WSC 1925 G
Barometric Pressure Trend
Measurable range Humidity
Outside/Inside temperature
Max and Min of outside/inside temperature
Measurable range indoor temperature
Measurable range outdoor temperature
433MHz RF transmitting frequency
Transmission range (open area)
HP TRONIC Zlín, spol. s r. o., Prštné- Kůtiky 637, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 577 055 111, Fax: +420 577 055 165, email: vo@hptronic.cz
WSC 1925 G
• DCF 77 radio signal controlled time
• 433 MHz frequency transmission from external sensor
• Option to receive temperature data from
up to three sensors
• Indoor/outdoor temperature
• Memory for maximum/minimum
indoor/outdoor temperature
• Calendar