Hp Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer
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Application Notes
hp StorageWorks
Data Replication Manager Intersite Link
Performance Analyzer
Product Version: ACS Version 8.7P
First Edition (March 2004)
Part Number: AA-RV26A-TE
This document provides instructions for the use of an intersite link performance analyzer tool developed by HP
using Microsoft
Replication Manager environment.
For the latest version of these application notes and other Data Replication Manager documentation, access the
website at
link and the technical support page is displayed. Click manuals (guides, supplements, addendums, etc) for a
listing of related documentation.
® Excel. This tool will help you determine the worst-case I/O impact over distance in a Data
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Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer Application Notes
First Edition (March 2004)
Part Number: AA-RV26A-TE
2Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer Application Notes
About This Document
These application notes cover the following topics:
This document is intended for customers who are using Data Replication Manager (DRM) and
need to estimate the effects of distance on applications that use DRM.
About This Document
Other Data Replication Manager Documentation
The following documents provide helpful information for running your DRM solution:
■HP StorageWorks Data Replication Manager HSG80 Version 8.7P Configuration Guide,
part number AA-RPHZF-TE
■HP StorageWorks Data Replication Manager HSG80 Version 8.7P Failover/Failback
Procedures Guide, part number AA-RPJ0E-TE
■HP StorageWorks Data Replication Manager HSG80 ACS Release Notes, part number
■HP StorageWorks Data Replication Manager HSG80 ACS Version 8.7P Design Guide
Reference Guide, part number AA-RQ78C-TE
■HP StorageWorks SAN Design Reference Guide, part number AA-RMPNL-TE
3Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer Application Notes
Data Replication Manager Performance Estimation
Data Replication Manager Performance Estimation
These application notes provide a methodology and sample results for estimating the effects of
distance on application performance when using the HP StorageWorks Data Replication
A Microsoft Excel tool has been designed by HP to calculate DRM performance based upon
cable distances and packet sizes. To interpret and apply the results of the HP StorageWorks
Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer most effectively, you must
understand basic DRM I/O. Then you can show the performance impact on the link distance
and speed.
DRM Link Variables
For each intersite link, there are two variables that are chosen during the design process:
■The distance between the sites
■The bandwidth of the link
Factors that impact this design are:
■Latency due to the distance between the sites
■I/O write rate (number of writes per second)
■I/O write size (average size in bytes per write)
The performance analyzer tool uses the intersite distance and size of the writes to help in the
design of DRM links.
Link Distance
Link Bandwidth
The distance between the sites determines how long it takes for the signal to travel from one
site to the other at approximately five microseconds per kilometer per trip. The I/O signal
travels the length of the link four times for each I/O transaction. Therefore, the distance will
slow down any I/O across the link by adding 20 microseconds per kilometer to the basic zero
distance replication.
For long distance DRM, use the driving distance between both sites and multiply that by about
25 to 50 percent. For example, there may be a site where the driving distance is 150 miles and
the cable distance is 250 miles. It is the cable distance that needs to be considered and not the
driving distance.
The bandwidth determines how long it takes to load the data onto the link. The sum of the start
time and the load time equals the time to complete the I/O. The time it takes to load the data
onto the link varies depending on the bandwidth of the link and not the length of the link.
Consider how long it takes water to go through a garden hose compared to a fire hose. If each
hose is the same length, it will take the same amount of time for the water to come out the
other end. Provided each hose can be kept full, the fire hose will transport more gallons per
second than the garden hose.
The same physics of distance and pipe size apply to DRM. The time to complete a particular
I/O is very dependent on the distance, but is less dependent on the bandwidth. This analogy
does not apply in cases of very large I/O and small pipes.
4Data Replication Manager Intersite Link Performance Analyzer Application Notes
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