IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions
Administration Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 253.
April 2010
This edition applies to version 6.2, release 0, modification 0 of IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise Edition
(product number 5724-L69) and version 6.2, release 0, modification 0 of Advanced Edition (product number
5724-L68) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any
way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Configuring the certpath related properties . . . 51
Viewing and editing digital certificates ....52
Disabling a digital certificate.......53
Changing B2B attribute values ........53
Managing partner connections ........54
Connection components .........54
Connection duplication .........55
Searching for connections.........55
Changing connection configurations .....57
Managing exclusion lists ..........58
Adding partners to the exclusion list .....59
Editing the exclusion list .........59
Chapter 6. Administering partner
Using the migration utility from the command line61
Invoking from the command line ......63
Mapping of XML element with Console .....65
Exporting partner migration .........67
Considerations when creating your own import data 69
Manual validation of the import file .....69
Migration configuration type dependencies . . . 69
Export/Import order ..........72
BCG and DIS Import ...........73
Non-migratable configurations ........73
Limitations of the migration utilities .....73
Forward proxy migration.........73
Chapter 7. LDAP support for logon
Using LDAP ..............75
Enabling the container managed authentication
Enabling J2EE security..........75
User names and groups .........76
Stopping the use of LDAP authentication ....76
Sample LDAP configuration .........77
Configuring the WebSphere Application Server
for the standalone IBM Tivoli Directory Server. 77
Specifying LDAP users to use the WebSphere
Partner Gateway Console.........79
Chapter 8. Support for IPv6 ......81
Enabling tunneling IPv6 over IPv4.......81
RHEL Linux 3 ............81
Windows 2003/XP ...........81
HP-UX 11i ..............82
Enabling IPV6.............82
Configuring attributes ...........83
Chapter 10. Analyzing document flows89
Document Analysis tool ..........89
Viewing the state of documents in the system . . 90
Viewing documents in the system ......90
Viewing process and event details ......91
Document Volume Report.........91
Creating a Document Volume Report .....91
Exporting the Document Volume Report....92
Printing reports ............92
Test Partner Connection ..........92
Pinging ebMS partners.........93
Web Server result codes .........93
EDI Reports ..............96
EDI FA Overdue Search .........96
EDI Rejected Transaction Search......97
FTP Reports ..............99
FTP Statistics .............99
FTP Connections...........99
Chapter 11. Viewing events and
documents ............101
Event Viewer .............101
Event types .............102
Searching for events ..........102
Viewing event details..........103
Error events .............103
AS Viewer ..............104
Searching for messages .........105
Viewing message details.........106
RosettaNet Viewer............107
Searching for RosettaNet processes .....107
Viewing RosettaNet process details .....108
Viewing raw documents .........109
Document Viewer ............109
Searching for documents........109
Viewing document details, events, and raw
documents .............111
Mass document resend .........112
Viewing EDI documents .........113
Document Validation Errors.......114
Viewing data validation errors.......115
Stopping a document that is in process ....116
Re-sending failed and successful documents . . 116
ebMS Viewer .............118
Searching for ebMS processes .......118
Viewing ebMS process details .......119
Viewing raw documents .........119
Requesting and viewing the status of a
Destination Queue............120
Chapter 9. Managing the Destination
Queue ...............85
Viewing the Destination Queue........85
Viewing queued documents .........86
Stopping the processing of documents from the
destination queue ............87
Viewing destination details .........88
Changing destination status .........88
ivIBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Chapter 12. Simulating production
traffic ...............121
Preparing to test ............122
Setting up test scenarios ..........122
Sample scenarios ...........123
Uploading and viewing your requests and
Initiating and viewing document type .....125
Searching for an open document ......126
Responding to an open document .....126
Removing an open document .......127
Chapter 13. Archiving ........129
Archiver configuration ..........129
View archiver task...........129
Archiver task modification ........131
Export and Import of archiver configuration . . 132
Archiver runtime tasks ..........132
Archiver reports ............133
Archiver Restore ............135
Restoring archived data of WebSphere Partner
Gateway V6.1 and earlier ........136
Searching the restored documents.....136
User intervention for archiving .......137
Archiver Restrictions ...........138
Chapter 14. Using logging and tracing
features ..............139
Log and trace files ............139
Log file management ...........140
Trace file management ..........141
Configuring tracing in a simple mode system142
Setting tracing in a distributed mode system142
Tracing tasks common to both types of systems 143
Setting log detail levels .........144
Identifying WebSphere Partner Gateway trace
messages ..............145
EDI, XML, ROD subcomponent tracing.....145
Interpreting WebSphere Application Server log and
trace messages .............146
WebSphere Application Server event types. . 146
Integrated FTP Server logging ........146
Chapter 15. FTP Server Configuration
FTP user management ..........150
Chapter 16. Relocation and
Redeployment of WebSphere Partner
Restoring the configuration details .....152
Changing host name and IP address of WebSphere
Partner Gateway ............152
Changing the host name and port number of
database ...............153
Changing the port numbers........153
Relocation and redeployment examples.....154
Chapter 17. Troubleshooting .....157
Avoiding long processing time on large encrypted
AS documents .............158
Avoiding long processing time for large encrypted
documents ..............159
Avoiding out-of-memory errors .......159
Document Manager memory configuration . . 159
Document Manager workload .......160
Document structure ..........160
Increasing the heap size .........160
Collating data for multiple languages .....160
Ensuring sufficient virtual memory for DB2 agents 161
Fixing DB2 SQL errors ..........161
SQLCODE -444 error ..........162
SQLCODE -289 error ..........162
SQLCODE -1225 error .........162
SQL 0964C Transaction log full error on the
BCGMAS database..........162
IBM service log unreadable .........163
WebSphere Application Server informational
messages ...............163
Increasing the Receiver timeout setting .....163
Optimizing database query performance ....164
Resolving event 210031 ..........164
Documents routed twice when network is lost or
document manager server shutdown abruptly . . 165
0A1 generated with data validation errors....165
EDI reports export the first 1000 records only. . 165
Console does not start after a server restart . . . 165
FTPScripting Receiver receives
StringIndexOutofBoundsException ......166
Error scenario ............166
Working scenario ...........166
Receiver Failure to read Configuration File. . . 166
Configuring Users to receiving Alerts Notification166
Resolving ClassNotFoundException for User Exit
Reprocessing events and business documents that
fail to log to the database .........167
Disabling JIT in a WebSphere Application Server
when WebSphere Partner Gateway produces a
javacore ...............168
Defining a custom transport type.......168
Resolving WebSphere Partner Gateway errors
BCG210031 and BCG240415........168
Creating File directory destination on a drive other
than C:...............169
Preventing partner transactions from being
processed by WebSphere Partner Gateway....169
Fixing the browser ERROR: 500 .......170
Downloading CRL for SSL transactions .....170
Databinding in JMS Exports/Imports within
WebSphere Process Server .........171
Fixing test partner connection for SSL connections172
Fixing errors BCGEDIEV0O56 and BCG210001 . . 172
Fixing ORA-00988 error ..........172
Configuring Content-Types attribute for the fixed
workflow handlers...........172
Fixing BCG210013 error ..........173
Increasing buffer size to prevent document
transmission low performance........174
WebSphere Partner Gateway hub installer logs
error messages .............174
DB password required error in bcgHubInstall.log175
Using revocation check and using CRL DP support 175
Returning document volume report search
information about the console ........175
Loading the native library .........176
Fixing error TCPC0003E and CHFW0029E ....176
CA certificate expiration ..........177
VCBaseException in the SystemOut.log .....178
Reporting file size for documents greater than
SSL handshake fails because no certificate received 178
The MDN status of ’unknown’ for AS transactions 181
Servers fail to start after applying fixes .....181
Correcting the shortcut ports for WebSphere
Application Server...........182
Avoiding duplicate document delivery when there
is more than one router ..........182
Rendering of tab headings on displays with
resolution greater than 1024........183
Documents not processed when using Oracle 9i
Release 2 ...............183
Document processing when the database goes
down ................183
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with
reprocessDbLoggingErrors.bat ........184
Recovery process when queue and disk is full or
unavailable ..............184
Workflow Handler Runtime Error......184
Error while invoking WebSphere Transformation
Extender Map .............185
IBM Support Assistant (ISA) Plugin ......185
Partner Migration Utility with LDAP .....185
AS signature failure for interop content type . . . 186
Appendix A - performance
considerations ...........187
Managing queue overflow .........187
Generating summary data .........187
Appendix B - failed events......189
Appendix C - component-specific
system attributes..........223
Configuring attributes as WebSphere Application
Server ND environment variables......223
Editing RosettaNet attribute values ......223
Editing FTP Administration.......224
Attribute tables .............228
Notices ..............253
Programming interface information ......255
Trademarks and service marks.......255
Index ...............257
IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Chapter 1. About this book
This document describes how WebSphere Partner Gateway can be maintained to
suit the requirements of the business-to-business (B2B) trading community. This
guide assumes that you have already performed the necessary hub configuration
tasks provided in the WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub Configuration Guide.
Administrators maintain WebSphere Partner Gateway. This book assumes two
types of administrators:
v Hub administrator: is the super user in the community. The hub administrator is
responsible for overall hub community configuration and management,
including partner configuration and connection activation.
v Account administrator: has access to a subset of the hub administrator features
and is the main administrative user for the internal partner or external partner.
v Internal Partner: is the primary company and driving force within the hub
community. Internal partner is responsible for the purchase and creation of the
hub community. In addition, the internal partner provides the definition of the
electronic business process transactions that happen between them and their
external partners.
v External Partner: is the company that does business with the internal partner
through the hub community. External partners have to complete a configuration
process to connect to the hub community. Once connected, external partners can
exchange electronic business documents with the internal partner.
Refer to WebSphere Partner Gateway Partner Guide for more information on hub
administrator, internal partner, and external partner.
Roles, access levels, and responsibilities
In WebSphere Partner Gateway, the hub administrator sets up the profiles of the
partners. A partner always has at least one administrator user and can have
additional users added by the administrator of that profile.
To illustrate the concept of roles, a simple implementation of WebSphere Partner
Gateway with a minimum of three profiles is described as follows:
Hub Operator
This is a system defined profile that will be included on the machine during
installation. The Hub Operator profile has one defined user name, hubadmin,
which is the super-user of the system and can accomplish any configuration task.
You can relate this role to the IT group that runs the actual WebSphere Partner
Gateway server, but is not actively sending documents back and forth. There can
be only one Hub Operator type participant.
Internal Partner
This partner is created by the hubadmin user. This user is the company that
bought the WebSphere Partner Gateway and is running the system. There can be
many internal partners, but only one default internal partner. Businesses act as
both Hub Operator and internal partner if they do not delegate the task of
configuring and monitoring the WebSphere Partner Gateway system to some
internal IT group or a third-party company.
External Partner
This is the partner with which the internal partner communicates. There can be
multiple partners of this type. If the partner has its own implementation of
WebSphere Partner Gateway, then it becomes the internal partner on its own
system and a external partner on this one.
Each of these profiles has at least one user ID. As mentioned above, Hub Operator
profile is the hubadmin super-user of the system. The other two profiles will each
have an admin user assigned to them upon initial creation. These users, in turn,
can create other users with equal or less abilities. Each of these admin users has
certain configuration abilities. For example, the hubadmin user can create any
object on the system such as the internal partner or load system-wide security
certificates. The internal partner role can create participants or connections. The
external partner role is the most limited in scope and can view its own documents
and configure the local destinations to which the internal partner has to deliver
Typographic conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
Table 1. Typographic conventions
Monospace fontText in this font indicates text that you type, values for
arguments or command options, examples and code
examples, or information that the system prints on the
screen (message text or prompts).
boldBoldface text indicates graphical user interface controls (for
example, online button names, menu names, or menu
options) and column headings in tables and text.
italicsText in italics indicates emphasis, book titles, new terms
and terms that are defined in the text, variable names, or
letters of the alphabet used as letters.
Italic monospace fontText in italic monospace font indicates variable names
within monospace-font text.
ProductDirProductDir represents the directory where the product is
installed. All IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway product
path names are relative to the directory where the IBM
WebSphere Partner Gateway product is installed on your
%text% and $textText within percent signs (%) indicates the value of the
equivalent notation in a UNIX
indicating the value of the text UNIX environment variable.
Underlined colored textUnderlined colored text indicates a cross-reference. Click the
text to go to the object of the reference.
text system variable or user variable. The
environment is $text,
2IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Table 1. Typographic conventions (continued)
Text in a blue outline(In PDF files only) An outline around text indicates a
“ ” (quotation marks)(In PDF files only) Quotation marks surround
{}In a syntax line, curly braces surround a set of options from
[]In a syntax line, square brackets surround optional
<>Angle brackets surround variable elements of a name to
/ or \Backslashes (\) are used as separators in directory paths in
Related documents
cross-reference. Click the outlined text to go to the object of
the reference. This convention is the equivalent for PDF files
of the “Underlined colored text” convention included in this
cross-references to other sections of the document.
which you must choose one and only one.
distinguish them from one another. For example,
Windows installations. For UNIX installations, substitute
slashes (/) for backslashes.
The complete set of documentation available with this product includes
comprehensive information about installing, configuring, administering, and using
WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions.
You can download the documentation or read it directly online at the following
Note: Refer to Technical Support Technotes and Flashes in WebSphere Partner
Gateway Support Web site for the latest information about this product.
Access and
select the component area of interest.
New in release 6.2
WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.2 supports the following new features:
v Integration with WebSphere Transformation Extender using WebSphere Partner
Gateway’s extensibility framework
v ISA V4 support for log file collection and transmission
v Certificate upload and configuration enhancements
v Links to error messages with message details
v WebSphere Partner Gateway First Steps page enhancements
v Scripts to update WebSphere Partner Gateway settings for relocation and
Chapter 1. About this book3
v Ability to run installation verification test (IVT) at the end of WebSphere Partner
Gateway component installation
v Ability to export and import complete WebSphere Partner Gateway
v Support for auto-upgrade to minimize manual upgrade effort
v Console based archiver with scheduler
v Ability to federate into an existing WebSphere Application Server cell
v Support for Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
v CPP/CPA Editor for ebXML Message Service (ebMS)
v Enhancements
– Improved archiver performance
– Improved document throughput performance for AS2 and large files
For more details about the new 6.2 features, see
4IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Chapter 2. Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway
component applications
Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications means starting,
stopping, and configuring the application servers that host the WebSphere Partner
Gateway components. These administrative tasks generally involve using
WebSphere Application Server interfaces that control and configure a set of
application servers where the WebSphere Partner Gateway components are
deployed by the installation process.
How you manage the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications
depends on whether the product was installed using a simple topology or a
distributed topology. In this document, the terms simple mode and distributed
mode are used to refer to the topology chosen during product installation.
Note: See the WebSphere Partner Gateway Installation Guide for details on simple and
distributed topologies.
The administrator managing WebSphere Partner Gateway components is aware of
the mode of installation (simple or distributed).
In a simple mode installation, the WebSphere Partner Gateway components are all
installed on the same computer using one application server called server1.As
simple mode system does not use Deployment Manager, the mechanics of starting
and stopping the WebSphere Partner Gateway components are similar to usage of
WebSphere Application Server base (rather than network deployment).
All the computers can have WebSphere Application Server installed, but only the
Deployment Manager requires the installation of WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment.
The application servers hosting the WebSphere Partner Gateway components are
all logically contained in a Deployment Manager cell that is administered using the
Deployment Manager application. However, the distinction is hidden when you
use the Deployment Manager for administration tasks. The Deployment Manager
console provides a view of the distributed WebSphere Partner Gateway component
applications that hides the details about where they are installed.
Managing WebSphere Partner Gateway components in a simple mode
For a simple mode system, it is necessary to know how to start and stop the
application server that hosts all of the WebSphere Partner Gateway components.
To start the WebSphere Partner Gateway components, run one of the following
To stop the WebSphere Partner Gateway components, run one of the following
Note: You do not have to specify a server name. The server name is always
server1 when simple mode is used.
v Windows
<install dir>/bin/
<install dir>\bin\bcgStopServer.bat
Managing WebSphere Partner Gateway components in a distributed
mode system
For a distributed mode system, the WebSphere Deployment Manager application is
used to control all of the WebSphere Partner Gateway applications. One of the
computers in the distributed mode system is chosen during installation to host the
Deployment Manager. When the WebSphere Partner Gateway applications are
installed, the application server or servers that they are installed on are placed
under control of the Deployment Manager. As the system administrator, you
manage the WebSphere Partner Gateway components by using the Deployment
Manager. This provides a single point of access to all the components, even if they
are on different computers.
See the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product
documentation for a detailed description of the way that a Deployment Manager is
used to administer application servers. For purposes of this document, there are
some terms and concepts regarding the way that the Deployment Manager
Distributed topology terms and concepts
v The system consists of one or more nodes.
v The WebSphere Deployment Manager is an application that runs on one of the
nodes in the system.
v The WebSphere Partner Gateway components (console, receiver, and router) are
installed on application servers on the nodes in the system.
v The default messaging support of WebSphere Application Server is used, so
bcgmas server contains the message queues required by WebSphere Partner
Gateway for its internal messaging support.
v Each node that hosts WebSphere Partner Gateway components has a special
application called the node agent. The node agent provides a connection
between the application servers on the node and the Deployment Manager
v The nodes are combined into a logical grouping called a cell. The Deployment
Manager provides you with a view of the cell from which you can manage the
applications in the system.
v The application servers on the nodes within the cell are organized into clusters.
All the application servers in a cluster have the same WebSphere Partner
Gateway components.
v The cell is administered by the central WebSphere Deployment Manager. This
means that:
– All the servers within the cell can be started, stopped, and modified from the
Deployment Manager.
6IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
– The internal messaging can be managed from the Deployment Manager.
v There are two variations on distributed mode called simple distributed mode
and full distributed mode.
– In simple distributed mode all three WebSphere Partner Gateway components
are part of the same cluster. This also includes a cluster of bcgmas server.
– In full distributed mode each component is typically in its own cluster, for
example the console is in a bcgconsole cluster, receiver in a bcgreceiver
cluster, and the document manager in a bcgdocmgr cluster. In addition there is
a messaging bcgmas cluster used for internal communication between the
WebSphere Partner Gateway components.
The Deployment Manager
The role of the Deployment Manager is to give you a single view of all of the
application servers in the cell from which you can administer the servers. To
achieve this, a node agent has to be running on each node that hosts WebSphere
Partner Gateway components. The Deployment Manager uses the node agents to
interact with the application servers in the system. During a distributed mode
installation, for each node in the system a node agent is installed and configured to
communicate with the Deployment Manager.
You use the Deployment Manager’s web interface to manage the applications that
are in the cell. If for some reason the Deployment Manager is not available then
the WebSphere Partner Gateway components can be manually started or stopped
from the command line, but other administration tasks cannot be performed until
the Deployment Manager is available again.
The most common administration task that is performed is starting and stopping
the WebSphere Partner Gateway components. Other administration tasks like
configuring a server for logging and tracing or changing the startup parameters for
the Java Virtual Machine used by a server can also be performed with the
Deployment Manager.
To use the Deployment Manager:
1. Start the node agent on each node that hosts WebSphere Partner Gateway
applications and the node where the bcgmas server is installed. To start the
node agent on a computer use the WebSphere startNode script with no
arguments. This script is located in the <WebSphere Partner Gateway installdir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory.
2. Start the Deployment Manager. To start the Deployment Manager use the
WebSphere Partner Gateway bcgStartServer script with no arguments. This
script is located in the <Deployment Manager install dir>\bin directory.
3. Open an appropriate Internet browser.
4. Navigate to http://<computer name or IP address of the Deployment
Manager>:55090/ibm/console to open the WebSphere Integrated Solutions
Console Welcome login screen, and log in.
Note: A user id is not required for logging in. On the left side of the Welcome
screen you will see a list of tasks that can be done from this console.
5. To start or to stop all servers in a cluster:
v In the left pane click Clusters
v In the right pane, select the cluster to start or stop.
v Click start or stop
Chapter 2. Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications7
Note: This operation may take a few minutes. You can refresh the view
periodically to see the status.
6. To start or to stop individual servers:
a. In the left pane click Application Servers
b. In the right pane, select the server for the node to start or stop.
Note: Remember that a node represents an instance of WebSphere
Application Server deployed on a computer in your system.
c. Click start or stop.
Starting and stopping servers from the command line
About this task
When the Deployment Manager is not available, the WebSphere Partner Gateway
components in a distributed mode system can be manually started and stopped on
the individual computers. General administration tasks, for example changing
log/trace settings, cannot be performed unless the Deployment Manager is
To use the command line scripts:
1. Start the node agent on each node that hosts WebSphere Partner Gateway
applications and the node where the bcgmas server is installed. To start the
node agent on a computer, use the WebSphere startNode script with no
arguments. This script is located in the WebSphere Partner Gateway InstallDir/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory.
2. Start each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the startServer
script located in the <WebSphere Parnter Gateway Install Dir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory on the computer where the server was
installed. The syntax is:
startServer <server_name>
Where the server_name is bcgconsole,bcgreceiver, bcgdocmgr or bcgmas.
3. Stop each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the stopServer script
located in the WebSphere Partner Gateway Install Dir/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory on the computer where the server was installed.
The syntax is:
stopServer <server_name>
Where the server_name is bcgconsole,bcgreceiver, bcgdocmgr or bcgmas.
Starting and stopping FTP Management Server from command
The FTP Management server must be running to manage the FTP server from
WebSphere Partner Gateway console. To start the FTP Management server on a
computer, use the startftpmgmtserver script. This script is located at WebSphere
Partner Gateway Install Dir/ftpserver/bin. This script does not require any
command line arguments. The Integrated FTP Server is started implicitly when the
FTP Management server starts.
To Stop the FTP Management server on a computer, use stopftpmgmtserver script.
This script is located in the WPG Install Dir/ftpserver/bin. This script does not
8IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
require any command line arguments. The Integrated FTP Server is stopped
implicitly when the FTP Management server stops.
Note: This is applicable for all deployment modes.
Starting and stopping the components in a simple distributed
mode system
There are two clusters in a simple distributed mode system:
The messaging cluster that has messaging servers. There has to be at least
one messaging server running for the WebSphere Partner Gateway
components to operate.
The WebSphere Partner Gateway component cluster that has servers
named bcgserver. All three components (console, receiver and router) are
installed on the bcgserver.
The names shown here are default names used by the installer. Be aware that the
installer might have chosen different names and that you must use these names if
the default names were not used.
Starting servers in a simple distributed mode system
Before starting your server in a simple distributed mode system, start the
messaging servers prior to starting the WebSphere Partner Gateway component
Starting all the servers using the Deployment Manager
About this task
1. Confirm that the node agent is running for each node with the bcgmas server
and the bcgserver installed.
2. Using the Deployment Manager console, select the messaging cluster
bcgmasCluster and click Start.
3. Wait for the bcgmasCluster to start before performing the next step.
4. Select the bcgserverCluster and click Start.
Starting individual servers on each computer
About this task
1. Confirm that the node agent(s) are running for each node with the bcgmas
server and the bcgserver installed.
2. Select the messaging bcgmas server and click Start.
3. Repeat the previous step starting all of the other bcgmas servers.
Note: Wait until at least one of the messaging servers has started before
starting the WebSphere Partner Gateway component servers.
4. Select the bcgserver server and click Start.
5. Repeat step 4 to start all of the required component servers. A cluster can
contain more than one server. You can select any of the servers in the cluster,
and start them.
Chapter 2. Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications9
Starting the servers when the Deployment Manager is
About this task
If the Deployment Manager is unavailable for use, you can Start the messaging
bcgmas and the bcgserver servers manually with the following steps:
1. Confirm that the node agents are running for each node with the bcgmas server
and the bcgserver installed.
2. Start each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the startServer
script located in the <WebSphere Install Dir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin
directory on the computer where the server is installed.
The syntax is for starting the messaging server, console, receiver, or Document
Manager for the component servers is:
startServer <server_name>
Where server_name is bcgmas for starting the messaging server, and bcgserver
for the component servers.
Stopping servers in a simple distributed mode system
When stopping servers in a simple distributed mode system stop the WebSphere
Partner Gateway component servers before stopping the messaging servers.
Stopping all the servers using the Deployment Manager
About this task
1. Select the bcgserverCluster and click Stop. Wait for the cluster to stop before
performing the next step.
2. Select the messaging cluster bcgmasCluster and click Stop.
Stopping the individual servers on each computer
About this task
If you do not want to stop all servers in each cluster, you can stop the servers on
each computer where they are installed. To stop the servers on each computer,
perform the following steps:
1. Select the bcgserver server to stop and click Stop.
2. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all of the servers you want to
stop. Wait for the servers to stop before performing the next step.
3. Select the bcgmas server messaging you want to stop and click Stop.
4. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all of the servers. If any of the
bcgserver servers are still running then leave at least one bcgmas server
Stopping the servers when the Deployment Manager is
About this task
First, stop the bcgserver servers before the messaging bcgmas servers.
1. Confirm that the node agents are running for each node with the bcgmas server
and the bcgserver installed.
2. Stop each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the stopServer script
located in the <WebSphere Parnter Gateway Install Dir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory on the computer where the server is installed.
10IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
The syntax is for stopping the messaging server or bcgserver for the component
servers is:
stopServer <server_name>
Where server_name is bcgmas for stopping the messaging server, and bcgserver
for the component servers.
Starting and stopping the components in a full distributed
mode system
Before you begin, you must know that there are four clusters in full distributed
mode system. They are as follows:
v bcgmasCluster
The messaging cluster that has messaging servers named bcgmas. There must be
at least one messaging server running for the WebSphere Partner Gateway
components to operate.
v bcgconsoleCluster
The WebSphere Partner Gateway Console component cluster that has servers
named bcgconsole.
v bcgreceiverCluster
The WebSphere Partner Gateway Receiver component cluster that has servers
named bcgreceiver.
v bcgdocmgrCluster
The WebSphere Partner Gateway Document Manager component cluster that has
servers named bcgdocmgr.
The names shown here are the installation default names. Be aware that during
installation, the installer might have chosen different names and you must use
these names instead of the default names.
Starting servers in a full distributed mode system
To start your servers in a full distributed mode system, the startup sequence is as
Note: The receiver and console servers can be started in either order.
Starting all the servers using the Deployment Manager
About this task
1. Select the messaging cluster bcgmasCluster and click Start.
Note: Wait until the cluster has started before starting the WebSphere Partner
Gateway component clusters.
2. Select the bcgdocmgrCluster and click Start.
3. Select the bcgreceiverCluster (or the bcgconsoleCluster) and click Start.
4. Select the bcgconsoleCluster (or the bcgreceiverCluster) and click Start.
Chapter 2. Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications11
Starting individual servers on each computer
About this task
1. Select the messaging bcgmas server to start and click Start.
Note: Wait until at least one of the servers has started before starting the
WebSphere Partner Gateway component servers.
2. Repeat the previous step until you have started all of the servers.
3. Select the bcgdocmgr server to start and click Start.
4. Repeat the previous step until you have started all of the servers.
5. Select the bcgreceiver (or bcgconsole) server to start and click Start.
6. Repeat the previous step until you have started all of the servers.
7. Select the bcgconsole (or bcgreceiver) server to start and click Start.
8. Repeat the previous step until you have started all of the servers.
Note: If more than one servers have to be started, then select those servers, and
click Start.
Starting the servers when the Deployment Manager is
About this task
Note: Start the servers in the order shown in the previous section.
1. For each node with the bcgmas server and any of the WebSphere Partner
Gateway component servers installed make sure that the node agent(s) are
2. Start each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the startServer
script located in the <WebSphere Partner Gateway Install Dir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory on the computer where the server was
installed. The syntax is:
startServer <server name>
Where server name is bcgmas for starting the messaging server, bcgconsole,
bcgreceiver and bcgdocmgr for the component servers.
Note: Start bcgmas server first and then start the rest of the servers.
Note: Ensure that the user you use to start and stop the server is WPG user and is
not the root user.
Stopping servers in a full distributed mode system
It is important to note that the shutdown sequence is the opposite of the startup
sequence. It is as follows:
12IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Stopping all the servers using the Deployment Manager
About this task
1. Select the bcgconsoleCluster (or bcgreceiverCluster) and click Stop.
2. Select the bcgreceiverCluster (or bcgconsoleCluster) and click Stop.
3. Select the bcgdocmgrCluster and click Stop.
Note: Wait until the cluster has stopped before stopping the messaging cluster.
4. Select the messaging cluster bcgmasCluster and click Stop.
Stopping individual servers on each computer at a time
About this task
If you do not want to stop all servers in each cluster, you can stop the servers on
each computer where they are installed. To stop a server where it is installed,
perform the following steps:
1. Select the bcgconsole (or bcgreceiver) server to stop and click Stop.
2. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all of the servers you want to
3. Select the bcgreceiver (or bcgconsole) server to stop and click Stop.
4. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all of the servers yo want to
5. Select the bcgdocmgr server to stop and click Stop.
6. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all the servers you want to
7. Wait until the servers have stopped before stopping the messaging servers.
8. Select the bcgmas server messaging you want to stop and click Stop.
9. Repeat the previous step until you have stopped all of the servers.
Note: If some of the WebSphere Partner Gateway component servers are still
running then keep at least one bcgmas server running.
Stopping the servers when the Deployment Manager is
About this task
It is important to note that you must stop the WebSphere Partner Gateway servers
before the messaging bcgmas servers.
1. Confirm that for each node with the bcgmas server and any of the WebSphere
Partner Gateway component servers installed make sure that the node agent(s)
are running.
2. Stop each WebSphere Partner Gateway server by running the stopServer script
located in the <WebSphere Partner Gateway Install Dir>/wasND/Profiles/bcgprofile/bin directory on the computer where the server was installed. The
syntax is:
stopServer <server_name>
Where server_name is bcgmas for stopping the messaging server, bcgconsole,
bcgreceiver and bcgdocmgr for the component servers.
Chapter 2. Managing the WebSphere Partner Gateway component applications13
14IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Chapter 3. Basic Community Console tasks
The tasks described in this guide are performed using the WebSphere Partner
Gateway Community Console. The Community Console is a Web application
providing a secure access point accessible through a web browser.
Topics covered in this chapter include:
v “ Logging in to the Community Console”
v “ Navigating through the Community Console” on page 16
v “Community Console icons” on page 16
v “ Logging off from the Community Console” on page 18
Logging in to the Community Console
The Community Console requires one of the following Web browsers:
v Microsoft
v Mozilla version 1.7.8 or later.
v Firefox version 1.5 or later.
Be sure to install the latest available service pack and updates for your browser.
Note: The Community Console requires cookie support to be turned on to
maintain session information. No personal information is stored in the cookie and
it expires when the browser is closed.
Internet Explorer version 6.0 with SP1 or 7.
For optimum viewing, use a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
To log in to the Community Console, follow these steps:
1. Type the following URL in the location field of any Web browser:
Where hostname and domain are the name and location of the computer hosting
the Community Console component.
2. In the Community Console login window, in the User Name field, type the
appropriate name:
v For the hub administrator, the default user name is hubadmin.
v For the operator administrator, the default user name is Admin.
3. In the Password field, type the password for your site. The default password is
4. In the Company Login Name field, type the Admin login name. The default
login name for both the hub administrator and operator administrator user is
Note: If user IDs and passwords are going to be centrally managed from
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) then a Company Login Name
field will not display. For further information about LDAP see the section,
Chapter 7, “LDAP support for logon authentication,” on page 75.
6. The first time you log in, the system prompts you to create a new password.
Type a new password, then type it again in the verify field.
7. Click Save.
Navigating through the Community Console
The Community Console consists of various menus used to configure WebSphere
Partner Gateway.
The following two links appear at the top-right corner of each window:
v Logout
Logs off the current WebSphere Partner Gateway session. The application
continues to run on the server. To log in again, follow the procedure under “
Logging in to the Community Console” on page 15.
v Help
Opens the online help for WebSphere Partner Gateway.
Note: If you do not see a help window after clicking help, check to make sure
you are not running a popup blocker.
Community Console icons
Table 2 lists the icons that are used throughout the Community Console windows.
Table 2. Community Console Icons
IconIcon name
Data contained
Destination disabled
Display raw document
Document in progress
Document processing failed
Document processing successful
Download map
16IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Edit attribute values
Edit off
Table 2. Community Console Icons (continued)
IconIcon name
Edit RosettaNet attribute values
Export information
Export report
Hide search criteria
No data contained
Open calendar
Out of sequence
Required input
Role; click to create role
Stop Submitted
Synchronous data flow. No icon is displayed for
asynchronous transactions
Upload map
View a previously sent original document when
there is a duplicate document event
View details
View group memberships
View Help system
Note: The Help icon is translated when using the
console with one of the IBM supported language
View permissions
View the Document Definition attribute setup
View users
View validation errors
Chapter 3. Basic Community Console tasks17
Table 2. Community Console Icons (continued)
IconIcon name
Where used
Logging off from the Community Console
When you finish using the Community Console, click Logout at the top-right side
of any Console window. The system logs you out and returns you to the Console
Login window.
18IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Chapter 4. Hub administration tasks
This chapter describes the tasks that only a hub administrator can perform. These
tasks are:
v “Managing password policy”
v “Changing database connectivity, database user and password” on page 20
v “Managing event codes” on page 20
v “Managing receivers” on page 22
v “Managing interactions and document definitions” on page 23
v “Managing XML formats” on page 24
v “Enabling or disabling actions” on page 25
v “Managing handlers” on page 25
v “Managing maps” on page 27
v “Managing EDI” on page 28
v “Configuring the alert mail server” on page 33
v “Viewing system activity” on page 33
v “Managing event delivery” on page 34
v “Managing API calls” on page 34
v “Supporting ebMS” on page 36
v “Configuration details for validating Webservices” on page 38
v “Using non-repudiation logging” on page 39
v “Using message store” on page 39
v “Prerequisite to setup WebSphere Partner Gateway - WebSphere Transformation
Extender Integration Environment” on page 40
Managing password policy
You can set up a password policy for the hub community, if you want to use
values other than those set (by the system) as defaults. The password policy
applies to all users who log in to the Community Console.
You can change the following elements of the password policy:
v Minimum Length, which represents the minimum number of characters the
partner has to use for the password. The default is 8 characters.
v Expire Time, which represents the number of days until the password expires.
The default is 30 days.
v Uniqueness, which specifies the number of passwords to be held in a history
file. A partner cannot use an old password if it exists in the history file. The
default is 10 passwords.
v Special Characters, when selected, indicates that passwords has to contain at
least three of the following types of special characters:
– Uppercase characters
– Lowercase characters
– Numeric characters
– Special characters
This setting enables stricter security requirements when passwords are
composed of English characters (ASCII). The default setting is off. It is
recommended that Special Characters remain off when passwords are composed
of international characters. Non-English-language character sets might not
contain the required three out of four character types.
The special characters supported by the system are as follows: ’#’, ’@’, ’$’, ’&’,
v Name Variation Checking, when selected, prevents the use of passwords that
comprise an easily guessed variation of the user’s login or full name. This field
is selected by default.
3. Change any of the default values to the ones you want to use for your
password policy.
4. Click Save.
Changing database connectivity, database user and password
About this task
After installation, you can change the database of the WebSphere Partner Gateway
components. You can also change the name of the database user and the database
user’s password.
You can change the connectivity properties for the database by modifying the data
sources. The data sources are configured in the WebSphere Application Server for
use by the component applications. You can use the WebSphere Application Server
admin console to modify the data sources.
To configure the database connections used by the components, perform the
following steps:
1. Use a browser to view the administrative console.
2. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources in the left pane of the console.
3. Locate the data source that you want to change. Look at the JNDI names for
the sources that are available and choose the one you want to change based on
the node and server name.
4. Click the data source name to view and change the database name, host, and
port number.
5. Click JAAS-J2C authentication data and then choose an alias to view and
change the user ID and password used for the connection to the database.
6. Click OK to make the changes, and then click Save to save them.
Managing event codes
An event is logged for important activities or information within WebSphere
Partner Gateway. There are some pre-defined events with specific event codes. To
view the event codes, navigate to Hub Admin > Hub Configuration > EventCodes. You can export them to other applications and can set the alert status of the
event code as well.
20IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
Viewing and editing event codes
About this task
The following procedure describes how to view the details of an event code. You
can edit the visibility and alert status of the event code and view its severity.
2. On the Event Codes window, click the View details icon next to the event code
whose details you want to view.
3. On the Event Code Details window, set the parameters described in Table 3:
Table 3. Event code details
Event CodeA read-only field that shows the unique number for this event
Event NameA read-only field that shows the name used to identify the event
in relation to the action that triggered the event.
Internal DescriptionA read-only field that describes the circumstances that triggered
VisibilitySelect the users who can view the event code: Community
Operator, Manager, partner, or any combination of the three.
SeverityA read-only field that shows the seriousness associated with this
event code, from Debug (least serious) to Critical (most serious):
Debug Low-level system operations and support. Visibility and
use of the debug information are subject to the
permission level of the user.
InfoSuccessful system operations. These events also provide
the status of documents being processed. Informational
events require no user action.
Non-critical anomalies in document processing or
system functions that enable the operation to continue.
ErrorAnomalies in document processing that cause the
process to end.
Critical Services that end because of a system failure. Critical
events require intervention by support personnel.
AlertableSelect to display the Event Name in the list on the Define tab of
the Alert window. This sets an alert for this event.
Exporting event code names
About this task
You can choose to save only the event name in the event list (Export Names), or to
save the internal descriptions (Export List) in the event list in text format. Follow
these steps:
2. On the Event Codes window, click Export Names to save the list of events
with the event names only. Or, click Export List to save the list of events with
their internal descriptions only.
Chapter 4. Hub administration tasks21
Specifying events that can be notified
About this task
An event is logged for important activities or information within WebSphere
Partner Gateway. There are some pre-defined events with specific event codes. To
view the event codes, navigate to Hub Admin > Hub Configuration > EventCodes. When an event is set as alertable, the event appears in the Event Name list
of the Alert page. You can then set an alert for the event.
2. To enable the alerts for the event, perform the following:
v Click the View details icon next to the event code.
The Event Code Details page is displayed.
vSelect Alertable.
Document Validation Errors
To view document validation errors, click the View document icon on the
Document details page under the Document Viewer tab. For more information
about document validation errors, see “Document Validation Errors” on page 114.
Managing receivers
The Receiver List window is used to view and edit existing receivers details, and
enable, disable, or delete receivers.
Viewing and editing receiver details
About this task
The following procedure describes how to view details for a receiver. As part of
this procedure, you can edit the parameters of the receivers:
2. On the Receiver List window, click the View details icon next to the receiver
whose details you want to view. The Console displays the Receiver Details
3. On the Receiver Details window, click the Edit icon.
4. Edit the parameters as necessary.
5. Click Save.
Enabling or disabling receivers
About this task
You can enable or disable receivers from the Receiver List window by clicking
Enabled or Disabled in the Status column. You can also enable or disable the
2. On the Receiver List window, click the View Details icon to view the receiver
22IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
3. Click Edit icon to edit the receiver parameters.
4. In the Status field, select either Enabled or Disabled option to change the
receiver status.
Deleting receivers
About this task
You can delete receivers that you are not going to use. Note that the deletion
occurs immediately. There is no warning message asking you to confirm this step.
Note: The receiver in the following step is immediately deleted without a
warning message. Be sure that you want to delete the receiver.
2. On the Receiver List window, click the Delete icon next to the receiver you
want to delete.
Localizing HTTP synchronous target time out
About this task
WebSphere Partner Gateway allows you to have a localized synchronous time out
and synchronous connection values for every HTTP Receiver. The synchronous
connection value cannot exceed the container allowed TCP connection limit. The
maximum synchronous connection per receiver alone is controlled in the super set
of container limit. Web container (WebSphere Application Server) is configured
separately through managed application to allow or limit the number of HTTP
connections. To modify the values of Max sync time out and Max syncconnection:
1. Navigate to Receiver creation page > Hubadmin > Receivers.
2. Click Edit icon corresponding to the HTTP receiver.
3. Modify the values of Max sync time out and Max sync connection.
Note: Max sync time out does not accept negative values. Entering the value zero
for Max synchronous connection removes the restriction of Max sync connection
over any receiver.
Managing interactions and document definitions
About this task
To enable, disable, or edit interactions between two document definitions, follow
these steps:
3. Enter the search criteria that WebSphere Partner Gateway will use to find the
interaction you want to enable, disable, or edit.
4. Click Search. The system finds all interactions that meet your search criteria.
5. To enable an interaction, click the Activate icon next to the interaction you
want to enable. Click OK to confirm. WebSphere Partner Gateway replaces the
Activate icon with the Deactivate icon. This indicates that the interaction is
Chapter 4. Hub administration tasks23
6. To disable an interaction, click the Disabled Default Definition icon next to
the interaction. Click OK to confirm. WebSphere Partner Gateway replaces the
Delete icon with the Enabled Default Definition icon. This indicates that the
interaction is disabled.
7. To edit an interaction, click the Edit icon next to the interaction. In the Editing
window, edit the interaction, then click Save.
To view where an interaction is being used, follow these steps:
2. Click Delete icon against the document definition you want to delete. The
warning message is displayed only if the Document definition is used by any
of interaction or B2B capabilities.
3. Click OK in the warning message window. This will delete the corresponding
channels, interactions, B2B capabilities of all the partners, and all the related
attributes of the Document definition.
4. Click Cancel in the warning message window to abort deletion.
Managing XML formats
You can use the Manage XML Formats windows to access the XML formats in the
system. XML formats are organized using XML document families. Using the
console, you can add, delete, and modify XML document families. For each family
you can add, delete, and modify the XML formats in the family. You can also copy
formats in a family, and move formats from one family to another.
24IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Editions: Administration Guide
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