NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in Real Time......................................... 9-1
9.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.3 Querying CPU/DSP Occupancy ........................................................................................ 9-1
9.4 Querying Cell Service Resource........................................................................................ 9-3
9.5 Testing NodeB RTWP ....................................................................................................... 9-5
9.6 Testing NodeB Clock ......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.7 Scanning NodeB Rx Frequency ........................................................................................ 9-9
9.8 Testing MTRU Output Power........................................................................................... 9-11
9.9 Testing MTRU Temperature ............................................................................................ 9-13
9.10 Testing MRRU Output Power ........................................................................................ 9-14
9.11 Testing MRRU Temperature.......................................................................................... 9-16
9.12 Querying Board Service Resource ................................................................................ 9-17
9.13 Routine Testing NodeB E1/T1 Performance ................................................................. 9-19
9.14 Routine Testing STM-1 Performance ............................................................................ 9-20
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Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
NodeB LMT User Guide
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and
State in Real Time
9.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to monitor the NodeB performance and state through the
9.2 Overview
The NodeB supports the following performance tests:
z Querying CPU/DSP Occupancy
z Querying Cell Service Resource
z Testing NodeB RTWP
z Testing NodeB Clock
z Scanning NodeB Rx Frequency
z Testing MTRU Output Power
z Testing MTRU Temperature
z Testing MRRU Output Power
z Testing MRRU Temperature
z Querying Board Service Resource
z Routine Testing NodeB E1/T1
z Routine Testing STM-1
Real Time
9.3 Querying CPU/DSP Occupancy
I. Introduction
The CPU/DSP occupancy shows the use of system resources.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
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NodeB LMT User Guide
This test cannot be applied to the NFCB, NEMU, GPSRCV or MAFU.
Follow the steps below to test CPU/DSP occupancy:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the CPU/DSP Occupancy subnode.
2) ClickCreate Monitor Task.
3) The system displays the CPU/DSP Occupancy dialog box, as shown in
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Figure 9-1 CPU/DSP Occupancy dialog box
Table 9-2 describes the fields in the CPU/DSP Occupancy dialog box.
Table 9-1 Field description of CPU/DSP Occupancy dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
Subrack No.
z For the macro NodeB, the baseband subrack number is 0
while the MTRU subrack number is 2.
z For the DBS3800, the MRRU subrack number is any value
from 20 to 199.
Slot No. To set the number of the slot that hosts the board
z For the macro NodeB, the slot number of a board in the
baseband subrack can be 16 or any number from 0 to13.
z For the DBS3800, the slot number of the MRRU subrack
board is 0 by default.
The NDTI/NAOI has two CPUs: CPU0 (master CPU) and CPU1
(slave CPU). Any other board has only one CPU.
The HULP/NULP has four DSPs. The HDLP/NDLP has three
DSPs. The HBBI has four DSPs. All others have no DSP.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
MDB FileName
Text FileName
4) Set parameters in the dialog box.
5) Click OK. A monitor window is displayed showing the CPU/DSP occupancy curve.
6) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Then click Delete
Task on the shortcut menu.
IV. Test Result Analysis
1) Analysis of CPU occupancy test results
z When the NodeB works well without carrying services, the CPU occupancy of all
boards shall stay between 5% and 10%.
z The CPU occupancy increases when the NodeB carries services. The occupancy
of all boards shall be smaller than 75%. The system reports alarms if the
occupancy is greater than 75%.
z It is normal for the CPU occupancy to stay at 100% for a few seconds. However, if
the CPU occupancy stays at 100% for more than one minute while the NodeB
does not carry services, the CPU is faulty.
2) Analysis of DSP occupancy test results
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves the test curve into the default
file under the default directory.
z To create a *.txt file to save the test data
z If it is blank, the system will not save the data.
z You can open and query the text file that saves the CPU/DSP occupancy test
z The corresponding board is presented at the beginning of the file. The occupancy of
all CPUs and DSPs under test at one time are recorded in one row with the test time.
9.4 Querying Cell Service Resource
I. Introduction
The cell service resource query shows the use of service resources of the cell in real
time. It includes:
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NodeB LMT User Guide
z Number of UEs
z Number of idle HULP CEs
z Number of HULP CEs in use
z Number of idle HDLP CEs
z Number of HDLP CEs in use
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the cell service resource:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the Cell Service Resource Query subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the Cell Resource Query dialog box, as shown in
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Figure 9-2 Cell Resource Query dialog box
Table 9-2 describes the fields of the Cell Resource Query dialog box.
Table 9-2 Field description of Cell Resource Query dialog box
Field Description
Local Cell ID
MDB FileName
To set the ID of the local cell
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.A monitor window is displayed showing the service resource occupancy
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
Test result analysis of the querying the cell service resource is as follows:
z Uplink resources: include uplink demodulation resources and uplink decoding
resources. The LMT reports uplink resources in points.
z Downlink resources: include downlink modulation resources and downlink
encoding resources. The LMT reports downlink resources in points.
The resources for a 12.2 kbit/s voice service channel are regarded as a point. Other
service channel resources can be converted into a multitude of points.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
9.5 Testing NodeB RTWP
I. Introduction
The received total wideband power (RTWP) is the received wideband power in the
band of an uplink channel measured at the UTRAN access point. You can calibrate the
gain of uplink RF channels through RTWP measurement.
The NodeB RTWP test has no negative effect on the services.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test the NodeB RTWP:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the RTWP Measurement subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task. The system displays the RTWP Measurement dialog
box, as shown in
Figure 9-3.
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Figure 9-3 RTWP Measurement dialog box
Table 9-3 describes the fields of the RTWP Measurement dialog box.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Table 9-3 Field description of RTWP Measurement dialog box
Subrack No.
z For the macro NodeB, to set the number of the subrack that
hosts the MTRU with default value 2
z For the DBS3800, to set the number of the subrack that hosts
the MRRU with value range from 20 to 199
Slot No.
z For the macro NodeB, to set the number of the slot that hosts
the MTRU with value range from 0 to 5
z For the DBS3800, to set the number of the slot that hosts the
MRRU with default value 0
z To set intervals of report
Report Period(s)
Pn(0.1 dBm)
z Unit: Second
z Value range: 1 second
z To set the RTWP when the NodeB carries no service, that is,
the initial gain of the uplink channel
z It is the initial reference value to calculate the uplink load of the
z Default value: –105.5 dBm.
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
MDB FileName
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory
z To create a *.txt file to save the test data
Text FileName
z If it is blank, the system will not save the data.
z You can open the file to view the data. The file shows the
MTRU/MRRU corresponding to the antennas at the start. In
each line are the GPS time and the RTWP values of a pair of
main and diversity antennas.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK. A monitor window is displayed showing the RTWP curve.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
The analysis of the RTWP test result is as follows:
z If the NodeB is not connected to the antenna and feeder system or a matched load,
the RTWP is about –108 dBm.
z If the NodeB is connected to the antenna and feeder system (with TMA switched
on) or a matched load, the RTWP is about –105 dBm.
z If the servicses are normal and the uplink load reaches 75%, the RTWP is 6 dB
higher than the RTWP when the NodeB does not carry any service.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
z When the RTWP reported is valid, the curve is normal. The vertical axis
corresponds to the reported RTWP with unit of 0.1 dBm.
z When the reported RTWPs are invalid, abnormal RTWP curves are displayed. The
RTWPs for the main antenna form a horizontal line at –1120 dBm on the vertical
axis. The RTWPs for the diversity antenna form a horizontal line at –1115 dBm on
the vertical axis. The error may lie in the absent MTRU/MRRU, a broken link, or a
faulty channel. In this case, you shall clear the fault first.
9.6 Testing NodeB Clock
I. Introduction
The clock source quality is crucial to the operation of the system. You need to handle
the clock alarm in time.
You can test the quality of the clock source beforehand.
The NodeB clock test has no negative effect on the system or services.
II. Prerequisite
A reference clock source to the NodeB must be configured before the clock test.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to perform the clock test:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the Clock Test subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task. The system displays the Clock Test dialog box, as
shown in
Figure 9-4 Clock Test dialog box
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Figure 9-3.
Table 9-4 describes the fields of the Clock Test dialog box.
Table 9-4 Field description of Clock Test dialog box
Field Description
Slot No.
z For the macro NodeB, the number of the slot that hosts the
NMPT can be 10 or 11.
z For the DBS3800, the number of the slot that hosts the
MBBU is 0 by default.
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
MDB FileName
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK. A monitor window is displayed showing the clock test curve.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
Analyses of the NodeB clock test result are as follows:
1) Result reporting period
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NodeB LMT User Guide
The reporting periods of phase discrimination value and DA value are different. The
reporting period of phase discrimination value is 1 second. The reporting period of DA
value depends on the type of the clock source.
z For the GPS or BITS clock source, the reporting period of DA value is 2 minutes in
normal condition. If there is fluctuation or frequency deviation on the clock, the
period may be longer than 2 minutes. It is normal if the first reporting period is
greater than 2 minutes.
z For the Iub clock source, the reporting period of DA value is 30 minutes in normal
situation. If there is fluctuation or frequency deviation on the clock, the period may
be longer than 30 minutes. It is normal if the first reporting period is greater than 30
2) Phase discrimination value
If the difference of the reported phase discrimination value and the actual value
(10 MHz) is greater than ±1 Hz, you need to check whether there is problem in the
clock source.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
9.7 Scanning NodeB Rx Frequency
I. Introduction
The Rx frequency scanning helps you examine electromagnetic environment and
internal interference of the NodeB.
The process is as follows: The MTRU/MRRU scans the frequency, calculates the
strength of received signals, and then reports the result.
II. Prerequisites
z It is recommended to do Rx frequency scanning before cell configuration.
z The MTRU/MRRU must be blocked before Rx frequency scanning starts.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to scan the NodeB Rx frequency:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the Rx Frequency Scanning subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task. The system displays the Rx Frequency Scanning
dialog box, as shown in
Figure 9-5.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
Figure 9-5 Rx Frequency Scanning dialog box
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Table 9-5 describes the fields of the Rx Frequency Scanning dialog box.
Table 9-5 Field description of Rx Frequency Scanning dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
z For the macro NodeB, the number of the subrack that hosts
Subrack No.
the MTRU is 2.
z For the DBS3800, the number of the subrack that hosts the
MTRU can be any number from 20 to 199.
Slot No.
z For the macro NodeB, the number of the slot that hosts the
MTRU is any number from 0 to 5.
z For the DBS3800, the number of the slot that hosts the MTRU
is the default value 0.
Start RF
End RF
z To set the start frequency of the scanning
z Value range: 9610 to 9890
z Unit: 200 kHz
z To set the end frequency of the scanning
z Value range: 9610 to 9890
z Unit: 200 kHz
z Note that the End RF Frequency has to be higher than the
Start RF Frequency.
z To set the frequency intervals of the scanning
z Value range: 1 to 300
z Unit: 200 kHz
Scanning Time
Interval (0.1s)
z Value range: 2 to 600
z Unit: 0.1 s
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Field Description
MDB FileName
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
A dialog box prompts you whether to start the Rx frequency scanning.
5) Click Yes.
A monitor window is displayed showing the scanning curve.
The scanning automatically stops when it reaches the end RF frequency.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
Real Time
6) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
The test result analysis of Rx frequency scanning is as follows:
z If the NodeB is separated from the antenna and feeder system, the curve has
jumps greatly higher than –108 dBm. This indicates that there must be internal
interference of the NodeB.
z If the NodeB is connected to the antenna and feeder system with NTTA powered
on, the curve has jumps greatly higher than –105 dBm. This indicates that there
must be external interference of the NodeB.
z The shape of jumps tells the interference type in most cases:
z A triangular or trapezium jump: There are broadband interferences. The peak of
the jump is the central frequency of the interference.
z A rectangle jump or a jump added with a rectangle: There is individual tone
interference. The central point of the upper side of the rectangle is the interfering
9.8 Testing MTRU Output Power
I. Introduction
The MTRU output power test measures the output power of the MTRU, including:
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z Total output power
z Output power of each carrier.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test the MTRU output power:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the MTRU Output Power subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the MTRU Output Power dialog box, as shown in
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Figure 9-6
Figure 9-6 MTRU Output Power dialog box
Table 9-6 describes the fields of the MTRU Output Power dialog box.
Table 9-6 Field description of MTRU Output Power dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
Subrack No.
Slot No.
z To set the number of the subrack that hosts the MTRU
z Value: 2
z To set the number of the slot that hosts MTRU.
z Value range: 0 to 5.
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under the
default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
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Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
NodeB LMT User Guide
4) Click OK.
A monitor window is displayed showing the service resource occupancy curve.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
Once the test is started, the system reports the output power of the MTRU and each
carrier every two seconds.
9.9 Testing MTRU Temperature
I. Introduction
The MTRU temperature test measures the temperatures of the MTRU board and the
internal power amplifier.
Real Time
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test the MTRU temperature:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the MTRU Temperature subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the MTRU Temperature dialog box, as shown in
Figure 9-7.
Figure 9-7 MTRU Temperature dialog box
Table 9-7 describes the fields of the MTRU Temperature dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
Table 9-7 Field description of MTRU Temperature dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Subrack No.
Slot No.
z To set the number of the subrack that hosts the MTRU
z Value: 2
z To set the number of the slot that hosts MTRU.
z Value range: 0 to 5
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
A monitor window is displayed showing the MTRU temperature curve.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
z Once the test is started, the system reports the temperatures of the MTRU board
and the internal power amplifier every two seconds.
z Alarms are reported if the temperature of the power amplifier is higher than the
allowed temperature.
9.10 Testing MRRU Output Power
I. Introduction
The MRRU output power test tells the output power status of MRRU, including
z Total output power of MRRU
z Output power of each carrier
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test the MRRU output power:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the MRRU Output Power subnode.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the MRRU Output Power dialog box, as shown in
Figure 9-8 MRRU Output Power dialog box
Table 9-8 describes the fields of the MRRU Output Power dialog box.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Table 9-8 Field description of MRRU Output Power dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No.
Subrack No.
Slot No.
MDB FileName
Value: Master cabinet
z To set the number of the subrack that hosts the MRRU
z Value range: from 20 to 199
Default value: 0
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
A monitor window is displayed showing the curve of the current task.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
Once the test is started, the system reports the output power of the MRRU and each
carrier every two seconds.
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Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
NodeB LMT User Guide
9.11 Testing MRRU Temperature
I. Introduction
The MRRU temperature test tells temperatures of the MRRU and power amplifier in the
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test temperatures of the MRRU board and the power
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the MRRU Temperature subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the MRRU Temperature dialog box, as shown in
Real Time
Figure 9-9.
Figure 9-9 MRRU Temperature dialog box
Table 9-9 describes the fields of the MRRU Temperature dialog box.
Table 9-9 Field description of the MRRU Temperature dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
Subrack No. Value range: 20 to 199
Slot No.
z To set the number of the slot that hosts the MRRU
z Default value: 0
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NodeB LMT User Guide
Field Description
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
MDB FileName
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
A monitor window is displayed showing the curve of the current task.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
z Once the test is started, the system reports the temperatures of the MRRU and the
power amplifier in the MRRU every two seconds.
z Alarms are reported when the temperature of the power amplifier is higher than
the allowed temperature.
9.12 Querying Board Service Resource
I. Introduction
The board service resource query shows the use of service resources of the board in
real time. It includes:
z Total service resources of a board
z Service resources in use
z Idle service resources
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to test the board service resources:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Realtime State Monitoring. Right-click on
the Board Resource Query subnode.
2) Click Create Monitor Task.
The system displays the Board Resource Query dialog box, as shown in
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Figure 9-10 Board Resource Query dialog box
Table 9-10 describes the fields of the Board Resource Query dialog box.
Table 9-10 Field description of Board Resource Query dialog box
Field Description
Cabinet No. Value: Master cabinet
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
Slot No.
z For the macro NodeB, to set the numbers of the slots that host
HULP/NDLP, HDLP/NDLP and HBBI with value range from 0
to 9
z For the DBS3800, to set the number of the slot that hosts the
MBBU with default value 0
MDB FileName
z To create a *.mdb file to save the test curve
z If it is blank, the system saves curve into the default file under
the default directory.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
A monitor window is displayed showing the curve of the current task.
5) Stop the test in either way below:
z Close the monitor window.
z Right-click the task in the task list below the graphical area. Click Delete Task on
the shortcut menu to delete the task and curve.
IV. Test Result Analysis
The board service resource occupancy is presented in percentage calculated through
dividing the total points by the occupied points. It includes
z NBBI: resource occupancy for demodulating, decoding and encoding the DSP
z HULP: resource occupancy for demodulating and decoding the DSP
z HDLP: resource occupancy for encoding the DSP
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Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
NodeB LMT User Guide
z This query is only for the usable DSP. There is no result for the unusable DSP.
z The resources for a 12.2 kbps voice service channel are regarded as a "point".
Other service channel resources can be converted into a multitude of points.
9.13 Routine Testing NodeB E1/T1 Performance
I. Introduction
The E1/T1 performance routine test shows the quality of the E1/T1 cable.
This test has no negative effect on the services, and can be done by the MML
command only.
II. Prerequisite
Real Time
The E1/T1 cable has no physical damage but has error bit in transmission.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to perform an E1/T1 performance routine test:
1) Execute the MML command of STR E1T1RTTST.
An E1/T1 performance routine test is started.
2) Note down the ID for the task under test.
z When the E1/T1 routine test is started, the NodeB assigns an ID to each task and
sends it to you. With this ID, you can query the task under test.
z If you lose the ID, execute the MML command of LST RTTST to get it.
3) Wait for a while longer than the test time set by the MML command of STR
E1T1RTTST. Execute the MML command of STP RTTST to stop the test.
Then the system displays the E1/T1 performance routine test result.
IV. Test Result Analysis
You can tell the E1/T1 link status through E1/T1 performance routine test in real time.
Any error in the test results indicates a line fault.
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Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
NodeB LMT User Guide
The test result is invalid when there is signal loss or out-of-synchronization frame. In
this case, all the indices should be 0.
The indices in the E1/T1 performance routine test results include
z Line Conflicting Error Rate: measures conflicts in line code type.
z Framing Error Rate: measures errors in frame synchronization signals.
z CRC Error Rate: measures errors in CRC4 multi-frame receiving.
z Ebit Error Rate: measures errors in CRC4 multi-frame transmitting at the peer
The above indices reflect the transmission status of the E1/T1 link, which is related to
the code and frame structure of the link.
z If an error occurs, check that the code types and frame structures at both ends of
the link are the same.
z If they are the same but the error still exists, check the clock status. This is
because of vibrations of the clock.
9.14 Routine Testing STM-1 Performance
Real Time
I. Introduction
The STM-1 performance routine test shows the STM-1 link status.
This routine test has no negative impact on the services and can be done by the MML
command only.
II. Prerequisite
The STM-1 link has no physical damage but has error bit in transmission.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to perform the STM-1 performance routine test:
1) Execute the MML command of STR STM1RTTST.
An STM-1 performance routine test is started.
2) Note down the ID for the task under test.
z When the STM-1 performance routine test is started, the NodeB assigns an ID to
each task and sends it to you. With this ID, you can query the task under test.
z If you lose the ID, execute the MML command of LST RTTST to get it.
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NodeB LMT User Guide
3) Wait for a while longer than the test time set by the MML command of STR
STM1RTTST. Execute the MML command of STP RTTST to stop the test.
Then the system displays the results of the STM-1 performance routine test.
IV. Test Result Analysis
You can tell the STM-1 link status by the STM-1 performance routine test in real time.
Any error in the test results indicates a line fault.
The test result is invalid when there is signal loss or out-of-synchronization frame. In
this case, all the indices should be 0.
The indices in the STM-1 performance routine test results include
z LOCD Event Rate: measures lost cells.
z Rx Corrected HEC Error Rate: measures HEC errors because of single-bit errors
during cell delimitation.
z Rx Uncorrectable HEC Error Rate: measures HEC errors because of multi-bit
errors during cell delimitation.
z Off Event Rate: measures errors in SDH frame synchronization.
z Line BIP Error Rate: measures line bit errors.
z Section BIP Error Rate: measures section bit errors.
z Path BIP Error Rate: measures path bit errors.
z Line FEBE Error Rate: measures bit errors in receiving on the line.
z Path FEBE Error Rate: measures bit errors in receiving on the path.
z Idle Cell Rate: measures wrongly inserted cells.
z Tx Cell Rate: measures cells sent over the UTOPIA port.
z Rx Cell Rate: measures cells received over the UTOPIA port.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in
Real Time
The above indices reflects the receive status of the STM-1 link. STM-1 link status
depends on the cable clock and the physical status of the link. If there is any error,
query the alarm and line clock status.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB......................................................... 10-1
10.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB .................................................................. 10-1
10.2.1 Overview of External Environment...................................................................... 10-1
10.2.2 Monitoring Input Power Supply ........................................................................... 10-1
10.2.3 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity................................................................ 10-2
10.2.4 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms .............................................................................. 10-3
10.2.5 Customized Alarms ............................................................................................. 10-3
10.3 Monitoring Input Power Supply...................................................................................... 10-4
10.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-4
10.3.2 Setting NEMU Input Voltage Alarm Thresholds.................................................. 10-4
10.3.3 Querying NEMU Alarm Thresholds for Input Voltage ......................................... 10-4
10.3.4 Querying NEMU Input Voltage............................................................................ 10-4
10.4 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity .......................................................................... 10-5
10.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-5
10.4.2 Querying NEMU Temperature and Humidity ...................................................... 10-5
10.4.3 Setting Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity................................... 10-5
10.4.4 Querying Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity ............................... 10-6
10.5 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms......................................................................................... 10-6
10.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-6
10.5.2 Clearing NEMU Smoke and Enclosure Alarms................................................... 10-6
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of
10.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to monitor the external environment of the NodeB through
the LMT.
10.2 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
10.2.1 Overview of External Environment
To ensure long-term stable running of the NodeB, you need to monitor the environment
of the NodeB equipment room. It includes:
z Monitoring Input Power Supply
z Monitoring Temperature and Humidity
z Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms
z Customized Alarms
10.2.2 Monitoring Input Power Supply
I. DC Power Supply
The NodeB uses –48 V DC power supply which shall meet the following requirements:
z Allowed voltage fluctuation range: –40 V to +60 V DC
z Regulated voltage precision: when the AC input voltage fluctuates between 85%
and 110% of the rated value and the load current fluctuates between 5% and
100% of the rated value, the output voltage of the rectifier stays at a value in the
range between –46.0 V and –56.4 V. The regulated voltage precision is smaller
or equal to 1%.
z Overshoot range of powering on or off NodeB: within the range of ±5% of the rated
DC output voltage
z Peak to peak noise voltage: smaller or equal to 200 mV
z Dynamic response: The restore time is shorter than 200 ms. The overshoot value
is within the range of –5% to +5% of the rectified DC output voltage.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
II. AC Output Power Supply
The AC power supply for the NodeB shall meet the following requirements:
z The electric network for the NodeB is independently and good in quality.
z The AC power distribution capacity of the equipment room depends on the
working current and fault current of the equipment. Each independent device must
be equipped with independent facilities for AC power distribution protection. The
threshold of the protection switch shall be higher than the downstream electric
z Use voltage regulation devices in either case below:
z When the communications equipment is directly powered by mains supply, the
power supply voltage is 5% higher or 10% lower than the rated voltage or out of
the allowed voltage range of the communications equipment.
z When the communications equipment is not directly powered by mains supply, the
power supply voltage is 10% higher or 15% lower than the rated voltage or out of
the allowed AC input voltage range of the DC power equipment.
z Apply the UPS or DC-to-AC converters to the power supply for normal services.
z To ensure critical communications load and power load in mains failure, the office
site shall be equipped with a generator set for power supply. The capability of the
set is 1.5 to 2 times of the total capability of AC uninterruptible electric equipment.
z The AC voltage and its fluctuation range shall meet the requirements listed in
Table 10-1.
Table 10-1 Requirements for AC voltage and its fluctuation range
Input voltage range Power frequency Wave distortion
90% to 110% of rated
98% to 102% of rated
power frequency
10.2.3 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity
Table 10-2 lists the requirements for the temperature and humidity of the equipment
Table 10-2 NodeB working conditions
Item Range
Temperature 0°C to 45°C Normal operating
Safe operating conditions
Relative humidity 20% RH to 85% RH
Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH
Smaller than the total
harmonic component
5°C to +50°C
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
z In normal operating conditions, measure the temperature and humidity 2 meters
above the floor and 0.4 meter in front of the equipment. Make sure that there are no
fenders in front of or behind the rack during the process.
z Safe operating condition means the system operates for less than 48 hours
continuously at a time and less than 360 hours in sum in a year.
10.2.4 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms
z Smoke alarm: monitors smoke and fire in the NodeB site in real time.
z Anti-theft alarm: monitors the equipment room in case of theft. It is recommended
to use dual-mode detector with infrared and short wave.
10.2.5 Customized Alarms
Customized alarms refer to alarms customized by you.
Elements for customizing an alarm include:
z External interface of the NodeB
z Alarming ID corresponding to the external interface
z Test mode for the external interface, such as high electric level, low electric level
z Whether to close the customized alarm of the external interface
The value range for the customized alarm is from 65334 to 65534.
z The NodeB does not support modification on the customized alarm severity.
z The alarm name, alarm ID and alarm severity are defined in the M2000 server. For
details, see iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System Operation
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
10.3 Monitoring Input Power Supply
10.3.1 Overview
The input power monitoring refers to monitoring the input power in real time. Once the
input voltage does not conform to the threshold settings, the system reports an alarm.
10.3.2 Setting NEMU Input Voltage Alarm Thresholds
I. Introduction
You can set the alarm thresholds for the NEMU input voltage.
II. Procedure
Execute the MML command of SET NEMUINVLIMIT.
10.3.3 Querying NEMU Alarm Thresholds for Input Voltage
I. Introduction
You can query the alarm thresholds for NEMU input voltage.
II. Procedure
Execute the MML command of LST NEMUINVLIMIT.
10.3.4 Querying NEMU Input Voltage
I. Introduction
You can query the NEMU input voltage.
II. Procedure
Execute the MML command of DSP NEMUINV.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
10.4 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity
10.4.1 Overview
Monitoring the temperature and humidity refers to monitoring the temperature and
humidity of the NodeB external environment in real time. Once the input power does
not conform to the thresholds, the system reports an alarm.
10.4.2 Querying NEMU Temperature and Humidity
I. Introduction
You can monitor the cabinet ambient temperature and humidity by querying the NEMU
temperature and humidity.
II. Procedure
Execute the MML command of DSP NEMUTH.
10.4.3 Setting Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity
I. Introduction
You can set the thresholds of the ambient temperature and humidity of the NEMU.
The NEMU measures the ambient temperature and humidity of the equipment room
through the temperature and humidity sensors, and compares the measured values
with the preset thresholds. If the values do not conform to the thresholds, the NEMU
generates corresponding temperature and humidity alarms.
II. Procedure
z Execute the command only when the NEMU works well.
z There must be a gap of no less than 3°C between the upper limit and the lower limit
of the temperature, and a gap of no less than 5% between those of the humidity.
Execute the MML command of MOD NEMUTHLIMIT.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB
10.4.4 Querying Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity
I. Introduction
You can query the thresholds of the ambient temperature and humidity of the NEMU.
II. Procedure
Execute the command only when the NEMU works well.
Execute the MML command of LST NEMUTHLIMIT.
10.5 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms
10.5.1 Overview
You can monitor whether there is smoke, fire or theft in the equipment room in real time
with the smoke and anti-theft alarms.
10.5.2 Clearing NEMU Smoke and Enclosure Alarms
I. Introduction
You can clear the NEMU smoke and enclosure alarms.
II. Procedure
Execute the MML command of CLR NEMUALM.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 11 141 Test..................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2.1 Introduction to 141 Test ...................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.2 Precautions ......................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Setting Cell Parameters................................................................................................. 11-2
11.4 UL 141 Test ................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.4.1 Introduction to UL 141 Test................................................................................. 11-9
11.4.2 Testing UL DPCH.............................................................................................. 11-10
11.4.3 Testing UL RACH.............................................................................................. 11-14
11.5 DL 141 Test ................................................................................................................. 11-17
11.5.1 Introduction to DL 141 Test............................................................................... 11-17
11.5.2 Testing Max Transmit Power ............................................................................ 11-18
11.5.3 Testing CPICH Power Accuracy ....................................................................... 11-20
11.5.4 Testing Frequency Error ................................................................................... 11-21
11.5.5 Testing Transmit Intermodulation...................................................................... 11-23
11.5.6 Testing IPDL Time Mask................................................................................... 11-24
11.5.7 Testing Power Control Steps ............................................................................ 11-25
11.5.8 Testing Power Control Step or Dynamic Range ............................................... 11-28
11.5.9 Testing Total Dynamic Range........................................................................... 11-30
11.5.10 Testing Occupied Bandwidth .......................................................................... 11-31
11.5.11 Testing Spurious Emission.............................................................................. 11-32
11.5.12 Testing Spectrum Emission ............................................................................ 11-35
11.5.13 Testing ACLR.................................................................................................. 11-36
11.5.14 Testing EVM.................................................................................................... 11-37
11.5.15 Testing PCDE.................................................................................................. 11-38
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