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5 DB Instance Description......................................................................................................... 7
5.1 DB Instance Classes................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 DB Engines and Versions...................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 DB Instance Statuses.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
GaussDB(for MySQL)
Service Overview1 What Is GaussDB(for MySQL)?
1 What Is GaussDB(for MySQL)?
GaussDB(for MySQL) is an enterprise-class distributed database and fully
compatible with MySQL. It uses a decoupled compute and storage architecture
and supports up to 128 TB of storage. With GaussDB(for MySQL), there is no need
to deal with sharding, and no need to worry about data loss. It combines the
performance and availability of commercial databases with the
of open source databases.
5.2 DB Engines and Versions lists the versions supported by GaussDB(for
Using GaussDB(for MySQL)
You can use GaussDB(for MySQL) in the following ways:
Management console: You can create and manage GaussDB(for MySQL) DB
instances on the web-based management console.
To help you better use GaussDB(for MySQL), see 1 What Is GaussDB(for
GaussDB(for MySQL)
Service Overview2 Product Architecture
2 Product Architecture
The overall architecture of GaussDB(for MySQL) consists of three layers from
bottom to top.
1.Storage node layer: This layer uses DFV storage to provide distributed, strongconsistency, and high-performance storage capabilities to ensure data
reliability and horizontal scalability.
2.Storage abstraction layer: This layer is key to ensuring database performance.
It connects to the DFV storage pool downward and provides
scheduled database storage semantics upward. Table le-based operations are
abstracted into distributed storage.
3.SQL node layer: This layer reuses MySQL 8.0 code to be 100% compatible
with open-source MySQL. You do not need to modify any code when
migrating your services from MySQL or other databases to GaussDB(for
MySQL). The MySQL-native syntax and tools are still available, reducing your
development and learning costs. Apart from full compatibility, GaussDB(for
MySQL) also optimizes the kernel, open-source hardening, open-source
ecosystem, and commercial capabilities based on native MySQL.