IBM TransNote, Ink Manager Pro 1.0, ThinkScribe User Manual

Ink Manager® Pro 1.0
ThinkScribe™ Digital Notepad
User’s Guide
Printed in the USA
First Edition (January 2001)
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2000.
All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1: Digital Notepad and Pen Features...............................................................5
Pre-assigning pages to ink files.....................................................................................................7
Marking actions as you write ........................................................................................................8
Turning pages............................................................................................................................... 10
Status display messages............................................................................................................... 11
Changing the notepad................................................................................................................. 12
Caring for the digital pen............................................................................................................ 14
Changing the pen battery ........................................................................................................... 15
Changing the ink refill................................................................................................................. 16
Ordering supplies ........................................................................................................................ 16
Finding help for Ink Manager Pro............................................................................................ 17
Chapter 2: Ink Manager Pro Setup .............................................................................. 17
Setting up ink files ....................................................................................................................... 18
Setting preferences for Ink Manager Pro................................................................................. 20
Application tab...................................................................................................................... 21
Ink Display tab...................................................................................................................... 22
Actions tab............................................................................................................................. 23
Writing Style tab.................................................................................................................... 24
Setting properties on the digital notepad................................................................................. 25
Opening ThinkScribe Notepad Properties....................................................................... 25
Graphics Tablet Mode tab .................................................................................................. 26
Inking tab............................................................................................................................... 28
Device tab.............................................................................................................................. 30
Ink File Selector tab ............................................................................................................. 31
Actions Selector tab ............................................................................................................. 33
Enabling Keyword transcription............................................................................................... 34
Enabling Ink Calendar Support................................................................................................. 35
Chapter 3: Ink Manager Pro Window.......................................................................... 37
Navigation panel.......................................................................................................................... 39
Viewing window .......................................................................................................................... 40
Toolbar buttons........................................................................................................................... 40
Menu bar ....................................................................................................................................... 42
Thumbnail view ........................................................................................................................... 46
Full-page view .............................................................................................................................. 47
List view ........................................................................................................................................48
Chapter 4: Current Notepad Pages ..............................................................................51
Working with current pages.......................................................................................................52
Erasing ink in the archive........................................................................................................... 53
Fixing overwritten ink.................................................................................................................53
Filing pages into My Ink Files....................................................................................................61
Replacing pages............................................................................................................................62
Chapter 5: Managing Ink Files ....................................................................................65
Creating a new ink file................................................................................................................. 65
Removing or restoring an ink file..............................................................................................67
Renaming an ink file....................................................................................................................68
Copying pages from one file to another...................................................................................69
Saving an ink file.......................................................................................................................... 70
Printing an ink file ....................................................................................................................... 72
Adding names to the ThinkScribe menu .................................................................................73
Chapter 6: Editing Pages .............................................................................................75
Adding a blank page.................................................................................................................... 75
Deleting a page.............................................................................................................................76
Editing ink .................................................................................................................................... 76
Selecting ink........................................................................................................................... 76
Changing ink appearance..................................................................................................... 77
Cutting, copying, and pasting ink....................................................................................... 77
Adding or moving ink on a page........................................................................................78
Rotating a page.............................................................................................................................79
Saving a page ................................................................................................................................ 79
Printing a page..............................................................................................................................80
Chapter 7: Working with Actions .................................................................................83
What are actions?......................................................................................................................... 83
Marking Keywords, To Do items, and Messages on the computer ....................................84
Searching for a page .................................................................................................................... 85
Managing To Do items and Messages...................................................................................... 86
Narrowing the search.................................................................................................................. 88
Verifying Keywords..................................................................................................................... 89
Creating a Post-it note ................................................................................................................ 90
Chapter 8: Sharing Ink .................................................................................................93
Using the Ink Clipboard Viewer ............................................................................................... 93
Using the Ink Clipboard menus ......................................................................................... 94
Using the Ink Clipboard toolbar........................................................................................ 95
Saving selected ink....................................................................................................................... 96
Using the Windows clipboard ................................................................................................... 97
Send Mail ...................................................................................................................................... 97
Chapter 9: Special Features.......................................................................................... 99
Ink Calendar Support.................................................................................................................. 99
Lotus Notes calendar ......................................................................................................... 101
Lotus Organizer.................................................................................................................. 103
Microsoft Outlook..............................................................................................................105
Graphics Tablet Mode.............................................................................................................. 107
IBM Ink Viewer......................................................................................................................... 108
IBM Ink Transfer ...................................................................................................................... 110
Editing ink types................................................................................................................. 110
Maintaining applications.................................................................................................... 112
Chapter 10: Problem Solving.......................................................................................113
Digital notepad problems......................................................................................................... 113
Ink Manager Pro problems...................................................................................................... 116
Ink Manager Pro questions......................................................................................................121
Appendix A................................................................................................................. 125
Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 129
Index .......................................................................................................................... 137
Congratulations on your purchase of the TransNote™ system that includes the ThinkPad™ computer, ThinkScribe™ digital notepad and Ink Manager ® Pro software. The Ink Manager Pro is a unique software program that communicates with the ThinkPad computer, ThinkScribe digital notepad, and the IBM digital pen. This is a tool for mobile professionals, people whose business and personal needs require total portability and efficiency in managing their handwritten notes.
With the TransNote, you can write the way you always do, while capturing electronic notes with the digital notepad at the same time. You can write while the computer is turned on, in suspend mode, or turned off. When the computer is turned on, your electronic notes upload automatically to Ink Manager Pro. When you start Ink Manager Pro, your notes appear in the viewing window, where you can file the pages into ink files, search for pages, manage your tasks, edit and format the pages, and share your pages with others.
With ThinkScribe digital notepad and Ink Manager Pro, you can:
• Write notes and sketch naturally on the digital notepad.
• Mark words as Keywords, To Do's, and Messages.
• Transfer your notes and sketches to the computer.
• View and edit your ink on the computer screen.
• Preserve the archive pages of your original ink.
• Organize, sort, and store notes and sketches in ink files.
• Edit, format, store, and print your pages and ink files.
• Search your notes by the date you wrote them or by words you marked as Keywords.
• List and manage your To Do’s and Messages.
• Copy your ink into e-mails or documents as a graphic
• Share your ink with others.
• Add links to your personal calendar system for handwritten notes taken during scheduled meetings.
• Use the digital pen as a mouse pointer as a graphics input device or to activate toolbar buttons and menus.
Reference information
In addition to this book, TransNote includes many sources of information to help you get the most out of your product.
Visit our Web site for further updates. To do this, press the ThinkPad button on the right side of the computer to open Access ThinkPad, and select the Service & Support icon. On the Web site, you can do the following:
• · Find product information.
• · Order supplies and accessories.
• · Get technical support, troubleshooting tips, and much, much more.
User Reference Includes… Where to Find It…
Getting Started Guide Basic instructions for using
the ThinkScribe notepad
Quick Reference Card Toolbars and menus
Frequently used tasks
On the digital notepad.
Last page of this guide.
User Reference Includes… Where to Find It…
Ink Manager Pro Help Detailed task help
Reference help Techniques and tips Troubleshooting & FAQ’s Index and Search tabs Glossary
In Ink Manager Pro, press Help > Help topics, or F1. Or from the computer screen, open Access ThinkPad and then open ThinkPad Assistant. Select “Everyday uses.”
Readme Release notes Press Start > Programs >
IBM Ink Manager Pro > Utilities > Documents. Select “Readme.”
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
This chapter provides basic information about using the ThinkScribe digital notepad and digital pen, including:
• Getting started
• Pre-assigning pages to ink files
• Marking actions as you write
• Turning pages
• Understanding the status display messages
• Viewing ink on the computer
• Changing the notepad
• Caring for the digital pen
• Ordering supplies
Getting started
After 30 minutes of idle time, the digital notepad turns off (the status display goes blank) to conserve the battery. Push the power button to turn it back on.
The best way to get started is to complete the Getting Started Guide, located on the digital notepad. The booklet provides guided practice for using the digital notepad to take notes, turn pages, mark words or phrases as a To Do or Message, and view your first pages in the Ink Manager Pro viewing window. In addition:
• Lift the notepad to see the ThinkScribe reference label that contains useful information about the digital notepad.
• Remove the Quick Reference Card, the last page in this book, and take it with you as a handy reminder of shortcuts and other important information.
The digital notepad turns on automatically when you open your TransNote. When you are ready to start writing, check the status display to see if it contains information about the current page.
If the status display is blank, turn on the digital notepad by pressing the power button, located at the top of the ThinkScribe.
Press the power button to turn on the digital notepad.
When the digital notepad turns on, the status display lights up and shows information about your current page.
If you do not see the pen symbol, your digital pen might need a new battery, described later in this chapter.
Now you can start writing. Remember to use only the digital pen on the notepad—other pens will not record your ink.
Press the ink tip firmly on the paper. When the digital notepad detects the ink tip, the pen icon appears in the status display, and the green Activity indicator blinks at the top of the digital notepad.
Write notes on the digital notepad anytime, regardless of whether the computer is turned on, turned off, or in standby mode.
Although both the computer and notepad sides of your system use the same battery, there are two power buttons. This feature enables you to turn off your computer when you are not using it, to save power, and then continue taking notes with your digital notepad for several hours.
Chapter 1
Pre-assigning pages to ink files
Ink Manager Pro helps you organize your notes into “ink files,” files that contain your handwritten notes. The Ink File selector on the digital notepad contains 19 names of ink files, which can be renamed or reordered in Ink Manager Pro, plus a reserved location for General pages.
Use the Ink File selector to pre-assign pages to ink files as you write. That way, you can quickly organize and file your notes later in Ink Manager Pro.
To pre-assign a page to an ink file:
1. With the digital notepad turned on, slide the ink tip slowly in the Ink File selector. Hold the pen perpendicular to the slot for best results.
Slide the ink tip in the Ink File selector to pre-assign an ink file.
2. Watch the names that appear in the status display. Lift the pen
3. Later, when you start writing notes on a new topic or at
to select the highlighted name, such as Ink File 1. The name is now assigned to the current page and to all following pages until you select another name. Keep the same name for all the notes you plan to add to the same ink file.
another meeting, turn the page (and tap Page Forward), and select a different name from the Ink File selector, such as Ink File 2. This keeps your pages organized for quick filing into separate ink files in Ink Manager Pro.
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
You can change the pre-assigned name at any time, even after the page transfers to the computer.
To change the pre-assigned ink file for a previous page, tap Page Backward until the page number appears in the status display, and select the name from the Ink File selector. The new name appears in the status display. You must change the file name for each prior page individually.
For more information about ink files, refer to the following chapters:
• Chapter 2 describes how to customize the names of ink files on the Ink Files selector
• Chapter 3 describes how the Ink Manager Pro window displays your transferred pages.
• Chapter 4 describes how to view and file your transferred pages into My Ink Files.
Marking actions as you write
Ink Manager Pro provides a powerful tool called “actions” to help
Keyword icon
To D o ico n
Message icon
Copy icon
you search, retrieve, and act on your notes. Mark words and phrases as actions while you write notes so that, later, you can quickly search for a page, manage actions, and share your ink with others.
Use the Action selector located on the left side of digital notepad to identify and mark actions in your notes. Ink Manager Pro includes four types of actions: Keyword, To Do, Message, and Copy. You can change the upload speed or selection method using ThinkScribe Notepad Properties, described in Chapter 2.
To mark words or phrases as actions as you write:
1. Tap the ink tip next to an action symbol, or slide the ink tip slowly in the Action selector. Hold the pen perpendicular to the slot for best results.
2. Watch the action names as they appear in the status display:
Chapter 1
Keyword, To Do, Message, or Copy. Lift the pen to select the highlighted action.
3. If you select the wrong one, tap Cancel and start over.
4. Select the ink to mark. To do this, look at the icon in the status display:
• Circle method. If you see the circle icon in the display panel,
draw a circle (or any enclosed shape) with one, smooth stroke around the word or phrase, similar to the rectangular box that you use to mark actions on the computer screen. Circle all the ink for the word or phrase, and avoid ink from other words. Br especially careful to circle the entire first and last strokes of ink. By default, use the circle method to mark a Keyword, To Do, or Message.
• Two-tap method. If you see the tap icon in the display panel,
tap one corner of the area to select, such as the upper-left corner.
Then tap the opposite, diagonal corner, such as the lower­right corner. Make sure the taps are wide enough to include all the ink strokes of the ink to select. By default, use the two-tap method to apply the Copy action.
For more tips, see the problem “When I mark actions on the digital notepad, the marked ink is not correct on the screen or in my lists” in Chapter 10: Problem Solving.
On the computer screen, the marked words appear in different colors, without the circles: Keywords are blue, To Do items are red, and Messages are green.
Copied ink opens in the Ink Clipboard Viewer. See Chapter 8: Sharing Ink for more information.
You can mark ink on the digital notepad as multiple actions. For example, mark a To Do as a Message, or mark a word in a To Do
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
Turning pages
as a Keyword. On the computer, the transferred ink changes to the color of the most recent action. If you hold the mouse pointer over the ink, the annotated text for the most recent action appears in the fly-over window. When you view lists, the marked ink shows up in the list for each action.
For more information about actions, see the following chapters:
• Chapter 2: Ink Manager Pro Setup describes how to change the appearance of marked ink (using Preferences > Actions tab) and how to change the selection methods for actions (using ThinkScribe Notebook Properties > Actions Selector tab).
• Chapter 7: Working with Actions describes how to mark actions and change or remove actions in your ink using Ink Manager Pro.
To order pre-numbered notepads, go to the IBM Web site by pressing the ThinkPad control button on your computer, which opens Access ThinkPad. Then select the Service & Support icon.
To make sure your paper and digital pages match, number each paper page. Then you can move back and forth in your pages by matching the page number in the display panel with the number of the paper page.
When you turn the paper page, always use the ink tip to turn the “digital” page on the digital notepad. This transmits an electronic signal that changes the digital page in Ink Manager Pro. The digital notepad also records the time and date you start each page, called a time stamp.
Chapter 1
When you want to change the pre-assigned ink file, first turn the page, and then change the name of the ink file.
To turn a page:
• When you turn the paper page, tap the ink tip in the Page Forward button on the digital notepad.
• Slide the pen point slowly in the Page selector and lift the pen to select the page number highlighted in the status display. Make sure the page number matches the page number on the paper page.
To edit or add notes to a previous page:
If you throw away a paper page after writing on it, keep the page numbers in sync, and you can delete the digital page later in Ink Manager Pro.
Tap Page Backward or Page Forward or use the Page selector until the status display shows the same page number as the page you want to edit. The new ink updates in the Current Notepad pages on the computer screen.
If you forget to tap Page Forward, the new digital page appears on top of the previous page. But you can quickly fix overwritten ink in Ink Manager Pro, described in Chapter 4: Current Notepad Pages.
Status display messages
The status display shows information about the current page, including the following:
• System messages, such as if your ink is transmitting to the computer
• Pre-assigned ink file for the current page
System messages
System messages display when you use the selectors and buttons, such as:
• Current page number
• The names of ink files when you use the Ink File selector.
• The page numbers when you use the Page selector.
• The action types when you use the Actions selector.
• Prompts for how to select ink as an action, either with the circle or two-tap method, described earlier in this chapter.
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
Other status display symbols
Pen. Ink is being recorded. It appears whenever you touch the digital pen on the digital notepad. If it does not appear, it might be time to change the pen battery, described later in this chapter.
Hourglass. Ink is transferring to the computer. Wait until the hourglass disappears before you resume writing. If Ink Manager Pro is running, the Current Notepad focus changes to the thumbnail with the most recent ink.
Disconnected (or a blinking Ink Transfer icon in the status tray). Ink is not transferring to the computer. If the Ink Transfer icon does not appear in the status tray, start the utility using Start > Programs > IBM Ink Manager Pro > Utilities > IBM Ink Transfer. Or see Chapter 10: Troubleshooting.
Graphics Tablet Mode enabled. Your ink is not being recorded. Instead, your digital pen is enabled as a graphics input device. For more information, see Chapter 9: Special Features. To disable Graphics Tablet Mode, tap OK.
Low memory (and the amber Error indicator light illuminates). The memory in the digital notepad is full. To clear the memory, turn on the computer and let your recorded ink transfer to the computer. After the hourglass disappears, you can turn off the computer again, and continue writing on the digital notepad.
Low battery (and the amber Error indicator light illuminates). The computer battery is too low for the digital notepad to operate. The digital notepad will shut down in one minute unless you either use the AC adaptor or replace the computer battery.
Changing the notepad
To order pre-numbered notepads and other supplies, visit our Web site by pressing the ThinkPad button on the computer. Then select the Service & Support link.
Use any regular notepad, such as letter size (8-1/2” X 11") or A4 (8” X 11-1/2”), as long as the cardboard backing fits snugly in the notepad slot. Or use the pre-numbered notepads especially designed for the ThinkScribe.
For correct alignment, make sure that the lower, left corner of the pad is seated in the lower-left corner of the recessed area on the digital notepad.
Chapter 1
A4 spacer inserted on the
left side of the note
ad slot.
For A4 pads (commonly used in European countries), insert the A4 spacer (included in the TransNote package) on the right side of the notepad slot. This aligns the notepad correctly to the left side of the notepad slot.
When you change the notepad, remember to change the electronic notepad, also. This resets the page counter in the status display so you can match the page numbers.
To change the notepad:
1. Make sure all pages on the current pad have uploaded to the computer. To check, start Ink Manager Pro, and then turn on the digital notepad. Wait a few minutes to let any remaining new ink upload (indicated by the hourglass in the status display).
2. Remove the old notepad, and insert the cardboard backing into the notepad slot, aligning the pad to the lower-left corner recessed area on the digital notepad.
The previous notepad, identified by a number and date range, is added to the Archive menu in the navigation panel.
3. Use one of the following methods to reset the digital notepad:
• Touch the Flip Touch control button on the computer
(middle button on the right side of the screen), and select the Changing Pads icon on the menu. This opens ThinkScribe Notepad Properties to the Inking tab.
• From the Control Panel (Start > Control Panel), select the
ThinkScribe Properties icon, and then select the Inking tab.
4. On the Inking tab, select Changing Pads, and select the Pad Type: Letter (“8-1/2 X 11”) or A4 (8” X 11-1.2”)
5. Select OK.
A warning reminds you that you cannot undo this action. If the button is depressed (clicked), and you change your mind, just press it again to de-select it, but after you select Apply or OK, you cannot change the page count back to the previous count.
Check the status display to see that the page count is set to “01.”
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
Caring for the digital pen
The digital pen writes in traditional ink on the paper, while simultaneously transmitting digital ink to the Ink Manager Pro program. The digital pen is a precision instrument and should be handled with care:
• Replace the pen cap when you finish writing. This protects the ink tip from damage. With the cap on, you can store the pen in any position.
• When you finish writing, replace the pen in the pen holder, or lay it next to the digital notepad. Do not rest the pen on the digital notepad or hold it poised just above the notepad for long periods of time. Doing so might prevent your ink from transferring to the computer.
• Because the pen draws power when the tip is depressed, do not store the pen in a position that would continuously depress the pen tip. Also, do not let the pen tip rest on a surface that might wick out the ink, such as a cloth or tissue.
• With the cap on the front section, you can store the digital pen in any position.
• If you have more than one digital pen, store only one with the ThinkScribe. Keep the other pens stored in another location so the transmitters do not interfere with the working pen.
Chapter 1
Changing the pen battery
With normal use, the pen’s single AAAA alkaline battery lasts an average of 6 to 12 months. This is a standard battery available from a local retailer.
When the pen battery gets low, you will notice that the pen symbol does not appear in the display panel, and your ink does not transfer to the computer.
To conserve battery power, the digital pen shuts down after 5 minutes of inactivity. To wake it up, simply tap the ink tip on the paper once.
To change the pen battery:
1. Unscrew the barrel [1], the lower end of the pen, counter­clockwise from the front section [3].
2. Remove the old battery from the barrel [2].
3. Place a new AAAA battery into the barrel with the positive (+) end facing the front section of the pen [3].
4. Screw the barrel clockwise onto the front section until tight.
5. Confirm that the pen is working by turning on the digital notepad and tapping the pen on the tablet. The green Activity indicator blinks and the pen symbol appears in the status display if the notepad receives a signal from the pen.
When the front section is unscrewed from the barrel, do not touch the piece of metal (an electronic transmitter) that extends beyond the edge of the front section. Doing so might damage the pen and adversely affect its performance.
Digital Notepad and Pen Features
Changing the ink refill
Your digital notepad includes four ink refills for your convenience. They are located in two trays on the right edge of the case.
To change the ink refill:
1. Open the refill cover on the right edge of the digital notepad. To do this, push the cover slightly toward the digital notepad, and then lift it up.
2. Insert the ink tip [4] into the keyhole slot in the pen holder, and pull up on the pen to remove the ink tip.
3. Insert the ink refill into the front section [3].
4. Press the ink tip gently on a hard surface until it snaps into place.
Ordering supplies
To order supplies, go to the IBM Web site by pressing the ThinkPad control button on your computer, which opens Access ThinkPad. Then select the Service & Support icon.
IBM provides a full selection of replacement supplies and accessories for the TransNote, such as the following:
• Pre-numbered notepads, made especially for the digital
• Ink refills, made especially for the digital pen.
Chapter 1
Ink Manager Pro Setup
The IBM Ink Manager Pro software displays your handwritten ink on the computer. This chapter discusses settings that you might want to set before you begin writing on the digital notepad:
• Finding help for Ink Manager Pro
• Setting up ink files
• Setting preferences for Ink Manager Pro
• Setting properties for the digital notepad
• Enabling keyword transcription
• Enabling Ink Calendar Support
Finding help for Ink Manager Pro
When using Ink Manager Pro, find help anytime by selecting Help > Help Topics, or pressing the F1 key. Select the Back button to return to a previous topic.
• Select the Contents tab to view the Table of Contents. Select the underlined hyperlinks to jump to a related topic.
• Select the Index tab to view index entries. Double-click an index entry, or click the entry and click Display, to view the help page on that topic.
• Select the Search tab to enter a word or short phrase to search for among all the topics. Double-click a title, or select a title from the list and select Display, to view the topic.
• If a window has a button in the upper right corner, click the button, and then click an area of the screen for field-level help. Or right-click an area to open the help, if available.
Setting up ink files
One of the main features of the digital notepad is the ability to store and, later, access handwritten ink efficiently in Ink Manager Pro. To best use this feature:
• Decide up-front how you want to access your ink files.
• Create the ink file names in “My Ink Files” in the navigation panel in Ink Manager Pro.
At the same time, replace the existing ink file names on the digital notepad with the new names to match those on the navigation panel so that the names you want to pre-assign are available in both locations. Ink Manager Pro provides several methods to create these ink files.
When you file pages, you are filing a copy of the original page into the ink file, which you can then re­order and edit. The original page stays preserved in the Current Notepad or archive view for you to access at any time.
After your handwritten notes transfer to Ink Manager Pro, they appear in the Current Notepad view in the order in which you wrote them. You can leave them there, in their original state, or you can “file” (copy) them into “My Ink Files.” Most users prefer to organize their notes into ink files, just as they prefer to save their documents in folders to find the documents more easily later.
For example, you might want to access your ink based only on date and month. If so, you can create ink file names for each month of the year. Or you might want to create ink files for individual projects, customers, or departments for which you will write notes, and later, want to access by topic.
To create ink files in Ink Manager Pro, right-click a name in the “My Ink Files” section of the navigation panel to see the following options, or find these options in the File menu:
Chapter 2
Select New Ink File to open the New Ink File window.
Type a name, up to 16 characters (14, if all upper-case). It is best to use common letters and numbers for names and avoid using any special characters.
When you create a new ink file in the navigation panel (and the digital notepad is turned on), the Replace ThinkScribe Ink File window opens. If you want the new name to appear on the Ink File selector menu on the digital notepad, select an existing name to replace.
Ink Manager Pro Setup
Or later, you can right-click an ink file and select Add to ThinkScribe Menu to add the name to the Ink File selector menu.
If the names match those on the navigation panel, you can pre­assign the correct file name as you write, and then file the pages more quickly into “My Ink Files.” For more information on creating or managing ink files, see Chapter 5: Managing Ink Files. For more information on reordering names on the digital notepad, use the Ink Files Selector tab of ThinkScribe Notebook Properties, discussed later in this chapter.
Setting preferences for Ink Manager Pro
Use the Preferences window to customize the default settings and appearance of ink in Ink Manager Pro. This section explains the options in the Preferences tabbed windows.
1. To open the window, select File > Preferences.
Chapter 2
2. After making selections on a tabbed window, select OK to save your changes and close the window.
Application tab
Use the Application tab, shown on the previous page, to customize application settings and clear disk space.
• Undo Levels. Type the number of actions you want to be
able to undo in the Undo Levels box, from 1-25. The default value is 10. (The higher the setting, the more memory your system requires to store previous actions.)
• Auto Save Interval. Select the interval between auto-saves,
from 0-100 minutes. The default value is 5 minutes.
• Erase Thumbnail Cache. Select this option to erase all
internally stored bitmap-images of thumbnails to free up disk space. However, the next time you view thumbnails, it might take longer to display them.
Ink Manager Pro Setup
Ink Display tab
Select the Ink Display tab to change the way your uploaded ink appears on the computer. (You can still modify individual selections of text using the toolbar buttons.)
It's a good idea to try the Smoother option first. Then if you decide it takes too long to display ink, change the setting to Faster.
Chapter 2
The new settings change the appearance of all ink, unless you marked it as an action or applied a color or width to an individual selection.
• Ink Style. To change the default appearance of all ink, select the Ink Width arrow or the Ink Color arrow and select a different setting from the list. (The defaults ares black, thin ink).
• Draw Ink. Adjust the Draw Ink speed, if needed. The Smoother option (default selection) requires more memory (which can slow the system performance), but the ink appears smoother. If your computer does not have a lot of memory or is slow, select the Faster option. With this setting, ink appears faster, but with rougher edges.
Actions tab
Select the Actions tab to change the way labeled ink appears on the computer. You can still change individual selections of ink using the toolbar buttons.
For information about Keyword transcription, see the section “Enabling Keyword transcription,” later in this chapter.
• Select the type of action to change. In the Change Settings For list box, select the action.
• Action Preferences. To change the appearance of the action type, select the Ink Width arrow or the Ink Color arrow and select a setting from the list.
• Transcribe. Select the Transcribe checkbox to enable Keyword transcription. When enabled, this feature attempts to convert the words you mark as Keywords into text words.
• Number of Transcription Alternates. Alternative words appear when you verify Keywords. This setting controls the number of alternative words the program provides. Select from 1-10 (default is 5).
Ink Manager Pro Setup
Writing Style tab
When you enable Keyword transcription (on the Actions tab), use the Writing Style tab to specify your type of handwriting and increase transcription accuracy.
• Select Print if you always print and your letters do not touch.
• Select ALL UPPERCASE if you always write in all uppercase letters.
• Select Script for all other types of writing (default).
Chapter 2
+ 122 hidden pages