xivIBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
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xviIBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
This IBM Redbook will help you plan, install, and configure the IBM System Storage DS6000
Copy Services functions in System z™ environments, and provides the details you need to
implement and manage these functions. The book includes hints and tips.
This document is intended to help you either to design and set up a new Copy Services
installation, or to migrate from an existing installation. It also addresses functionality and
terminology differences from other IBM Copy Services products.
You can read this book in conjunction with the IBM Redbook IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Architecture and Implementation, SG24-6781. You may also wish to refer to the
companion IBM Redbook for the DS6000 that supports the configuration of the Copy
Services functions in open systems environments, IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services in Open Environments, SG24-6783.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced in Mainz, Germany, by a team of specialists from around the
world working for the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Gustavo Castets is a Certified IBM IT Specialist and Project Leader working for the IBM
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center. While in San Jose, from
2001 to 2004, he co-authored twelve IBM Redbooks and taught IBM classes worldwide in the
area of disk storage systems. Before joining the ITSO, Gustavo was based in Buenos Aires,
where he worked in different technical sales support positions for more than 22 years. Today,
in addition to his work with the ITSO, he works for IBM Global Delivery in Argentina as a
Storage Specialist supporting US and European accounts.
Bert Dufrasne is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist and Project Leader for IBM TotalStorage
and System Storage products at the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose
Center. He has worked at IBM in various IT areas. Before joining the ITSO, he worked for IBM
Global Services as an Application Architect. Bert holds a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Stephen Baird is an IT Specialist with IBM Global Services. He joined IBM in 1999, working
in Open Systems Server Performance Management and Capacity Planning. Since 2002, he
has worked in Storage Area Network and Disk Storage subsystem support, and has gained
experience with Brocade, Cisco, and McData fiber channel switches and directors as well as
DS8000, DS4000™, and ESS series hardware. Stephen holds a degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, MA.
Werner Bauer is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist in Germany. He has 26 years of
experience in Storage software and hardware, as well as with S/390® and z/OS. His areas of
expertise include Disaster Recovery solutions for enterprises utilizing the unique capabilities
and features of the IBM Disk Storage Servers, ESS and DS6000/DS8000. Werner
co-authored IBM Redbooks about Transactional VSAM, DS6000™/DS8000 Concepts and
Architecture, and DS6000/DS8000 Copy Services. He holds a degree in Economics from the
University of Heidelberg and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from FH Heilbronn.
Denise Brown is a Software Engineer at the IBM Open Systems Level Test Lab in Tucson,
Arizona. She has been working with IBM Storage for the past four years, with experience in
Storage software and hardware in an Open System environment. Her current areas of focus
include Copy Services solutions in Metro/Global Mirror and Incremental Re-synchronization
for the DS8000. Denise holds a degree in Engineering Mathematics.
Jana Jamsek is an IT Specialist with IBM Slovenia. She works in Storage Advanced
Technical Support for Europe as a specialist for IBM Storage Systems and i5/OS® systems.
Jana has eight years of experience in the System i™ and AS/400® areas, and six years of
experience in Storage. She holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and a degree in
Mathematics from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Jana co-authored the Redpapers The
LTO Ultrium Primer for IBM eServer™ iSeries™ Customers and Multipath for IBM eServer
iSeries, and IBM Redbooks iSeries in Storage Area Networks and iSeries and IBM
TotalStorage: A Guide to Implementing External Disk on IBM eServer iseries.
Wenzel Kalabza is an IT Specialist in IBM Germany. He started in 1998 as a Field Quality
Engineer for IBM hard disk drives and was the Technical Lead in HDD robustness and
rotational vibration testing. He has three years of experience supporting IBM Storage
products. As a member of the DASD EMEA back office, Wenzel initially supported the ESS,
and is now a Product Field Engineer for the DS6000, specializing in Copy Services.
Peter Klee is an IT Specialist who joined IBM in 2003, working for Strategic Outsourcing.
Since June 2004, he has been part of the ATS System Storage team in Mainz, Germany.
With 10 years of experience in data centers, he previously worked for a large bank in Germany and was responsible for the architecture and implementation of the disk storage environment using EMC Symmetrix, HDS Lightning, and ESS Model 800. Today, Peter’s main
focus is on Copy Services in the Open Systems environment with DS8000 and DS6000,
especially Global Mirror and Metro/Global Mirror.
Markus Oscheka is an IT Specialist for Proof of Concept and Benchmarks at the ATS
Customer Solutions team in Mainz, Germany. His areas of expertise include setup and
demonstration of IBM System Storage products and solutions in various environments
including AIX®, Linux®, Windows®, HP-UX and Solaris™. Markus has worked at IBM for five
years, and has performed many Proofs of Concept with Copy Services on DS6000/DS8000,
as well as Performance Benchmarks with DS4000/DS6000/DS8000.
Ying Thia is an Advisory IT Specialist based in IBM Singapore, providing Storage technical
support. She has 14 years of experience in the S/390 and Storage environment. Prior to
joining the IBM Singapore Storage team, Ying worked in IBM Global Services where her
responsibilities included technical support and services delivery. Her areas of expertise
include IBM high-end Disk and Tape Storage subsystems and Disaster Recovery solutions
using the capabilities and features of IBM Storage products. She co-authored a previous IBM
Redbook and contributed to a workshop for System z copy services.
Robert Tondini is a Senior IT Specialist based in IBM Australia, providing Storage technical
support. He has 12 years of experience in the S/390 and Storage environment. His areas of
expertise include IBM high-end Disk and Tape Storage subsystems and Disaster Recovery
solutions using the capabilities and features of IBM storage products. Robert has co-authored
several IBM Redbooks and contributed to a workshop for System z copy services.
xviiiIBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
John Bynum and Robert Moon - Technical Support Marketing Leads
We want to thank Michael Eggloff and Peter Klee for hosting us at the European Storage
Competency Center in Mainz, Germany.
Günter Schmitt, Uwe Schweikhard, Edgar Strubel (ATS - IBM Mainz) for their help in
reserving and preparing the equipment we used.
Monika Baier, Susanne Balzer, Marion Barlen, Marion Hartmann, Andrea Witkowski, Gertrud
Kramer - IBM Mainz, for their help with administrative tasks.
Many thanks to the authors of the previous edition of this redbook:
Peter Kimmel, Jukka Myyrlainen, Lu Nguyen, Gero Schmidt, Shin Takata, Anthony
Vandewerdt, Bjoern Wesselbaum
We also would like to thank:
Selwyn Dickey, Timothy Klubertanz, Vess Natchev, James McCord and Chuck Stupca
IBM Rochester - System i Client Technology Center
Guido Ihlein, Marcus Dupuis, Wilfried Kleemann
IBM Germany
Bob Bartfai, Jennifer Mason, James Davison, Steve Van Gundy, Richard Ripberger, Bill
Raywinkle, Christopher o’Toole, Jim Sedgwick, Henry Sautter, Craig Gordon, Rosemary
McCutchen,, Lee La Frese, Alan McClure, Rachel Mikolajewski, Gail Spear, Leann Vaterlaus,
David V Valverde, Sonny Williams, Bob Moon.
Brian Sherman
IBM Canada
Nick Clayton
Preface xix
Emma Jacobs and Alfred Schwab
ITSO editorial assistance
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xxIBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Summary of changes
This section describes the technical changes made in this edition of the book and in previous
editions. This edition may also include minor corrections and editorial changes that are not
Summary of Changes
for SG24-6782-02
for IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
as created or updated on December 14, 2006.
December 2006, Third Edition
This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information
described below.
New information
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
Data migration through double cascading
DS6000 model 1750-522
Changed information
Updated Copy Services examples
Updated Licensing information
xxiiIBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
In Part 1 we describe the various Advanced Copy Services offerings for the IBM System
Storage DS6000 series and how they relate to previous Copy Services offerings that are
available on the Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS).
This part also shows how the existing Copy Services functions from the ESS can coexist with
the Copy Services for the DS6000 series. Similarly, we discuss their use with the DS8000
series Copy Services.
With the announcement of the DS6000 Series and of Advanced Copy Services for z/OS on
the DS6000 Series, we have introduced some new terminology. We also introduced these
terms for Advanced Copy Services Version 2 for the ESS. These terms are described in detail
in IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Architecture and Implementation, SG24-6781, and
are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1 Reference chart for DS Copy Services on DS6000.
DS6000 FunctionESS800 Version 2 FunctionFormerly known as
Global MirrorGlobal MirrorAsynchronous PPRC
Metro MirrorMetro MirrorSynchronous PPRC
Global CopyGlobal CopyPPRC Extended Distance
z/OS Global Mirrorz/OS Global MirrorExtended Remote Copy (XRC)
Metro/Global Mirror for System
z, 3-site solution as an XRC
target only
Metro/Global CopyMetro/Global Copy2- or 3-site Asynchronous
z/OS Metro/Global Mirror3-site solution using Sync
You can use either the IBM System Storage DS Storage Command-Line Interface, DS CLI,
or the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Copy Services Graphical User Interface,
DS GUI, to configure Copy Services.
It should be noted that:
All DS6000 installations require at least an Operating Equipment License (OEL) key to
operate. However, Copy Services functions can only be used where the appropriate
License Key is installed.
The key Copy Services license types are: OEL, Remote Mirror and Copy (RMC) or PPRC,
and Point-in-Time Copy (PTC) or FlashCopy.
The DS CLI replaces both the ESS CLI and the ESS Copy Services CLI.
The DS CLI can also be used for ESS 800 Copy Services, but not ESS configuration. For
ESS configuration you must continue to use the ESS Web Specialist or ESS CLI.
The DS CLI can invoke Remote Mirror relationships with ESS 800, if the ESS 800 is at
code level LIC or above.
The DS CLI can be used in reusable scripts and provides a consistent interface for current
and planned System Storage products.
The DS CLI now invokes a Copy Services function directly rather than invoking a saved
The DS GUI can only be used for one-time execution of a Copy Services operation; it
cannot save tasks.
2IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Chapter 1.Introduction
This chapter introduces the business drivers for Copy Services and provides a brief summary
of the various Copy Services functions available on the DS6000 series. These services are
very similar to the existing Copy Services for the IBM Enterprise Storage Server, and some
models of the ESS are interoperable with the DS8000 as well as the DS6000
We briefly describe each function of the Copy Services in this section. Copy Services are a
collection of functions that provide for Disaster Recovery, data migration, and data duplication
functions. There are two primary types of Copy Services functions:
Remote Mirror and Copy. Generally, the Point-in-Time Copy function is used for data
duplication and the Remote Mirror and Copy function is used for data migration and Disaster
With the Copy Services functions, you can create backup data with little or no disruption to
your application, and you can back up your application data to the remote site for uses such
as Disaster Recovery.
Copy Services run on the DS6000 Storage Unit and support open systems and System z
environments. These functions are also supported on the DS8000 series and the previous
generation of storage systems, the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS).
Many design characteristics of the DS6000 and data copying and mirroring capabilities of the
Copy Services features contribute to the protection of data, 24 hours a day and seven days a
week. The licensed features included in Copy Services are the following:
FlashCopy, which is a Point-in-Time Copy function
Remote Mirror and Copy functions, previously known as Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy or
PPRC, which include:
– IBM System Storage Metro Mirror, previously known as synchronous PPRC
Point-in-Time Copy and
– IBM System Storage Global Copy, previously known as PPRC Extended Distance
– IBM System Storage Global Mirror, previously known as Asynchronous PPRC
z/OS Global Mirror, previously known as Extended Remote Copy (XRC)
z/OS Global Mirror and Metro Mirror across three sites. In this environment the DS6000
can only operate as a secondary system.
We explain these functions in more detail in the next section.
You can manage the Copy Services functions through a command-line interface (DS CLI)
and a new Web-based interface (DS Storage Manager). You can also manage the Copy
Services functions through the open application programming interface (DS Open API).
When you manage the Copy Services through these interfaces, these interfaces invoke Copy
Services functions via the Ethernet network. In System z environments, you can invoke the
Copy Service functions by TSO commands, ICKDSF, the DFSMSdss™ utility, and so on.
We explain these interfaces in Part 2, “Interfaces” on page 15.
1.1.1 Point-in-Time Copy (FlashCopy)
The Point-in-Time Copy feature, which includes FlashCopy, enables you to create full volume
copies of data in a Storage Unit. To use it, you must purchase the Point-in-Time Copy
License feature code #5200 PTC for the required DS6800 storage server machine type 1750.
When you set up a FlashCopy operation, a relationship is established between the source
and target volumes, and a bitmap of the source volume is created. Once this relationship and
bitmap are created, the target volume can be accessed as though all the data had been
physically copied. While a relationship between the source and target volume exists,
optionally, a background process copies the tracks from the source to the target volume.
4IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
When a FlashCopy operation is invoked, it takes only a few seconds to complete the process
of establishing the FlashCopy pair and creating the necessary control bitmaps. Thereafter,
you have access to a Point-in-Time Copy of the source volume. As soon as the pair has been
established, you can read and write to both the source and target volumes.
After creating the bitmap, a background process begins to copy the real data from the source
to the target volumes. If you access the source or the target volumes during the background
copy, FlashCopy manages these I/O requests, and facilitates both reading from and writing to
both the source and target copies. When all the data has been copied to the target, the
FlashCopy relationship is ended.
1.1.2 Remote Mirror and Copy RMC (formerly Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy)
The Remote Mirror and Copy (RMC) license authorization enables several Copy Services
functions depending on the configuration and settings you use. RMC is a flexible data
mirroring technology that allows replication between volumes on two or more disk storage
systems. You can also use this feature for data backup and Disaster Recovery.
Remote Mirror and Copy is an optional function. To use it, you must purchase the Remote
Mirror and Copy function authorization code #5300 RMC for the required DS6800 storage
server machine type 1750.
DS6000 Storage Units can participate in Remote Mirror and Copy solutions with another
DS6000, or with the ESS Model 750, ESS Model 800, and DS8000 Storage Units. To
establish an RMC (formerly PPRC) relationship between the DS6000 and the ESS, the ESS
needs to have licensed internal code (LIC) Version or later.
The Remote Mirror and Copy feature can operate in the following modes:
Metro Mirror (formerly Synchronous PPRC)
Metro Mirror provides real-time mirroring of logical volumes between two DS6000s that you
can place up to 300 km from each other. It is a synchronous copy solution where write
operations are completed on both copies (local and remote site) before they are considered
to be complete.
Global Copy (formerly PPRC-XD)
Global Copy copies data non-synchronously and over longer distances than is possible with
Metro Mirror. When operating in Global Copy mode, the source volume sends a periodic,
incremental copy of updated tracks to the target volume, instead of sending a constant
stream of updates. This causes less impact to application writes for source volumes and less
demand for bandwidth resources, while allowing a more flexible use of available bandwidth.
Global Copy does not keep the sequence of write operations. Therefore, the copy is normally
fuzzy, but you can make a consistent copy through synchronization (called a go-to-sync
operation). After the synchronization, you can issue FlashCopy at the secondary site to make
the backup copy with data consistency. After the establishment of the FlashCopy, you can
change the mode back to non-synchronous mode.
Note: When you change from synchronous to non-synchronous mode, you must suspend
first, and then change mode to non-synchronous mode.
If you want to make a consistent copy with FlashCopy, you must purchase a Point-in-Time
Copy function authorization license for the secondary Storage Unit.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Global Mirror (Asynchronous PPRC)
Global Mirror provides a long-distance remote copy feature across two sites using
asynchronous technology. This solution is based on the existing Global Copy and FlashCopy.
With Global Mirror, the data that the host writes to the Storage Unit at the local site is
asynchronously shadowed to the Storage Unit at the remote site. A consistent copy of the
data is automatically maintained on the Storage Unit at the remote site.
Global Mirror operations provide the benefit of supporting operations over virtually unlimited
distances between the local and remote sites, restricted only by the capabilities of the
network and the channel extension technology. It can also provide a consistent and
restartable copy of the data at the remote site, created with minimal impact to applications at
the local site.
The ability to maintain an efficient synchronization of the local and remote sites with support
for failover and failback modes helps to reduce the time that is required to switch back to the
local site after a planned or unplanned outage.
1.1.3 Optional Copy Services function for z/OS
The following functions are only available for z/OS environments with restrictions for where
they can be employed.
z/OS Global Mirror RMZ (formerly XRC)
DS6000 storage servers support z/OS Global Mirror only as a secondary storage server. You
cannot use a DS6000 as a primary storage server for z/OS Global Mirror.
The z/OS Global Mirror function mirrors data on the Storage Unit to a remote location for
Disaster Recovery. It protects data consistency across all volumes that you have defined for
mirroring. The volumes can reside on several different Storage Units. The z/OS Global Mirror
function can mirror the volumes over several thousand kilometers from the source site to the
target recovery site. With z/OS Global Mirror, you can suspend or resume service during an
outage. You do not have to terminate your current data-copy session. You can suspend the
session, then restart it. Only data that changed during the outage must be re-synchronized
between the copies.
z/OS Global Mirror and Metro Mirror across 3 sites
This mirroring capability uses z/OS Global Mirror to mirror primary site data to a location that
is a long distance away and also uses Metro Mirror to mirror primary site data to a location
within the metropolitan area. This enables a z/OS 3-site high availability and disaster
recovery solution for even greater protection from unplanned outages. To use it, you must
purchase both of the following functions:
Remote Mirror for z/OS (2244 Model RMZ for DS8000 Series) on primary site
Remote Mirror and Copy function (2244 Model RMC for DS8000 Series or Machine Type
1750 feature code #5300 RMC for the DS6000 Series) for the primary Storage Unit and
secondary Storage Units at the alternate metropolitan site
Restriction: The XRC and 3-site z/OS Global Mirror environments are supported on
DS6000 Series only as secondary servers at remote sites. They only require standard
DS6000 Copy Services licenses for RMC for the appropriate storage level in a CKD
6IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
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