Data sheet
HPE Integration and Performance Services
HPE Data Replication Solution Service for Continuous Access (CA) provides implementation of the CA feature of HPE P9000 XP disk arrays.
This service provides your organization with the analysis, design, implementation, and testing services necessary to deploy real-time data
mirroring functionality between a local and a remote disk array.
This service provides comprehensive implementation and test plans for remote data mirroring at two predetermined locations. With
special consideration for data availability, consistency, and I/O performance, an experienced HPE storage specialist collaborates with
your organization’s designated IT storage administrator to plan, design, and deploy your configuration. The service can be customized to
accommodate your needs.
Three levels of service are oered, ranging from basic implementation to more comprehensive implementation and integration activities:
• The Level I service is designed to help you get the product up and running quickly and to provide a demonstration of the product’s key
features using sample or test data only.
• The Level II service provides implementation and testing of the HPE CA configuration using volumes you designate and verifies operation
of the designated volumes with one customer-configured application.
• The Level III service is a tailored service based on a Statement of Work (SOW) created by HPE that addresses your organization’s unique
requirements not addressed by Level I and II services. The Level III service can accommodate more than one application you’ve configured;
scripting; or integration and configuration of your applications, backup environment, or databases.
• Installation of the HPE CA feature in accordance with product specifications (Level I) and your organization’s configuration requirements
(Levels II and III)
• Reduced implementation time
• Availability of an HPE service specialist to answer questions during the on-site delivery of the service
• Project management and custom solution implementation, as detailed in the SOW (Level III only)
• Your IT sta can stay focused on their core tasks and priorities, resulting in less impact on your business
• HPE’s expertise with data replication to help ensure that issues are avoided and risks are reduced

Data sheet
• Service planning
• Service deployment
• Installation verification tests (IVTs)
• Customer orientation session
• Project management (Level III only)
Feature Delivery specifications
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Service planning An HPE service specialist or project manager schedules the delivery of the service at a time mutually agreed upon between
Service deployment Level I deployment activities include:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise and the customer, which shall be during local HPE standard business hours excluding HPE holidays,
unless other wise agreed by HPE. Any services provided outside of HPE standard business hours may be subject to additional charges.
The service specialist per forms the following installation planning and coordination activities:
• Scheduling and coordinating the service
• Communicating with the customer, including handling queries from the customer regarding service delivery
• Verifying, using a predelivery checklist, that all service prerequisites that the customer is responsible for meeting have been met
• Gathering preliminary documentation for the installation report on the arrays, volumes, and hosts involved
Level I provides the planning activities associated with working through the prerequisites of installing HPE CA and HPE RAID Manager
software and identifying nonproduction volumes that are used for sample or test volume testing.
Level II contains the deliverables of the Level I ser vice, plus the planning activities to identify, configure, and verify the customerdesignated volume pairs for a single customer application. Level III may include planning the deliverables of Level I and II services in
addition to any requirements specified by the customer and documented in the SOW.
• Reviewing the engagement with the customer using the predelivery checklist and verif ying that all ser vice prerequisites have
been met
• Configuring any dependent SAN switches to establish connectivity between HPE disk arrays
• Configuring source and target arrays to establish HPE CA functionality between the arrays for a single source or target relationship
• Installing or updating HPE RAID Manager software on existing customer servers for a maximum of two hosts
• Creating a sample volume pair compatible with the customer’s array configuration; the sample configuration contains a maximum of
one HPE CA source or target relationship, two hosts, and sample or test volumes containing no production data of up to 500 GB
in size
• Documenting the sample configuration details in the installation report
Level II deployment activities include all those listed under Level I, plus the following:
• Working with the customer to identif y volumes associated with the customer’s single chosen application
• Performing HPE CA pair configuration with volumes associated with the customer’s designated application
• Documenting the deployed configuration details in the installation report
Level III deployment activities are defined by an SOW that HPE creates for the customer. It may contain or leverage elements of Level
I or II service activities and/or other deliverables based upon the customer’s needs. Activities are defined by the specific SOW but may
• Managing the project
• Assessing, designing, and deploying HPE CA with volumes corresponding to multiple applications
• Scripting, providing implementation with more than one customer application, or integration of CA with HPE or third-party
application functions
• Providing customized deployment, documentation, and test plan deliverables requested by the customer
• Configuring multisite clustering

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Feature Delivery specifications
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Customer orientation session The HPE service specialist provides one orientation session of up to two hours duration at the customer’s installation site on the
Project management
(Level III only)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise runs the appropriate installation verification tests required for the level of service being provided to the
Level I testing activities include:
• Running tests to verify HPE CA operational status, including pair creation, split, failover, resynchronization, and failback using a
sample volume pair. This includes tasks such as:
– Completing an initial copy of the sample volume pair
– Verifying host level access to a remote copy of the data after a simulated failure
– Demonstrating resynchronization after a link failure
– Demonstrating resynchronization after a simulated failback
• Validating remote availability for the sample volume pair
Level II testing activities extend Level I testing activities to include the volumes associated with the single customer-designated
Level III testing activities include an acceptance test to validate the features and functions requested in the SOW, in lieu of fixed IVTs.
product and/or technology, which will generally include:
• Highlighting the basic operations of HPE CA
• Familiarizing the customer with HPE RAID Manager
• Reviewing the installation repor t and configuration details with the customer, as implemented
• Confirming that the customer is aware of how to gain access to service documentation and support
• Holding a brief question-and-answer forum with the customer
The orientation session is informal, is typically conducted at a management console or configuration point with selected members of
the customer ’s sta, and is not intended as a classroom activity or substitute for formal product training. The customer’s participation
in the product deployment and installation verification testing is a key component of the orientation session.
The project manager works with the customer to manage the integration, development, and delivery of the service during standard
HPE business hours. The project manager provides the following activities, either remotely or on-site (at the discretion of HPE):
• Managing any HPE resource required for the delivery of the service
• Developing a project plan encompassing the scope of the services defined in the SOW
• Identifying the customer ’s responsibilities and other requirements in order to facilitate the delivery of this service
• Acting as the liaison and single point of contact between HPE and the customer
• Developing the project schedule and managing the project against defined timelines