Parts Ordering Information........................................................................................................................................ 3
Serial Plate Location ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Model Identification ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Product Overview - Heat Source and Voltage .......................................................................................................... 6
Product Overview - Control Suffixes (Drawing 1 of 3)............................................................................................... 8
Product Overview - Control Suffixes (Drawing 2 of 3)............................................................................................. 10
Product Overview - Control Suffixes (Drawing 3 of 3)............................................................................................. 12
Single Drop Control Components ........................................................................................................................... 14
Dual Digital Timer Control Components.................................................................................................................. 16
DX4 Control Components ....................................................................................................................................... 18
DMP Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Coin Drop Kits ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Coin Drop Components for NetMaster Models ....................................................................................................... 34
Card Reader Components for NetMaster Models................................................................................................... 36
Network Board for NetMaster Models ..................................................................................................................... 38
Coin Drop Components for Quantum Control ......................................................................................................... 40
Card Reader Components for Quantum Control .................................................................................................... 42
Network Board for Quantum Control....................................................................................................................... 44
Communication Board ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Coin Drop Components for Galaxy 600 Control ..................................................................................................... 48
Card Reader Components for Galaxy 600 Control ................................................................................................. 50
UniLinc Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
LED OPL Control .................................................................................................................................................... 54
Door Assemblies ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Door Components ................................................................................................................................................... 58
Hinge Components ................................................................................................................................................. 60
Control Panels ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Front Panel Assemblies .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Cabinet Front Components ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Emergency Stop Button for CE Models .................................................................................................................. 70
Fire Suppression System Components .................................................................................................................. 80
Fire Suppression System Control Box .................................................................................................................... 82
Drive Motor Components for Nonreversing Models ................................................................................................ 84
Drive Motor Components for Reversing Models ..................................................................................................... 86
Gas Burner Housing and Secondary Stove Limit ................................................................................................... 96
Gas Valve Assembly - Non-CE and Non-Australian Gas Models ........................................................................... 98
Gas Valve and Piping - CE and Australian Gas Models ....................................................................................... 100
Electric Heater Components ................................................................................................................................. 102
Control Tray Harnesses for Gas Models............................................................................................................... 106
Control Tray for Non-CE and Non-Australian Gas Models ................................................................................... 108
Control Tray Components for CE and Australian Gas Models (Drawing 1 of 2) ................................................... 110
Control Tray Components for CE and Australian Gas Models (Drawing 2 of 2) ................................................... 112
Control Tray Harnesses for Steam Models ........................................................................................................... 114
Control Tray for Non-CE Steam Models ............................................................................................................... 116
Control Tray for CE Steam Models ....................................................................................................................... 118
Control Tray Harnesses for Electric Models.......................................................................................................... 120
Control Tray for Electric Models ............................................................................................................................ 122
Accessory Box Harnesses for Electric Models...................................................................................................... 124
Accessory Box for Non-CE Electric Models .......................................................................................................... 126
Accessory Box for CE Electric Models.................................................................................................................. 128
Parts Index ............................................................................................................................................................ 131
If literature or replacement parts are required, contact the source from whom the machine was purchased or contact Alliance Laundry Systems at
(920) 748-3950 for the name and address of the
nearest authorized parts distributor.
Serial Plate Location
When calling or writing about your product, be
sure to mention model and serial numbers. Model
and serial numbers are located on serial plate(s)
as shown.
For technical assistance, call the number listed
2-Control - ReversingS models; RE: reversing LED OPL
3-Control - NonreversingS models; EO: LED OPL
4-Control - ReversingH models; RE: reversing LED OPL
5-Control - NonreversingH models; EO: LED OPL
6-Control - ReversingU models; RE: reversing LED OPL
7-Control - NonreversingU models; EO: LED OPL
8-Control - ReversingB, C and I models; RE: reversing LED OPL
9-Control - NonreversingB, C and I models; EO: LED OPL
10-Control - ReversingP models through 9/30/14; RE: reversing LED OPL
11-Control - NonreversingP models through 9/30/14; EO: LED OPL
12-Control - ReversingN and Y models; L models through 5/31/15; RE:
reversing LED OPL
13-Control - NonreversingN and Y models; L models through 5/31/15; EO: LED
14-Control - ReversingG and K models; RE: reversing LED OPL
15-Control - NonreversingG and K models; EO: LED OPL
16-Control - NonreversingP models starting 10/1/14 through 5/31/15; EO: LED
17-Control - ReversingP models starting 10/1/14 through 5/31/15; RE: reversing
18-Control - NonreversingL and P models starting 6/1/15; EO: LED OPL
19-Control - ReversingL and P models starting 6/1/15; RE: reversing LED OPL
NOTE: OPL models have the following control suffixes: EO, RE, RU and UO
370467801Main HarnessElectric models need 55881 Harness Strap; Models
through 7/31/11 and starting again 7/9/12
370441301Main HarnessElectric models need 55881 Harness Strap; Models
starting 8/1/11 through 7/8/12
470357901Control Chassis Mounting Bracket
5512202PControl Assembly
670367001PControl Panel Harness
7512218PDisplay AssemblyC and I models through 7/14/14; All other models
770503101PControl AssemblyC and I models starting 7/15/14
970324602Jumper Calibration Wire
1056079Panel Locator
11M4860P3Buzzer KitIncludes buzzer, bracket and harness
1200177Male Tab Terminal
13511711Temperature Selector Switch
1470391701Temperature Selector Switch Bracket
1644104601Temperature Knob
1770364103Bypass HarnessNon-CE models
1870414101Foam Gasket6 inches required; Mounts to front of overlay, even with
1970455101Rocker SwitchStart
2070461301Rocker Switch
2170362201OverlayNonreversing; G, K, L, N, S and Y models; C and I
models through 7/14/14; P models starting 1/15/15; U
models through 8/17/14
2170362202OverlayG, K, L, N, S and Y models; C and I models through
7/14/14; P models starting 1/15/15; U models through
8/17/14; Reversing
2170504701OverlayC and I models starting 7/15/14; Nonreversing
2170504702OverlayC and I models starting 7/15/14; Reversing
2170494001OverlayU models; Models starting 8/18/14; Nonreversing
2170494002OverlayU models; Models starting 8/18/14; Reversing
2170362501OverlayH models; Nonreversing
2170362502OverlayH models; Reversing
2170362401OverlayP models through 1/14/15; Nonreversing
2170362402OverlayP models through 1/14/15; Reversing
170414101Foam Gasket6 inches required; Mounts to front of overlay, even with
244240501Graphic OverlayOPL
244050501Graphic OverlayCoin; Single drop; Models through 7/31/11
244050502Graphic OverlayCoin; Dual drop; Models through 7/31/11
244239401Graphic OverlayCoin; Single drop; Models starting 8/1/11
244239402Graphic OverlayCoin; Dual drop; Models starting 8/1/11
244239403Graphic OverlayPrep for central pay
344050701PControl Plate Kit
444263501BracketCE models; All other models with 3K and 3L control
5211/00119/00 Standoff4 required
6209/00471/75 Central Pay Interface Control Assembly3K and 3L control suffixes
744050601Sleeve4 required
970462301PControl Assembly3O control suffix
970462302PControl AssemblyR3 control suffix
970462361PControl Assembly3V and 3X control suffixes
970462362PControl Assembly3B and 3W control suffixes
970462369Control Assembly3K and 3L control suffixes
1070364104PCoin Vault Switch HarnessNon-CE models; 3V and 3B control suffixes
1170364103Bypass HarnessNon-CE models; 3O, 3W, 3X and R3 control suffixes
1270489901Control Panel HarnessCE and Australian models
1270485301Control Panel HarnessAll other models
1370491501Central Pay Harness3K and 3L control suffixes
144039402PMembrane SwitchCoin; DV and DX control suffixes
244041001Control Plate AssemblyCoin; Includes studs; DV and DX control suffixes
444037801PElectronic Control
544039701PCoin Drop AssemblyUnited States; $.25
544039702Coin Drop AssemblyMexico; 2 peso
544039703Coin Drop AssemblyToken; .880
544039704Coin Drop AssemblyJapan; 100 yen
544039705Coin Drop AssemblyEngland; 20 pence
544039706Coin Drop AssemblyToken; .800
544039707Coin Drop AssemblyEngland; 50 pence
670414101Foam Gasket6 inches required; Mounts to front of overlay, even with
NAM4695P3Electronic OPL Control KitCE and Australian models
NAM4689P3Electronic OPL Control KitAll other models; Dual secondary transformers
(M414228 Transformer for 100-240 VAC and M414229
Transformer for 380-480 VAC) must be used with this kit;
Does not include overlay or harness
NAM4457P3RC Filter KitIncludes (2) F330217P RC Filter and instructions
170364103Bypass HarnessNon-CE models
270382701PControl Panel HarnessCE and Australian models
270335301PControl Panel HarnessAll other models
3M413930PFerrite Core Assembly
570063501Mounting BracketCE and Australian models; Used with 70382701P
Control Panel Harness
6M402797ScrewCE and Australian models; 2 required; Used with
70382701P Control Panel Harness
7M412534RelayCE and Australian models; Used with 70382701P
Control Panel Harness
870467801Main HarnessElectric models need 55881 Harness Strap; Models
through 7/31/11
870441301Main HarnessElectric models need 55881 Harness Strap; Models
starting 8/1/11 through 1/1/12
970084301Jumper Calibration Assembly
1070228401PControl Kit
1170406501Fuse1.25 Amp
12M414368PMembrane Switch
1370175806Control Plate AssemblyCE and Australian models; Includes studs
1370175805Control Plate AssemblyAll other models; Includes studs
1470115801OverlayA, L, P, S, U and YU models; Icon and English
1470130401OverlayA, L, P, S, U and YU models; Icon
1470128701OverlayH models; Icon and English
1470130601OverlayH models; Icon and English
1444130002OverlayG and K models
1570414101Foam Gasket6 inches required; Mounts to front of overlay, even with
170413301Pushbutton Switch
2501524Screw4 required for mounting control
3514273PControl AssemblyI models; Models starting 7/15/14
3511867PControl AssemblyI models through 7/14/14; All other models
3510036PMembrane SwitchOrder to replace touchpad for 511867P Control Assembly
470054Nut3 required
570175807Control Plate Assembly
670257701OverlayL and S models; BC, BK*, BL* and BX control suffixes; Text; Single
670261001OverlayL, N and S models; BC, BK*, BL* and BX control suffixes; Icon; Single
670257702OverlayL and S models; BC and BX control suffixes; Text; Dual drop
670261002OverlayL, N and S models; BC and BX control suffixes; Icon; Dual drop
670258001OverlayH models; BC, BK*, BL* and BX control suffixes; Text; Single drop
670261201OverlayH models; BC, BK*, BL* and BX control suffixes; Icon; Single drop
670258002OverlayH models; BC and BX control suffixes; Text; Dual drop
670261202OverlayH models; BC and BX control suffixes; Icon; Dual drop
670259001OverlayP models; Models through 9/30/14; BK* and BL* control suffixes
670508701OverlayP models; Models starting 10/1/14
670258101OverlayH models; BC, BK*, BL* and BX control suffixes; Text; Single drop
670453001OverlayG and K models; Text; Single drop
670453002OverlayG and K models; Text; Dual drop
670491901OverlayI models; Models through 7/14/14; BC and BX control suffixes; Single
670491902OverlayI models; Models through 7/14/14; BC and BX control suffixes; Dual
670505201OverlayI models; Models starting 7/15/14; BC and BX control suffixes; Single
670505202OverlayI models; Models starting 7/15/14; BC and BX control suffixes; Dual
739564Coin Drop OverlayS models; BK* and BL* control suffixes; Cover
770246301Coin Cover OverlayG, H, I, K, L and N models; BK* and BL* control suffixes; Cover
770286701OverlayP models through 9/30/14; BK* and BL* control suffixes; Cover
770321001OverlayP models through 9/30/14; BC** and BX** control suffixes; Single
drop; Right side
770129501OverlayP models through 9/30/14; BC** and BX** control suffixes; Single
drop; Left side
770129601OverlayP models through 9/30/14; BC** and BX** control suffixes; Dual drop
770510501OverlayP models starting 10/1/14; Single drop
770510601OverlayP models starting 10/1/14; Dual drop
770510701OverlayP models starting 10/1/14; World drop
770510801OverlayP models starting 10/1/14; BK* and BL* control suffixes
770510901OverlayP models; Blank for central pay
870414101Foam Gasket6 inches required; Mounts to front of overlay, even with edge
* NOTE: BK and BL control suffixes require an overlay and overlay cover specific to model.
** NOTE: P models with BC or BX control suffixes require an overlay and coin drop overlay.
Coin Drop Components for MDC Models - Wire Harnesses
170324602Jumper Calibration Wire
270484601Central Pay HarnessBK and BL control suffixes
370315501PControl Panel HarnessCE and Australian models; Control panel to main
370368001PControl Panel HarnessAll other models; Control panel to main harness