HP (Hewlett-Packard) PCN71576526 User Manual

FM centrifugal pump
Multi-stage, centrifugal close-coupled pump with an axial suction and a vertical axis discharge
PCN=71576526 – 03/07 (E)
operating, using and maintaining this equipment.
1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY ......................... 4
6 MAINTENANCE................................................ 22
1.1 General.......................................................4
1.2 CE marking and approvals........................... 4
1.3 Disclaimer.................................................... 4
1.4 Copyright..................................................... 4
1.5 Duty conditions............................................ 4
1.6 Safety.......................................................... 5
1.7 Nameplate and safety labels........................ 8
1.8 Specific machine performance..................... 8
1.9 Noise level................................................... 9
2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE......................... 10
2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking.......... 10
2.2 Handling.................................................... 10
2.3 Lifting......................................................... 11
2.4 Storage...................................................... 11
2.5 Recycling and endof product life ............... 11
3 PUMP DESCRIPTION...................................... 11
3.1 Description and restrictions of use ............. 11
3.2 Nomenclature............................................ 12
3.3 Coverage charts........................................ 13
4 INSTALLATION................................................. 15
4.1 Location..................................................... 15
4.2 Foundation ................................................ 15
4.3 Piping........................................................ 15
4.4 Electrical connections................................ 17
4.5 Protection systems.................................... 18
6.1 General ..................................................... 22
6.2 Maintenance schedule............................... 23
6.3 Spare parts................................................ 25
6.4 Recommended spares............................... 25
6.5 Disassembly .............................................. 25
7 FAULTS; CAUSES AND REMEDIES................. 27
8 PARTS LIST AND DRAWINGS......................... 28
8.1 Sectional drawing ...................................... 28
8.2 Sectional drawing parts list........................ 29
8.3 General arrangement drawing.................... 29
9 CERTIFICATION .............................................. 29
MANUALS........................................................... 29
10.1 Supplementary User Instructions manuals29
10.2 Change notes .......................................... 29
10.3 Additional sources of information.............. 29
SHUTDOWN ....................................................... 18
5.1 Direction of rotation.................................... 18
5.2 Guarding.................................................... 18
5.3 Priming and auxiliary supplies.................... 18
5.4 Starting the pump....................................... 19
5.5 Running the pump ..................................... 19
5.6 Stopping and shutdown ............................. 21
5.7 Hydraulic, mechanical andelectrical duty... 22
5.8 Pumps for Food Use or Potable Water....... 22
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Additional sources (10.3) .....................................29
ATEX marking (
CE marking and approvals (1.2).............................4
Certification (9)....................................................29
Change notes (10.2)............................................29
Cleaning prior to operation (5.8.1)........................22
Commissioning, start-up, operation (5).................18
Compliance, ATEX (
Configurations (3.1) .............................................11
Copyright (1.4).......................................................4
Coverage charts (3.3)..........................................13
Direction of rotation (5.1)......................................18
Disassembly (6.5)................................................25
Discharge piping(4.3.3) ......................................16
Disclaimer (1.3)......................................................4
Dismantling (see 6.5, Disassembly) .....................25
Drawings (8.1).....................................................28
Duty conditions (1.5)..............................................4
Electrical connections (4.4)..................................17
Electrical supply (4.4.2)........................................17
End of product life (2.5)........................................11
Faults; causes and remedies (7)..........................27
Final checks (4.3.4)..............................................17
First pump start up (5.4.2) ...................................19
Foundation (4.2) ..................................................15
Forces and moments (see 4.3.1)..........................16
General arrangement drawing (8.3)......................29
Gland packing (6.2.5)...........................................24
Guarding (5.2)......................................................18
Handling (2.2) ......................................................10
Hydraulic, mechanical andelectrical duty (5.7).....22
Inspection (6.2.2and 6.2.3)..................................24
Installation (4)......................................................15
Internal coating (6.2.6).........................................25
Lifting (2.3)...........................................................11
Location (4.1).......................................................15
Maintenance (6)...................................................22
Maintenance schedule (6.2).................................23
Mechanical seal (6.2.4)........................................24
Nomenclature (3.2) ..............................................12
Nameplate (1.7.1)..................................................8
Operating limits (see 3.1).....................................12
Orderingspare parts (6.3.1).................................25
Parts lists (8.2).....................................................29
Piping (4.3)..........................................................15
Protection systems (4.5) ......................................18
Pump masses (2.2.2)...........................................10
Receipt and unpacking (2.1) ................................10
Recommended spares (6.4).................................25
Recycling (2.5).....................................................11
Replacement parts (see 6.3 and 6.4)....................25
Running the pump (5.5) .......................................19
Safety action (1.6.3)...............................................5
Safety labels (1.7.2)...............................................8
Safety markings (1.6.1)..........................................5
Safety, protectionsystems (see 1.6 and4.8)
Sectional drawings (8.1) ......................................28
Sound level (see 1.9, Noise level)..........................9
Sources, additional information (10.3)..................29
Spare parts (6.3)..................................................25
Specific machine performance (1.8).......................8
Standard maintenance (6.2.1) .............................23
Starting the pump (5.4)........................................19
Stop/start frequency (5.5.6)..................................21
Stoppingand shutdown (5.6)...............................21
Storage, pump (2.4).............................................11
Storage, spare parts (6.3.2) .................................25
Suction piping (4.3.2)...........................................16
Supplementary manuals or information sources...29
Transport and storage (2) ...................................10
Trouble-shooting (see 7)...................................... 27
Vibration (5.5.5)...................................................21
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1.1 General

These instructions must always be kept
close to the product's operating location or directly with the product.
Flowserve products are designed, developed and manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies in
modern facilities. The unit is produced with great care and commitment to continuous quality control,
utilizing sophisticated quality techniques, and safety requirements.
Flowserve is committed to continuous quality improvement and being at service for any further
information about the product in its installation and operation or about its support products, repair and
diagnostic services. These instructions are intended to facilitate
familiarization with the product and its permitted use. Operating the product in compliance with these
instructions is important to help ensure reliability in service andavoid risks.The instructions may not take into account local regulations; ensure such
regulations are observed by all, including those installingthe product. Always coordinate repair
activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant safety requirements and applicable safety and
health laws and regulations.
These instructions must be read prior to installing, operating, using and maintaining the equipment in any region worldwide. The
equipment must not be put into service until all the conditions relating to safety noted in the
instructions, have been met.

1.2 CE marking and approvals

It is a legalrequirement that machinery and equipment put into service within certain regions of the worldshall conformwith the applicable CE
MarkingDirectives coveringMachinery and, where applicable, Low Voltage Equipment, Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC), Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and Equipment for Potentially Explosive
Atmospheres (ATEX).
To confirm the Approvalsapplyingand if the product is CE marked,checktheserial number plate markings
andthe Certification. (Seesection9, Certification.)

1.3 Disclaimer

Information in these UserInstructions is believed to be reliable. In spiteof allthe efforts of Flowserve Corporation to providesound and all necessary
information the content of thismanual mayappear insufficient and is not guaranteed by Flowserve as
to its completenessor accuracy.
Flowserve manufactures products toexacting International QualityManagement SystemStandards
as certifiedandaudited byexternalQuality Assurance organizations. Genuine parts and accessories have
beendesigned,tested and incorporatedinto the productsto help ensure theircontinued product quality
and performance in use. As Flowservecannot test parts andaccessories sourced fromothervendors the
incorrect incorporationof such partsandaccessories may adversely affect the performance andsafety
features of the products. The failureto properlyselect, installor useauthorized Flowserve partsand
accessories isconsideredtobe misuse. Damageor failurecausedby misuse is notcovered by the
Flowserve warranty. In addition,any modificationof Flowserve products or removalof originalcomponents
may impairthesafety of these productsin theiruse.

1.4 Copyright

All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Flowserve.

1.5 Duty conditions

This product has been selected to meet the specifications of your purchaser order. The
acknowledgement of these conditions has been sent separately to the Purchaser.A copy shouldbe kept
with these instructions.
The product must not be operated beyond
the parameters specified for the application. If there is any doubt as to the suitability of the
product for the application intended, contact Flowserve for advice, quoting the serial number.
Where applicable the Directivesandanyadditional Approvalscover importantsafety aspects relating to
machinery andequipment and the satisfactory provisionof technical documents andsafety
instructions. Where applicable this document incorporatesinformationrelevant to these Directives
and Approvals.
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If the conditions of service on your purchase order are going to be changed (for example liquid pumped,
temperature or duty) it is requested that the user seeks the written agreement of Flowserve before
start up.

1.6 Safety

1.6.1 Summary of safety markings
These UserInstructions containspecific safety markings where non-observance of aninstruction
wouldcause hazards. The specificsafety markings are:
This symbol indicates electrical safety
instructions where non-compliance will involve a highrisk to personal safety or the loss of life.
This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety and could result in loss of life.
This symbol indicates “hazardous substances and toxic fluid”safetyinstructions where non-
compliance wouldaffect personalsafety and could result in loss of life.
This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance will involvesome risk to safe operation andpersonalsafetyand would
damage theequipment or property.
This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere
zone marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous
area would cause the risk of an explosion.
1.6.3 Safety action
This is a summary of conditions and actions to prevent injury to personnel and damage to the
environment and to equipment. For products used in potentially explosive atmospheres
section 1.6.4 also applies.
PIPEWORK BEFORE DISMANTLING THE PUMP The appropriate safety precautions should be taken
where the pumped liquids are hazardous.
When a pump has experienced temperatures over 250 ºC (482 ºF), partial decomposition of fluoro-
elastomers (example: Viton) will occur. In this condition these are extremely dangerous and skin
contact must be avoided.
HANDLING COMPONENTS Many precision parts havesharp corners and the wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment
is required when handling these components. To lift heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use a crane
appropriate for the mass andin accordance with current local regulations.
This symbol is used in safety instructions to
remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces with a dry cloth; ensure cloth is damp. It is used where non-
compliance in the hazardous area would cause the risk of an explosion.
Thissignis nota safetysymbol butindicates
an importantinstruction intheassembly process.
1.6.2 Personnel qualification and training
All personnel involved in the operation, installation, inspection and maintenance of the unit must be
qualified to carry out the work involved. If the personnel in question do not already possess the
necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training and instruction must be provided. If required the
operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier to provide applicable training.
Always coordinate repair activity with operations and health and safety personnel, andfollow allplant
safety requirements and applicable safety and health laws and regulations.
THERMAL SHOCK Rapid changes in the temperature of the liquid within
the pumpcan cause thermal shock, which can result in damage or breakage of components and should
be avoided.
Trapped lubricantor vapor could cause anexplosion.
HOT (and cold) PARTS If hot or freezing components or auxiliary heating supplies can present adanger to operators and
persons enteringthe immediate area action must be taken to avoid accidental contact. If complete
protection is not possible, the machine access must be limited to maintenance staff only, with clear visual
warnings and indicators to those entering the immediate area. Note: bearing housings must not be
insulated anddrive motors and bearings may be hot.
If the temperature is greater than 68 °C (175 °F) or below 5 °C (20 °F) in a restricted zone, or
exceeds local regulations, action as above shall be taken.
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Whenthepump is handlinghazardous liquids care must be taken to avoidexposureto the liquid by
appropriatesittingof the pump, limiting personnel access andbyoperatortraining. Ifthe liquidis
flammableand/or explosive, strictsafety procedures must be applied.
Gland packingmust not be used when pumping hazardous liquids.
PIPE LOAD Do not use pump as a support for piping. Do not
mount expansion joints, unless allowed by Flowserve in writing, so that their force, due to
internal pressure, acts on the pumpflange.
1.6.4 Productsused in potentially explosive atmospheres
The following instructions for pumps andpump
units when installed in potentially explosive atmospheres must be followedtohelpensure
explosion protection. The terminology andprocedures ensure that the
installed pump is in compliance with the European Directive 94/9/EC, knownas the ATEX Directive, which
is mandatory in Europe andmayalso bespecified in other countries.Where applicable, bothelectricaland
non-electrical equipment must meet the requirements 94/9/EC.
Evenif theinstallationis in a region where ATEXis not theapplicableregulation, the generalmeasures
described shall be followedto ensure safeoperation.
(See section 5, Commissioning, startup, operation and shutdown.)
VALVE PARTOPENED (Unless otherwise instructed at a specific point in the
User Instructions.) This is recommended to minimize the risk of
overloading and damaging the pump motor at full or zero flow. Pumps may be started with thevalve
further open only on installations wherethis situation cannot occur. Pump outlet valve shallmay need to
be adjusted to comply with the duty followingthe run-up process. (See section 5, Commissioning
start-up, operation and shutdown.)
WHEN PUMP IS RUNNING Runningthe pump at zero flow or below the
recommended minimumflow continuously will cause damage to the seal.
ABNORMALLY HIGH OR LOW FLOW RATES Operating at a flow rate higher than normalor at a flow rate with no backpressure on the pump may
overload the motor and cause cavitation. Low flow rates may cause a reduction in pump/bearing life,
overheating of the pump, instability and cavitation/vibration.
The measures are explained under the headings of:
Avoiding excessive surface temperaturePreventing build up of explosive mixturesPreventing the generation of sparksPreventing leakages
Maintaining the pump to avoid hazard Scope of compliance
Use equipment only inthezone forwhichitis
appropriate. Always check that the driver, drive couplingassembly, sealandpump equipmentare
suitably ratedand/or certified for theclassificationof thespecific atmosphereinwhich theyareto be
installed. WhereFlowserve has supplied only the bare shaft
pump, the Ex ratingapplies only to the pump. The partyresponsiblefor assemblingthe pump set shall
selectthe coupling, driver andanyadditional equipment, with the necessary CE Declaration of
Conformity establishing it is suitable for the area in whichit is to be installed.
The output froma variable frequency drive (VFD)can causeadditional heatingaffectsin the motor andso, for
pumps sets witha VFD,theATEX Certification forthe motor muststatethat it iscovers the situationwhere
electricalsupply is fromthe VFD. This particular requirementstill appliesevenifthe VFD isina safe
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FM USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71576526 - 03/07 Marking
Anexample of ATEX equipment marking is shown below. The actual classification of the pump will be
engraved on the nameplate.
II 2 GD c IIC 135 ºC (T4)
Equipment Group I = Mining
II = Non-mining Category
2 or M2 = High level protection 3 = normal levelof protection
Gas and/or Dust G = Gas; D=Dust
c = Constructionalsafety
(in accordance with EN 13463-5)
Gas Group (Equipment Category 2 only) IIA –Propane (typical)
IIB –Ethylene (typical) IIC – Hydrogen(typical)
Maximumsurface temperature (TemperatureClass) (seesection Avoiding excessive surface temperatures
CLASS IS SUITABLE FOR THE HAZARD ZONE Pumps have a temperature class as stated in the
ATEX Ex rating on the nameplate. These are based on a maximumambient of 40 °C (104 °F); refer to
Flowserve for higher ambient temperatures.
The responsibility for compliance with the specified maximum liquid temperature is with the
plant operator.
Temperature classification “Tx” is used when the liquid temperature varies andthe pump could be
installed in different hazardous atmospheres. In this case the user is responsible for ensuringthat the
pump surface temperature does not exceed that permitted in the particular hazardous atmosphere.
If an explosive atmosphere exists during the installation, do not attempt to check the direction of
rotation by starting the pump unfilled. Even a short run time may give a hightemperature resultingfrom
contact between rotating and stationary components. Furthermore, confinement of liquid in
the pumpand pipes must be avoided (valveclosed). If the liquid heats up this may cause excessive
pressure andlead to bursting of pumpcomponents. Wherethereis anyrisk of the pumpbeing run against
a closed valve generatinghigh liquid and casing externalsurface temperatures it is recommended that
users fit anexternal surface temperature protection device.
Avoid mechanical, hydraulic or electrical overload by using motor overload trips, temperature monitor or a
power monitor and make routine vibration monitoring checks.
In dirty or dusty environments, regular checks must be made and dirt removed from areas aroundclose
clearances, bearing housings and motors. Preventing the build up of explosive mixtures
The surface temperature on the pump is influenced by the temperature of the liquid handled. The
maximum permissible liquid temperature depends on the temperature class and must not exceed the
values in the table that follows.
Ensure pump and relevant suction anddischarge pipeline system is totally filled with liquid at all times
during the pump operation, so that an explosive
The temperature rise at the seals, bearings and due to the minimum permitted flow rate is taken into account in the temperatures stated.
T6 T5
T4 T3 T2 T1
85 °C (185°F)
100 °C (212°F) 135 °C (275°F)
200 °C (392°F) 300 °C (572°F) 450 °C (842°F)
Temperature limit of liquid
handled (* depending on
material and construction
variant- check which is
Consult Flowserve Consult Flowserve
115°C (239 °F) * 180°C (356 °F) * 275°C (527 °F) * 400°C (752 °F) *
atmosphere is prevented. In addition it is essential to make sure that seal chambers, auxiliary shaft seal
systems and any heating and cooling systems are properly filled.
If the operation of the system cannot avoid this condition the fittingof an appropriate dry run
protection device is recommended (eg liquid detection or power monitor).
To avoid potential hazards fromfugitive emissions of vapor or gas to atmosphere the surrounding area
must be well ventilated.
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FM USER INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH 71576526 - 03/07 Preventing sparks
To prevent a potential hazard from mechanical
contact, the coupling guard must be non-sparking. To avoid the potential hazard from random induced
current generating a spark the groundcontact on the baseplate must be used.
Avoid electrostatic charge: do not rubnon­metallic surfaces with a dry cloth, ensurecloth is damp.
Where applicable the coupling must be selected to comply with 94/9/EC and correct alignment must be
Additional requirements for metallic pumps on non-metallic baseplates
When metallic components are fitted on a non­metallic baseplate they must be individually earthed
(grounded). Preventing leakage
The pump must only be used to handle liquids for which it has been approved to have the correct corrosion resistance.
Where there is a risk fromsuch tools or materials; maintenance must be conducted in a safe area.
It is recommended that a maintenance planand schedule is adopted. (See section 6, Maintenance.)

1.7 Nameplate and safety labels

1.7.1 Nameplate
For details of nameplate, see the Declaration of Conformity, or separate documentation included with
these User Instructions.
1.7.2 Safety labels
Avoidentrapmentof liquidin the pump andassociated pipingdue to closingofsuction and dischargevalves,
which couldcause dangerous excessive pressures to occurif there is heatinput to theliquid. Thiscanoccur
if the pump isstationaryor running. Bursting of liquid containing parts due to freezing
must be avoided by draining or protectingthe pump and ancillary systems.
Where there is the potential hazard of a loss of a seal barrier fluid or external flush, the fluid must be
monitored. If leakage of liquid to atmosphere can result in a
hazard, the installation of a liquid detection device is recommended. Maintenance to avoid the hazard
The responsibility forcompliance with maintenance instructions is with the plant operator.
Oil lubricated units only:

1.8 Specific machine performance

For performance parameters see section 1.5, Duty conditions. When the contract requirement specifies
these to be incorporated into User Instructions these are included here. Where performance data has
been supplied separately to the purchaser these should be obtained and retained with these User
Instructions if required.
To avoid potential explosion hazards during maintenance, the tools, cleaningand painting
materials used must not give rise to sparking or adversely affect theambient conditions.
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1.9 Noise level

Attention must be given to the exposure of personnel to the noise, and local legislation will define when
guidance to personnel on noise limitation is required, and when noise exposure reduction is mandatory.
This is typically 80 to 85 dBA. The usual approach is to control the exposure time
to the noise or to enclose the machine to reduce emitted sound.
You may have already specified a limiting noise level when the equipment was ordered, however if no
noise requirements were defined, then attention is drawn to the following table to give an indication of
equipment noise level so that you can take the appropriate action in your plant.
Pump noise level is dependent on a number of operational factors, flow rate, pipework design and
acoustic characteristics of the building, and so the values given are subject to a 3 dBA tolerance and
cannot be guaranteed.
Similarly the motor noise assumed in the “pump and motor” noise is that typically expected from standard
and high efficiency motors when on load directly driving the pump. Note that a motor driven byan
inverter may show an increased noise at some speeds.
If a pump unit only has been purchased for fitting with your own driver then the “pump only” noise
levels in the table should be combined with the level for the driver obtained from the supplier. Consult
Flowserve or a noise specialist if assistance is required in combining the values.
It is recommended that where exposureapproaches the prescribed limit, thensite noise measurements
should be made. The values are in sound pressure level LpAat 1 m
(3.3 ft) fromthe machine, for “free field conditions over a reflecting plane”.
For estimating sound power level LWA (re 1 pW) then add 17 dBA to the soundpressure value.
Motor size and speed
kW (hp)
< 0.55(<0.75) 72 72 64 65 62 64 62 64
0.75(1) 72 72 64 66 62 64 62 64
1.1(1.5) 74 74 66 67 64 64 62 63
1.5(2) 74 74 66 71 64 64 62 63
2.2(3) 75 76 68 72 65 66 63 64 3 (4) 75 76 70 73 65 66 63 64 4 (5) 75 76 71 73 65 66 63 64
5.5 (7.5) 76 77 72 75 66 67 64 65
7.5 (10) 76 77 72 75 66 67 64 65 11 (15) 80 81 76 78 70 71 68 69
15 (20) 80 81 76 78 70 71 68 69
18.5 (25) 81 81 77 78 71 71 69 71 22 (30) 81 81 77 79 71 71 69 71 30 (40) 83 83 79 81 73 73 71 73 37 (50) 83 83 79 81 73 73 71 73 45 (60) 86 86 82 84 76 76 74 76
55 (75) 86 86 82 84 76 76 74 76
75 (100) 87 87 83 85 77 77 75 77 90 (120) 87 88 83 85 77 78 75 78
110 (150) 89 90 85 87 79 80 77 80
150 (200) 89 90 85 87 79 80 77 80 200 (270) 85 87 83 85 300 (400) 87 90 85 86
The noise level of machines in this range will most likely be of values which require noise exposure control, but typical values are inappropriate.
Note: for 1 180 and 960 r/min reduce 1 450 r/minvalues by 2 dBA. For 880 and720 r/min reduce 1 450 r/min valuesby 3 dBA.
3 550 r/min 2 900 r/min 1 750 r/min 1 450 r/min
Typicalsound pressure level LpAat 1 mreference 20 μPa, dBA
Pump and
Pump and
Pump and
Pump and
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In areas wherethe staff has to intervene, remember that when the level of the soundpressure is: below 70 dBA: it is not necessary to take special
above 70 dBA: people working continuously in
the machine room must be supplied with protective devices against noise.
below 85 dBA: no particular measures need to
be taken for casual visitors stayingin the room during a limited period.
above 85 dBA: the room must be considered as
a dangerous area because of the noise and a warning sign must be fixed at each entry warning the people cominginto the room, even
for a short period, thatthey must wear hearing protection.
above 105 dBA: special hearing protection
adapted to this noise level and to the spectral noise components must be installedand a
warning signto this effect erected at each entry. The staff in the roommust wear ear protection.
Make sure thatthe noise, which travels through the walls andwindows, does not generate too high
noise levels in the machine room's surroundings.
To lift machines or pieces with one or several suspension rings, only use hooks and chains in
compliance with the local regulations concerning safety.
Never put cables, chains or ropes directly on or in the suspension rings. Cables, chains or lifting ropes
must never present excessive bending. Never bendthe lifting hooks, suspension rings,
chains, etc... which should only be made to endure stresses within calculated limits. Remember that the
capacity of a lifting device decreases whenthe direction of the lifting force direction makes an angle
with the device axis. To increase the safety andthe efficiency of the lifting
device, allthe lifting elements must be as perpendicular as possible. If necessary a lifting
beam can be placed between the winchand the load.
When heavy pieces are lifted up, never stay or work under the load or in the area which could be in the
path of the load if it were toswing or fall away.


2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking

Immediately after receipt of the equipment it must be checked against the delivery and shipping
documents for its completeness and that there has been no damage in transportation.
Any shortage and or damage must be reported immediately to the Flowserve andreceived in writing
within one month of receipt of the equipment. Later claims cannot be accepted.
Check any crates, boxes andwrappings for any accessories or spare parts which may be packed
separately with the equipment or attached to side walls of the box or equipment.
Each product has a unique serial number. Check that this number corresponds with that advised and
always quote this number in correspondence as well as when orderingspare parts or further accessories.

2.2 Handling

2.2.1 General instructions concerning handling
Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloaded using fork lift vehicles or slings dependent on their
size andconstruction. See 2.3.1 for positioning of slings.
To lift heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb), use a winch adapted to the mass andin accordance with the
current local regulations.
Never leave a load hanging froma winch. The acceleration or the slowing-down of liftingequipment
must stay in thesafety limits for the staff. A winch must be positionedin such a way that the
load will be raised perpendicularly. Where possible necessary precautions must be taken to avoid the
swing of the load, using for example two winches making approximately the same angle, below 30°,
with the vertical.
2.2.2 Pump masses
Unit Mass
Pump type
50 FM 2E 51 112 16 35 50 FM 3E 61 134 21 46 50 FM 2L 57 126 21 46 50 FM 3L 63 139 26 57 50 FM 4L 77 170 36 79 50 FM 5L 107 236 43 95 65 FM 2aE 77 170 36 79 65 FM 2cE 85 187 43 95 65FM 3bE 120 265 63 139
65 FM 3cE 120 265 63 139 65 FM 4cE 155 342 72 159 65 FM 1cL 60 132 26 57 65 FM 2aL 77 170 36 79 65 FM 2cL 85 187 43 95 65 FM 3bL 120 265 63 139 65 FM 3cL 120 265 63 139 65 FM 4cL 155 342 72 159
kg lb kg lb
Motor Mass
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