Implementing IBM
Tivoli Remote Control
Across Firewalls
Achieve Remote Control without
sacrificing security
Guide for TCP/IP ports used and
Set up a secure Remote
Control environment
based on realistic
Edson Manoel
Francesca Balzi
Sebastien Fardel
Venkata R Reddy
International Technical Support Organization
Implementing IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across
April 2003
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
“Notices” on page xiii.
First Edition (April 2003)
This edition applies to the following products: IBM Tivoli Remote Control 3.8, IBM Tivoli
Management Framework 4.1, and Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox 1.3.
1-2 The remote_control method from a single-TMR environment . . . . . . . . 19
1-3 The is_proxied_ep method from a single-TMR environment . . . . . . . . . 20
1-4 The nd_start_target method from a single-TMR environment . . . . . . . . 20
1-5 The nd_start_controller method from a single-TMR environment . . . . . 20
1-6 RC session trace from the HUB TMR in a multi-TMR environment . . . . 25
1-7 RC session trace from the Spoke TMR in a multi-TMR environment . . 25
1-8 The remote_control method from a Spoke TMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1-9 The is_proxied_ep method from a Spoke TMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1-10 The nd_start_target method from a Spoke TMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1-11 The nd_start_controller method from a Spoke TMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1-12 The nd_start_controller method from a HUB TMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1-13 The rc_def_gw default policy method for Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1-14 The rc_def_proxy default policy method for Remote Control. . . . . . . . . 38
1-15 The is_proxied_ep method for an RC Proxy Standalone architecture . . 43
1-16 The nd_start_target method for an RC Proxy Standalone architecture . 43
1-17 The nd_start_controller method for RC Proxy Standalone architecture 44
1-18 The rc_def_proxy default policy method for Remote Control. . . . . . . . . 49
1-19 The is_proxied_ep method for an RC Proxy-TFST architecture . . . . . . 54
1-20 The nd_start_target method for an RC Proxy-TFST architecture . . . . . 55
1-21 The nd_start_controller method for an RC Proxy-TFST architecture. . . 55
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System administrators and help desk personnel sometimes need access to
remote PCs in order to resolve problems and assist users with important
business applications. Most organizations will, at some point, need to expand
their management of systems from their regular systems management
environment to those that exist on the other side of firewalls. Tivoli® Remote
Control allows a system administrator to control the keyboard and mouse input
and monitor the display output of a remote machine, independently of the firewall
This book presents a concise documentation of known requirements for
implementing the IBM Tivoli Remote Control 3.8 across firewalls.
This IBM® Redbook will prove invaluable for Tivoli system administrators and
Tivoli designers and firewall administrators planning, designing, implementing,
and operating a Remote Control environment that involves firewalls. The results
from a variety of test scenarios are presented along with tabulated firewall
configuration requirements for the various components involved in such solution.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Edson Manoel is a Software Engineer at the IBM Corporation, International
Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Austin Center, working as an IT
Specialist in the Systems Management area. Prior to joining the ITSO, Edson
worked in the IBM Software Group as a Tivoli Technology Ambassador and in
IBM Brasil Professional Services Organization as a Certified IT Specialist.
He was involved in numerous projects, designing and implementing systems
management solutions for IBM customers and Business Partners. Edson holds a
BSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Francesca Balzi is a Tivoli Software Engineer at the IBM Tivoli Software
Laboratory, in Italy. She has 7 years of experience in Customer Support. Her
areas of expertise include problem determination and source identification in the
client-server environment. She is currently performing Level 2 support for the
EMEA Geo on IBM Tivoli Remote Control and IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager.
Sebastien Fardel is an Advisory IT Specialist at IBM Corporation, Global
Services, Switzerland, acting as a Tivoli Architect in the Performance and
Availability and Configurations and Operations areas. He has been in the IT
industry since 1996 and has experience in IT infrastructure management,
programming, and Systems Management area. His e-mail is
Venkata Reddy is a software Engineer working for IBM Software Labs in
Bangalore, India. He has three years of IT experience and is working as part of
networking software group. He leads the firewall India team for providing Level3
support and Enhancements for IBM SecureWay® firewall. His areas of expertise
include network security and firewalls.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Joanne Luedtke, Lupe Brown, Wade Wallace, and Chris Blatchley
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center
Yvonne Lyon
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center
Silvia Giacone, Nicola Milanese, and Ugo Madama
Remote Control Development and Verification Team, IBM Rome
Alan Hsu
Market Manager - Remote Control, IBM Software Group Austin
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xvi IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
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System administrators often need to manage servers or workstations in distant
secure locations — for example, in an outsourcing project. If a problem on one of
these machines requires attention, the administrator traditionally has two
options: try to resolve the problem over the telephone with an authorized person
(with a high chance of miscommunication); or relocate to the user’s location for
problem determination (which is often impractical). IBM Tivoli Remote Control
allows an administrator to control the keyboard and mouse input and monitor the
display output of a remote machine even in zones protected by any kind of
network controlling process like firewalls. In addition, the administrator can just
monitor, reboot the PC, or transfer files in a really simple way.
In this chapter we cover the following topics:
Business perspectives for a solution using IBM Tivoli Remote Control across
An overview of the IBM Tivoli Remote Control functionality
A detailed description of the IBM Tivoli Remote Control components that will
help to manage machines inside secure areas
A detailed description of each type of communication used to exchange
The purpose of this chapter is not only to explain how IBM Tivoli Remote Control
works in general, but to emphasize its architecture and functionality in a firewall
environment. Even though the architecture and implementation of IBM Tivoli
Remote Control may differ when firewalls are involved from implementation to
implementation, the IBM Tivoli Remote Control functionality will remain the
same. Therefore, in order to fully understand how remote control sessions work
across firewalls, it is important to understand how this works in a non-secure
IBM Tivoli Remote Control (ITRC) provides a complete real-time solution for
remote controlling the target systems. For all intents and purposes, the
technician or administrator’s keyboard and mouse become the primary keyboard
and mouse for the target system for the duration of a remote control session.
Functionalities such as chat, reboot, and file transfer are available to the
IBM Tivoli Remote Control runs on top of the IBM Tivoli Management
Framework. However, in the context of a firewalls environment, some other
components must be installed in order to simplify and secure the way that
communications are exchanged between the different components of IBM Tivoli
Remote Control. Before continuing and defining the complete Remote Control
process across firewalls, it is important to first know and understand the utility
and functionality of each component of IBM Tivoli Remote Control and of IBM
Tivoli Management Framework.
1.1.1 IBM Tivoli Management Framework components
The IBM Tivoli Management Framework enables you to install and create
several management components (services) that allow you to manage the
resources in your network. You can install any or all of these services, depending
on your organizational needs. As a minimum, one TMR server must be installed.
The following is a list of the management services provided by the Tivoli
Management Framework and a brief description of each:
TMR ServerThe Tivoli Management Region (TMR) Server includes
the libraries, binaries, data files, and graphical user
interface (GUI) needed to install and manage your Tivoli
environment. The TMR Server maintains the Object
DataBase and coordinates all communications with Tivoli
managed systems, like Managed Nodes and Endpoints
(through Tivoli Endpoint Gateways). The server also
performs the authentication and verification necessary to
ensure the security of Tivoli Enterprise™ data.
4IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
Managed NodeA Tivoli Managed Node runs the same software that runs
on a TMR Server. Managed Nodes maintain their own
Object DataBases, which can be accessed by the TMR
Server. When Managed Nodes communicate directly
with other Managed Nodes, they perform the same
communication or security operations as they would
perform with the TMR Server. Although there is no clear
distinction between managed systems and managing
systems, the introduction of the Endpoints architecture
leads to a paradigm shift. Managed Nodes are
considered to be managing systems (hosting the
desktop or running as a gateway), whereas endpoints
are the managed systems.
Endpoint ManagerThe Endpoint Manager establishes and maintains the
relationship between an Endpoint and its assigned
Gateway. It is involved in taking the Endpoint in charge
when its assigned Gateway is no longer responding. It is
also involved in identifying the Gateways that an
Endpoint is assigned to when applications are trying to
contact the Endpoint. The Endpoint Manager runs on top
of the TMR Server and is automatically created during
the TMR Server installation process.
Endpoint GatewayThe Endpoint Gateway provides access to the Endpoint
methods and provides the communications with the TMR
Server that the Endpoints occasionally require. A single
Gateway can support communications with thousands of
Endpoints and can launch methods on an Endpoint or
run methods on the Endpoint’s behalf. A Gateway is
created on an existing managed node.
Endpoint ProxyAn Endpoint Proxy is an optional component that
emulates Endpoints to the Gateway to simplify the Tivoli
communications in a firewall environment through a
common port. The Endpoint Proxy funnels requests for
specific Endpoints through a single TCP/IP port and
passes it down to a Relay or a Gateway Proxy. This
component is part of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox
and must be installed on the same network zone as the
Tivoli Endpoint Gateway on which it is connected.
Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 5
RelayThe Relay component’s purpose is to pass information
sent to it up or down the chain to an Endpoint Proxy,
Gateway Proxy, or other Relays. This component is
optional and is part of the Tivoli Firewall Security
Toolbox. It must be installed in the network zone
between the Endpoint Proxy and the Gateway Proxy.
Multiple Relays could be chained to allow this connection
if Endpoint Proxy and Gateway Proxy are separated by
multiple network zones. There can be multiple instances
of the Relay running on the same machine.
Gateway proxyA Gateway Proxy is an optional component that
emulates a Gateway to the Endpoints to simplify the
Tivoli communications in a firewall environment through
a common port. The Endpoints are not explicitly aware of
the fact that this destination is not truly a Gateway. This
component is part of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox
and must be installed on the same network zone as the
distant Endpoints.
EndpointA Tivoli Management Agent (TMA) is any system that
runs an Endpoint service (or daemon). Typically, an
Endpoint is installed on a machine that is not used for
daily management operations. Endpoints run a very
small amount of software and do not maintain a
database. The majority of systems in most Tivoli
Enterprise installations will be Endpoints.
Policy RegionA Policy Region is a collection of Tivoli resources that are
governed by a common set of policies. A Policy Region
is often created to represent a management domain or
area of influence for one or more system administrators.
AdministratorTivoli Administrators are persons who will be responsible
for managing various aspects of enterprise wide systems
management. Tivoli functionality allows administrative
functions that may be performed at many levels and
locations of the organization. Administrators may be
individuals or groups of persons with different logins.
CollectionThe Collection is a container that groups objects on a
Tivoli Desktop, thus providing the Tivoli Administrator
with as single view of related resources. Such
Collections are defined when an Administrator has the
need to centralize miscellaneous resources stored in
different Policy Regions. A Collection provides a
“shortcut” for using resources.
6IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
For more information about TMR Server, Managed Node, Endpoint Gateway,
Endpoint and Policy Region, refer to
Deployment Guide
For more information about Endpoint Proxy, Gateway Proxy and Relay, refer to
Firewall Security Toolbox User ’s Guide, GC23-4826 and to Tivoli Enterprise
Management Across Firewalls, SG24-5510.
, GC32-0803.
Tivoli Management Framework Planning for
1.1.2 IBM Tivoli Remote Control components
As already mentioned, the IBM Tivoli Remote Control is a client-server
application that helps you take control over workstations on a network using a
specific remote control technology. It could serve as a central location for
monitoring and controlling machines at local or remote locations. The following is
a definition list of the Remote Control components. Their installation is
mandatory except for the Remote Control Proxies and the Remote Control
Gateway, which are only used in environments where components of a Tivoli
Management Region are separated by firewalls:
RC ServerThe Remote Control Server (RC Server) component is
installed on the TMR Server and on each Managed Node
that will act as an Endpoint Gateway. It manages the
Remote Control session request from a Remote Control
Controller to a Remote Control Target until the
connection between the two machines is successfully
RC ToolThe Remote Control Tool (RC Tool) is the Remote
Control managed resource in the Tivoli Management
Region and is associated with a Policy Region. This tool
enables remote operations such as remote controlling or
rebooting of a workstation, transferring files and chatting.
Customizing the default Remote Control policies allows
you to change the set of rules that will apply to the RC
Tool within a Policy Region.
RC PoliciesThe Remote Control Policies consist of a set of rules, the
so-called policy methods, that allows to change the
default behavior and graphical appearance of Remote
Control Tools.
RC ControllerThe Remote Control Controller component is
automatically installed on each Endpoint that initiates a
Remote Control session. It will enable a Tivoli
Administrator to take control of a remote target
workstation to which it is linked over a network. This
component is also known as Controller.
Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 7
RC TargetThe Remote Control Target component is automatically
installed on each Endpoint when a session from a
Remote Control Controller is initiated. This component is
also known as Target.
RC Controller Proxy The Remote Control Controller Proxy is an optional
component which could be used to simplify the
communication between Controllers and Targets in a
firewall environment through a common port. In fact, this
component simulates a Remote Control Controller to the
Targets that are separated from the Controllers by
firewalls. This component must be installed in the same
network zone as the Targets. Nevertheless, this
component could be either installed on top of a
Endpoint/Gateway Proxy or as a Standalone component.
RC Target ProxyThe Remote Control Target Proxy is an optional
component which could be used to simplify the
communication between Controllers and Targets in a
firewall environment through a common port. In fact, this
component simulates Remote Control Targets to the
Controllers that are separated from the Targets by
firewalls. This component must be installed in the same
network zone as Controllers. Nevertheless, this
component could be either installed on top of a
Endpoint/Gateway Proxy or as a Standalone component.
RC GatewayThe Remote Control Gateway is an optional component
which could be used when direct link from the Controller
to the Target is not authorized. Thus, in this case, a
Remote Control Gateway needs to be installed on top of
a Tivoli Endpoint Gateway.
1.1.3 Tivoli components and communication symbols
In the figures and scenarios that follow, we use the following set of symbols to
denote the various components and type of communication for easy recognition:
Tivoli Management Region Server (blue line)
Endpoint Gateway, Remote Control Server, Endpoint Manager or
Instance of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox Relay
8IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
Endpoint, Remote Control Controller or Remote Control Target
Policy Region (blue line)
Collection (blue line)
Remote Control Tool
Endpoint Proxy or Gateway Proxy (black line)
Remote Control Target Proxy or Remote Control Controller Proxy
Instance 1 of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox Relay (black line)
Network zone secured by a firewall (red line)
Tivoli Framework communication (black line)
Tivoli Remote Control session communication (blue line)
Tivoli proprietary protocol encapsulated in HTTP (green line)
Chapter 1. Remote Control sessions overview 9
1.1.4 Parent-Child concept
The hierarchy of the components of either the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox or
the Remote Control Proxies (either RC Target Proxy or RC Controller Proxy) is
presented in terms of a Parent-Child relationship. Such hierarchy is a subset of
the whole Tivoli Top-Down hierarchy. It means that the starting point is the TMR
Server and the ending point is the Endpoint. The components close to the TMR
Server will be Parents and the ones close to the Endpoints will be Children.
However, some components could, at the same time, be a Child and a Parent, as
they are just in between the Parent-Child hierarchy. You must also notice that a
Parent could have more than one Child but that a Child could only have one
As the Endpoint Proxy, which simulates Endpoints, is the closest element from
the TMR Server, it is a Parent and, as it is directly connected to a Tivoli Gateway,
it could not have any Parent. As the Gateway Proxy, which simulates a Tivoli
Gateway, is the closest element from the Endpoints, it is a Child and as it the
most closest component from the bottom of the hierarchy, it could not have any
Child. A Relay could be either a Parent or a Child. When it is connected to an
Endpoint Proxy or to another Relay, it becomes a Child of those components. In
another way, when a Gateway Proxy or another Relay connects to a Relay, this
one also becomes a Parent for these components.
In the case of Remote Control Proxies being installed on top of the Tivoli Firewall
Security Toolbox components, the RC Proxy (either Target or Controller Proxy)
installed on the Endpoint Proxy is a Parent of Relays or other RC Proxies. The
RC Proxy installed on the Gateway Proxy is a Child of an RC Proxy installed on
an Endpoint Proxy or a Relay. As no Remote Control components could be
installed on the Relay, an RC Proxy could only be either a Parent or a Child, but
not both at the same time.
If the Remote Control Proxies are installed as Standalone components, you have
to decide on the Parent-Child role for each of the Proxies (Target and Controller
Proxies). For configuration improvement, it is advised to configure the Target
Proxy as the Parent and the Controller Proxy as the Child. This is because
connection requests to the Target Proxy are done by the RC Controller. So, this
request is always forwarded by the RC Target Proxy to the RC Controller Proxy.
In this case, to logically respect a Top-Down hierarchy and to improve
performance for the request, the RC Target should be the Parent.
Figure 1-1 depicts the Top-Down Proxy hierarchy when Remote Control Proxy
components are installed on top of the Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox.
10IBM Tivoli Remote Control Across Firewalls
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