Hubbell Industrial Controls, Inc
Lifting Magnet Power Supplies
Specifications 4320 * January 2000
Replaces February 1994
Hubbell offers the Type 4320 diode rectifier,
specifically designed and rated for the demanding requirements where short circuits on the DC
output bus are common or probably. The unit is
ideally suited for applications such as scrap lifting magnets or cranes.
Addressing the common problem of blown semiconductor fuses resulting from cut magnet cables, shorted magnets, or crane rail faults. The
4320 offers a rectifier system that eliminates all
fusing in the rectifier. Traditional rectifier design
incorporates the use of silver and, fast acting,
current limiting, semi-conductor fuses to protect
rectifier diodes in the event of a DC fault. The
4320 rectifier design eliminates the need for
these fuses.
The 4320 rectifier design will trip the unit’s AC
input breaker in the event of a DC output bus
fault. After the fault is cleared, the user simply
resets the unit’s AC breaker and the unit is operational.
Cost Savings:
♦ No blown fuses to replace
♦ No spare fuses to inventory
♦ Downtime associated with changing power
semi-conductor fuses is eliminated
Standard Features of the Type
4320 Rectifier:
♦ AC input voltage: 460V, 3Ph, 60Hz.
♦ Nominal DC output: 240VDC
♦ AC molded case circuit breaker
♦ Dry Type isolation transformer: Transformer
has one 5% tap above and below nominal
input voltage
♦ DC bleed resistor
♦ Full wave, six pulse, diode rectifier assem-
bly; mounted on oversize extruded aluminum head sinks
♦ Diode peak inverse voltage to be six times
the bridge AC RMS voltage
♦ Heavy Duty surge suppression specifically
rated for highly inductive load kick application. i.e. Magnets
♦ Power on indication light
♦ Industrial duty floor mounted NEMA 2 in-
door, or NEMA 3R outdoor, convection
cooled, vented enclosure with hinged door
♦ Single side access to all components
♦ Enclosure grounding lug
♦ DC ammeter and/or voltmeter
♦ Remote on/off pushbutton
♦ Flange mounted on/off pushbutton

Operating Parameters: Typical Schematic Diagram
* Service Factor:
-115% load continuously at 40 C ambient
-100% load continuously at 50 C ambient
-125% load for two hours at 40 C ambient
after 8 hours of 100% load operation
-200% load for one minute at 40 C ambient
after 8 hours of 100% load operation
-DC ripple 4.63 RMS at 100% resistive load
-DC voltage requlation 8% on 10% to 100%
load variation and 0% AC line variation
* Power factor 95% at 100% load
* Efficiency 95% or better at 100% load
* Approximate Dimensions for NEMA 2/3R Free Standing Enclosures
3 240 DC 22W 14D 25H 25 240 DC 28W 18D 44H
5 240 DC 22W 14D 25H 30 240 DC
7.5 240 DC 22W 14D 25H 40 240 DC
10 240 DC 22W 14D 25H 50 240 DC
12.5 240 DC 28W 18D 29H 60 240 DC
15 240 DC 28W 18D 29H 75 240 DC
20 240 DC 28W 18D 44H 100 240 DC
28W 18D 44H
28W 18D 44H
28W 18D 44H
36W 24D 54H
36W 24D 54H
36W 24D 54H
* Dimensions Not For Construction Purposes
Hubbell Industrial Controls, Inc.
a subsidiary of Hubbell Inc.
4301 Cheyenne Dr., Archdale, NC 27263
Telephone (336) 434-2800 • FAX (336) 434-2803