Icom ID-4100A, ID-4100E Advanced Manual

ID-4100A ID-4100E
This manual describes instructions for advanced features and instructions. See the Basic manual and the D-STAR guide that come with the transceiver for precautions, installations, and basic operations.
12 Bluetooth® OPERATION
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Thank you for choosing this Icom product. This product is designed and built with Icom’ s state of the art technology and craftsmanship. With proper care, this product should provide you with years of trouble-free operation.
This product combines traditional analog technologies with the new digital technology, Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio (D-STAR), for a balanced package.


You can use the following manuals to understand and operate this transceiver.
L If necessary, you can download a glossary of HAM radio terms from the Icom website.
Basic manual (Comes with the transceiver)
Instructions for the basic operations, precautions, installation, and connections.
D-STAR Guide (Comes with the transceiver)
Instructions for registering your call sign on a gateway repeater, and the basic operations of D-STAR.
About the DV Gateway function (PDF type)
Instructions on the system requirements or operations needed to use the DV Gateway function.
L The guide “About the DV Gateway function” can be
downloaded from the Icom website.
Advanced manual (This manual)
Instructions for advanced operations, as shown below.
• Memory operation <Advanced>*
• Scan operation <Advanced>*
• Priority watch operation
• D-STAR operation <Advanced>*
• GPS operation
• Using a microSD card
• Voice memory operation
• Repeater and duplex operations
• Menu screen <Advanced>*
• Other functions
• Options <Advanced>*
• Bluetooth operation L This manual can be downloaded from the Icom
*The basic instructions are described on the Basic manual.
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Attaching/Installing .................... Basic manual (sec. 1)
Front panel ................................ Basic manual (sec. 2)
Display ....................................... Basic manual (sec. 2)
Power key .................................. Basic manual (sec. 3)
Connecting ................................ Basic manual (sec. 1)
HM-207S ................................... Basic manual (sec. 2)
Main unit
Connecting to a DC power source
............................................ Basic manual (sec. 1)
Installing in a vehicle ................. Basic manual (sec. 1)
Installing an antenna ................. Basic manual (sec. 1)
Front/Rear panel........................ Basic manual (sec. 2)
Installing the UT-137..................Basic manual (sec. 1)
Details of Bluetooth operation ...............................12-2
microSD card
Inserting/Removing.................... Basic manual (sec. 7)
Saving the setting data ............................................6-4
Saving with a different le name ..............................6-9
Loading the saved data les that are on a
microSD card ...........................................................6-5
Backing up the data saved on a microSD card
onto a PC.................................................................6-6
Importing or Exporting a CSV formatted le ............6-8
MENU screen/Quick Menu
Quick Menu window .................. Basic manual (sec. 7)
MENU screen ..........................................................9-2
Memory channels
Memory channels ....................................................1-2
Manage Memory screen description .......................1-3
Memory name display ...........................................1-12
Scan operation Setting and clearing a Skip channel Priority Scan operation
GPS operation .........................................................5-2
Checking your GPS position....................................5-3
Checking GPS information (Sky view screen) ....... 5-11
Transmitting D-PRS data ............................. 5-12, 5-13
Transmitting NMEA data .............................. 5-12, 5-25
GPS Logger function .............................................5-34
GPS Auto transmission..........................................5-38
Register your call sign on a gateway repeater
“FROM” (Access repeater) setting...........................4-3
“TO” (Destination) setting ........................................4-8
Connecting to a Reector ......................................4-13
Message operation ................................................4-17
Viewing the received call signs ..............................4-19
BK mode communication.......................................4-21
EMR communication .............................................4-22
Automatic DV detection .........................................4-23
Automatic Reply function .......................................4-24
Data communication ..............................................4-27
Digital call sign squelch/
Digital code squelch functions ...............................4-29
Viewing call signs ..................................................4-31
Repeater list ..........................................................4-32
Adding Repeater information
using the RX History ..............................................4-39
Skip setting for a DR scan .....................................4-40
Entering a repeater group name............................4-41
Repeater detail screen ..........................................4-42
Entering Your (destination) call sign ......................4-43
Duplex operation .....................................................8-4
Auto repeater function .............................................8-5
Off band indication ...................................................8-5
Recording a QSO audio ..........................................7-2
Playing back the recorded audio .............................7-3
Changing the QSO recorder settings ......................7-4
Deleting the audio folder/le ....................................7-5
Viewing the le information ......................................7-6
Viewing the microSD card memory capacity ...........7-7
Playing back the recorded audio on the PC ............7-8
...................................D-STAR Guide
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Entering and editing text

Controls used for text entry
[DIAL] (Rotate)
Selects the character type
Moves the cursor to the left
Moves the cursor to the right
• To insert a text, move the cursor to a place to enter, then rotate [DIAL].
• To clear a character, push [RXCS].
• To consecutively clear characters, continuously hold down [RXCS].
• When the character type is “AB” or “ab,” and while entering a character, push [QUICK] to convert between upper case and lower case letters.
To change the character type
1. When not selecting text, or an entered text is selected, push [QUICK].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select the character type, then push [ï].
ab 12
Selectable characters
and symbols
A to Z, (space) a to z, (space) 0 to 9, (space) ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < =
> ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)
A/a A/a
– –
TIP: When the character type is “AB” or “ab,” and
while entering a character, push [QUICK] to convert between upper case and lower case letters.
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Entering and editing text (Continued)
DUsable characters
The usable characters and symbols, and the maximum characters differ, depending on the item. See the following list for details.
L The usable characters and symbols for each character type are described at the bottom of the page.
Category Item Character type
Manage Memory
Program scan Scan name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 2-9
P-LINK Scan Link name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 9-20
My Station TX Message [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20 p. 4-17
SD Card
Bluetooth Set Device name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 8 Except for “ICOM BT-” p. 9-72
Repeater List
CS screen
My Call Sign Call sign A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 12 (+1)
Your Call sign
GPS Memory
DR screen
DTMF Memory DTMF code 0 to 9, A, B, C, D, *, # 24 p. 10-8
Memory name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 1-10
Bank name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 1-11
Unproto Address [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 56
Comment [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 43
Object Name
Item Name
GPS Message [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20 p. 5-26
Save Setting [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20
Export [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20
Group name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 4-41
Repeater name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 4-34
Sub name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 8 p. 4-34
Call sign A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 4-34
GW Call sign A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 4-34
UR A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 9-41
R1 A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 9-41 R2 A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 9-41
Name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 4-43
Call sign A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 4-43
Memory name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 5-27
Group name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 p. 5-30
Direct Input (UR) A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 4-11
Direct Input (RPT) A to Z, 0 to 9, /, space 8 p. 4-12
[AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 9 p. 5-17
Information Reference
Normally 12 characters (API410,DSTAR*)
The number of characters you can enter differs, depending on the data extension and altitude settings.
Illegal characters: / : ; * < >
Illegal characters: / : ; * < >
Includes “/” between the Call sign and Memo field.
p. 5-15 p. 5-17 p. 5-21
p. 5-16 p. 5-18 p. 5-22
p. 6-4
p. 6-9
p. 9-47
[AB]: A to Z, (space) [ab]: a to z, (space) [12]: 0 to 9, (space) [!”#]: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)
Previous view
Entering and editing text (Continued)
DHow to enter
(Example: Entering “Calling” as a Memory name.)
1. Push [MW].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
8. Push [QUICK].
9. Select the character type, then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel to enter a name, then push [QUICK].
6. Select “Edit,” then push [ï].
10. Rotate [DIAL] to select a character, then push [ï]. (Example: C)
• To move the cursor forward, push [MW].
• To move the cursor backward, push [MODE].
• To insert a text, move the cursor to a place to enter, then rotate [DIAL].
• To clear a character, push [RXCS].
• To consecutively clear characters, continuously hold down [RXCS].
• When the character type is “AB” or “ab,” and while entering a character, push [QUICK] to convert between upper case and lower case letters.
11. Repeat step 8 ~ 10 to enter a name. (Example: Calling)
12. After entering, push [ï].
7. Select “NAME,” then push [ï].
• Enters the name entry mode.
13. Select “<<Overwrite>>,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Overwrite?” is displayed.
14. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and writes the entered name to the channel.


Previous view
General description ................................................................ 1-2
D The number of the Memory channel ............................... 1-2
D Memory channel content ................................................ 1-2
Manage Memory screen description ...................................... 1-3
D Tree view of the Manage Memory screen ....................... 1-3
D Displaying the Manage Memory screen ......................... 1-3
Selecting a Memory channel .................................................. 1-4
Selecting a Call channel ......................................................... 1-4
Writing to a Memory channel .................................................. 1-5
D Writing to the selected channel ....................................... 1-5
D Writing to a blank channel............................................... 1-5
D Overwriting to the selected channel ................................ 1-6
D Copying Memory content to the VFO ............................. 1-6
D Copying Memory content to another Memory channel ... 1-7
Memory bank setting .............................................................. 1-8
D Assigning a memory channel to a memory bank ............ 1-8
D Directly writing into a memory bank ................................ 1-9
D Selecting the Memory Bank mode .................................. 1-9
Entering a Memory or Bank name ....................................... 1-10
D Entering a Memory name ............................................. 1-10
D Entering a Bank name ...................................................1-11
Selecting a Memory name display........................................ 1-12
Clearing a Memory channel.................................................. 1-12
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General description

The transceiver has a total of 1000 Memory channels (100 channels in each of 26 memory banks, A ~ Z) and two Call channels (C0/C1) each for the 144 and 430 MHz bands. The Memory mode is useful to quickly select often­used frequencies.
DThe number of the Memory channel
Memory Channels Descriptions
000 ~ 999 (Total of 1000) Regular Memory channels.
Two Call channels (C0/C1) each for the 144 and 430 MHz bands.
Instantly recalls a specied frequency.
DMemory channel content
The following information can be entered into the Memory channels:
• Operating frequency
• Duplex direction (DUP+ or DUP–) and frequency offset
• Memory name
• Scan skip setting
• Tuning step
• Operating mode
• Subaudible tone encoder, tone squelch or DTCS squelch ON/OFF
• Subaudible tone frequency, tone squelch frequency or DTCS code with polarity
• UR station call sign
• R1/R2 call signs
• Digital Call sign squelch or Digital code squelch ON/ OFF
• Digital code
• Memory bank
NOTE: Memory content may be accidentally cleared by static electricity, electric transients, and other causes. In addition, it may be cleared by a malfunction, or during repairs. Therefore, we recommend that you backup the memory content or save it to a microSD card* or to a PC.
*User supplied
L The CS-4100 cloning software can also be used to
backup your memory data.
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Manage Memory screen description

The MANAGE MEMORY screen enables you to easily manage the Memory or Call channel content.
• Displays the Memory or Call channel content.
• Easy to assign to a bank, and displays the bank content.
• Easy to add, edit, copy, or clear the Memory channels.
DTree view of the Manage Memory screen
Memory CH
Manage Memory
Bank A
Bank Z
DDisplaying the Manage Memory screen
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
Call CH
C0 144
C1 144
C0 430
C1 430
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Select a channel, then push [ï].
• Displays the Memory content. L Rotate [DIAL] to select the page.
6. Push [MENU].
• Returns to the standby screen.
TIP: To edit, copy or clear the memory content.
1. Push [QUICK] in step 5.
2. Select “Edit,” “Copy” or “Clear,” then push [ï].
(Example: When selecting “Edit.”)
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Selecting a Memory channel

In the Memory mode, you can select the Memory channels by rotating [DIAL].
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
L Pushing [V/M] toggles between the VFO and Memory
2. Rotate [DIAL].
• Selects a Memory channel.
L Blank channels are not selectable.

Selecting a Call channel

Two Call channels (C0/C1) are selectable in each of the 144 and 430 MHz bands.
Factory default frequencies and operating modes are entered into the Call channels. Change these to suit your operating needs.
1. Hold down [CALL] for 1 second.
• Enters the Call channel mode.
L Pushing [CALL] again cancels the Call channel
2. Rotate [DIAL].
• Selects a Call channel.
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Writing to a Memory channel

After setting a frequency in the VFO mode, you can write it to a selected channel or an automatically selected blank channel. Memory channels 002 to 999 are blank as the default.
DWriting to the selected channel
Example: Writing 146.030 MHz into Memory channel 18.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the VFO mode.
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select 146.030 MHz.
3. Push [MW].
4. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Write to New CH.”
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel “018.”
L If you select a pre-entered channel, the previous
channel content will be overwritten.
L The Call channels are also selectable.
6. Push [MW].
The conrmation dialog “Write to a blank channel?” is displayed.
7. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
DWriting to a blank channel
Example: Writing 146.030 MHz into a blank channel.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the VFO mode.
2. Rotate [DIAL] to set 146.030 MHz.
3. Hold down [MW] for 1 second.
• Beeps sound, and automatically writes into a blank channel.
• Returns to the standby screen (VFO mode).
[V/M] [MW]
[ ]
• Beeps sound, and writes into the selected Memory channel.
• Returns to the standby screen (VFO mode).
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Writing to a Memory channel (Continued)
DOverwriting to the selected channel
You can write a frequency into a pre-entered channel.
Example: Writing 147.030 MHz into Memory channel
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select the channel 18.
Destination channel
3. Push [V/M] to enter the VFO mode.
4. Rotate [DIAL] to set 147.030 MHz.
5. Push [MW].
6. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Write to Selected CH,” then push [ï].
DCopying Memory content to the VFO
It is convenient when you want to operate on a channel frequency near a Memory or Call channel.
Example: Copying Memory channel “001” to the VFO.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select the channel 1.
3. Push [MW].
4. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Copy to VFO,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Copy to VFO?” is displayed.
5. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
7. Push [MW].
The conrmation dialog “Overwrite?” is displayed.
8. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and writes into the selected Memory channel.
• Returns to the standby screen (VFO mode).
• Beeps sound, and copies the selected Memory content to the VFO.
• Returns to the standby screen (VFO mode).
[V/M] [MW]
[ ]
Previous view
Writing to a Memory channel (Continued)
DCopying Memory content to another Memory channel
You can copy the memory content to another Memory channel.
Example: Copying Memory channel “018” to Memory
channel “019”.
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
7. Select the destination channel, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and copies to the destination channel. L If you select a pre-entered channel, the previous
channel content will be overwritten.
[ ]
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel “018,” then push [QUICK].
6. Select “Copy,” then push [ï].
• “DESTINATION” blinks at the top left of the screen.
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Memory bank setting

The transceiver has a total of 26 banks (A ~ Z). Regular memory channels 0 ~ 999 can be assigned to any bank for easy memory management. Up to 100 channels can be assigned to a bank.
NOTE: The memory banks are only used to hold memory channels. Therefore, if the original memory channel content have been changed, the memory bank content are also changed at the same time.
DAssigning a memory channel to a memory bank
Example: Assigning Memory channel “000” to the
bank “A”.
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel to be assigned to a bank, then push [QUICK].
7. Select “BANK,” then push [ï].
8. Select a bank to be assigned, then push [ï].
9. Select “<<Overwrite>>,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Overwrite?” is displayed.
10. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and assigns the selected memory channel to the bank.
6. Select “Edit,” then push [ï].
[ ]
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Memory bank setting (Continued)
DDirectly writing into a memory bank
You can also write the memory content directly into a memory bank channel. This way is a short cut to creating a memory channel, and then assigning it to a bank. In that case, the transceiver automatically selects the lowest blank memory channel, to write.
Example: Writing 146.030 MHz into Bank A.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the VFO mode.
Rotate [DIAL] to set 146.030 MHz.
Push [MW].
4. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Write to New CH,” then push [ï].
• Displays the WRITE screen.
5. Push [QUICK].
6. Select a bank, then push [ï].
DSelecting the Memory Bank mode
When you select the Memory Bank mode, rotating [DIAL] selects only the entered bank channels in the selected bank.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Push [QUICK].
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Bank Select,” then push [ï].
4. Select a bank, then push [ï].
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select a bank channel.
L Only assigned bank channels are selectable. L To return to the Memory mode, select “OFF” in step
7. Push [MW].
The conrmation dialog “Write to a blank channel?” is displayed.
8. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and writes the memory content to the bank channel.
TIP: On the WRITE screen, you can select other channel by rotating [DIAL].
L If you select a pre-entered channel, the previous
channel content will be overwritten.
TIP: After step 5, you can write the displayed content to the bank channel.
1. After step 5, push [V/M] to enter the VFO mode.
2. Set the frequency, then push [MW].
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Write to New CH,” then push [ï].
[V/M] [MW] [QUICK]
[ ]
Previous view

Entering a Memory or Bank name

You can enter an alphanumeric name for each Memory, including Call channels, and Banks. Names can be a maximum of 16 characters.
DEntering a Memory name
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
8. Enter a name of up to 16 characters. (Example: Calling)
Selectable characters and symbols
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)
L See “Entering and editing text” for details. (p. iv)
9. After entering, push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel to enter a name, then push [QUICK].
6. Select “Edit,” then push [ï].
7. Select “NAME,” then push [ï].
10. Select “<<Overwrite>>,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Overwrite?” is displayed.
11. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and writes the entered name to the channel.
[ ]
• Enters the name entry mode.
Previous view
Entering a Memory or Bank name (Continued)
DEntering a Bank name
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select a bank group to enter a name, then push [QUICK].
5. Select “Edit Name.”
[ ]
6. Enter a bank name of up to 16 characters.
7. After entering, push [ï].
• Enters the bank name entry mode.
(Example: Contest)
Selectable characters and symbols
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)
L See “Entering and editing text” for details. (p. iv)
• Beeps sound, and writes the entered name to the bank.
Previous view

Selecting a Memory name display

The transceiver has two Memory name display types.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Push [QUICK].
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Display Type,” then push [ï].
4. Select the display type, then push [ï].
• Freq: Displays the large font sized frequency and small font sized memory name.

Clearing a Memory channel

Entered memory content can be cleared.
Manage Memory > Memory CH
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Manage Memory,” then push [ï].
• Displays the MANAGE MEMORY screen. L You can display the MANAGE MEMORY screen by
pushing [MW] on other than the DR screen.
3. Select “Memory CH,” then push [ï].
4. Select “ALL,” then push [ï].
• Name: Displays large font sized memory name and a small font sized frequency.
[ ]
• Displays the ALL screen.
5. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel to be cleared, then push [QUICK].
6. Select “Clear,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Clear?” is displayed.
7. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and clears the memory content.


Previous view
Scan ....................................................................................... 2-2
D About the scan function .................................................. 2-2
D VFO scan ........................................................................ 2-2
D Memory scan .................................................................. 2-2
D Memory bank scan ......................................................... 2-2
D [DIAL] operation during a scan ....................................... 2-3
D Squelch setting for a scan .............................................. 2-3
D Tuning step for a VFO scan ............................................ 2-3
D Skip function ................................................................... 2-3
D Temporary Skip timer ...................................................... 2-3
D Receive mode during a scan .......................................... 2-3
D When a signal is received ............................................... 2-3
D Scan Stop Beep function ................................................ 2-3
VFO mode scan...................................................................... 2-4
D Scan type ........................................................................ 2-4
D About a Scan name ........................................................ 2-5
D About a Program Link name ........................................... 2-5
D Setting the skip frequencies ............................................ 2-5
Memory scan .......................................................................... 2-6
D Scan type ........................................................................ 2-6
Memory Bank scan ................................................................. 2-7
D Scan type ........................................................................ 2-7
D About a Bank name ........................................................ 2-7
Setting and clearing the skip channel ..................................... 2-8
Entering scan edges .............................................................. 2-9
Previous view


Scanning is a versatile function that can automatically search for signals. A scan makes it easier to locate stations to contact or listen to, or to skip unwanted channels or frequencies.
DAbout the scan function
In the VFO mode
The frequencies that are set as “PSKIP” are skipped during a scan. (p. 2-5, 9-18)
In the Memory mode
Repeatedly scans all entered Memory channels. The frequencies that are set as skip channels “PSKIP” and “SKIP” are not scanned. (p. 2-8)
L Two or more Memory channels must be entered to start a
memory scan.
DVFO scan
ALL (Full scan)
Repeatedly scans the entire band.
118 MHz 550 MHz
BAND (Selected band scan) Scans all frequencies over the entire selected band.
Band edge Band edge
PROG 0 ~ 24 (Program scan) Scans the Program scan edge ranges. (Scan > Program Scan Edge) (p. 2-9, 9-18)
Band edge
Lower freq.
Scan edges
L At least one Program scan edge range must be
entered to start a Program scan.
P-LINK0–9 (Program link scan) Sequentially scans the Program scan edge ranges which are set to link on the MENU screen. (p. 9-19) (Scan > Program Link)
Higher freq.
Band edge
DMemory scan
ALL (Memory full scan)
Scans all Memory channels.
BAND (Selected band memory scan) Scans all Memory channels on the same frequency band as the selected channel.
MODE (Mode memory scan) Scans Memory channels which are entered with the same receiving mode as the currently selected mode.
DMemory bank scan
ALL (Full bank scan)
Scans all banks.
BANK-LINK (Bank link scan) Sequentially scans the banks which are set to link on the MENU screen. (p. 9-18) (Scan > Bank Link)
BANK-A–Z (Bank scan) Scans the Memory channels in the selected bank.
Duplex (DUP) scan
The Duplex scan searches for both TX and RX frequencies which are used in duplex operation. (p. 8-4)
L “D–” or “D+” is displayed in the Duplex mode. L A Duplex scan does not start when the frequency
offset is set to “0.000 MHz.”
Tone scan
The Tone scan searches for tone frequencies or DTCS codes that are used by stations using the Tone Squelch function.
L A Tone scan is usable in any VFO, Memory, or
Call channel mode.
L During a scan, rotate [DIAL] to change the scan
direction. See “Tone Squelch function” or “DTCS code Squelch function” for details. (pp. 10-11, 10-12)
Previous view
Scan (Continued)
D[DIAL] operation during a scan
• Rotate [DIAL] to change the scan direction during a scan.
• When the scan is paused, rotate [DIAL] to resume the scan.
DSquelch setting for a scan
You can change the squelch level to suit your operating needs. Set the squelch level to open the squelch, according to the received signal strength. During a scan, rotate [SQL] to adjust the squelch level.
DTuning step for a VFO scan
The selected tuning step is applied to the scan. For a Program scan or Program Link scan, set the tuning step in the Program Scan Edge ranges. (p. 2-9)
DSkip function
The skip function speeds up scanning by not scanning those frequencies set as skip channels. (pp. 2-5, 2-8)
TIP: When “Program Skip” is set to OFF, you cannot use the Scan Skip function. (p. 9-18) (Scan > Program skip)
DWhen a signal is received
When a signal is received, the scan pauses for approximately 10 seconds (default), then resumes. The scan resumes approximately 2 seconds (default) after the signal disappears. To manually resume the scan, rotate [DIAL].
L These settings can be changed on the MENU
screen. (p. 9-18) (Scan > Pause Timer) (Scan > Resume Timer)
The S-meter displays the received signal strength.
DScan Stop Beep function
The Scan Stop Beep function sounds a beep when a signal is received. This function can be turned ON or OFF on the MENU screen. (p. 9-66) (Sounds > Scan Stop Beep)
When receiving a signal
DTemporary Skip timer
The Temporary Skip function temporarily skips unwanted frequencies during a scan, for the set period of time.
• These settings can be changed on the MENU screen. (p. 9-18)
(Scan > Temporary Skip Timer)
DReceive mode during a scan
• The VFO scan uses the selected receive mode.
L For a Program scan or Program Link scan, set the
tuning step in the Program Scan Edge ranges. (p. 2-9)
• During a Memory or Bank scan, the mode entered into the channel is used.
Scanning in the FM mode
Displays the scan type
Previous view

VFO mode scan

1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the VFO
2. Hold down [SCAN] for 1 second.
• Opens the Scan Type Select window. L If you hold down [SCAN] for 3 seconds, the last
selected scan starts.
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select a scan type, then push [ï].
• The scan starts.
L The decimal point and the selected scan type icon
L When receiving a signal, the S-meter displays the
received signal strength.
4. Push [SCAN].
• Cancels the scan.
[SCAN] [ ]*
DScan type
The VFO mode scan has 6 scan types.
• ALL: Full scan
• BAND: Band scan
• P-LINK0 ~ 9: Program link scan
• P00 ~ 24: Program scan
• DUP: Duplex scan (Displayed only when duplex is set.)
• TONE: Tone scan (For the Tone Squelch scanning)
L The frequencies that are set as a Skip channel (PSKIP)
are skipped during a scan. (p. 2-8)
L When “Program Skip” is set to “OFF,” the Skip channel
frequencies are not skipped. (p. 9-18) (Scan > Program Skip)
• During a scan, rotating [DIAL] changes the scanning direction.
• During a scan, you can change the operating band, scan edge, and so on, in the Quick Menu window.
• The scan continuously runs, even if you push [MENU] or [QUICK] during a scan.
• You can set the tuning step and the operating mode used for a Program scan or Program Link scan. (p. 2-9)
• The transceiver can receive on the AIR, 144 MHz, 230 MHz, 300 MHz, and 430 MHz bands.*
* Selectable band differs, depending on the transceiver’s
L You can transmit on only the amateur band
*The key operation may differ,
depending on the operating status.
Previous view
VFO mode scan (Continued)
DAbout a Scan name
When a Scan name is assigned, the name is displayed in the Scan Type Select window. (p. 2-4)
L The Scan name is not displayed during a scan. L See page 2-9 to enter the scan name.
When the Scan name is assigned
Scan name
When the Scan name is not assigned
Scan edges
DAbout a Program Link name
When a Program Link name is assigned, the name is displayed in the Scan Type Select window. (p. 2-4)
L The Program Link name is not displayed during a scan. L See page 2-9 to enter the program link name.
When the Program Link name is assigned
Program Link name
DSetting the skip frequencies
You can set unnecessary frequencies as Skip channels (PSKIP) to be skipped during a scan. The Skip function speeds up a scan.
1. Start the VFO scan.
• When a signal is received, the scan pauses.
2. Push [QUICK].
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select “SKIP.”
• Sets the frequency as a Skip channel into empty Memory channel 999.
• The entered Memory channel number blinks.
L If channel 999 already has content, the transceiver
automatically searches for another blank channel to use. If there is no blank channel, a beep sounds, and the frequency is not set as a Skip channel.
4. After setting, the scan resumes.
TIP: Once frequencies are set as a Skip channel, these frequencies are skipped until clearing the skip setting. To clear the skip setting, see page 2-8 for details.
L The skip setting is also cleared when the Memory
channel set as a Skip channel is cleared. (p. 1-12)
When the Program Link name is not assigned
Program link
Previous view

Memory scan

NOTE: Two or more Memory channels, which are
not set as Skip channels, must be entered to start a Memory scan.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Hold down [SCAN] for 1 second.
• Opens the Scan Type Select window. L If you hold down [SCAN] for 3 seconds, the last
selected scan starts.
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select a scan type, then push [ï].
• The scan starts.
L The decimal point and blink. L When receiving a signal, the S-meter displays the
received signal strength.
4. Push [SCAN].
• Cancels the scan.
DScan type
The Memory mode scan has 5 scan types.
• ALL: Full scan
• BAND: Band Memory scan
• MODE: Mode Memory scan
• DUP: Duplex scan (Displayed only when duplex is set.)
• TONE: Tone scan (For the Tone squelch scanning)
L When two or more Memory channels, which are not
set as Skip channels, are entered, the Memory scan is usable.
L The channels that are set as a Skip channel (PSKIP or
SKIP) are skipped during a scan. (p. 2-8)
• During a scan, rotating [DIAL] changes the scanning direction.
• The scan continuously runs, even if you push [MENU] or [QUICK] during a scan.
[SCAN] [ ]*
*The key operation may differ,
depending on the operating status.
Previous view

Memory Bank scan

A Memory Bank scan searches through the Memory channels in the selected bank.
L Two or more Memory channels, which are not set as skip
channels, must be entered to start a Memory Bank scan. (p. 1-8)
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Push [QUICK].
3. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Bank Select,” then push [ï].
4. Select a bank to be scanned, then push [ï].
5. Hold down [SCAN] for 1 second.
• Opens the Scan Type Select window. L If you hold down [SCAN] for 3 seconds, the last
selected scan starts.
6. Rotate [DIAL] to select a scan type, then push [ï].
• The scan starts.
DScan type
• ALL: Full bank scan
• BANK-LINK: Bank link scan
• BANK-A ~ Z: Bank scan ( Displays only banks which contain a
Memory channel.)
• DUP: Duplex scan ( Displayed only when duplex is set on
the channel.)
• TONE: Tone scan (For tone scanning)
L When all channels are set as “SKIP” or “PSKIP,” the bank
is skipped during a Bank Link scan. (p. 2-8)
L When all channels in the selected bank are set as “SKIP”
or “PSKIP,” the scan does not start.
L When two or more Memory channels, which are not set
as Skip channels, are entered in a bank, the Memory bank scan is usable. (p. 2-7)
• During a scan, rotating [DIAL] changes the scanning direction.
• The scan continuously runs, even if you push [MENU] or [QUICK] during a scan.
• During a scan, you can change the bank to be scanned on the Quick Menu window.
L The decimal point and blink. L When receiving a signal, the S-meter displays the
received signal strength.
7. Push [SCAN].
• Cancels the scan.
[SCAN] [ ]*
*The key operation may differ,
depending on the operating status.
DAbout a Bank name
When a Bank name is assigned, the name is displayed on the Scan Type Select window.
L The scan name is not displayed during a scan. L See page 1-11 to enter the Bank name.
When the Bank name is assigned
Bank name
When the Bank name is not assigned
Bank initial
Previous view

Setting and clearing the skip channel

You can set or clear a Skip channel setting. The channels that are set as a Skip channel are skipped during a scan.
1. Push [V/M] several times until you enter the Memory mode.
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select the Memory channel.
3. Push [QUICK].
4. Rotate [DIAL] to select “SKIP,” then push [ï].
5. Select the option, then push [ï].
• OFF: Cancel the skip setting.
• SKIP: Skipped during a memory scan.
• PSKIP: Skipped during both VFO and memory scans.
• When a Skip channel is set, “SKIP” or “PSKIP” is displayed.
TIP: To clear the skip channel setting
To clear the skip channel setting, select “OFF” in step 5, then push [ï].
[ ]
Previous view

Entering scan edges

You can enter the upper and lower frequency edges to the Program scan edge ranges for Program scans. Each Program scan edge range has its own tuning step and the receive mode. The default setting is differ, depending on the transceiver version. You can enter a total of up to 25 Program scan edge ranges.
Scan > Program Scan Edge
1. Push [MENU].
2. Rotate [DIAL] to select “Scan,” then push [ï].
• Displays the SCAN screen.
3. Select “Program Scan Edge,” then push [ï].
4. Select a scan edge channel.
8. Enter a name of up to 16 characters, then push [ï]. (Example: Air)
Selectable characters and symbols
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)
L See “Entering and editing text” for details. (p. iv)
9. Select “FREQUENCY,” then push [ï].
10. Rotate [DIAL] to set a lower frequency, then push [ï]. (Example: 118000)
5. Push [QUICK].
6. Select “Edit,” then push [ï].
7. Select “NAME,” then push [ï].
• Enter the name entry mode.
L Push [MW] to move the cursor forwards, or push
[MODE] to move the cursor backwards to select a digit to enter.
11. Set a higher frequency, then push [ï]. (Example: 136000)
12. Select “TS,” then push [ï].
• Displays the selectable tuning step.
13. Select the tuning step to be used during a scan.
L When you select “---,” the tuning step set in the VFO
mode is used during a scan.
☞ Continued on the next page
Previous view
Entering scan edges (Continued)
14. Select “MODE,” then push [ï].
• Displays the selectable mode.
15. Select the receive mode to be used during a scan.
L When you select “---,” the receive mode set in the
VFO mode is used during a scan.
16. Select “<<Write>>,” then push [ï].
The conrmation dialog “Write?” is displayed.
17. Select <YES>, then push [ï].
• Beeps sound, and automatically writes into the selected scan edge channel.
• Returns to the PROGRAM SCAN EDGE screen.


Previous view
Priority watch .......................................................................... 3-2
D Starting the Priority watch ............................................... 3-2
D Canceling the Priority watch ........................................... 3-2
VFO frequency and a Priority channel.................................... 3-3
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-3
VFO frequency and a Memory/Bank scan.............................. 3-4
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-4
VFO scan and a Priority channel ............................................ 3-5
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-5
VFO scan and a Memory/Bank scan ...................................... 3-6
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-6
Scanning “FROM” on the DR screen and a Priority channel .. 3-7
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-7
DR scan and a Priority channel .............................................. 3-8
D When a signal is received ............................................... 3-8
+ 243 hidden pages