Mounting Template
Two #8 wood screws are required to mount the unit either vertically or
horizontally. Use this page as a template for determining screw locations.
Leave 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) of the screw head exposed; you can then slide the base
of the unit directly onto the screw heads for mounting.
Vertical Mount 3.0 in./7.62 cm
center to center
Horizontal Mount 4.5 in./11.43 cm
center to center
This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. This
product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
Copyright 2005 by Hypercom Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Hypercom and the Hypercom logo are registered
trademarks of Hypercom Corporation. IN-tact is a trademark of Hypercom Corporation. 940475-001, Rev B

IN-tact™ 1202 IP Gateway
The Hypercom® IN-tact 1202 is an IP gateway device that provides protocol
conversion and secure managed connections for a dial Point of Sale (POS)
terminal. The product is used to convert transactions to Internet Protocol (IP)
transactions over Ethernet UTP. The IN-tact 1202 allows you to use your current
POS dial terminal and take advant age of a DSL, cable modem, or VPN Ethernet
connection to access a host interface using TCP/IP protocol.
The unit is easy to install and has been pre-configured with all needed
information. The only action required on your p art is to connect the n etwork and
power cables. These installation instructions are pr ovid ed to help you make the
necessary connections.
This equipment has been tested and is compliant with:
• FCC Part 15 (ICES-003) • UL 60950-1 (CSA C.22 No. 60950-1)
See the IN-tact 1202 Hardware Guide for complete US and International
compliance statements.
Safety Precautions
This section describes the precautions nec es sar y to ins tall Hyperco m pro ducts
safely and reliably.
requires connection to an earth-ground terminal. As such, an uninterrupted safety
ground must be provided from the earthed AC main supply socket-o utlet to which
the IN-tact 1202 is connected. The socket-outlet providing AC power to the
equipment must be installed near the equipment and be easily accessible. If it is
suspected that this earthing protectio n is imp aired, turn the equip ment of f, secure
it against any unintended operatio n, and schedule the repair of the equipment.
Electrical Safety: Observe all proper electrical safety practices when operating
any equipment attached to an active power source.
Equipment Damage: Ensure that the correct adapters, interfaces, or cables
are installed in the IN-tact 1202 ports. Otherwise, equipment damage may
Interconnectivity: Unless otherwise specified, the interfaces of the IN-tact
1202 are not intended to directly connect to off-premise wirin g.
Ventilation: Allow proper clearance for ventilation. Inadequate ventilation may
affect operation.
Fuse/Battery Replacement: There are no user-serviceable fuses or batteries
within the IN-tact 1202 unit.
The IN-tact 1202 is considered to be Safety Class III equipment that
Unpack/Check Contents
After unpacking the IN-tact 1202, verify that you have the following parts:
•IN-tact 1202 unit (P/N 010304-003)
• Power adapter (P/N 870003-001)
You can find the IN-tact documentation on the Hypercom Web site at
www.hypercom.com. Look under Products and select Related Information >
Manuals > IN-tact Series.
Mounting Instructions
The IN-tact 1202 may be placed on a shelf, countertop, or other convenient
location. Optionally, it can be mounted on a wall or under a countertop. Perform
all mounting before connecting any cables. A mounting template and
instructions are on the back page of this document.
Connection Points
Ethernet Port
RS-232 Port
Standard RJ-11
connector to
dial terminal
Connect the Power Supply
1. Connect the three prong connector of the po we r sup p ly c ord to the po we r
port on the back of the IN-tact 1202 unit (shown above).
2. Connect the standard AC power plug to an approved power outlet or surge
protector. The unit powers on upon connection; there is no power switch.
Check the LEDs
1. After connecting the IN-tact 1202 unit, check the power LED on the front
panel. It should now be glowing green, indicating th at the unit is pow ered on.
2. If power is on, check the LEDs at the bottom of the LAN connection on the
back panel. They should both be flashing, indicating that the unit is
communicating with the router or other network device and seeking a DHCP
IP address. Once an address is acquired, the green LED lights solid and
flashes whenever LAN communication traffic is dete cted. The yellow LED is
normally off and flashes whenever communication traffic to the IN-tact