IBM DB2 VSAM User Manual

How to Get to DB2 from VSE/VSAM Using DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
April 1997
International Technical Support Organization
How to Get to DB2 from VSE/VSAM Using DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
April 1997
Take Note!
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in Appendix C, “Special Notices” on page 113.
First Edition (April 1997)
This edition applies to Version 5 Release 1 of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA, Program Number 5697-B88, for use with the VSE/ESA operating system.
Comments may be addressed to: IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization Dept. 3222 Building 71032-02 Postfach 1380 71032 Böblingen, Germany
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.
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The Team That Wrote This Redbook Comments Welcome
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Part 1. General Conversion Considerations ............................. 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Value of DB2 over VSAM
1.2 Management and Personnel
1.3 Conversion Effort
1.3.1 Planning
1.3.2 Data Migration
1.3.3 Application Conversion
1.3.4 Testing
1.4 Problem Area: Coexistence
1.5 Consultants
1.6 Positioning of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion
2.1 Why Relational
2.1.1 Value
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2.1.2 Inhibitors
2.2 Conversion Principles
2.2.1 Conversion Phases
2.2.2 Switchover Strategies
2.2.3 Functional Changes
2.3 Conversion Methods
2.4 Conversion Personnel
2.5 VSAM Application Systems Inventory
2.5.1 Application Inventory
2.5.2 VSAM File Inventory
2.5.3 Program Inventory
2.6 Coexistence Strategies
2.6.1 Coexistence Scenarios
2.7 Conversion Considerations
2.7.1 Tools
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.7.2 Performance
2.7.3 Processor Requirements
2.7.4 DASD Requirements
2.8 Conversion With DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
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Chapter 3. Database Design
3.1 Types of Database Conversion
3.2 Objectives of Conversion
3.3 Database Design Philosophy
3.3.1 Design Information Sources
3.3.2 Design Sequence
3.3.3 Data Naming Considerations
3.4 VSAM to Relational Considerations
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 iii
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3.5 Logical Database Design ............................. 31
3.5.1 Designing Tables
3.5.2 Field to Column Mapping
3.6 Data Security
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3.7 Designing for Data Related Between VSAM and DB2
3.8 Physical Database Design
3.9 Estimating Performance
3.10 Design Review
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Chapter 4. Testing
4.1 Testing Methodology
4.2 Performance
4.3 Data Sampling
4.4 Integration Test Procedures
4.4.1 Compare Application Results
4.4.2 Compare Database Contents
4.4.3 Identical Function Testing
4.5 Preparing for Cutover to Production
4.5.1 Online System Verification
4.5.2 Batch System Verification
4.6 Cutover to Production
4.6.1 Post Cutover
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Part 2. Conversion Using DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA ............ 57
Chapter 5. Overview of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Components of DB2 VSAM Transparency
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5.3 Steps to Enable DB2 VSAM Transparency for a VSAM File
Chapter 6. Installation of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
6.1 Prepare Installation
6.2 Install DB2 VSAM Transparency
6.2.1 D efine New Sublibrary
6.2.2 Install from Product Tape
6.3 Acquire Dbspace
6.4 Create Tables
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6.5 Reload DB2 VSAM Transparency Packages into the Database
6.6 Change the CICS Configuration Tables
6.6.1 CICS Installation Using RDO
6.6.2 Compiling CICS PPT and PCT Tables
6.6.3 Customize CICS Operating Environment
6.7 Customize the Execution JCL Set
6.8 Guest Sharing
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Chapter 7. Using DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
7.1.1 File Types Supported
7.1.2 Capabilities
7.1.3 Limitations
7.2 Defining VSAM Files
7.2.1 Main Screen
7.2.2 List of Files
7.2.3 File Description
7.2.4 Subset Definition
iv DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
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7.2.5 Columns Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.2.6 Columns Default Values Description
7.2.7 Columns Format Description
7.2.8 User Exit Definition
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.4 Acquire Dbspace
7.7 LOAD
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7.9 Define the List of VSAM Files to Process
7.10 INIT
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7.11 Implementing Transparency for Batch Applications
7.11.1 Loading Programs into SVA
7.11.2 Start Batch Transparency
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7.11.3 Executing a Batch Program Using Transparency
7.11.4 S top Bat ch Transparency
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7.12 Implementing Transparency for CICS Applications
7.12.1 Modify PPT Table
7.12.2 Loading Program into SVA
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7.12.3 Start Transparency for CICS Processing
7.12.4 Execute a Transaction using Transparency
7.12.5 Stopping Transparency for CICS Processing
7.12.6 Disable Transparency for Online Processing
7.13 Summary of DB2 VSAM Transparency Step by Step
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Chapter 8. Beyond Transparency
Appendix A. Environment Used
A.1 Installation
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Appendix B. Performance Statistics
Appendix C. Special Notices
Appendix D. Related Publications
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D.1 International Technical Support Organization Publications D.2 Redbooks on CD-ROMs D.3 Other Publications
How to Get ITSO Redbooks
How IBM Employees Can Get ITSO Redbooks How Customers Can Get ITSO Redbooks IBM Redbook Order Form
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
List of Abbreviations
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ITSO Redbook Evaluation
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Contents v
vi DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA


1. The Path through the Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Positive Thinking
3. Conversion Phases
4. Conversion Methods in Perspective
5. Coexistence Situation
6. Migration with DB2 VSAM Transparency
7. How Transparency Works
8. Options for Periodic Fields
9. Equivalent Testing Flow
10. Data Access with DB2 VSAM Transparency
11. Sample JCL to Define a SUBLIB
12. Install Panel for DB2 VSAM Transparency
13. Sample for DBSPACE DB2 VSAM Transparency
14. Sample ISQL Command Sequence for Acquire Dbspace
15. Sample for CREATE TABLES DB2 VSAM Transparency
16. Sample for Reloading DB2 VSAM Transparency into Database
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17. Sample to Update CICS Tables via RDO DB2 VSAM Transparency into Database
18. DFHPCT Modifications to Install Transparency
19. DFHPPT Modifications to Install Transparency
20. DFHSIT Modifications to Install Transparency
21. Screen to Customize JCL
22. Main Screen of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
23. Sample List of Files Screen of DB2 VSAM Transparency
24. Sample File Description Screen for MULT
25. Sample File Description Screen for SUBS with a NEXT File
26. Sample Subset Definition Screen
27. Sample of a Columns Description Screen
28. Sample Columns Default Values Description Screen
29. Sample Columns Format Description Screen
30. Sample XTSTDEF JCL
31. Sample Acquire Dbspace JCL
35. Sample XTSTGEN JCL
36. Sample XTSTPRM JCL
38. Sample XTSTSDL2 JCL for Batch and Online Transparency
39. Sample XTSTSDL JCL for Batch Transparency
40. Sample LIBSDL2 Job Including Transparency LIBDEF for SVA Load
41. Extract from Sample Startup Job JCL02 Including SVA Load
44. Sample DFHPPT Changes
45. Sample XTSTSDL2 JCL for Online Transparency Only
46. Sample DFHPLTPI Entry
47. Steps for Using DB2 VSAM Transparency
48. Database Layout
49. VSAM Files and DB2 Tables Used
50. Application Performance With Access Modules in COBOL
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Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 vii
51. Application Performance With Access Modules in Assembler ..... 111
viii DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA


Many customers have already recognized the advantages of DB2 Server for VSE & VM over VSE/VSAM, but could not spend the effort to convert their business data and applications. With DB2 VSAM Transparency there is a tool that eases conversion to DB2. After the manual input of the data structures in VSAM and DB2, it performs the data migration automatically and offers transparent access to DB2 from the unchanged VSAM applications. DB2 VSAM Transparency can be used as a first step to exploit DB2; the applications can later be modified step by step to further optimize the data and application structure to the individual needs.
This redbook points to the critical areas in a conversion process, and in detail explains the usage of the DB2 VSAM Transparency. It describes the steps in using data migration and application Transparency, puts them in the context of the overall conversion process and gives invaluable hints and tips.
The redbook was written primarily for application programmers and system programmers, but also for database administrators, managers and all those who are responsible for planning and performing a database conversion. Basic knowledge of VSE, DB2, and application programming is assumed.

The Team That Wrote This Redbook

This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the International Technical Support Organization Böblingen Center.
Gys Brummer from IBM South Africa.
Vijaykumar Singh from ML Sultan Technikon in Durban, South Africa.
Clara Yu from IBM China.
Eberhard Lange from the International Technical Support Organization Böblingen
Center was the project leader.
We want to especially thank Rolf Löben from IBM Germany for his invaluable advice.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 ix

Comments Welcome

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x DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA

Part 1. General Conversion Considerations

Part 1, “General Conversion Considerations” describes the conversion process in general. It highlights the problem areas and gives an idea where DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA can help.
Chapter 1, “Introduction” This chapter is an executive overview of a conversion from VSAM to DB2 on
the VSE/ESA platform.
Chapter 2, “Planning for Conversion” This chapter gives an overview of the planning necessary for a successful
conversion. This includes aspects such as project phases, conversion methods, inventory needs, and coexistence strategies.
Chapter 3, “Database Design” This chapter describes the task of converting VSAM files to a relational
Chapter 4, “Testing” This chapter details testing methodology and some procedures with a
concentration on system integration testing.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 1
2 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA

Chapter 1. Introduction

Converting to a database system is a major decision. It affects business flexibility, costs, and efficiency. Many customers have already recognized the advantages that DB2 Server for VSE & VM offers over keeping the enterprise data in VSE/VSAM files, but have lacked the chance to convert because this meant a large effort.
This chapter is an executive overview of a conversion from VSAM to DB2 on the VSE/ESA platform.
In this manual we use the term “conversion” for the whole project of moving data and applications from VSAM to DB2. The word “migration” names the process of moving the data from VSAM into DB2 tables.
1.1 Value of DB2 over VSAM
The advantage of a relational database lies in a data structure which is easy to understand. Therefore, the data and applications can be more quickly and cheaply adapted to the changing needs of your business. This is achieved with full integrity and with much higher consistency of your data than you can ever achieve with VSAM.
Additionally, a DB2 database combined with other IBM software provides you with the capability to build:
Data warehouses
Executive information systems
Data marts
Client/server applications
Network computing applications
Mobile computing applications.
To summarize:
A DB2 database makes
out of your
Naturally, you will be looking for a way to get these advantages while leveraging your existing assets in information and applications. This can be achieved, as you will see, using the DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA.
1.2 Management and Personnel
It is obvious that the project manager is a key person; many conversion projects failed because the project manager was not suited for the job.
Less obvious is the following fact: For a successful conversion it is crucial that the management understands the need for the conversion and backs the efforts and the costs involved. If the upper management does not support the project, a conversion project cannot be successful. The reason for this lies in the large effort, the long time and huge costs involved with it, and in the amount of problems that can arise even in spite of a thorough and careful planning. A ll
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 3
this may lead the management to have high expectations which should be fulfilled in the short run - but they are not.
It is important that the management understands the purpose of the conversion to the relational database management system and values its long term advantages. Since in the short term there are high costs involved and no big advantages visible (actually none in the first phase), such projects often are deferred to never, or are begun and fail because of lacking management backup.
1.3 Conversion Effort
Disregarding differences between individual customer installations, generally the overall effort spreads over 9 months and can be estimated as follows:

30% Planning 12% Data Migration 8% Application Conversion 50% Test

1.3.1 Planning
For a conversion project to be finished successfully, major effort has to be spent on careful planning. Therefore, after the first phase of a study of typically around a week, a second phase has to follow making a pilot and a detailed analysis of the feasibility of the strategy. This phase can take several months. Only then can the third phase of the actual implementation be started.
Although the purpose of a conversion normally lies in the feasibility of extensions, changes and new applications, the implementation of any application change has to wait until the end of the conversion. It is important that no changes at all are intermixed with the conversion project; they have to be staged until the conversion project is finished. Otherwise testing of the conversion will not only become difficult and more expensive, but a complete test with high quality becomes impossible.
1.3.2 Data Migration
The effort that is involved to migrate the data can be split into the following areas:
1. Describe the current structure of the VSAM data.
2. Define the future data structure in DB2.
3. Set up the database and implement the structure.
4. Migrate the data from VSAM to DB2.
5. Repair the data.
Define the Current Structure
The first step can be very time consuming. If there is a detailed description of all the fields of a VSAM data set, including all the special meanings and multiple different formats the same columns can have depending on various conditions, it must be made sure that this description is correct and up to date, in synchronization with the applications accessing the one VSAM file to be migrated.
4 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
But often, such a description does not exist in a concise form so that the information must be extracted from all applications reading and writing the VSAM file. This can be a huge task.
The time spent on this is not at all lost because without this information no extension to any existing business data or application could be made anyway. Therefore, from a management point of view, this effort should not be rated as part of the conversion effort but rather as a necessary step in further developing the data structure and the applications. The conversion project is just a means to bring this step forward because it needs this description as a prerequisite.
Repair the Data
Also the last step can be very time consuming. Putting the data into a more structured, more logical form, for example in a “normal form” (normalization), very often leads to the detection of data errors. Fixing these can take a lot of time and is dependent on the quality and consistency of the data.
1.3.3 Application Conversion
To manually change all the data accessing modules at first glance might be considered the largest effort because it can most easily be imagined as complex. This can be assisted by tools so that, compared to the other tasks, this is the smallest effort. This fact shows the importance of good planning and testing.
1.3.4 Testing
Testing must be planned from the beginning. Before the first migration is done, all test tools must be available. The test tools must be run at least once before the actual migration is started. The following areas must be covered by the tests:
Function Test
The test tools must be able to prove the correct and complete functionality of the applications after the conversion. Alternatively, it can be tested that the application before and after the change do the same - if the applications before were in a good shape and had no problems.
In the most cases this can be considered the easiest part.
Performance Test
Since the relational database management system performs many tasks, it takes some processing capacity. Therefore, the applications have to be run and both response time and processor capacity have to be verified. On the other hand, applications can be relieved of many tasks that are performed by DB2.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Concurrency Test
More complex than the pure performance and capacity analysis is to test the behavior of the new applications and the relational database management system on concurrent access to data. DB2 can lock data access in a more granular way than VSAM. Therefore, generally concurrency can be improved when migrating to DB2.
1.4 Problem Area: Coexistence
During the conversion process, there will be data and programs that need to span both VSAM and DB2 concurrently. In some cases, this may be a short step towards full conversion, in other cases coexistence may be a way of life for a longer period of time. The various choices to overcome this include:
Extract data from existing VSAM files on a regular basis, for example for query and decision support systems. No update to the DB2 data from the applications is allowed. The update from the VSAM copy to DB2 has to occur regularly.
Update of one database management system with read-only of the other. Such applications can heavily increase the time and costs of a conversion project and should be avoided where possible.
Updates to both database management systems.
1.5 Consultants
IBM and many consultants in many countries are experienced and willing to help you during a conversion from VSAM to DB2. There are also various tools to assist you in the one or the other step. For example, a vendor or consultant can have tools to test the function of an application, guaranteeing that all paths are run through. This can relieve you with the function test.
It is recommended to involve external help at least in planning for a conversion project. The savings due to the experience of a consultant having performed several conversions can by far outweigh the costs.
You can call IBM for consulting, or for closing the contact to another experienced consultant. Or you can contact a local user group or one of the worldwide user groups such as GUIDE, SHARE or WAVV to get such contacts. IBM is also willing to help you to get in touch with user groups in your area.
1.6 Positioning of DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
With DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA there is a tool that can assist dramatically in a conversion. With a comparatively low effort you can migrate all your data and, leaving your applications unchanged, transparently access DB2. Because all your data is already in DB2, coexistence problems can be avoided.
The data structure can already be modified to a large extent during the above migration step. The data structure and the applications can later be modified step by step to further optimize performance and adapt to the individual customers needs. For example, it is possible to keep some VSAM accesses while other VSAM accesses are changed to DB2 accesses within the same application. In this case, the older VSAM accesses continue to be transparently
6 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
intercepted, whereas the changed application statements can directly access DB2 data using SQL bypassing Transparency.
Using DB2 VSAM Transparency might therefore reduce the effort for an external consultant.
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
8 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA

Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion

This chapter gives an overview of the planning necessary for a successful conversion. This includes aspects such as project phases, conversion methods, inventory needs, and coexistence strategies. It is strongly recommended to use the ITSO Redbook Planning for Conversion to the DB2 Family:Methodology and Practice″, GG24-4445 for that purpose. It gives a more detailed description than this overview. Although it was written for a VSAM to DB2 conversion on MVS, most of it is valid for a conversion from VSAM to DB2 on VSE/ESA. Some of that information is repeated here to help customers to:
Get an overview of the conversion process.
Learn the steps to be performed.
Value the DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA within that context.
Figure 1. The Path through the Mountains
2.1 Why Relational
Conversion of an application from VSAM, a file management system, to DB2, a relational database management system, is not necessarily a productive effort. There are however, a number of relational advantages which justify the conversion of existing applications with little or no change in function. In the case of converting to DB2, these reasons are essentially the reasons that cause the choice of DB2 for new applications. Typically, the choice is to do new application development and major rewrites with DB2 and permit existing applications to atrophy. Additional factors come into play: data interchange and consistency between the two systems can also be costly and complex.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 9
2.1.1 Value
Problems with VSAM
In many cases, the problems with heritage systems are that they are vital and form a huge investment, but lack flexibility to implement changes or to add new applications. Maintenance costs can take up to 80% of the development budget, but data processing is under pressure to cut costs.
Value of Relational
Generally, the relational model provides significant value for an application implemented in DB2. It can be shown to add value and reduce cost.
Data in a relational database management system such as DB2 is understandable for end users and programmers.
Data is extendable.
Data in DB2 is globally accessible, from batch, online transactions, interactive end users and remote systems.
Data replication to many platforms is possible, allowing for better performance and availability by remote systems.
SQL language applications can easily be ported.
DB2 offers good recovery management.
DB2 offers the ability to protect various levels of data. You can keep all your data in a centralized table and still have the flexibility of restricting access to sensitive fields.
2.1.2 Inhibitors
This leads to the following advantages:
Reduced maintenance costs for applications.
Reduced operational effort.
The possibility to prepare for the year 2000.
Additional applications are offered, such as decision support tools.
The capability to build:
1. Data warehouses
2. Executive information systems
3. Data marts
4. Client/server applications
5. Network computing applications
6. Mobile computing applications.
Higher productivity for the end users.
Although DB2 is obviously a much better platform for data, various reasons might be given for not converting to DB2:
Costs of conversion
Lack of skill
Uncertainty about costs and results
Resistance from personnel and executives
10 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
Lack of comprehensive help
Impact on end users
But IBM and many consultants offer comprehensive help, tools can reduce the conversion costs dramatically, and the systematic analysis of the value of a conversion should help to overcome resistance. Good planning can size the costs, minimize the risks and reduce the impact on end users.
The additional data processing costs caused by a new database platform with additional applications can be split into the following areas:
1. One-time conversion costs. For an effort split in percentage, see 1.3, “Conversion Effort” on page 4. Depending on the individual customer situation, the one-time conversion costs may be caused by one or more of the following:
Additional people
Consultants to assist in planning or execution of parts of the conversion.
Additional disk space during the conversion time for tools and duplicate copies of application and data, see 2.7.4, “DASD Requirements” on page 22.
Additional processor capacity (including follow-on costs mentioned below) to perform the conversion of data and applications, see 2.7.3, “Processor Requirements” on page 22.
2. Costs for additional software: DB2, related features, tools and applications.
3. Possibly a larger processor, depending on the current processor size and load. If this happens, increased software licence costs for existing software will follow.
4. Additional disk space for the data. A relational database management system creates control space, redundancy and requires some spare disk space. Additionally, the new software will take extra disk space.
5. Other. This list is just to give you some ideas what areas should be considered. It is not necessarily complete and can vary to a great degree according to the individual customer environment and situation.
2.2 Conversion Principles
The following is a recommended strategy for a conversion:
Decide why you want to move.
Use business needs to drive a strategy rather than technology.
Decide where you are now.
Decide where you want to be.
Evaluate the alternatives.
Decide the best route, taking everything into account.
Use a phased approach rather than a giant leap.
For each of the phases, clearly identify:
Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion 11
This means especially, that the end of the conversion process needs to be clearly defined.
Figure 2. Positive Thinking
2.2.1 Conversion Phases
The steps in Figure 3 on page 13 have proven useful in many conversion projects:
Phase 1 “Conversion Assessment Study” means a portfolio analysis of the system to ensure that the start point is defined, the scope is understood, the clients objectives can be met and the appropriate strategy is set.
The pilot in Phase 2 is to provide proof of the concept by validating the technical findings of the assessment study. The pilot completes the analysis of Phase 1 and involves setting up a plan.
Phase 3 is the main conversion. If the project is well-managed, it can be a smooth and efficient process.
12 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
Figure 3. Conversion Phases
2.2.2 Switchover Strategies
During the study, various strategies are examined in order to find the best one for a particular situation.
Management Information System It may be questioned if report writers are to be converted, or to be replaced
by reporting systems such as QMF.
Big-Bang When you switch over from the old to the new system from Saturday to
Sunday, you take a high risk. Therefore, a fallback plan is required. On the other hand, coexistence problems do not appear, which can save a lot of extra work.
Piece at a time One application or group of applications is moved at a time. What if a
program needs access to data under control of both technologies? This kind of coexistence problem can require a high investment in code which will be dropped afterwards.
2.2.3 Functional Changes
It is understood that one of the reasons for the conversion is to more readily accommodate changes to the database.
However, testing the conversion is a significant part of the overall effort. The effect of the addition of new functions with changes to data, programs, input and output dramatically complicates the effort of verifying the conversion. The easiest means of testing the converted system is to use identical input to both the former VSAM system and the new DB2 system and then compare the data and output of both systems. It is desirable to automate this as much as possible.
Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion 13
We strongly recommend, therefore, that no changes be permitted which will affect these variables during the conversion. As needs are recognized during the conversion, they should be logged for later implementation. Failure to follow this recommendation will extend the period of the conversion, increase the cost and might eventually cause the conversion project to fail.
2.3 Conversion Methods
Figure 4. Conversion Methods in Perspective
To decide upon the right conversion method, it is important to understand the different approaches and their results.
1. Translation is the easiest to understand. It takes the VSAM calls and translates them to DB2. The data structure is left completely unchanged, this means, the VSAM records are stored as long character strings into DB2 tables.
This is the easiest method, but does offer few of the advantages of DB2.
2. Transparency intercepts VSAM calls and re-routes them to database calls. The data can be remodeled to suit a relational structure; using
Transparency, the application can function as before. Performance can be an issue because applications now contain much used but unneeded code. Applications can later on be modified step by step without coexistence issues.
Data propagation is a form of Transparency. It keeps two copies of the data, and updates are propagated (automatically or at regular times manually) to the new platform.
3. Re-engineering means minimum change consistent with DB2. This means changing enough to remove dependencies on the old structures and become compatible with good DB2 design, but not rethinking the whole data design.
It offers the main advantages of DB2 and allows limited redesign to take advantage of special situations, but takes more time than translation. The data design still reflects old data structures.
14 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
4. Reverse engineering means to capture the old designs into models, modify them, and generate new programs and new database designs.
This method requires that really effective, good tools are available. There are some, but they must be compatible with the programming languages used. This method needs more development time, but future maintenance will be easier. Testing for identical results is unlikely to be useful.
5. Redevelopment of the applications can be needed if old code is in a poor state. Data models are re-thought from scratch.
This means a huge investment with longer development times, but with the chance to use a 4th generation language and new tools. Testing for identical results is unlikely to be useful.
6. The Corporate Model means that not only the applications are redeveloped but, from the modeling of the business and data, a completely new structure of the data and the applications is created.
Some intermixtures between methods are possible, for example application re-engineering combined with reverse re-engineering of the data. For more details, refer to the redbook Planning for Conversion to the DB2 Family:Methodology and Practice″, GG24-4445.
The “80:20 rule” should be a guideline to help decide: As in many other areas, you can achieve 80% of the benefits with 20% of the costs.
2.4 Conversion Personnel
It is obvious that the project manager is a key person; many conversion projects failed because the project manager was not suited for the job.
Less obvious is the fact that for a successful conversion it is crucial to have an executive sponsor who wants and needs the project to succeed. The management must understand the need for the conversion and back the efforts and the costs involved. If the upper management does not support the project, a conversion cannot be successful since in the short term, there are high costs involved and no big advantages visible - in the first phase no advantages at all.
Naturally, technically capable people are needed with various skills; since special skills are involved with a conversion process which will not be needed before or afterwards, it might be wise to use external people assisting the in-house team for the conversion.
2.5 VSAM Application Systems Inventory
In order to prepare accurate estimates of workloads, costs and schedules, it is necessary to set up a thorough inventory of each application to be converted. This section provides direction and guidelines for conducting an inventory of the VSAM applications, analyzing the results of the inventory and ranking each application in the order of conversion difficulty. The data that will be collected and the criteria that apply to that data will help make the final ranking and selection as objective as possible.
If you are a data dictionary user, its reports can be used for some of this inventory. It should be noted that if the data dictionary is current and complete, it can be a major tool during the database design and data conversion phases
Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion 15
from VSAM to DB2. The conversion team should consider bringing the data dictionary up-to-date. The two primary advantages of doing so are:
The capability to obtain quick answers to What usestype questions, and
The assurance that all data entities are available for inventory.
The best source of information for the application inventory and resulting analysis may be a VSAM programmer who is knowledgeable in the VSAM data management system and the applications.
We cannot over emphasize the importance of this inventory.
attempt to do any steps of the conversion without completing this inventory
The specific skills needed by members of the conversion team responsible for the inventory are:
Strong VSAM knowledge, especially of the various data organizations.
Ability to use VSAM utilities.
Host language (for example, COBOL) programming knowledge.
Experience with the VSAM interfaces used in the installation (for example, CSP).
Ability to retrieve data from the data dictionary, VSAM catalog, CSP Member Specification Library (MSL) and Application Load File (ALF), or other sources as appropriate.
2.5.1 Application Inventory
Minimum documentation points for each application are:
The actual application name that is to be used for migration.
A description which is a brief paragraph stating the primary business requirements and functions of the application.
Other information that should be recorded here is how critical and visible each application is to the business and users.
Document the number of files for each application. You should be alert to two conditions that could impact the conversion time or complexity. These are:
You should not
1. A very high number of files
2. Inter-relationships between files.
File isolation is important when considering an application for conversion. Isolation refers to the degree of sharing of files between applications.
Document the number of programs for the application by language. If COBOL programs are registered in the data dictionary, they can be listed
from there. This approach assumes the data contained in the dictionary is current and complete. If not, a physical count against the production library is needed along with details about which applications use which COBOL programs.
A list of the CSP programs may be generated through the Application Load File Utility (ALFUTIL) or the where-used capability of the List Processor Facility.
The application should have few outstanding change requests. Users tend to expect changes to be made during conversion. Applying changes during the
16 DB2 VSAM Transparency for VSE/ESA
conversion increases programming time and can dramatically increase the complexity and the cost of the testing effort.
A better strategy is first to convert the application to relational and later make the needed changes, taking advantage of the productivity and flexibility that the relational database provides.
Often business issues dictate the timing of the conversion effort. For example, conversion of the budget application should be completed before the fiscal year ends.
It would be convenient if a simple application could be selected for the first conversion. This gives the staff experience and confidence with minimum risk. However, business priorities may not permit this.
2.5.2 VSAM File Inventory
Difference Between File and Table
When creating the VSAM file inventory, it is important to recognize the difference between a VSAM file and a DB2 table. VSAM files often contain several types of records in the same file. These may be control records, or redefined records containing different information about the same entity. In the relational model, all rows in a table must contain the same columns. Because no variation is permitted, one or more tables are normally defined for each VSAM record type.
Another important difference is the level of data definition. In DB2 each column is defined in the DB2 catalog. In VSAM, data is defined at the record level, and field definitions are left to the individual program. To create an inventory of VSAM fields, each field must have a unique and consistent name. Therefore, special attention must be given to homonyms (different fields having the same names) and to synonyms (a field being addressed by different names). If consistent field (column) names have not been established through a data dictionary or other means, they will have to be established for the purposes of the inventory. Since it may be appropriate to use those same names consistently in the converted programs and as DB2 column names, their selection should be done with care. See 3.3.3, “Data Naming Considerations” on page 29.
Possible sources for these names are data dictionaries, COBOL copy library definitions, other source library definitions, CSP definitions, and COBOL program definitions.
File Inventory Creation
For each application, the files, record types, fields, and indexes need to be identified. VSAM catalog listings can provide a complete list of VSAM files and indexes if more application oriented information is not available or reliable. They also show the location of prime and alternate key fields, which must also be identified, but not the names of those fields. Record types may be derived from COBOL copy library entries, other source libraries, CSP data, or program listings.
For CSP applications, the Application Load File Utility (ALFUTIL) or the where-used capability of the List Processor Facility can greatly facilitate the scanning of applications and the documentation of application to file relationships, as well as record and field definitions.
Chapter 2. Planning for Conversion 17
Caution: In some cases a record in a file may be defined as one long field. In other cases there may be different record types within one file with a flag or indicator that the program must read and understand. If either case exists, investigation of the record layouts in each program accessing this file may be necessary to achieve accurate record descriptions.
The following information is considered important and should be shown for each file as a spreadsheet or table form for easy reading and understanding:
File name
File identifier
Catalog name
Type of VSAM file
Record key and alternate index
Number of record types
Names of the different record structures
Names of the source programs accessing the file
Name or number of the library in which the source programs are stored (name for CSP in VSE library, number of ICCF library)
For each record structure, list of fields with start positions and length
For each record structure, number of fields
Number of records in the file (to calculate dbspace).
2.5.3 Program Inventory
All programs that make up a selected application must be inventoried to ensure complete conversion. This section describes the data that is needed and how to collect it.
All CSP programs can be identified with the Application Load File Utility (ALFUTIL) or the where-used capability of the List File Processor. A complete inventory of the COBOL programs may or may not be available through a data dictionary. If the COBOL programs are not registered in the data dictionary, it may be necessary to list all COBOL programs in the source library, in order to locate the programs that apply to the selected application and record their name.
Information that should be listed for each application is as follows:
A pragmatic way to determine which programs are used, is through the accounting information. All important programs will be listed there. Every program that has not been run, for example during the past two years, is not worth converting.
There are also some vendor tools available that will assist in performing this task.
Inventory of all batch and online programs by program name.
JCL of all batch programs.
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