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technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
IMPORTANT: For late breaking, supplemental information, access the latest version of the
StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x release notes
To access current Fabric OS 5.x related documents:
1. Locate the IT storage products section of the web page.
2. Under Networked storage, click SAN infrastructure.
3. From the SAN Infrastructure web page, locate the SAN Infrastucture products section.
4. Click Fibre Channel Switches.
5. Locate the B-Series Fabric-Enterprise Class section. Click 4/256 SAN Director and 4/256 SAN
Director power pack, to access Fabric OS 5.x documents (such as this document).
The switch overview page displays.
6. Go to the Product Information section, located on the right side of the web page.
7. Click Technical documents.
8. Follow the onscreen instructions to download the applicable documents.
using the following steps.
HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x master glossary
This guide uses industry standard SAN terminology. However, some terms are intrinsic to Fabric OS 5.x.
Refer to the
Access the master glossary from the HP StorageWorks SAN Switch Documentation CD that shipped with
your switch. Also, access from the HP web site using the procedure outlined in ”Related documentation”.
HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x master glossary
for a complete list of terms and definitions.
Fabric OS 5.x diagnostics and system error messages reference guide13
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Medium blue text: Figure 1Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Bold font• Key names
Italics fontText emphasis
Monospace font• File and directory names
Monospace, italic font• Code variables
Monospace, bold fontEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code, and text
Web site addresses
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and list
items, buttons, and check boxes
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Command-line variables
typed at the command line
WARNING!Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP:Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support web site:
Collect the following information before calling:
• Technical support registration number (if applicable)
• Product serial numbers
• Product model names and numbers
• Applicable error messages
• Operating system type and revision level
• Detailed, specific questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber's choice web site:
• Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements,
newest versions of drivers, and firmware documentation updates as well as instant access to numerous
other product resources.
• After signing up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage
under Product Category.
HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
• In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672.
• Elsewhere, visit the HP web site: http://www.hp.com
telephone numbers.
Helpful web sites
For other product information, see the following HP web sites:
• http://www.hp.com
• http://www.hp.com/go/storage
• http://www.hp.com/support/
• http://www.docs.hp.com
. Then click Contact HP to find locations and
Fabric OS 5.x diagnostics and system error messages reference guide15
1Fabric OS command line interface
This chapter explains the different methods used to manage HP SAN and HP StorageWorks switches. The
following information is discussed:
• Understanding access levels, page 17
• Using the Fabric OS command line interface, page 18
• Using this guide, page 19
Understanding access levels
Fabric OS supports two classes of user accounts: default and multiple user account (MUA).
Default accounts, introduced in early versions of Fabric OS, include root, factory, admin, and user.
• The root and factory levels are reserved for support and manufacturing personnel.
• The admin accounts are intended for general switch and fabric administration activities. The admin
role can perform all Fabric OS operations.
• The user accounts are intended for general switch and fabric administration activities. The user role
performs observation-only operations.
• Each account has hard-coded permissions that define roles whose privileges correspond to the
account name.
In HP’s Fabric OS 3.x and earlier, multiple-user access to a switch is limited. Each switch enables only a
single session per access method, regardless of the user’s access level. Switches can, however, be
accessed simultaneously from different connections; for example, through the command line interface
(CLI) and HP Web Tools. If this happens, changes from one connection might not be updated to the other,
and some changes might be lost. When you connect using simultaneous multiple connections, ensure that
you do not overwrite the work of another connection.
In Fabric OS v5.x, multiple sessions are allowed. Each access level can have the number of simultaneous
logins shown in Table 2.
Table 2Fabric OS v5.x user access maximum sessions
User nameMaximum number of simultaneous sessions
The MUA feature distinguishes between a user account and the role assigned to the account. The
switchAdmin role, introduced in Fabric OS v5.x, has most of the existing administrative permissions,
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide17
except the ability to perform zone and security configuration and user management. See Table 3 for a
high-level description of role permissions.
Table 3Role permissions
Functional AreauserswitchAdminadmin
Zone configurationViewViewModify
Logs (RAS)ViewModifyModify
Switch configurationViewModifyModify
Switch managementViewModifyModify
Port configurationViewModifyModify
User managementViewN.A.Modify
Fabric WatchViewModifyModify
Advanced Performance MonitorViewModifyModify
Admin domain managementViewN.A.Modify
The MUA feature was introduced in Fabric OS v3.2.0/v4.4.0 and the switchAdmin can log in; however,
the role is restricted to user-level, observation-based functions.
This manual lists all the commands available to the user- and admin-level logins. See ”MUA-based roles”
on page 777 for commands available to the switchAdmin role.
NOTE: The admin access level has access to all the commands needed to manage and configure a
switch or fabric. The admin account is the recommended login level.
Using the Fabric OS command line interface
The Fabric OS command line interface (CLI), accessed through either telnet or serial console, provides an
administrator with full management capability on an HP StorageWorks switch. The Fabric OS CLI
enables an administrator to monitor and manage entire fabrics, individual switches, and ports from a
standard workstation. The entire suite of Fabric OS features and capabilities is available across an entire
fabric, from a single access point. Selected commands must be issued from a sectelnet or SSH session, as
indicated in the command description in this manual.
Access is controlled by a switch-level password for each access level. The commands available through
the CLI are based on the user’s login level and the license keys used to unlock certain features.
Fabric OS CLI is the complete fabric management tool for HP SANs and provides the following:
18Fabric OS command line interface
• Access to the full range of Fabric OS features, based on which license keys you purchase
• Assistance with configuration, monitoring, dynamic provisioning, and daily management of every
aspect of storage area networks
• A deeper view of the tasks involved in managing a StorageWorks switch or director
• Configuration and management of the HP fabric on multiple levels
• Identification, isolation, and management of SAN events across every switch in the fabric
• Management switch licenses
Using this guide
This guide describes each command, including a synopsis of its syntax and the users to which it is
available, and provides a description of command usage and behavior. The same information is
available to you on your HP StorageWorks SAN Switch or Director, using the help command. For
example, to display the help or man page for aliAdd, type:
switch:admin> help aliadd
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide19
20Fabric OS command line interface
2Fabric OS commands
This chapter lists the Fabric OS commands. It also shows their syntax and operands, and provides
examples of their usage.
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide21
Manages RADIUS configuration information.
aaaconfig [action] [options]
Use this command to manage the RADIUS configuration for the authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA) services. This command displays, adds, removes, changes, enables, or disables
RADIUS configuration.
When the command completes, any new configuration is saved persistently. It is effective for the next
AAA request. The configuration applies to all switch instances in a platform supporting multiple switch
Use the centralized RADIUS servers to manage AAA services for a switch, as defined in RFC 2865.
NOTE: This command can be executed when you are logged in through the console, or a serial or SSH
The command takes as input an action and its associated options. Without any specified action, the
command displays the usage. Specify action as one of following:
--showDisplays the current AAA service configuration.
--add server [options]Adds a RADIUS server to the configuration.
--remove serverRemoves a RADIUS server from the configuration.
--change server [options]Changes a RADIUS server configuration.
--move server to_positionMoves a RADIUS server from the current position to a new
position. When server is a required operand for an action, it
must be either an IP address or a name in dot notation. If a
name is used, DNS must be properly configured.
--radius [on | off]Turns on or off the current RADIUS configuration.
--switchdb [on | off]Turns on or off the switch local database as secondary
The following are the options for the --add and --change actions:
-p portRADIUS server port number
-s secretCommon secret between the switch and RADIUS server
-t timeoutResponse timeout for the RADIUS server
-a [pap | chap]Use PAP or CHAP as authentication protocol
22Fabric OS commands
The following provides a detailed description of each action type:
--showList the current RADIUS servers, along with their parameters.
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide23
--add server [-p port] [-s secret] [-t timeout] [-a chap | pap]
Add the specified server to the end of the RADIUS
configuration list, with the specified port number, shared
secret, timeout, and if PAP or CHAP is to be used as
authentication protocol. server must be different from the
servers in the existing configuration.
--remove serverRemove the specified server from the RADIUS configuration
list.server must match a server in the existing configuration.
To remove the last server, you must disable the RADIUS
configuration first.
--change server [-p port] [-s secret] [-t timeout] [-a chap | pap]
Change parameters for the specified server in the existing
RADIUS configuration list. server must match one in the
existing configuration.
--moveserver to_positionMove the specified server in the existing RADIUS configuration
list from the current position to the specified new position. This
rearranges the order in which the specified RADIUS server is
--radius [on | off]Enable or disable the current RADIUS configuration for AAA
services. This is used to switch the primary AAA services
between RADIUS and the switch local database. To enable the
RADIUS configuration, there must be at least one server
existing in the configuration.
--switchdb [on | off]Enable or disable the switch local database as the secondary
AAA services. When enabled, if RADIUS requests a timeout for
all RADIUS servers, the switch local database is used for
authentication; otherwise, requests are denied.
See also
To display the current RADIUS configuration:
switch:admin> aaaconfig --show
Position ServerPortSecret Timeout(s) Auth-Protocol
1 1812 sharedsecret 3CHAP
2 1812 sharedsecret 3CHAP
3 radserver 1812 private 5CHAP
Primary AAA Service: Switch database
Secondary AAA Service: None
To change the configuration for server
Resets the SNMP agent configuration to default values.
Use this command to reset the SNMP agent configuration with the switch default values.
This command prompts the user and proceeds to reset only on the user’s confirmation. All new values
successfully configured by the command take effect immediately. These changes are persistent across
power cycles and reboots. For dual-domain systems, agtCfgDefault operates on the SNMP agent
associated with the current switch.
This command resets the following values (See the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x MIB reference guide
for detailed sysDescr, sysLocation, and sysContact descriptions):
sysDescrThe system (switch) description. The default value is Fibre Channel Switch in most
platforms; however, the default system description value is platform-specific.
Different values might appear as the default for some specialized platforms.
sysLocationThe location of the system. The default value is End User Premise.
sysContactThe contact information for the system. The default value is Field Support.
authTrapsWhen enabled, the authentication trap, authenticationFailure, is transmitted to a
configured trap recipient in the event the agent received a protocol message that
is not properly authenticated. In the context of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, this
means that a request contains a community string that is not known to the agent.
The default value for this parameter is 0 (disabled).
There are six communities and respective trap recipients supported by the agent. The first three
communities are for read-write (rw) access and the last three are for read-only (ro) access. The default
value for the trap recipient of each community is The default values for the community strings are
as follows:
• Community 1: Secret Code
• Community 2: OrigEquipMfr
• Community 3: private
• Community 4: public
• Community 5: common
• Community 6: FibreChannel
For an SNMP management station to receive a trap generated by the agent, the administrator must
configure a trap recipient to correspond to the IP address of the management station. In addition, the trap
recipient must be able to pass the access control list (ACL) check.
Trap recipient severity level
The trap severity level is associated with each trap recipient IP address. The event trap level is in
conjunction with the event's severity level. When an event occurs and if its severity level is at or below the
set value, the SNMP event traps (swEventTrap, swFabricWatchTrap, and connUnitEventTrap)
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide25
are sent to the trap recipients. By default, this value is set to 0, implying that no such traps are sent.
Possible values are as follows:
The ACL check is as follows: there are six ACLs to restrict SNMP get/set/trap operations to hosts under a
host-subnet-area. Host-subnet-area is defined by comparing nonzero IP octets. For example, an ACL of enables access by any hosts that start with the specified octets. The connecting host is
enabled to set each host-subnet-area to be read-write or read-only. The highest privilege matched out of
six entries is given to the access. The ACL check is turned off when all six entries contain
NOTE: When secure mode is enabled, the access control list feature is incorporated into the WSNMP
and RSNMP security policies. Community strings can be changed on the primary FCS switch only and
will propagate changes across the fabric.
To reset the SNMP agent to default values:
switch:admin> agtcfgdefault
This command will reset the agent's configuration back to factory
Current SNMP Agent Configuration
Customizable MIB-II system variables:
sysDescr = Fibre Channel Switch.
sysLocation = End User Premise
sysContact = sweng
authTraps = 0 (OFF)
(continued on next page)
26Fabric OS commands
SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration:
Community 1: Secret C0de (rw)
Trap recipient:
Trap recipient Severity level: 4
Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 3: private (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 4: public (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 5: common (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 6: FibreChannel (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
SNMP access list configuration:
Entry 0: Access host subnet area (rw)]
Entry 1: No access host configured yet
Entry 2: No access host configured yet
Entry 3: No access host configured yet
Entry 4: No access host configured yet
Entry 5: No access host configured yet
Are you sure? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Committing configuration...done.
agent configuration reset to factory default
Current SNMP Agent Configuration
Customizable MIB-II system variables:
sysDescr = Fibre Channel Switch.
sysLocation = End User Premise
sysContact = Field Support.
authTraps = 0 (OFF)
(continued on next page)
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide27
SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration:
Community 1: Secret C0de (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 3: private (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 4: public (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 5: common (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 6: FibreChannel (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
SNMP access list configuration:
Entry 0: No access host configured yet
Entry 1: No access host configured yet
Entry 2: No access host configured yet
Entry 3: No access host configured yet
Entry 4: No access host configured yet
Entry 5: No access host configured yet
See also
28Fabric OS commands
Modifies the SNMP agent configuration.
Use this command to modify the configuration of the SNMP agent in the switch.
All values successfully configured by this command take effect immediately. These values are persistent
across power cycles and reboots. For dual-domain systems, this command operates on the SNMP agent
associated with the current switch.
This command updates the following values (See the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x MIB reference
guide for detailed sysDescr, sysLocation, and sysContactdescriptions):
sysDescrThe system (switch) description. The default value is Fibre Channel
Switch in most platforms; however, the default system description
value is platform specific. Different values might appear as the
default for some specialized platforms.
sysLocationThe location of the system. The default value is End User Premise.
sysContactThe contact information for the system. The default value is Field
authTrapsEnabledWhen enabled, the authentication trap, authenticationFailure, is
transmitted to a configured trap recipient in the event the agent
received a protocol message that is not properly authenticated. In
the context of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, this means that a request
contains a community string that is not known to the agent. The
default value for this parameter is 0 (disabled).
There are six communities and respective trap recipients supported by the agent. The first three
communities are for read-write (rw) access and the last three are for read-only (ro) access. The default
value for the trap recipient of each community is The default values for the community strings are
as follows:
• Community 1: Secret Code
• Community 2: OrigEquipMfr
• Community 3: private
• Community 4: public
• Community 5: common
• Community 6: FibreChannel
For an SNMP management station to receive a trap generated by the agent, the administrator must
configure a trap recipient to correspond to the IP address of the management station. In addition, the trap
recipient must be able to pass the access control list (ACL) check.
Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide29
Trap recipient severity level
The trap severity level is associated with each trap recipient IP address. The event trap level is in
conjunction with the event's severity level. When an event occurs and if its severity level is at or below the
set value, the SNMP event traps (swEventTrap, swFabricWatchTrap, and connUnitEventTrap)
are sent to the trap recipients. By default, this value is set to 0, implying that no such traps are sent.
Possible values are as follows:
The ACL check is as follows: there are six ACLs to restrict SNMP get/set/trap operations to hosts under a
host-subnet-area. Host-subnet-area is defined by comparing nonzero IP octets. For example, an ACL of enables access by any hosts that start with the specified octets. The connecting host is
enabled to set each host-subnet-area to be read-write or read-only. The highest privilege matched out of
six entries is given to the access. The ACL check is turned off when all six entries contain
NOTE: When secure mode is enabled, the access control list feature is incorporated into the WSNMP
and RSNMP security policies. Community strings can be changed on the primary FCS switch only and
will propagate changes across the fabric.
To modify the SNMP configuration values:
switch:admin> agtcfgset
Customizing MIB-II system variables ...
At each prompt, do one of the followings:
o <Return> to accept current value,
o enter the appropriate new value,
o <Control-D> to skip the rest of configuration, or
o <Control-C> to cancel any change.
(continued on next page)
30Fabric OS commands
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