HP Photosmart p1000 User Manual

HP PhotoSmart
PlOOO/PllOO Printer
User’s Guide
I Expanding PosabiLilies)
Copyright 1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
The inFormation contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HewLett-Packard shaLL not be LiabLe For errors contained herein or For consequentiaL damages in connection with the Furnishing, perFormance, or use oF this materiaL.
HP, the HP Logo, JetSend, the JetSend Logo, PhotoSmart, and the PhotoSmart Logo are property oF HewLett-Packard Company.
MicrosoFt and Windows are registered trademarks oF MicrosoFt Corporation.
Other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks oF their respective hoLders.
Chapter 1 Getting Started...................................................................................1
Overview....................................................................................................................... 1
Special Features.....................................................................................................1
Setting up gour HP PhotoSmart printer
Unpacking the printer.............................................................................................3
Other items gou will need.......................................................................................4
Getting to know gour HP PhotoSmart printer
Turning the printer ON and OFF
Using the Front panel.............................................................................................6
Handling printer status messages
Reading the indicator lights....................................................................................8
Using the HP PhotoSmart printer tools.........................................................................9
Printing a test page..............................................................................................10
Cleaning the print cartridges Selecting the deFault paper tgpe and size
Selecting the page lagout.....................................................................................11
Photo Album..................................................................................................12
Paper Saver...................................................................................................12
Adjusting the photo brightness.............................................................................13
5 6
Using the Factorg settings....................................................................................13
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Using Print Cartridges and Paper
Using print cartridges..................................................................................................15
Selecting the correct print cartridges
Determining if a print cartridge is Low on ink.......................................................15
Replacing print cartridges.....................................................................................16
Loading paper..............................................................................................................17
Loading a stack of paper......................................................................................18
Loading paper in the photo tra\............................................................................19
Loading envelopes......................................................................................................20
Printing a single envelope....................................................................................20
Printing a stack of envelopes...............................................................................20
Using HP custom papers............................................................................................21
Chapter 3 Connecting the Printer to a Computer...........................................23
Sgstem requirements...................................................................................................23
Connecting the printer.................................................................................................23
Using a paraUel port.............................................................................................23
Using a USB port..................................................................................................24
Chapter 4 Using the Printer with a Computer.................................................25
Printer Properties.................................................................................................26
Two-sided printing.................................................................................................27
ManuaLLg reloading paper to print the second side
Using memorg card files..............................................................................................29
Saving photos..............................................................................................................30
Using the HP PhotoSmart printer Toolbox
Opening the Toolbox............................................................................................32
Printer Services....................................................................................................33
Estimated Ink Level..............................................................................................33
Configuration....................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 5 Using the Printer with a Memory Card...........................................35
Understanding memory cards.....................................................................................35
Inserting a memory card..............................................................................................35
Printing an index page.................................................................................................37
Selecting photos..........................................................................................................38
Using the front panel............................................................................................38
Using Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) files.....................................................40
Printing photos............................................................................................................41
Chapter 6 Using the Printer with HP JetSend.................................................43
Using HP JetSend to print or save photos..................................................................43
Tips for using HP JetSend...........................................................................................45
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Using the computer..................................................................................................... 47
The HP PhotoSmart Toolbox
Communications troubleshooting.........................................................................47
Using a digital camera.................................................................................................48
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide
Clearing a paper jam...................................................................................................48
Common questions and answers............................................................................... 50
Frequentlg asked questions.................................................................................50
Getting assistance.......................................................................................................53
HP PhotoSmart on the Internet............................................................................53
HP communitg Forum
Viewing online Help..............................................................................................54
Contacting HP Customer Care............................................................................54
Maintenance Functions...............................................................................................55
Materials \ou will need..........................................................................................55
Cleaning the print cartidge holders......................................................................55
Cleaning the print cartridges
Cleaning the printer..............................................................................................57

Chapterl Getting Started


Your HP PhotoSmart PlOOO/PllOO printer prints everything From black and white
text documents to color photos. You can print high-quality documents and projects
(such as a photo album pages, greeting cards, or newsletters) that you have created
using your computer. You can use the HP PhotoSmart printer to print copies oF photos From your digital camera’s memory card. IF your digital camera has HP
JetSend inFrared capability, you can use inFrared For wireless printing.

Special features

Your HP PhotoSmart printer is a unique printer with special Features to help you:
print or save photos From digital camera memory cards
use your digital camera’s memory card as a separate disk drive
print or save photos using HP JetSend inFrared technology
create laser-like quality text and brilliant photo-quality color
enjoy clear, natural-looking results on any paper
connect the printer to your computer using a USB or parallel port
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide
How you wiLL use your printer depends on your source.
IF your source is: You can:
a computer
a memory card
a digitaL camera using HP JetSend inFrared
print From a wide range o1 soltware appLications
save photos to your computer’s hard drive print an index page showing thumbnaiLs (mini
representations) oF aLL photos
print aLL or seLected photos
print muLtipLe copies oF photos
save aLL or seLected photos to your computer’s hard drive
use a soFtware appLication to open (view) a photo From the memory card
print an index page showing thumbnaiLs (mini representations) oF aLL photos
print aLL or seLected photos
print muLtipLe copies oF photos
save aLL or seLected photos (From the digitaL camera)

Setting up your HP PhotoSmart printer

Unpacking the printer

To unpack the printer:
1. Remove aLL items From the box.
2. Detach the packaging From the PhotoSmart printer.
3. Save the packaging, in case \ou ever want to transport or store gour printer.
Getting Started
BeFore gou begin, check to be sure gou have the FoLLowing:
HP PhotoSmart printer Power cord Print cartridges
SoFtware on CD-ROM
User’s Guide Quick Success poster
SoFtware instaLLation instructions
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide

Other items you wiLL need

Depending on how you are using the HP PhotoSmart printer, you wiLL need
additional items (Listed beLow).
Cables - To connect the HP PhotoSmart printer to your computer, you will
need a bi-directional IEEE 1284-compliant parallel cable or a USB cable
(available at most computer stores).
Note: For more information about how to connect the HP PhotoSmart printer
to a computer, see “Chapter 3 Connecting the Printer to a Computer” on page 23.
HP paper - For the best output quality, we recommend using HP paper. HP paper is available at most computer and office supply stores or on the Web at HP’s Shopping Village.
Note: For more information about how paper affects print quality, see the HP
PhotoSmart online Help.
Memory cards - If you use your digital camera’s memory card with the printer,
make sure the memory card is a CompactFlash Type I or II or SmartMedia memory card. See “Chapter 5 Using the Printer with a Memory Card” on page
35 for more information.

Getting to know your HP PhotoSmart printer

Getting Started
top cover
output tray
side paper guide
photo tray
paper tray Front paper guide
Top cover - open this cover to change print cartridges or dear a paper jam
Output tray - catches your printed photos or documents
Paper guides (Front and side) ­adjust these guides to the edges oF the paper in the paper tray to ensure the paper Feeds into the printer correctly
Photo tray - place 4 x 6 inch (102 x 152 mm) photo paper in this tray For printing
memory card slots
Power button
Paper tray - place paper or envelopes in this tray For printing
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) ­read this window For inFormation about the status oF your printer
Memory card slots (SmartMedia and CompactFlash) - place a
memory card into the correct slot to begin printing or saving
Power button - press this button to turn the printer on and oFF
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide

Turning the printer ON and OFF

To turn the printer on and oFi:
1. Be sure the top cover is dosed.
2. Press the Power button to turn the printer ON and OFF.
Note: To get maximum use From \our print cartridges, do not unplug the printer,
or turn oFF the power source (such as a power strip), until the Power light is

Using the Front panel

The printer’s Front panel allows \ou to print directlg From \our digital camera without using \our computer. The Front panel also has an LCD which shows inFormation about \our printer. Use the Front panel LCD and buttons to print photos or save them to \our computer’s hard drive. Mang buttons “remember” what gour last selection was so that gou do not have to make gour selections again.
Choose Photos —
Photo Size OK/Yes Print
Tools Infrared port
Getting Started
The Following is a general description oF the Front panel buttons. The details on
how to use each button are included throughout this guide.
Copies - use this button to select the number oF copies \ou want to print
Choose Photos - use this button to choose which photos \ou want to print or save
Photo Size - use this button to choose the printed size For all selected photos
Cancel/No - press this button to stop printing, cancel a selection, or answer no to a question on the LCD
OK/Yes - press this button to make a selection or answer \es to a question on the LCD
Press the right and leFt sides oF the Following buttons to view (move through) the
available selections.
Choose Photos Photo Size
Save - press this button to start saving the selected photos to the computer
Print - press this button to start printing the selected photos
Tools - use this button to change
printer settings
InFrared (IR) port - aim \our digital
camera toward this port when
transFerring photos to the printer using HP JetSend inFrared technologg
Power - press this button to turn the printer on and oFF
Copies Tools
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide

Handling printer status messages

The LCD displays information about the status of your printer and prompts you for information about the current job. When you see a message on the LCD, you can:
Follow the instructions on the LCD. OR
Press the Cancel button to stop printing or saving. If you do this, you will need to re-start the job.
Note: If you need additional information after following the instructions on the
LCD, see “Chapter 7 Troubleshooting and Maintenance” on page 47.

Reading the indicator Lights

The HP PhotoSmart printer has four indicator lights. Two are located next to the memory card slots and two are located on the front panel.
Card Slot lights
Power light
If the Power light is:
on- the printer power is on
blinking - the printer is busy (for example, printing or saving)
oFF - the printer power is off
Attention light
IF a Card Slot Light (there are two oF them—one For each card slot) is:
on - the memorg card is inserted correctLg
blinking - the memorg card in the card slot is being accessed
Caution: Do not remove the memory card while the indicator light
is blinking. Removing a memory card while it is in use may damage the card.
oFF - there is no memorg card inserted, the memorg card is not inserted correctLg, or the other memorg card slot is in use
Note: You can onLg use one memorg card slot at a time. For more
inFormation about using memorg cards with the HP PhotoSmart printer, see “Chapter 5 Using the Printer with a Memorg Card” on page
IF the Attention Light is blinking, read the LCD For instructions.
Getting Started

Using the HP PhotoSmart printer tools

You can use the TooLs button on the printer’s Front paneL to:
print a test page
cLean the print cartridges
seLect the deFauLt paper tgpe and size
seLect the deFauLt page Lagout
• adjust the photo brightness
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide

Printing a test page

IF you think your print cartridges may be Low on ink, print a test page.
To print a test page:
1. Make sure pLain paper is Loaded in the paper tray. See “Loading paper” on page 17 For detaiLs.
2. Press the Tools button untiL the LCD asks iF you want to print a test page, then press the OK/Yes button.
The printer begins printing a test page.

Cleaning the print cartridges

IF you notice white Lines or singLe-coLor streaks on your prints, the print cartridges
may need to be cLeaned.
Note: You can aLso cLean the print cartridges using the HP PhotoSmart TooLbox
or you can cLean them manuaLLy. See “CLeaning the print cartridges” on page 56 For detaiLs.
To clean the print cartridges:
1. Make sure pLain paper is Loaded in the paper tray. See “Loading paper” on page 17 For detaiLs.
2. Press the Tools button untiL the LCD asks iF you want to cLean the print
cartridges, then press the OK/Yes button.
3. When the LCD asks you to Load pLain paper, press the OK/Yes button.
The printer begins cLeaning the print cartridges. The Power Light begins
bLinking. When the printer stops making noises AND the Power Light is no Longer bLinking, the printer is Finished cLeaning the print cartridges. The printer then begins printing a test page. IF the test page has white streaks or missing
coLors, you can cLean the print cartridges again. See “CLeaning the print cartridges” on page 56 For detaiLs.
Getting Started

Selecting the default paper type and size

IF you usually print on one type and size oF paper, set the paper type and size
deFault settings. Your settings will be the new deFaults For each print job. You will still have the option to change the paper type and size For a speciFic print job.
To select the default paper type and size:
1. Press the Tools button until the LCD asks you iF you want to:
Select the deFault paper type? OR
Select the deFault paper size?
2. Press the OK/Yes button. The LCD displays the current setting.
3. Press the Tools button until the LCD displays the correct type or size (or No DeFault iF you want to select the paper type and size every time you print using the Front panel).
4. Press the OK/Yes button.

Selecting the page layout

The page layout speciFies how the printer positions photos on the page.
1. Press the Tools button until the LCD asks iF you want to select the page layout, then press the OK/Yes button.
2. Press the Tools button again to select Photo Album or Paper Saver. See below For more inFormation about these selections.
3. Press the OK/Yes button.
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide
Photo Album
Select this option if you want to print photos using the orientation setting From the digital camera. The printer orients the page to Fit as many photos as possible. For example, if your photos are all landscape, the page will print landscape. The printer uses the photo orientation setting From the camera to determine how to place the photo on the page.
Paper Saver
Select this option iF you want to Fit as many photos as possible on each sheet oF paper. Some photos may be turned sideways to Fit on the page—they may not print right-side up.
Getting Started

Adjusting the photo brightness

IF \ou want gour photos to print Lighter or darker than the originals, adjust the photo brightness.
To adjust the photo brightness:
1. Press the Tools button until the LCD asks iF gou want to adjust the photo brightness, then press the OK/Yes button.
2. Press the right side oF the Tools button to Lighten gour photos or the leFt side oF the Tools button to darken gour photos.
3. Press the OK/Yes button.

Using the factory settings

You can reset the printer to the original Factorg settings using the Tools button.
To use the Factory settings:
Press the Tools button until the LCD asks iF gou want to reset all tools settings, then press the OK/Yes button.
The Factorg settings are as Follows:
No deFault paper tgpe or size (the printer will ask gou these settings everg time gou print photos using the Front panel)
Photo Album page lagout
Middle Brightness setting
HP PhotoSmart Printer User’s Guide
Chapter 2

Using Print Cartridges and Paper

Using print cartridges

To get the best performance from gour HP PhotoSmart printer, we recommend
using onLg genuine HP supplies, including genuine HP factorg-fiHed print
Note: Do not refill print cartridges gourself. Damage resulting from the
modification or refilling of HP print cartridges is specificallg excluded from
HP printer warrantg coverage.

Selecting the correct print cartridges

Use onlg HP print cartridges with gour HP PhotoSmart printer. The part numbers
Colorcartridge - HP C6578 series
Black cartridge - HP 51645 series

Determining if a print cartridge is Low on ink

When a print cartridge is low on ink gou will probablg notice it in the print qualitg. You mag start seeing too much of one color in a print, a color mag be missing, or
gou mag see streaks in gour print. If gou think gour print cartridges mag be low on ink, print a test page. See “Using the HP PhotoSmart printer tools” on page 9 for details. If gou are connected to a computer, gou can use the HP PhotoSmart Toolbox. See “Using the HP PhotoSmart printer Toolbox” on page 32 for more information.
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