Huawei U9200E FAQ

HUAWEI U9200 V100R001
Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Change History
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Cheng Renmin
About This Document
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
1 Basics ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Your Phone at a Glance .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 How do I install a SIM card, microSD card, and the battery?................................................................. 2
1.3 Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 How do I add or delete a Home screen? .................................................................................................. 3
1.4 3D Application List .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Application List ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 How do I edit the application list? .......................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Status Bar and Status Icons .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Text Messages .................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.6.1 What is the difference between text messages in an Android OS and those in a traditional OS? What is
the advantage of text messages in the Android OS? ........................................................................................ 8
1.6.2 How do I send a multimedia message? ................................................................................................ ... 9
1.6.3 How do I change the input method? ....................................................................................................... 9
1.6.4 Does my phone receive a long text message as several messages or a single complete message? ....... 10
1.6.5 How do I identify received and sent messages? ................................................................ .................... 10
1.6.6 How many text messages can be stored on my phone? ........................................................................ 11
1.6.7 If I forward a message in a thread, will all the messages in the thread be sent or only the desired
message? ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.6.8 How do I set a song as a ringtone for incoming calls or new messages? ................................ .............. 12
1.6.9 How do I set my phone to vibrate when I receive new messages? ....................................................... 13
1.6.10 How many Chinese and English characters can be contained in a long text message? ...................... 13
1.6.11 Can I delete multiple messages at a time? ........................................................................................... 13
1.7 Multimedia Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.7.1 Are there any restrictions on the size, format, or resolution of a file to be attached to a multimedia
message? ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
1.7.2 My phone failed to send or receive a multimedia message. Why? What can I do? .............................. 14
1.7.3 Can I change the font size of SMS or MMS text? ................................................................................. 14
1.8 Call ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.8.1 How do I check my total data traffic and call duration? ....................................................................... 14
1.8.2 How do I switch between multiple ongoing calls?................................................................................ 15
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.8.3 Does the phone support video calls? ..................................................................................................... 15
1.8.4 Can I use the button on the earphones to answer an incoming call or play music? .............................. 15
1.8.5 Can I copy multiple contacts from the phone to the USIM card at a time? If yes, after I doing so, the
number of contacts saved to the USIM card is less than that copied from the phone. Why? ......................... 15
1.9 Music+ ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.9.1 How do I view the lyrics of a song when the song is playing? ............................................................. 16
1.9.2 When playing music or video clips, does the media player support functions such as fast-forward,
rewind, pause, and repeat? ............................................................................................................................. 16
1.9.3 I set an audio file on my microSD card as my ringtone and I removed the microSD card, does the
phone still use the file as my ringtone? .......................................................................................................... 16
1.9.4 How do I create a playlist? .................................................................................................................... 16
1.9.5 How many playing modes does Music+ support? What are they? ........................................................ 17
1.9.6 How do I play audio files in the backend and exit Music+? ................................................................. 17
1.9.7 How do I set the Dolby sound effect? ................................................................................................... 17
1.10 Camera ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.10.1 Where are my photos and video clips saved? Can I change the path? ................................................ 19
1.10.2 What picture formats and resolutions does Camera support? .......................................................... 21
1.10.3 How many cameras does the phone have? What are their specifications? Do they support zoom and
autofocus? ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.10.4 What video formats and resolutions does Camera support? ................................................................ 22
1.10.5 Can I play video clips in full-screen mode? ........................................................................................ 23
1.10.6 If the phone does not have a microSD card installed, can I use it to take photos or record video clips?
....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
1.10.7 Can I disable the shutter sound? .......................................................................................................... 24
1.10.8 How do I set the phone to save photos and video clips to the microSD card after they are captured? 24
1.10.9 Can I add a frame to a photo? ............................................................................................................. 24
1.10.10 I cannot open some pictures or video clips. Why? ............................................................................ 24
1.11 Streaming Media .......................................................................................................................................... 25
1.11.1 Will the phone stop playing streaming media when I receive an incoming call? If yes, will it resume
playing after the call is ended? ....................................................................................................................... 25
1.11.2 The phone cannot play some streaming media. Why? ........................................................................ 25
1.11.3 What causes poor quality of online streaming media played on the phone? ....................................... 25
1.11.4 Does playing online streaming media use the phone's internal storage? ............................................. 25
1.12 Bluetooth ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
1.12.1 My phone cannot be discovered by other devices. Why? What can I do? .......................................... 26
1.12.2 What files can be transmitted using Bluetooth? .................................................................................. 27
1.12.3 How do I share my phone's data connection using Bluetooth tethering? ............................................ 27
1.12.4 Can I use Bluetooth to synchronize data with a computer? ................................................................ 28
1.12.5 Can I make calls or listen to music using a Bluetooth headset? If yes, how? ..................................... 28
1.12.6 What is the Bluetooth's working range? .............................................................................................. 28
1.12.7 My phone fails to pair with other Bluetooth devices. Why? ............................................................... 28
1.12.8 Can I connect my phone to a computer and access the Internet using Bluetooth? .............................. 29
1.13 Email ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.13.1 How do I set up or remove an email account? How do I send an Email? ........................................... 29
1.14 GPS Navigation ............................................................................................................................................ 31
1.14.1 Does the phone support GPS? ............................................................................................................. 31
1.14.2 How can I use the phone to locate my position quickly? .................................................................... 31
1.14.3 The navigation application on my phone cannot receive signals from GPS satellites. What can I do?
....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
1.14.4 When used indoor, my phone usually fails to locate my position. When it finally locates my position,
the displayed position is far from the actual position. Why? Does my phone support voice navigation? ..... 32
2 Common Settings ........................................................................................................................ 33
2.1 How do I upgrade my phone's software? ....................................................................................................... 33
2.2 How do I install the ADB driver? ................................................................................................................... 33
2.3 How do I configure network settings?................................ ................................................................ ............ 35
2.4 Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
2.4.1 How do I use my phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot to access the Internet? ...................................................... 37
2.4.2 Does my phone support Wi-Fi?............................................................................................................. 37
2.4.3 My phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network but I cannot open web pages sometimes. Why? ............... 37
2.4.4 I have turned on my phone's Wi-Fi, but it cannot detect Wi-Fi signals from a wireless router like other
devices. What can I do? ................................................................................................................................. 38
2.4.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its mobile data connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access
the Internet? ................................................................................................................................................... 38
2.4.6 My phone is connected to a hotspot but cannot access the Internet. Why? ........................................... 38
2.4.7 The Wi-Fi option is unavailable or my mobile phone automatically turns off Wi-Fi after I turn it on.
What can I do? ............................................................................................................................................... 38
2.4.8 My phone's Wi-Fi connection constantly disconnects. What can I do? ................................................ 38
2.4.9 My phone is connected to both a Wi-Fi network and a 3G network. How do I know which network I
am using for data services? ............................................................................................................................ 38
2.5 Internet Access ............................................................................................................................................... 40
2.5.1 How do I clear my browser's cache and web history? .......................................................................... 40
2.5.2 Does my browser support full-screen mode and bookmarks? If yes, how do I set them? .................... 40
2.5.3 Can I log in to my email account from a web page? ............................................................................. 40
2.5.4 Can I log in to my online banking account from my phone? ................................................................ 40
2.5.5 How do I save an image from a web page? ........................................................................................... 41
2.5.6 How do I set my browser's home page? ................................................................................................ 41
2.5.7 How do I enable or disable my phone's mobile data connection? ......................................................... 42
2.5.8 Can I use my phone to access the Internet during a call? ...................................................................... 42
2.6 Language and Keyboard ................................................................................................................................. 42
2.6.1 Does the phone support text input using handwriting or an onscreen keyboard? ................................. 42
2.6.2 What text input methods does my phone support? ................................................................................ 42
2.6.3 I installed a new text input method but cannot use it. Why? ................................................................ . 42
2.6.4 Does my phone support the stroke input method? ................................................................................ 42
2.6.5 Can I change the font size on my phone's screen? ................................................................................ 42
2.6.6 Does the Huawei input method support handwriting in full-screen mode? .......................................... 42
2.7 Screen Lock .................................................................................................................................................... 43
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.7.1 How do I enable a screen lock that must be unlocked using a PIN? ..................................................... 43
2.7.2 How do I enable a screen lock that must be unlocked using a pattern? ................................................ 43
2.7.3 How many times can I incorrectly draw the screen unlock pattern before my phone becomes locked?
....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
2.7.4 How do I lock and unlock the screen? .................................................................................................. 43
2.7.5 How do I use the Face Unlock function? .............................................................................................. 44
2.8 Ebooks ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
2.8.1 What ebook formats does my phone support? What is the maximum size of an ebook to be read on
the phone? ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
2.8.2 What Word document formats does my phone support? ....................................................................... 44
2.8.3 How do I add a bookmark to an ebook? ................................................................................................ 44
2.8.4 Will the alarm go off when my phone is powered off? ......................................................................... 44
2.8.5 How do I add or remove an alarm? ....................................................................................................... 44
2.9 USB Tethering ................................................................................................................................................ 45
2.9.1 How do I use USB tethering if I connect my phone to a computer running Windows XP? ................. 45
2.9.2 How do I use USB tethering if I connect my phone to a computer running Windows Vista or Windows
7?.................................................................................................................................................................... 45
3 Applications ................................................................................................................................. 47
3.1 What third-party applications does my phone support? ................................................................................. 47
3.2 How do I obtain third-party applications? ...................................................................................................... 47
3.3 How do I install, manage, and uninstall applications? ................................................................................... 47
3.3.1 How do I install applications? ............................................................................................................... 47
3.3.2 How do I manage applications? ............................................................................................................ 47
3.3.3 3.3.3 How do I uninstall applications? .................................................................................................. 48
3.4 I cannot install an application. Why? What can I do? .................................................................................... 49
3.5 APK ................................................................................................................................................................ 49
3.5.1 How do I exit a running application? .................................................................................................... 49
3.6 How do I solve the power consumption problem caused by third-party applications? .................................. 49
3.7 DLNA ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
3.7.1 How do I use DLNA functions? ............................................................................................................ 49
3.7.2 How do I add or delete shared files and folders? .................................................................................. 50
3.7.3 How do I open a shared file from my phone? ................................ ................................ ....................... 53
3.7.4 How do I play a media file from another DLNA device? ..................................................................... 54
3.7.5 How do I download a media file? ......................................................................................................... 55
3.7.6 How do I upload a media file? .............................................................................................................. 55
3.7.7 What advantages do DLNA functions have? ........................................................................................ 55
3.8 Screen Lock .................................................................................................................................................... 56
3.8.1 How do I lock the screen? ..................................................................................................................... 56
3.8.2 How do I unlock the screen? ................................................................................................................. 56
3.9 Task Manager ................................................................................................................................................. 56
3.9.1 What functions does Task Manger provide? ......................................................................................... 56
3.9.2 How do I open Task Manager? ............................................................................................................. 56
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3.9.3 What does the Task Manager screen look like? .................................................................................... 57
3.9.4 What can I do on the Task Manager screen? ......................................................................................... 57
4 Others ............................................................................................................................................ 58
4.1 How do I check the available space on the phone's internal memory and my microSD card? ....................... 58
4.1.1 What is the maximum capacity of the microSD card supported by the phone? ................................ .... 59
4.1.2 My phone runs Android 4.0. Can I install applications on a microSD card? ........................................ 59
4.2 What data can be backed up on my phone?................................................................................................ .... 59
4.3 How do I use People to back up and restore my contacts? ............................................................................. 60
4.3.1 How do I back up contacts to a microSD card? .................................................................................... 60
4.3.2 How do I restore contacts from a microSD card? ................................................................................. 60
4.3.3 How do I use All Backup to back up data? ........................................................................................... 60
4.3.4 How do I cut or copy files or folders from the phone's internal storage to its internal user memory or a
microSD card? ............................................................................................................................................... 60
4.4 Common Skills ............................................................................................................................................... 61
4.4.1 How do I customize the Home screens? ............................................................................................... 61
4.4.2 How do I save battery power? ............................................................................................................... 61
4.4.3 How do I save data traffic? ................................................................................................................... 62
4.4.4 My phone runs very slowly. What can I do? ......................................................................................... 62
4.4.5 Can I uninstall applications customized by my service provider? ........................................................ 62
4.4.6 My customized wallpaper automatically stretches. Why? .................................................................... 62
4.4.7 If I restore my phone to its factory settings, what data will be lost? ..................................................... 62
4.4.8 How do I increase my phone's internal storage space? ......................................................................... 62
4.4.9 How do I disable keypad tones?............................................................................................................ 63
4.4.10 How do I turn on the screen after it turns off automatically? .............................................................. 63
4.4.11 How do I adjust the screen brightness? ............................................................................................... 63
4.4.12 How does my phone's key backlight save battery power? .................................................................. 63
4.4.13 How do I enable or disable the airplane mode? .................................................................................. 63
4.4.14 How do I restore my phone to its factory settings? ............................................................................. 63
4.4.15 How do I assign a picture to a contact? ............................................................................................... 63
4.4.16 How do I use my phone as a USB mass storage device? .................................................................... 65
4.5 Phone Basics .................................................................................................................................................. 65
4.5.1 What are smartphones? ......................................................................................................................... 65
4.5.2 What OS does my phone run? ................................ ................................................................ ............... 65
4.5.3 How do I install the USB driver for my phone? Does my phone come with HiSuite? ......................... 65
4.5.4 What is my phone's CPU frequency? I used a software to check my phone's CPU frequency and find
that it is different from the nominal one. Why? ............................................................................................. 66
4.5.5 Does the phone support the Canvas UI? ............................................................................................... 66
4.5.6 Does my phone come with a full touchscreen? ..................................................................................... 66
4.5.7 Does my phone come with a tilt sensor? How do I use it? .................................................................... 66
4.5.8 Does my phone come with an FM radio? How do I use it? .................................................................. 66
4.5.9 Does my phone support a digital compass? .......................................................................................... 66
4.5.10 How much storage space does my phone have? ................................................................................. 66
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
4.5.11 Are my phone's antennas embedded? .................................................................................................. 66
4.5.12 Can I download and install themes on the phone? .............................................................................. 66
4.5.13 Is my phone's SIM card removable? ................................................................................................... 66
4.5.14 Does my phone support video chat? ................................................................................................... 67
4.5.15 Does my phone support multi-touch? ................................................................................................. 67
4.5.16 Does my phone support scheduled power-on and power-off? ............................................................ 67
4.5.17 Can I use my phone as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot? ............................................................................... 67
4.5.18 Is data traffic incurred if I use my phone's preinstalled PowerWord? ................................................. 67
4.5.19 Is my phone's touchscreen capacitive or resistive? ............................................................................. 67
4.5.20 When I use my phone as a modem, what OSs does my phone support? ............................................. 67
4.5.21 Does the phone support virtual private networks? .............................................................................. 68
4.5.22 How do I use the MHL function? ........................................................................................................ 68
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.1 Your Phone at a Glance
1 Basics
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.2 Installation
1.2.1 How do I install a SIM card, microSD card, and the battery?
Do not remove the battery yourself. To have the battery removed, contact a Huawei authorized service center.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.3 Home Screen
Touch and hold to display the Task Manager screen.
1.3.1 How do I add or delete a Home screen?
From any Home screen, pinch two fingers together or touch to display the thumbnails of the Home screens, as shown in the following figure.
Touch the white plus sign (+) to add a Home screen or touch the red cross (x) in the upper left corner of a blank screen to delete it.
Touch at the bottom of a Home screen to set it as the default Home screen.
Touch and hold the Home screen's thumbnails and drag them to rearrange the Home screens.
Touch to return to the previous screen, touch to go to the default Home screen, or touch a thumbnail to go to the corresponding Home screen.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
You cannot add any other Home screens if there are already seven screens.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.4 3D Application List
1.4.1 Application List
Touch and hold to display the Task Manager screen.
1.4.2 How do I edit the application list?
In the application list, touch . The screen shown in the following figure is displayed.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
To move an icon, touch and hold the icon, and drag it to any blank area of the current or another screen. If dragged to a blank area, the icon is moved to the new position.
To delete an empty folder, touch the red cross (x) in its upper left corner. Note that only empty folders can be deleted. To move an icon to a folder, touch and hold the icon and drag it to the desired folder. The folder then scales, and the icon is moved into the folder. A folder can contain a maximum of 12 applications.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Touch a folder to open it. Touch an area out of the folder to close the folder. You can drag the icons out of the folder or rearrange them in the folder.
When an icon is moved, the icons in the application list are automatically aligned from left to right and from top to bottom.
1.5 Status Bar and Status Icons
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6 Text Messages
1.6.1 What is the difference between text messages in an Android OS and those in a traditional OS? What is the advantage of text messages in the Android OS?
Difference In a traditional operating system (OS), text messages are stored in your inbox and sent
box. In an Android OS, text messages to or from a contact are stored in a thread. Only one draft can be saved for each thread.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Messaging in an Android OS is similar to instant messaging services such as MSN, which helps you to follow the conversation more easily.
1.6.2 How do I send a multimedia message?
Step 1 Open Messaging.
Step 2 From the message editing screen, touch to attach a file to the message, or touch and
hold a file when viewing it to share the file by sending a multimedia message.
1.6.3 How do I change the input method?
Touch a text field to bring up the keyboard, and drag the status bar downward to select the desired input method.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6.4 Does my phone receive a long text message as several messages or a single complete message?
As a single complete message.
1.6.5 How do I identify received and sent messages?
Sent messages are listed on the right and received messages are listed on the left.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6.6 How many text messages can be stored on my phone?
It depends on your phone's storage capacity. To check your phone's storage capacity, touch > System settings > Storage.
Your phone's storage status is displayed under INTERNAL STORAGE.
By default, a thread can contain a maximum of 200 text messages. To set the number of messages that can be contained in a message thread, touch Messaging >
> Settings > Text message limit, and set the message limit.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6.7 If I forward a message in a thread, will all the messages in the thread be sent or only the desired message?
Only the message you selected will be forwarded.
1.6.8 How do I set a song as a ringtone for incoming calls or new messages?
To set the ringtone for new messages, touch > System settings > Sound > Default notification, and select the audio file you want.
To set the ringtone for incoming calls, touch > System settings > Sound > Phone ringtone, and select the audio file you want. Alternatively, open Music+, touch and hold
the audio file you want, and select Set as ringtone.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6.9 How do I set my phone to vibrate when I receive new messages?
Open Messaging, and touch > Settings > Vibrate.
1.6.10 How many Chinese and English characters can be contained in a long text message?
A text message can contain 160 English characters or 70 Chinese characters. A long text message can contain up to 10 pages. If the message content is more than 10 pages,
the message will be automatically converted to a multimedia message.
1.6.11 Can I delete multiple messages at a time?
You can delete multiple threads at a time but not multiple messages in a single thread.
1.7 Multimedia Messages
1.7.1 Are there any restrictions on the size, format, or resolution of a file to be attached to a multimedia message?
If an audio or video file exceeds the size limit (generally 300 KB), it cannot be attached to a message
If a picture is too large, it will be automatically compressed before being attached to the message. As a result, the resolution of the picture attached to the message decreases.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Video files in 3GP and AVI formats are supported. When you are recording a video clip to be attached to a multimedia message, the video clip resolution will be decreased to increase the video duration.
1.7.2 My phone failed to send or receive a multimedia message. Why? What can I do?
Multimedia messages cannot be received if you do not have sufficient storage available on your phone. To solve this problem, delete unnecessary files to increase your phone's available storage space.
Multimedia messages cannot be sent or received if data services are disabled. To solve this problem, touch > System settings > More… > Mobile networks, and select
Data enabled.
1.7.3 Can I change the font size of SMS or MMS text?
1.8 Call
1.8.1 How do I check my total data traffic and call duration?
To check your total data traffic, touch > System settings > Data usage. There are no preinstalled applications to check your total call duration.
HUAWEI U9200 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basics
Issue 01 (2012-04-09)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.8.2 How do I switch between multiple ongoing calls?
When you have multiple ongoing calls, touch to switch between them.
1.8.3 Does the phone support video calls?
1.8.4 Can I use the button on the earphones to answer an incoming call or play music?
Yes. When you receive an incoming call, you can press the earphone button to answer the call. In standby mode, you can press the button to play music.
1.8.5 Can I copy multiple contacts from the phone to the USIM card at a time? If yes, after I doing so, the number of contacts saved to the USIM card is less than that copied from the phone. Why?
Yes, you can copy multiple contacts from the phone to the USIM card at a time. If the USIM card contains contacts with the same names as those copied from the phone, the
contacts will be merged. In this case, the number of contacts saved to the USIM card is less than that copied from the phone.
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