Huawei P7-L10, P7-L09, P7-L07, P7-L00, P7-L05 Frequently Asked Questions Manual

HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
About This Document
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Change History
Change Description
Completed the first draft.
Revise the questions about the hotline.
About This Document
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
1 Basic features ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Color schemes ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Selling points ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Your phone at a glance .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Installation .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Locking and unlocking the screen .............................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.1 Locking the screen ................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.5.2 Unlocking the screen ............................................................................................................................................... 16
1.6 Home screens .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.6.1 How do I add or delete a home screen? ................................................................................................................... 17
1.6.2 Home screen overview............................................................................................................................................. 18
1.6.3 How do I manage the applications and widgets on the home screen? ..................................................................... 19
1.6.4 How do I add a widget to the home screen? ............................................................................................................ 20
1.7 Contacts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.1 How do I create a contact? How do I assign a photo to a contact? .......................................................................... 21
1.7.2 How do I import contacts from or export contacts to a SIM card? .......................................................................... 22
1.7.3 How many contacts can my phone save?................................................................................................................. 23
1.7.4 How do I add a contact to a group? ......................................................................................................................... 23
1.7.5 How do I import or export contacts? ....................................................................................................................... 25
1.8 Text messaging ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
1.8.1 How do I delete a message from a message thread? How do I delete a message thread? ........................................ 26
1.8.2 How do I forward a text message, or send a text message to multiple recipients? .................................................. 26
1.8.3 How many English characters can be contained in a long text message? ................................................................ 27
1.8.4 How many text messages can be saved on my phone? ............................................................................................ 27
1.8.5 How do I set the SMS center number? .................................................................................................................... 27
1.9 Calls ............................................................................................................................................................................ 28
1.9.1 Can I record a call? .................................................................................................................................................. 28
1.9.2 How do I have a conference call? ............................................................................................................................ 29
1.10 Multimedia messaging .............................................................................................................................................. 29
1.10.1 How do I send a multimedia message? .................................................................................................................. 29
1.10.2 Why can't I send or receive multimedia messages? What can I do? ...................................................................... 29
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.10.3 Is there any restriction on the size, format, or resolution of the file to be attached to a multimedia message? ..... 30
1.10.4 Can I save attachments from multimedia messages? Where are the attachments saved? ...................................... 30
1.11 Music ........................................................................................................................................................................ 31
1.11.1 How are my songs sorted? ..................................................................................................................................... 31
1.11.2 How do I create a playlist? ..................................................................................................................................... 31
1.11.3 What play modes does my phone support? ............................................................................................................ 34
1.11.4 How do I play songs in the background or exit Music? ......................................................................................... 34
1.12 Camera ................................................................................................ ................................................................ ...... 34
1.12.1 If my phone has no microSD card inserted, can I use it to take photos or record videos? ..................................... 34
1.12.2 Why can't I open some photos or videos? .............................................................................................................. 35
1.12.3 Where are my photos and videos saved? ............................................................................................................... 35
1.12.4 How do I edit a photo or add a photo frame? ......................................................................................................... 35
1.12.5 Does my phone support HD videos? ..................................................................................................................... 36
1.12.6 How do I switch between front and rear cameras? ................................................................................................ 36
1.12.7 What video formats and resolutions does my phone support? ............................................................................... 36
1.12.8 What picture formats and resolutions does my phone support? ............................................................................. 36
1.13 Streaming media ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
1.13.1 Will my phone stop playing streaming media when a call comes in? If yes, will it resume playing when the call
ends? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
1.13.2 Why can't my phone cannot play some streaming media? ..................................................................................... 37
1.13.3 What may cause poor quality of online streaming media played on my phone? ................................................... 37
1.13.4 Will playing online streaming media take up my phone's storage space? .............................................................. 37
1.14 Bluetooth .................................................................................................................................................................. 37
1.14.1 What files can be transmitted using Bluetooth? ..................................................................................................... 37
1.14.2 How do I send a file using Bluetooth? ................................................................................................................... 38
1.14.3 Why can't my phone be discovered by other Bluetooth devices? .......................................................................... 39
1.14.4 What is the Bluetooth working range? ................................................................................................................... 40
1.14.5 Why can't I pair my phone with other Bluetooth devices? .................................................................................... 40
1.14.6 Can my computer use my phone's data connection through Bluetooth? Can I play games with other devices using
Bluetooth? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40
1.15 GPS navigation ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
1.15.1 What can I do if the navigation application on my phone cannot receive signals from GPS satellites? ................ 42
1.16 Does my phone support FM radio? If yes, how do I save manually found channels? .............................................. 42
1.17 Does my phone support live wallpapers? ................................................................................................................. 43
1.18 Does my phone support video calls or video chats? ................................................................................................. 43
1.19 How do I take a screenshot? ..................................................................................................................................... 44
1.20 Does my phone support flash playback? If not, can I install a third-party flash player for flash playback? ............. 44
1.21 Does my phone come with a headset? What line order does my phone support? ................................ ..................... 44
2 Common settings......................................................................................................................... 46
2.1 Email ........................................................................................................................................................................... 46
2.1.1 How do I configure email settings? ......................................................................................................................... 46
2.1.2 Can I view emails when no Internet connection is available on my phone? ............................................................ 49
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.1.3 How do I synchronize contacts and calendar events? .............................................................................................. 49
2.2 Wi-Fi settings .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
2.2.1 How do I connect my phone to a Wi-Fi network? ................................................................................................... 50
2.2.2 What Wi-Fi protocols does my phone support? ....................................................................................................... 52
2.2.3 Why can't I open web pages when my phone has a Wi-Fi connection? ................................................................... 52
2.2.4 Why can't my phone detect signals from Wi-Fi hotspots? ....................................................................................... 52
2.2.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its mobile data connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet?
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
2.2.6 Why can't I connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot? .................................................................................................................. 52
2.2.7 What can I do if my phone's Wi-Fi connection automatically terminates after the screen turns off? ...................... 52
2.3 Can I use my phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet from another device using my phone's data
connection? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 54
2.4 How do I connect my phone to a Wi-Fi hotspot with a static IP address to access the Internet? ................................ 56
2.5 How do I set my phone to work as a modem and provide Internet access for computers?......................................... 56
2.6 Tone settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 57
2.6.1 How do I set the phone ringtone? ............................................................................................................................ 57
2.6.2 How do I enable or disable vibration for incoming calls and messages? ................................................................. 58
2.6.3 How do I set a custom audio file as the ringtone or message tone? ......................................................................... 59
2.6.4 Can I set the ringtone for a contact group? ................................................................ ................................ .............. 60
2.6.5 How do I disable touch sounds? .............................................................................................................................. 60
2.7 Languages and keyboards ........................................................................................................................................... 61
2.7.1 How do I change the system language? ................................................................................................................... 61
2.7.2 What can I do if I can't use a newly installed text input method? ............................................................................ 62
2.7.3 How do I change the system font size? .................................................................................................................... 63
2.7.4 What text input methods does my phone support? .................................................................................................. 64
2.7.5 How do I disable key press vibration? ..................................................................................................................... 64
2.8 Internet access ............................................................................................................................................................. 66
2.8.1 How do I clear my browser cache and browsing history? ....................................................................................... 66
2.8.2 How do I view a web page in full screen or save a web page to bookmarks? ......................................................... 66
2.8.3 Can I log in to my email account using the browser on my phone? ........................................................................ 66
2.8.4 Can I log in to my online bank account from my phone? ........................................................................................ 67
2.8.5 How do I save an image from a web page? ............................................................................................................. 67
2.8.6 How do I set the home page? ................................................................................................................................... 68
2.8.7 How do I save a web page for offline reading? ....................................................................................................... 68
2.8.8 What can I do if my phone fails to access the Internet? ........................................................................................... 69
2.8.9 How do I turn on or turn off the mobile network? ................................................................................................... 69
2.8.10 How do I view my phone's data service status or turn off the data service? .......................................................... 69
2.8.11 Can I use my phone to access the Internet during a call? ....................................................................................... 70
2.8.12 What is a VPN? How do I set VPN parameters? ................................................................................................... 70
2.9 Screen lock ................................................................................................................................................................. 71
2.9.1 How do I set a screen unlock PIN? .......................................................................................................................... 71
2.9.2 Does my phone support the Face Unlock function? ................................................................................................ 72
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.9.3 How do I set a screen unlock pattern? ..................................................................................................................... 72
2.9.4 How many times can I try the screen unlock pattern before my phone becomes permanently locked? Can I unlock
the phone using my Gmail account? ................................................................................................................................. 74
2.9.5 How do I lock and unlock the screen? ..................................................................................................................... 74
2.10 Alarm ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
2.10.1 How do I add or remove an alarm? ........................................................................................................................ 74
2.10.2 Will the alarms go off when my phone is powered off? ........................................................................................ 76
2.11 Applications .............................................................................................................................................................. 76
2.11.1 What application formats does my phone support? Is JAVA supported? ............................................................... 76
2.11.2 How do I download third-party applications? ........................................................................................................ 76
2.11.3 Can I change the default installation location for applications? ............................................................................. 76
2.11.4 How do I install, manage, and uninstall applications? ........................................................................................... 76
2.11.5 Why can't I install an application? ......................................................................................................................... 77
2.12 Third-party applications ............................................................................................................................................ 77
2.12.1 Can I install applications to a microSD card? ........................................................................................................ 77
2.12.2 Does my phone support online banking transitions? ............................................................................................. 77
2.13 Backup and restoration ............................................................................................................................................. 77
2.13.1 How do I back up and restore data? ....................................................................................................................... 77
2.13.2 Can I back up my contact groups? ......................................................................................................................... 78
2.13.3 What data can be backed up on my phone? ........................................................................................................... 79
2.14 Task Manager ............................................................................................................................................................ 79
2.14.1 What can Task Manager do? .................................................................................................................................. 79
2.14.2 How do I access Task Manager? ............................................................................................................................ 79
2.14.3 What does the Task Manager screen look like? ................................ ................................................................ ..... 80
2.14.4 How do I manage a specific application using Task Manager? ............................................................................. 80
2.14.5 What cloud services does my phone provide? ....................................................................................................... 80
2.14.6 How do I access Weather? ..................................................................................................................................... 80
2.15 What are the developer options? ............................................................................................................................... 82
2.16 Can I synchronize my phone's date and time with the network? .............................................................................. 82
2.17 Can I use my phone as a USB flash drive? ............................................................................................................... 82
2.18 How do I free up the internal storage? ...................................................................................................................... 83
2.19 How can I adjust the screen brightness? ................................................................................................................... 83
2.20 Does my phone have key backlight? ........................................................................................................................ 84
2.21 How do I turn on or turn off airplane mode? ............................................................................................................ 85
2.22 How do I restore my phone to its factory settings? ................................................................................................... 86
2.23 How do I enter and exit safe mode? .......................................................................................................................... 87
2.24 Does my phone support HiSuite? ............................................................................................................................. 87
2.25 Does my phone support HDMI? ............................................................................................................................... 87
2.26 Does my phone support TV-out? .............................................................................................................................. 88
2.27 Does my phone support OTG? How do I use it? ...................................................................................................... 88
2.28 What can I tell from the status indicator? ................................................................................................................. 89
2.29 Can I use other power adapters than the provided one to charge my phone? ........................................................... 89
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2.30 Why can's my phone display some games properly? ................................................................................................ 90
2.31 What are the features of my phone?.......................................................................................................................... 90
3 Common questions about 4G LTE ........................................................................................... 91
3.1 What is the difference between TDD-LTE and FDD-LTE? ........................................................................................ 91
3.2 I can't use my 4G phone to access 4G networks? ....................................................................................................... 91
3.3 How do I switch between 2G, 3G, and 4G networks? ................................................................................................. 91
3.4 Why is my phone's 4G signal weak (only one or two bars of signal)? ....................................................................... 91
4 Others ............................................................................................................................................ 92
4.1 How do I save battery power? .................................................................................................................................... 92
4.2 How do I reduce my mobile data usage? .................................................................................................................... 92
4.3 What can I do if my phone is experiencing slowdown issues? ................................................................................... 92
4.4 Can I set my customized wallpaper not to stretch? ..................................................................................................... 93
4.5 How do I enter recovery mode and restore my phone to its factory settings? ............................................................ 93
4.6 Can I scan a QR code using my phone?...................................................................................................................... 93
4.7 Does my phone support 3D acceleration?................................................................................................................... 93
4.8 How do I know whether my phone has been rooted? ................................................................................................. 93
4.9 Can I remove the battery? Will configuring my phone to automatically set the date and time generate data traffic? 94
4.10 Can I use my phone for recording? ........................................................................................................................... 94
4.11 Does my phone come with protective film?.............................................................................................................. 94
4.12 Does my phone support mobile TV? ........................................................................................................................ 94
4.13 Can I edit Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF files on my phone? ...................................................................................... 94
4.14 How is my phone's ROM allocated? ......................................................................................................................... 95
4.15 How do I check the available storage in the phone memory and microSD card? ..................................................... 95
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.1 Color schemes
Standard version
Standard – UL overseas general version (European bands), single card
Standard – CL+G China Telecom customized version, dual card
Standard – TL China Mobile SGLTE customized version, single card
Standard – UL+G China Unicom customized version, dual card
Standard – TL China Mobile SGLTE channel version, single card
Standard – UL Latin-America general version (Latin-American bands), single card
Standard – Australia low-specification version
Black, white, and pink
1.2 Selling points
1 Basic features
Display: 5-inch FHD screen
Mode: 4G LTE (Some versions support dual-card dual-standby.)
Standby: 2500 mAh large battery
Camera: 8 MP 1.4 μm HD front camera; 13 MP BSI F2.0 HD rear camera
Sharing: Multi-screen
UI: EMUI 2.3
Table 1-1 Different versions of the P7
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Advanced version
Product model
Internal model
Advanced – UL+G China Unicom version, dual card
Advanced – CL+G China Telecom version, dual card
Advanced – TDL (CSFB)+G China Mobile version, dual card
Advanced – UL general, overseas general, single card
Among all the advanced models, only the China Telecom version does not support NFC. Among all the low-specification models, only the overseas versions support NFC.
1.3 Your phone at a glance
The default themes of phones in different colors are different.
From any screen, you can:
Touch to return to the previous screen or exit the application.
Touch to return to the home screen.
Touch to display the list of recently used applications.
If the hide navigation bar function is enabled, touch to hide the navigation bar and flick up from the bottom of the screen to display it. You can enable or disable this function under Settings.
Press the power button once to turn on or turn off the screen. Press and hold the power button for 6 seconds or more to forcibly power off the phone or for 13 seconds or more to restart the phone.
Press the volume up or down button to adjust the speaker volume. Press and hold the power and volume down buttons simultaneously to take a screenshot and save it to Gallery.
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-1 Your phone at a glance
Do not block the area around the ambient light and proximity sensor. When you attach a protective film to the screen, make sure it does not block the sensor. It is recommended that you use protective film that preserves an opening for the sensor area.
1.4 Installation
Not all versions of the P7 support SIM and microSD cards. For details, see Table 1-2.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Table 1-2 Support for SIM and microSD cards
SVLTE China Mobile version (The L07 is the China Mobile customized version, while the L05 is the China Mobile channel version.)
UL overseas general version
UL+G China Unicom version
CL+G China Telecom version
Single micro-SIM card
Support microSD cards
The upper card slot is for the microSD card.
The lower card slot is for the micro-SIM card.
Single micro-SIM card
Support microSD cards
The upper card slot is for the microSD card.
The lower card slot is for the micro-SIM card.
Dual card dual standby dual pass (primary card: micro-SIM card; secondary card: nano-SIM card)
Support microSD cards
The upper card slot supports both nano-SIM and microSD cards, but they cannot be inserted simultaneously.
The lower card slot is for the micro-SIM card.
Dual card dual standby dual pass
(primary card: micro-SIM card; secondary card: nano-SIM card)
Does not support microSD cards
The upper card slot is for the nano-SIM card.
The lower card slot is for the micro-SIM card.
Supported networks in China: China Mobile 2G, 3G, and 4G+China Unicom 2G
Supported networks in China: China Unicom 2G, 3G, and 4G+China Mobile 2G
Supported networks in China: China Telecom 4G, CDMA EVDO, and CDMA 1X+China Mobile 2G+China Unicom 2G
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
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HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.5 Locking and unlocking the screen
1.5.1 Locking the screen
Method 1: Press the power button to manually lock the screen.
Method 2: After being idle for a specified period of time, your phone automatically locks its screen.
To set the screen lock method, go to Settings. Under General, touch Screen lock > Screen lock.
1.5.2 Unlocking the screen
If the screen is off, press the power button to turn it on. Slide your finger in any direction to unlock the screen.
Figure 1-2 Unlocking the screen
On the lock screen, drag right to launch the camera, or drag left to add any lock screen widget.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-3 Dragging left or right
On the lock screen, drag left and touch + to add lock screen widgets.
1.6 Home screens
1.6.1 How do I add or delete a home screen?
On the home screen, pinch your fingers together to display the screen thumbnails.
Figure 1-4 Managing the home screens
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.6.2 Home screen overview
All your applications and widgets are displayed on the home screen. By default, your phone has four home screens. Flick left or right to switch between them. Touch an application or widget to open it.
The home screen contains four parts from the top down.
Status bar
Home screen position indicator
Dock Shortcuts in this area do not change when you switch between the screens.
Home screen items include applications and widgets. To create a folder on the home screen, drag an application onto another. A folder containing both applications is then created.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-5 Home screen overview
1.6.3 How do I manage the applications and widgets on the home screen?
Touch and hold an application or widget to enter editing mode. Drag the application or widget to to delete it or drag it to to share it.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-6 Editing mode
System applications cannot be uninstalled.
1.6.4 How do I add a widget to the home screen?
Touch and hold a blank area on the home screen to display the Set Home Screen dialog box. Touch Widgets. Touch and hold a widget and drag it to a blank area on the home screen.
Figure 1-7 Adding a widget to the home screen
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.7 Contacts
1.7.1 How do I create a contact? How do I assign a photo to a contact?
Creating a contact
Go to Contacts, touch , and choose where you want to save the contact. Enter the contact information and touch SAVE.
Figure 1-8 Creating a contact
Assigning a photo to a contact
You cannot assign photos to contacts saved to the SIM card.
Method 1: Go to Contacts and touch a contact. On the contact details screen, touch
the contact photo area, and touch Take photo, Choose from preset, or Choose photo from Gallery.
Method 2: Go to a contact details screen, touch , touch the contact photo area,
and touch Take photo, Choose from preset, or Choose photo from Gallery.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-9 Assigning a photo to a contact
1.7.2 How do I import contacts from or export contacts to a SIM card?
Exporting contacts to a SIM card
1. Go to Contacts and touch > Settings > Copy contacts > Phone.
2. Select the contacts you want to export, and touch COPY > SIM > OK.
Figure 1-10 Exporting contacts to a SIM card
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Importing contacts from a SIM card
1. Go to Contacts and touch > Settings > Copy contacts > SIM.
2. Select the contacts you want to import, and touch COPY > Phone > OK.
1.7.3 How many contacts can my phone save?
At least 2000 contacts can be saved to your phone (depending on the available storage space). The number of contacts can be saved to your SIM card varies with the SIM card.
1.7.4 How do I add a contact to a group?
Use either of the following methods:
Method 1: On the contact editing screen, touch Group name and select a group.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-11 Adding a contact to a group (1)
Method 2: Go to Contacts, open the Favorites tab, select a group, and touch Add members to add
contacts to that group.
Figure 1-12 Adding a contact to a group (2)
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.7.5 How do I import or export contacts?
Go to Contacts, touch > Import/Export, choose an import or export method, and select the desired contacts.
Figure 1-13 Importing or exporting contacts
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.8 Text messaging
1.8.1 How do I delete a message from a message thread? How do I delete a message thread?
Go to Messaging and touch a conversation to display all messages in the conversation. Touch and hold the message you want to delete. From the displayed option menu, choose Delete.
To delete a message thread from a conversation, touch and hold it. From the displayed option menu, choose Delete conversation.
Figure 1-14 Deleting a message
1.8.2 How do I forward a text message, or send a text message to multiple recipients?
Forwarding a text message Touch and hold the message, choose Forward from the displayed option menu, enter a
recipient, and touch Send.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-15 Forwarding a message
Sending a text message to multiple recipients Write your message, touch , select the desired recipients, touch SELECT, and touch
1.8.3 How many English characters can be contained in a long text message?
A long text message can contain a maximum of 1377 English characters.
1.8.4 How many text messages can be saved on my phone?
A conversation can contain a maximum of 500 text messages or 50 multimedia messages by default. You can set the maximum numbers from Settings.
How many messages can be saved to your phone depends on your phone's available storage space.
1.8.5 How do I set the SMS center number?
Go to Settings. Under All, touch Message > SMS center number. Set the SMS service center number and touch OK.
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Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-16 Setting the SMS center number
1.9 Calls
1.9.1 Can I record a call?
HUAWEI Ascend P7 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2014-4-1)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.9.2 How do I have a conference call?
Your phone supports three-way calling, which is a new service based on call waiting. A maximum of five parties can participate in a conference call.
To start a conference call, merge the ongoing calls. To use this function, make sure your SIM card supports the three-party call service. Contact
your service provider to enable call waiting.
1.10 Multimedia messaging
1.10.1 How do I send a multimedia message?
1. Go to Messaging, and create a new message.
2. Enter the recipient and write the message.
3. Touch then Add subject. The message is then converted into a multimedia
4. Touch next to the text box to add pictures, audio clips, or videos to the message.
Figure 1-17 Sending a multimedia message
5. Touch Send.
1.10.2 Why can't I send or receive multimedia messages? What can I do?
The network is busy, or the signal reception is poor.
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