IBM TotalStorage DS8000
Messages Reference
IBM TotalStorage DS8000
Messages Reference
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Safety and environmental notices and
Notices sections.
This edition replaces GC26-7659-03 and all previous editions of GC26-7659.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About messages
Message types and organization.
Three types of messages are issued to you from the user interfaces and supporting
v Informational messages are identified by the letter “I” at the end of the
message identifier. They provide information about activities as they take place.
For instance, an informational message might report that a volume was
successfully created. No user action is necessary.
v Warning messages are identified by the letter “W” at the end of the message
identifier. They warn that activities might have consequences that you do not
anticipate. Warning messages normally provide the opportunity to continue an
activity or to cancel it.
v Error messages are identified by the letter “E” at the end of the message
identifier. They indicate that an error has occurred. Refer to the explanations and
recommended actions in this document to resolve the problem.
The messages in this document are grouped by the reporting interface or software:
v Framework message identifiers are prefixed by the letters “CMMC” and “CMUF”.
The framework is the basic software that supports your user interface.
v Command-line interface message identifiers are prefixed by the letters “CMUC”.
v DS Storage manager message identifiers are prefixed by the letters “CMUG”,
“CMUL”, “CMUR”and “CMUS”.
v Storage management console server message identifiers are prefixed by the
letters “CMUN”.
OpenVMS systems display framework and command-line interface message
identifiers prefixed by the letters “IBMDSCLI_”.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 iii
iv IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Safety and environmental notices
This section contains information about safety notices that are used in this guide
and environmental notices for this product.
Safety notices
Use this process to find information about safety notices.
To find the translated text for a danger or caution notice:
1. Look for the identification number at the end of each danger notice or each
caution notice. In the following examples, the numbers 1000 and 1001 are the
identification numbers.
A danger notice indicates the presence of a hazard that has the
potential of causing death or serious personal injury.
A caution notice indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential
of causing moderate or minor personal injury.
2. Find the number that matches in the IBM TotalStorage Solutions Safety Notices
for IBM Versatile Storage Server and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server, GC26-7229.
Environmental notices
This section identifies the environmental guidelines that pertain to this product.
Product recycling
This unit contains recyclable materials.
Recycle these materials at your local recycling sites. Recycle the materials
according to local regulations. In some areas, IBM provides a product take-back
program that ensures proper handling of the product. Contact your IBM
representative for more information.
Disposing of products
This topic contains information about how to dispose of products.
This unit might contain batteries. Remove and discard these batteries, or recycle
them, according to local regulations.
Conventions used in this guide
The following typefaces are used to show emphasis:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 v
italics Text in italics is used to emphasize a word. In command syntax, it is used
Related information
The tables in this section list and describe the following publications:
v The publications that make up the IBM
v Other IBM publications that relate to the DS8000 series
v Non-IBM publications that relate to the DS8000 series
“Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about how to order
publications in the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 series publication library. See “How to
send your comments” on page xiii for information about how to send comments
about the publications.
Text in boldface represents menu items and lowercase or mixed-case
command names.
for variables for which you supply actual values.
Text in monospace identifies the data or commands that you type, samples of
command output, or examples of program code or messages from the
DS8000 series library
DS8000 series library
These customer publications make up the DS8000 series library.
Unless otherwise noted, these publications are available in Adobe portable
document format (PDF) on a compact disc (CD) that comes with the storage unit. If
you need additional copies of this CD, the order number is SK2T-8803. These
publications are also available as PDF files by clicking on the Documentation link
on the following Web site:
See “Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about ordering these
and other IBM publications.
Title Description
Command-Line Interface
User’s Guide
IBM TotalStorage
DS8000: Host Systems
Attachment Guide
IBM TotalStorage
DS8000: Introduction
and Planning Guide
This guide describes the commands that you can use from the
command-line interface (CLI) for managing your DS8000 configuration and
Copy Services relationships. The CLI application provides a set of
commands that you can use to write customized scripts for a host system.
The scripts initiate predefined tasks in a Copy Services server application.
You can use the CLI commands to indirectly control Remote Mirror and
Copy and FlashCopy
This guide provides guidelines for attaching the DS8000 to your host
system and for migrating to fibre-channel attachment from a small
computer system interface.
This guide introduces the DS8000 product and lists the features you can
order. It also provides guidelines for planning the installation and
configuration of the storage unit.
configuration tasks within a Copy Services server
(See Note.)
(See Note.)
vi IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Title Description
IBM TotalStorage
Multipath Subsystem
Device Driver User’s
This publication describes how to use the IBM Subsystem Device Driver
(SDD) on open-systems hosts to enhance performance and availability on
the DS8000. SDD creates redundant paths for shared logical unit
numbers. SDD permits applications to run without interruption when path
errors occur. It balances the workload across paths, and it transparently
integrates with applications.
IBM TotalStorage
DS8000: User’s Guide
IBM TotalStorage DS
Application Programming
Interface Reference
This guide provides instructions for setting up and operating the DS8000
and for analyzing problems.
This publication provides reference information for the IBM TotalStorage
DS application programming interface (API) and provides instructions for
installing the Common Information Model Agent, which implements the
(See Note.)
IBM TotalStorage
DS8000 Messages
This publication provides explanations of error, information, and warning
messages that are issued from the DS8000 user interfaces.
Note: No hardcopy book is produced for this publication. However, a PDF file is available from the following Web
Other IBM publications
Other IBM publications contain additional information that is related to the DS
product library.
The following list is divided into categories to help you find publications that are
related to specific topics. Some of the publications are listed under more than one
category. See “Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about ordering
these and other IBM publications.
Title Description
z/OS DFSMS Advanced
Copy Services
IBM Enterprise Storage
Implementing Copy
Services 0n S/390
This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy
Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, SnapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
introduces the Enterprise Storage Server and provides an understanding of
its benefits. It also describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and
functions, including the advanced copy functions, of the Enterprise Storage
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an
Enterprise Storage Server that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host
system. Copy Services functions include peer-to-peer remote copy,
extended remote copy, FlashCopy®, and concurrent copy. This publication
describes the functions, prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how
to implement each function into your environment.
Data-copy services
Safety and environmental notices vii
Title Description
IBM TotalStorage ESS
Implementing Copy
Services in an Open
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on UNIX,
Windows NT®, Windows 2000, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Tru64, OpenVMS, and
iSeries host systems. The Copy Services functions that are described
include peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy. This publication describes
the functions and shows you how to implement them into your environment.
It also shows you how to implement these functions in a high-availability
cluster multiprocessing environment.
Fibre Channel
Connection (FICON) I/O
This publication provides information about the fibre-channel I/O interface.
This book is also available as a PDF file from the following Web site:
Interface: Physical Layer
Fibre Transport Services
(FTS): Physical and
This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking
Configuration Planning
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S08
This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.
Installation and Service
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S08
User’s Guide
This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM
TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S16
Installation and Service
This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
representatives and service providers.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S16
User’s Guide
Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS
This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16
and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
to manage the switch remotely.
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It provides you with a
broad understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
ESS Solutions for Open
Systems Storage:
Compaq AlphaServer,
HP, and Sun
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
helps you install, tailor, and configure the Enterprise Storage Server when
you attach Compaq AlphaServer (running Tru64 UNIX), HP, and Sun hosts.
This book does not cover Compaq AlphaServer that is running the
OpenVMS operating system. This book also focuses on the settings that
are required to give optimal performance and on the settings for device
driver levels. This book is for the experienced UNIX professional who has a
broad understanding of storage concepts.
Fibre channel
Open-systems hosts
viii IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Title Description
IBM TotalStorage ESS
Implementing Copy
Services in an Open
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on UNIX or
Windows 2000 host systems. The Copy Services functions that are
described include peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy. This
publication describes the functions and shows you how to implement them
into your environment. It also shows you how to implement these functions
in a high-availability cluster multiprocessing environment.
Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It gives you a broad
understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
Device Support
Facilities: User’s Guide
and Reference
This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF)
product that are used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD)
subsystems. ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions
that are needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM
DASD. You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection, and
media maintenance.
z/OS Advanced Copy
This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy
Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, SnapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy
Remote Copy Guide
This publication provides guidelines for using remote copy functions with
S/390 and zSeries hosts.
and Reference
Fibre Transport Services
(FTS): Physical and
This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking
Configuration Planning
Implementing ESS Copy
Services on S/390
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an
Enterprise Storage Server that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host
system. Copy Services functions include peer-to-peer remote copy,
extended remote copy, FlashCopy, and concurrent copy. This publication
describes the functions, prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how
to implement each function into your environment.
ES/9000, ES/3090:
IOCP User Guide
Volume A04
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports the Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON) architecture. It
describes how to define, install, and configure the channels or channel
paths, control units, and I/O devices on the ES/9000 processors and the
IBM ES/3090 Processor Complex.
IOCP User’s Guide, IBM
e(logo)server zSeries
800 and 900
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports the zSeries 800 and 900 servers. This publication is available in
PDF format by accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:
S/390 and zSeries hosts
Safety and environmental notices ix
Title Description
IOCP User’s Guide, IBM
e(logo)server zSeries
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports the zSeries server. This publication is available in PDF format by
accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:
S/390: Input/Output
Configuration Program
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports ESCON architecture and the ESCON multiple image facility.
User’s Guide and
IBM z/OS Hardware
Configuration Definition
User’s Guide
This guide provides conceptual and procedural information to help you use
the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) application. It also
v How to migrate existing IOCP/MVSCP definitions
v How to use HCD to dynamically activate a new configuration
v How to resolve problems in conjunction with MVS/ESA HCD
OS/390: Hardware
Configuration Definition
User’s Guide
This guide provides detailed information about the input/output definition file
and about how to configure parallel access volumes. This guide discusses
how to use Hardware Configuration Definition for both OS/390
OS/390 V2R10.0: MVS
This publication lists OS/390 MVS
System Messages
Volume 1 (ABA - ASA)
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in a VM
This publication provides device-specific information for the various models
of the 3390 and describes methods you can use to manage storage
efficiently using the VM operating system. It provides guidance on
managing system performance, availability, and space through effective use
of the direct access storage subsystem.
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in a
VSE Environment
This publication helps you use the 3390 in a VSE environment. It includes
planning information for adding new 3390 units and instructions for
installing devices, migrating data, and performing ongoing storage
management activities.
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in an
MVS Environment
This publication helps you use the 3390 in an MVS environment. It includes
device-specific information for the various models of the 3390 and
illustrates techniques for more efficient storage management. It also offers
guidance on managing system performance, availability, and space
utilization through effective use of the direct access storage subsystem.
z/Architecture Principles
of Operation
This publication provides a detailed definition of the z/Architecture™. It is
written as a reference for use primarily by assembler language
programmers and describes each function at the level of detail needed to
prepare an assembler language program that relies on a particular function.
However, anyone concerned with the functional details of z/Architecture will
find this publication useful.
and z/OS
system messages ABA to ASA. GC28-1784
x IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Title Description
IBM OS/390 Hardware
Configuration Definition
User’s Guide
This guide explains how to use the Hardware Configuration Data
application to perform the following tasks:
v Define new hardware configurations
v View and modify existing hardware configurations
v Activate configurations
v Query supported hardware
v Maintain input/output definition files (IODFs)
v Compare two IODFs or compare an IODF with an actual configuration
v Print reports of configurations
v Create graphical reports of a configuration
v Migrate existing configuration data
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S08
This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.
Installation and Service
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S08
User’s Guide
This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM
TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S16
Installation and Service
This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre
Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
representatives and service providers.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel
Switch: 2109 Model S16
User’s Guide
Implementing Fibre
Channel Attachment on
the ESS
This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16
and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
to manage the switch remotely.
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It provides you with a
broad understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
IBM Enterprise Storage
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
introduces the Enterprise Storage Server and provides an understanding of
its benefits. It also describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and
functions, including the advanced copy functions, of the Enterprise Storage
IBM Enterprise Storage
Server Performance
Monitoring and Tuning
This guide, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
provides guidance on the best way to configure, monitor, and manage your
Enterprise Storage Server to ensure optimum performance.
IBM Versatile Storage
Server: Introduction and
Planning Guide
Implementing the IBM
Enterprise Storage
Server in Your
This publication introduces the IBM Versatile Storage Server
features you can order. It also provides planning information for both 2105
Models B09 and 100.
This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
can help you install, tailor, and configure the Enterprise Storage Server in
your environment.
Seascape family
Storage management
and lists the
Safety and environmental notices xi
Title Description
Device Support
Facilities: User’s Guide
and Reference
IBM TotalStorage
Solutions Handbook
This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF)
product used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD) subsystems.
ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions that are
needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM DASD.
You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection, and media
This handbook, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization,
helps you understand what makes up enterprise storage management. The
concepts include the key technologies that you must know and the IBM
subsystems, software, and solutions that are available today. It also
provides guidelines for implementing various enterprise storage
administration tasks so that you can establish your own enterprise storage
management environment.
Ordering IBM publications
This section tells you how to order copies of IBM publications and how to set up a
profile to receive notifications about new or changed publications.
IBM publications center
The publications center is a worldwide central repository for IBM product
publications and marketing material.
Web sites
The IBM publications center offers customized search functions to help you find the
publications that you need. Some publications are available for you to view or
download free of charge. Yo u can also order publications. The publications center
displays prices in your local currency. You can access the IBM publications center
through the following Web site:
Publications notification system
The IBM publications center Web site offers you a notification system for IBM
If you register, you can create your own profile of publications that interest you. The
publications notification system sends you a daily e-mail that contains information
about new or revised publications that are based on your profile.
If you want to subscribe, you can access the publications notification system from
the IBM publications center at the following Web site:
The following Web sites provide information about the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
series and other IBM storage products.
Type of Storage Information Web Site
Concurrent Copy for S/390 and
zSeries host systems
xii IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Type of Storage Information Web Site
Copy Services command-line
interface (CLI)
DS8000 series publications
FlashCopy for S/390 and zSeries
host systems
Host system models, operating
systems, and adapters that the
storage unit supports
IBM Disk Storage Feature Activation
IBM storage products
IBM TotalStorage DS8000 series
IBM version of the Java (JRE) that is
often required for IBM products
Multiple Device Manager (MDM)
Remote Mirror and Copy (formerly
PPRC) for S/390 and zSeries host
SAN fibre channel switches
Storage Area Network Gateway and
Subsystem Device Driver (SDD)
z/OS Global Mirror (formerly XRC)
for S/390 and zSeries host systems
Click Documentation .
Click Interoperability matrix .
Click Storage Virtualization .
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important to help us provide the highest quality information. If you
have any comments about this information or any other DS8000 series
documentation, you can submit them in the following ways:
v e-mail
Submit your comments electronically to the following e-mail address:
Be sure to include the name and order number of the book and, if applicable, the
specific location of the text you are commenting on, such as a page number or
table number.
v Mail
Fill out the Readers’ Comments form (RCF) at the back of this book. Return it by
mail or give it to an IBM representative. If the RCF has been removed, you can
address your comments to:
International Business Machines Corporation
RCF Processing Department
Safety and environmental notices xiii
Department 61C
9032 South Rita Road
TUCSON AZ 85775-4401
xiv IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Summary of Changes for GC26-7659-04 IBM TotalStorage
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of the change. This summary of changes describes new functions that have
been added to this release.
New Information
The following messages have been added in this edition.
Table 1. Command-line interface messages
v CMUC00216I
v CMUC00217E
v CMUC00218E
v CMUC00219E
v CMUC00220E
Table 2. DS Storage Manager messages
v CMUG00134E
v CMUG00135E
v CMUG00136E
v CMUG00137E
v CMUG00138E
v CMUG00139E
v CMUG00140E
Table 3. Storage management console server messages
v CMUN02389E
v CMUN02390E
v CMUN02391E
v CMUN02392E
v CMUN02393E
v CMUN02394E
v CMUN02395E
v CMUN02396E
v CMUN02398E
v CMUN02399E
v CMUN02400E
v CMUN02401E
v CMUN02402E
v CMUN02403E
v CMUN02404E
v CMUN02405E
v CMUN02406E
v CMUN02427E
v CMUN02428E
v CMUN02429E
v CMUN02430E
v CMUN02431E
v CMUN02432E
v CMUN02433E
v CMUN02434E
v CMUN02435E
v CMUN02436E
v CMUN02437E
v CMUN02438E
v CMUN02439E
v CMUN03119E
v CMUN80025E
v CMUN02397E
Changed Information
The following messages have been changed in this edition.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 xv
Table 4. Command-line interface messages
v CMUC00172I
Table 5. DS Storage Manager messages
v CMUR00001W
v CMUR00002W
v CMUR00003W
v CMUS00030W
Table 6. Storage management console server messages
v CMUN02137E
v CMUN02149E
v CMUN02208E
v CMUN02337E
v CMUN02387E
v CMUN03030E
v CMUN03032E
v CMUN03038E
v CMUN03048E
v CMUN03051E
v CMUN03052E
v CMUN03065E
v CMUN03066E
v CMUN03067E
v CMUN03070E
v CMUN03078E
v CMUN03079E
v CMUN03083E
v CMUN03087E
v CMUN03088E
v CMUN06001E
v CMUN06004E
v CMUN06006E
v CMUN06015E
v CMUN06016E
v CMUN06017E
v CMUN06018E
v CMUN06019E
v CMUN06020E
v CMUN06021E
v CMUN06022E
v CMUN06024E
v CMUN06026E
v CMUN06028E
v CMUN06029E
v CMUN06030E
Deleted Information
No messages have been deleted in this edition.
Moved Information
The following messages have been moved in this edition.
Table 7. Moved messages
Original message identifer New message identifier
CMUN01003E CMUN02407E
CMUN01004E CMUN02408E
CMUN01005E CMUN02409E
CMUN01006E CMUN02410E
CMUN01007E CMUN02411E
CMUN01008E CMUN02412E
CMUN01009E CMUN02413E
CMUN01010E CMUN02414E
CMUN01011E CMUN02415E
CMUN01013E CMUN02416E
CMUN01014E CMUN02417E
CMUN01015E CMUN02418E
CMUN01016E CMUN02419E
CMUN01017E CMUN02420E
CMUN01018E CMUN02421E
CMUN01019E CMUN02422E
CMUN01020E CMUN02423E
CMUN01021E CMUN02424E
xvi IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Table 7. Moved messages (continued)
Original message identifer New message identifier
CMUN01022E CMUN02425E
CMUN01023E CMUN02426E
CMUS00030E CMUS00030W
Summary of Changes for GC26-7659-04 IBM TotalStorage DS8000 xvii
xviii IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Chapter 1. Framework messages
Framework messages
These messages are issued by the user interface framework.
CMMCI9001E Command command_name resulted in an internal server
error (error number return_code ). View the log file for details.
An unexpected value was returned for this command.
Run the command again. If the problem persists, contact your service
CMMCI9002I Command command_name halted.
The command command_name was unexpectedly halted.
Perform the following actions to resolve the problem.
1. View the cluster log to determine if other errors might be causing this error.
2. Run the command again.
3. If the problem persists, contact your service representative.
CMMCI9003W No object_name instances found in the system.
You attempted to list all instances of object_name. No instances were found.
No action is required.
CMMCI9004E Cannot modify object_type object_name because it does
not exist.
You are attempting to modify the attributes for the object_type named
object_name, but object_name does not exist.
Make sure that the object with the attributes that you are modifying exists.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 1
CMMCI9005I There is nothing to modify.
You are attempting to modify the attributes for an object, but the values that you
specified are already defined for that object.
If you must modify the attributes for an object, run the command again. Ensure that
you are specifying different attribute values.
CMMCI9006E No class_type instances object_name found that match
criteria: criteria .
You are attempting to list all occurrences of an object, but no instances of the object
that meet your search criteria were found.
If the search criteria that you specified was correct, no action is required.
Otherwise, attempt to list all occurrences of the object again by specifying different
search criteria.
CMMCI9007E object_type object_name does not exist.
You are attempting to run a command on an object that does not exist.
Ensure that you are running this command on an existing object.
CMMCI9008I Unsupported command command_name completed successfully.
The command command_name is not a supported command. However, the
command did complete successfully.
No action is required.
CMMCI9009E The unsupported command_name command failed with a
value return_code
The command command_name is not a supported command. The command did
not complete successfully.
2 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Make sure that you are running only supported commands.
CMMCI9010E The command did not complete successfully.
The command did not complete successfully.
Verify that you are using the correct syntax. Then run the command again.
CMMCI9013E Command: command_name was not found.
You attempted to run a command that does not exist.
Make sure that you run valid administrative command-line interface commands.
Enter ″ help″ for a list of available commands.
CMMCI9014E The parameter -parameter_name is not valid.
You attempted to run a command, but the parameter that you specified is not valid.
Run the command again, specifying valid parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters.
CMMCI9015E The value value for parameter -parameter_name is not
formatted correctly.
The parameter that you specified is not formatted correctly.
Run the command again, specifying parameter values that are formatted correctly.
Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters.
CMMCI9016E Missing parameter name after -.
You specified a dash, but you did not specify a parameter name after the dash.
Chapter 1. Framework messages 3
Run the command again using correct parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″
for a list of valid parameters.
CMMCI9017E Parameter parameter_name is already specified.
You are attempting to specify the same parameter twice on a single command.
Run the command again, specifying the parameter only once. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters.
CMMCI9018E Parameter parameter_name is missing a required value.
The parameter parameter_name requires a value.
Run the command again, specifying valid values for all parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and values.
CMMCI9019E The value for parameter_name : value is not valid.
The value that you specified for the listed parameter name is not valid.
Run the command again, specifying valid values for all parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and values.
CMMCI9021E Command command_name is not formatted correctly.
The command that you specified is not formatted correctly.
Run the command again, making sure that it is formatted correctly. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for the correct format.
CMMCI9022E Missing required parameter: parameter_name .
The parameter parameter_name is required.
4 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
Run the command again, specifying all required parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and values.
CMMCI9023E parameter_name is mutually exclusive of parameter_name
You specified two parameters that cannot be used together. Yo u cannot specify both
parameters on a single command.
Run the command again, specifying only one of the parameters.
CMMCI9024E value exceeds the maximum allowable value of
maximum_value for the parameter command_name
The value that you specified is greater than the maximum value that is allowed for
this parameter.
Run the command again, specifying valid values for all parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9025E value does not meet the minimum allowable value of
minimum_value for the parameter parameter_name
The value that you specified is less than the minimum value that is allowed for this
Run the command again, specifying valid values for all parameters. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9026E Unmatched character_value characters.
There are unmatched character_value characters in the command that you
Run the command again, making sure that you specify matching character_value
characters, such as matching quotation marks. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a
list of valid parameters and parameter values.
Chapter 1. Framework messages 5
CMMCI9027E Invalid value for parameter_name. The length exceeds
maximum_length characters.
The length of the value that you specified for this parameter exceeds the maximum
length for this value.
Run the command again, making sure that the length of the value that you specify
for this parameter is not greater than the maximum length. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9028E The value value specified for parameter parameter_value
is not valid.
The value that you specified for this parameter is not valid for this parameter.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9029E object_type object_name does not exist.
You specified the object object_type with the name object_name, but it does not
Run the command again, making sure that you specify an existing object. Enter
″help command_name ″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9030E Value value cannot be accepted with any other value for
the -parameter_name parameter.
You specified multiple values for the parameter parameter_name. However, if you
specify the parameter value of value , it must be the only value that is specified for
this parameter.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid parameter values.
Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
6 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
CMMCI9031E The help page for command command_name does not exist.
You requested help for the command command_name, but no help exists for this
Make sure that you are requesting help for a valid command. Enter ″ help″ for a list
of available commands.
CMMCI9032E You must specify parameter parameter_name if you
specify parameter parameter_name
If you specify one of these parameters on a command, you must specify both
Run the command again, making sure that you specify both parameters. Enter
″help command_name ″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9033E File file_name does not exist.
The file name that you specified does not exist.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify a valid file name.
CMMCI9034E Parameter parameter_name cannot be used in the same
command as parameter parameter_name .
These two parameters cannot be used together. Yo u cannot specify both of them in
the same command.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify only one of these
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9035E object_type object_name already exists.
You are attempting to create an object of type object_type by the name
object_name , but it already exists.
Chapter 1. Framework messages 7
Make sure that this is the object that you are trying to create. If so, no action is
required. If not, run the command again using a new object name.
CMMCI9036E The value value for parameter -parameter_name is
already specified.
You are attempting to specify the same parameter twice in a single command.
Run the command again, specifying the parameter only once. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for a list of valid parameters.
CMMCI9037E Multiple targets not allowed for command command_name
You cannot specify multiple targets for this command.
Run the command again, specifying a single target. Enter ″ help command_name″
for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9038E You cannot specify multiple values when using the
parameter_name parameter.
You specified multiple values for the parameter parameter_name. You can specify
only a single value for this parameter.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid parameter values.
Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9039E The value value for parameter_name is not valid. It
contains unsupported characters.
You specified a value for this parameter that contains unsupported characters.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid parameter values.
Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
8 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference
CMMCI9040E The value value for the parameter parameter_name is not
valid. It contains unsupported characters.
You specified an object name that contains unsupported characters.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify a valid object name. Enter
″help command_name ″ for a list of valid parameters and parameter values.
CMMCI9041E The value for parameter_name is not valid. You must
specify either value1 or value2 .
You specified a value for this parameter that is not valid. You must specify either
value1 or value2.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9042E The value for the parameter -parameter_name cannot
contain a value .
You specified a value for this parameter that is not valid.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9043E Number of entries (entries ) is exceeded for the
-parameter_name parameter.
You specified too many values for this parameter.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
Chapter 1. Framework messages 9
CMMCI9044E Entry entry_value exceeds the length limit
(entry_limit ) for one item for the -parameter_name parameter.
The length of the value that you specified for this parameter is too long.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9045E The value for -parameter_name must be operator the
current setting of value .
The value that you specified for the listed operator is not valid. The operator
explains how value must be changed.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″ help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9046E Unrecognized syntax error in command command_name
There is a syntax error in the command that you specified.
Run the command again, making sure that you use a valid syntax. Enter ″ help
command_name″ for the syntax to use.
CMMCI9047E Cannot run command_name as a command within the
application_name application. Tip: Enter ″ help command_name ″ for
more information.
You cannot specify the command command_name within this application.
Enter ″ help command_name″ for more information about using this command.
10 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference