Icom ic 208h schematic

IC 208H Service manual error correction.
The Following Icom Knowledge Base Article is WRONG. The service manual shows a 2.2 K resistor for the jig on page 5-2. It SHOULD be a 22K resistor
(which in fact worked for me). Following the article is a copy of an E-mail I received from Icom about the subject. Knowledge Base Article 58AC633437 Issue I can't make my 208H go into adjust mode after building a jig for the microphone jack as
Category Amateur : Mobile Dual / Tri Band : 208H
Good Morning..... Thanks for your e-mail.
The service manual has a mis-print. The resistor in the jig cable should be sized at 22 K ohm, not
2.2 K ohm. This may be the issue, so change the value of the resistor and I believe that this will take care of it.
Best Regards; Mike Hilton Technical Support Representative ICOM America, Inc.