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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Read This First
Read this carefully
Before starting the installation, please check that your DMM(s) or EC-DMM(s) has(have) the requested memory.
For that, issue, for each DMM or EC-DMM, the following command:
show module x.all verbose
where x is the slot where your DMM resides.
This show command should return:
CPU RAM Size (Mb):5
FLASH Memory (Mb):3
If you have:
CPU RAM Size (Mb):5
FLASH Memory (Mb):2
that is valid for DMM v3.01, but that is not enough for DMM v4.11 or later. If you try to load DMM v4.11 or later
on a DMM v3.01 that has sufficient RAM, but not enough FLASH, it will refuse to start the download, asking for
memory upgrade.
If you have:
CPU RAM Size (Mb):3
FLASH Memory (Mb):2
then you may only run 2.x levels of DMM Operational code.
If you have one of the last two cases, the DMM Memory upgrade MES (FC 8932), that provides both extra RAM
and FLASH memory, should be installed. If you have it, read Distributed Management Module Memory Upgrade,
part number 29H4293, and/or contact your IBM representative for further needs.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Note related to High-End Token-Ring Medium Access Control Card
Before starting the installation, please carefully read the following:
To exercise the High-End Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (HTMAC) facilities, it is mandatory that
the Management Module(s) (DMM, EC-DMM or Advanced DMM/Controller) of your 8260 Nways(*) Multiprotocol Switching Hub be at least at level v4.11 or later. It is recommanded to work with the latest released
Operational Code levels, that are v5.25 for the Management Module and v1.15 for the Controller (parts of that
same EC).
The 8260 HTMAC Operational Code supports, since v2.00, Enterprise Communication Analysis Module
(ECAM). ECAM is an advanced embedded application which provides RMON extensions to IBM Nways(*)
Campus Manager - Remote Monitor, version 2 or later.
HTMAC Operational Code v2.10 also contains some fixes for problems that were in Operational Code v1.xx or
v2.0x. It is recommended to upgrade all HTMACs to v2.10, even if ECAM will not be used.
When upgrading HTMAC Operational Code to v2.10, any RMON configured parameters (e. g. alarms, filters)
will be lost. These parameters will need to be reconfigured after HTMAC Operational Code v2.10 is downloaded.
The 8260 HTMAC Boot Code v1.01 contains a fix for using HTMAC with 16 MB of memory (FC 8996).
HTMAC Boot Code v1.01 must be loaded on the card prior to using the 16 MB memory modules. If not
possible, please contact your IBM representative.
For additional informations about the High-End Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (HTMAC) and its
embedded Enterprise Communication Analysis Module (ECAM), please refer to the Release Note, part number P/N
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Trademarks and Service Marks
The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*), used in these Installation Instructions, are Trademarks or Service
Marks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries:
Nways OS/2
The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**), used in these Installation Instructions, are Trademarks of other
ProCommData Storm Technologies Corporation
Windows Microsoft Corporation
Softerm CustomSoftronics, Inc.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Before Installation
The purpose of this document is to provide the instructions to update the software microcode (flash EEPROM) of the
8260 Nways(*) Multiprotocol Switching Hub:
Distributed Management Module (DMM, EC-DMM),
Ethernet Carrier Distributed Management Module (EC-DMM),
Advanced DMM / Controller Module (DMM Part and/or Controller Part),
Fault-Tolerant Controller Module (8000-RCTL),
Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC),
High-End Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (HEMAC),
Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (T-MAC) with associated T-MAC Token Ring Chipset,
High-End Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (HTMAC) with associated HTMAC Token Ring Chipset,
using material provided with package P/N 42L2521.
Machines Affected
These Installation Instructions, part number P/N 42L2521, EC level EC F55974, apply to 8260 Nways(*) Multiprotocol
Switching Hub:
Download Version 4.00 Token Ring Chipset (T-MAC adapter code) and/or Version 1.00 Token Ring Chipset
(HTMAC adapter code), when applicable.
Refer to the Release Note (P/N 42L2467) for more on this.
For download Out-of-Band method.
Updating software microcode using the download Out-of-Band method requires a Workstation with emulated ASCII
terminal and the support of XMODEM protocol for file transfer. The Workstation is connected to the console port of
the Management Module either locally, using a null modem, or remotely.
ASCII terminal emulation and XMODEM protocol are offered by many products such as:
DOS platform
– ProComm Plus for DOS
– ProComm(**) for DOS
Note: This product is the one IBM provides in its Universal Code Download Kit (UCDK), part number
58G3150. Refer to Installation Instructions for IBM Universal Code Download Kit, part number 80G3152.
Windows(**) Platform
– ProComm Plus for Windows
– Windows Terminal function
OS/2(*) Platform
– Softerm Custom(**)
AIX(*) Platform
– Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ATE)
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
The above list is not exhaustive, and, whatever the product one may use, the emulated ASCII terminal line settings
should be set to the factory defaults for the first connection:
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Parity: None
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
The communication parameters should be setup as follows:
Terminal emulation: VT100 (preferred)
Duplex: Full
Flow Control: None
For download In-Band method.
The DMM provides a download In-Band feature that allows you to update your DMM or modules operational or boot
EPROMs using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol).
You must check the following prerequisites prior to initiating the download.
Have a TFTP server on the network to perform download In-Bands.
Connect DMMs to be updated to the same network as the TFTP server.
Verify IP connectivity from the TFTP server to the DMM.
If your TFTP server is running in a DOS environment:
Check that the current directory of your PC is the one containing the binary file you want to download when
you start the server.
If your TFTP server is running in an OS/2 environment:
If the TFTP server has been started in foreground session, check that you gave restricted access to the directory
where the binary file resides (in opposition with the TFTP server started by INETD super server).
If your TFTP server is running in an AIX environment:
Ensure the binary file may be read by everyone. If a file 'tftpaccess.ctl' exists in /etc, be sure that at least one
'allow' line is provided to allow access to the path where the file resides.
For more on that, see below the details in the section Download In-Band.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
The installation of the new version of software microcode requires the following tasks to be performed:
Use the distribution diskettes to create the software files on the hard disk of the workstation (DOS or AIX).
Upgrade all the modules using one of the download methods available.
Distribution Diskettes
There are three 3.5 inches 1.44 MB diskettes (P/N 42L2522, P/N 42L2523 and P/N 42L2524) provided with that Field
B/M (P/N 42L2521). Every diskette contains a readme file and these installation installations (not compressed), some
boot and operational code files, in compressed format (xxx.zip), and three EXEC files (unzipaix.exe, unzipdos.exe and
unzipos2.exe) to be used to decompress these compressed code files from the diskette into a temporary directory on the
hard disk of your workstation, according to its operating system (AIX, DOS or OS/2), before downloading within the
8260 Nways(*) Multiprotocol Switching Hub blades.
Distribution Diskette P/N 42L2522
The first diskette, part number P/N 42L2522, contains the following files:
readme: Notice file (not compressed), that details the contents of the diskettes.
install.doc: These Installation Instructions (not compressed), P/N 42L2521, EC level EC F55974.
unzipaix.exe: AIX executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, the software files and the associated
command files contained in the diskette(s), on the current directory of an AIX platform that may later be used as a
TFTP file server.
unzipdos.exe: DOS executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your DOS workstation.
unzipos2.exe: OS/2 executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your OS/2 workstation.
rctlv115.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to the Fault-Tolerant Controller Module (8000-RCTL):
– rctlv103.bt: Boot Software of the Fault-Tolerant Controller Module (8000-RCTL),
– rctlboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– rctlv115.op: Operational Software of the Fault-Tolerant Controller Module (8000-RCTL),
– rctloper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
dmm_v525.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to the Distributed Management Module (DMM, EC-DMM):
– dmm_v103.bt: Boot Software of the Distributed Management Module (DMM, EC-DMM),
– dmm_boot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– dmm_v525.op: Operational Software of the Distributed Management Module (DMM, EC-DMM),
– dmm_oper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Distribution Diskette P/N 42L2523
The second diskette, part number P/N 42L2523, contains the following files:
readme: Notice file (not compressed), that details the contents of the diskettes.
install.doc: These Installation Instructions (not compressed), P/N 42L2521, EC level EC F55974.
unzipaix.exe: AIX executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, the software files and the associated
command files contained in the diskette(s) on the current directory of an AIX platform that may later be used as a
TFTP file server.
unzipdos.exe: DOS executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your DOS workstation.
unzipos2.exe: OS/2 executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your OS/2 workstation.
actlv115.zip: Compressed file, for Advanced DMM / Controller Module (Controller part) updating, that will
produced, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the following files related to the Advanced DMM /
Controller Module (Controller part):
– actlv104.bt: Boot Software of the Advanced DMM / Controller Module (Controller part),
– actlboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– actlv115.op: Operational Software of the Advanced DMM / Controller Module (Controller part),
– actloper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
admmv525.zip: Compressed file, for Advanced DMM / Controller Module (DMM part) updating, that will
produced, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the following files related to Advanced DMM /
Controller Module (DMM part):
– admmv103.bt: Boot Software of the Advanced DMM / Controller Module (DMM part),
– admmboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– admmv525.op: Operational Software of the Advanced DMM / Controller Module (DMM part),
– admmoper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
Distribution Diskette P/N 42L2524
The third diskette, part number P/N 42L2524, contains the following files:
readme: Notice file (not compressed), that details the contents of the diskettes.
install.doc: These Installation Instructions (not compressed), P/N 42L2521, EC level EC F55974.
unzipaix.exe: AIX executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, the software files and the associated
command files contained in the diskette(s), on the current directory of an AIX platform that may later be used as a
TFTP file server.
unzipdos.exe: DOS executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your DOS workstation.
unzipos2.exe: OS/2 executable, used later to decompress the notice, if any, related to an adapter, the software files
and the associated command files, contained in the diskette(s), on a directory of your OS/2 workstation.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
emacv300.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to the Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC):
– emacv101.bt: Boot Software of the Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC),
– emacboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– emacv300.op: Operational Software of the Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC),
– emacoper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
tmacv400.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to the Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (T-MAC) (and T-MAC Token Ring Chipset):
– tmacv200.bt: Boot Software,
– tmacboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– tmacv400.op: Operational Software,
– tmacoper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– tmacv400.chp: Associated TRchipset Software of the T-MAC Token Ring Chipset,
– tmacchip.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
hemcv210.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to High-End Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (HEMAC):
– hemcv210.doc: Notice related to that level of software for the High-End Ethernet Medium Access Control
Card (HEMAC),
– hemcv100.bt: Boot Software of the High-End Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (HEMAC),
– hemcboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– hemcv210.op: Operational Software of the High-End Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (HEMAC),
– hemcoper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
htmcv210.zip: Compressed file, that will produce, when decompressed in a directory of the workstation, the fol-
lowing files related to the High-End Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (HTMAC) (and HTMAC Token
Ring Chipset):
– htmcv101.bt: Boot Software,
– htmcboot.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– htmcv210.op: Operational Software,
Note: The ECAM code is part of the HTMAC Operational code (there is no specific file for ECAM).
– htmcoper.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file,
– htmcv100.chp: Associated TRchipset Software of the HTMAC Token Ring Chipset,
– htmcchip.cmd: Related ProComm DOS command file.
Note: The ProComm DOS command file is interpreted by ProComm DOS only. It encapsulates a 'sendfile' command.
Since this update is to be performed with machine powered on, review the Safety Notices delivered with the shipping
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Installation Instructions for IBM Universal Code Download Kit, part number 80G3152.
8260 DMM Commands Guide, form number SA33-0275.
8260 DMM User's Guide, form number SA33-0259.
ProComm Reference Manual.
Release Note, part number P/N 42L2467.
DMM Memory Upgrade Installation Instructions, part number P/N 29H4293.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
Upgrading the E-MAC and/or T-MAC Boot and/or
Operational Codes
Creating the Software on a DOS or OS/2 Workstation
Important Preliminary Step
This is a necessary step if you plan:
To use the out-of-band method for downloading the Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC) and/or
Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (T-MAC) software microcode(s) from a DOS or OS/2 platform.
To use the in_band method for downloading the Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC) and/or
Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (T-MAC) software microcode(s) from a DOS or OS/2 Workstation
acting as a TFTP server.
Note: The Ethernet Medium Access Control Card (E-MAC) software microcode requires 0.3 MB of hard disk
space, and the Token Ring Medium Access Control Card (T-MAC) microcode 0.6 MB.
1. Insert the third software distribution diskette, part number P/N 42L2524, in the DOS or OS/2 Workstation diskette
2. Run the unzipdos.exe or unzipos2.exe executable from the diskette (A:), i. e. type, when in DOS:
a:unzipdos a:emacv300
a:unzipdos a:tmacv400
or, when in OS/2:
a:unzipos2 a:emacv300
a:unzipos2 a:tmacv400
3. The executable will decompress, from the diskette into your current directory, the following software files:
emacv101.bt: Code file.
emacboot.cmd: ProComm DOS Command file for Boot code.
emacv300.op:Operational Code file.
emacoper.cmd: ProComm DOS Command File for Operational code.
tmacv200.bt: Boot Code file.
tmacboot.cmd: ProComm DOS Command file for Boot code.
tmacv400.op:Operational Code file.
tmacoper.cmd: ProComm DOS Command File for Operational code.
(tmacv400.chp:TRchipset Code file.)
(tmacchip.cmd: ProComm DOS Command File for TRchipset code.)
These last two items, related to TRchipset code, are not used in that step. They will be used later in chapter
“Upgrading the T-MAC and/or HTMAC Token Ring Chipset Codes” on page 45.
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Install InstFebruary 3, 1999
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