HP PDF417 User Manual

PDF417 Encoder
Installation Guide
Version 2.2
(Build or later)
PDF417 Installation Guide
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. NeoMedia Technologies assumes no responsibility for any errors that might appear in this document.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
© Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
PN: 4511202-00-01-00
Revised 3/1/2002
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PDF417 Installation Guide
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 1
Windows PC-based Installation..................................................................................................... 2
Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................2
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................................................2
Installing the Encoder .............................................................................................................................2
Linking with the Encoder .......................................................................................................................4
C/C++..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ACUCOBOL......................................................................................................................................................... 6
UNIX Installation........................................................................................................................... 7
Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................7
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................................................7
Installing the Encoder .............................................................................................................................7
Linking with the Encoder .......................................................................................................................9
C/C++..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
ACUCOBOL....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Micro Focus COBOL.......................................................................................................................................... 12
MVS Installation .......................................................................................................................... 13
Requirements .........................................................................................................................................13
Preparing for Installation .....................................................................................................................13
Installing the Encoder ...........................................................................................................................14
Linking with the Encoder .....................................................................................................................16
COBOL............................................................................................................................................................... 17
C Language ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Execution Errors....................................................................................................................................21
AS/400 Installation....................................................................................................................... 22
Requirements .........................................................................................................................................22
Preparing for Installation .....................................................................................................................22
Installing the Encoder ...........................................................................................................................22
Binding with the Encoder .....................................................................................................................24
Running the Sample Programs.............................................................................................................24
COBOL............................................................................................................................................................... 25
Compiling and Running the sample COBOL/400 Program............................................................................ 25
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PDF417 Installation Guide
Compiling and Running the sample ILE COBOL Program............................................................................ 25
RPG..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Compiling and Running the sample RPG/400 Program.................................................................................. 26
Compiling and Running the sample ILE RPG Program ................................................................................. 26
C Language ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Compiling and Running the sample ILE C Program....................................................................................... 27
Output of the sample programs........................................................................................................................... 28
Font Selection............................................................................................................................... 29
UNIX and PC Platforms: ................................................................................................................................ 29
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PDF417 Installation Guide
This document provides the installation instructions for the NeoMedia Technologies PDF417 encoder library. For a detailed description of how to use the encoder, refer to the programmer’s manual, PDF417 Programming Guide.
The PDF417 encoder library is a powerful set of functions for generating and printing PDF417 barcode symbols in a variety of hardware and software environments. The library is written in ANSI C and is shipped in compiled object form. The library includes interfaces for COBOL and C. While the encoder library does not use any of the standard C library functions, some platforms (e.g., MVS and OS/400) still require that programs calling C modules be linked with the C run­time libraries. Refer to your systems development environment reference for more information.
The encoder consists of the following components:
The encoder library itself (shipped in compiled, object format for your platform).
A number of printer fonts for IBM AFP, Xerox, and Hewlett Packard PCL printers. Refer to
your NeoMedia Technologies, Inc. PDF417 encoder License Agreement for details on which fonts you have licensed for use.
A number of sample programs and printer resources.
The specific file names of these components are listed in the platform installation sections.
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PDF417 Installation Guide
Windows PC-based Installation
It is highly recommended that the installation of the PDF417 encoder be performed by a skilled System Administrator with intimate knowledge of your Windows environment. The instructions that follow are written in a general sense and will work on most Windows based systems. However, due to the wide and varied PC-based configurations available, it is impossible to provide concise instructions for all possible scenarios. Some of the instructions may therefore require customization.
The encoder is supported for use with the following products:
After completing the installation, the PDF417 encoder will be available as a dynamic link library that can then be linked with your applications. While linking and running the encoder with products other than those listed above may be possible, these types of configurations are not supported by NeoMedia Technologies.
Preparing for Installation
The PDF417 encoder is distributed on diskettes in InstallShield format. The distribution consists of a root directory, pdf417_32bit or pdf417_16bit, with the following six sub­directories.
The first directory, pdf417_32bit\lib, contains the PDF417 encoder dynamic link library (.dll), the link library (.lib) ), the static link library (.lib), and C header files which will need to be included in your application.
The second directory, pdf417_32bit\sample, contains a variety of resources for the programmer, including an Excel spreadsheet PDF417 Calculator, sample programs, callback function definition source files, and C header files.
The third directory, pdf417_32bit\acu, contains the ACUCOBOL specific files required for building an ACUCOBOL runtime and a batch file to compile a COBOL program.
The fourth directory, pdf417_32bit\docs, contains the user documentation files in Microsoft Word format.
The fifth directory, pdf417_32bit\hpfont, contains the font binary files for HP PCL printers.
The sixth directory, pdf417_32bit\afpos2, contains the font binary files for OS2 AFP printers.
Installing the Encoder
The installation media for Windows is in InstallShield format.
Insert Disk 1 into floppy drive A.
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PDF417 Installation Guide
For 32-bit installation, this process will create the pdf417 directory structure (pdf417_32bit). For the 16-bit installation, this process will create the top level directory (pdf417_16bit) and copy all files into this directory. For the 32-bit installation, once you have installed the PDF417 encoder, you must copy the pdfenc_d.dll into a directory where it can be found at execution time. The Windows operating system searches the C:\WINDOWS and C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories to resolve the link. It will also search the directory where the executable that is using the library is located. If you know how to link manually this method can be used by making sure the DLL file is copied to the specified directory path.
The following tables list the contents of each of the directories:
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\lib directory:
File Name Description
pdfenc_d.dll Encoder (32-bit) dynamic link library (used at run time). OR nmpdfenc.dll Encoder (16-bit) dynamic link library (used at run time. pdfenc_d.lib Encoder (32-bit) link library (used at link time). OR nmpdfenc.lib Encoder (16-bit) link library (used at link time). pdfenc_s.lib Encoder (32-bit) static link library (used at run time). OR llpdfenc.lib Encoder (16-bit) large memory module static link library pdfenc.h C #include file. pdfdefs.h C # include file. pdfrend.h C #include file.
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\sample directory:
Object Description
Readme32.txt A standard README file (32-bit installation) OR Readme16.txt A standard README file (16-bit installation). samplec.c Sample C program. samplec.mak Makefile for compiling the sample C program. samplcob.cob Sample COBOL program. nmpdf417.cob COPYLIB for sample COBOL program. sinkfils.c Sample file for output callback function to a file. sinkfile.h C #include file. sinkmems.c Sample file for output callback function to memory. sinkmem.h C #include file. PDF417 Calculator.xls
Excel spreadsheet to calculate byte, codeword, and
Font character counts for specific real estate Parameters.
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\acu directory:
Object Description
compacu.bat Batch file to compile samplcob.cob. direct.c Source file for creating an ACUCOBOL runtime. wpruncbl.mak Makefile for creating an ACUCOBOL runtime with
PDF417 subroutine included.
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PDF417 Installation Guide
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\hpFont directory:
Object Description
HPPP3309.FLJ Font file for HP PCL printers, portrait, 300 DPI, 3x9 pixel module size HPPL3309.FLJ Font file for HP PCL printers, landscape, 300 DPI, 3x9 pixel module size HPPP3412.FLJ Font file for HP PCL printers, portrait, 300 DPI, 4x12 pixel module size HPPL3412.FLJ Font file for HP PCL printers, portrait, 300 DPI, 4x12 pixel module size
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\afpOS2 directory:
Object Description
C0PD2206.OS2 Font character set for OS2 AFP printers, 240 DPI, 2x6 pixel module size X0PD2206.OS2 Font code font for OS2 AFP printers, 240 DPI, 2x6 pixel module size C0PD2309.OS2 Font character set for OS2 AFP printers, 240 DPI, 2x9 pixel module size X0PD2309.OS2 Font code font for OS2 AFP printers, 240 DPI, 2x9 pixel module size C0PD3309.OS2 Font character set for OS2 AFP printers, 300 DPI, 3x9 pixel module size X0PD3309.OS2 Font code font for OS2 AFP printers, 300 DPI, 3x9 pixel module size C0PD3412.OS2 Font character set for OS2 AFP printers, 300 DPI, 4x12 pixel module size X0PD3412.OS2 Font code font for OS2 AFP printers, 300 DPI, 4x12 pixel module size T1PDF417.OS2 Code page for 240 and 30 DPI AFP printers
Contents of the pdf417_32bit\docs directory:
Object Description
pdf417igv2.doc PDF414 Encoder Installation Guide pdf417v2.doc PDF417 Encoder Programming Guide license.txt The License Agreement in text format
Linking with the Encoder
The precise syntax for linking with the encoder varies from compiler to compiler. Refer to your compiler's documentation for linking with dynamic link libraries. NOTE: The PDF417 encoder
is shipped as a dynamic link library (.dll) and as a static link library.
A makefile (samplec.mak) has been provided in the pdf417_32bit\sample directory for compiling and linking the sample C program. NOTE: This makefile assumes that both NMAKE
and the standard C compiler (cl) are being used.
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PDF417 Installation Guide
To compile and link the sample program for ‘C’:
NOTE: Compiling and testing the C sample is not a required step for installation of the PDF417 Encoder. It is recommended if you will be using the C API.
1. Create a test directory to build the sample program in. Note: for the 16-bit installation, you can build the sample programs in the installation directory.
2. Change directory to the sample directory just created
(...\test) and copy the following
files to this directory:
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\lib\pdfenc_d.dll C:\WINDOWS
NOTE: The DLL can be copied to the C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or the path where the executable will reside which is the current directory
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\samplec.mak .
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\samplec.c .
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\sinkfils.c .
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\sinkfile.h .
3. Edit samplec.mak and confirm that the include directory path (-I) is correct for your configuration.
NOTE: This .mak file is a Windows make file utilizing NMAKE. It is not a Microsoft Developer Studio build file. It is a text file and can be edited using any word processor or edit utility.
4. Execute the make file:
...\test> nmake /f samplec.mak
5. This will compile and link to an executable, samplec.exe. Run the following program:
...\test> samplec
6. For successful execution, there will be no screen I/O but three files will be created in the current directory:
The files that are created from this test program are DIB, TIFF and font character files which contain a PDF417 symbol with the following encoded:
This is a test of the NeoMedia Technologies PDF417 Encoder. The error correction will encode at level 3 with ECC padding.
Within Windows, you should be able to double click on the DIB and TIFF files created. Microsoft Paint program should be able to understand the .BMP format. Microsoft Imaging should be able to understand the .TIF format. To test the symbol, print the file from within the applications named above and then scan them.
For the font character file, you will have to print the file with the appropriate font definition file loaded. Printing the symbol files is beyond the scope of this document.
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PDF417 Installation Guide
To compile and link the sample program for ACUCOBOL:
NOTE: Compiling and testing the COBOL sample is not a required step for installation of the PDF417 Encoder. It is recommended if you will be using the COBOL API.
1. Create a runtime which includes ACUCOBOL and PDF417 encoder library (wpruncbl.exe):
Change directory to the acu directory in the PDF417 distribution,
Make sure that the variables are defined correctly in wpruncbl.mak
Execute the make file:
...\pdf417_32bit\acu> nmake /f wpruncbl.mak
2. Create a sample directory to build the sample programs in. Note: for the 16-bit installation, you can build the sample programs in the installation directory.
3. Change directory to the test directory just created (...\test) and copy the following files to this directory:
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\samplcob.cob .
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\sample\nmpdf417.cob .
...\test> copy ...\pdf417_32bit\acu\compacu.bat .
4. Compile the test program:
...\test> compacu samplcob
This command will create a debuggable object file samplcob.
5. Copy the dynamic link library (.dll) to the same directory as the runtime executable or into one of the appropriate places that the system will find it at runtime:
...\test> copy ..\pdf417_32bit\lib\pdfenc_d.dll ..\pdf417_32bit\acu\pdfenc_d.dll
NOTE: The DLL can be copied to the C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or the path where the ACUCOBOL runtime executable will reside.
6. Run the new runtime with the COBOL object as a parameter:
...\test> ...\acu\wpruncbl samplcob
7. For successful execution, there will be no screen I/O but the following file will be created in the current directory:
The file that is created from this test program is a font character file which contains an array of font characters that, when printed with the appropriate PDF417 symbol font, will render the PDF417 symbol for the following data:
This is a test of the NeoMedia Technologies PDF417 Encoder. The error correction will encode at level 3 with ECC padding.
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