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1.1 What Is a Quota?.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Can an EIP That Uses Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to Use Shared Bandwidth?...................................3
1.5 Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?................................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 What Are the Dierences Between the Primary and Extension NICs of ECSs?.................................................3
1.7 What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?................................................................................................................................. 3
1.8 Can I Assign a
1.9 Does an EIP Change Over Time?....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.10 How Do I Query the Region of My EIPs?..................................................................................................................... 4
1.11 Can a Bandwidth Be Used by Multiple Accounts?.................................................................................................... 4
1.12 How Do I Change an EIP for an Instance?...................................................................................................................4
1.13 What Are the
1.14 Do I Need to Congure a Shared Data Package for Use After It Is Purchased?.............................................8
1.15 What Should I Do If I Cannot Find My Purchased EIP on the Management Console?................................8
Dierences Between EIP, Private IP Address, Floating IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
2 Billing and Payments............................................................................................................10
2.1 How Is an EIP Billed? ..........................................................................................................................................................10
2.2 How Do I Change the Billing Mode?............................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 How Do I Change the Bandwidth Billing Option from Bandwidth to
3 EIP Binding and Unbinding................................................................................................. 14
3.1 How Do I Access an ECS from the Internet After an EIP Is Bound to the ECS?.............................................. 14
3.2 How Do I Access the Internet Using an EIP Bound to an Extension NIC?........................................................ 14
3.3 Can I Bind an EIP to an ECS, to Another ECS?............................................................................................................16
3.4 Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?....................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?.................................................................................. 17
4.1 What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?.............................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?...........................................................................18
4.3 What Bandwidth Types Does the VPC Service Support?.........................................................................................18
4.4 How Do I Buy a Shared Bandwidth?..............................................................................................................................19
5.1 What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Congured for an ECS to Enable the
ECS to Access the Internet?...................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 Why Does Internet Access Fail Even If My ECS Is Bound with an EIP?..............................................................24
5.3 Why Cannot an EIP Be Pinged?....................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4 How Do I Unblock an EIP?................................................................................................................................................ 35
A quota limits the quantity of a resource available to users, thereby preventing
spikes in the usage of the resource. For example, a VPC quota limits the number
of VPCs that can be created.
You can also request for an increase in quota if an existing quota cannot meet
your service requirements.
How Do I View My Quotas?
1.Log in to the management console.
3.In the upper right corner of the page, choose Resources > My Quotas.
The Service Quota page is displayed.
Figure 1-1 My Quotas
in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.
4.View the used and total quota of each type of resources on the displayed
If a quota cannot meet service requirements, apply for a higher quota.
How Do I Apply for a Higher Quota?
1.Log in to the management console.
2.In the upper right corner of the page, choose Resources > My Quotas.
The Service Quota page is displayed.
Figure 1-2 My Quotas
3.Click Increase Quota.
4.On the Create Service Ticket page, congure parameters as required.
In Problem Description area, ll in the content and reason for adjustment.
5.After all necessary parameters are congured, select I have read and agree
to the Tenant Authorization Letter and Privacy Statement and click
1.2 How Do I Assign or Retrieve a
If you want to retrieve an EIP that you have released or assign a specic EIP, you
can use APIs. When assigning an EIP, set the value of ip_address to the IP address
that you want to assign. For details, see Elastic IP API Reference.
● If the EIP has been assigned to another user, you will fail to assign your required EIP.
● You cannot use the management console to assign a
Specic EIP?
specic EIP.
1.3 What Are the Dierences Between EIP, Private IP
Address, Floating IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
An EIP is an IP address that can be accessed over the Internet. Each EIP can be
used by only one ECS at a time.
A private IP address is used by the internal network of the public cloud for internal
communications. It cannot be accessed over the Internet.
A oating IP address is similar to an EIP. They are both public IP addresses that are
used to connect to the Internet, but a oating IP address API cannot be used to
congure bandwidth parameters. For details, see Floating IP Address.
A virtual IP address can be shared among multiple ECSs. A virtual IP address is
used for active/standby switchover of ECSs for higher availability. If the active ECS
becomes faulty and cannot provide services, the virtual IP address is dynamically
re-assigned to the standby ECS so services can continue uninterrupted. For details,
see Virtual IP Address Overview.
1.4 Can an EIP That Uses Dedicated Bandwidth Be
Changed to Use Shared Bandwidth?
No. An EIP that uses the dedicated bandwidth cannot be changed to use shared
In addition, an EIP that uses the shared bandwidth cannot be changed to use the
dedicated bandwidth.
1.5 Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
Each EIP can be bound to only one ECS at a time.
Multiple ECSs cannot share the same EIP. An ECS and its bound EIP must be in the
same region. If you want multiple ECSs in the same VPC to share an EIP, you have
to use a NAT gateway. For more information, see NAT Gateway User Guide.
1.6 What Are the
Dierences Between the Primary and
Extension NICs of ECSs?
The dierences are as follows:
●Generally, the OS default routes preferentially use the primary NICs. If the OS
default routes use the extension NICs, network communication will be
interrupted. Then, you can check the route
network communication error.
●Primary NICs can communicate with the public service zone (zone where PaaS
and DNS services are deployed). Extension NICs cannot communicate this
conguration to rectify the
1.7 What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?
By default, an EIP is assigned randomly.
In case that an EIP is released by mistake, the system will assign you the EIP that
you have released in the last 24 hours preferentially.
If you want an EIP that you released 24 hours ago, see How Do I Assign or
If you do not want an EIP that you have released, it is recommended that you buy
an EIP rst and then release the one that you do not require any more.
1.8 Can I Assign a Specic EIP?
By default, an EIP is assigned randomly. If you used to release EIPs, the system
preferentially assigns an EIP from what you released.
To assign a specic EIP, you can call APIs. For details, see Assigning an EIP.
1.9 Does an EIP Change Over Time?
The EIP bound to an ECS will not be changed after the ECS is stopped and then
Stopping and starting an ECS does not aect its EIP.
An EIP will be released if it expires or is in arrears.
1.10 How Do I Query the Region of My EIPs?
You can visit to query the region of your EIPs.
●The region of an IP address you searched through a third-party website may
be dierent from the actual region to which the IP address belongs.
●If the region searched through a third-party website is dierent from that
searched on, use the region searched on
●If the region searched on is
region you selected when purchasing the EIP, use the region you selected
when purchasing the EIP.
●If your service is adversely
region of the EIP you searched on the third-party database and the region of
the EIP you selected when buying the EIP, submit a service ticket.
To know more about the region of EIPs, submit a service ticket.
aected due to the inconsistency between the
dierent from the
1.11 Can a Bandwidth Be Used by Multiple Accounts?
A bandwidth cannot be used by dierent accounts. Each account can use and
manage only its own EIP bandwidths.
c.In the load balancer list, locate the target load balancer and choose More
> Bind EIP in the Operation column.
d.In the Bind EIP dialog box, select the EIP to be bound and click OK.
4.Release the EIP that has been replaced. For details, see 4.
Scenario 3: Changing an EIP for a NAT Gateway
1.Assign an EIP. For details, see 2.
2.Modify an SNAT rule.
For details about how to modify an SNAT rule, see Modifying an SNAT Rule.
In the EIP area, select the newly assigned EIP and deselect the original EIP
(ensure that the deselected EIP belongs to the IP address range on Telefonica
Open Cloud).
Figure 1-3 Selecting the newly assigned EIP
3.Modify a DNAT rule.
For details about how to modify a DNAT rule, see Modifying a DNAT Rule.
In the EIP area, select the newly assigned EIP (ensure that the original EIP
belongs to the IP address range on Telefonica Open Cloud).
4.Release the EIP that has been replaced. For details, see 4.
1.13 What Are the Dierences Between Shared Data
Package and Shared Bandwidth?
Shared data package and shared bandwidth are two dierent products.
Table 1-1
CustomerAll customersMedium- and large-scale
FeatureAfter a shared data package takes
Dierences between shared data package and shared bandwidth
Shared Data PackageShared Bandwidth
Multiple pay-per-use EIPs can
eect, EIPs billed by trac will
use the shared data package rst.
After the shared data package is
used up, the EIPs will be billed by
trac on a pay-per-use basis.
A shared data package is more
cost-eective than billing by
trac on the yearly/monthly
A shared data package takes
eect immediately after being
purchased and you do not need to
perform any congurations.
After purchasing a shared
bandwidth, you need to add
EIPs to the shared bandwidth.
Elastic IP
FAQs1 Product Consultation
1.14 Do I Need to Congure a Shared Data Package for
Use After It Is Purchased?
A shared data package takes
additional operations are required. If you have subscribed to pay-per-use EIPs
using bandwidth billed by trac in a region and buy a shared data package in the
same region, the EIPs will use the shared data package.
eect immediately after being purchased and no
1.15 What Should I Do If I Cannot Find My Purchased
EIP on the Management Console?
After I logged in to the management console, I could not
Possible Cause
●Your EIP is not in the current region. For details, see EIP Not in the Current
●Your EIP was released because it was expired but was not renewed. For
details, see EIP Was Released.
EIP Not in the Current Region
nd my purchased EIP.
Method 1
1.Log in to the management console.
2.Change the region to the one that your EIP resides.
Figure 1-5 Changing a region on the management console homepage
Method 2
1.Log in to the management console.
2.On the management console homepage, click View Resources in All Regions
under My Resources.