HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools User Guide Product Version: 4.2
HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (L&TT) is a comprehensive application that provides functions for identifying, testing, updating, and troubleshooting a wide variety of data storage hardware and media.
Par t numbe r: 5697–6285 Seventeenth edition: (November 2006)
© Copyright 2002-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and tness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Compaq Computer Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Company. Microsoft®, MS-DOS®, MS Windows®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX® is a registered trademark of The O pen Group. Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information is
provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Hewlett-Packard Company products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements for such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
Aboutthisguide .......................... 11
Intendedaudience...................................... 11
Prerequisites ........................................ 11
Documentconventionsandsymbols ............................. 12
HPtechnicalsupport.................................... 13
Subscriptionservice .................................... 13
OtherHPwebsites..................................... 13
1Introduction............................ 15
Softwarefeatures ..................................... 15
Supportedproductsandoperatingsystems .......................... 16
Finding additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Gettingsupport ...................................... 16
2Installation............................ 17
InstallingL&TTforWindows................................. 18
UpgradingfromapreviousversionofL&TT ........................ 18
Windowsinstallationprerequisites ............................ 18
Installationprocedure ................................. 19
InstallingL&TTforNetWare................................. 20
NetWareinstallationprerequisites ............................ 20
Installationprocedure ................................. 20
InstallingL&TTforHP-UX,Tru64,andLinux .......................... 21
HP-UXinstallationprerequisites ............................. 21
Tru64installationprerequisites.............................. 21
Linuxinstallationprerequisites.............................. 22
Installationprocedure ................................. 22
Uninstallingpreviousversions ............................ 22
Installingthelatestversion.............................. 22
InstallingL&TTforHPOpenVMS............................... 24
OpenVMSinstallationprerequisites............................ 24
Installationprocedure ................................. 24
3GettingStartedwithL&TT..................... 25
StartingL&TT(GUI) .................................... 25
UsingtheScanModeSelectionfeature............................ 25
Scanmode...................................... 26
UsingtheSaved/ManualScanscreen ........................ 27
Additionaldevicescanconsiderations ........................ 27
I/Omode ...................................... 28
Skipthisdialoginthefuture............................... 28
Applicationwindowlayout ................................. 29
UsingtheDeviceInformationscreen ............................. 30
Standalonedevices .................................. 31
Libraryandautoloaderproducts............................. 32
UsingtheFirmwareManagementscreen ........................... 34
UsingtheTestsscreen ................................... 35
UsingtheSupportTicketGenerationscreen .......................... 36
StartingL&TT(CSI)..................................... 36
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Navigatingthescreens................................... 38
UsingtheScanModeSelectionscreen ............................ 39
UsingtheSaved/ManualScanscreen ............................ 40
UsingtheDeviceInformationscreen ............................. 40
Standalonedevices .................................. 41
Libraryandautoloaderproducts............................. 42
4 Firmware Management . ..................... 43
Accessing rmwarerevisionandreleasenoteinformation(GUI).................. 43
Acquiring rmware les(GUI)................................ 44
UsingtheGetFilesfromWebfunctionality(GUI)...................... 44
AccessingtheGetFilesfromWebdialogbox ..................... 44
Selecting and downloading updated rmware les................... 45
Viewing rmwarerevisionhistory........................... 46
Uploading rmwaretodevices(GUI)............................. 46
Advancedoptions(GUI) .................................. 47
Acquiring rmware les(CSI) ................................ 48
UsingtheGetFilesfromWebfunctionality(CSI) ...................... 48
Uploading rmwaretodevices(CSI) ............................. 49
Advancedoptions(CSI)................................... 49
Using a rmwareupdate(FUP)tape ............................. 50
Performing the update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
SDLT....................................... 50
DLTVS80/DLT1.................................. 51
DLT4000/7000/8000............................... 52
Ultrium...................................... 53
HPDDS/DAT................................... 54
Compaq/Sony AIT & DDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Converting a rmware update tape to a data tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5Testsandutilityfunctions..................... 57
Runningthetests(GUI)................................... 58
Viewingtestresults................................... 58
Runningthetests(CSI) ................................... 58
Viewingtestresults(CSI) ................................ 58
Testdescriptions...................................... 59
Performancetests ................................... 59
Diagnostictests .................................... 59
Acceptancetest.................................. 60
Assessmenttest .................................. 60
AutoloaderExercisertest .............................. 63
CompareStatisticstest ............................... 64
Connectivitytest.................................. 65
DAT autoloader rmwaretapecreator ........................ 66
DataCompressiontest ............................... 67
DeviceAnalysistest ................................ 68
Device Congurationtest .............................. 69
DeviceSelf-Test .................................. 70
DLTSRAMChecktest(shortandlongversions)..................... 71
ESLVendorIDtest................................. 71
FirmwareTapeCreator(FUPtape)test ........................ 72
ForceTapeEjectutility ............................... 72
FullSweeptest .................................. 73
InitializeElementStatustest ............................. 74
InstallationChecktest ............................... 75
LibraryExercisertest ................................ 76
LTOCoolingChecktest............................... 76
LTOFirmwaretoDataTapeCreator ......................... 77
LTOMediaAssessmenttest ............................. 77
LTOStuckTapetest................................. 79
MediaAnalysistest ................................ 80
MediaErasetest.................................. 81
MediaValidationtest................................ 82
MOMediaValidationtest ............................. 82
Movetest..................................... 83
ReadMediaIDstest ................................ 84
Read/WriteStresstest ............................... 84
Read/Writetest.................................. 85
RestoreFactoryDefaultSettings ........................... 86
SDLTTapeEdgeDamage(TED)test.......................... 87
UsingtheDrivePerformancetest............................... 88
UsingtheSystemPerformancetest .............................. 92
PerformingtheSystemPerformanceRestorePre-Test(GUI) .................. 92
PerformingtheSystemPerformanceBackupPre-Test..................... 93
PerformingtheSystemPerformancePre-Tests(CSI)...................... 95
UsingtheDeviceAnalysistest................................ 96
UsingtheRead/Writetest.................................. 97
UsingtheMovetest .................................... 97
UsingtheMediaAnalysistest ................................ 98
UsingtheLibraryExercisertest................................ 98
Usingthenewversion ................................. 98
Usingtheoriginalversion................................ 99
Usingtheutilityfunctions .................................. 100
6Reportsandsupporttickets.................... 103
Usingareportorsupportticket(Windows) .......................... 104
UsingtheSupportscreen................................ 104
Reportandsupportticketcompression ........................ 105
Viewingareportorsupportticket ............................ 106
Settingthedetaillevel ............................... 106
Otherfunctionality................................. 106
Viewingembeddeddata .............................. 107
Savingareportorsupportticket............................. 108
Sendingareportorsupportticketbye-mail ........................ 108
Comparingreportsorsupporttickets ........................... 110
Interpretingareport .................................. 111
Understandingthemarginratings .......................... 111
Thingstolookfor ................................. 112
Device-specicreportanalysis.............................. 113
LTOdrives .................................... 113
LTOmedia .................................... 114
Generatingandviewingasupportticket(CSI) ......................... 115
Supportticketcompression ............................... 116
Sendingasupportticketbye-mail(CSI).......................... 116
Loadingoropeningsupporttickets.............................. 117
UsingXMLsupporttickets.................................. 117
GeneratinganXMLsupportticket(GUI).......................... 117
GeneratinganXMLsupportticket(CSI).......................... 118
Commoninformationreportedforallproducts ......................... 118
Usingtheeventlog .................................... 119
Generatinganeventlog(Windows) ........................... 119
Generatinganeventlog(CSI).............................. 119
7CommandLineFunctionality ................... 121
Overview......................................... 121
Commandlinefunctions .................................. 121
ConguringL&TT ................................... 122
Scanningthebus ................................... 122
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Runningtests ..................................... 123
Performing a rmware update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Generatingareportorsupportticket........................... 126
Gettingusagehelp .................................. 126
Returnvalues ....................................... 127
Using th e trace le................................... 127
8AdditionalFunctionality ..................... 129
Settingsoftwarepreferences................................. 129
Availableoptions ................................... 131
UsingtheInternetupdatefunctionality ............................ 131
Usingpasswords ..................................... 132
Settingpasswords................................... 132
UsingtheFrontPanelfunction ................................ 133
UsingtheMoveMediafunction ............................... 133
PossibleMoveMediaerrorsituations........................... 134
Performing manual product identication ........................... 135
UsingtheQuietModefeature................................ 135
UsingtheInstallationCheckfeature.............................. 136
UsingL&TTinrestrictedmode ................................ 138
UsingtheToolStatusReport................................. 139
9AdvancedInstallationTopics ................... 141
Otherchangestothesystem(GUI).............................. 141
Rebootcriteria....................................... 141
Running L&TT from a CD-ROM or USB ashdrive........................ 141
Filesinstalledonthesystem................................. 142
Otherchangestothesystem(CSI) ............................ 142
10FrequentlyAskedQuestions ................... 143
Generalquestions..................................... 143
WhyshouldIrunL&TTtests? .............................. 143
Where can I nd information about media compatibility with my hardware? . . . . . . . . . . 143
Where can I nd information about hardware and software compatibility? . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Where can I ndinformationaboutdrivecleaningrequirements?............... 144
HowdoIinstallL&TT? ................................. 145
How do I use L&TT to ndmydriveserialnumber? ..................... 145
How do I verify that my drive’s rmwareisuptodate? ................... 145
HowdoIcheckifmydriveisOK?............................ 145
WhyistheAssessmenttestrecommended? ........................ 145
IsmyLTOtapeOK? .................................. 146
Ismynon-LTOtapeOK? ................................ 146
Wasmybackupsuccessful(LTOonly)? .......................... 146
Howmanymoreusesareleftinthiscleaningcartridge(LTOonly)? .............. 146
Howfastwillmybackupsbe?.............................. 146
Howfastwillmyrestoresbe? .............................. 147
How do I verify the capacity of a tape? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
HowdoIsendasupportticket? ............................. 147
HowdoIsendanL&TTeventlog?............................ 147
Windowsquestions .................................... 148
How do I run L&TT from a CD-ROM or USB ashdrive?................... 148
HowdoIshutdowntheapplicationinthetaskbar?..................... 148
When installing L&TT for Windows, should I uninstall my previous version rst? ......... 149
Whycan’tIuninstallL&TTorinstallanewversion?..................... 149
HowdoIeraseanLTOFUPtape? ............................ 149
How do I conguree-mailtosendsupporttickets? ..................... 149
DoesL&TTuseanysystemresourcesinthebackground?................... 150
I am using an authenticated proxy at my site. How do I congure L&TT to connect to the HP website to
download rmware updates? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
L&TT starts in “restricted” mode and most functionality is unavailable. What is happening? . . . . 150
Why doesn’t L&TT for Windows “see” devices that are connected to a computer running HP-UX? . 150
Whydoesn’tL&TTforWindows“see”myUSBdrives?.................... 150
CSIquestions....................................... 151
HowdoIsetthepassword?............................... 151
Why does my display not show any text or only a single line of text on my HP-UX system? . . . . 151
Whydoesn’tL&TTforHP-UX“see”someofmydevices?................... 151
Why am I unable to download rmware/script les using the download option in the CSI (HP-UX,
Linux)?........................................ 152
Whydoesn’tL&TTforTru64“see”someofmydevices?................... 152
Whydoesn’tL&TTforLinux"see"someofmydevices? ................... 152
Why doesn’t L&TT for Windows “see” devices that are connected to a computer running HP-UX? . 153
HowdoIdisconnectaSCSIdeviceinTru64? ....................... 153
HowdoIconnect/disconnectaSCSIdeviceinLinuxwithoutrebooting?............ 153
Whydoesn’tL&TTforOpenVMS“see”mymediachanger? ................. 153
Why am I getting "Error a ctivating image PTHREAD$RTL" while running L&TT on OVMS 7.3-1? . . 153
11 Troubleshooting . . . ..................... 155
TroubleshootingL&TT.................................... 155
Troubleshootingdevices................................... 155
UsingL&TTtotroubleshoottapedevices.......................... 155
Areyouperformingregularmaintenance?....................... 156
Isthedriveconnectedproperly?........................... 156
Isthedriveworkingasexpected? .......................... 156
Is the drive rmwareuptodate?........................... 157
Isthedriveperformingasexpected? ......................... 157
Isthemediaingoodcondition? ........................... 157
Knownissues..................................... 157
Deviceaccessissues(RSMonWindows) ....................... 157
Deviceperformanceissues ............................. 158
FirmwareissueswithUltriumdrives.......................... 159
Additionalinteractivedevicetroubleshootingcontent .................... 159
Troubleshootingthird-partysoftware ............................. 159
Backupfailed..................................... 159
Index .............................. 161
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
3 .. 4
23 ..
24 25
L&TTsplashscreen ............................... 26
Saved/ManualScanscreen ........................... 27
L&TTmainscreen................................ 29
Compatibledatacartridgesscreen ........................ 32
DeviceInformationscreenshowingalibrary .................... 32
FirmwareManagementscreen .......................... 34
Testsscreen .................................. 35
SupportTicketGenerationscreen......................... 36
CommandHelpscreenaccessedfromtheMainscreen................ 38
ScanModeSelectionscreen........................... 39
CSIMainscreen ................................ 40
DeviceInformationscreenforastandalonedevice.................. 41
DeviceInformationscreenforalibrary....................... 42
GetFilesfromWebdialogbox—Firmwaretab ................... 45
FirmwareUpdatescreen............................. 46
FactoryFirmwareOverridesdialogbox ...................... 47
DrivePerformancescreen ............................ 89
Device P
RestorePre-TesttaboftheSystemPerformancescreen ................ 92
BackupPre-TesttaboftheSystemPerformancescreen ................ 94
BackupPre-Testscreen(CSI) ........................... 95
Supportscreen................................. 105
Examplereport................................. 106
Supportticketwithembeddeddata........................ 107
Supportticketcomparisonresults ......................... 111
L&TTPreferencesdialogbox(defaultsettingsshown)................. 130
L&TTpreferencesdialogbox(CSIversion) ..................... 130
MoveMediascreen............................... 134
InstallationCheckwizard ............................ 137
ToolStatusReportscreen(GUI).......................... 139
ToolStatusReportscreen(CSI) .......................... 140
nualScanscreen(CSI)......................... 39
erformanceToolscreen.......................... 90
ePre-Testscreen(CSI) ........................... 96
ilsupportticketdialogbox.......................... 109
tpanelscreen ............................... 133
1 2
Documentconventions.............................. 12
L&TTinstallationdirectorylocations........................ 142
Library and Tape Tools User Guide

About this guide

This user guide provides information to help you:
Understand features and functionality of L&TT
Effectively use the full functionality of L&TT to o b tain maximum performance from your storage
hardware, and to test, diagnose, and resolve hardware issues
“About this Guide” topics include:
Getting Help

Intended audience

This book is intended for:
to use L&TT to conveniently update rmware in their storage hardware
Users who wan
Users who need to test, diagnose, and resolve storage hardware issues
Support technicians
Call center


Before you attempt to use L&TT, you should have a basic understanding of the following technologies:
Storage hardware functionality and operation
SCSI operation
Library and Tape Tools User Guide

Document conventions and symbols

Table 1 Documen
Blue text: Table 1 Blue, underlin
Bold text
Italic text Text emphasis Monospace text
Monospace, italic text
Monospace, bold text
text: h
Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses Website addresses
Keys that are pressed
Text typed into a GUI element, such as a box
GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and
list items, buttons, tabs, and check boxes
File and directory names
System output
Code Commands, their arguments, and argument values
Code variables
Command variables
Emphasized monospace text
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Provides clarifying information or specic instructions.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
About this guide

HP technical support

Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP suppor t website:
Collect the f
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product mod
Error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed q
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
ollowing information before calling:
el names
and numbers

Subscription service

HP strongly recommends that customers register online using the Subscriber’s choice website:
Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements, newest driver versions, and rmware documentation updates as well as instant access to numerous other product resources.
After subscribing, locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage under Product Category.

Other HP websites

For addi
• h
• http://www.hp.com/go/storage
• http:/
• http://www.docs.hp.com
• http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
• http:
tional information, see the following HP websites:
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
About this guide


HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (L&TT) is a collection of storage hardware management and diagnostic tools for Nearline Tape, Nearline Tape Automation, and Nearline Archival products. L&TT assembles these tools into a single, convenient p rogram.
This user guide is intended for L&TT version 4.2. Certain features from previous versions of L&TT are no longer supported with this version and are therefore not documented here. HP strongly recommends that you install and use the latest version of L&TT. However, if you must use an earlier version, refer to the online help that is bundled with that version of the program.

Software features

L&TT offers the following features:
Installation Check—L&TT guides you through a basic installation check of your product. The
software assists the user in choosing an appropriate HBA and SCSI IDs, ensuring that the device is
detected by the system, and verifying key device functionality.
Device Identication—L&TT clearly identies the storage products connected to the system, along
with key information on product conguration and status.
Troubleshooting Tests—L&TT provides various tests to verify product functionality or to isolate
product issues. Tests include device self-tests, read/write tests on drives, exerciser tests for autoloaders and libraries, and specic device utilities.
Firmware Upgrades—L&TT provides a convenient way of updating product rmware, enabling
users with an Internet connection to take advantage of ongoing enhancements. The software can be
congured to check the Web automatically for rmware updates for connected devices, or users can manually check the Web for updates if the automatic update feature is not desired. If
updated rmware is available, the program noties the user, and the updates can easily be copied to the system. With libraries, users can upgrade the library and the embedded drive rmware in thesameoperation.
Support Ticket Generation—If you experience a problem with a storage product, L&TT can
generate a suppor t ticket that includes essential information for troubleshooting the problem. As an
alternative to phone support, you can e-mail the support ticket to a support center for assistance. This information streamlines the support process and enables the suppor t staff to better serve you if a support call is made later.
When a support ticket for a device is generated, L&TT performs a Device Analysis test on the device. The s upport ticket contains generic information about a device, as well as the results of the Device Analysis test. The Device Analysis test can be performed by itself, but HP recommends generating a support ticket because the resulting data is presented in a more useful format.
Automatic Notication of Web Updates—If a connection to the Internet is present and web
updates are enabled in the tool preferences, L&TT automatically informs you of the following updates, if available, each time the program is started:
•New versions of L&TT
•New firmware files for connected devices
• New device-specic functionality for connected devices
Library and Tape Tools User Guide

Supported products and operating systems

For a complete listing of compatible products, refer to the specications page at
The level of fun and the degree o
ctionality that L&TT offers for each device varies depending on features of the device,
device integration into L&TT.

Finding additional information

The HP website provides the current version of L&TT for download, and general information about the tool. Access the website at:

Getting support

E-mail support is available from ltt_team@hp.com. You can expect a response within 24 hours (usually sooner) during a normal business week.
Use this address to obtain support for L&TT to report bugs, to provide feedback on this manual, to report any issues with the L&TT website, or to provide enhancement suggestions. HP appreciates feedback on how to make improvements for future versions of L&TT.
is intended to provide support for L&TT software. This address is
This addres troubleshooting hardware products. Refer to the documentation that comes with your hardware for support
options for that product.
for assistance in

2 Installation

This chapter outlines the procedure for installing L&TT on a Microsoft® Windows®, Novell NetWare, HP-UX, HP Tru64, Linux, or HP OpenVMS platform. The Windows version of L&TT uses a graphical user interface (GUI). All other versions of the program use a command screen interface (CSI).
The information in this chapter and in subsequent chapters is presented for both the GUI and CSI versions of L&TT. When using an electronic version of this documentation, click the appropriate link at the beginning of the chapter to quickly jump to the section of documentation that applies to your op erating system (OS) or user interface.
Select your OS:
Installing L&TT for Windows
Installing L&TT for NetWare
Installing L&TT for HP-UX, Tru64, and Linux
Installing L&TT for HP O penVMS
Library and Tape Tools User Guide

Installing L&TT for Windows

The Windows version of L&TT uses the InstallShield application. InstallShield lets you choose the installation directory and select other options. It also sets up shortcuts to launch the application in the
on the desktop. The Start menu shortcuts also provi de access to the online help, the
Start menu an

Upgrading from a previous version of L&TT

Beginning with version 4.0, the L&TT installer automatically uninstalls any previous versions before installing the current version, so it is not necessary to ma nually uninstall your previous version.

Windows installation prerequisites

Download link http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
Install time (typical) 1-5 minutes
le, the report viewer, and the L&TT Installation Check feature.
Reboot re ments
Software depen­denc sites
required only if your system requires ASPI or an upgrade
A reboot i to
the cu installer detects a previously installed version of ASPI older than v4.57, it will install a more recent version of ASPI, which will require a reboot.
On Windo system option in the installation process. If you choose not to install ASPI, you must use the Miniport driver (Miniport I/O mode) to scan for devices.
Issues that the may be necessary to shut down any running backup/storage application servi ASPI I
Device drivers for the connected tape devices/libraries or default devi
rrently installed version. On systems that require ASPI, if the
ws NT and 2000, ASPI is not installed as part of the operating
If a reboot is unacceptable, do not select the checkbox for this
may arise, however, when using the Miniport I/O mode with devices
use non-standard OS drivers, or are “claimed” by other applications or
OS. When using the Miniport I/O mode when a device is claimed, it
ces to make the device accessible to L&TT. Alternatively, using the
/O modemay make thedeviceaccessiblewithout requiring any
driver should be present.
can be run from a CD ROM or USB ash drive. See "Running
TfromaCD-ROM or USB flash drive"on page 141.
Known issues When downloading the L&TT application from the Web to your local
system, make sure you name the download folder to something other than HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools or the installation will fail if you attempt to install from that folder. The failure error will indicate that a different instance of the installer is already running.
Also, do not rename the L&TT installation le. Renaming the le may create aconflictthatpreventsL&TT from installing.
Installation pr
To install the current Windows version of L&TT:
1. Download or cop
Do not rename th
2. Double-click the self-extracting executable le to launch the installer. The InstallShield Wizard
screen is displayed.
3. Click Next. Read the program license agreement and click Yes if you agree to and accept
4. Read the readme le for any last-minute changes to the documentation, then click Next.The
Select Features screen is displayed.
5. Select the d esired components to install and click Next.
In most cases, the default settings of this screen are adequate. Windows NT 4.0®, Windows 2000, and support. HP does not recommend installing ASPI support unless you have a good reason to do so.
ASPI support is benecial when installed storage applications cannot be shut down, and those applications have locked access to the device through the Miniport driver. If ASPI is installed, it is generally not necessary to shut down these applications to access devices through L&TT (although the on a using ASPI is not realized the rsttimeL&TTisrun,but it is realized on subsequent runs.
the self-extracting executable le to a temporary location.
le. Renaming the le may create a conict that prevents L&TT from installing.
terms of the license agreement.
Windows XP users have the option to install Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (ASPI)
applications should not be accessing the devices while L&TT is running). ASPI lets you run L&TT
locked device without rebooting, but a reboot is required after installing ASPI. The benetof
One drawback of ASPI is that USB drives are not supported. If you have USB drives, you must use the Miniport driver.
Beginning with version 4.0, L&TT supports Microsoft Storport technology. Storport is a new storage driver model created by Microsoft for Windows Server 2003 and future Windows® operating systems. Storport offers a higher performance architecture and better Fibre Channel compatibility in Windows systems. If Storport drivers are installed, L&TT automatically uses Storport when you select Miniport I/O.
ASPI is not ofcially supported by Windows Server 2003. However, in most cases, it will function properly. If ASPI is installed with Windows Server 2003, L&TT can make use of it if the ASPI I/O mode is selected. However, HP recommends that you use the default NT MiniPort I/O option with Windows Server 2003.
6. Select a destination location to install the program. You can accept the default location or click
Browse to install to a different location. After choosing the destination location, click Next.
7. Indicate the program directory in which you want the setup program to create program icons
click Next. The program directory is created in the Programs directory of the Start menu.
8. On the Ready to start installation process screen, click Next. If you need to review or change
installation settings, click Back.
9. When installation is complete, the InstallShield wizard displays its nal screen.
Start HP L&TT or Run LTT InstallCheck if you would like the wizard to start
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
L&TT or the Installation Check test.Click Finish to close the InstallShield wizard.

Installing L&TT for NetWare


Installation procedure

installation prerequisites
Install time (typical) Less than 2 minutes
Reboot require- None ments
Software depen- • Deviceshouldberecognizedbythe NWPA subsystem. dencies/prerequi­sites
Known issues None
To install the NetWare version of L&TT:
• Device drivers for the connected tape devices/libraries or default
www.hp.com/ support/tapetools
device driver should be present.
NetWare currently does not support clustering
1. Download the L&TT for NetWare le to a temporary directory.
2. From a client workstation, use any standard unzip utility* to extract the le to the SYS:System\
directory on the NetWare server. Make sure that the option to create a directory is enabled in the
archiving software.
* The unzip NLM that comes with later versions of NetWare has not been tested and should not be used to unzip the archive.

Installing L&TT for HP-UX, Tru64, and Linux

HP-UX installation prerequisites

Download link http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
Install time (typical) Less than 3 minutes
Reboot require- None ments
Software depen- • dencies/prerequi­sites
• The sctl driver must be installed for L&TT to access the device you
• Devices must NOT be listed as "NO HARDWARE" in ioscan. If the
Known issues To install L&TT, you must rst uninstall any previous versions.

Tru64 installation prerequisites

Download link http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
Install time (typical) Less than 3 minutes
Devices do not need to be claimed by the operating system with ioscan for L&TT to access them.
want to test. L&TT builds its own pass-through SCSI device les using the sctl driver, so that driver must be installed; however, L&TT does not need the operating system to list any of the devices as "CLAIMED." They maybelistedthatway (ifthe appropriatedriver is
installed), but they don’t need to be for L&TT to fully access them
device you want to test with L&TT is listed as "NO HARDWARE" in ioscan, the communication path between the host and the device is not communicate with the device.
with L&TT v3.3).
working and must be xedbeforeL&TTwillbe ableto
Reboot require- A reboot occurs only if hardware manager failed to recognize the ments connected device.
Software depen- • Device should be recognized by Hardware Manager and SCU dencies/prerequi- subsystem. sites
• Device drivers for the connected tape devices/libraries or default device driver should be present.
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Known issues None

Linux installation prerequisites

Download link http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
• L&TT on Tru64 UNIX currently does not support clustering congurations.
Install time
Reboot require- None ments
Software depen- • dencies/p sites
Known issues To install L&TT, you must rst uninstall any p revious versions.

Installation procedure

Uninstalling previous versions
Before installing L&TT on Linux or H P-UX, you must rst uninstall any previous versions.
Uninstalling HP-UX version
To determine if L&TT is already installed, use the following command:
swlist | grep ltt
To remove a previous version of L&TT, use the following command:
swremove HP_LTT<xx>
Less than 3 mi
Deviceshouldberecognizedbyproc/SCSI subsystem.
• Device drivers for the connected tape devices/libraries or default device dri
ver should be present.
where <xx>isthe versionnumber.
Uninstalling Linux version
To determine if L&TT is already installed, use the following command:
rpm -qa | grep ltt
previous version of L&TT, use the following command:
To remov
rpm -e ltt
e a
Installing the latest version
To install L&TT for HP-UX, Tru64, or Linux:
1. Log in as root.
2. Navigate to the temporary directory:
cd /tmp
3. Download or copy the L&TT tar le, hp_ltt<xx>.tar (where <xx>isthe versionnumber) to
this directory. If you are copying the le from a different location, enter the following (substitute the
directory in which the le currently resides for <directory name>):
cp /<directory name>/hp_ltt<xx>.tar /tmp
The Tru64 tar lename uses the letter “o” in place of zeroes. For L&TT 4.2, the lename is hp_ltt42.tar.
4. Un-tar the L&TT tar le:
tar -xvf hp_ltt<xx>.tar
5. Run the install script in the /tmp directory:
For Linux, the L&TT installer veries that the operating system you are installing on is supported. If
the Linux distribution or release is unsupported, the install script displays a message indicating
an installation failure and lists the supported operating systems.
6. After the software is successfully installed, enter the following commands to remove the
directory and its contents:
cd /tmp rm -rf ltt rm -rf install_hpltt
Library and Tape Tools User Guide

Installing L&TT for HP OpenVMS

OpenVMS installation prerequisites

Download link http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools
Install time (typical) Less than 4 minutes
Reboot require­ments
Known issues None
Installation procedure
with version 4.1, L&TT is only supported on OpenVMS v 7.3-2 and OpenVMS 8.2 Alpha.
1. Download or copy the install le hp-axpvms-ltt-v<xx>-1.pcsi (where <xx> is the version
2. Navigate to the directory you copied the install le to and enter the following c om m and to
3. Set the term to vt100 using the following command:
4. Dene the logical name USR so that it points to the directory sys$sysdevice:[vms$com-
number) to a temporary directory.
install L&TT:
product install The installation procedure creates the directory structure opt.ltt in sys$sysdevice:[vms$com-
mon] and installs a ll the required les for L&TT.
set term /dev=vt100
mon.opt.ltt.misc.usr] using the following command: define usr sys$sysdevice:[vms$common.opt.ltt.misc.usr]

3 Getting Started with L&TT

This chapter describes how to start L&TT and the basic operation of the software. This chapter is divided into
two sections: one for using L&TT in a GUI environment (Windows) and one for using L&TT in a CSI environment (NetWare, HP-UX, Tru64, Linux, and OpenVMS). To quickly jump to the appropriate section, click one of the following links:
Starting L&TT (GUI)
Starting L&TT (CSI)
Starting L&T
To start L&TT, do one of the following:
Double-click the L&TT icon on the desktop (if present).
Click Start >
Programs > HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools > HP L&TT.

Using the Scan Mode Selection feature

When L&TT starts, the splash screen opens. The splash screen gives you the o pportunity to exit the application if it was started unintentionally and before any SCSI bus activity occurs. This prevents the program from interfering with any backup or other storage applications that currently may be running.
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Figure 1 L&TT splash screen
The splash screen also lets you select the initial scan mode and the SCSI I/O mode (if more than one option is available).
Scan mode
When L&TT directly or through a SAN. In large SAN environments, a full scan can take a long time. The rst time L&TT is run, it must perform a full hardware scan (Hardware Scan option). After that i s done, the results of the can list of available d evices will be empty.
If you previously selected the Skip this dialog in the future checkbox on the splash screen, L&TT performs a
full hardware scan. To re-enable the splash screen and change the scan option, select Preferences from
the Opt
Select multiple devices to be scanned from the Saved/Manual Scan screen. In addition, automatically save device selections and reuse them in a later session.
To access the Saved/Manual Scan screen, select the Saved/Manual Scan option and click Continue on the
starts, it performs a device scan to identify all the devices connected to the computer, either
scan a re automatically saved, so the next time L&TT is started, the Saved/Manual Scan option
ed. If the Saved/Manual Scan option is selected before a hardware scan is done, the
be us
ions menu. Check the Display splash screen at startup option and restart L&TT.
splash screen.
Getting Started with L&TT
Figure 2 Saved/Manual Scan sc reen
Using the Saved/Manual Scan screen
The left panel of the Saved/Manual Scan screen d isplays the devices that were detected in the last saved scan. If this list is incomplete (for example, if new hardware has been added since the last scan), click Scan Hardware Now to rescan the system for new devices. If you want to m anually add a device to the list of devices to be scanned without performing a full hardware scan, click Enter Address Manually.
Use the Select All, Remove All, Select,and Remove buttons to select devices. Selected devices are displayed in the right panel of the screen, and only selected devices will be scanned and identied by L&TT. Devices that are skipped will not be displayed in the Device List on the L&TT main screen.
After selecting all of the devices that you want L&TT to scan and identify, click Continue to perform the scan and proceed to the L&TT main screen. L&TT saves the list of selected devices so the next time you start L&TT and display the Saved/Manual Scan screen, L&TT displays all of the previously selected devices in the right panel.
Additional device scan considerations
After the initial scan is complete and saved, future full system hardware scans become unnecessary in most cases. You must perform a hardware scan after any of these actions have occurred (Windows in NT
Miniport I/O mode of operation):
After the hardware conguration has been changed
After power cycling more than one of the tape drives on the system
After updating rmware in more than one of the tape drives on the system
To perform a hardware scan, exit and restart L&TT. On the splash screen, select the Hardware scan option rather than Saved scan. If you do not do this, the Windows operating system might get out of sync with the L&TT saved scan because Windows device rediscovery assigns new logical device names to the devices.
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Also, if you power cycle or update rmware in a device while using a saved scan, the device may not be accessible untilitisrediscoveredbyWindows. Ifyou select the devicebeforeitisrediscovered, L&TT generates an error. After Windows has rediscovered the device, the device can be selected without causing an error.
If you are running in saved scan mode and want to rescan the bus for devices, clicking the Rescan button on the choose the hardware scan option on the splash screen to execute a hardware scan.
I/O mode
L&TT selects However, thi operates in the following two I/O modes:
NT Miniport—uses an interface that is native to Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, and Windows
ASPI—uses an optional I/O programming interface that is available on all versions of Windows.
Scan tab of L&TT does not initiate a hardware scan. You must exit and restart L&TT, and then
input/output (I/O) mode that is most appropriate for the system it is running on.
initial screen allows for manual selection of the I/O mode in certain cases. L&TT currently
Thisisthe preferredI/O mode on systemswhere it is available because it does not
Server 2003 require the installation of the ASPI interface. However, there are some limitations to the Windows NT
Miniport I/O mode related to using devices that are “claimed” by other applications, or that are used with non-standard OS drivers. In those cases, selecting the ASPI I/O mode can make a devi
Beginning with version 4.0, L&TT supports Microsoft Storport technology. Storport is a new storage driver m o d el created by Microsoft for Windows Server 2003 and future Windows® operating systems. Storport offers a higher performance architecture and better Fibre Channel compatibility in Windows systems. If Storport drivers are installed, L&TT automatically uses Storport when you select NT Miniport.
This I/O mode can be used with any Windows operating system. It may require the installation or update of additional OS components, possibly requiring a reboot of the system during installation.
ASPI is not ofcially supported by Windows Server 2003. However, in most cases, it will function
ly. If ASPI is installed with Windows Server 2003, L&TT can make use of it if the ASPI I/O
proper mode is selected. However, HP recommends that you use the default NT MiniPort I/O option with Windows Server 2003.
Skip this dialog in the future
If this checkbox is selected when you click Continue, the splash screen is not displayed on subsequent uses of L&TT. The program will continue to use the settings that you selected the last time the splash screen was viewed.
To re-enable the splash screen, select Preferences from the Options menu. Check the Display splash
screen at startup
option and restart L&TT.
Getting Started with L&TT
Application window layout
After the I/O mode i s selected, click Continue on the splash screen. The L&TT main screen opens.
Figure 3 L&TT main screen
The three sections of the L&TT main screen are:
1. Taskb
2. Device List—This is a multi-function window that offers several options on the following tabs:
ar—This section contains but tons that provide quick access to the main functions of L&TT
to the online help system.
Above the Taskbar is the standard Windows menu bar that provides alternate navigation to tool functions, as well as access to a number of other features.
Scan—Provides either a summary status or detailed information (depending on whether Show Details or Hide Details is
problem is encountered during the scan, this information m ay help in determining the cause. When the scan completes successfully, the device list automatically switches to the By
Product tab.
The Scan tab also lets you rescan the bus. If any devices have been hot-swapped or powered on after the OS has booted, in most cases, the rescan feature can discover those devices without requiring a reboot of the system.
selected) about the bus scanning process. If a
Library and Tape Tools User Guide
Swapping SCSI devices, including connecting and disconnectin g cables and/ or terminators, can cause the system to hang or crash.
On WindowsNT4.0,2000,XP, andWindows Server 2003, changingdevices at aspecific SCSI address c a n cause unpredictable behavior. Parts of the operating system may not detect that the device or device type has changed.
By Product—Shows alistofall theproductsconnected to thesystem. The list isgrouped into the following four categories:
• Libraries and autoloaders
• Enclosures and processors
• Other devices
elds listed after the device represent the device address. Each eld in the
The three num address is separated by a period: the rst eld represents the HBA channel, the second eld represents the SCSI ID, and the third eld represents the LUN.
When using the Miniport I/O mode, the HBA channel eld is shown as “A/B,” where A is the channel and
is the subchannel.
By Connection—Shows all products connected to the system, grouped by the HBA they are connected to. This view makes it easy to see which devices are connected to the same bus as the device in question, and may help in understanding system I/O performance issues.
Instructions—Contains brief instructions on how to use the selected screen. This view canbe disabledinthe software preferences.
3. Device Information screen—All the main functions of the program are displayed in this window.
The content of this window depends on the device and tool function selected.

Using the Device Information screen

When you select a product from the Device List, the Device Information screen displays information relevant to the device. The Device List also changes to display instructions on this page ( if the instructions preference is enabled). If another tool function is currently active, then clicking Identity on the toolbar opens the Device Information screen.
The Device Information screen provides an overview of the selected hardware device and its current conguration and status.
Getting Started with L&TT
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