hp digital
home networking
phoneline gateway
quick start guide
Filename: QS Phoneline GW.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP Quick Start.dot Author: Rob Heiret Last Saved By: Elizabeth Stoneburg
Revision #: 60 Page: 1 of 15 Printed: 08/16/01 05:39 PM

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Hewlett-Packard Company
Home Networking Solutions Organization
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Filename: QS Phoneline GW.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP Quick Start.dot Author: Rob Heiret Last Saved By: Elizabeth Stoneburg
Revision #: 60 Page: 1 of 15 Printed: 08/16/01 05:39 PM

phoneline gateway
Thank you for choosing the Hewlett-Packard
Digital Home Networking Phoneline
Gateway. This quick start guide provides
easy set-up instructions. For additional
information, see the user’s guide included
on the CD-ROM.
box contents
One Phoneline Gateway
One Phoneline USB Network Adapter
One installation and documentation CD-ROM
One AC Power Adapter
One USB cable
One Ethernet cable (blue)
One phone line cable
One quick start guide
One warranty sheet
Filename: QS Phoneline GW.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP Quick Start.dot Author: Rob Heiret Last Saved By: Elizabeth Stoneburg
Revision #: 60 Page: 1 of 15 Printed: 08/16/01 05:39 PM
phoneline gateway 1

before you begin
1 Verify that all of the box contents are
2 Confirm that:
The computers you intend to connect to the
Gateway are all running either Windows
98, 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP. Windows
2000 and XP Professional require
administrative privileges to install this
software — see your user documentation
for details.
Each computer has a CD-ROM drive.
A broadband (DSL or cable) modem has
been installed and is connected to one of
the computers via an Ethernet cable.
Each computer to be connected to the
Phoneline network:
Has a Phoneline network adapter
(internal or external) installed.
Has a phone line cable running from the
adapter to a wall phone line jack.
Shares the same phone line.
3 To avoid conflicts, uninstall or disable any
connection-sharing software, such as 3COM
HomeClick, Microsoft Internet Connection
Sharing (ICS), Intel Anypoint ISS, or proxy
software such as WinGate, Sygate, or other
similar applications. You no longer need this
type of application when you install the
Phoneline Gateway.
To uninstall a program:
a) Select Start > Settings >
Control Panel.
b) Double-click Add/Remove
c) Select the connection-sharing or proxy
software application to be removed.
d) Click Add/Remove, then click Yes.
Filename: QS Phoneline GW.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP Quick Start.dot Author: Rob Heiret Last Saved By: Elizabeth Stoneburg
Revision #: 60 Page: 2 of 15 Printed: 08/16/01 05:39 PM