B-J2B2 12/24 V DC 2 analog
FL1D-K2B2 24 V DC none 2 analog
(1): Different phases are not allowed within the inputs. (2): 0 ... 10 V, 0 ... 20 mA can be connected optionally. (3): Digital inputs can be operated either with P or with N action.
24 V AC/DC 4 digital 4 relays (5A)
4 digital
0 ... 10V or 0 ... 20mA
4 relays (5A)
0 ... 10 V DC
Communication modules
The following communication modules can be connected to IDEC SmartRelay:
Symbol Name Power supply Inputs Outputs
IDEC Smart­Relay CM AS Interface
30 V DC the next four inputs
after the physical inputs of IDEC SmartRelay (I
... I
the next four outputs after the physical outputs of IDEC SmartRelay (Q
... Q
Text Display Module
The following Text Display module is available:
Symbol Name Supply voltage Display
Text Display 24 V AC/DC
12 V DC
12 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
LCD (128 x 64) 4-row display
Certification and approvals
IDEC SmartRelay is certified to cULus and FM.
cULus Haz. Loc. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) to
- UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment)
- CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment)
- UL 1604 (Hazardous Location)
- CSA–213 (Hazardous Location) APPROVED for use in Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D Tx Class I, Zone 2, AEx, nC, IIC, Tx Class I, Zone 2, Ex, nC, IIC, Tx
FM Approval Factory Mutual Research (FM) to Approval Standard Class Number 3611, 3600, 3810 APPROVED for use in Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D Tx Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC Tx For further information, see our Internet address (URL:
You will find current approvals on the rating plate of the relevant module.
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
IDEC SmartRelay is issued with the CE Certificate of Conformity. It is compliant with IEC 60730-1 and IEC 61131­2 and interference-proof to EN 55011, Limit Class B.
Marine certification has been requested.
ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
BV (Bureau Veritas)
DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
GL (Germanischer Lloyd)
LRS (Lloyds Register of Shipping)
Class NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)
IDEC SmartRelay modules are therefore suitable for use in industrial and residential areas. Use in Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C and D locations or in non-hazardous locations is supported.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 13
Getting started with IDEC SmartRelay
Marine certification requires the surge protective device what manufactured by DEHN+SÖHNE GmbH+Co., in a case of 12/24V DC or 24V DC power line. The required Type No. and Part No.: BVT AD 24, 918 402. See Note on page 288. For further information, see our Internet address (URL:
ID for Australia
Our products carrying the label shown at the side are compliant with AS/NZS 2064:1997 (Class A) standard.
Risk of death, personal injury or property damage can occur if you do not follow safety precautions for hazardous locations.
In potentially explosive atmospheres, do not disconnect connectors when the system is in RUN. Always switch off the power supply to IDEC SmartRelay and its components before you disconnect any connectors or components.
Substitution of components can impair suitability for Class I, Division 2 locations. Combinations of equipment are subject to investigation by the local authority having jurisdiction at the time of installation.
Recycling and Disposal
IDEC SmartRelay units can be fully recycled, due to their low-pollutant equipment. Contact a certified electronic waste disposal center for environmentally acceptable recycling and disposal of your old devices.
14 IDEC SmartRelay Manual

IDEC SmartRelay installation and wiring

General guidelines
Please note the following guidelines for installing and wiring your IDEC SmartRelay:
Always ensure that the wiring of your IDEC SmartRelay is compliant with current rules and standards. Also, conform with all national and regional regulations when you install and operate the devices. For information on standards and regulations that apply to your specific case, contact your local authorities.
Always switch off power before you wire or install/remove a module.
Always use cables with appropriate conductor cross­sections for the relevant current. You can wire IDEC SmartRelay with cable conductor cross-sections from
1.5 mm
Do not exceed the screw torque of the terminals. The maximum torque is: 0.5 Nm, see Chapter 2.3.
Keep the cabling as short as possible. If longer cables are necessary, you should use shielded versions. You should always route your cables in pairs: i.e. one neutral conductor plus one phase conductor or signal line.
Always keep separate:
- The AC wiring
- High-voltage DC circuits with high-frequency
- Low-voltage signal wiring
Ensure that the wires are installed with appropriate strain relief.
Provide a suitable lightning surge arrester for cables installed in hazardous areas.
Do not connect an external power supply in parallel to the output load of a DC output. This could develop a reverse current at the output if you have not installed a diode or similar barrier device.
Reliable functioning of the equipment is only ensured with certified components!
to 2.5 mm2; see Chapter 2.3.
switching cycles
IDEC SmartRelay devices may only be installed and wired by skilled personnel who are familiar with and follow general engineering rules and relevant regulations and standards.
IDEC SmartRelay Manual 15
IDEC SmartRelay installation and wiring
What you must note when installing
IDEC SmartRelay is designed for fixed and enclosed installation in the housing or the control cabinet.
Death, serious bodily injury or considerable damage to property can occur.
Modules of an IDEC SmartRelay are open facilities. This means that you must install IDEC SmartRelay only in a housing or cabinet.
Allow access to the housings or cabinets only with the use of a key or a tool and only allow access to authorized or approved personnel.
It is permissible to operate IDEC SmartRelay from the front at any time.
Safety of electronic control equipment
The notes below apply regardless of the type or manufacturer of the electronic control.
Maximum reliability of IDEC SmartRelay devices and components is achieved by implementing extensive and cost-effective measures during development and manufacture.
This includes the following:
Use of high-quality components
Worst-case design of all circuits
Systematic and computer-aided testing of all components
Burn-in of all large-scale integrated circuits (e.g. processors, memory, etc.)
Measures preventing static charge when handling MOS ICs
Visual checks at different stages of manufacture
Continuous heat-run test at elevated ambient temperature over a period of several days
Careful computer-controlled final testing
Statistical evaluation of all returned systems and components to enable the immediate initiation of suitable corrective measures
16 IDEC SmartRelay Manual
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