HP Storage Management Utility User Manual

HP Storage Management Utility user guide
active/active rmware v2.x
Part number: 383075–002
econd edition: May 2008
Legal and notice information
© Copyright 2005, 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Condential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and
12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Aboutthisguide .......................... 9
Intendedaudience...................................... 9
Prerequisites ........................................ 9
Relateddocumentation.................................... 9
Documentconventionsandsymbols ............................. 10
HP installation and congurationassistance........................... 11
HPtechnicalsupport..................................... 11
Subscriptionservice ..................................... 11
HPwebsites......................................... 11
Documentationfeedback ................................... 11
1Overview ............................ 13
Featuresandrequirements ................................. 13
Pagedescription...................................... 14
Initial congurationmethods................................. 14
AccessingtheSMU .................................... 15
Changing the management port IP address through the MSA1510i controller display panel . . . . . . 16
Bestpractices....................................... 17
2View ............................. 19
Pagedescription...................................... 19
Tabs......................................... 19
Views ........................................ 20
Availabletasks ...................................... 20
Viewingstatusalerts(ViewAllStatusAlerts)........................ 21
Viewingtheeventlog(ViewEventLog) .......................... 22
Refreshingthedisplay(RefreshSystem) .......................... 22
Identifyingdevices(IdentifyDevice)............................ 23
3Configure ........................... 25
Pagedescription...................................... 25
Tabs......................................... 25
Views ........................................ 26
Availabletasks ...................................... 27
Sample congurationusedinthisdocument.......................... 30
Sample conguration—Deviceandcablingdiagram .................... 30
Sample conguration—Physical-to-logicalstoragediagram.................. 31
Sample conguration—Path/accessibilitydiagram ..................... 32
Fundamental tasks, in initial congurationsequence....................... 33
Conguringmanagementanddataports ......................... 33
Conguringthemanagementport .......................... 33
Conguringdataports............................... 35
Sample conguration status - after conguringmanagementanddataports ........ 37
Conguringharddrives................................. 38
Creatingarrays .................................. 39
Creatinglogicaldrives............................... 41
Conguration status - after conguringharddrives ................... 42
Creatingstoragetargets ................................ 43
Creatingthetarget................................. 43
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Creatingtargetportalgroups ............................ 45
Assigningportalstotheportalgroup......................... 46
Mappinglogicaldrivestothetarget ......................... 47
Conguring the redundant controller for a target (dual-controller congurationsonly)..... 47
Congurationstatus-aftercreatingstoragetargets................... 48
Addingauthorizedinitiators............................... 49
Conguration status - after adding initiators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Securitytasks....................................... 51
SettingupAccessControlLists.............................. 51
SettingupCHAPauthentication ............................. 53
Settingupstorage-systemtargetdiscoveryCHAPauthentication.............. 53
Setting up target-specic initiator-to-target CHAP authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
SettingupmutualCHAPauthentication ........................ 55
Setting the SSL certicate................................ 56
Additional management and congurationtasks........................ 57
Addingaroute(AddRoute)............................... 58
Changingarrayorlogicaldrivecharacteristics....................... 58
Disablingthearrayaccelerator(ArrayAcceleratorSettings) ............... 59
Expandinganarray(ExpandArray) ......................... 59
Extendingalogicaldrive(ExtendLogicalDrive) .................... 60
Migrating to a different RAID level or stripe size (Migrate RAID/Stripe Size) . . . . . . . . 60
Changingglobalsettings(StorageSystemSettings)..................... 61
Changingtargetloginparameters(SetLoginParameters) .................. 62
Clearing the conguration (Clear Conguration) ...................... 62
Deletingacomponent(Delete).............................. 63
Disablingautomaticpathswitching(RedundancySettings).................. 64
Disablingdataports(Enable/DisablePort) ........................ 64
Disablingacontroller(DisableController)......................... 64
EnablingiSNSdiscovery ................................ 65
EnablingiSNSdiscovery(iSNSDiscoverySettings)................... 65
Enabling iSNS discovery of specictargets(DiscoverySettings).............. 66
Identifyingdevices(IdentifyDevice)............................ 66
Refreshingthedisplay(RefreshSystem) .......................... 66
Resettingthesystem(ResetSystem)............................ 66
SettingthepreferredpathforaLUN(PreferredPath) .................... 67
Viewing detailed component information (More Information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Viewingstatusalerts(ViewAllStatusAlerts)........................ 68
4Wizards............................ 69
5Diagnose ........................... 77
6Update ............................ 79
Updating system rmware(FlashFirmware) .......................... 79
Availabletasks .................................... 79
Prerequisites ..................................... 79
Updating MSA rmware ................................ 80
Updating hard drive rmware.............................. 83
A Storage overview . ....................... 85
Arraysandlogicaldrives.................................. 85
Fault-tolerancelevels.................................... 86
RAID0—nofaulttolerance ............................... 87
RAID1+0—drivemirroring ............................... 87
RAID5—distributeddataguarding............................ 88
RAID6—advanceddataguarding............................ 89
ComparisonofRAIDMethods................................ 89
ChoosingaRAIDlevel ................................... 90
BIcondescriptions ......................... 91
Index .............................. 95
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
SMU display — showing the vetabs ....................... 14
View tab—showi
Viewtab—Viewdrop-downbox ......................... 20
View tab—tas
Viewtab—ViewAllStatusAlertspage....................... 22
Viewtab—ViewEventLogpage ......................... 22
Conguretab—showingthecomponentlistandtasklist ............... 25
View as dro
Conguretab—tasklisting............................ 27
Sample conguration—after conguringmanagementanddataports ......... 38
Sample conguration—after conguringharddrives................. 43
Sample system conguration—after conguringtargets................ 49
Sample conguration—afteraddinginitiators.................... 51
Update tab—task listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Multiplephysicaldrives(D1,D2,andD3)inasystem ................ 85
Multiple physical drives (D1, D2, and D3) congured into one logical drive (L1) . . . . . 85
Data striping (S1-S4) and data blocks (B1-B12) on multiple physical drives (D1, D2, D3) . . 86
ngthecomponentandtasklists .................. 19
klisting.............................. 21
p-downbox............................. 26
Two arrays (A1, A2) containing ve logical drives (L1 through L5) spread across ve physical
(D1throughD5) ............................. 86
RAID1array,withtwophysicalharddrives(D1,D2)................. 87
RAID 5 array, with three physical hard drives (D1, D2, D3) showing distributed parity
information(Px,y)................................ 88
RAID 6 (ADG) array, with four physical hard drives (D1, D2, D3, D4) showing distributed
parityinformation(Px,y)(Qx,y) .......................... 89
+0array,witheightphysicalharddrives(D1throughD8) ........... 88
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 9
Documentconventions.............................. 10
Availabletasks,listedbysystemcomponent .................... 28
RAID0features ................................ 87
RAID1,RAID1+0features............................ 88
RAID5features ................................ 89
RAID 6 (ADG) f
SummaryofRAIDmethods............................ 90
ChoosingaRAIDlevel ............................. 90
SMUicons................................... 91
eatures ............................. 89
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
About this guide
This guide provides information about using the Storage Management Utility (SMU) to congure and manage storage associated with an array controller that supports iSCSI networking.
Intended audience
This guide is intended for network administrators and storage managers with moderate or advanced knowledgeofIPandstoragenetworks.
Determine who will install and congure your system.
A moderate level of knowledge about storage systems, Storage Area Networks (SANs), and IP networks is required to install and manage this storage system. If you are not familiar with installing and conguring storage systems or IP networks, HP can install and congure your system. For more information, see “HP installation and conguration assistance” on page 11.
Record system information on provided checklists in the installation guide or installation overview
Become familiar with and periodically review the content on the product website.
•ClickTechnical Documentation to locate and read the latest documentation, including the
quickspecs and the compatibility guide, which discuss important reference information and specications.
•ClickSoftware, Firmware & Drivers to learn about recent rmware enhancements and support
Related documentation
HP Stora
HP StorageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array installation and conguration roadmap poster
HP StorageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array iSCSI concepts and deployment guide
HP Stora
HP StorageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array installation and user guide
HP StorageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array maintenance and service guide
HP Stor
HP StorageWorks Storage Management Utility user guide
These documents are provided on the MSA1510i Support CD v2.0, available on the MSA1510i Support page: h
In add websi iSCSI networks:
HP SAN Design reference guide
The following documents and websites provide related information: HP product information can be found on the HP Documentation website: h MSA p
geWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array release notes
geWorks 1510i compatibility guide
ageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array Command Line Interface user guide
ition to MSA1510i-specic documents, the following guide, available on the SAN Infrastructure
te: h
ttp://www.hp.com/go/san, includes detailed, helpful information about Fibre Channel and
roduct information can be found on the HP Storage website: h
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Additional related technical information includes:
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) rfc 3720: h
iSCSI Naming and Discovery: https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/pidtracker.cgi
Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS): http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ips-isns-22.txt
iSCSI and SLP: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-slp-09.txt
Zeroconf: http://ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-zeroconf-ipv4-linklocal-10.txt
802.1q for Virtual LANs: http://www.ieee802.org/1/pages/802.1Q.html
Document con
Table 1 Document conventions
Blue text: Table 1 Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses Blue, underlined text: http://www.hp.com
Bold text
Italic text Text emphasis
Monospace text
Monospace, italic text
Monospace, bold text
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
ventions and symbols
Web site addresses
Keys that are pressed
Text typed into a GUI element, such as a box
GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as
menu and list items, buttons, tabs, and check boxes
File and directory names
System output
Commands, their arguments, and argument values
Code variables
Command variables
Emphasized monospace text
Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Provides clarifying information or specic instructions.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
About this guide
HP installatio
nandconfiguration assistance
Storage manage not familiar w more informat banner, selec
Depending on
Physical installation
Virtual disk design and conguration
Service pla
Service deployment
Installation Verication Testing (IVT)
Customer or
ment and networking knowledge is required to successfully install this product. If you are ith installing and conguring storage array systems, HP can install your system for you. For ion, access our website: h
t Infrastructure Services > Network Storage Services.
your needs, different levels of assistance are available, such as storage deployment:
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support website:
Collect the following information before calling:
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product model names and numbers
Error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
ttp://www.hp.com/go/services. Under the Services Portfolio
Subscription service
After registering, you will receive e-mail notication of product enhancements, new driver versions, rmware updates, and other product resources.
HP websites
For additional information, see the following HP websites:
Documentation feedback
HP welcomes your feedback. To mak
e comments and suggestions about product documentation, please send a message to
agedocs.feedback@hp.com. All submissions become the property of HP.
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
About this guide
In this section:
• Features and requirements
•Initialconfiguration methods
• Changing the management port IP address through the MSA1510i controller display panel
Features and
The Storage Management Utility (SMU):
Congures and manages system storage.
Resides on t
Is accessed from a remote server or workstation using a browser.
Is username and password protected.
Can be used
Includes an initial conguration wizard, for fast-and-easy conguration in simple environments.
Includes a main user interface, for more exible and complete initial conguration and subsequent
Provides conguration suggestions.
Enables online array capacity expansion, logical drive capacity extension, assignment of spare
drives, a
Minimum display settings: 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and 256 colors.
Supported browser versions: Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
This doc software components are already installed on the servers. See your product installation documents for instructions.
ument assumes that all network devices are already physically installed and that all required
he array controller as part of the array controller rmware.
online while the system is operating.
nd RAID or stripe size migration.
newpage pi
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Page descripti
As shown in Figu separate section in this guide.
Figure 1 SMU display — showing the ve tabs
Congure—For initially conguring a system, entering new information, or changing existing
settings. (For more information, see “Congure” on page 25.)
Wizards” on page 69”.)
Diagnose—For generating an XML-formatted diagnostic report. (For more information, see
Update—For updating MSA controller and module rmware. (For more information see
re 1, the interface includes ve tabs, each of which is documented in detail in a
viewing detailed conguration and status information. (For more information, see
—For initially conguring a simple system. (For more information, see
ose” on page 77”.)
Initial conguration methods
The SMU provides two methods to initially congure your system:
The Wizard tab—includes the Initial System Conguration Wizard, which is the easiest and
simplest method for initially conguring the storage system. You are prompted in a logical sequence for storage, iSCSI, logon, and management settings. The wizard then uses those settings to congure the storage and make it available to the initiator. This conguration method is best for single-server environments needing bulk storage, because one target is created, and is assigned to one initiator. For information about using the wizard, see “Wizards”onpage69.
The Congure tab—offers more exibility than the wizard when conguring the storage.
This conguration method is best for multi-server environments that need to customize the creation of storage LUNs and targets. For information about using the Congure tab, see “Congure”onpage25.
Accessing the SM
1. Install, connect, and apply power to the storage and other network devices, as detailed in your
system user doc
2. Obtain and record the IP address assigned to the primary management port (MA0). (Worksheets
may be provided with you system installation instructions.) To determine t
through the messages until the following message is displayed on the controller LCD panel:
603 Port MA0 IP <address>
• If the IP addre assigned to the management port. Check the cable connections, view the module LEDs, and read the system installation, maintenance and service, or other user documents for troubles
• If necessary, you can change the management IP address through the controller LCD panel management menu. For more information, see “Changing the managementport IP address through the MSA1510icontroller display panel”onpage16.
3. From a server or workstation with access to the storage device, open your Web browser and enter
the address obtained in Step 2. For example:
he IP address, press the arrow buttons on the front of the array controller and scroll
hooting information.
ss message is not displayed on the LCD panel, an IP address was not
For additional security (at a reduced performance level), access the SMU using the secure mode. For example:
4. Enter the username and password. Default settings are:
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
5. Wait a few moments for the utility to load.
When accessing the SMU for the rst time, a window is displayed requiring input of a user-dened username and password.
6. One of the following happens:
• If key components of the system are uncongured,aprompttogototheWizardtabis displayed. (For more information, see “Wizards”onpage69.)
• If the system is partially congured, the Congure tab is displayed. (For more information, see “Congure”onpage25.)
•Ifthesystemisconfigured, the View tab is displayed. (For more information, seeDiagnose” on page 77.)
Changing the management port IP address through the MSA1510i controller display panel
When the MSA1510i is initially installed and powered on, an IP address is automatically assigned to the primary management port (usually MA0). Depending on your network conguration,thisdefaultIP address may not be accessible by the network servers.
To change the IP address of the MSA1510i management port to be in the same LAN segment as the network servers, do the following:
1. Access the controller LCD panel management menu. Press the right (>) navigation button on the
front of the active controller (usually the front-right controller.) Network Settings should be displayed and blinking.
LCD panel navigation buttons work as follows:
Navigation button In the menu Within a menu option
Right (>) Select a blinking menu option.
When changing IP address settings, move to the next digit.
Up/Down (^/v)
Left (<)
16 O v er v i ew
Scroll through the menu options.
Not applicable.
Change/Toggle a setting. Accept the displayed setting and
return to the initial management menu display.
2. Disable DHCP.
a. With Network Settings displayed and blinking, press > to select it. b. Press ^ or v until DHCP Enabled is displayed and blinking, and then press > to select it. c. Press ^ or v to change the setting to No. d. Press < to accept the new setting and return to the initial management menu display.
3. Change the IP address.
a. With Network Settings displayed and blinking, press > to select it. b. Press ^ or v until IP Address is displayed and blinking, and then press > to select it. c. Press ^ or v to scroll through and select the value for each digit of the IP address. d. After entering all digits of the new IP address, press < to accept the new setting and return to the
initial management menu display.
4. Verify and, if necessary, change the Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS, Secondary DNS,
and VLAN ID using procedures similar to those outlined in step 3, but pressing ^ or v to navigate to the desired menu option.
5. After all changes are entered, exit the management menu.
Press v until Exit is displayed and blinking, and then press >. The LCD panel returns to the display mode.
6. Verify that the IP address was entered correctly by pressing ^ or v until the Port #MA0 IP message
is displayed.
7. Verify that the server can locate the MSA1510i by opening a command prompt window and using
the ping command.
Best prac
Go to the HP storage website: http://www.hp.com/storage foryourarraycontroller. Product
• Hardware, rmware, and driver compatibility information.
Use provided installation documents to gather items required for your installation, learn about the
installation process, and physically install devices.
is needed when conguring the storage, entering connection information, and setting up multipathing; and for future conguration changes, reference, and troubleshooting purposes.
Sign up with Subscriber's Choice to receive e-mail notications and alerts about your HP devices:
Ensure that initiators and targets are on the same Layer 2 Ethernet LAN. This guarantees the
integrity of the data trafc and maintains high network performance levels.
Ensure the availability of the storage:
s are updated to include the latest:
information about your system in provided checklists and worksheets. This information
rate management trafc from iSCSI storage trafc. Provide separate physical LANs or create
ual LANs (VLANs) to segment the trafc.
vide redundant power sources—Plug the two power supplies on the device into separate
interruptible Power Supplies (UPS) on separate sources of power. If you have only one UPS,
Un maintain separate power paths by plugging one power supply to the UPS on one power source and plug the other power supply to a separate power source.
ovide redundant data paths—Include two separate and isolated iSCSI storage networks
d the associated hardware (switches, MSA controllers, etc.) and software components
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
(MPIO multipathing software, etc.) in the conguration. Congure targets using portals on each controller.
• Create fault-tolerant logical storage units—Create LUNs using fault-tolerant RAID levels and striping methods.
When assigning system names and aliases, use only the following characters:
• Uppercase alpha characters (A-Z)
• Lowercase alpha characters (a-z)
• Special characters (! # = ( ) ‘ ; , . and space)
When accessing the SMU, expand the browser to full screen or a minimum size of 1024 x 768
pixels. Other settings may distort the display or cause items to not display.
When planning and conguring logical drives:
• Optimize performance and redundancy by striping the drives in the array across separate
storage enclosures on different SCSI buses, especially in mirrored environments using RAID 1+0.
• Set the drive rebuild priority to high to minimize exposure during a drive failure.
• Customize the RAID level and striping method to the type of data that will be stored on the
logical drive.
Depending on the number of physical hard drives included in a storage unit, the SMU may suggest RAID 6 (ADG) as the default RAID level, which offers a high level of fault tolerance and usable disk capacity, but at a signicant cost to I/O performance. For comparable fault tolerance but higher performance, consider using RAID 1+0 when fault tolerance is desired and performance is more important than usable capacity. Reserve RAID 6 (ADG) for situations when fault tolerance is desired, but usable capacity is more important than performance.
After conguring the storage, remember to:
• Verify that each initiator has been granted access to the target.
• Control access to the storage through the use of VLANs, CHAP authentication, and ACLs.
Draw physical and logical diagrams of your network:
• Hardware/device diagram—Physical layout of the entire network, including device names
and cabling.
• Storage diagram—Hard drive and storage system conguration, including RAID levels.
• Path/Accessibility diagram—Access information, including which devices are allowed to
communicate with each other.
18 O ve r v ie w
The Storage Management Utility (SMU) View tab is used to view system information. Included in this section:
Page description
As shown in Figure 2, the page is divided into 2 main sections:
System compo
Task list (and display area)—Right side of page
nent list—Left side of page
Figure 2 View tab—showing the component and task lists
Also shown in Figure 2 are the ve tabs of the SMU:
View” on page 19”.)
Congure—For initially conguring a system, entering new information, or changing existing
settings. (For more information, see “Congure” on page 25.)
Wizards” on page 69”.)
Diagnose—For generating an XML-formatted diagnostic report. (For more information, see
rviewingdetailedconfiguration and status information. (For more information, see
s—For initially conguring a simple system. (For more information, see
nose” on page 77”.)
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Update—For updating MSA controller and module rmware. (For more information see
As shown in Figure 3, expand the View drop-down box to select a viewing option. Your selection determines which system components are included in the component list:
All Devices—D
Devices with Alerts—Displays components for which any type of alert has been generated.
Devices with Info Alerts—Displays components for which an informational alert has been
isplays all system components (Figure 2).
Figure 3 View tab—View drop-down box
In any view, click+ or - to expand or contract the items in the system component list.
As needed, click the
Available tasks
As shown in Figure 4, the View tab displays detailed system and status information for the selected component.
scroll bar
on the right-side of the page to move through the displayed information.
Figure 4 View tab—task listing
The following tasks are available in the View tab:
• Viewing the event log (View Event Log)
• Refreshing the display (Refresh System)
ing devices (Identify Device)
Figure 5 illustrates some informational status alerts, generated when creating a logical drive.
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Viewing the event log (View Event Log)
Figure 6 shows an example of a system event log.
e 6 View tab—View Event Log page
Refreshing the display (Refresh System)
To refresh the SMU display, select Refresh System. The utility scans the conguration, and after a few moments, updates the display.
Identifying devices (Identify Device)
To locate a system component by lighting up its LEDs, select the item from the component list, and then select Identify Device.
For example, if in that logical drive are illuminated.
this task is selected for a logical drive, the LEDs on the physical hard drives included
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
The Storage Management Utility (SMU) Congure tab allows for complete system conguration and management. You can congure a new system, congure newly added components to an already-congured system, and make changes to an already-congured system.
Included in this section:
• Sample conguration used in this document
• Fundamental tasks, in initial conguration sequence
• Additional management and conguration tasks
Page description
As shown in Figure 7,theConfigure tab is divided into 2 main sections:
System component list—Left side of page
Task list (
and input area)—Right side of page
Figure 7 Congure tab—showing the component list and task list
Also shown in Figure 7 are the ve SMU tabs:
View—For viewing detailed conguration and status information. (For more information, see
View” on page 19”.)
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Congure—For initially conguring a system, entering new information, or changing existing
settings. (For more information, see “Congure” on page 25.)
Wizards—For initially conguring a simple system. (For more information, see
Wizards” on page 69”.)
Diagnose—For generating an XML-formatted diagnostic report. (For more information, see
Diagnose” on page 77”.)
Update—For updating MSA controller and module rmware. (For more information see
As shown in Fi determines which system components are shown, as well as their associated tasks:
Storage with iSCSI view—Displays all system components and their available tasks (Figure 8).
Storage vie
iSCSI view—Displays iSCSI-related items only; no arrays, logical drives, or hard drives are shown.
gure 8, expand the View as drop-down box to select a viewing option. Your selection
w—Displays storage-related items only; no targets or initiators are shown.
Figure 8 View as drop-down box
Also shown in Figure 8,clickShow Physical View/Show Logical View to control the display of the congured storage.
TheShowPhysicalView/ShowLogicalViewtoggleaffectstheviewonlywhenstoragecomponents are shown.
Physical view—Displays a physical representation of the hard drives and congured storage.
Logical view—Displays a logical representation of the hard drives and congured storage.
In any view, click + or - to expand or contract the items in the system component list.
Available task
Figure 9 Congure tab—task listing
To perform a task in the SMU:
1. Select a sy
stem component from the list on the left side of the page.
2. Select a t
3. Enter th
After selecting a component from the system list, a unique task list for that component is displayed.
Table 2 lists the possible tasks for each system component.
More Information, Identify Device, Refresh System,andView All System Alerts are common tasks and not repeated in Table 2.
ask from the list on the right side of the page.
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Table 2 Available tasks, listed by system component
System component
Top-level storage system
Management port
Available tasks Where documented
Create Array Creating arrays,page39 Create iSCSI Target Add iSCSI Initiator Adding authorized initiators, page 49
Array Accelerator Settings
Storage System Settings
Reset System
Clear Configuration
Canonical Target CHAP Settings Setting up CHAP authentication,page53 iSNS Discovery Settings Add iSNS Enabling iSNS discovery,page65
Redundancy Settings
Disable Controller Disabling a controller (Disable Controller), page 64 Management Port Settings Management Port Login Settings Set SSL Certicate Setting the SSL certicate, page 56
Creating stora
Changing array or logical drive characteri stics, page 58
Changing global settings (Storage System Settings),page61
Resetting the system (Reset System), page 66 Clearing the conguration (Clear Congur
ation), page 62
Enabling iSNS discovery,page65
Disabling Settings)
Conguring the management port,page33
Not docum
ge targets, page 43
auto-path switching (Redundancy
TELNET Service SSH service HTTP Service HTTPS Service SNMP Service
Data port
Data port IP address
Portal Delete Portal Deleting a component (Delete), page 63
Unused space
Service Settings
Add Route Adding a route (Add Route),page58 Add IP Address Enable/Disable Port Disabling data ports (Enable/Disable Port),page64 Create Portal Delete IP Address Deleting a component (Delete), page 63
Create L Spare Management Delete Deleting a component (Delete), page 63
ogical Drive
Not documented
Conguring data ports, page 35
Conguring data ports, page 35
g logical drives,page41
Creatin Assigning spare drives to an array,page40
Changing array or logical drive characteri stics, page 58
System component
Available tasks Where documented
Create Logical Drive Creating logical drives,page41
Logical Drive
Portal group
Mapped Logical Drive
Spare Management Delete Deleting a comp
Expand Array
Migrate RAID/Stripe size
Set Preferre Create Portal Group Creating target portal groups, page 45 Map Logical Drive to Target Mapping logical drives to the target,page47 CHAP Settin Delete Target Deleting a component (Delete),page63 Enable/Disable Access Control
Discovery Settings
Set Login Parameters
Assign Portals Assigning portals to the portal group,page46 Delete Portal Group Deleting a component (Delete),page63 Unmap Logical Drive from Target Update Access Control Setting up Access Control Lists, page 51
Assigning spare drives to an array,page40
onent (Delete),page63
Changing array or logical drive characteri stics, page 58
Changing array or logical drive characteri stics, page 58
Setting the p
Setting up CHAP authentication,page53
Setting up Access Control Lists, page 51 Enabling iS
Settings), Changing target login parameters (Set Login
Parameters), page 62
Not documented
referred path (Preferred Path),page67
NS discovery of specictargets(Discovery
page 66
newpage p
Delete iSCSI Initiator Deleting a component (Delete),page63 CHAP Settings
Setting up CHAP authentication,page53
HP Storage Management Utility user guide
Sample congur
in this document demonstrate the process of conguring a dual-controller MSA1510i storage system, with multiple targets being accessed by multiple initiators. Although each real-world environment and the associated conguration steps will differ from this example, fundamental principles of the conguration steps are the same for all installations. Your conguration may be more or less complex, but the conguration steps will be similar to the steps outlined in this document.
The following diagrams illustrate the sample conguration used throughout this document:
•Sampleconfiguration-Device and cabling diagram
uration-physical-to-logical storage diagram
•Sampleconfiguration-Path/accessibility diagram
Sample conguration—Device and cabling diagram
5 6 7
MSA1510i controller shelf MSA20 SATA storage
enclosure Primary Ethernet network
switch Redundant Ethernet network
Initiator A
Initiator B
Initiator C
Sample includes two array controllers and two 2-Port Ethernet iSCSI modules.
Sample includes twelve SATA hard drives.
Sample supports 100/1000BaseT functionality.
Sample supports 100/1000BaseT functionality.
Sample includes two 100/1000BaseT Ethernet NICs and cabling to the two network switches.
Sample includes two 100/1000BaseT Ethernet NICs and cabling to the two network switches.
Sample includes two 100/1000BaseT Ethernet NICs and cabling to the two network switches.
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