IBM 2105 E10, 2105 F10, 2105 F20, 2105 E20 Service Manual

Enterprise Storage S erver
Service Guide 2105 Models E10/E20, F10/F20, and Expansion Enclosure Volu me 3
Enterprise Storage S erver
Service Guide 2105 Models E10/E20, F10/F20, and Expansion Enclosure Volu me 3
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page ix.
First Edition (December 2000)
This edition applies to the first release of the IBM IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server and to all following releases and changes until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.
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Figures ....................................vii
Notices ....................................ix
Safety Notices ..................................ix
Translated Safety Notices.............................ix
Environmental Notices ...............................ix
Product Recycling ...............................ix
Product Disposal ................................ix
Electronic Emission Notices .............................x
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement..................x
Industry Canada Compliance Statement .......................x
European Community Compliance Statement......................x
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Class A Statement .........xi
Korean Government Ministry of Communication (MOC) Statement..............xi
Taiwan Class A Compliance Statement ........................xi
Trademarks ...................................xi
Using This Service Guide ............................xiii
Where to Start .................................xiii
Limited Vocabulary ................................xiii
Publications ..................................xiii
ESS Product Library ..............................xiii
Ordering Publications ..............................xiv
Related Publications ..............................xiv
Web Sites ..................................xiv
Other Related Publications ............................xiv
Chapter 7: 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations ............1
Location Codes..................................2
AIX Location Codes ................................2
Physical Location Codes ..............................5
Location Code Format ..............................5
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Location Code Legend ............5
Locating a DDM Bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawer in a 2105 Rack .........6
DDM Bay, Component Physical Location Codes ....................12
DDM Bay, Disk Drive Module Location Codes .....................12
Cluster Bay Location Codes, 2105 Model E10/E20 ....................13
Cluster Bay, Operator Panel Location Codes (E10/E20) .................13
Cluster Bay, Drives Location Codes (E10/E20).....................13
Cluster Bay, System, I/O, and Power Planar Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........14
Cluster Bay, I/O Planar Battery Location Codes (E10/E20) ................14
Cluster Bay, Service Processor Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ..............15
Cluster Bay, 332 MHz CPU Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ...............15
Cluster Bay, Memory Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ..................16
Cluster Bay, Memory Card, Memory Module Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........17
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ................18
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Dram Module Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........18
Cluster Bay, NVS Memory and Top Card Crossover Location Codes (E10/E20).........19
Cluster Bay, NVS Cache Module Location Codes (E10/E20)................19
Cluster Bay, I/O Attachment Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ...............20
Cluster Bay, Cable Location Codes (E10/E20) .....................20
Cluster Bay Location Codes, 2105 Model F10/F20 ....................21
Cluster Bay, Operator Panel Location Codes (F10/F20) .................21
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 iii
Cluster Bay, Drives Location Codes (F10/F20) .....................21
Cluster Bay, System, I/O, and Power Planars Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........22
Cluster Bay, I/O Planar Battery Location Codes (F10/F20) ................23
Cluster Bay, 255 MHz CPU Card Location Codes (F10/F20)................23
Cluster Bay, Memory Card Location Codes (F10/F20) ..................24
Cluster Bay, Memory Card, Memory Module Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........24
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Location Codes (F10/F20).................25
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Dram Module Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........26
Cluster Bay, NVS Memory and Top Card Crossover Location Codes (F10/F20).........26
Cluster Bay, NVS Cache Module Location Codes (F10/F20)................27
Cluster Bay, I/O Attachment Card Location Codes (F10/F20) ...............27
Cluster Bay, Fan Location Codes (F10/F20)......................28
Cluster Bay, Cable Location Codes (F10/F20) .....................29
SSA DASD Drawer Component Physical Location Codes, Model 020 Drawer ..........29
SSA DASD Drawer Component Physical Location Codes, Model 040 Drawer ..........30
7133 Drawer, Disk Drive Module Location Codes ....................31
2105 Model Exx/Fxx SSA Device Card Location Codes ..................33
2105 Model Exx/Fxx SCSI Host Card Location Codes ...................34
Locating an SSA Cable ..............................34
SSA Device Card and Connector Locations ......................35
DDM Bay SSA Connector Locations ........................35
7133 Drawer and SSA Connector Locations......................36
Locating an SSA Cable Loop Using Colored Labels ...................36
Locating a CPI Cable Using Colored Labels......................37
Primary Power Supply Location Codes, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure .....39
Primary Power Supply Fan Locations, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure ......40
390 V Battery Set Locations, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure .........41
Rack, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Power Supply Location Codes 42
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan (Top) Location Codes .....44
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan (Center) Location Codes ....45
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan/Power Sense Card Location
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Power Planar Location Codes....47
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Fan Location Codes................47
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Power Supply Location Codes ............48
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Electronics Cage Power Planar Location Codes 49
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Sense Card Location Codes.............50
2105 Model E10/E20 Rack Power Control (RPC) Card Location Codes ...........50
Chapter 8: Service Terminal ............................53
Service Terminal General Information .........................53
Service Terminal Overview ............................53
Entry Point for All Service Terminal Activities ......................53
Service Terminal Setup .............................53
Normal Service Activities.............................53
Service Terminal Setup and 2105 Configuration Verification .................54
Getting Started ................................54
Initial Setup of EBTERM Dialing Profile for 2105 Direct Connect ..............55
Initial Setup of NetTerm for Windows ........................56
Service Terminal Connection Problems .......................57
Service Login Operation Connection, with Cluster IML Complete ...............57
Service Login Operation Menus, with Cluster IML Complete ................59
Service Terminal Menus and Options .........................60
Retrace Viewing Paths within a PDF File .......................61
Retrace Viewing Paths Through Other PDF Files....................61
Repair Menu .................................61
iv VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Install/Remove Menu ..............................62
Configuration Options Menu ...........................63
Licensed Internal Code Maintenance Menu ......................65
Activate LIC Feature ..............................66
Machine Test Menu...............................66
Utility Menu .................................67
FRU Replacement Using the Service Terminal.....................70
Chapter 9: Error Messages, Diagnostic Codes, and Service Reports ............71
Error and Progress Code List ............................72
Error Code to FRU Index .............................72
Firmware/POST Error Codes ...........................73
Bus SRN to FRU Reference Table .........................99
Checkpoints .................................100
Location Codes ................................111
Physical Location Codes ............................111
Description of the Service Request Number List ....................112
How to Use the Service Request Number List ....................113
Service Request Number List...........................114
Failing Function Codes ..............................131
Description of the Failing Function Code Table ....................132
Failing Function Code Table ...........................132
Diagnostic Numbers and Codes...........................135
Operator Panel Display Numbers .........................135
Diagnostic Load Progress Indicators .........................138
Dump Status Codes ...............................139
Other Three Digit Status Codes...........................139
9 and 10 Character Progress Codes .........................139
2105 Primary Power Supply Digital Status Display ....................140
2105 Exception Symptom Codes ..........................141
Platform Exception Symptom Codes ........................141
Automatic Diagnostic Exception Symptom Codes ...................141
Platform Microcode Detected Error Exception Symptom Codes ..............143
Common Platform Interconnect Exception Symptom Codes ...............143
SCSI Exception Symptom Codes .........................147
NVS Exception Symptom Codes .........................152
Support Level Exception Codes..........................156
Notification Events Exception Symptom Codes ....................156
Fibre Channel Exception Symptom Codes ......................157
Data Path Exception Symptom Codes .......................159
ESCON Exception Symptom Codes ........................161
Microcode Detected Error Exception Symptom Codes .................163
SRN Exception Symptom Codes .........................166
RPC Exception Symptom Codes .........................166
Microcode Logic errors .............................170
SSA Device Card Exception Symptom Code and Service Request Numbers .........170
SSA Device Card Exception Symptom Codes ....................171
SSA Device Card Link Exception Symptom Code and Service Request Numbers .......171
SSA Disk Drive Module Exception Symptom Code and Service Request Numbers .......172
Service Request Numbers (SRN) .........................173
Chapter 10: Power Distribution Diagrams ......................177
2105 Model Exx/Fxx System Power Overview .....................177
2105 Expansion Enclosure System Power Overview ...................178
2105 Model Exx/Fxx Electronics Cage Power Diagram ..................179
2105 Earth Ground Diagram ............................180
Contents v
Chapter 11: Translation of Cautions and Danger Notices ................181
Examples of Caution and Danger Notices .......................181
Chapter 12: Safety Check ............................183
Introduction ..................................183
Preparation ..................................183
Unsafe Conditions................................184
Reference Items ................................184
Special Tools .................................185
Continue with the safety inspection procedure: ....................185
2105 Model Exx/Fxx Safety Inspection ........................185
Remove ac Power...............................185
External Machine Check ............................185
Internal Machine Check.............................186
Safety Label Check ..............................186
2105 Expansion Enclosure Safety Inspection ......................197
Remove ac Power...............................197
External Machine Check ............................198
Internal Machine Check.............................198
Safety Label Check ..............................198
Safety Engineering Changes ............................208
Appendix A. Service Processor Operation Connection .................209
Service Processor Operations ...........................211
Service Processor Menus .............................212
SP Menu Groups ...............................213
General User Menus ..............................214
Privileged User Menus .............................215
SP Functions and Features ...........................225
Appendix B. System Management Service Operation Connection .............233
Display Configuration ..............................235
MultiBoot Menu................................236
Select Boot Devices ..............................237
Utilities ...................................237
Appendix C. Isolating a CPI Diagnostic Progress Code Stop...............239
MAP 4030: Isolating CPI Diagnostic Progress Code Stop .................239
Description .................................239
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations........................243
Index ....................................253
vi VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
1. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Rack Locations in a Subsystem (S007745n) . . . 7
2. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx with attached 2105 Model 100 Racks (S008855n) ...........7
3. R1- Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx (S007740s) ..........9
4. R2- and R3- Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Expansion Enclosure (S007741s) ....10
5. R2- and R3 Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawers in a 2105 Model 100
(S008942s) .................................11
6. DDM bay Physical Location Codes (S008296l) ....................12
7. Disk Drive Locations in a DDM bay (S007706l)....................13
8. Cluster Bay Operator Panel Locations (S007687m) ..................13
9. Cluster Bay Drive Locations (S008316m) ......................14
10. Cluster Bay Planar Locations (S008585n)......................14
11. Cluster Bay I/O Planar Battery Locations (S008194n) .................15
12. Cluster Bay Service Processor Card Locations (S008586n) ...............15
13. Cluster Bay 332 MHz CPU Card Locations (S008587n) ................16
14. Cluster Bay Memory Card Locations (S008588n) ...................16
15. Cluster Bay Memory Card Locations (S008192n) ...................17
16. Cluster Bay Memory Card Memory Module Locations (S008208l) .............18
17. Cluster Bay SSA Device Card Locations (S008589m) .................18
18. Cluster Bay SSA Device Card DRAM Module Locations (S008590l) ............19
19. Cluster Bay NVS Memory Card Locations (S008591n) .................19
20. Cluster Bay NVS Cache Module Locations (S008592m) ................20
21. Cluster Bay I/O Attachment Card Locations (S008593n) ................20
22. Cluster Bay Operator Panel (S008772m) ......................21
23. Cluster Bay Drive Locations (S008776m) ......................22
24. Cluster Bay Planar Locations (S008778n)......................22
25. I/O Planar Battery Removal (S008790n) ......................23
26. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Locations (S008781n) ................23
27. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Locations (S008782n) ................24
28. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Locations (S008782n) ................25
29. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Memory Card Memory Module Locations (S008208l) .....25
30. SSA Device Card Removal (S008773m) ......................26
31. Cluster Bay SSA Device Card DRAM Module Locations (S008590l) ............26
32. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Locations (S008783n) ................27
33. Cluster Bay NVS Remove and Replace (S008592m) .................27
34. 2105 Model F10/F20 Cluster Bay Locations (S008780n) ................28
35. 2105 Model E10/E20 Cluster Locations (S008091m)..................28
36. Cluster Bay Fan Removal (S008808m).......................29
37. 7133 Model 020 Physical Location Codes (S008297n) .................30
38. SSA DASD Model 040 Physical Location Codes (S008298n)...............31
39. Disk Drive Module Locations in a SSA DASD Drawer (S007705n).............32
40. Cluster Bay and SSA Device Card Locations (S008178q) ................33
41. 2105 Model Exx/FxxHost Bay SCSI Card Locations (S008024r) .............34
42. Cluster Bay SSA Device Card and SSA Connector Locations (S008022m)..........35
43. DDM bay and SSA Cable Connector Locations (S007693l) ...............36
44. 7133 Drawer and SSA Cable Connector Locations (S007651l) ..............36
45. CPI Cable Connector Color Coding (S008292r) ...................39
46. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Primary Power Supply Locations (S008665m) 40
47. Primary Power Supply Connector and CB Locations (S008496l..............40
48. Primary Power Supply Fan Locations (S008669p)...................41
49. 390 V Battery Set Locations (S009025) ......................42
50. 2105 Model E10/E20 Storage Cage Power Supply Locations (S008222m)..........43
51. 2105 Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Power Supply Locations (S008221n) ........44
52. Storage Cage Fan Locations (S008251n) ......................45
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 vii
53. Storage Cage Fan (Center) Locations (S007669m) ..................46
54. Storage Cage Fan/Power Sense Card Locations (S008220m) ..............46
55. Storage Cage Power Planar Locations (S008082m) ..................47
56. Electronics Cage Fan Locations (S007671m) ....................48
57. Electronics Cage Power Supply (S007673m) ....................49
58. Electronics Cage Power Planar Locations (S007672m) .................50
59. Electronics Cage Sense Card Locations (S008219m) .................50
60. Rack Power Control (RPC) Card Locations (S008510m) ................51
61. Rack Power Control (RPC) Card Connector Locations (S008659p) ............51
62. Accessing the Service Terminal Table (S007635m) ..................54
63. Cluster Bay Connectors for Service Terminal (S008027m)................58
64. Main Service Menu Overview (S007692r)......................60
65. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx System Power Overview (S008130q) ...............177
66. 2105 Expansion Enclosure System Power Overview (S008131r) .............178
67. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Electronics Cage Power Overview (S008132p) ...........179
68. 2105 Earth Ground Diagram (S008105s) .....................180
69. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, Mainline Power Cable Safety Labels (S008818q) ..........187
70. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, Dual Mainline Power Cable Safety Labels (S008819q) ........188
71. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, Danger Leakage Current Safety Labels (S008820q) .........189
72. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, Operator Panel Label (S008821m)................190
73. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Cover Weight Safety Label (S008382p) ..............191
74. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Trained Service Personnel Only Labels (S009046) ..........192
75. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Cluster Fan Warning Labels (S009038) ..............193
76. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Primary Power Supply Safety Labels (S008822r)...........194
77. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx 390 V Battery Set Safety Labels (S008823r) ............195
78. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx Electronics Cage Power Supply Safety Labels (S008824m).......196
79. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, Primary Power Supply Ground Jumpers (S008825q) .........197
80. 2105 Expansion Enclosure, Mainline Power Cable Safety Labels (S008368q) ........199
81. 2105 Expansion Enclosure, Dual Mainline Power Cable Safety Labels (S008370q) ......200
82. 2105 Expansion Enclosure, Danger Leakage Current Safety Labels (S008372q) .......201
83. 2105 Expansion Enclosure, Operator Panel Label (S008374m) .............202
84. 2105 Expansion Enclosure Cover Weight Safety Label (S008382p)............203
85. 2105 Expansion Enclosure Trained Service Personnel Only Labels (S009047)........204
86. 2105 Expansion Enclosure Primary Power Supply Safety Labels (S008397r) ........205
87. 2105 Expansion Enclosure 390 V Battery Set Safety Labels (S008399r) ..........206
88. 2105 Expansion Enclosure, Primary Power Supply Ground Jumpers (S008376q).......207
89. 2105 Expansion Enclosure Ground Strap Location (S008419m) .............208
90. Cluster Bay Connectors for Service Terminal (S008027m) ...............210
91. Cluster Bay Service Processor Main Menu Options (s007528r) .............212
92. Cluster Bay Connectors for Service Terminal (S008027m) ...............234
viii VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
References in this book to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Subject to IBMs valid intellectual property or other legal protectable rights, any functionally equivalent product, program, or service may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. The evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, are the responsibility of the user.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 USA
Safety Notices
Safety notices are printed throughout this book. Danger notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can result in death or severe personal injury. Caution notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can cause personal injury that is neither lethal nor extremely hazardous. Attention notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can cause damage to machines, equipment, or programs.
Translated Safety Notices
Several countries require that caution and danger safety notices be shown in their national languages. Translations of the caution and danger safety notices are provided in a separate document, IBM Storage
Solution Safety Notices book, form number GC26-7229.
Environmental Notices
This section contains information about:
v Product recycling for this product v Environmental guidelines for this product
Product Recycling
This unit contains recyclable materials. These materials should be recycled where processing sites are available and according to local regulations. In some areas, IBM provides a product take-back program that ensures proper handling of the product. Contact your IBM representative for more information.
Product Disposal
This unit contains several types of batteries. Return all Pb-acid (lead-acid) batteries to IBM for proper recycling, according to the instructions received with the replacement batteries.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 ix
Electronic Emission Notices Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Industry Canada Compliance Statement
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conform à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
European Community Compliance Statement
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.
Conformity with the Council Directive 73/23/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits is based on compliance with the following harmonized standard: EN60950.
Germany Only
Zulassungsbescheinigung laut Gesetz ueber die elektromagnetische Vertraeglichkeit von Geraeten (EMVG) vom 30. August 1995.
Dieses Geraet ist berechtigt, in Uebereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG das EG-Konformitaetszeichen - CE - zu fuehren.
Der Aussteller der Konformitaetserklaeung ist die IBM Deutschland. Informationen in Hinsicht EMVG Paragraph 3 Abs. (2) 2: .bx 0 80 Das Geraet erfuellt die
Schutzanforderungen nach EN 50082-1 un EN 55022 Klasse A. .bx off EN 55022 Klasse A Geraete beduerfen folgender Hinweise: Nach dem EMVG: Geraete duerfen an Orten, fuer die sie nicht ausreichend entstoert sind, nur mit
besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesministeriums fuer Post und Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes fuer Post und Telekommunikation betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird erteilt, wenn
x VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
keine elektromagnetischen Stoerungen zu erwarten sind.(Auszug aus dem EMVG, Paragraph 3, Abs.4) Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist nach Paragraph 9 EMVG in Verbindung mit der entsprechenden Kostenverordnung (Amtsblatt 14/93) kostenpflichtig.
Nach der EN 55022: Dies ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A. Diese Einrichtung kann im Wohnbereich Funkstoerungen verursachen; in diesem Fall kann vom Betreiber verlangt werden, angemessene Massnahmen durchzufuehren und dafuer aufzukommen.
Anmerkung: Um die Einhaltung des EMVG sicherzustellen, sind die Geraete wie in den Handbuechern angegeben zu installieren und zu betreiben.
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Class A Statement
Korean Government Ministry of Communication (MOC) Statement
Please note that this device has been approved for business purpose with regard to electromagnetic interference. If you find this is not suitable for your use, you may exchange it for a non-business purpose one.
Taiwan Class A Compliance Statement
The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:
IBM AIX AS/400 IOPath Optimizer OS/2 RETAIN RISC System/6000 RISC System/6000 Series Parallel RS/6000
Notices xi
RS/6000 SP Enterprise StorWatch
Versatile Storage Server AViiON, is a trademark of Data General HP-UX and Hewlett-Packard, are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Sun, SPARCS, SunOS, and Solaris, are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Windows, Windows NT, and Alpha Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX, is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through
X/Open Company Limited. Other company, product, and service names, may be trademarks or service marks of others.
xii VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Using This Service Guide
This guide is for service representatives who are taught to install and repair the IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server. Internal components of this machine are designed and certified to be serviced by trained personnel only.
Where to Start
Start all service actions at Entry MAP for All Service Actionsin chapter 2 of Enterprise Storage Server Service Guide, Volume 1.
Attention: When performing any service action on the IBM 2105 Enterprise Storage Server, follow the directions given in Entry MAP for All Service Actionsin chapter 2 of Enterprise Storage Server Service Guide, Volume 1, or from the service terminal. This ensures that you use the correct remove, replace, or repair procedure, including the correct power on/off procedure, for this machine. Failure to follow these instructions can cause damage to the machine and might or might not also cause an unexpected loss of access to customer data.
Limited Vocabulary
This manual uses a specific range of words so that the text can be understood by IBM service representatives in countries where English is not the primary language.
This section describes the ESS library and publications for related products. It also gives ordering information.
ESS Product Library
The ESS is an IBM Enterprise architecture-based product. See the following publications for more information on the ESS:
v Enterprise Storage Server Service Guide 2105 Models E10/E20, F10/F20, and Expansion Enclosure,
Volume 1 book, GC27–7605
This is volume 1 of this book.
v Enterprise Storage Server Service Guide 2105 Models E10/E20, F10/F20, and Expansion Enclosure,
Volume 2 book, GC27–7608
This is volume 2 of this book.
v 2105 Model 100 Attachment to ESS Service Guide book, SY27-7615
This guide is for service representatives who are taught to install and repair a VSS attached to an ESS.
v ES Connection Link Fault Isolation, SY22-9533 book, form number SY22-9533 v Maintenance Information for S/390 Fiber Optic Links (ESCON, FICON, Coupling Links, and Open
System Adapters) book, form number SY27-2597.
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server Introduction and Planning Guide book, GC26-7294
This book introduces the product and lists the features you can order. It also provides guidelines on planning for installation and configuration of the ESS.
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server User’s Guide book, SC26-7295
This book provides instructions for setting up and operating the ESS.
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server SCSI Command Reference book, SC26-7297
This book describes the functions of the ESS and gives reference information such as channel commands, sense bytes, and error recovery procedures.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 xiii
v Enterprise Storage Serve Parts Catalog book, S127-0974 v IBM Storage Solutions Safety Notices book, GC26-7229
This book provides translations of the Danger and Caution notices used in the ESS publications.
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server Web Users Interface Guide book, SC26-7346 v IBM Enterprise Storage Server Host Systems Attachment Guide book, SC26-7296 v IBM Enterprise Storage Server System/390 Command Reference book, SC26-7298 v DFSMS/MVS Software Support for the IBM Enterprise Storage Server book, SC26-7318 v IBM Enterprise Storage Server Quick Configuration Guide book, SC26-7354 v IBM Enterprise Storage Server Configuration Planner book, SC26-7353
This book provides work sheets for planning the logical configuration of ESS. This book is only available on the product Web site:
Ordering Publications
All of the above publications are available on a CD-ROM that comes with the ESS. You can also order a hard copy of each of the publications. For additional CD-ROMs, order:
v ESS Service Documents CD-ROM, SK2T-8771 v ESS Customer Documents CD-ROM, SK2T-8770
Related Publications
The following publications provide information on software products that the IBM Enterprise Storage Server supports:
v IBM Subsystem Device Driver book, SH26-7291 v IBM Storage Area Network Data Gateway Installation and Users Guide book, SC26-7304 v IBM Advanced Copy Services book, SC35-0355 v IBM S/360, S/370, and S/390 Channel to Control Unit Original Equipment Manufactures Information
book, SH26-7291
Web Sites
v IBM Storage home page:
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server home page:
Other Related Publications
The following is a list of other related books.
7133 Model D40 Serial Disk Systems Service Guide book, GY33-0192
7133 Model D40 Serial Disk System Installation Guide book, GA33-3279
7133 SSA Disk Subsystem Service Guide book, SY33-0185
7133 Models 010 and 020 SSA Disk Subsystem Installation Guide book, GA33-3260
IBM Versatile Storage Server Service Guide, 2105 Models B09 and 100 book, SY27-7603
IBM Input/Output Equipment, Installation Manual–Physical Planning , GC22-7064
IBM Storage Solutions Safety Notices , GC26-7229
Electrical Safety for IBM Customer Engineers S229-8124
xiv VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Chapter 7: 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations
Location Codes..................................2
AIX Location Codes ................................2
Physical Location Codes ..............................5
Location Code Format ..............................5
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Location Code Legend ............5
Locating a DDM Bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawer in a 2105 Rack .........6
Rack Location Table ..............................8
Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx ..............8
Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Expansion Enclosure ............9
Rack Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawers in a 2105 Model 100 .....11
DDM Bay, Component Physical Location Codes ....................12
DDM Bay, Disk Drive Module Location Codes .....................12
Cluster Bay Location Codes, 2105 Model E10/E20 ....................13
Cluster Bay, Operator Panel Location Codes (E10/E20) .................13
Cluster Bay, Drives Location Codes (E10/E20).....................13
Cluster Bay, System, I/O, and Power Planar Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........14
Cluster Bay, I/O Planar Battery Location Codes (E10/E20) ................14
Cluster Bay, Service Processor Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ..............15
Cluster Bay, 332 MHz CPU Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ...............15
Cluster Bay, Memory Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ..................16
Cluster Bay, Memory Card, Memory Module Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........17
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ................18
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Dram Module Location Codes (E10/E20) ...........18
Cluster Bay, NVS Memory and Top Card Crossover Location Codes (E10/E20).........19
Cluster Bay, NVS Cache Module Location Codes (E10/E20)................19
Cluster Bay, I/O Attachment Card Location Codes (E10/E20) ...............20
Cluster Bay, Cable Location Codes (E10/E20) .....................20
Cluster Bay Location Codes, 2105 Model F10/F20 ....................21
Cluster Bay, Operator Panel Location Codes (F10/F20) .................21
Cluster Bay, Drives Location Codes (F10/F20) .....................21
Cluster Bay, System, I/O, and Power Planars Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........22
Cluster Bay, I/O Planar Battery Location Codes (F10/F20) ................23
Cluster Bay, 255 MHz CPU Card Location Codes (F10/F20)................23
Cluster Bay, Memory Card Location Codes (F10/F20) ..................24
Cluster Bay, Memory Card, Memory Module Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........24
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Location Codes (F10/F20).................25
Cluster Bay, SSA Device Card Dram Module Location Codes (F10/F20) ...........26
Cluster Bay, NVS Memory and Top Card Crossover Location Codes (F10/F20).........26
Cluster Bay, NVS Cache Module Location Codes (F10/F20)................27
Cluster Bay, I/O Attachment Card Location Codes (F10/F20) ...............27
Cluster Bay, Fan Location Codes (F10/F20)......................28
Cluster Bay, Cable Location Codes (F10/F20) .....................29
SSA DASD Drawer Component Physical Location Codes, Model 020 Drawer ..........29
SSA DASD Drawer Component Physical Location Codes, Model 040 Drawer ..........30
7133 Drawer, Disk Drive Module Location Codes ....................31
2105 Model Exx/Fxx SSA Device Card Location Codes ..................33
2105 Model Exx/Fxx SCSI Host Card Location Codes ...................34
Locating an SSA Cable ..............................34
SSA Device Card and Connector Locations ......................35
DDM Bay SSA Connector Locations ........................35
7133 Drawer and SSA Connector Locations......................36
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 1
Locating an SSA Cable Loop Using Colored Labels ...................36
Locating a CPI Cable Using Colored Labels......................37
Primary Power Supply Location Codes, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure .....39
Primary Power Supply Fan Locations, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure ......40
390 V Battery Set Locations, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure .........41
Rack, 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Power Supply Location Codes 42
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan (Top) Location Codes .....44
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan (Center) Location Codes ....45
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Fan/Power Sense Card Location
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Storage Cage Power Planar Location Codes....47
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Fan Location Codes................47
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Power Supply Location Codes ............48
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Electronics Cage Power Planar Location Codes 49
2105 Model E10/E20 Electronics Cage Sense Card Location Codes.............50
2105 Model E10/E20 Rack Power Control (RPC) Card Location Codes ...........50
Location Codes
The 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure storage facility uses Physical Location Codes or AIX Location Codes to provide mapping of the failing field replaceable units. The location codes are produced by the system units firmware and AIX.
For quick access to the FRU location diagrams, find the FRU in the chapter table of contents on page , and go to the indicated page.
For a list of which FRU location codes are available in this chapter, see the chapter table of contents on page .
AIX Location Codes
The basic formats of the AIX location codes are: v For non-SCSI devices/drives
v For SCSI devices/drives
For planars, cards, and non-SCSI devices the location code is defined as:
|||| | | | Device/FRU/Port ID | | Connector ID | devfunc Number, Adapter Number or Physical Location Bus Type or PCI Parent Bus
v The AB value identifies a bus type or PCI parent bus as assigned by the firmware. v The CD value identifies adapter number, adapters devfunc number, or physical location. The devfunc
number is defined as the PCI device number times 8, plus the function number.
v The EF value identifies a connector. v The GH value identifies a port, address, device, or FRU.
Adapters and cards are identified with just AB-CD. The possible values for AB are:
00 Processor bus 01 ISA bus
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
02 EISA bus 03 MCA bus 04 PCI bus used in the case where the PCI bus cannot be identified 05 PCMCIA busses xy For PCI adapters where X is equal to or greater than 1. The x and y are characters in the
range of 0-9, A-H, J-N, P-Z (O, I, and lower case are omitted) and are equal to the parent
buss IBM, aix-loc Open Firmware Property. The possible values for CD depend on the adapter/card. For pluggable PCI adapters/cards, CD is the devices devfunc number (PCI device number times 8, plus
the function number). The C and D are characters in the range of 0-9, and A-F (hex numbers). This allows the location code to uniquely identify multiple adapters on individual PCI cards.
For pluggable ISA adapters, CD is equal to the order the ISA cards defined/configured either by SMIT or the ISA Adapter Configuration Service Aid.
For integrated ISA adapters, CD is equal to a unique code identifying the ISA adapter. In most cases this is equal to the adapters physical location code. In cases where a physical location code is not available, CD will be FF.
EF is the connector ID. It is used to identify the adapters connector that a resource is attached to. GH is used to identify a port, device, or FRU. For example:
v For async devices GH defines the port on the fanout box. The values are 00 to 15. v For a diskette drive H defines which diskette drive 1 or 2. G is always 0. v For all other devices GH is equal to 00.
For integrated adapter, EF-GH is the same as the definition for a pluggable adapter. For example, the location code for a diskette drive is 01-D1-00-00. A second diskette drive is 01-D1-00-01.
For SCSI the location code is defined as:
| | ||| | | | | Logical Unit address of the SCSI Device | | | Control Unit Address of the SCSI Device | | Connector ID | devfunc Number, Adapter Number or Physical Location Bus Type or PCI Parent Bus
Where AB-CD-EF are the same as non-SCSI devices. G defines the control unit address of the device. Values of 0 to 15 are valid. H defines the logical unit address of the device. Values of 0 to 255 are valid. There is also a bus location code that is generated as 00-XXXXXXXXwhere XXXXXXXX is equivalent to
the nodes unit address. Examples of physical location codes displayed by AIX are:
v Processor Card in slot 1 of planar 1
v Memory DIMM in system planar slot 2
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 3
v Memory DIMM 12 in card in slot 2 of system planar
Examples of AIX location codes displayed are: v Integrated PCI adapter
10-80 Ethernet 10-60 Integrated SCSI Port 1 30-58 Integrated SCSI Port 2
v Pluggable PCI adapters
20-58 to 20-5F
Any PCI card in slot 1
20-60 to 20-67
Any PCI card in slot 2
10-68 to 10-6F
Any PCI card in slot 3
10-70 to 10-77
Any PCI card in slot 4
10-78 to 10-7F
Any PCI card in slot 5
30-60 to 30-67
Any PCI card in slot 6
30-68 to 30-6F
Any PCI card in slot 7
30-70 to 30-77
Any PCI card in slot 8
30-78 to 30-7F
Any PCI card in slot 9
v Integrated ISA adapters
01-D1 Diskette adapter 01-R1 Parallel port adapter 01-S1 Serial port 1 adapter 01-S2 Serial port 2 adapter 01-S3 Serial port 3 adapter 01-K1 Keyboard adapter
v Non-integrated ISA adapters
01-01 First ISA card defined/configured 01-02 Second ISA card defined/configured
v Device attached to SCSI controller
10-60-00-4,0 Device attached to Integrated SCSI Port 1
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Physical Location Codes
Physical location codes provide a mapping of logical functions in a platform (or expansion sites for logical functions, such as connectors or ports) to their specific locations within the physical structure of the platform.
Location Code Format
The format for the location code is an alphanumeric string of variable length, consisting of a series of location identifiers, separated by the standard dash (-) or slash (/) character. The series is hierarchical; that is, each location identifier in the string is a physical child of the one preceding it.
v The - (dash) separator character represents a normal structural relationship where the child is a
separate physical package and it plugs into (or is connected to) the parent. For example, P1-C1 is a CPU card (C1) plugged into a planar (P1), or P1-M1 is a memory card (M1) plugged into a planar (P1).
v The / (slash) separator character separates the base location code of a function from any extended
location information. A group of logical devices can have the same base location code because they are all on the same physical package, but may require extended location information to describe the connectors they support. For example, P2/S1 describes the location of the serial port 1 controller and its connector (S1), which is located on planar P2 (its base location code), but the / indicates that further devices can be connected to it at the external S1 serial connector. The keyboard controller and its connector likewise have location code P2/K1, which means they have the same base location code (P2) as serial port 1, but a different external connector. In contrast, the location code P2-K1 actually points to the device connected to connector K1; that is, the keyboard. The location code P2/Z1 indicates an integrated SCSI controller which drives connector Z1, while location codes of P2-Z1-... point to the actual SCSI bus and devices.
Each location identifier consists of one alpha prefix character that identifies a location type, and a decimal integer number (typically one or two digits) that identifies a specific instance of this location type. Certain location types may also support secondary sub-locations, which are indicated by appending a period (.) character and a sub-location instance number.
Specifically, the format of a location code is defined as follows: pn[.n][- or /]pn[.n][- or /]... Where p is a defined alpha location type prefix, n is a location instance number, and [.n] is a sub-location
instance number (where applicable). Sub-location notation is used only for location types which have clearly defined and limited expansion sites; for example, memory SIMMs slots on a memory card. Primarily, the [.n] sub-location notation is intended for use as an abbreviation of the location code in cases where:
1. Based on the device structure, the abbreviated sub-location code conveys the same information in a
more concise form than an additional level of location identifier -- for example:
v P1-M1.4 (pluggable DIMM 4 on Memory Card 1 on Planar 1), rather than P1-M1-M4 v P1-C1.1 (pluggable CPU 1 on CPU Card 1 on Planar 1), rather than P1-C1-C1 v P2-Z1-A3.1 (LUN 1 at SCSI ID 3 on integrated SCSI bus 1 from Planar 2), rather than P2-Z1-A3-A1
2. The sub-location is either a basic physical extension or sub-enclosure of the base location, but does
not represent additional function or connectivity; for example, a drawer in a rack (U1.2) or a riser card on an I/O planar (P2.1).
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Location Code Legend
A = Address (SCSI ID) <0-15> -or- SSA Connector if for SSA Card B = Host Bay (Bx) where x= 1...2 -or- SSA Connector if for SSA Card C = Card or CPU Processor (Cx) or Cache Module on a card (Cx.1), where x= 1..2
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 5
D = Diskette Drive (D1) or Disk Drive Module (Dxx)...where xx= 01...16 E = Ethernet F = Fan or sensor (Fxx), where x= Fan 01...99 G = Rack Power Control Card, Remote Power Control Card (Gx), where x= 1...2 H = Ultra SCSI Host Card (Hx)...where x= Ultra SCSI Host Card slot I = I/O Planar Card slot (Ix), where x= 1...9 J = Connector (Jxx), where xx= 1...99, A...Z K = SSA Device Card Slot (Kx), where x= 1...9 L = LCD Operator Panel (L1) M = Memory Card (Mx), where xx= 1...2 N = Connector (Nxx), where xx= 01...99 O = unused P = Planar or Backplane (Px), where x= 1...9 Q = Power / Cooling for Storage Cage, in between the Storage Cage (Qx), where x= 1...2 R = Rack (Rx), where x= Rack 1...3 S = Slot Port (Sx), where x= Serial Port 1...3 T = Cluster Bay (Tx), where x= 1...2 U = Storage Cage / Electronics Cage (Ux), where x= 1...4 V = Voltage (Power Supply or Battery) (Vxx), where xx= 01...99 W = DDM bay (Wx), where x= 1...6 X = Extra-Function Card (i.e. Service Processor) (Xx), where x= 1...9 Y = SSA 7133 Drawer (Yx), where x= 0...8 Z = SCSI Card, ESCON Card, Fibre Channel Card (Zx) connector, where x= 1...2
Locating a DDM Bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawer in a 2105 Rack
Use the following procedure to locate a DDM bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawer in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, 2105 Expansion Enclosure, or 2105 Model 100 rack.
Note: If you already know where the rack is located, its model number, and the configuration of its DDM
bays and SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawers, skip this procedure and go to Table 1 on page 8.
1. Record the location code of the DDM bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawer you are locating. The first two characters of the DDM bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawer location code (R#-) indicate what rack they are mounted in. Reference Figure 1 on page 7 and Figure 2 on page 7 the two possible subsystem configurations.
2. Locate the rack number (R#-) in the following list and go to the page or step indicated: v R1- (2105 Model Exx or Fxx), go to Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Model
Exx/Fxxon page 8
v R2- (2105 Expansion Enclosure), go to Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105
Expansion Enclosureon page 9
v R2- (2105 Model 100), go to Rack Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040
Drawers in a 2105 Model 100on page 11
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
v R3- (2105 Model 100), go to Rack Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040
Drawers in a 2105 Model 100on page 11
v R4- (2105 Model 100), go to Rack Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040
Drawers in a 2105 Model 100on page 11
2105 Subsystem (front View)
Rack 1
(R1- )
2105 Model
Figure 1. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Rack Locations in a Subsystem (S007745n)
2105 Subsystem (front View)
Expansion Enclosure
Rack 2
(R2- )
Rack 1
(R1- )
2105 Model
Figure 2. 2105 Model Exx/Fxx with attached 2105 Model 100 Racks (S008855n)
Rack 2
(R2- )
2105 Model
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 7
Rack 3
(R3- )
2105 Model
Rack Location Table
Use the following table to locate a DDM bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawer in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx, 2105 Expansion Enclosure, or 2105 Expansion Enclosure.
Table 1. 2105 DDM bay and SSA DASD Model 020 and 040 Locations
Rack Location Code
R1- Exx/Fxx Yes (all) Go to Figure 3 on page 9. R2- Expansion
R2- 100 Yes (all) Go to Figure 5 on page 11. R3- 100 Yes (all) Go to Figure 5 on page 11.
2105 Model DDM bays
Installed (Rx-Ux-Wxx)
Yes (all) Go to Figure 4 on page 10.
7133 Drawers Installed (Rx-Yxx)
DDM bay or SSA DASD Model 020 and 040 Location Diagram
Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx
The following diagram shows the location codes of the DDM bays mounted in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx.
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
(R1- )
Storage Cage 1 (-U1-)
Storage Cage 2 (-U2-)
Storage Cage 2 (-U2-)
Front View
Storage Cage 1 (-U1-)
Figure 3. R1- Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Model Exx/Fxx (S007740s)
Rear View
Rack Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Expansion Enclosure
The following diagram shows the location codes of the DDM bays mounted in a 2105 Expansion Enclosure.
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 9
Storage Cage 1 (-U1-)
2105 Expansion Enclosure (R2-)
Storage Cage 2 (-U2-)
Storage Cage 3 (-U3-)
Storage Cage 2 (-U2-)
Storage Cage 4 (-U4-)
Front View
Storage Cage 1 (-U1-)
Storage Cage 4 (-U4-)
Storage Cage 3 (-U3-)
Rear View
Figure 4. R2- and R3- Location Codes for DDM Bays in a 2105 Expansion Enclosure (S007741s)
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Rack Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawers in a 2105 Model 100
The following diagram shows the location codes of the SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 drawers mounted in a 2105 Model 100.
2105 Model 100
(R2 or R3)
Front View
Rear View
Figure 5. R2- and R3 Location Codes for SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawers in a 2105 Model 100 (S008942s)
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 11
DDM Bay, Component Physical Location Codes
To locate a DDM bay in a 2105, see Locating a DDM Bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawer in a 2105 Rackon page 6.
v Controller card, lower left (Rx-Ux-Wx-C5) 1 v Host bypass card, upper left (Rx-Ux-Wx-C1) 2 v Disk Drive Module, DDM (DDM bay) (Rx-Ux-Wx-Dx) 3
See DDM Bay, Disk Drive Module Location Codes
v Passthrough card, upper right (upper) (Rx-Ux-Wx-C2) 4 v Passthrough card, upper right (lower) (Rx-Ux-Wx-C4) 5 v Frame, (DDM bay) (Rx-Ux-Wx-P1) 6
Figure 6. DDM bay Physical Location Codes (S008296l)
DDM Bay, Disk Drive Module Location Codes
To locate a DDM bay in a 2105, see Locating a DDM Bay or SSA DASD Model 020 or 040 Drawer in a 2105 Rackon page 6.
v (1) DDM 1, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D01) v (2) DDM 2, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D02) v (3) DDM 3, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D03) v (4) DDM 4, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D04) v (5) DDM 5, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D05) v (6) DDM 6, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D06) v (7) DDM 7, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D07) v (8) DDM 8, (Rx-Ux-Wx-D08)
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
Figure 7. Disk Drive Locations in a DDM bay (S007706l)
Cluster Bay Location Codes, 2105 Model E10/E20
Location information for 2105 Model E10/E20 cluster bays follow:
Cluster Bay, Operator Panel Location Codes (E10/E20)
2105 Model E10/E20 2105 Model E10/E20
v Cluster Bay 1, operator panel, (R1-T1-L1) 1 v Cluster Bay 2, operator panel, (R1-T2-L1) 2
Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Front View
Figure 8. Cluster Bay Operator Panel Locations (S007687m)
Cluster Bay, Drives Location Codes (E10/E20)
v Diskette drive, (R1-Tx-P2-D1) 1 v CD-ROM drive, (R1-Tx-P2-Z1-A3) 2 v SCSI hard drive, (R1-Tx-P2-Z1-A0) 3
2105 Model Exx/Fxx and Expansion Enclosure Locations, CHAPTER 7 13
Figure 9. Cluster Bay Drive Locations (S008316m)
Cluster Bay, System, I/O, and Power Planar Location Codes (E10/E20)
v System planar, (R1-Tx-P1) 1 v I/O planar, (R1-Tx-P2) 2 v Cluster Bay Power planar, (R1-Tx-P3) 3
Figure 10. Cluster Bay Planar Locations (S008585n)
Cluster Bay, I/O Planar Battery Location Codes (E10/E20)
v I/O planar battery, (R1-Tx-P2-V2) 1
VOLUME 3, ESS Service Guide
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