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1.2 Expanding Capacity for an In-use EVS Disk................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Extending Disk Partitions and File Systems (Windows Server 2008)....................................................................7
1.5 Extending Disk Partitions and File Systems (Linux)................................................................................................. 33
1.5.1 Partition and File System Extension Preparations (Linux)..................................................................................33
1.5.2 Extending Partitions and File Systems for System Disks (Linux)......................................................................36
1.5.3 Extending Partitions and File Systems for Data Disks (Linux).......................................................................... 44
2 Detaching an EVS Disk.........................................................................................................57
2.1 Detaching a System Disk................................................................................................................................................... 57
2.2 Detaching a Data Disk........................................................................................................................................................ 58
3 Attaching an Existing Disk.................................................................................................. 60
3.1 Attaching an Existing System Disk................................................................................................................................. 60
3.2 Attaching an Existing Non-Shared Disk........................................................................................................................61
3.3 Attaching an Existing Shared Disk.................................................................................................................................. 62
4 Deleting an EVS Disk............................................................................................................ 64
5 Viewing Disk Details.............................................................................................................66
6 Managing an Encrypted EVS Disk..................................................................................... 68
7 Managing a Shared EVS Disk............................................................................................. 70
9.2 Creating a Snapshot (OBT)............................................................................................................................................... 76
9.3 Deleting a Snapshot (OBT)............................................................................................................................................... 77
9.4 Viewing Details of a Snapshot (OBT)............................................................................................................................78
9.5 Rolling Back Data from a Snapshot (OBT)..................................................................................................................79
9.6 Creating an EVS Disk from a Snapshot (OBT)............................................................................................................79
10 Managing EVS Disk Transfer............................................................................................ 81
11 Managing a Tag...................................................................................................................84
11.1 Tag Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
11.2 Adding a Tag........................................................................................................................................................................ 84
11.3 Modifying a Tag..................................................................................................................................................................85
11.4 Deleting a Tag..................................................................................................................................................................... 86
11.5 Searching Disks by Tags................................................................................................................................................... 86
12 Changing Disk Name..........................................................................................................88
A Appendix................................................................................................................................. 97
A.1 EVS Disk Status..................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
1 Disk Capacity Expansion
1.1 Expansion Overview
What Is Capacity Expansion?
If the capacity of an existing disk is
to increase the storage space.
Both system disks and data disks can be expanded. A system disk can be
expanded to up to 1 TB, and a data disk to 32 TB. Currently, disk capacities can be
expanded only. Capacity reduction is not supported.
How to Expand the Disk Capacity?
A capacity expansion operation includes the following steps:
1.Expand the disk capacity on the management console.
2.Log in to the server and extend the disk partition and
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Figure 1-1 Capacity expansion procedure
Expand the Disk Capacity on the Management Console
Choose a proper expansion method based on the disk status. For how to view the
disk status, see 5 Viewing Disk Details.
●For an In-use disk:
The disk has been attached to a server. Check whether the disk can be
expanded in the In-use state by referring to Constraints.
–If yes, expand the disk capacity according to 1.2 Expanding Capacity for
an In-use EVS Disk.
–If no, detach the disk. Then, expand the disk capacity according to 1.3
Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk.
●For an Available disk:
The disk has not been attached to any server and can be directly expanded by
referring to 1.3 Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk.
A shared disk can be expanded only when its status is Available.
Log In to the Server and Extend the Disk Partition and File System
After the disk has been expanded on the management console, only the disk
storage capacity is enlarged, but its additional space cannot be used directly. You
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
must log in to the server and extend the disk partition and le system. For details,
see Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Extending the disk partition and le system
Capacity After ExpansionExtend Disk Partition and File
Disk capacity ≤2 TB● Windows: 1.4 Extending Disk
Partitions and File Systems
(Windows Server 2008)
● Linux: 1.5.1 Partition and File
System Extension Preparations
Disk capacity >2 TB● GPT partition style: 1.4 Extending
Disk Partitions and File Systems
(Windows Server 2008) or 1.5.1
Partition and File System
Extension Preparations (Linux)
● MBR partition style: Not supported
The maximum disk capacity that
MBR supports is 2 TB, and the disk
space exceeding 2 TB cannot be
used. If your disk uses MBR and you
need to expand the disk capacity to
over 2 TB, change the partition
style from MBR to GPT. Ensure that
the disk data has been backed up
before changing the partition style
because services will be interrupted
and data on the disk will be cleared
during this change.
If the server is stopped during the expansion, the additional space of a Windows system
disk, Windows data disk, and Linux system disk may be automatically added to the end
partition after the server is started. In this case, the additional space can be directly used. If
the additional space is not automatically added, extend the partition and
according to the preceding steps.
le system
Related Operations
For more expansion FAQs, see Disk Capacity Expansion FAQs.
1.2 Expanding Capacity for an In-use EVS Disk
This topic describes how to expand the capacity of an In-use EVS disk on the
management console. The In-use status indicates that the disk has been attached
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
to a server. You do not need to detach the disk when expanding an In-use disk.
For how to view the disk status, see 5 Viewing Disk Details.
●Currently, disk capacities can only be expanded, but cannot be reduced.
●When expanding an In-use disk, the server containing this disk must be in the
Running or Stopped state.
●A shared disk cannot be expanded in the In-use state. To expand a shared Inuse disk, you must detach it from all its servers, wait until its status changes
to Available, and then expand its capacity. For more information, see 1.3
Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk.
●Only some server OSs support capacity expansion of In-use disks. If the server
OS does not support capacity expansion of In-use disks, detach the disk and
then expand its capacity. Otherwise, you may need to stop and then start the
server after the expansion to make the expansion takes
Perform the following operations to check whether your server OS support
capacity expansion of In-use disks:
a.Both public images and private images listed on the console support the
capacity expansion of In-use disks.
Log in to the management console and choose Image Management
Service. On the Public Images tab, view the images of the ECS image
b.If your server OS does not appear in the image list, check whether it is
included in Table 1-2.
If your server OS appears in Table 1-2, the OS supports capacity
expansion of In-use disks. Otherwise, you must detach the disk and then
expand its capacity. For details, see 1.3 Expanding Capacity for an
Available EVS Disk.
Table 1-2 OSs that support the capacity expansion of In-use disks
CentOS 77.2 64 bit or later
CentOS 66.5 64 bit or later
Debian8.5.0 64 bit or later
Fedora24 64 bit or later
SUSE 12SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 64bit
or later
SUSE 11SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
OpenSUSE42.1 64bit or later
Oracle Linux Server release 77.2 64bit or later
Oracle Linux Server release 66.7 64bit or later
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Ubuntu Server 1616.04 64bit
Ubuntu Server 1414.04 64-bit and 14.04.4 64-bit
Windows Server 2016Windows Server 2016 R2 Enterprise
Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 77.3 64bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 66.8 64bit
Step 1 Log in to the management console.
Step 2 Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.
Step 3 Determine whether to view the server information before expanding the disk.
You have backed up the disk data by creating a backup or snapshot. For more
information about disk backups, see 8 Managing EVS Backup. For more
information about snapshots, see 9.2 Creating a Snapshot (OBT).
The disk list page is displayed.
●If you need to view the server information, perform the following procedure:
a.In the disk list, click the name of the to-be-expanded disk.
The disk details page is displayed.
b.Click the Servers tab to view the server where the target disk has been
c.Click Expand Capacity in the upper right corner of the page.
The expansion page is displayed.
●If you do not need to view the server information, perform the following
a.In the disk list, locate the row that contains the target disk and click
Expand Capacity in the Operation column.
The expansion page is displayed.
Step 4 Set the Add Capacity (GB) parameter and click Next.
Step 5 On the Details page, check the disk information again.
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
●If you need to modify the specications, click Previous to modify parameters.
After the specications are submitted, go back to the disk list page.
Step 6 In the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 7 In the disk list, view the capacity of the target disk.
When the disk status changes from Expanding to In-use and the disk capacity
increases, the expansion has succeeded.
When the disk status is Expanding, you cannot change the specications of the ECS where
the disk attached.
Step 8 After a disk has been expanded on the management console, only the disk storage
capacity is enlarged, but its additional space cannot be used directly. You must log
in to the server and extend the disk partition and
The operation method varies depending on the server OS.
●In Windows, see 1.4 Extending Disk Partitions and File Systems (Windows
Server 2008).
●In Linux, see 1.5.1 Partition and File System Extension Preparations
le system.
1.3 Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk
This topic describes how to expand the capacity of an Available EVS disk on the
management console. The Available status indicates that the disk has not been
attached to any server. For how to view the disk status, see 5 Viewing Disk
●Currently, disk capacities can only be expanded, but cannot be reduced.
●A shared disk cannot be expanded in the In-use state. To expand a shared Inuse disk, you must detach it from all its servers, wait until its status changes
to Available, and then expand its capacity.
You have backed up the disk data by creating a backup or snapshot. For more
information about disk backups, see 8 Managing EVS Backup. For more
information about snapshots, see 9.2 Creating a Snapshot (OBT).
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Step 2 Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.
The disk list page is displayed.
Step 3 In the disk list, locate the row that contains the target disk and click Expand
Capacity in the Operation column.
The expansion page is displayed.
Step 4 Set the Add Capacity (GB) parameter and click Next.
Step 5 On the Details page, check the disk information again.
●If you do not need to modify the specications, click Submit to start the
●If you need to modify the
After the specications are submitted, go back to the disk list page.
Step 6 In the disk list, view the capacity of the target disk.
When the disk status changes from Expanding to Available and the disk capacity
increases, the expansion has succeeded.
specications, click Previous to modify parameters.
Step 7 Attach the disk to the server. For details, see the following topics:
●3.1 Attaching an Existing System Disk
●3.2 Attaching an Existing Non-Shared Disk
●3.3 Attaching an Existing Shared Disk
Step 8 After a disk has been expanded on the management console, only the disk storage
capacity is enlarged, but its additional space cannot be used directly. You must log
in to the server and extend the disk partition and
The operation method varies depending on the server OS.
●In Windows, see 1.4 Extending Disk Partitions and File Systems (Windows
Server 2008).
●In Linux, see 1.5.1 Partition and File System Extension Preparations
le system.
1.4 Extending Disk Partitions and File Systems
(Windows Server 2008)
After a disk has been expanded on the management console, the disk size is
enlarged, but the additional space cannot be used directly.
In Windows, you must allocate the additional space to an existing partition or a
new partition.
If the disk capacity is expanded on a stopped server, the additional space of a
Windows system disk or Windows data disk will be automatically added to the
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
partition at the end of the disk upon the server startup. In this case, the additional
space can be used directly.
This topic uses Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit as the sample OS to
describe the expansion methods:
●For a system disk:
–If volume (C:) already exists, you can add the additional space to volume
(C:) and use it as a system volume. For details, see System Disk: Add
Additional Space to Volume (C:).
–If volume (C:) already exists, you can create a new volume such as
volume (F:) with the additional space and use the new volume as a data
volume. For details, see System Disk: Create New Volume (F:) with
Additional Space.
–If the additional space has been added to volume (C:), you can shrink
volume (C:), create a new volume with the available space, and use the
new volume as a data volume. Only the available space can be shrunk
and used to create the new volume. The additional space cannot be
shrunk if it has already been used. This topic uses a system disk to
describe how to perform extension operations for a Windows disk. These
operations are also suitable for data disks. For details, see System Disk:
Add Additional Space to Volume (C:) and Allocate Available Space to
New Volume (D:) via the Shrink Function.
●For a data disk:
–If volume (D:) already exists, you can add the additional space to volume
(D:) and use it as a data volume. For details, see Data Disk: Add
Additional Space to Volume (D:).
–If volume (D:) already exists, you can create a new volume such as
volume (E:) with the additional space and use the new volume as a data
volume. For details, see Data Disk: Create New Volume (E:) with
Additional Space.
The method for allocating the additional space varies with the server OS. This
topic is used for reference only. For detailed operations and
corresponding OS documents.
Performing the expansion operations with caution. Misoperation may lead to data
loss or exceptions. Therefore, you are advised to back up the disk data using
backups or snapshots before expansion. For details about backups, see 8
Managing EVS Backup. For details about snapshots, see 9.2 Creating a Snapshot
dierences, see the
●You have expanded the disk capacity and attached the disk to a server on the
management console. For details, see 1.2 Expanding Capacity for an In-use
EVS Disk or 1.3 Expanding Capacity for an Available EVS Disk.
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
–For how to log in to an ECS, see Logging In to an ECS.
–For how to log in to a BMS, see Logging In to the BMS.
System Disk: Add Additional Space to Volume (C:)
In this example, the system disk has 50 GB originally, and 22 GB is added on the
management console. The following procedure describes how to add this 22 GB to
volume (C:) on the server. After the operation is complete, volume (C:) will have
72 GB of capacity and can be used as a system volume.
Step 1 On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the
shortcut menu.
The Server Manager window is displayed.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Storage > Disk Management.
The Disk Management window is displayed.
Figure 1-2 Disk Management (system disk)
If you cannot view the additional space, right-click Disk Management and choose Refresh
from the shortcut menu.
Step 3 On the Disk Management page, select the disk and volume that you want to
extend. The current volume size and unallocated space are displayed.
Step 4 Right-click the target volume and choose Extend Volume.
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Figure 1-5 Selecting space
Step 7 Click Finish.
After the expansion succeeded, the partition size is larger than the original size.
Figure 1-6 Capacity expansion succeeded
System Disk: Create New Volume (F:) with Additional Space
In this example, the system disk has 40 GB originally, and 60 GB is added on the
management console. The following procedure describes how to use this 60 GB to
create a new volume, for example volume (F:), on the server. After the operation
is complete, new volume (F:) has 60 GB of capacity and can be used as a data
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Figure 1-15 New Volume (F:)
System Disk: Add Additional Space to Volume (C:) and Allocate Available
Space to New Volume (D:) via the Shrink Function
In this example, the system disk has 40 GB originally, and 60 GB is added on the
management console and then formatted and added to volume (C:). This 60 GB
has not been used.
The following procedure describes how to use the shrink function to create new
volume (D:) with this 60 GB. After the operation is complete, new volume (D:) can
be used as a data volume.
Step 1 On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the
shortcut menu.
The Server Manager window is displayed.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Storage > Disk Management.
Elastic Volume Service
User Guide1 Disk Capacity Expansion
Figure 1-26 New Volume (D:)
Data Disk: Add Additional Space to Volume (D:)
In this example, the data disk has 100 GB originally, and 50 GB is added on the
management console. The following procedure describes how to add this 50 GB to
volume (D:) on the server. After the operation is complete, volume (D:) has 150
GB of capacity and can be used as a data volume.
Step 1 On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the
shortcut menu.
The Server Manager window is displayed.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Storage > Disk Management.