Huawei VP9050 User Manual

HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal V200R001
User Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
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Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide

About This Document

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
This document is intended for users who need to configure, use, and be familiar with the HUAWEI VP9050 desktop integrated video terminal.
Related Versions
About This Document
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Product Name Version
HUAWEI VP9050 desktop integrated video terminal V200R001
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
Administrators have access to all functions on both the Web interface and user interface. Access to the Settings, Utilities or Diagnostics screen is reserved for administrators and requires the administrator password. For details about how to set the administrator password, see section 10.1 "Setting the Administrator Password."
Ordinary users
Ordinary users have access to some functions on the Web interface and user interface.
The following table lists the contents of this document.
Chapter Content
1 Installation and Preparation
2 Touch Panel Describes the home screen and touch operations.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Describes the main functions, appearance, and menus of the terminal, as well as installation procedures.
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
About This Document
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Chapter Content
3 Network Settings Describes how to set the network.
4 Video Settings Describes how to set the video.
5 Audio Settings Describes how to set the audio.
6 Conference Initiation Describes how to initiate a conference.
7. Conference Control Describes conference control functions.
8 Video and Audio Describes how to adjust video attributes and volume.
9 Captions Describes how to create and share a caption.
10 Security Describes how to set the administrator password.
11 Terminal as a Display Describes how to use the terminal as a display for a PC.
12 Remote Management from the Web Interface
13 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
A Precautions
B Technical Specifications Lists main specifications of the ViewPoint 8053.
C Videoconferencing Room Layout
D Glossary Describes important terms in the document.
E Acronyms and Abbreviations
Describes how to log in to the terminal from the Web interface.
Describes common encountered faults during the use of the terminal as well as methods for locating and rectifying these faults.
Provides important safety information to ensure safe operation.
Provides advice on the videoconferencing room layout for optimal conference experience.
Lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document, and their full spellings.
Symbol Conventions
The following describes symbols that may be found in this document.
Symbol Description
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
About This Document
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Symbol Description
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance degradation, or unexpected results.
General Conventions
The following table describes general conventions that may be found in this document.
Convention Description
Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.
Italic Book titles are in italics.
Courier New
Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.
Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text.
Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root.
Examples of information displayed on the screen are in Courier New.
Command Conventions
The following table describes command conventions that may be found in this document.
Convention Description
Italic Command arguments are in italics.
[ ]
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
The keywords of a command line are in boldface.
Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected.
Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected.
Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
About This Document
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
GUI Conventions
The following describes GUI conventions that may be found in this document.
Convention Description
Keyboard Operations
The following describes keyboard operations that may be found in this document.
Format Description
Key 1+Key 2
Key 1, Key 2
Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK.
Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.
Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn.
Mouse Operations
The following describes mouse operations that may be found in this document.
Action Description
Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.
Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Related Versions ..................................................................................................................................................... ii
Intended Audience .................................................................................................................................................. ii
Organization ........................................................................................................................................................... ii
Conventions .......................................................................................................................................................... iii
1 Installation and Preparation ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 System Components ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Basic Components .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Optional Components ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Appearance of the Terminal.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Positions of the Components ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Indicators ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 System Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Connecting the Terminal ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Connecting the External Devices ............................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Uncovering the Lens ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Starting/Shutting Down the System ............................................................................................................... 10
1.6.1 Starting the System ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2 Shutting Down the System .................................................................................................................... 10
2 Touch Panel .................................................................................................................................. 11
3 Network Settings......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Using the Settings Wizard .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Setting Basic Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Configuring an IP LAN .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 Status Indicators of the LAN Interface ................................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 Setting IP Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.3 Setting H.323 Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.4 Setting SIP Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.5 Setting SNMP Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.6 Setting QoS Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 19
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
3.3.7 Setting Firewall Parameters .................................................................................................................. 20
3.3.8 Setting Network Diagnostics Parameters .............................................................................................. 22
3.4 Configuring the 3G Network .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.1 Inserting a 3G Data Card ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.2 Setting 3G Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 23
3.4.3 Setting 3G Dial-up Parameters and Establishing a Dial-up Connection ............................................... 24
4 Video Settings .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.1 Configuring the Built-In Camera ................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Configuring the External Camera ................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Getting to Know the Video Input Interface ........................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Getting to Know the Video Output Interface ........................................................................................ 28
4.2.3 Setting Camera Input Parameters .......................................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Setting Camera Output Parameters ....................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Selecting and Controlling a Camera ............................................................................................................... 32
4.3.1 Selecting a Camera................................................................................................................................ 32
4.3.2 Adjusting the Focal Length of a Camera ............................................................................................... 33
4.3.3 Controlling a Camera ............................................................................................................................ 33
4.4 Saving and Using Camera Presets .................................................................................................................. 33
4.4.1 Saving a Camera Preset ......................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 Moving a Camera to a Preset ................................................................................................................ 34
4.4.3 Deleting All Camera Presets ................................................................................................................. 34
4.5 Setting the Video Resolution and Refresh Rate .............................................................................................. 35
5 Audio Settings ............................................................................................................................. 36
5.1 Connecting an Audio Device .......................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Setting Audio Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 36
6 Conference Initiation ................................................................................................................. 39
6.1 Initiating a Conference Using Different Methods .......................................................................................... 39
6.1.1 Initiating a Conference from the Favorite Conferences Screen ............................................................ 39
6.1.2 Initiating a Conference from the Conference History Screen ............................................................... 40
6.1.3 Initiating a Conference from the Address Book Screen ........................................................................ 41
6.1.4 Initiating a Conference from the Call Screen ........................................................................................ 41
6.1.5 Scheduling a Conference ...................................................................................................................... 41
6.2 Answering Incoming Calls and Ending a Conference .................................................................................... 42
6.2.1 Setting the Answering Mode ................................................................................................................. 42
6.2.2 Ending a Conference ............................................................................................................................. 42
6.3 Setting Conference Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.4 Setting Up an H.239 Dual-Stream Conference .............................................................................................. 44
6.4.1 Designating the Dual Streams ............................................................................................................... 44
6.4.2 Enabling the H.239 Mode ..................................................................................................................... 44
6.4.3 Sharing a Presentation ........................................................................................................................... 45
6.4.4 Viewing the Combined Picture of the Presentation and the Video ........................................................ 45
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
6.5 Joining an Authentication Conference............................................................................................................ 45
6.6 Managing the Address Book .......................................................................................................................... 47
6.6.1 Managing the Local Address Book ....................................................................................................... 47
6.6.2 Setting Network Address Book Parameters .......................................................................................... 49
7 Conference Control ..................................................................................................................... 51
7.1 Customizing the Option Bar ........................................................................................................................... 51
7.2 Customizing the Conference Control Screen ................................................................................................. 51
7.3 Using Conference Control Functions ............................................................................................................. 52
7.3.1 Viewing Sites ........................................................................................................................................ 52
7.3.2 Broadcasting Sites ................................................................................................................................. 53
7.3.3 Giving the Floor to a Site ...................................................................................................................... 54
7.3.4 Displaying Sites Requesting for the Floor ............................................................................................ 54
7.3.5 Placing a Call ........................................................................................................................................ 54
7.3.6 Disconnecting a Site.............................................................................................................................. 54
7.3.7 Deleting a Site ....................................................................................................................................... 54
7.3.8 Muting and Unmuting the Microphone ................................................................................................. 55
7.3.9 Muting and Unmuting the Speaker ....................................................................................................... 55
7.3.10 Requesting for Chair Control Rights ................................................................................................... 55
7.3.11 Requesting for the Floor ...................................................................................................................... 55
7.3.12 Setting the Continuous Presence ......................................................................................................... 56
7.3.13 Enabling and Disabling Voice Activation ........................................................................................... 56
7.3.14 Releasing Chair Control Rights .......................................................................................................... 56
7.3.15 Enabling Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 56
7.3.16 Adding Sites ........................................................................................................................................ 57
7.3.17 Extending a Conference ...................................................................................................................... 57
7.3.18 Ending a Conference ........................................................................................................................... 57
8 Video and Audio ......................................................................................................................... 59
8.1 Adjusting the Video Display Effects .............................................................................................................. 59
8.1.1 Adjusting the Local Video Effects......................................................................................................... 59
8.1.2 Configuring the Built-In Camera .......................................................................................................... 60
8.1.3 Adjusting Video Parameters .................................................................................................................. 60
8.1.4 Customizing the Status Icons to Be Displayed on Screens ................................................................... 62
8.1.5 Adjusting the Picture Offset .................................................................................................................. 62
8.1.6 Adjusting the Sampling Phase ............................................................................................................... 63
8.2 Adjusting Audio Effects ................................................................................................................................. 63
8.3 Adjusting the Volume ..................................................................................................................................... 64
8.4 Adjusting the Screen Layout .......................................................................................................................... 64
8.5 Selecting a Video Source ................................................................................................................................ 65
8.6 Hiding the Local Video .................................................................................................................................. 66
9 Captions ........................................................................................................................................ 67
9.1 Configuring Captions ..................................................................................................................................... 67
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
9.2 Creating a Caption .......................................................................................................................................... 68
9.3 Sharing a Caption ........................................................................................................................................... 69
9.4 Sending an Instant Message ........................................................................................................................... 70
10 Security........................................................................................................................................ 71
10.1 Setting the Administrator Password ............................................................................................................. 71
10.2 Restricting Screen Access Using the Administrator Password ..................................................................... 71
10.3 Enabling H.235 Encryption .......................................................................................................................... 72
10.4 Allowing Remote Login ............................................................................................................................... 72
11 Terminal as a Display............................................................................................................... 73
11.1 Switching Between the Conference Mode and the PC Mode ....................................................................... 73
11.2 Adjusting the Display Effect......................................................................................................................... 73
11.3 Answering a Call .......................................................................................................................................... 73
12 Remote Management from the Web Interface .................................................................... 75
12.1 Allowing Login from the Web Interface ....................................................................................................... 75
12.2 Configuring a Web Browser ......................................................................................................................... 75
12.3 Logging In to the Terminal from the Web Interface ..................................................................................... 76
12.4 Functions Provided on the Web Interface ..................................................................................................... 77
12.4.1 Exporting the Address Book ............................................................................................................... 78
12.4.2 Modifying Records of an Address Book ............................................................................................. 78
12.4.3 Importing an Address Book ................................................................................................................ 78
12.4.4 Customizing Shortcut Icons ................................................................................................................ 78
12.4.5 Navigation ........................................................................................................................................... 79
12.4.6 Site List ............................................................................................................................................... 79
12.4.7 Conference Control Page .................................................................................................................... 79
13 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 81
13.1 Routine Maintenance.................................................................................................................................... 81
13.1.1 Checking the Working Environment Periodically ............................................................................... 81
13.1.2 Checking Cable Connection Periodically ........................................................................................... 81
13.1.3 Viewing the System Status .................................................................................................................. 82
13.1.4 Viewing the System Information......................................................................................................... 82
13.1.5 Viewing Logs ...................................................................................................................................... 83
13.2 Software Upgrade ......................................................................................................................................... 83
13.2.2 Upgrading the Software Locally Using a Computer ........................................................................... 84
13.2.3 Upgrading the Software Using the Minimum System ........................................................................ 87
13.3 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................... 88
13.4 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 91
A Precautions ............................................................................................................................. 102
B Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 106
C Videoconferencing Room Layout ...................................................................................... 108
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
D Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 109
E Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 112
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide

1 Installation and Preparation

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1 Installation and Preparation

1.1 Features

The HUAWEI VP9050 is a high-end video terminal developed by Huawei. It is suitable for personal use. This product can make a point-to-point call, hold a multi-point conference, and be used as the display of a PC. It is a real-time video terminal that can meet the requirements of personal users.
Executive Video Terminal
21.5 inch wide-screen LCD touch panel
Embedded camera
Double built-in microphones
Double built-in speakers
Microphone and headset jacks
H.239 Dual-Stream Conference
The terminal complies with the H.239 standard. It can transmit two video channels to the remote site at the same time.
The presentation can be the video or desktop contents.
The presentation can be displayed on the screen or the monitor together with the video or can be displayed separately.
High-Speed High-Quality Video Transmission
Maximum call bandwidth: 4 Mbit/s
H.264 protocol
Abundant Continuous Presence modes (including picture-in-picture, bi-screen, tri-screen)
Maximum resolution: 1080p pixels and progressive scanning)
Simple Installation
The interfaces are simple and easy to be identified.
The cables are convenient to connect.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

1.2 System Components

The system components of the terminal include basic videoconferencing components and optional components.

1.2.1 Basic Components

The basic videoconferencing components are listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Basic videoconferencing components
Name Description
Remote control It is used to control the terminal.
Power module/Power cable It is used to connect to the power socket.
DVI-SXGA cable
Network cable It is used to connect to a local area network (LAN).
It includes the host that is used for processing the video and audio data, camera, display, and interfaces.
It is used to connect a video input device and a video output device.

1.2.2 Optional Components

You can purchase the following optional components:
Audio cable with a 3.5 mm connector

1.3 Appearance of the Terminal

1.3.1 Positions of the Components

You can find out the components of the terminal and their functions according to following figures.
Front View
Figure 1-1 shows the front view of the terminal.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Figure 1-1 Front view of the terminal
Camera lens
You can uncover the camera lens and adjust the focus.
The terminal has one microphone on the left side and one on the right side.
LCD touch panel.
Power key of the screen
Power off the display of the terminal. After you power off the display, the status of the conference system does not get affected.
Screen menu key
Press this key to display the screen menu where you can adjust the brightness and other characteristics of the image displayed on the screen.
Press this key to automatically adjust display parameter settings.
Up and down keys
Press these keys to move the highlight bar on the menu.
Press these keys to adjust the parameters displayed on the screen.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
The terminal has two speakers on the left and right sides.
Microphone key
Press this key to mute or unmute the local microphones.
Mode switching key
Press this key to switch the screen to conference mode or PC mode.
Terminal power key
When the terminal is powered on, press this key to power it off or restart it.
When the terminal is powered off, this key is unavailable.
Screen status indicator
Shows the screen's power supply status.
Terminal status indicator
Shows the terminal's power supply and operating status.
Rear View
Figure 1-2 shows the rear view of the terminal.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Figure 1-2 Rear view of the terminal
Power switch
Press this key to power on or power off the terminal.
DVI/VGA OUT interface
This interface is the video output interface of the terminal. It can be used to connect to a monitor, such as a TV or a projector.
DVI/VGA IN interface
This interface is the video input interface of the terminal. It can be used to connect to devices such as a PC and an external camera.
USB port
This port is used to connect to a 3G data card.
Serial port
This interface is used by the technicians to debug the terminal. Common users are recommended not to use this interface.
This interface can be connected to an external camera's serial port to control that camera.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Network interface
This interface is the network interface provided by terminal.
It is not recommended for common users to use this switch.
Power cable interface
You can use the power cable to connect the terminal to the power supply.
The USB port of the product is reserved currently.
Right View
Figure 1-3 shows the right view of the terminal.
Figure 1-3 Right view of the terminal
Headset jack
This jack is used to connect to the headset. Then, you can hear the sound through the headset.
Microphone jack
This jack is used to connect to the microphone. Then, sounds can be inputted through the external microphone.
This is the audio input interface of the terminal. It can be used to connect to the external audio input device, such as a PC.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
This is the audio output interface of the terminal. It can be used to connect to the recording and monitoring devices, such as a recorder.
If you need to purchase the optional components, the diameter of the headset, microphone, and audio cable connector should be 3.5 mm.
If the AUDIO OUT jack is connected to an external audio device, do not place the audio device near the embedded microphone to avoid the spontaneous phenomenon.

1.3.2 Indicators

The indicator beside the keys on the front panel illuminates in one of three colors. Figure 1-3 shows the location of the indicator. Table 1-2 describes the indicator status.
Table 1-2 Description of the indicator status
Status Description
Slow blinking green The terminal is starting up, or the software is
Steady green
Very slow blinking green
Fast blinking green
When the terminal is running, check whether the indicator is green and steady on.

1.4 System Connection

This section describes how to install the system. Please follow these precautions before connecting
Before connecting any components, disconnect the power supply.
It is recommended to use the provided power module, power cable, and other cables.
Do not connect the cables with wet hands.

1.4.1 Connecting the Terminal

Connect the system in the sequence .
The terminal is operating properly.
The terminal is in sleep mode or in a conference.
The terminal is faulty.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Figure 1-4 Connecting the terminal
Video output: Connect the DVI/VGA OUT interface to the monitor that can be a TV or a
If the video is to be output to the terminal only, skip this step.
PC video input: Connect the DVI/VGA IN interface to the DVI/VGA output interface on
the PC.
LAN connection: Connect the LAN1 interface to the network interface on the network
device by using the provided network cable.
Power supply connection: Connect the power interface to the power socket by using the
provided power cable and power module.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
If you connect the terminal to a PC, it is recommended to connect the terminal and the PC to two power sockets that are close to each other.

1.4.2 Connecting the External Devices

Connect the terminal to external devices according to Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5 Connecting to external devices
You can prepare the headset, external microphone, and audio cables according to your needs.
Connect the cables according to Figure 1-5.
Headset/Microphone jack: If you do not want others to hear the input and output sound of the terminal, connect the headset jack to a headset and connect the microphone jack to a microphone.
AUDIO IN jack: If you want to use the terminal as a display and output PC sound, connect the AUDIO IN jack to the audio output jack on the PC by using an audio cable.
AUDIO OUT jack: If you want to record the sound outputted from the terminal, connect the AUDIO OUT jack to the input jack of the recording or monitoring device by using an audio cable.
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
1 Installation and Preparation
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

1.5 Uncovering the Lens

Do not remove the provided cover of the lens with force.
Do not touch the lens with fingers.

1.6 Starting/Shutting Down the System

Before starting the system, ensure that the power module and power cable are connected to the corresponding devices properly.

1.6.1 Starting the System

Press the switch on the rear panel of the terminal.
After the terminal is powered on, it displays the startup logo and plays the startup music.

1.6.2 Shutting Down the System

Three modes are available to shut down the terminal:
When the terminal is powered on, you can press the power switch on the rear panel to power off the terminal.
You can press POWER on the remote control
From the terminal's web interface, choose Maintenance > Shut Down. On the displayed page, select Shut Down to power off the terminal and its display.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide

2 Touch Panel

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(1) Video window
(2)/(3) Operation items
(4) Local IP address
(5) Shortcut menu
(6) Status icon
(7) Display/Hide the shortcut menu
Power on the display and the HUAWEI VP9050. The home screen, as shown in Figure 2-1, appears after the startup.
Figure 2-1 Home screen
2 Touch Panel
Control the touch panel with the following actions:
Tap: Touch once to select an item or perform functions on a highlighted item.
Slide: Touch and drag your finger leftward and rightward to toggle between the zones displayed in the center on the home screen, or upwards and downwards to move to items in lists.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
2 Touch Panel
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All items and buttons support touch operations. The shortcut menu cannot be displayed using the remote control. However, the remote control has buttons corresponding to the menu items.
The touch panel must be calibrated before use. To calibrate the touch panel:
Step 1 From the home screen, choose Utilities > Touch Panel Calibration.
Step 2 Follow the onscreen instructions to calibrate the screen.
Step 3 Save the settings.
The user interface for performing functions using the touch panel is similar to that using the remote control. Unless otherwise specified, the operations using the remote control are used as examples.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide

3 Network Settings

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3.1 Using the Settings Wizard

The Wizard can help to set the basic parameters, camera parameters, and network parameters of the terminal quickly and conveniently.
To use the settings Wizard, do the following:
3 Network Settings
Step 1 From the home screen, select Settings.
Step 2 Choose Installation > Wizard, and then set parameters as required.
For details, see section 3.2 "Setting Basic Parameters", section 3.3.3 "Setting H.323 Parameters", section 3.3.4 "Setting SIP Parameters", and section 4.2.4 "Setting Camera Output Parameters."

3.2 Setting Basic Parameters

Before using the HUAWEI VP9050, certain basic parameters, such as the site name, system time, and answering mode of the local site.
To se t the terminal's basic parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > General.
Step 2 Select General, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Basic parameters
Parameter Description
Site name
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The site name will be superimposed on the local video indicating the site of the terminal. When the site joins a multipoint conference, the site name of the terminal is displayed in the conference site list.
This specifies the terminal location. After a location is selected, the terminal automatically adjusts the time zone to a value that corresponds to the location.
HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
3 Network Settings
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
The terminal can be customized for multiple languages. For details, consult the
Parameter Description
Time format
System time
Answer call automatically
Open to all users
This specifies the language that will be displayed on the screen of the terminal.
local device provider.
This specifies the format in which the time is displayed. You can select between the 24-hour format and the 12-hour format.
The system time will be the time recorded against events in the terminal logs; if set correctly, the terminal logs will accurately reflect the time that events occurred.
If this function is enabled, the terminal answers incoming calls automatically.
If this function is disabled, when there is an incoming call, the user is prompted to answer or reject the call using the remote control.
By default, this function is disabled.
This specifies whether to open the Do not disturb function to all users.
If the Do not disturb function is available to all users, they can select Utilities from the home screen to display the Utilities screen, and then select Do Not Disturb (Off) or Do not Disturb (On) to enable or disable the function.
Called site at startup
Step 3 Save the settings.
A site that is called particularly often can be set as the Called site at startup.
This site can be selected from the site list which contains the sites defined in the address book.
After settings this parameter, you must set Call times.

3.3 Configuring an IP LAN

The IP LAN parameters of the terminal must be set so that the terminal can communicate with other network devices.

3.3.1 Status Indicators of the LAN Interface

The status indicators on the LAN interface can quickly provide information about the current network connection.
There are two indicators working together to indicate the network connection, as shown in Table 3-2.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
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Table 3-2 Status indicators of the LAN interface
Indicator Status Connection Status
The orange indicator is off.
The orange indicator is on.
The green indicator blinks.
The green indicator is off.

3.3.2 Setting IP Parameters

The IP parameters of the terminal must be set to allow video communications over an IP LAN.
To set the terminal's IP parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > IP, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 IP parameters
Parameter Description
The LAN interface is in 10 M network interface mode.
The LAN interface is in 100 M network interface mode.
Data is being transmitted. The green indicator turns off each time a frame of data has been transmitted.
No data is being transmitted or the network is not reachable.
Connection type
Local IP address
Subnet mask
Alternate IP address
Alt. subnet mask
DNS server address
Static IP: The IP address of the terminal is assigned by the network administrator. If this mode is selected, you must enter the local IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address.
Dynamic IP: The terminal automatically obtains the IP address from the network. If this mode is selected, you do not need to set other parameters.
PPPoE: The terminal accesses the broadband network in dial-up mode, such as the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). If the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) mode is selected, you must set the user name and the password.
These specify the IP address and subnet mask of the terminal.
The main IP address and the alternate IP address must be in different network segments. The alternate IP address and the IP address of the gatekeeper (GK) must be in different network segments.
If the connection type is set to Static IP, the IP address of the domain name service (DNS) server is available to be set. After the IP address of the DNS server is set, domain names can be used for the GK server address and the SIP server address. The DNS server will translate the domain name to the IP addresses of the GK server and the SIP server.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
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Parameter Description
Network interface mode
This specifies the working mode of both the network interfaces of the terminal.
Auto detection: When accessing the network, the terminal automatically communicates with the remote network device to determine the best network mode.
10 Mbit/s and half duplex: The transmission rate is 10 Mbit/s. Data cannot be sent and received at the same time.
10 Mbit/s and full duplex: The transmission rate is 10 Mbit/s. Data can be sent and received at the same time.
100 Mbit/s and half duplex: The transmission rate is 100 Mbit/s. Data cannot be sent and received at the same time.
100 Mbit/s and full duplex: The transmission rate is 100 Mbit/s. Data can be sent and received at the same time.
If the working mode of the network interface of the remote network device is not known, set this parameter to Auto detection. Otherwise, the terminal may fail to access the network properly.
Step 2 Select Save to save the settings.

3.3.3 Setting H.323 Parameters

The H.323 parameters must be set when the GK is used in the conference system.
The GK is the network isolator of the videoconferencing system and is used to manage the network bandwidth, terminal authentication, and address translation. It enables calls to be made to fixed site names and not to variable IP addresses.
To set the terminal's H.323 parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > IP > H.323, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4 H.323 parameters
Parameter Description
Enable GK This specifies whether the terminal registers with the GK.
If this parameter is enabled, the terminal registers with the GK after startup. After the terminal registers with the GK successfully, it can call a remote site using the site number, site name (defined in the address book), or IP address. For a conference attended by IP sites, the GK must be used.
If this parameter is disabled, the terminal does not register with the GK, and it can call a remote site using only the IP address.
GK address This specifies the IP address of the server where the GK is installed.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Parameter Description
H.323 ID
Use VoIP gateway
VoIP gateway address
Step 2 Save the settings.
This specifies the site number of a terminal. This number can be used to call the corresponding terminal if the terminal is registered with the GK. The site number can contain only digits.
This specifies the name that is used by the GK to identify a terminal registered with it.
The name can consist of digits and letters.
This specifies the password used by a terminal to register with the GK. The GK authenticates the validity of a terminal by checking this password.
For successful GK authentication, the password set on the terminal should be the same as the preset password on the GK.
If Use VoIP gateway is selected, VoIP gateway address must be set. Then you can place calls to terminals connected to the VoIP gateway.

3.3.4 Setting SIP Parameters

When the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used for video communications, the SIP parameters of the terminal, such as whether to register with the SIP server, must be set.
To set the terminal's SIP parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > IP > SIP, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5 SIP parameters
Parameter Description
Register with server This specifies whether the terminal registers with the SIP server.
Enable: After the terminal is registered with the SIP server successfully, it can call a remote site using the site number, site name, or IP address.
Disable:The terminal does not register with the SIP server, and it can call another site using only the IP address.
Server address This specifies the IP address of the SIP server.
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
3 Network Settings
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Parameter Description
Enable proxy server
Proxy server address
Conference Service Number
Site number
User name
When the terminal needs to register with the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) for deploying services, enable the proxy server and set its address.
Borne by the standard IP protocol, the IMS uses voice over IP (VoIP) applications based on the standard SIP applications of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) to provide fixed and mobile multimedia services for operators.
The proxy server needs to forward the registration request from the terminal to the SIP server in the IMS network when the terminal is registering with the IMS network.
Before initiating a conference from the terminal on an IMS network, you must set this parameter and ensure that the terminal setting is consistent with the setting on the IMS network device. The conference service number can be obtained from the administrator of the IMS network device.
This specifies the site number of the local terminal. When the local terminal is registered with the SIP server, another terminal can call the local terminal using this site number. The site number can contain only digits.
The user name is used by the SIP server to identify the local terminal after the terminal is registered with the SIP server. The user name and the password can contain only digits and letters.
Step 2 Save the settings.

3.3.5 Setting SNMP Parameters

When the terminal needs to be managed by the MediaManager remotely, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) parameters of the terminal must be set.
The terminal communicates with the ViewPoint MediaManager (MediaManager for short), which is the software for managing network elements over SNMP. Considered as a network element, the terminal is managed by the MediaManager remotely. Using the MediaManager, the following operations can be performed on the terminal:
Setting terminal parameters, such as IP parameters, H.323/SIP parameters, E1/4E1 parameters, firewall parameters, network address book parameters, video input parameters, video output parameters, audio input parameters, and whether to enable Web access
Importing records to or exporting records from the network address book
Querying terminal status
Querying the terminal alarms
Diagnosing the network faults on the terminal
Restarting or upgrading the terminal
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HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
User Guide
3 Network Settings
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
To set the terminal's SNMP parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > IP > SNMP, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-6.
Table 3-6 SNMP parameters
Parameter Description
Enable SNMP
Get community name
Set community name
Trap server address 1
Trap server address 2
Trap server address 3
Enabling SNMP allows the administrator to manage the terminal remotely using the MediaManager.
This specifies the read-only SNMP community name. The character string can consist of any characters on the keyboard and its length ranges from 0 to 32 characters. The SNMP version and the corresponding protocol parameters on the network management side need to be consistent with those on the terminal side.
This specifies the read-write SNMP community name. The character string can consist of any characters on the keyboard and its length ranges from 0 to 32 characters. The SNMP version and the corresponding protocol parameters on the network management side need to be consistent with those on the terminal side.
This specifies the IP address that receives trap packets and is the IP address of the computer where the service client of the videoconferencing network management system is installed.
A trap is a message sent from a device being managed (for example, a terminal) to the videoconferencing network management system. The message is used to report emergent and important events. Trap packets are sent to a preset target trap device.
For details about the videoconferencing network management system, see the HUAWEI iManager V2000 User Manual.
Step 2 Save the settings.

3.3.6 Setting QoS Parameters

You can configure quality of service (QoS) settings to set the mode of processing IP data packets in a conference call.
To set the terminal's QoS parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > IP > QoS, and then set the parameters listed in Table 3-7.
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