The Importance of Exchange VSS Solutions ........................................ 5
Cost of Downtime ................................................................................................................................... 6
Media server: ........................................................................................................................................ 66
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Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Customers rely on Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, and various
internet/intranet applications as key business applications. Even short periods
of unexpected downtime can have a serious impact. The capability of backing
up and restoring data quickly and consistently is essential. The problems in
backing up large amounts of data, such as backup jobs frequently
overflowing their backup window, and having open file and application issues,
led to the development of snapshots.
The capability to take snapshots has been around for several years.
Snapshots allow administrators to “snap” a copy of data while allowing
applications to continue running. Applications are paused just long enough to
allow the disk system to create the snap copy. These volumes could then be
mounted to another server for backing up to various storage devices.
Snapshots, however, depended on tight hardware and software compatibility
which was often problematic, inducing errors that were difficult to track and
resolve. In addition, the vendors needed to support various versions of SQL
Server, Microsoft
Exchange, Windows® Server, and myriad other
Microsoft developed VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) as a common
framework to resolve these issues. Available in Windows Server 2003,
software and hardware vendors now have a common interface model for
generating snapshots. The VSS framework specifies how three distinct
components should interact. The three different components are the VSS
requestor, writer, and provider. The requestor is the backup software, such as
the Backup Exec Agent. The writer is the application software such as SQL
Server or Exchange Server that pause to allow the snapshots to be taken.
The provider is the specific hardware/software combination that generates
the snapshot volume, in this case, the IBM System Storage™ DS Hardware
The Importance of Exchange VSS Solutions
Businesses have grown to rely on access to their Microsoft Exchange servers
to address the increasing demands of mobile computing, global business and
electronic commerce. They depend on Exchange e-mail, group scheduling,
and calendars for critical business communication and key business
processes. E-mail also supports vital applications needed for functions such
as workflow, collaboration, and knowledge management. According to
Microsoft, nearly 45 percent of business-critical information is housed in email and e-mail-attached documents.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
When a critical system like an Exchange server goes down, data,
productivity, and money may be lost. For a typical business that has 500
active users on an Exchange server, if access to that server is lost for two
hours the company may experience a productivity loss of as much as 1000
employee hours, which can equate to tens of thousands of dollars. That does
not consider other losses, such as missed communications from partners,
damaged customer relations, or simply lost deals.
Target Environment
The IBM System Storage™ DS6000 and DS8000 series storage arrays target
medium to large-size businesses seeking enterprise level reliability,
availability, and serviceability (RAS), combined with support of advanced
copy features such as FlashCopy
environment, it is not uncommon to have multiple DS6000 and DS8000
arrays deployed in a complimentary fashion. The DS8000 series is designed
to scale to the needs or the largest enterprise data centers.
, and Metro/Global Mirror®. In a large
Customers deploying these arrays for Exchange-based solutions will typically
have installations that range from several servers hosting a thousand or more
users on a DS6000 at a single site, to fully-loaded DS8000 multi-node arrays
hosting tens of thousands of users. Usually, the latter types of deployments
include geographically dispersed clusters with multi-site data replication
The current version of Backup Exec 11d for Microsoft Exchange does not
include instant recovery capabilities, however future releases may support
this functionality.
During lab testing the average recovery time for a single Storage Group with
a 50GB database was ~ 20 minutes (vs. ~ 5 minutes for instant recovery).
While faster than tape-based recovery methods, these restore times should
be considered against RTOs and service level agreements (SLAs) if
In many cases, production recovery requests are for individual mailboxes,
rather than entire databases or storage groups. With the introduction of
Backup Exec Granular Recovery Technology, Symantec enables faster
RTOs for mailbox or item level restores, which can be restored from VSS
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Created specifically for medium and large enterprises, the IBM System
Storage™ DS8000 series offers high-capacity storage systems that are
designed to deliver a generation-skipping leap in performance, scalability,
resiliency and value.
The DS8000 series is designed to provide exceptional performance while
adding virtualization capabilities that can help you allocate system resources
more effectively and better control application quality of service (QoS). The
DS8000 series also offers powerful functions that are designed to help
protect data from unforeseen events and maintain data availability, which can
benefit businesses that must have round the clock access to information.
• Exceptional flexibility and scalability. The current physical storage
capacity of the DS8000 series system can range from 1.1TB to 512TB,
and it has an architecture designed to scale to over a petabyte.
• Significant availability enhancements. IBM System Storage
, Global and Metro Mirror functions, and streamlined
configuration and management capabilities through the easy-to-use
IBM DS Storage Manager are just some of the many additional
advanced features of the DS8000 series.
• Innovative design creates impressive performance. With 4Gb fibre
technology, the DS8000 models are as much as seven times faster
than the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) Model
• Utilizing IBM POWER5+™ processor technology, the DS8000 series
delivers the first use of the IBM Virtualization Engine™, which is
designed to bring to disk storage systems the logical partition flexibility
usually reserved for enterprise-class servers.
Additional information regarding the DS8000 can be found at:
The IBM System Storage DS6000 series is a member of the family of DS
products and is built upon 2 Gbps fibre channel technology that provides
RAID-protected storage with advanced functionality, scalability, and
increased availability capabilities.
The DS6000 series is designed to offer a high reliability and performanceorientated midrange storage solution through the use of hot-swappable
redundant RAID controllers in a space efficient modular design. The DS6000
series provides storage sharing and consolidation for a wide variety of
operating systems and mixed server environments.
The DS6000 series is designed to offer high scalability while maintaining
excellent performance. With the base DS6800 (Model 1750-511), you can
install up to 16 disk drive modules (DDMs).
If you want to connect more than 16 disks, simply use the optional DS6000
expansion enclosures (Model 1750-EX1) that allow a maximum of 128 DDMs
per storage system and provide a maximum physical storage capability of
38.4TB (FC), or 64TB (FATA).
The small, 3U form-factor allows for maximum density with a minimal
footprint. Available in a 19-inch rack mountable package with optional
modular expansion enclosures of the same size, the DS6000 offers capacity
to help address your growing business needs, while conserving precious
space, power, and cooling resources.
The DS6000 series addresses business efficiency needs through its
heterogeneous connectivity, high performance and manageability functions,
thereby helping to reduce total cost of ownership.
The DS6000 series offers the following major features:
• PowerPC® 750GX processors
• Dual active controllers are designed to maintain operations through the
use of two processors that form a pair to back up one another
• A selection of 2 GB Fibre Channel (FC) & FATA disk drives, including
73, 146, 300, & 500GB sizes with speeds of 10,000 or 15,000
revolutions per minute (RPM)
• 2 GB Fibre Channel and FICON host attachments of up to 8 ports,
which can be configured with an intermix of Fibre Channel Protocol
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
The CIM Agent for DS Open (API) is a middleware application that provides a
CIM-compliant interface for applications that require it, or can make use of it.
Elsewhere you may see this (and other interfaces into the DS Open
framework) referred to generically as the DS Open API. The agent code
provides a CIM API into the IBM System Storage DS8000 & DS6000.
This section includes an overview of the installation process and instructions
for installing and configuring the CIM agent on a Windows 2000 or later
operating system. It should be noted that although this solution places the
CIM agent on a separate Windows 2003 server, that is not a requirement.
The CIM agent can be installed on any server (including the Exchange or
Backup Exec servers), as well as on Linux® & AIX® hosts.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
This section provides an overview of the installation and configuration of the
CIM agent on a Windows Server 2003 system. Ensure that you have
sufficient knowledge of how to administer a Windows Server 2003 system
before you install the CIM agent. Also, you should be familiar with the
commands that you use during installation and configuration of the CIM
agent. The following list of installation and configuration tasks is in the order
in which they should be performed:
1. Before you install the CIM agent for Windows, verify the hardware and
software requirements.
2. If you are managing ESS storage units, you must install the
prerequisite ESS CLI level (or higher) software. The ESS
CLI must be installed first because the CIM agent sets the path
information in shell scripts for you based on the location of the ESS
CLI. The CIM agent installation wizard checks your system for the
existence of the ESS CLI, and the wizard displays a warning message
if ESS CLI is not installed. For ESS CLI installation instructions, see
the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Command-Line Interfaces User’s Guide. This guide is available at:
Attention: If you are upgrading from a previous version of the CIM
agent, you must upgrade the ESS CLI software to the new required
minimum level of
3. You can choose to install the CIM agent either in graphical mode with
the help of an installation wizard or in unattended mode (also known
as silent mode), which involves customizing a response file and
issuing a command.
4. Verify the CIM agent Windows installation.
5. Configure the CIM agent for Windows. You may want to revisit the
configuration section in the future as you add, change, or delete
CIMOM authentication and storage unit information.
6. Verify the connection to your storage unit.
7. Optionally, remove the CIM agent. You only need to perform this
optional task if you get errors during installation verification or if the
CIM agent did not set the environment variables.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
This section includes the steps to install the CIM agent in your Windows
You must satisfy all prerequisites before you begin the CIM agent installation.
After the completion of installation, you must verify the installation of the CIM
agent. Before you install the CIM agent on Windows, verify that your system
meets all of the hardware and software requirements.
1. Log on to your system as the local administrator.
2. Insert the CIM agent CD into the CD-ROM drive. The CIM agent
program should start within 15 - 30 seconds if you have autorun mode
set on your system. If the LaunchPad window does not open, perform
the following steps:
a. Use a Command Prompt or Windows Explorer to change to the
Windows directory on the CD.
b. If you are using a Command Prompt window, type:
c. If you are using Windows Explorer, double-click on the
LaunchPad.bat file.
Note: If you are viewing the folder in Windows Explorer with
the option selected to hide file extensions for known file types,
find the LaunchPad file with the file type of MS-DOS Batch File.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
The following options are displayed when the LaunchPad window opens:
Figure 1: The Launchpad Window
CIM Agent overview: Offers information about the CIM agent.
Readme file: Offers any last minute product information that did not make it
into the installation guide.
Installation guide: Offers instructions on how to install the CIM agent.
License agreement: Offers information about the license for the CIM agent.
CIM Agent Web site: Offers information from the product Web site.
MOF Documentation: Offers information about MOF documentation.
Installation wizard: Starts the CIM agent installation program.
Post installation tasks: Offers information about configuring users and
storage unit communication.
Exit: Exits the CIM agent LaunchPad program.
Note: Before beginning the installation, click the Readme file from the
LaunchPad window or open the README.txt file located in the doc or
Windows directory on the CIM agent CD to check for information that
might supersede the information in this guide.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
2. The Welcome window is displayed. Make a note of the recommended
documents to read prior to installation. Click Next to continue, or click
Cancel to exit the installation.
3. Read and accept the License Agreement, and then click Next.
4. If the installation wizard detects a prior installation of the CIM agent,
the Product Installation Check window opens. Check the Preserve
Configuration check box if you want to preserve your configuration
settings. Follow any specific instructions in the window. For example,
the figure below shows a warning to stop running services. Once you
have followed all instructions, select Next.
Figure 2: Product Installation Check window
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
• The Destination Directory window is displayed only if a version of
CIM agent is not already installed. Otherwise, the CIM agent is
reinstalled or upgraded to the same install location.
• If the program detects insufficient space for the CIM agent
installation in the chosen destination, an error message is displayed.
You can free some space on the destination drive and then click
Next or you can stop the installation program by clicking Cancel.
You can also click Back, and choose another destination directory
for the product.
7. The Updating CIMOM Port window opens. Click Next to accept the
default port. If the default port is the same as another port already in
use, modify the default port and click Next. Use the following
command to check which ports are in use:
netstat -a
Either accept HTTPS as the communication protocol or select another
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
9. Installation usually takes 3 - 10 minutes depending on the
configuration of your system. You can click Cancel to exit the
installation wizard.
Note: If you click Cancel, a window opens asking you to confirm the
cancellation of the installation wizard. If you confirm the cancellation
by clicking Yes, the information entered or selected in previous
windows is not saved. You will need to start the installation again from
the beginning.
10. After the Installation Progress window closes, the Finish window is
displayed. You can view the post installation tasks by clicking the
View post installation tasks checkbox, or you can deselect the
checkbox and continue with the post installation tasks. Click Finish to
exit the installation wizard.
Note: Before proceeding, you might want to review the log file for any
possible error messages. The log file is located in xxx\logs\install.log,
where xxx is the destination directory where the CIM agent for
Windows is installed. The install.log contains a trace of the installation
11. Exit the LaunchPad program by clicking Exit on the LaunchPad
window. If you have not done so already, continue with the post
installation tasks for the CIM agent using the instructions in the
following sections.
Note: Typically, you do not need to restart your system during or after
the installation of the CIM agent. If the installation wizard determines
that a restart is necessary, restart your system. After you restart the
system, the installation wizard will continue with the installation of the
CIM agent.
Verifying the CIM Agent Installation on Windows
This task verifies that your CIM agent is installed correctly on your Windows
server. Perform the following steps to verify your CIM agent:
1. Verify the installation of the Service Location Protocol (SLP).
a. Verify that SLP is started. Select Start Æ Settings Æ Control
Panel. Double-click the Administrative Tools icon, and then
double-click the Services icon.
b. Find Service Location Protocol in the Services window list. For
this component, the Status column should be marked Started
and the Startup Type column should be marked Manual. If
those conditions are not met, right-click on the SLP and select
Start from the pop-up menu. Wait for the Status column to be
changed to Started.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
c. Do not close the Services window because you will also use it
to verify the CIM object manager (CIMOM) service.
2. Verify the installation of the CIM agent.
a. Verify that the CIMOM service is started. If you closed the
Services window, select Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel.
Double-click the Administrative Tools icon, and then doubleclick the Services icon.
b. Find CIM Object Manager - DS Open API in the Services
window list. For this component, the Status column should be
marked Started and the Startup Type column should be
marked Automatic. If those two conditions are not met, right
click on the CIM Object Manager - DS Open API and select
Start from the pop-up menu. Wait for the Status column to
change to Started.
c. Close the Services window.
d. Close the Administrative Tools window.
If you are able to perform all of the verification tasks successfully, the DS CIM agent has
been successfully installed on your Windows system. Next, perform the required
configuration tasks
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
This task configures the CIM agent after it has been successfully installed.
This section repeats the instructions in the Post Installation Tasks option that
you open from the LaunchPad window.
You can also use the modifyconfig command to change the configuration of
some of the parameters that were configured during installation. You can
change the CIM agent port value, protocol (HTTP/HTTPS), and enable or
disable the debug option.
Perform the following steps to configure the CIM agent:
1. Ping each ESS and DS that the CIM agent will manage by typing the
following command:
a. Open a command prompt window and issue a ping command;
for example:
where is and ESS or DS IP address.
b. Check that you can see reply statistics from the IP address.
The following is example output:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=255
If you see other messages that indicate that the request has timed out, see
your Network Administrator for help on establishing network connectivity
before you configure storage units.
2. Configure the CIM agent for each ESS or DS which the CIM agent
can access. Change directories into the CIM agent directory; for
example: C:\Program Files\IBM\cimagent and type the following
command to start the interactive setdevice tool to identify servers to
the CIMOM:
a. For each ESS, type the following command:
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
• represents the IP address of the ESS.
• essuser represents an ESS storage manager user name.
• esspass represents the password for the user name.
The following is example output:
A provider entry for IP successfully added
b. Type the following command for each ESS configured for Copy
Services or for each DS server the CIM agent will access:
>>> addessserver esspass
• represents the IP address of the ESS or DS
• essuser represents a user name for the server.
• esspass represents the password for the user name.
• represents the alternate IP address of the
Note: Specifying an alternate IP address is optional. The alternate
IP address is used if a connection cannot be made using the
primary IP address. The following is example output:
An essserver entry for IP successfully
3. Repeat step for each additional storage unit that you want to
4. Close the setdevice interactive session by typing exit.
5. Once you have defined all the servers, you must stop and restart the
CIMOM to make the CIMOM initialize the information for the servers.
Because the CIMOM collects and caches the information from the
defined servers at startup time, the starting of the CIMOM might take
a longer period of time the next time you start it.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Perform the following steps to use the Windows Start Menu facility to stop
and restart the CIMOM:
a. Stop the CIMOM by selecting Start Æ Programs Æ CIM agent
for IBM DS Open API Æ Stop CIMOM service. A command
prompt window opens to track the stoppage of the CIMOM.
Note: You might see an error message pop-up window that is
labeled “
java.exe - Application Error”. You must click OK to
close that window to continue.
If the CIMOM has stopped successfully, the following message is
The CIM Object Manager for DS Open API service was
stopped successfully. Press any key to close the command
prompt window.
b. Restart the CIMOM by selecting Start Æ Programs Æ CIM
agent for IBM DS Open API Æ Start CIMOM service. A
command prompt window opens to track the progress of the
CIMOM start process. The restarting of the CIMOM can take a
while because it is connecting to the defined servers and is
caching that information for future use. If the CIMOM has
started successfully, the following message is displayed:
The CIM Object Manager for DS Open API service was
started successfully.
Press any key to close the command prompt window.
6. Use the setuser interactive tool to configure the CIMOM for the users
with authority to use the CIMOM.
Note: The users you configure to use the CIMOM are uniquely
defined to the CIMOM software and have no required relationship to
operating system user names, the DS Storage Manager user names,
or the Copy Services user names.
Upon installation of the CIM agent, the provided default user name is
“superuser” with a default password of “passw0rd”. The first time that
you use the setuser tool, you must use this user name and password
combination. Once you have defined other user names, you can start
the setuser command by specifying other defined CIMOM user
Note: The CIMOM must be running before you can use the setuser
a. Open a Command Prompt window and change directory to the
CIM agent directory; for example:
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
b. Type the following command at the command prompt to start
the setuser interactive session to identify users to the CIMOM:
setuser -u superuser -p passw0rd
c. Type the following command in the setuser interactive session
to define new users:
>>>adduser cimuser cimpass
•cimuser represents the new user name that can access the CIM
agent CIMOM
•cimpass represents the password for the new user name that
can access the CIM agent CIMOM
The following is example output:
An entry for user cimuser successfully added where
cimuser is the new user name.
7. Repeat step 6c for each additional user name that you want to
8. You can change the default password for “superuser” by starting the
setuser command and by providing a user name and password.
Issue the setuser interactive session command to change the
password for the superuser:
>>>chuser superuser newpasswd
where newpasswd is the new password for the superuser.
You can also delete the superuser by issuing the following setuser
interactive session command:
>>>rmuser superuser
9. Close the setuser interactive session by typing exit.
Note: Unlike the setdevice actions, you are not required to stop and
restart the CIMOM to make the setuser actions take effect.
If you were able to perform all of the configuration tasks successfully,
the CIM agent has been successfully installed and configured on your
Windows system.
Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Some vendor software might not be capable of communicating with the CIM
agent in a secure fashion. You can still use this vendor software by
configuring the CIM agent to run with only basic user and password security.
Perform the following steps to configure the CIM agent to run in unsecure
1. Using the Windows Start Menu facility, stop the CIMOM by selecting
Start Æ Programs ÆCIM agent for IBM DS Open APIÆStop
CIMOM service.
2. Using the Windows Services facility, stop and start the Service
Location Protocol (SLP) service by selecting StartÆ SettingsÆControl Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools and
double click Services. In the Name column, right-click Service Location Protocol and select Stop. After the SLP stops, start it again
by right-clicking the Service Location Protocol again and select
Start. After the SLP starts, close the Services Window and the
Administrative Tools Window.
3. Find the file and edit it with a tool such as
Notepad, setting the properties as shown in the following