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• Preparing your environment prior to installing software
• Installing the software
• Verifying successful installation and troubleshooting problems
Intended audience
This guide is intended for use by system administrators who are experienced with the following (depending
on the type of installation):
• SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 (SLES) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL) operating systems
(abbreviated to Linux throughout this guide)
NOTE: You must have a thorough knowledge of Linux and be logged on to the system as root in
order to execute shell commands.
• Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server operating systems (abbreviated to Windows
throughout this guide)
NOTE: You need administrative privileges to perform the administrative tasks. These privileges are
granted only if you are either locally logged to the system as Administrator (recommended) or using
a remote access software that supports logging in with the real Administrator account. The
Windows native Remote Desktop tool, for example, may be unsuitable for these tasks, since it uses
a different Administrator account when logging in remotely.
Once the software is successfully installed, you then need to configure File System Extender (FSE) resources,
such as disk media and tape libraries, HSM file systems, and configure migration policies. This
configuration is described in the FSE User’s Guide.
Related documentation
FSE documentation consists of the following manuals:
• FSE Read Me First
• FSE Release Notes
• FSE Installation Guide
• FSE User’s Guide
• FSE Command-Line Reference
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide7
Prerequisites for setting up product include:
Software requirements
For information on software requirements, see the FSE Release Notes and the FSE Installation Guide.
Hardware requirements
For information on hardware requirements, see the FSE Release Notes.
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Medium blue text: Figure 1Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Bold font
Italics fontText emphasis
Monospace font
Monospace, italic font
Monospace, bold fontEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code, and text
WARNING!Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
Web site addresses
• Key names
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and list
items, buttons, and check boxes
• File and directory names
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Code variables
• Command-line variables
typed at the command line
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP:Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support web site:
Collect the following information before calling:
• Technical support registration number (if applicable)
• Product serial numbers
• Product model names and numbers
• Description of the steps being performed
• Applicable error messages
• Operating system type and revision level
• Detailed, specific questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber's choice web site:
• Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements, newest
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• After signing up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage
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HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
• In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518.
• Elsewhere, visit the HP web site: http://www.hp.com
telephone numbers.
Helpful web sites
For third-party product information, see the following HP web sites:
• http://www.hp.com
• http://www.hp.com/go/storage
• http://www.hp.com/support
. Then click Contact HP to find locations and
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide9
1Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
This chapter includes the following topics:
• What is FSE?, page 11
• FSE basics, page 11
• FSE architecture, page 12
What is FSE?
HP StorageWorks File System Extender (FSE) is a mass storage oriented software product, based on
client-server technology. It has been designed and developed to support the archiving, backup, and online
access of data-intensive applications like SAP R/3, DMS, CAD/CAM, digital imaging, BackOffice, as well
as for applications in the audio, video and pre-print fields.
FSE provides large, virtually infinite storage space by combining disk storage and tape library storage with
high-capacity tape media and by implementing Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM). It enables
transparent and automated data archiving and retrieval, and efficiently stores and manages extremely
large quantities of data. FSE implementation can be used as an online storage site or as a backup server.
Its main benefits are easy data management with fast data access, economical data storage, and data
protection. Data archiving and retrieval can be automated and customized for each end user of the FSE
implementation by logically partitioning the system.
The efficiency of the FSE implementation is achieved with a storage capacity that consists of primary and
secondary storage space. These two types of storage space present a successful combination of the speed
of disk storage and the capacity and flexibility of tape media. In an FSE implementation, secondary
storage space only stores least accessed files and primary storage space is used as a cache for recently
used files. Policy-driven archiving and retrieval processes make it possible for FSE administrators to tune the
system for best performance based on the type of data and the way applications handle that data
FSE software manages both primary and secondary storage space. It is highly-modularized and
implemented with a series of intercommunicating components that are responsible for data management.
For detailed information on these components, see ”FSE components” on page 14.
Figure 1 Example of FSE storage spaces
For details on supported and required hardware and software, see the FSE Release Notes.
FSE basics
Infinite file system
The most significant characteristic of FSE is a virtually infinite file system and a very transparent access to
the data through the file system. You have access to essentially unlimited storage capacity. FSE constantly
controls the files in use.You define the way FSE controls these files with migration, release, and deletion
policies. It also enables multiple copying of migrated files; therefore satisfying the need for additional
backup copies and protecting from failure of any single medium.
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide11
Library - tape compatibility
FSE software is a part of HP StorageWorks File System Extender, and can be used with supported SCSI
tape libraries with supported drive types.
FSE software supports LTO drive technologies for LTO Ultrium 1, LTO Ultrium 2 and LTO Ultrium 3 media.
For a list of supported tape libraries, tape drives, and tape media, see the FSE Release Notes.
Automatic error detection
FSE automatically detects drive and media hardware errors. When FSE detects such errors, the following
• The drive is marked as offline.
• If the error occurs during a migration job, the medium is marked as unreliable, which disables
further writing to it.
• If the error occurs during a recall job, the medium is marked as unusable, which disables reading
from and writing to it. Neither the marked drive nor medium are used for the operation until the
administrator appropriately marks the drive and medium. For more information, see ”Changing the
condition status of media” on page 106.
NFS and CIFS support
Remote Linux and Windows clients access HSM file systems using standard protocols. Network File System
(NFS) is the standard protocol for UNIX and Linux platforms. Common Internet File System (CIFS) is the
standard protocol for Windows platform.
Linux FSE client specific
FSE supports access to FSE partitions from remote locations via NFS and CIFS protocols.
HSM file systems can be exported to be accessed via NFS protocol.
Access using CIFS protocol is enabled by a special add-on custom-built Samba package. Files that are
written to or read from an HSM file system through a Samba connection are handled like all other files
created or accessed locally on the HSM file system. The add-on package enables Samba to notify remote
CIFS clients (especially Windows Explorer on Windows platform) when a file is offline, thus preventing
unnecessary recalls of offline files. For further information on Samba integration, see the FSE Release Notes.
Windows FSE client specific
FSE supports remote access to FSE partitions through regular CIFS protocol (Windows shares) without any
further requirements.
FSE architecture
Efficiency is achieved by granting FSE continuous control over the files in use. You define how FSE controls
these files with different policies.
Basically, FSE copies new or modified file information from a file on an HSM file system to FSE media,
releases rarely used files and makes them offline, and recalls offline files when necessary. These are the
principal FSE operations, called migration, release, and recall.
Figure 2 Main operations in FSE
12Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
FSE operations
FSE main operations are migration, release, recall, and deletion. They are configured with user-defined
policies. For more information on configuring policies, see ”Migration, release, recall, and deletion” on
page 109. After they are configured, the policies enable automatic, unattended execution of the
corresponding operations. However, these operations can also be triggered manually using the fsefile
command. For details on manual triggering, see the FSE Command-Line Reference.
Regardless of how they are invoked, the migration, recall, and deletion operations are represented and
controlled in the FSE implementation by so-called FSE jobs. Using the fsejob command, an FSE
administrator can display information about existing jobs or manipulate them. Example situations when
such manipulation is needed are the following:
• the priority of a particular recall job has to be increased, because urgently needed documents have to
be recalled from FSE media, and there are currently other jobs with higher priorities running in the FSE
• a library in the FSE implementation has run out of FSE media and therefore additional media need to
be added to it and initialized, in order to get the media available and migration jobs running again.
For details on monitoring FSE jobs, see ”Monitoring FSE jobs” on page 139. For more information about
the fsejob command, see the FSE Command-Line Reference.
Migration is a process of copying files from the HSM file system to FSE media. If a file is not modified for a
configured period of time, it passes the so-called file age check and becomes a candidate for migration
(migration candidate).
Migration is done in two steps:
1. Files from the migration candidate list are copied from the HSM file system to a temporary location on
the FSE server, called a disk buffer. The disk buffer location is platform-dependent.
Linux specific
The disk buffer is located in the /var/opt/fse/diskbuf directory.
Windows specific
The disk buffer is located in the %InstallPath%\var\diskbuf directory.
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the path selection during FSE installation. It defaults to
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
2. Data from this temporary location is copied to FSE media. To have redundant copies of the file data
made during the migration job, the respective FSE partition must have multiple media pools assigned to
it. For more information, see ”Multiple copying” on page 131.
Once the migration job is completed, the temporary location is cleared. The file entry in the Hierarchical
Storage Manager (HSM) is moved from the migration candidate list to the release candidate list.
For further information on migration process and its configuration, see chapter ”Migration, release, recall,
and deletion” on page 109.
Release is a process following migration or recall, during which a file data is removed from the HSM file
system, leaving only the file header. FSE starts a release according to watermark parameters. For more
information, see ”Watermarks” on page 114.
Once the file is copied to FSE media, it becomes a release candidate. FSE checks the release candidates
for changes. If a file on the release candidate list was not modified, and a high watermark is reached on
the HSM file system, the content (file data) of the file is removed from the HSM file system to free disk
space. The same thing happens if a critical watermark is reached, but in this case all migrated files are
released, regardless of how much time has passed since their last migration.
Once the release operation is completed, the file is offline and its file entry is removed from the release
candidate list.
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide13
For further information on release process and its configuration, see ”Migration, release, recall, and
deletion” on page 109.
Recall is a process of copying file data from FSE media back to an HSM file system. It is the reverse process
to migration.
Recall is done in two steps:
1. Data is copied from the FSE media to a temporary location (disk buffer).
2. Data from this temporary location is copied back to the HSM file system, thus recreating file contents.
Once the recall job is completed, the temporary location is cleared, and the offline file is online again. Its
file entry in the Hierarchical Storage Manager is added to the current release candidate list.
FSE stores older versions of files on its media, referred to as older generations, which can be recalled
manually. For details, see ”Recalling older generations of a file” on page 146.
For further information on recall process and its configuration, see chapter ”Migration, release, recall, and
deletion” on page 109.
Deletion is a process of obsoleting and removing obsolete files from HSM file systems. You can use this
process for various purposes, including Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) and freeing disk space of
redundant files.
The criteria that induce file obsolescence on HSM file systems are defined in the deletion policy. Each HSM
file system has its own deletion policy. Deletion is enabled on regular and WORM HSM file systems.
For further information on deletion process and its configuration, see chapter ”Migration, release, recall,
and deletion” on page 109.
FSE components
HSM file system
An HSM file system (HSM FS) is a hard disk area reserved for storage of user files and directories (user
data), and managed by the FSE implementation. The HSM file system is used to store the metadata
(names, attributes, and permissions of user data) and user data that is currently online.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, HSM file system is based on the Ext3 file system; the HSM attributes are stored in Ext3
extended attributes.
Windows specific
On Windows platform, HSM file system is based on the NTFS.
In an FSE installation, an HSM file system represents the primary storage space, and the FSE media
represent the secondary storage space.
An HSM file system can be configured either as a regular file system or as a WORM file system:
• Regular file system
All files and directory operations are supported as known for the native file system of the respective
• WORM (Write-Once Read-Many) file system
File and directory operations are restricted to read-only after a configured period of time. The limitation
does not include adding files to directories, which can be done as on a regular file system.
For details on configuring a WORM HSM file system, see ”Step 4: configuring FSE partitions” on
page 69.
Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM) is a component of the HSM file system. As a part of an FSE client, it
handles HSM file system events and manages the migration and release candidate lists. Each mounted
HSM file system has one FSE HSM.
14Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
In a distributed FSE implementation, HSM file system, its HSM, and the File System Event Manager are
located on a separate FSE client.
FSE partition
FSE uses FSE partitions to split the storage into multiple entities, meaning that one FSE implementation can
have more than one FSE partition. This way FSE provides the possibility for complex organization of data
Each FSE partition is related to a single HSM file system and has its own policies and its own File System
Catalog (FSC). This enables you to configure individual policies (migration, release, deletion, and resource
allocation) for a particular FSE partition, according to the characteristics of files and their intended use.
Each configured FSE partition is controlled by one Partition Manager (PM), which creates and manages
FSE jobs for migration, recall, and deletion operations. The Partition Manager is located on the FSE server.
It is included in the FSE server installation package.
File System Catalog
The File System Catalog (FSC) is a database related to a single FSE partition. It consists of a Data Location
Catalog (DLC) and a Name Space Catalog (NSC).
The Data Location Catalog contains information about location of files on the FSE media. It stores a full
history of file locations.
The Name Space Catalog (NSC) contains metadata of files on an HSM file system. It only stores the latest
generation metadata, which includes directory structure, standard attributes and additional
platform-dependent metadata. This data enables recovery of an HSM file system. For details, see
”Recovery” on page 186.
Linux specific
For HSM file systems located on Linux FSE clients, NSC also stores ownership information of directories and
Windows specific
For HSM file systems located on Windows FSE clients, NSC also stores ACLs (Access Control Lists) and
Alternate Data Streams for user data.
The File System Catalog location is platform-dependent.
Linux specific
File System Catalog is located in the /var/opt/fse/part/PartitionName/fsc directory.
Windows specific
File System Catalog is located in the %InstallPath%\var\part\PartitionName\fsc directory.
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE installation process. It defaults to
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
FSE media pool
An FSE partition must have at least one media pool assigned to it. An FSE media pool is configured to
group media of the same type, which have the same characteristics.
Media pools are configured regarding their purpose and correspond to the specifics of FSE partition data
and FSE media types, for example, a WORM or regular disk media pool. Therefore, one media pool
cannot be assigned to multiple partitions in order to keep the files from different FSE partitions separated.
An FSE partition can have assigned multiple media pools which have to be of the same type: "Regular" or
By assigning multiple media pools to one FSE partition, multiple copies of FSE data are made. This kind of
FSE partition configuration is described in ”Multiple copying” on page 131. For more information on
media pool types and their configuration, see ”FSE media pools” on page 81.
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide15
FSE medium
FSE supports different types of tape media and also disk media for data storage. Each FSE medium, either
a medium cartridge or disk medium has an entry and properties written in the Resource Management
Database (RMDB). Each FSE medium is assigned to one FSE media pool. For more information on media
types, see ”FSE media types” on page 87.
An FSE medium is usually formatted and further divided into partitions that hold medium volumes. The
Resource Manager identifies the medium with a barcode. For media specifics regarding their type, see
”FSE media types” on page 87and ”Disk media” on page 87.
FSE library
An FSE library is any supported tape library attached to a host with FSE software, and configured as an
FSE implementation. An FSE implementation can consist of one or more FSE libraries. Each FSE library is a
repository of library slots, where medium cartridges are physically located, with a built-in changer device
to move the media around. It has one or more connected drives.
Each configured FSE library has one Library Agent running. The Library Agent handles actions in the FSE
library, such as loading and unloading media, and library inventory rescan.
FSE drive
An FSE drive is a tape drive inside an FSE library, configured in the FSE implementation. It is used to read
to and write from FSE media.
Supported drive types are:
• LTO Ultrium 1, LTO Ultri um 2, and LTO Ultrium 3
For further information on the supported drive models, see the FSE Release Notes.
FSE implementation options
Due to its modular structure FSE allows several implementation options. It can be set up as a consolidated
implementation or as a distributed implementation of servers and clients, each of those being run on any of
the supported platforms. For limitations regarding platform support in distributed FSE environments, see the
FSE Release Notes.
Additionally, FSE provides support for multiple tape libraries. The number of libraries that can be
connected to one FSE server depends on the number of slots for Fibre Channel and SCSI cards on the
machine hosting the FSE server.
16Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
Consolidated implementation
The simplest application is the “all in a box” configuration, where all FSE components reside on the same
Figure 3 Consolidated FSE implementation
This consolidated FSE implementation integrates the functionality of both FSE server and FSE client in a
single machine. It has a direct connection to secondary media and hosts an arbitrary number of HSM file
systems. User data from local HSM file systems are stored on the media in the attached tape library or on
disk media.
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide17
Distributed implementation
In this implementation, FSE clients connect to one FSE server and are physically separated. External clients
connect to the server through either a LAN or a private network, and host HSM file systems, while the FSE
server does not need to host any HSM file systems.
Figure 4 Distributed FSE implementation
The clients manage the HSM file systems and communicate with major services running on the server. User
data from HSM file systems on clients is transferred to the FSE server and recorded on the corresponding
tape media in the attached tape library, or on the secondary disk. This makes it possible to manage file
systems on multiple file server machines without the need for a library and drives for each machine. It is
also possible to configure a mixed implementation, which combines the consolidated implementation with
external clients.
CAUTION: An FSE implementation does not support any proxy server or firewall between FSE clients and
the FSE server. FSE will only work if there is a direct network connection with a full-duplex transmission
between FSE clients and the FSE server.
For the latest information on supported TCP/IP connections, see the FSE Release Notes.
18Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
Client-server communication in a distributed FSE implementation
An external FSE client communicates with an FSE server through the network using CORBA services. An
external client can connect to only one FSE server.
Figure 5 Client-server communication
The network must provide a full-duplex connection between the FSE server and each of the external FSE
clients. You can verify the network connection using the FSE tool fse_net. For more information about
fse_net, see ”FSE troubleshooting tools” on page 223.
You can check whether a network connection is full-duplex by pinging the server from the client and vice
versa. If there is no response to one of the ping commands, the connection is half duplex only. In this
case, FSE cannot perform its basic operations.
Half-duplex connections are provided, for example, if NAT (Network Address Translation) is used between
FSE clients and the FSE server.
IMPORTANT: In a distributed or mixed FSE implementation, if FSE processes on the FSE server or
integrated FSE system are restarted, you must restart FSE processes on all external FSE clients to resume
normal FSE operation.
Configuring the communications settings in a distributed FSE implementation
In a distributed FSE implementation, an FSE client needs to know to which FSE server it belongs. To provide
this information, you need to modify the FSE interprocess (client-server) communications settings according
to your particular FSE implementation. These settings are affected by your choice of ordinary LAN
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide19
connections or private network connections for FSE client-server communication. You can retrieve the
parameters that you will use for network configuration using the FSE fse_net tool.
If you are about to configure the interprocess communication in a newly installed FSE implementation, the
configuration must be performed before the first startup of FSE. Similarly, reconfiguring the communications
in an already employed FSE implementation is allowed only while all FSE-related processes (including the
omniNames service) on all FSE hosts are stopped. For instructions on how to perform the configuration, see
”Reconfiguring FSE interprocess communication” on page 75.
FSE implementation with multiple libraries
Attaching multiple libraries provides an option for a scalable FSE implementation. If storage space is
running out, another library can be added to the installation. Media inside the new library can then be
added to existing FSE media pools.
Figure 6 FSE implementation with multiple libraries
If multiple copies on different libraries are needed, the solution is using multiple libraries. Media can then
be assigned to separate FSE media pools dedicated in a one-to-one relationship to each library.
FSE daemons/services and FSE agents
There are several intercommunicating processes running on the FSE implementation. These processes are
either FSE daemons/services or FSE agents.
20Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
Generally, FSE daemons/services are the processes that are running most of the time FSE is operating. An
FSE daemon/service is usually a server process with several sophisticated services. FSE agents are
software agents, and are designed to perform defined tasks required by each specific job.
Location of the binaries for FSE daemons/services and FSE agents is platform-dependent.
Linux specific
FSE daemon/service and agent binaries are located in the directory /opt/fse/lbin.
Windows specific
FSE daemon/service and agent binaries are located in the directory %InstallPath%\bin.
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE installation process. It defaults to
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
CAUTION: You should not run any of the binaries manually. Such improper use may cause data loss.
Windows specific: fse.exe is the binary of the fse command. It can be used for purposes described in
”FSE command list” on page 24.
FSE daemons/services and FSE agents are listed in the following table.
FSE daemon/service
BinaryRunning on...Description
or FSE agent
File System Event Manager fse-fsevtmgrFSE clientIntercepts mount events for
the HSM file system and
starts Hierarchical Storage
Manager (HSM)
Hierarchical Storage
FSE Servicefse-svcFSE client, FSE serverLaunches other FSE
FSE Windows Servicefse.exeWindows FSE client,
Resource Managerfse-rmFSE serverManages Resource
Management Interfacefse-mifFSE serverHandles user requests
fse-hsmFSE clientReceives file system events,
manages HSM lists, starts
migration, release, recall,
and deletion jobs
daemons/services and FSE
Launches other FSE
Windows FSE server
services at system startup
Management Database,
allocates FSE resources
(FSE drives, FSE media,
and so on)
issued with FSE
commands, manages FSE
administrative jobs
Partition Managerfse-pmFSE serverManages FSE jobs for
migration, recall, deletion,
recovery, reorganization,
and maintenance
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide21
FSE daemon/service
BinaryRunning on...Description
or FSE agent
Library Agentfse-la-sFSE serverHandles actions on FSE
libraries, such as loading
and unloading media,
library inventory rescan,
and so on
Back End Agentfse-beaFSE serverHandles data transfer
between FSE drives and
FSE media, executes FSE
media formatting and
The following figure demonstrates the interaction of the main FSE components.
Figure 7 Main FSE components - interaction
FSE user interfaces
FSE command-line interface
Introduction to FSE command-line interface
The FSE command-line interface provides commands that can be used to perform standard tasks:
configure, monitor, and manage the FSE implementation. The commands are passed to FSE through the
Management Interface, responsible for accepting, handling, and executing requests for user actions.
22Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
Linux specific
To use FSE commands, you must be logged on to the system as “root”.
Windows specific
To use FSE commands, you need administrative privileges. These privileges are granted only if you are
either locally logged to the system as Administrator (recommended) or using a remote access software that
supports logging in with the real Administrator account. The Windows native Remote Desktop tool, for
example, may be unsuitable for these tasks, since it uses a different Administrator account when logging in
FSE command option syntax is based on standard Linux and UNIX command syntax. Typically, on
Windows platform, options start with a ‘/’ character, while FSE command syntax demands a ‘--’ string as
the option prefix.
All FSE commands include brief online help that lists a synopsis of available options. For example, if you
want to see help for the fsepartition command, you would use:
fsepartition --help
FSE commands have the following characteristics:
• One command per FSE resource
FSE commands are based on a principle of one command per FSE resource, for example
fsepartition, fsepool, fsemedium, fselibrary, fsedrive, and so on.
• Common options
The majority of FSE commands share similar options, for example --help, --add, --modify,
--remove, --list, --show, --status, and so on.
• Short and long option variants
FSE commands accept short (-o) and long (--option) formats of options. For example, the -a and
--add options have the same effect.
NOTE: Some command options do not have short variants.
• Location
Linux specific
On Linux platform, FSE commands are located in the /opt/fse/sbin directory.
Windows specific
On Windows platform, FSE commands are located in the %InstallPath%\bin directory.
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE installation process. It defaults
to C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
• Documentation
FSE commands are documented in two formats. Both formats have the same contents: a detailed
description of FSE commands, their options, arguments, invocation syntax, operation, and usage
examples. The FSE command documentation formats are the following:
• Printed format: a separate manual called FSE Command-Line Reference
• Online format: an online version of the FSE Command-Line Reference
For details on how to read the online FSE command-line reference, see ”Accessing the online FSE
command-line reference” on page 24
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide23
FSE command list
The following table lists all FSE commands with a brief description. For a detailed description of command
functionality and invocation syntax, see the FSE Command-Line Reference, or use the online FSE
command-line reference as described in ”Accessing the online FSE command-line reference” on page 24.
FSE commandDescription
fseInitiates or terminates the FSE server or FSE client operation. Shows current status of the
FSE daemons. Prepares FSE system for the restore process. Configures mount points for
HSM file systems (on Windows platform only). Enables or disables Limited Access Mode
for a particular HSM file system (on Windows platform only).
fsebackupBacks up a complete FSE system state, including HSM file systems and FSE databases
and system files, to the FSE backup media.
fsebakAchieves a consistent state of all HSMDBs and FSCs to allow an eventual back-up
fsecheckPerforms a File System Catalog consistency check against an HSM file system and FSE
fsedriveManages configuration of the FSE drives.
fsefileManages files on an HSM file system. Recalls older file generations from FSE media.
Adds files to migration candidate list. Releases files from an HSM file system. Triggers
migration on an FSE partition. Triggers deletion of files from an HSM file system.
fsejobMonitors execution of running FSE jobs. Shows status of running FSE jobs. Manages
running FSE jobs.
fselibraryManages configuration of the FSE libraries. Monitors inventory of the FSE libraries.
fsemediumManages configuration of the FSE media. Formats and initializes FSE media. Performs
maintenance tasks on the FSE media. Duplicates or reorganizes FSE media. Recreates a
copy of the unreadable data located on damaged FSE media. Modifies current status of
the FSE media.
fsepartitionManages configuration of the FSE partitions. Scans the FSE partitions for obsolete data
and reports the corresponding statistics.
fsepoolManages configuration of the FSE media pools. Reports the FSE media pool-related
statistics gathered during the scan for obsolete data.
fserecoverRecovers a File System Catalog from its redundant duplicate data sources (FSE media
and Fast Recovery Information). Recovers an HSM file system from existing Name Space
fserestoreRestores a complete FSE system state from the backup image on FSE backup media.
fsesystemManages FSE system configuration. Reports states of FSE partitions.
Accessing the online FSE command-line reference
Linux specific
On Linux platform, FSE command-line reference is available online as UNIX man pages.
Provided that the MANPATH environment variable contains the appropriate path to the FSE man pages, you
can view the man page for a particular FSE command by invoking the man command and specifying the
name of the FSE command as its argument:
# man FSECommandName
For a list of all FSE commands and files used by FSE (such as a list of configuration and log files) see the
fseintro man page:
# man fseintro
24Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
Windows specific
On Windows platform, FSE command-line reference is available online as Windows/HTML help.
To view HTML help for FSE commands, perform the following steps:
1. Click on the Start menu.
2. Expand Programs, Hewlett-Packard, and FSE.
3. To view the HTML help compiled in a single CHM file, click Docs (CHM file).
To view the HTML help as a series of linked HTML files in your system default web browser, click Docs
For a list of all FSE commands and files used by FSE (such as a list of configuration and log files), see the
fseintro entry in the HTML help.
FSE Management Console
The FSE Management Console is an add-on to the basic FSE software and provides FSE users with a
graphical user interface for configuring and operating the FSE implementation. The set of tasks that can be
executed using the FSE Management Console includes:
• configuration
• maintenance
• monitoring
The FSE Management Console runs as a distributed software application. The server part, the FSE
Management Console server, runs as a background or foreground standalone application and provides
access to the data stored in FSE databases and system files. The client part, the FSE Management Console
client, runs as an interactive standalone application and provides the configuration, administration and
monitoring features for FSE. The FSE Management Console client can be used from anywhere in the
intranet, not necessarily from a system that is part of the FSE implementation.
For information on installing, upgrading, and uninstalling the FSE Management Console, see the FSE Installation Guide. For information on configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE Management Console,
see chapter ”Configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE Management Console” on page 27.
FSE Management Console server
The FSE Management Console server acts as CORBA servant, giving access to different functions such as
logon, administration, and so on. The server configuration is automatically saved in external configuration
The FSE Management Console server maintains its own information pool about FSE resources and their
state. The information pool is periodically updated by contacting the Management Interface (MIF) process,
which performs all the configuration and administration actions on the system requested by the FSE
Management Console client. By default, the pool update occurs every 300 seconds, but this period can be
customized. During startup, the FSE Management Console server queries the CORBA Name Service for a
registered MIF process for the specified system. If connection to MIF is established successfully, the server
stores the pointer and continues the initialization procedure - otherwise it stops with an appropriate
diagnostic message.
FSE Management Console client
The FSE Management Console client software application allows you to configure, maintain, and monitor
FSE resources.
If the connection between FSE Management Console client and FSE Management Console server is lost, a
manual reconnection is required. You can also enable automatic reconnection by setting the appropriate
configuration option. Nevertheless, the cached information remains available and can be accessed via the
FSE Management Console client without retrying to connect to the FSE Management Console server.
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide25
26Introducing HP StorageWorks File System Extender
2Configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE
Management Console
This chapter includes the following topics:
• Configuring the FSE Management Console, page 27
• Starting and stopping the FSE Management Console server, page 31
• Starting and stopping the FSE Management Console client, page 33
Configuring the FSE Management Console
This chapter provides instructions for initial configuration of the FSE Management Console server. The FSE
Management Console client has no specific configuration files.
The FSE Management Console server has its own configuration file where you can specify parameters that
control its operation. The location of the configuration file is platform dependent.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the full pathname of the configuration file for FSE Management Console server is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the full pathname of the configuration file for FSE Management Console server is
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE installation process. It defaults to C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
The configuration file is a text file. The lines beginning with the character # are comments.
# File : guisrv.conf
# Purpose: GUI Server configuration file
# log file name
GUI_LOGFILE = /var/opt/fse/log/guisrv.log
# MIF pooling interval (in seconds)
# user database location
GUI_USERDB = /var/opt/fse/cfg/gui/guisrv.users.db
# MIF map file if needs
MIF_MAP = /var/opt/fse/cfg/gui/guisrv.mif.conf
# FSE system log file
LOG_FILE = /var/opt/fse/log/fse.log
# configuration file
CFG_FILE = /etc/opt/fse/services.cfg
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide27
# GUI Server debug level
# DEBUG_LEVEL = -d4 -DAll
# path to OMNIORB configuration file
OMNIORB_CONFIG = /etc/opt/fse/omniORB.cfg
# ORB parameters: for instance -ORBtraceLevel 10
# default:
# ORB_ARGS = -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::4055
# you can add new parameter or replace port number
# MIF URL to bind to MIF object (<context>/<name>)
# MIF_URL = FSE/mgr/$(SERVER)/mif
The following table lists the configurable parameters:
GUI_LOGFILESpecifies the location for the FSE Management Console server log file, the
destination for all diagnostic information, warnings, errors, and debug
output that the MC server produces.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the default full pathname of the file is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the default full pathname of the file is
The value of %InstallPath% depends on the choice made in the FSE
installation process. It defaults to
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE.
GUI_POLLINTERVALSpecifies how often the FSE Management Console server polls the FSE
implementation for data (number, in seconds).
The default value is: 300 (300 seconds = 5 minutes).
GUI_USERDBSpecifies the location for the FSE Management Console server user
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the default full pathname of the file is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the default full pathname of the file is
28Configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE Management Console
MIF_MAPSpecifies the location of the MIF-to-MC translation file which contains
mappings for values returned by the Management Interface process
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the default full pathname of the file is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the default full pathname of the file is
In normal circumstances, you should not change this parameter.
LOG_FILESpecifies the location of the FSE implementation event log file which needs to
be accessed by the FSE Management Console server.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the default full pathname of the file is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the default full pathname of the file is
CFG_FILESpecifies the location for the FSE implementation services configuration file.
Linux specific
On Linux platform, the default full pathname of the file is
Windows specific
On Windows platform, the default full pathname of the file is
DEBUG_LEVELSpecifies the logging level information for the FSE Management Console
server (for details, see ”Configuring the logging level” on page 30). The
setting can be overridden by specifying the corresponding command line
option when starting the FSE Management Console server.
The default value is d1 -DAll
OMNIORB_CONFIGSpecifies the location of the omniORB.cfg file.
The usage of the omniorb.cfg file is required on each host with:
• more then one network adapter.
• private network communication as the means for data transfer in the FSE
For details on how to configure the omniORB.cfg file, see chapter
”Configuring FSE”.
This option does not have default value.
Location of the omniORB.cfg file can also be specified with the OMNIORB_CONFIG environment variable. You must set the variable before
starting the FSE Management Console server or FSE Management Console
hp StorageWorks File System Extender User Guide29
ORB_ARGSSpecifies the command line parameters that are passed to the omniORB
MIF_URLSpecifies the CORBA Naming Service URL of the Management Interface
Configuring the logging level
Both the FSE Management Console server and the FSE Management Console client can be configured to
log their activities to log files. A specific path and filename can be defined using the appropriate
command line options or the corresponding configuration file parameters.
Logging is done according to the specified debug level, which is encoded by two parameters: -dLevel
and -DObject
# Argument for debug level after the option -d can be either integer or literal:
0 | No - no trace information (default value)
1 | Err - only errors
2 | Wrn - errors and warnings
3 | Inf - errors, warnings, and trace
4 | Trc - errors, warnings, and detailed trace
# Argument for tracing level after the option -D is literal
# For FSE Management Console server
Mif[D] – the communication activity between MC server and Management Interface;
Cs[D] – the communication activity between MC server and MC client;
Pool[D] – activity on Pool object;
Flt[D] – activity on Filter objects;
All[D] – whole activity for all logical parts of MC server
# For FSE Management Console client
Comm[D] – communication activity between MC client and MC server modules;
Thrd[D] – thread activity (receiving events from other threads),
locking/unlocking thread synchronization objects, etc.;
Gui[D] – main MC thread activity, processing the received information and user
input events;
All[D] – whole activity for all logical parts of MC client.
# The suffix "D" in object names means "detailed"
The default value is: -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::4055
process, which is used by the FSE Management Console server to interact
with FSE.
The default value is: FSE/mgr/%(SERVER)%/mif
In normal circumstances, you should not change this parameter.
Example of a configured FSE Management Console logging
Name of the FSE Management Console server log file is predefined and the location is
30Configuring, starting, and stopping the FSE Management Console
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