HP ProLiant ML110 G1, ProLiant ML110 G2, ProLiant ML350 G4, ProLiant ML110 G2a, ProLiant ML350 G4p User Manual

HP ProLiant Storage Server user guide
Part number: 378128–004 Fourth edition: June 2005
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Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors of omissions contained herein. The information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Hewlett-Packard Company products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements for such products. Nothing herein should be construed as c onstituting an additional warranty.
HP ProLiant Storage Server user guide
AboutthisGuide.......... 9
Intendedaudience.................. 9
Prerequisites .................... 9
Relateddocumentation................ 9
Conventions .................... 9
Documentconventions ............ 10
Textsymbols................. 10
Equipmentsymbols ................ 11
Gettinghelp ................... 12
HPtechnicalsupport ............. 12
HPhardwaresupportservices ......... 13
HPauthorizedreseller ............ 13
Helpfulwebsites............... 14
1Overview ........... 15
2SystemConfiguration ...... 21
Deployingthestorageserveronthenetwork...... 21
IPnetworkingandsetuprequirements...... 21
Collecting congurationinformation ......... 22
Windows Multilingual User Interface (MUI) on Storage
ServerServiceReleaseDVD............. 23
WebUI conguration................ 23
Method 1: Remote browser (using hostname) . . . 24
Procedure............... 24
Method2:Directattach............ 25
Procedure............... 25
Rapid Startup Wizard conguration....... 26
Completingbasicsetup .............. 29
Clustersetup ................... 30
Procedure............... 27
Completing the system conguration ...... 29
3 Storage Management Overview . 31
Storagemanagementelements ........... 31
StorageManagementexample......... 31
Physicalstorageelements........... 32
Arrays ................ 33
Faulttolerance............. 34
OnlineSpares ............. 35
Logicalstorageelements ........... 36
Logicaldrives(LUNs) .......... 36
Partitions ............... 37
Volumes................ 37
FileSystemElements ............. 38
File-SharingElements............. 38
VolumeShadowCopyServiceOverview .... 39
UtilizingStorageElements........... 39
ClusteredServerElements........... 40
4ServerStorage......... 41
Overview .................... 41
Storage for ML110 G1 and DL100 HP ProLiant Storage
Servers ..................... 41
Physical drive conguration .......... 41
DiskManager................ 43
Disk pa rtitioning and RAID conguration (ML110
G1andDL100)............... 43
Storage for ML110 G 2 HP ProLiant Storage Servers . . 46
Physical drive conguration .......... 46
ML110G2(Express) .......... 46
ML110G2(Workgroup)......... 47
DiskManager................ 48
Disk Partioning and R AID c onguration (ML110
G2Express)................. 48
Disk pa rtitioning and RAID conguration (ML110
G2Workgroup)............... 51
Storage for 300 series and 500 series ProLiant storage
servers...................... 53
Physical drive conguration .......... 53
A Regulatory Compliance Notices . . 55
FederalCommunicationsCommissionNotice ..... 55
ClassAequipment.............. 55
ClassBequipment.............. 55
Modications ................ 56
Cables................... 56
Declaration of conformity for products marked with
theFCClogo-UnitedStatesonly........ 56
CanadianNotice(AvisCanadien).......... 57
ClassAequipment.............. 57
ClassBequipment.............. 57
EuropeanUnionNotice .............. 57
BSMINotice ................... 58
JapaneseNotice ................. 58
JapanesePowerCordNotice ......... 58
BatteryReplacementNotice............. 59
TaiwanBatteryRecyclingNotice........ 59
Englishnotice................... 59
Dutchnotice ................... 60
Czechoslovakiannotice .............. 60
Estoniannotice .................. 61
Finnishnotice................... 61
Frenchnotice................... 61
Germannotice .................. 62
Greeknotice ................... 62
Hungariannotice ................. 63
Italiannotice ................... 63
Latviannotice................... 64
Lithuaniannotice ................. 64
Polishnotice ................... 65
Portuguesenotice ................. 65
Slovakiannotice ................. 65
Sloveniannotice ................. 66
Spanishnotice .................. 66
Swedishnotice .................. 67
BElectrostaticDischarge...... 69
Groundingmethods................ 69
Index.............. 71
1RapidStartupwizardscreen .............. 27
2RapidStartupconfi gurationreviewscreen ........ 28
3StorageManagementprocessexample ......... 32
4Configuring the physical drives into an array dramatically
improves read/write efciency .............. 33
5 RAID 0 (data striping) (S1-S4) of data blocks (B1-B12) . . . 34 62arrays(A1,A2)and5logicaldrives(L1throughL5)spread
over5physicaldrives.................. 36
7HardwareRAID ................... 42
8 Disk management, partitioning (ML110 G1 and DL100) . . 45
9ML110G2(Express)softwareRAID........... 47
10ML110G2(Workgroup)hardwareRAID ........ 48
11 Disk management, partitioning (ML110 G2 Express) . . . 50 12 Disk management, partitioning (ML110 G2 Workgroup) . 52
13HardwareRAID................... 54
1Documentconventions................. 10
2Modelquickreference(ML110throughDL100)...... 17
3Modelquickreference(ML350throughML370)...... 18
4Modelquickreference(DL380throughDL585) ...... 19
5ConfigurationInformation ............... 22
6SummaryofRAIDMethods............... 35
7 Hard drive conguration................ 42
8RAIDconfigurationbyharddrives............ 43
9RAIDconfigurationbylogicaldrives........... 44
10 ML110 G2 (Express) Hard drive conguration...... 46
11 ML110 GS (Workgroup) Hard drive conguration .... 47
12 RAI D congurationbyharddrives ........... 49
13 RAI D congurationbylogicaldrives .......... 49
14 RAI D congurationbyharddrives ........... 51
15 RAI D congurationbylogicaldrives .......... 51
16 Hard drive conguration ............... 53

About this Guide

Intended audience

This book is intended for use by technical professionals who are experienced with the following:
Microsoft®administrative procedures
System and storage congurations


Before you set up the HP ProLiant Storage Server, HP recommends that you obtain supplemental documentation relative to the items listed above in the section titled “Intended Audience.”

Related documentation

In addition to this guide, HP provides corresponding information:
HP ProLiant Storage Server Administration Guide
HP ProLiant Storage Server Release Notes


Conventions consist of the following:
• Document conventions

Document conventions

This document follows the conventions in the following table.
Table 1 Document conventions
Blue text Bold Menuitems,buttons,andkey,tab,and
Italics Text emphasis and document titles in
Monospace font
Monospace, italic font
Blue underlined text
Cross-reference links
box names
body text User input, commands, code, le and
directory names, and system responses (output and messages)
Command-line and code variables
Web site addresses

Text symbols

The following symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the following meanings:
Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
About this Guide
Text set off in this manner presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of information.

Equipment symbols

The following equipment symbols may b e found on hardware for which this guide perta ins.
with these symbols indicates the presence of electrical shock hazards. Enclosed area contains no operator serviceable parts.
Any enclosed surface or area of the equipment marked
WAR NING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from electrical shock hazards, do not open this enclosure.
network interface connection.
Any RJ-45 receptacle marked with these symbols indicates a
WARN ING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, re, or damage to the equipment, do not plug telephone or telecommunications connectors into this receptacle.
symbols indicates the presence of a hot surface or hot component. Contact with this surface could result in injury.
Any surface or area of the equipment marked with these
WAR NING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from a hot component, allow the surface to cool before touching.
indicate the presence of multiple sources of power.
Power supplies or systems marked with these symbols
WAR NING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from electrical shock, remove all power cords to completely disconnect power from the power supplies and systems.
that the component exceeds the recommended weight for one individual to handle safely.
Any product or assembly marked with these symbols indicates
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, observe local occupational health and safety requirements and guidelines for manually handling material.

Getting help

If you still have a question after reading this guide, contact an HP authorized service provider or access our web site: h
Known issues and workarounds for the storage server products and the service release are addressed in release notes. To view the latest version, visit h and troubleshooting information and enter a product name/number. Under self-help resources, select the manuals (guides, supplements, addendums, etc) link.
ttp://www.hp.com/go/support.SelectSee support

HP technical support

Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the following HP web site: h select the country of origin.
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
About this Guide
Be sure to have the following information available before calling:
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial numbers
Product model names and numbers
Applicable error messages
Operating system type and revision level
Detailed, specicquestions

HP hardware support services

HP Instant Support Enterprise Edition (ISEE) provides proactive remote monitoring, diagnostics, and troubleshooting to hel p you enhance the availability of your servers, as well as storage and network devices. TheISEEsoftwareislocatedonthestorageserverinthe c:\hpnas\components\ISEE folder. For more information, go to the HP web site:h
HP Services provides service tools that notify you when a signicant system event has or will occur. These tools, WEBES System Event Analyzer (SEA) and OSEM, are used both as part of the ISEE remote service offering and as standalone tools to HP service customers. They are designed to send anotification only when an event or series of events has occurred that require service action. They are not intended to be real time system state monitors that trigger with every event. Most system components have the capability of sending hundreds of state events during normal operation. SEA and OSEM are designed to lter these component events and only notify customers and/or HP Services when action needs to be taken to resolve or prevent an outage. As designed they will not report all events. Other utilities are available to monitor real time system state. The software is located on the storage server in the c:\hpnas\components\ISEE\OSEM and c:\hpnas\components\ISEE\WEBES folders.
ttp://h20219.ww w2.hp.com/services/cache/
This feature is only available on the 300 or 500 series ProLiant Storage Servers.

HP authorized reseller

For the name of your nearest HP authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672
Elsewhere, see the HP web site for locations and telephone
numbers: h

Helpful web sites

For third-party product information, see the following HP web sites:
About this Guide
This guide provides basic instructions for installing and initially conguring HP ProLiant Storage Servers. The basic steps are:
1. Setup the hardware.
Refer to the HP ProLiant Storage Server installation poster for model-specicinformation.
2. Collect conguration information.
See Tables 2 through 4 in this chapter.
3. Use one of the following methods to initialize the storage server
and identify the conguration parameters:
• Direct attach See chapter 2 of this guide.
4. Use the Rapid Startup Wizard to complete the initial conguration.
See chapter 2 of this guide.
5. Congure storage, if applicable.
6. Use the
complete any additional conguration tasks.
ThelatestServiceReleasekitisincludedwiththeProliantStorageServer. The Service Release DVD provides software updates, upgrades, and enhancements that were not available when the storage server was manufactured. Please read the Quick Start Guide in the Service Release kit for a complete description of the Service Release and its installation instructions.
HP ProLiant Storage Server Administration Guide
This user guide and the provide information for several storage servers. Not all information is relevant to all storage servers. Exceptions are noted throughout the text. In addition, see Tables 2, 3, and 4.
The following tables provide a quick reference for determining which sections of the storage server documentation apply to a particular model. See the QuickSpecs for specic hardware and software information.
HP ProLiant Storage Server Administration Guide
16 Overview
Table 2 Model quick reference (ML110 through DL100)
ML110 G2 DL100
OS version
ML110 G1 ML110 G2
Express Express
Yes Yes Yes Yes
ured stor­age
Storage manager
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Pack support
Print services
Yes (up to 5printers)
Yes (up to 5printers)
support SAN
No No No No
support Cluster
No No No No
support iLO/
Optional LO-100
Optional LO-100
NIC Ports
The Windows Storage Server 2003 Express Edition OS on the ML110 G2 Storage Server 320 GB model is limited to basic le serving functionality. This OS does not include support for Storage Resource Manager 2.0 (le screening and quotas) or print serving. Also, this OS does not allow Microsoft Exchange storage, iSCSI Feature Pack, HP OpenView Storage Mirroring, anti-virus, backup, or any other third-party storage service applications to be loaded on the Storage Server.
Storage Manager consists of Directory Quotas, File Filtering, and Storage Reports.
Print Server Kit (377385–B21) option available, allowing print server services to network printers.
Most servers support NIC teaming by default and include software support. The ML110 supports NIC teaming by adding the appropriate network cards and software from HP. The D L100 supports NIC teaming using the Intel Network Adapter user interface.
11 1
Table 3 Model quick reference (ML350 through ML370)
ML350 G4 ML350 G4p ML370 G4
OS version
Standard Standard Standard
No No No
ured stor­age
Storage manager
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Pack support
Yes Yes Yes
services support
Yes Yes Yes
support Cluster
No No No
support iLO/
Optional RILOE II
NIC Ports
Storage Manager consists of Directory Quotas, File Filtering, and Storage Reports.
Most servers support NIC teaming by default and include software support.
18 Overview
Table 4 Model quick reference (DL380 t hrough DL585)
DL380 G4 DL380 G4 DL580 G2 DL 585
OS version
Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise
No No No No
ured stor­age
Storage manager
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No
Pack support
Yes Yes Yes Yes
services support
Yes Yes Yes Yes
support Cluster
Yes Yes Yes
support iLO/RILOE/
NIC Ports
Storage Manager consists of Directory Quotas, File Filtering, and Storage Reports.
Most servers support NIC teaming by default and include software support.
20 Overview
Before beginning the conguration process, verify that the storage server is completely installed and that all cables and cords are connected.
It is important to read all of the supplied documentation before starting. Relevant documents include:
HP ProLiant Storage Server installation instructions for your model
HP ProLiant Storage Server Administration Guide
HP ProLiant Storage Server Release Notes (if required, this
document will be available at h
Known issues and workarounds for the storage server products and the service release are addressed in release notes. To view the latest version, visit h and troubleshooting in formation and enter a product name/number. Under self-help resources,selectthemanuals (guides, supplements, addendums, etc) link.
ttp://www.hp.com/go/support.SelectSee support

Deploying the storage server on the network

The default shipping conguration contains one or two 10/100/1000 integrated network i nterface controller (NIC) ports for client data access. NIC data ports also allow access to the WebUI that accompanies the product. Most management and administrative procedures can be accomplished via the WebUI.

IP networking and setup requirements

Windows-based PC running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or
later)onthesamenetworksegmentasthestorageserver;thisis used to set up and administer the storage server.
Additional Ethernet connection ports to client subnets (depending
on network options ordered).
Collecting conguration information
Choose a host name and collect general information required to initialize the storage server for either dynamic host conguration protocols (DHCP) or non-DHCP congurations. This information is needed during conguration, as shown in Table 5. Become familiar with this information before attempting to congure the storage server.
Table 5 Conguration Information
Part A: To be completed for DHCP and non-DHCP congurations
Server Host Name: Part B: To be completed for non-DHCP congurations only DNS Servers IP Address
1 2 3
Storage Server NIC Port* IP Address
* Disable ports that will not be used. Each Ethernet port, whether standard or added, must be congured with a separate subnet.
Part C: SNMP Information (optional) Trap Destination (IP
Address) Manager Client:
Management Traps Community String:
System Management Community String:
System Conguration
Subnet Mask
Gateway Address
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