HP Recovery Manager Software for Oracle Licenses User Manual

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Diagnostics Tool for Oracle User Guide

This document describes the diagnostic checks for the Recovery Manager for Oracle using Recovery Manager Diagnostic tool.
HP Part Number: QL226-96989 Published: August 2013 Edition: 1.0
© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Microsoft®, Windows®, are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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1 Introduction...............................................................................................4
2 System requirements for installation...............................................................5
Installation prerequisites............................................................................................................5
Hardware and software requirements..........................................................................................5
Supported configuration ...........................................................................................................5
3 Installing and removing the RMD tool............................................................6
Installing the RMD tool on different operating systems....................................................................6
Verifying the installation............................................................................................................6
Removing the RMD tool from different operating systems................................................................6
4 Using the RMD tool....................................................................................7
Launching the RMD tool.............................................................................................................7
Performing the diagnostic checks................................................................................................7
Diagnostic checks for RMO...................................................................................................7
Viewing diagnostic test status.....................................................................................................9
Generating report.....................................................................................................................9
Viewing diagnostic report........................................................................................................10
5 Troubleshooting........................................................................................12
6 Support and other resources......................................................................13
Contacting HP........................................................................................................................13
HP 3PAR documentation..........................................................................................................13
Typographic conventions.........................................................................................................15
HP 3PAR branding information.................................................................................................15
7 Documentation feedback...........................................................................16
Contents 3

1 Introduction

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Diagnostics (RMD) tool for Recovery Manager for Oracle (RMO) is a software tool used for identifying discrepancies in the environment running RMO.
The tool scans RMO managed servers (Backup server, Database server, and NetBackup master server) to gather information related to recovery manager environment. The tool uses this information to identify any discrepancies and suggests corrective action to ensure proper functioning of RMO product.
The following are the features of the RMD tool:
Ability to auto discover RMO Backup server, RMO managed Database server, and NetBackup
master server (if applicable)
Gathers RMO environment setup information based on the configuration files
Identifies and provides corrective action for RMO environmental discrepancies
Gathers information about Oracle databases
Gathers information about the following backup methods:
Symantec NetBackup
HP Data Protector
Oracle RMAN
Collects HP 3PAR StoreServ information that are connected to Backup and Database servers
Validates SSH connection between Backup, Database, StoreServ, and backup tool servers
4 Introduction

2 System requirements for installation

This chapter provides an overview of the hardware and software requirements for installing the RMD tool.

Installation prerequisites

RMO must be installed on the RMO Backup and Database servers. The RMO configuration file is created either by using the rmora_config command or RMO GUI. For more information, see HP 3PAR Recovery Manager 4.3.0 or 4.4.0 Software for Oracle - User’s Guide.

Hardware and software requirements

There are no specific hardware and software requirements for installing the RMD tool besides the hardware and software requirements for RMO 4.3 and RMO 4.4 release.

Supported configuration

The RMD tool supports all the supported configuration of RMO 4.3 and RMO 4.4 release. For more information about the supported configuration, see the SPOCK website:
http://spock.corp.hp.com/spock/utility/document.aspx?docurl=Shared%20Documents/sw/ array_3par/3par_rmo.2013_05_17.pdf
Installation prerequisites 5

3 Installing and removing the RMD tool

Before installing the RMD tool, ensure that you meet the system requirements.

Installing the RMD tool on different operating systems

The RMD tool must be installed on the RMO Backup server. The following procedure explains how to install the RMD tool on different operating systems:
1. Click the following link to open the HP Storage Software page:
2. Download the product HP 3PAR Diagnostics Tool for Recovery Manager for Oracle v1.0 and navigate to the folder containing the executable.
3. Copy the folder to the RMO Backup server.
4. Login as root on the RMO Backup server.
5. Untar the platform specific software bundle and run the required script. The following are the scripts for each operating system:
a. IBM AIX: AIX_local_install.sh b. Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux: Linux_local_install.sh c. Sun Solaris: Solaris_local_install.sh d. HP–UX: HPUX_local_install.sh

Verifying the installation

Run the following script to verify the installation:
1. IBM AIX: lslpp -l HP3PARRMDO.rte
2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux: rpm -qi HP3PARRMODT
3. Sun Solaris: pkginfo -l HP3PARRMODT
4. HP–UX: swlist HP3PARRMODT

Removing the RMD tool from different operating systems

Run the following scripts to remove the RMD tool:
1. IBM AIX: AIX_local_install.sh
2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux: Linux_local_install.sh
3. Sun Solaris: Solaris_local_install.sh
4. HP–UX: HPUX_local_install.sh
6 Installing and removing the RMD tool
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