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Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User GuideContents
1 Service Overview..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What is DMS for Kafka?........................................................................................................................................................1
1.5 Comparing Kafka Instances and DMS Advanced Queues.........................................................................................6
1.6 Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka...................................................................................................8
1.7 Notes and Constraints......................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.8 Related Services..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3 Creating an Instance.............................................................................................................16
4 Accessing a Kafka Premium Instance............................................................................... 20
4.1 Accessing a Kafka Premium Instance Without SASL................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Accessing a Kafka Premium Instance with SASL....................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Viewing an Instance............................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2 Restarting an Instance........................................................................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Deleting an Instance............................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.4 Modifying the Information About an Instance...........................................................................................................30
5.5 Conguring Public Access.................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Creating a Topic..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Deleting a Topic.....................................................................................................................................................................37
7.1 Operations That Can Be Recorded by CTS................................................................................................................... 38
7.2 Viewing Traces on the CTS Console................................................................................................................................41
8.1.1 Why Can't I Select Two AZs?......................................................................................................................................... 42
8.1.2 Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information When Creating a DMS Instance?.......42
8.1.3 How Do I Select Storage Space for a Kafka Instance?.........................................................................................42
8.1.4 How Do I Choose Between High I/O and Ultra-high I/O?..................................................................................43
8.1.5 Which Capacity Threshold Policy Should I Use?..................................................................................................... 43
8.1.6 Which Kafka Version Is Supported?............................................................................................................................ 43
8.1.7 What Is the ZooKeeper Version of a Kafka Instance?.......................................................................................... 43
8.1.8 Are Kafka Instances in Cluster Mode?....................................................................................................................... 43
8.1.9 Can I Modify the Connection Address for Accessing a Kafka Instance?........................................................ 43
8.1.10 How Long Are Kafka SSL Certicates Valid for?..................................................................................................44
8.1.11 How to Synchronize Data from One Kafka Instance to Another?.................................................................44
8.1.12 How Do I Change the SASL_SSL Setting of a Kafka Instance?....................................................................... 44
8.1.13 Are Kafka Brokers and ZooKeeper Deployed on the Same VM or on
8.1.14 What Cipher Suites Are Supported by Kafka?.......................................................................................................44
8.1.15 Can I Change an Instance from Single-AZ Deployment to Multi-AZ Deployment?................................44
8.1.16 Does DMS for Kafka Support Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery? Where Can I View the AZs
for a Purchased Instance?......................................................................................................................................................... 44
8.1.17 Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a Kafka Instance Is Created?....................................................... 45
8.1.18 Where Can I Find Kafka Streams Use Cases?........................................................................................................45
8.2.3 Can I Access a Kafka Premium Instance Over a Public Network?................................................................... 48
8.2.4 How Many Connection Addresses Does a Kafka Instance Have by Default?.............................................. 49
8.2.5 Do Kafka Instances Support Cross-Region Access?............................................................................................... 49
8.2.6 Can I Access a Kafka Instance Using DNAT?........................................................................................................... 49
8.2.7 Do Kafka Premium Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?............................................................................49
8.2.8 Why Do I Fail to Access Kafka Using SSL from a Go Client?............................................................................. 49
8.2.9 What If
8.2.10 Does DMS for Kafka Support Password-Free Access?........................................................................................49
8.2.12 Does DMS for Kafka Support Authentication on Clients by the Server?.....................................................50
8.2.13 Can I Use PEM SSL Truststore When Connecting to a Kafka Instance with SASL_SSL Enabled?........50
8.2.14 What Are the
8.2.15 Which TLS Version Does DMS for Kafka Support, 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2?............................................................... 50
8.2.16 Is There a Limit on the Number of Connections to a Kafka Instance?........................................................ 50
8.2.17 How Many Connections from Each IP Address Are Allowed?.........................................................................50
8.3 Topics and Partitions............................................................................................................................................................50
8.3.1 Is There a Limit on the Number of Topics in a Kafka Instance?....................................................................... 51
8.3.2 Why Is Partition Quantity Limited?............................................................................................................................. 51
8.3.3 Can I Reduce the Partition Quantity?.........................................................................................................................51
8.3.4 Why Do I Fail to Create Topics?................................................................................................................................... 51
Certicates Fail to Be Loaded for SASL Connection?............................................................................49
Congure a Security Group?................................................................................................47
Dierences Between JKS and CRT Certicates?....................................................................... 50
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User GuideContents
8.3.5 Do Kafka Instances Support Batch Importing Topics or Automatic Topic Creation?.................................51
8.3.6 Why Do Deleted Topics Still Exist?.............................................................................................................................. 51
8.3.7 How Do I Create a Topic?............................................................................................................................................... 51
8.3.8 Are Periods (.) Allowed in Topic Names?.................................................................................................................. 52
8.3.9 What Should I Do If Kafka Storage Space Is Used Up Because Retrieved Messages Are Not Deleted?
8.3.10 What Can I Do If Disk Usage Is as High as 96%?............................................................................................... 52
8.3.11 Will a Kafka Instance Be Restarted After Its Automatic Topic Creation Setting Is Modied?............. 52
8.3.12 How Do I Disable Automatic Topic Creation?.......................................................................................................52
8.3.13 Can I Delete Unnecessary Topics in a Consumer Group?................................................................................. 52
8.4.1 Do I Need to Create Consumer Groups, Producers, and Consumers for Kafka Instances?..................... 52
8.4.2 How Do I Delete Consumer Groups?..........................................................................................................................53
8.4.3 Do I Need to Unsubscribe from a Topic Before Deleting a Consumer Group?............................................53
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
1 Service Overview
1.1 What is DMS for Kafka?
Apache Kafka is distributed message middleware that features high throughput,
data persistence, horizontal scalability, and stream data processing. It adopts the
publish-subscribe pattern and is widely used for log collection, data streaming,
online/oine system analytics, and real-time monitoring.
Distributed Message Service (DMS) for Kafka is a message queuing service that
uses the open-source Apache Kafka. It provides Kafka premium instances with
isolated computing, storage, and bandwidth resources. DMS for Kafka allows you
to apply resources,
requirements. It can be used out of the box and frees you from deployment and
O&M so that you can focus on the agile development of your applications.
congure topics, partitions, and replicas based on service
Readers' Guide
This documentation introduces DMS for Kafka and its
Kafka. You will learn about the detailed information about the specications,
console operations, API calling, and client access to instances of DMS for Kafka.
For more information about the basic knowledge of Kafka or technical details
about creating and retrieving messages, please go to the ocial Apache Kafka
1.2 Product Advantages
DMS for Kafka provides easy-to-use message queuing based on Apache Kafka.
Services can be quickly migrated to the cloud without any change, reducing
maintenance and usage costs.
dierences from Apache
●Rapid deployment
Simply set instance information on the DMS for Kafka console, submit your
order, and a complete Kafka premium instance will be automatically created
and deployed.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
DMS for Kafka is compatible with open-source Kafka APIs and supports all
message processing functions of open-source Kafka.
If your application services are developed based on open-source Kafka, you
can easily migrate them to DMS for Kafka after specifying a few
Kafka premium instances are compatible with Apache Kafka 2.3.0.
Operations on Kafka premium instances are recorded and can be audited.
Messages can be encrypted before storage.
In addition to SASL, Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and security groups also
provide security controls on network access.
●Data reliability
Kafka premium instances support data persistence and replication. Messages
can be replicated synchronously or asynchronously between replicas.
●High availability
Kafka runs in clusters, enabling failover and fault tolerance so that services
can run smoothly.
Kafka premium instances can be deployed across AZs to further enhance
service availability.
●Simple O&M
The public cloud provides a whole set of monitoring and alarm services,
eliminating the need for 24/7 attendance. A set of Kafka premium instance
metrics are monitored and reported, including the number of partitions,
topics, and accumulated messages. You can
SMS or email
●Flexible specications
You can customize the bandwidth and storage space for the instance and the
number of partitions and replicas for topics in the instance.
congure alarm rules and receive
notications on how your services are running in real time.
1.3 Application Scenarios
Kafka is popular message-oriented middleware that features highly reliable,
asynchronous message delivery. It is widely used for transmitting data between
dierent systems in the enterprise application, payment, telecommunications, ecommerce, social networking, instant messaging, video, Internet of Things, and
Internet of Vehicle industries.
Asynchronous Communication
Non-core or less important messages are sent asynchronously to receiving
systems, so that the main service process is not kept waiting for the results of
other systems, allowing for faster responses.
For example, Kafka can be used to send a
after a user has registered with a website, providing fast responses throughout the
registration process.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Figure 1-1 Serial registration and notication
Figure 1-2 Asynchronous registration and notication using message queues
Trac Control
In e-commerce systems or large-scale websites, there is a processing capability
gap between upstream and downstream systems. Trac bursts from upstream
systems with high processing capabilities may have a large impact on downstream
systems with lower processing capabilities. For example, online sales promotions
involve a huge amount of
provides a three-day
as orders and other information. In this way, message consumption systems can
process the messages during
trac ooding into e-commerce systems. Kafka
buer by default for hundreds of millions of messages, such
o-peak periods.
In addition, ash sale trac bursts originating from frontend systems can be
handled with Kafka, keeping the backend systems from crashing.
Figure 1-3
Log Synchronization
In large-scale service systems, logs of dierent applications are collected for quick
troubleshooting, full-link tracing, and real-time monitoring.
Kafka is originally designed for this scenario. Applications asynchronously send log
messages to message queues over reliable transmission channels. Other
components can read the log messages from message queues for further analysis,
either in real time or
monitor applications.
Trac burst handling using Kafka
oine. In addition, Kafka can collect key log information to
Log synchronization involves three major components: log collection clients, Kafka,
and backend log processing applications.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
1.The log collection clients collect log data from a user application service and
asynchronously send the log data in batches to Kafka clients.
Kafka clients receive and compress messages in batches. This only has a
minor impact on the service performance.
2.Kafka persists logs.
3.Log processing applications, such as Logstash, subscribe to messages in Kafka
and retrieve log messages from Kafka. Then, the messages are searched for
by le search services or delivered to big data applications such as Hadoop for
storage and analysis.
Figure 1-4 Log synchronization process
Logstash is for log analytics, ElasticSearch is for log search, and Hadoop is for big data
analytics. They are all open-source tools.
1.4 Specications
Kafka Premium Instance Specications
Kafka premium instances are compatible with open-source Kafka 2.3.0. The
MB/s, 600 MB/s, and 1200 MB/s.
Table 1-1 TPS and maximum number of partitions supported by dierent instance
specications are classied based on bandwidth, namely, 100 MB/s, 300
● The number of brokers varies according to the underlying resources, and the
underlying resources vary from region to region. The following table lists the
● In the following table, transactions per second (TPS) are calculated assuming that the
size of a message is 1 KB.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Bandwidth Selection
3c6_4 vCPUs | 8GBHigh I/O300,000150,000900
4c6_8 vCPUs |
8c6_8 vCPUs |
c6_2 vCPUs | 4GBUltra-
c6_4 vCPUs | 8GBUltra-
16 GB
16 GB
high I/O
high I/O
Ultrahigh I/O
Ultrahigh I/O
TPS (HighThroughput
1.2 million400,0001800
The bandwidth of a Kafka instance refers to the maximum read or write
bandwidth. You are advised to select a bandwidth 30% higher than what is
●100 MB/s
Recommended for up to 3000 client connections, 60 consumer groups, and 70
MB/s of service
●300 MB/s
Recommended for up to 10,000 client connections, 300 consumer groups, and
210 MB/s of service
●600 MB/s
Recommended for up to 20,000 client connections, 600 consumer groups, and
420 MB/s of service
●1200 MB/s
Recommended for up to 20,000 client connections, 600 consumer groups, and
840 MB/s of service
Storage Space Selection
Kafka premium instances support storage with 1 to 3 replicas. The storage space is
space consumed by all replicas. When creating an instance, specify its storage
space based on the expected service message size and the number of replicas.
For example, if the estimated message size is 100 GB, the disk capacity must be at
least: 100 GB x Number of replicas + 100 GB (reserved).
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Topic Quantity
There is no limit on the topic quantity, but there is an upper limit on the
aggregate number of partitions in the topics. When the partition quantity limit is
reached, you can no longer create topics.
The number of topics is related to the maximum number of partitions allowed
(see Table 1-1) and the specied number of partitions in each topic (see Figure
Figure 1-5 Setting the number of partitions
For example, the maximum number of partitions for a 100 MB/s instance is 300.
If the number of partitions of each topic in the instance is 3, the number of topics
is 300/3 = 100.
If the number of partitions of each topic in the instance is 1, the number of topics
is 300/1 = 300.
1.5 Comparing Kafka Instances and DMS Advanced
Both Kafka premium instances and DMS advanced queues are compatible with
Apache Kafka. However, they
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Open-Source Compatibility
●DMS advanced queues:
●Kafka premium instances:
Kafka 2.3.0
With each version upgrade, Apache Kafka introduces new features, improves
APIs, and updates producer and consumer
whether your application features and APIs are compatible with your Kafka
clients, see the upgrade notes on the
congurationles. To check
ocial Apache Kafka website.
●DMS advanced queues:
An advanced queue (equivalent to a topic) is created on the DMS console.
You do not need to
these resources are allocated by the system.
●Kafka premium instances:
A Kafka premium instance is created on the DMS for Kafka console. Before
creating a Kafka premium instance, determine the required bandwidth and
storage space based on your service expectations for the next one or two
years. You also need to prepare a VPC and security group for the instance.
After the instance has been created, you must create topics in the instance
congure the number of partitions and replicas for the topics.
congure the storage space or the bandwidth because
●DMS advanced queues:
Advanced queues are compatible with Kafka APIs. DMS provides SDKs in Java,
Python, Lua, C, and Go languages..
To use open-source Kafka clients, see "Using the Enhanced Java SDK" in
Developer Guide
Kafka to the directory of the open-source client package and then pass the
security authentication.
●Kafka premium instances:
DMS for Kafka is fully compatible with open-source Kafka. You can access
Kafka premium instances and topics using open-source Kafka clients. If SASL
access is enabled, you must use the SSL
●DMS advanced queues:
There are two queue modes: high-throughput and high-reliability. In the highthroughput mode, messages are
●Kafka premium instances:
Compute, bandwidth, and storage resources are physically isolated for each
instance. Determine the required bandwidth and storage space when creating
an instance. For storage space, you can choose Ultra-high I/O, which
indicates that messages are stored on SSDs.
. Add the enhanced Kafka Java SDK provided by DMS for
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Other Dimensions
You can customize the number of partitions and replicas for a Kafka premium
instance. Each topic can have 1 to 50 partitions and 1 to 3 replicas.
By default, an advanced queue has three partitions and three replicas.
Divide a topic into a certain number of partitions so that messages can be evenly
distributed to partitions, enabling load balancing and horizontal scalability. Dierent
consumers can retrieve messages from one or more partitions, improving message
processing performance.
With more replicas come higher reliability. However, synchronizing messages between
replicas consumes bandwidth and osets compute performance.
1.6 Comparing DMS for Kafka and Open-Source Kafka
DMS for Kafka is compatible with open-source Kafka and has customized and
enhanced Kafka features. In addition to the advantages of open-source Kafka,
DMS for Kafka provides more reliable and useful features.
Table 1-2
Dierences between DMS for Kafka and open-source Kafka
Ease of
ItemDMS for KafkaOpen-source Kafka
Instances can be created
intuitively within minutes
and used right out of the
box with visualized
Preparing server resources and
installing and conguring the
software is time-consuming
and prone to mistakes.
operations and real-time
APIsInstances can be managed
easily by calling RESTful
d use
Multiple specications are
available to suit dierent
Expenses are incurred for
setting up a message service
and occupying underlying
Services are readily
available without requiring
additional hardware
resources or expenses.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
CategoryItemDMS for KafkaOpen-source Kafka
MatureDMS has been proven
successful in large ecommerce events such as
the Vmall 11.11 Shopping
Festival. It is also used in
the clouds of carrier-grade
customers across the
world, and meets strict
carrier-grade reliability
standards. DMS closely
follows up with
community updates to
x known
open-source vulnerabilities
and add support for new
While maintaining 100%
open-source compatibility,
DMS further optimizes
open-source code to
improve performance and
reliability, and provides
message querying,
dumping, tracing
(available soon), and
many other features.
Using open-source software
requires lengthy selfdevelopment and verication
and has had few successful
Functionality is limited and
requires self-development.
DMS supports cross-AZ
deployment to improve
reliability. In addition,
automatic fault detection
and alarms ensure reliable
operations of key services.
O&M is entirely
transparent to tenants
with a full set of
monitoring and alarm
functions. O&M personnel
will be informed of any
exceptions, eliminating the
need for 24/7 attending.
SecureDMS uses VPC isolation
and SSL channel
High availability requires selfdevelopment or open-source
code implementation, which
are costly and cannot
guarantee reliability.
Users need to develop and
optimize O&M functions,
especially alarm notication
functions. Otherwise, manual
attendance is required.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
1.7 Notes and Constraints
DMS for Kafka has the following constraints, as listed in Table 1-3.
Table 1-3 Kafka usage restrictions
Kafka ZookeeperNot exposed externallyDMS ZooKeeper does
not provide services
externally. It is only used
to serve Kafka instances.
Version2.3.0Clients later than version
0.10 are supported. Use
a version that is
consistent with the
service version.
Message size10 MBThe message size cannot
exceed 10 MB.
Otherwise, the message
creation will fail.
Logging in to the VM
where the Kafka brokers
Partition quantityLimitedKafka manages
Automatic topic creationSupportedCongurable during
No supportedN/A
messages by partition. If
there are too many
partitions, message
creation, storage, and
retrieval will be
the performance and
stability. If the total
number of partitions of
topics reaches the upper
limit, you cannot create
more topics.
instance creation.
If it is enabled, a topic
will be automatically
created with 3 partitions
and 3 replicas when a
message is created in or
retrieved from a topic
that does not exist.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
Creating consumer
groups, consumers, and
Decreasing partition
1.8 Related Services
Cloud Trace Service (CTS) generates traces to provide you with a history of
operations performed on cloud service resources. The traces include operation
requests sent using the management console or open APIs, as well as the
operation results. You can view all generated traces to query, audit, and
backtrack performed operations.
For details about the operations recorded by CTS, see section "Operations
That Can Be Recorded by CTS".
Not requiredConsumer groups,
consumers, and
producers are generated
automatically when you
use the instance.
Not supportedThe partition quantity
cannot be decreased due
to the limitations of
Apache Kafka.
Kafka premium instances run in VPCs and use the IP addresses and bandwidth
of VPC. Security groups of VPCs enhance the security of network access to the
Kafka premium instances.
1.9 Basic Concepts
DMS for Kafka of the public cloud uses Kafka as the message engine. This chapter
presents explanations of basic concepts of Kafka.
A topic is a category for messages. Messages are created, retrieved, and managed
in the form of topics.
Topics adopt the publish-subscribe pattern. Producers publish messages into
topics. One or more consumers subscribe to the messages in the topics. The
producers and consumers are not directly linked to each other.
A producer publishes messages into topics. The messages are then delivered to
other systems or modules for processing as agreed.
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
User Guide1 Service Overview
A consumer subscribes to messages in topics and processes the messages. For
example, a monitoring and alarm platform (a consumer) subscribing to log
messages in certain topics can identify alarm logs and then send SMS or email
alarm notications.
A broker is a Kafka process in a Kafka cluster. Each process runs on a server, so a
broker includes the storage, bandwidth, and other server resources.
Messages in a topic are distributed to multiple partitions to achieve scalability and
fault tolerance.
A replica is a redundant copy of a partition in a topic. Each partition can have one
or more replicas, enabling message reliability.
Messages in each partition are fully replicated and synchronized, preventing data
loss if one replica fails.
Each partition has one replica as the leader which handles the creation and
retrievals of all messages. The rest replicas are followers which replicate the
Topics and partitions are logical concepts, while replicas and brokers are physical
concepts. The following diagram shows the relationships between partitions,
brokers, and topics in messages streaming.