Ibm TOKEN-RING PCI User Manual

IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
User’s Guide
Includes information about:
IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2
IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN
IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read “Safety Information” on page vii and Appendix H, “Notices” on page H-1.
First Edition (September 1998)
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About This Manual ................................... v
Who Should Read This Manual ............................ v
How This Manual Is Organized ............................. v
Related Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Telecommunications Safety Requirements in the United Kingdom ....... x
Statement of Compliance with the United Kingdom Telecommunications Act
1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Chapter 1. The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters ............ 1-1
Adapter Installation Checklist ............................. 1-2
Environment Limitations on Number of Adapters .................. 1-2
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Automatic Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) ............... 1-2
Chapter 2. Installing the Adapter Hardware .................. 2-1
Installing Wake on LAN Cables for the IBM High-Speed 100/16/4
Token-Ring PCI Adapter ............................. 2-2
Installing Your Adapter without the Wake on LAN Feature .......... 2-4
Adapter Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Chapter 3. Software Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Novell NetWare 3.12 Server ............................. 3-3
Novell NetWare 4.11 Server ............................. 3-7
Novell Client DOS/Windows 3.1x .......................... 3-11
OS/2 NDIS 2 Device Driver Using MPTS ..................... 3-12
OS/2 NDIS 2 Device Driver Using Other Installation Programs ........ 3-14
OS/2 Novell NetWare Requester .......................... 3-15
DOS NDIS 2 ..................................... 3-17
DOS Novell NetWare Requester (16-bit) ..................... 3-18
Windows NT Version 3.51 .............................. 3-20
Windows NT Version 4.0 .............................. 3-22
Windows 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
If Windows 95 Retail is Already Installed ................... 3-24
If Windows 95 OSR2 Is Already Installed ................... 3-25
First-Time Installation of Windows 95 with the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family
Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Windows 98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Installing the Updated Driver ........................... 3-29
If Windows 98 Is Already Installed ....................... 3-30
Remote Unattended Installation of Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows
NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT ................... 3-33
Novell Client for Windows 95 ............................ 3-34
Chapter 4. Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Start of Troubleshooting Process ........................... 4-1
Solving an Adapter Communication Problem .................... 4-1
Tech Tips and Frequently Asked Questions .................... 4-2
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 iii
Other Performance Enhancements ......................... 4-2
PCISETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Solving Problems with Driver Installation ...................... 4-3
Understanding the Adapter LEDs and Labels ................... 4-3
Understanding the Adapter Labels ........................ 4-5
Adapter Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Questions, Problems? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Appendix A. CD-ROM Content and Software Packages .......... A-1
Software Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Diskette Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Product Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Appendix B. About Alert on LAN ........................ B-1
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
Appendix C. NDIS 2 Device Driver Parameters ............... C-1
Appendix D. NDIS 2 Device Driver Messages ................ D-1
Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Parameters E-1
Appendix F. Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Messages .. F-1
Appendix G. Novell NetWare DOS ODI Driver Parameters ......... G-1
Appendix H. Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1
Notice to Users of Online Versions of This Book ................. H-1
Electronic Emission Notices ............................. H-2
Other Electronic Emission Notices for STP Media ................ H-2
European Norm (EN) Statement ........................ H-3
Hinweis zur Elektromagnetischen Vertraeglichkeit (EMVG) ......... H-3
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement .. H-3
Other Electronic Emission Notices for UTP Media ................ H-3
European Norm (EN) Statement ........................ H-4
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement .. H-5
Power Cord Notices for UTP Media ...................... H-5
IBM License Agreement for Productivity Aids ................... H-6
NetWare Network Computing Products from IBM ................ H-7
PROTECTION AND SECURITY .......................... H-8
Statement of Limited Warranty ........................... H-9
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-11
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ..................... X-1
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-7
iv IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

About This Manual

This manual contains the information you need to install and use your adapter. Unless specified, all references in this book to the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter apply to the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2, IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN, and the IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter.
Also on this CD-ROM are the installation aids, device drivers, and documentation for the adapters.

Who Should Read This Manual

This manual is intended for use by network administrators and other end users of the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters.

How This Manual Is Organized

Chapter 1, “The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters” on page 1-1 describes the adapters covered in this manual, gives a checklist for installation, and describes some of the features of the adapters.
Chapter 2, “Installing the Adapter Hardware” on page 2-1 describes the procedure for installing the adapter into your computer.
Chapter 3, “Software Installation” on page 3-1 describes the procedure for software installation for a number of network operating environments.
Chapter 4, “Problem Solving” on page 4-1 describes troubleshooting procedures and fixes that might be needed for your environment.
Appendix A, “CD-ROM Content and Software Packages” on page A-1 describes the files that are on the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter CD-ROM.
Appendix B, “About Alert on LAN” on page B-1 describes the Alert on LAN function.
Appendix C, “NDIS 2 Device Driver Parameters” on page C-1 lists the NDIS 2 parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix D, “NDIS 2 Device Driver Messages” on page D-1 lists the NDIS 2 system messages, explains the meaning, and lists user actions.
Appendix E, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Parameters” on page E-1 lists the Novell and LAN Client parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix F, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Messages” on page F-1 lists the Novell and LAN Client messages, explains the meaning, and lists user actions.
Appendix G, “Novell NetWare DOS ODI Driver Parameters” on page G-1 lists the Novell parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix H, “Notices” on page H-1 lists the legal notices required for the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 v

Related Information

Refer to these publications for additional information:
IBM Token-Ring Adapter Features
Family Adapter CD-ROM
ISO/IEC 8802-5:1998 Base Standard 4/16 HDX and related amendments
IBM Token-Ring Network Problem Determination Guide,
IBM LAN Technical Reference IEEE 802.2 and NETBIOS API,
IBM Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Version 2.1 for DOS:
Programmer’s Reference,
LAN Adapter and Protocol Support Configuration Guide,
MPTS/2 Configuration Guide,
IBM LAN Server Command and Utilities,
Guide to LAN Server Books,
DOS LAN Services and User’s Guide,
, available on the IBM Token-Ring PCI
Microsoft LAN Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Microsoft Windows NT System Guide
Novell Workstation for DOS and MS Windows
¹ Novell NetWare installation and system administration manuals appropriate to
the version of Novell NetWare you have installed
¹ IBM Networking home page on the World Wide Web:
vi IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Safety Information

Danger: Before you begin to install this product, read the safety information
Caution: Safety Information—Read This First
describes safe procedures for cabling and plugging in electrical equipment.
Gevaar: Voordat u begint met de installatie van dit produkt, moet u eerst de
veiligheidsinstructies lezen in de brochure
SD21-0030. Hierin wordt beschreven hoe u electrische apparatuur op een
veilige manier moet bekabelen en aansluiten.
Perigo: Antes de começar a instalar este produto, leia as informações de
segurança contidas em
instalação de cabos e conexões em equipamentos elétricos.
, SD21-0030. This booklet
PAS OP! Veiligheidsinstructies—Lees dit
Cuidado: Informações Sobre Segurança—Leia Isto
SD21-0030. Esse folheto descreve procedimentos de segurança para a
Fare! Før du installerer dette produkt, skal du læse sikkerhedsforskrifterne i
NB: Sikkerhedsforskrifter—Læs dette først
den fremgangsmåde, du skal bruge ved tilslutning af kabler og udstyr.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 vii
SD21-0030. Vejledningen beskriver
Gevaar Voordat u begint met het installeren van dit produkt, dient u eerst
de veiligheidsrichtlijnen te lezen die zijn vermeld in de publikatie
Information - Read This First
voor het aansluiten van elektrische appratuur.
VAARA: Ennen kuin aloitat tämän tuotteen asennuksen, lue julkaisussa
Varoitus: Turvaohjeet—Lue tämä ensin
kirjasessa on ohjeet siitä, miten sähkölaitteet kaapeloidaan ja kytketään turvallisesti.
, SD21-0030. In dit boekje vindt u veilige procedures
, SD21-0030, olevat turvaohjeet. Tässä
Caution: Safety
Danger : Avant d'installer le présent produit, consultez le livret
Informations pour la sécurité — Lisez-moi d'abord
procédures à respecter pour effectuer les opérations de câblage et brancher les équipements électriques en toute sécurité.
Vorsicht: Bevor mit der Installation des Produktes begonnen wird, die Sicherheitshinweise in Form SD21-0030. Diese Veröffentlichung beschreibt die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für das Verkabeln und Anschließen elektrischer Geräte.
Vigyázat: Mielôtt megkezdi a berendezés üzembe helyezését, olvassa el a
Achtung: Sicherheitsinformationen—Bitte zuerst lesen,
Caution: Safety Information— Read This First,
biztonsági információkat. Ez a könyv leírja, milyen biztonsági intézkedéseket kell megtenni az elektromos berendezés huzalozásakor illetve csatlakoztatásakor.
, SD21-0030, qui décrit les
SD21-0030 könyvecskében leírt
Attention :
Pericolo: prima di iniziare l'installazione di questo prodotto, leggere le informazioni relative alla sicurezza riportate nell'opuscolo
di sicurezza — Prime informazioni da leggere
il cablaggio ed il collegamento di apparecchiature elettriche.
in cui sono descritte le procedure per
Attenzione: Informazioni
viii IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
Fare: Før du begynner å installere dette produktet, må du lese
sikkerhetsinformasjonen i SD21-0030 som beskriver sikkerhetsrutinene for kabling og tilkobling av elektrisk utstyr.
Advarsel: Sikkerhetsinformasjon — Les dette først
Perigo: Antes de iniciar a instalação deste produto, leia as informações de
Cuidado: Informações de Segurança — Leia Primeiro
, SD21-0030. Este documento descreve como efectuar, de um modo seguro, as ligações eléctricas dos equipamentos.
Safety Information ix
Peligro: Antes de empezar a instalar este producto, lea la información de seguridad en Este documento describe los procedimientos de seguridad para cablear y enchufar equipos eléctricos.
Atención: Información de Seguridad — Lea Esto Primero,
Varning — livsfara: Innan du börjar installera den här produkten bör du läsa säkerhetsinformationen i dokumentet
detta först,
SD21-0030. Där beskrivs hur du på ett säkert sätt ansluter elektrisk
Varning: Säkerhetsföreskrifter— Läs
Telecommunications Safety Requirements in the United Kingdom
This IBM product is made to high safety standards. It complies inherently with telecommunications safety standard BS 6301. It is not designed to provide protection from excessive voltages appearing externally at its interfaces. Therefore, when this product is connected to a public telecommunications network via any other equipment, and you connect to this product items not supplied by IBM United Kingdom Ltd., you must comply with mandatory telecommunications safety requirements.
x IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
Statement of Compliance with the United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984
This apparatus is approved under approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for indirect connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
Safety Information xi
xii IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Chapter 1. The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters

This chapter describes the adapters, the contents of the adapter kits, and the other materials you will need to install the adapters.
It is important that you are familiar with the computer in which the adapter will be installed and the computer’s operating system and network software.
The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters are 32-bit, bus-master, Token-Ring adapters for the PCI bus architecture. Their unique, high-quality filter design supports connection to a Token-Ring network that is wired with shielded twisted-pair (STP) or unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling. The adapters can be used in PCI-compatible slots that operate at speeds up to 33 MHz.
Features of the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters include:
¹ adapter management capability using SNMP and Desktop Management
Interface (DMI) is available by using the LAN Adapter Management Agent. For an end-to-end management solution, the agent can be used in conjunction with the Nways Workgroup Manager Version 1.1 or higher and Nways Manager for AIX Version 1.2 or higher.
¹ Automatic ring-speed detection. ¹ Support for a wide variety of network operating systems and network
¹ Support for full-duplex (FDX), Token-Ring LAN operation. ¹ Support for microcode update. ¹ Automatic configuration of I/O, memory, ROM space, and interrupt level by PCI
BIOS on power-up.
¹ Can be plugged into either a half-size or full-size, 5-V or 3.3-V signaling, 32-bit
or 64-bit PCI-bus slot.
¹ IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 use less than 1 watt; IBM 16/4 Token-Ring
PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN uses 1.5 watts; IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter uses less than 2 watts.
IBM Token-Ring Adapter Features
features: ¹ DHCP
¹ Remote Program Load (RPL) ¹ IBM LAN Client ¹ LAN Adapter Management Agent
¹ Route Switching
¹ Class of Service
¹ Redundant NIC ¹ Performance Tuning
for information regarding the following
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1-1

Adapter Installation Checklist

To install your adapter, complete the following steps in order. You might want to mark this page for easy retrieval or make a copy for reference.
1. Preparation
You will need:
The manual provided with your computer The manual provided with your network operating system or network
application Your operating system and network application software
Check the shipping package contents list “Package Contents.”
2. Install the hardware before installing the software. See Chapter 2, “Installing the Adapter Hardware.”
3. Install the adapter software. See Chapter 3, “Software Installation.”
4. Installation is now complete.

Environment Limitations on Number of Adapters

Device Driver Maximum Number of adapters
Novell ODI OS/2 Client 2 Novell ODI DOS Client 1 NDIS 2.0 DOS 1 LAN Client 1 SCO Unix 4

Package Contents

Following is a table which lists features on the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters.
IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 X 0 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter
X X 2+wrap plug
Terms mentioned in the table are described in the following sections.
Legacy Wake
on LAN Feature
Alert on LAN
# WOL Cables

Automatic Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)

If your computer supports ACPI, then it has built-in energy-saving capabilities. When ACPI is enabled (usually through the computer BIOS settings), the operating system is allowed to control the power management features of your computer. Not all operating systems support ACPI BIOS mode. Refer to your operating system documentation to determine if ACPI is supported. Refer to your computer system documentation to determine if ACPI BIOS is offered and the method by which it can
1-2 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
be enabled. The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters implement the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification (Version 1.0) which works together with ACPI. Under control of the operating system, the adapter (and the entire system) can be placed in various power-saving modes and be dynamically configured to look for network protocol-specific events. Upon detection of these events, the adapter can signal a wake-up condition which will bring the system to a fully-powered (operational) state.
Some systems might need to be configured through BIOS settings (configuration/setup utilities) to allow PCI devices to wake a system. Refer to your computer system documentation for automatic power-on feature settings (or PCI wake-up features).
Legacy Wake on LAN: adapters which support this feature have the ability to turn on a system that is powered off. The adapter has an additional cable that connects to the computer system which provides auxiliary power to the adapter. The adapter always has a source of power, even when the system is powered off (system power cord is connected to a live power outlet). When the system is powered off, the adapter automatically inserts into the network and looks for a special frame. This frame is commonly referred to as a magic packet. Upon detection of the magic packet, the adapter signals the system to turn on the power supply, thus turning on the computer system. The magic packet is a frame sent by another computer system usually running an application that provides remote system management.
Alert on LAN: This feature enables computers to send immediate alerts to network administrators when there are hardware or operating system failures, or evidence of tampering. The unique value add of Alert on LAN technology is its ability to generate these alerts, even if the system is powered off or the operating system is not yet loaded or both. The Alert on LAN cable also provides the Legacy Wake on LAN interface.
Intel’s LANDesk Client Manager Version 3.3 and IBM’s Asset Care management software provide a total solution. For more information, see Appendix B, “About Alert on LAN” on page B-1.
Chapter 1. The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapters 1-3
1-4 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Chapter 2. Installing the Adapter Hardware

The IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter comes configured from the factory with RPL/DHCP and expansion ROM enabled.
If you want to change these settings, create the Diagnostics and LANAIDC diskette from the DIAGDISK.EXE image file. Boot your machine with this diskette and select the LANAIDC option from the startup menu. Enter /h at the LANAIDC command line prompt for a list of parameters.
1 Switch OFF the PC and all attached devices.
Note: In the U.K., by law, telephone line cables must be disconnected from
the PC before the power cord.
2 Remove the power cord from the outlet.
Ensure that your PC is unplugged from the electrical outlet. Power is always supplied to the power connector that attaches to the Wake on LAN adapters, even when the system power switch is OFF.
3 Remove all cables from your PC. Label each cable for easier reconnection at
the end of this procedure.
4 Follow the instructions provided in your PC manual for removing the cover or
otherwise accessing the adapter slots and inserting the adapter.
5 Install the adapter according to the instructions for adapter installation in the
manual that came with your PC. Note: If you will be using the Wake on LAN feature, then depending on the
orientation of the adapter to your computer, you might need to connect the Wake on LAN cable to your adapter before inserting the adapter into the slot in your computer.
6 If you are installing an adapter that does not support Wake on LAN, or if you
do not want to install the Wake on LAN feature, go to “Installing Your Adapter without the Wake on LAN Feature” on page 2-4.
If you are installing the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN, go to “Installing Wake on LAN Cables for IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN” on page 2-3.
If you are installing the IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter continue with “Installing Wake on LAN Cables for the IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter” on page 2-2.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 2-1
Installing Wake on LAN Cables for the IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter
For instructions on using the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN see “Installing Wake on LAN Cables for IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN” on page 2-3.
1 Two Wake on LAN cables are included with your new adapter. Determine
which to connect to your adapter in the following manner.
¹ If your PC has a power supply cable marked P9 or P12, then you must
use cable part number 42H2397. This cable has two connectors; one for the adapter and one for the system board.
¹ If the cable from the power supply is not present, then you must use part
number 76H7254. This cable has three connectors; two for the adapter and one for the system board.
2 Connect the cables to your adapter as follows:
¹ Connect the planar connector to the system board as shown in
Figure 2-1. If you are using the two-connector cable, part number 42H2397, this connector has two pins. If you are using the three-connector cable, part number 76H7254, this connector has three pins.
¹ Connect the signal connector to your adapter at P5 as shown at number
2 in Figure 2-2 on page 2-3.
¹ If you are using the three-connector cable, part number 76H7254,
connect the power connector to the adapter at P4 as shown at number 3 in Figure 2-2 on page 2-3.
Otherwise, connect the power supply cable marked P9 or P12 to the adapter at P4. See number 3 in Figure 2-2 on page 2-3.
Figure 2-1. Wake on LAN Signal Connector on the System Board
2-2 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
Figure 2-2. Connecting Cables to the adapter
3 Ensure that the adapter is secure in the PCI slot with retaining screw or other
bracket lockdown mechanism.
4 Re-install all removed covers. 5 Connect the Token-Ring cable to the adapter and to the network. See
“Adapter Cable” on page 2-4.
6 Re-connect all cables to your computer and then connect the power cord.
Follow all safety instructions. Note: In the U.K., by law, the power cord must be connected before the
telephone line cable.
7 Installation is now complete. Go to Chapter 3, “Software Installation” on
page 3-1.
Installing Wake on LAN Cables for IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN
1 Connect the 7-pin end of the cable (P/N 30L6390) to your adapter at the
opposite end from the adapter bracket.
2 Connect the other ends of the cable to the system board. These connectors
go to the following system board connections:
¹ Black, yellow, and red cable to the motherboard connector labeled LAN
¹ Blue, white, and green cable to the motherboard connector labeled Alert.
3 Ensure that the adapter is secure in the PCI slot with retaining screw or other
bracket lockdown mechanism.
4 Re-install all removed covers.
Chapter 2. Installing the Adapter Hardware 2-3
5 Connect the Token-Ring cable to the adapter and to the network. See
“Adapter Cable” on page 2-4.
6 Re-connect all cables to your computer and then connect the power cord.
Follow all safety instructions. Note: In the U.K., by law, the power cord must be connected before the
telephone line cable.
7 Installation is now complete. Go to Chapter 3, “Software Installation” on
page 3-1.
Installing Your Adapter without the Wake on LAN Feature
1 Ensure that the adapter is secure in the PCI slot with retaining screw or other
bracket lockdown mechanism.
2 Re-install all removed covers. 3 Connect the Token-Ring cable to the adapter and to the network. See
“Adapter Cable.”

Adapter Cable

4 Re-connect all cables to your computer and then connect the power cord.
Follow all safety instructions. Note: In the U.K., by law, the power cord must be connected before the
telephone line cable.
5 Installation is now complete. Go to Chapter 3, “Software Installation” on
page 3-1.
To connect your adapter to a Token-Ring network, you will need one of the cables illustrated in Figure 2-3 on page 2-5. Cables are not included in the package. The network end of the cable must be compatible with the network faceplate or other device to which the adapter will be connected.
Note: No more than one data cable may be connected to the adapter at a time.
2-4 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
Figure 2-3. STP and UTP Cables
IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 and IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter 2 with Wake on LAN can use any of these cables.
IBM High-Speed 100/16/4 Token-Ring PCI Adapter must use cable II (category 5 or better) or III. You cannot use cable I or the combination of P/N 60G1066 with cable III.
Chapter 2. Installing the Adapter Hardware 2-5
2-6 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Chapter 3. Software Installation

1 Get the latest level of LAN driver updates for your operating system to ensure
that your code is at the latest level.
2 Be sure that your IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter has already been
installed in your computer. If it has not, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Installing the Adapter Hardware” on page 2-1.
3 Get the driver for your environment. There are three places to find the driver.
We recommend the first one listed here. All three methods will place the driver in a directory according to the structure in Table 3-1.
¹ Method A: Get the driver from a software package on the IBM
Networking Hardware Division home page on the Web. This will ensure that you get the latest driver. Go to x:\web\essmain.htm (where x is your CD-ROM drive). Select your adapter from the section IBM Networking Web site - current information. Select Downloads and choose the appropriate software package for your environment. Execute the package to expand the files. The driver will be in the directory listed in Table 3-1.
Note: You can also access the Web site directly at
¹ Method B: Use the driver shipped on this CD-ROM directly with your
network operating system’s installation software. Note the directory containing the driver (see Table 3-1).
¹ Method C: Get the driver from a software package shipped on this
CD-ROM. Point your Web browser to x:\web\essmain.htm (where x is your CD-ROM drive). Select your adapter from the section CD-ROM - release date information. Select Downloads and choose the appropriate software package for your environment. Execute the package to expand the files. The driver will be in the directory listed in Table 3-1.
4 Install the driver. Use Table 3-2 on page 3-2 to find the location of the
installation instructions for your environment. It is recommended that you install the latest service pack for your operating environment before installing the adapter software.
Table 3-1. Driver File Directory Structure
Operating System Directory
Windows 9x \ (root) Windows NT \ (root) Novell NetWare Server and Client \NOVELL\NETWARE Novell NetWare DOS Requester (16-bit) \NOVELL\DOS OS/2 \ (root) DOS \DOS
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 3-1
Table 3-2. Installation Instructions
Environment Page
DOS with Windows Version 3.1x
IBM LAN Client See
Adapter Features
NetWare Requester 3-18
DOS LAN Services 3-17 IBM TCP/IP for DOS (Version 2.1) 3-17
DOS (without Windows)
IBM LAN Client See
Adapter Features
NetWare Requester 3-18
DOS LAN Services 3-17
IBM TCP/IP for DOS (Version 2.1) 3-17 NetWare Requester 3-18 NDIS2 3-17
IBM LAN Client See
Adapter Features
OS/2 OS/2 (MPTS) 3-12 NetWare Requester 3-15
OS/2 Warp Connect or Server 3-14 NetWare Server
NetWare Server Version 3.12 3-3
NetWare Server Version 4.11 3-7 Novell Client 3-11 Windows 32-bit NT 3.51 3-20 NT 4.0 3-22 Windows 95 3-24 Windows 98 3-29
Remote Unattended Installation (Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98) Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT 3-33 Novell Client for Windows 95 3-34
IBM Token-Ring
IBM Token-Ring
IBM Token-Ring
3-2 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Novell NetWare 3.12 Server

Before you start this installation, get the latest level of LAN driver updates for NetWare 3.12 from Novell’s support Web site at You will install them during the following procedure.
If the Novell NetWare server is not installed on your machine, use the following instructions. If it is installed, go to the instructions in “Server Driver Installation in Existing NetWare 3.12 Server” on page 3-5.
Server Driver Installation in New NetWare 3.12 Server
Changes from the usual NetWare installation are necessary because this driver is written to a new specification level that requires new NetWare loadable modules (NLMs). The installation program is not aware of this, though, and these NLMs must be loaded during installation of the server device driver and after the server installation.
1 Create a diskette containing the extracted files from the NETWAREP.EXE
package file on the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter CD-ROM.
2 Refer to Novell’s
Follow the procedure for the installation of Novell NetWare 3.12 until the section titled “Load LAN Drivers” is next.
Installation and Upgrade
manual for installation instructions.
3 Insert the diskette that you created in step 1 into drive A. Enter the following
commands at the server prompt:
Note: A message referring to before installation of Novell patches. It is for information only, and can be ignored.
protected-mode BIOS access
might appear
4 Load the server device driver. Enter the following command at the server
It is recommended for servers that the DataRate be set to M16 or M4, and clients be set to Auto. If your network is operating at 100 Mbps, this parameter is ignored. The default is Auto.
Note: See Appendix E, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Parameters” for a complete list of parameters that can be specified in the LOAD IBMTRPO command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
5 Follow the instructions in the Novell manual, beginning with “Bind the Protocol
to the LAN Driver” and continue until you are in the File Server STARTUP.NCF File panel.
6 In addition to the instructions in the Novell manual, add the following line to
Set Minimum Packet Receive Buffers = 48
Chapter 3. Software Installation 3-3
Note: Increase the minimum packet receive buffers by 48 for each additional adapter that is installed.
7 Perform the instructions in “Create an AUTOEXEC.NCF file” in the Novell
manual. Add the following lines to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file immediately after the IPX INTERNAL NET statement (replace C:\SERVER.312\ with the location of the NetWare server program):
Make sure that the line containing IBMTRPO.LAN has the complete path name.
a. See Appendix E, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver
Parameters” for a complete list of parameters that you can specify on the LOAD IBMTRPO command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
b. If you experience any problems after loading the Novell NLM files, contact
Novell to ensure that you have the current version of these files.
Press Esc and answer Yes to save the new file to disk. Press Esc again to return to the server console.
8 Shut down your server by entering down and then entering exit from the
server prompt.
9 Make sure that the diskette you created in step 1 is inserted in drive A. Enter
the following commands at the server prompt. You might be prompted to perform a file overwrite; it is OK to overwrite these files.
10 Go to the Novell server directory and enter server at the DOS prompt to
restart the server.
11 Install the patches obtained earlier now. Make sure to select the v3.31 ODI
LAN Updates for Hardware if given the opportunity.
12 Installation is now complete.
Check for the following conditions to determine whether the adapter is working correctly and whether installation has been completed successfully:
¹ The device driver files are loading successfully. There are no error
¹ The adapter LEDs indicate normal operation: green ON, amber OFF.
See “Understanding the Adapter LEDs and Labels” on page 4-3.
If you experience problems, go to Chapter 4, “Problem Solving.”
3-4 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
For information concerning NetWare server error messages, see Appendix F, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Messages.”
Server Driver Installation in Existing NetWare 3.12 Server
If Novell NetWare is already installed in your computer, perform the following steps to install the adapter server device driver.
1 Create a diskete containing the extracted files from the NETWAREP.EXE file
on the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter CD-ROM.
2 Install the patches obtained earlier now. Make sure to select the v3.31 ODI
LAN Updates for Hardware if given the opportunity. Return to the server console when the installation is complete.
3 Make sure that the diskette you created in step 1 is inserted in drive A. Enter
the following commands at the server prompt. You might be prompted to perform a file overwrite; it is OK to overwrite these files.
Note: If you experience any problems after loading the Novell NLM files, check the Novell Web site to ensure that you have the current version of these files.
4 In the directory where Novell is installed on your hard disk, enter server at
the DOS prompt to start the server.
5 At the server console prompt, enter load install. 6 From the Installation Options menu, select System Options and press Enter. 7 Select Edit STARTUP.NCF File and press Enter. Add the following line to
the STARTUP.NCF file:
Set Minimum Packet Receive Buffers = 48
Note: Increase the minimum packet receive buffers by 48 for each additional adapter that is installed.
8 Press Esc and then answer Yes to save changes to the STARTUP.NCF file. 9 Select Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF File and press Enter. Edit this file and, after
the IPX internal net statement, include the following statements. (Replace C:\SERVER.312\ with the location of the NetWare server program.)
It is recommended for servers that the DataRate be set to M16 or M4, and clients be set to Auto. If your system is 100 MB, this parameter is ignored. The default is Auto.
Chapter 3. Software Installation 3-5
See Appendix E, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Parameters” for a complete list of parameters that can be specified on the LOAD IBMTRPO command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
Press Esc and then answer Yes to save the new file to disk. Press Esc again to return to the server console.
10 Shut down your server by entering down and then entering exit from the
server prompt.
11 Enter server to restart the server. 12 Installation is now complete. Shut down and restart your computer for all
changes to take effect. Check for the following conditions to determine whether the adapter is
working correctly and whether installation has been completed successfully:
¹ The device driver files are loading successfully. There are no error
¹ The adapter LEDs indicate normal operation: green ON, amber OFF.
See “Understanding the Adapter LEDs and Labels” on page 4-3. If you experience problems, go to Chapter 4, “Problem Solving.” For information concerning NetWare server error messages, see Appendix F,
“Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Messages.”
3-6 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter

Novell NetWare 4.11 Server

Before you start this installation, get the latest level of patches from Novell and install them. The current level is IntraNetWare Support Pack Version 5.0 from the Novell support Web site at
If Novell NetWare is not installed on your machine, use the following instructions. If it is installed, follow the instructions in “Server Driver Installation in Existing NetWare 4.11 Server” on page 3-8.
Server Driver Installation in New NetWare 4.11 Server
Changes from the usual NetWare installation are necessary because this driver is written to a new specification level that requires new NetWare loadable modules (NLMs). The installation program is not aware of this, though, and these NLMs must be loaded during installation of the server device driver and after the server installation.
Note: A message referring to protected-mode BIOS access might appear before installation of Novell patches. It is for information only, and can be ignored.
1 Create a diskette containing the extracted files from the NETWAREP.EXE
package file on the IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter CD-ROM.
2 When you see INSTALL Found the following : PCI LAN Controller
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx press Enter. Then press the Insert (INS) key to install the
unlisted driver.
3 Press ALT-ESC to toggle to the server console, and enter the following
LOAD statements (make sure that the diskette that you created in step 1 is inserted in drive A):
4 Press ALT-ESC to toggle back to the INSTALL panel. 5 Press F3 on the next panel to specify A:\NOVELL\NETWARE as the directory
path. Press Enter then follow the instructions on the panel to complete the
installation of the driver. If you need to make any custom configuration changes to the driver, do so at this time.
6 Follow the instructions in the Novell manual
In addition to the instructions in the manual, add the following lines to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file immediately after the IPX INTERNAL NET statement (if necessary, replace C:\NWSERVER with the location of the SERVER.EXE executable):
Create an AUTOEXEC.NCF file
Note: There will be existing LOAD and BIND IPX statements in the AUTOEXEC.NCF. Delete the LOAD statement (we have replaced it with stated LOAD C:\NWSERVER\IBMTRPO.LAN statement). Also, make any
Chapter 3. Software Installation 3-7
needed modifications to the existing BIND IPX statement (refer to the
the Protocol to the LAN Driver
information). See Appendix E, “Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Parameters”
on page E-1 for a complete list of parameters that can be specified on the LOAD IBMTRPO command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
section of the Novell manual for additional
7 Press ESC and answer YES to save the new file to disk. Press ESC again to
return to the server console.
8 Type the following commands from the server prompt to shut down the server
and exit to DOS: down, then exit.
9 Perform the following COPY commands, making sure that the diskette that
you created in step 1 is inserted in drive A. Note that it will prompt you at each of the following files to ask if you want to perform a file overwrite; it is OK to overwrite these files.
10 Go to the Novell server directory and enter server at the DOS prompt to
restart the server.
11 Install the latest available Novell patches for NetWare 4.11 now. Make sure to
select the Version 3.31 ODI LAN Updates for Hardware if given the opportunity.
12 Issue the following commands from the server prompt to bring the server
down, then reboot it: down, then restart server.
13 Installation is now complete. Check for the following conditions to determine
whether the adapter is working correctly and whether installation has been completed successfully:
¹ The device driver files are loading successfully. There are no error
¹ The adapter LEDs indicate normal operation. green ON, amber OFF. See
“Understanding the Adapter LEDs and Labels” on page 4-3. If you experience problems, go to Chapter 4, “Problem Solving.” For information concerning NetWare server error messages, see Appendix F,
“Novell NetWare Server and LAN Client Driver Messages.”
Server Driver Installation in Existing NetWare 4.11 Server
If Novell NetWare is already installed in your computer, perform the following steps to install the adapter server device driver.
Note: If you are altering the configuration of a previously loaded adapter, unload that adapter before proceeding with these instructions.
3-8 IBM Token-Ring PCI Family Adapter
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