HP PCI-9111DG-HR User Manual

Data Acquisition Card
@Copyright 1997~2000 ADLINK Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Manual Rev 2.21: September 7, 2000
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Table of Contents
How to Use This Guide............................................v
Chatper 1 Introduction.......................................... 1
1.1 Features.......................................................................... 1
1.2 Applications.................................................................... 2
1.3 Specifications................................................................. 2
1.4 Software Supporting .......................................................4
1.4.1 Programming Library..................................................................4
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver................................................5
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver ..........................................................5
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls...............................................5
1.4.5 DASYLabTM PRO..........................................................................5
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM.................................5
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver.....................................................5
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver....................................................6
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server..............................................................6
Chatper 2 Installation............................................ 7
2.1 What You Have ............................................................... 7
2.2 Unpacking....................................................................... 7
2.3 PCI-9111's Layout ........................................................... 8
2.4 Jumper Descriptions ...................................................... 9
2.5 Hardware Installation Outline ......................................... 9
2.6 Device Installation for Windows Systems.....................10
2.7 Connectors Pin Assignment.........................................10
2.8 Daughter Board Connection .........................................12
2.8.1 Connect with ACLD-8125.........................................................12
2.8.2 Connect with ACLD-9137.........................................................12
2.8.3 Connect with ACLD-9182.........................................................12
2.8.4 Connect with ACLD-9185.........................................................12
2.8.5 Connect with ACLD-9138 and ACLD-9188..........................12
Chatper 3 Registers Format ................................13
3.1 PCI PnP Registers.........................................................13
3.2 I/O Address Map...........................................................14
Table of Contents i
3.3 A/D Data Registers........................................................14
3.4 A/D Channel Control Register.......................................15
3.5 A/D Channel Read Back Register..................................16
3.6 A/D Input Signal Range Control Register......................16
3.7 A/D Range and Status Readback Register....................17
3.8 A/D Trigger Mode Control Register...............................17
3.9 Software Trigger Register.............................................18
3.10 Interrupt Control Register ............................................. 18
3.11 Hardware Interrupt Clear Regist er ................................ 19
3.12 A/D Mode & Interrupt Control Read Back Register.......19
3.13 Extended I/O Ports ........................................................ 20
3.14 Digital I/O register ......................................................... 20
3.15 D/A Output Re gister......................................................21
3.16 Timer/Counter Register.................................................21
Chatper 4 Operation Theorem............................22
4.1 A/D Conversion ............................................................. 22
4.1.1 A/D Conversion Procedure.....................................................23
4.1.2 A/D Signal Source Control ......................................................23
4.1.3 A/D Trigger Source Control.....................................................25
4.1.4 A/D Data Transfer Modes .........................................................26
4.1.5 Pre-Trigger Control ...................................................................28
4.1.6 A/D Data Format.........................................................................30
4.2 Interrupt Control ...........................................................31
4.2.1 System Architecture.................................................................31
4.2.2 IRQ Level Setting .......................................................................31
4.2.3 Dual Interrupt System...............................................................31
4.2.4 Interrupt Source Control..........................................................32
4.3 Extended Digital I/O Port...............................................32
4.4 D/A Conversion ............................................................. 33
4.5 Digital Input and Output................................................34
4.6 Timer/Counter Operation..............................................34
4.6.1 Introduction.................................................................................34
4.6.2 Pacer Trigger Source................................................................35
4.6.3 Pre-Trigger Counter..................................................................35
4.6.4 I/O Address..................................................................................35
Chatper 5 C/C++ Library ......................................36
5.1 Libraries Installation ..................................................... 36
5.2 Programming Guide......................................................37
5.2.1 Naming Convention...................................................................37
5.2.2 Data Types...................................................................................37
5.3 _9111_Initial..................................................................38
ii Table of Contents
5.4 _9111_DO .....................................................................38
5.5 _9111_DO_Channel ......................................................39
5.6 _9111_DI .......................................................................39
5.7 _9111_DI_Channel........................................................40
5.8 _9111_EDI .....................................................................40
5.9 _9111_EDO ...................................................................41
5.10 _9111_EDO_Read_Back ...............................................41
5.11 _9111_Set_EDO_Fun ction ............................................ 42
5.12 _9111_DA......................................................................43
5.13 _9111_AD_Read_Data ................................................... 43
5.14 _9111_AD_Read_Data_Repeat......................................44
5.15 _9111_AD_Set_Channel................................................44
5.16 _9111_AD_Get_Channel...............................................45
5.17 _9111_AD_Set_Range ................................................... 46
5.18 _9111_AD_Get_Range ..................................................47
5.19 _9111_AD_Get_Status..................................................47
5.20 _9111_AD_Set_Mode ....................................................48
5.21 _9111_AD_Get_Mode....................................................49
5.22 _9111_INT_Set_Reg ...................................................... 49
5.23 _9111_INT_Get_Reg......................................................50
5.24 _9111_Reset_FIFO ........................................................ 50
5.25 _9111_AD_Soft_Trigger ................................................ 51
5.26 _9111_Set_8254 ............................................................51
5.27 _9111_Get_8254............................................................52
5.28 _9111_AD_Timer...........................................................52
5.29 _9111_Counter_Start ....................................................53
5.30 _9111_Counter_Read....................................................53
5.31 _9111_Counter_Stop ....................................................54
5.32 _9111_INT_Source_Control ..........................................55
5.33 _9111_CLR_IRQ............................................................56
5.34 _9111_Get_IRQ_Channel..............................................56
5.35 _9111_Get_IRQ_Status ................................................. 57
5.36 _9111_AD_FFHF_Polling ..............................................57
5.37 _9111_AD_Aquire .........................................................58
5.38 _9111_AD_HR_Aquire...................................................58
5.39 _9111_AD_INT_Start .....................................................59
5.40 _9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Start ........................................... 60
5.41 _9111_AD_INT_Status ..................................................62
5.42 _9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Status ........................................ 62
5.43 _9111_AD_FFHF_INT_Restart.......................................63
5.44 _9111_AD_INT_Stop .....................................................64
Table of Contents iii
Chatper 6 Calibration...........................................65
6.1 What do you need.........................................................65
6.2 VR Assignment.............................................................66
6.3 A/D Adjustment ............................................................. 66
6.4 D/A Adjustment ............................................................. 67
6.4.1 Unipolar Analog Output ...........................................................67
6.4.2 Bipolar Analog Output..............................................................67
Chatper 7 Software Utility ..................................68
7.1 9111util .........................................................................68
7.1.1 Running 9111util.exe ................................................................68
7.1.2 System Configuration...............................................................69
7.1.3 Calibration ...................................................................................70
7.1.4 Functional Testing.....................................................................71
7.2 I_EEPROM ....................................................................72
Product Warranty/Service ....................................73
iv Table of Contents
How to Use This Guide
This manual is designed to help you to use the PCI-9111. The manual describes the versatile functions and the operation theorem of the PCI-9111 card. It is divided into six chapters:
Chapter 1, "Introduction", gives an overview of the product
features, applications, and specifications.
Chapter 2, "Installation", describes how to install the
PCI-9111. The layout of PCI-9111 is shown, jumper setting for analog input channel configuration, D/A reference voltage setting are specified. The connectors pin assignment and termination boards connection are illustrated.
Chapter 3, "Registers Format", describes the details of
register format and structure of the PCI-9111, this information is very important for the programmers who want to control the hardware by low-level programming.
Chapter 4, "Operation Theorem", describes how to operate
the PCI-9111. The A/D, D/A, DIO and timer/counter functions are introduced. Also, some programming concepts are specified.
Chapter 5, "C/C++ Library", describes high-level
programming interface in C/C++ language. It helps programmer to control PCI-9111 in high level language style.
Chapter 6, "Calibration", describes how to calibrate the
PCI-9111 for accurate measurement.
Chapter 7, "Software Utility", describes how to run the utility
programs included in the software CD.
How to Use This Guide v
The PCI-9111 is an advanced data acquisition card based on the 32-bit PCI Bus architecture. High performance designs and the state-of-the-art technology make this card ideal for data logging and signal analysis applications in medical, process control, and etc.
1.1 Features
The PCI-9111 PCI Bus Advanced Data Acquisition Card provides the following advanced features:
32-bit PCI-Bus
12-bit analog input resolution for PCI-9111
16-bit analog input resolution for PCI-9111HR
Auto-scanning channel selection up to 256 channels
Up to 100KHz A/D sampling rates
16 single-ended analog input channels
Bipolar input signals
Programmable gain of x1, x2, x4, x8, x16
Input Range: ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V
On-chip sample & hold
One 12-bit monolithic multiplying analog output channel
16 digital output and 16 digital input channels
4 extended digital input and digital output channels on the
37-pins connector
3 independent programmable 16-bit down counters
Three A/D trigger modes: software trigger, programmable
pacer trigger, and external pulse trigger.
Introduction 1
Pre-trigger Control
Integral DC-to-DC converter for stable analog power source
37-pin D-type connector
Compact size: half-size PCB
1.2 Applications
Industrial and laboratory ON/OFF control
Energy management
16 TTL/DTL compatible digital input channels
Security controller
Product test
Period and pulse width measurement
Event and frequency counting
Waveform and pulse generation
BCD interface driver
1.3 Specifications
Analog Input (A/D)
Converter: B.B. ADS7805 / ADS7804 or equivalents,
successive approximation type
Resolution: 12-bit /16bits
Input Channels: 16 single-ended
Analog Signal Input Range: (Software controlled)
Bipolar: ±10V, ± 5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V
Conversion Time: 8 µ sec
Over-voltage protection: Continuous ± 35V maximum
GAIN = 1, 2 0.01% of FSR ±1 LSB GAIN = 4, 8 0.02% of FSR ±1 LSB GAIN = 16 0.04% of FSR ±1 LSB
Input Impedance: 10 MΩ
Trigger Mode: Software, Timer Pacer, and External trigger
Data Transfer: Pooling, Interrupt, FIFO half-full Interrupt
Data Throughput: 110KHz (maximum)
FIFO Depth: 1024 samples
Analog output (D/A)
Number of Channel: 1
Resolution: 12-bit
Output Range: jumper selectable
2 Introduction
Unipolar: 0~10V Bipolar: -10V~+10V
Converter: DAC7541 or equivalent, monolithic multiplying
Settling Time: 30 µ sec
Linearity: ±1/2 bit LSB
Output driving capability: ±5mA max.
Digital I/O (DIO)
Numbers of Channel: 16 TTL compatible inputs and outputs
Input Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.8V High: Min. +2.0V; Max. 5.5V
Input Load:
Low: +0.8V @ -0.2mA max. High: +2.7V @ +20mA max.
Output Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.4V High: Min. +2.4V; Max. 5.5V
Driving Capacity:
Low: Max. +0.5V at 8.0mA (Sink) High: Min. 2.7V at 0.4mA (Source)
Extended Digital I/O (EDIO)
Channel: 4 inputs and outputs
Input Voltage:
Low: +0.8V @ -10µA max. High: +3.5V @ +10µA max.
Input Load:
Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.4V High: Min. +24V; Max. 5.5V
Output Driving Capability:
Low: Max. +0.4V @ 8.0mA (Sink) High: Min. 2.4V @ 4.0mA (Source)
Programmable Counter
Device: 8254
A/D pacer: 32-bit timer
(Two 16-bit counters cascaded together) with a 2MHz time
Pacer Output: 0.00046 Hz ~ 100 KHz
Pre-trigger Counter:
One 16-bit counter for counting AD Conversion Pulse
General Specifications
Connector: 37-pin D-type connector
Introduction 3
Operating Temperature: 0°C ~ 60°C
Storage Temperature: -20°C ~ 80°C
Humidity: 5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
Power Consumption: +5 V @ 570 mA typical
Dimension: Compact size only 172mm x 105mm
1.4 Software Supporting
ADLink provides versatile software drivers and packages for users’ different approach to built-up a system. We not only provide programming library such as DLL for many Windows systems, but also
provide drivers for many software package such as LabVIEW®, HP VEETM, DASYLabTM, InTouchTM, InControlTM, ISaGRAFTM, and so on.
All the software options are included in the ADLink CD. The non-free software drivers are protected with serial licensed code. Without the software serial number, you can still install them and run the demo version for two hours for demonstration purpose. Please contact with your dealer to purchase the formal license serial code.
1.4.1 Programming Library
For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
u DOS Library: Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C++, the functions
descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
u Windows 95 DLL: For VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, the functions
descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
u PCIS-DASK: Include device drivers and DLL for Windows 98,
Windows NT and Windows 2000. DLL is binary compatible
across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. That means all applications developed with PCIS-DASK are compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows
2000. The developing environment can be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or any Windows programming language that allows calls to a DLL. The user’s guide and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK are in the CD. Please refer the PDF manual files under \\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK
u PCIS-DASK/X: Include device drivers and shared library for
Linux. The developing environment can be Gnu C/C++ or any programming language that allows linking to a shared library. The user's guide and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK/X are in the CD. (\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK-X.)
4 Introduction
The above software drivers are shipped with the board. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” to install these drivers.
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver
PCIS-LVIEW contains the VIs, which are used to interface with NI’s LabVIEW® software package. The PCIS-LVIEW supports Windows 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEW® drivers are free shipped with the board.
You can install and use them without license. For detail information about PCIS-LVIEW, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP -VEE Driver
The PCIS-VEE includes the user objects, which are used to interface with HP VEE software package. PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/98/NT. The HP-VEE drivers are free shipped with the board. You can install and use them without license. For detail information about PCIS-VEE, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls
We suggest the customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/VC++ programming use the DAQBenchTM ActiveX Control components library for developing applications. The DAQBenchTM is designed under Windows NT/98. For more detailed information about DAQBench, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
(\\Manual_PDF\Software\DAQBench\DAQBench Manual.PDF)
DASYLab is an easy-to-use software package, which provides easy-setup instrument functions such as FFT analysis. Please contact us to get DASYLab PRO, which include DASYLab and ADLink hardware drivers.
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM
DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange specifications. The PCIS-DDE includes the PCI cards’ DDE server. The PCIS-DDE server is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license. The DDE server can be used conjunction with any DDE client under Windows NT.
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver
The ISaGRAF WorkBench is an IEC1131-3 SoftPLC control program development environment. The PCIS-ISG includes ADLink products’
Introduction 5
target drivers for ISaGRAF under Windows NT environment. The PCIS-ISG is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license.
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver
PCIS-ICL is the InControl driver which support the Windows NT. The PCIS-ICL is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license.
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server
PCIS-OPC is an OPC Server, which can link with the OPC clients. There are many software packages on the market can provide the OPC clients now. The PCIS-OPC supports the Windows NT. It needs license.
6 Introduction
This chapter describes how to install the PCI -9111. At first, the contents in the package and unpacking information that you should be careful are described.
The PCI -9111 does an automatic configuration of the IRQ, port address, and BIOS address. Therefore, it is not necessary to set the above configurations as you use ISA DAS card.
2.1 What You Have
In addition to this User's Manual, the package includes the following items:
PCI-9111 Enhanced Multi-function Data Acquisition Card
Software Installation Guide
If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the future.
2.2 Unpacking
Your PCI -9111 card contains sensitive electronic components that can be easily damaged by static electricity.
The card should be done on a grounded anti -static mat. The operator should be wearing an anti-static wristband, grounded at the same point as the anti-static mat.
Installation 7
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damage. Shipping and handling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there are no shipping and handing damages on the module before processing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the system module and place it only on a grounded anti-static surface component side up.
Again inspect the module for damage. Press down on all the socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only with the module place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your PCI -9111.
2.3 PCI-9111's Layout
8 Installation
Figure 2.1 PCB Layout of the PCI-9111
2.4 Jumper Descriptions
Analog output range is
Analog output range is
The only one jumper (JP1) on the PCI -9111 card is used to set the range of the analog output channel. The analog output range could be unipolar (0~10V) or bi-polar (-10V~+10V). The default setting is bi-polar.
- 10V~+10V
0V~ +10V
Figure 2.2 Analog output range setting
2.5 Hardware Installation Outline
Hardware configuration
The PCI cards (or CompactPCI cards) are equipped with plug and play PCI controller, it can requests base addresses and interrupt according to PCI standard. The system BIOS will install the system resource based on the PCI cards’ configuration registers and system parameters (which are set by system BIOS). Interrupt assignment and memory usage (I/O port locations) of the PCI cards can be assigned by system BIOS only. This system resource assignment is done on a board-by-board basis. It is not suggested to assign the system resource by any other methods.
PCI slot selection
The PCI card can be inserted to any PCI slot without any configuration for system resource.
Installation Procedures
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Turn off all accessories (printer, modem, monitor, etc.) connected to your computer.
3. Remove the cover from your computer.
4. Setup jumpers on the PCI or CompactPCI card.
Installation 9
5. Select a 32-bit PCI slot. PCI slots are shorter than ISA or EISA slots, and are usually white or ivory.
6. Before handling the PCI cards, discharge any static buildup on your body by touching the metal case of the computer. Hold the edge and do not touch the components.
7. Position the board into the PCI slot you selected.
8. Secure the card in place at the rear panel of the system.
2.6 Device Installation for Windows Systems
Once Windows 95 /98/2000 has started, the Plug and Play function of Windows system will find the new NuDAQ/NuIPC cards. If this is the first time to install NuDAQ/NuIPC cards in your Windows system, you will be informed to input the device information source. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” for the steps of installing the device.
2.7 Connectors Pin Assignment
The PCI-9111 comes equipped with two 20-pin insulation displacement connectors - CN1 and CN2 and one 37-pin D-type connector - CN3. The CN1 and CN2 are located on board and CN3 located at the rear plate.
CN1 is used for digital signal input, CN2 for digital signal output, CN3 for analog input, analog output, extended digital I/O and timer/counter's signals. The pin assignment for each connector is illustrated in the Figure
2.3 ~ Figure 2.5.
CN 1: Digital Signal Input (DI 0 ~ 15)
+12V GND DI 15 DI 13 DI 11 DI 9 DI 7 DI 5 DI 3 DI 1
Figure 2.3 Pin Assignment of CN1
10 Installation
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+5V GND DI 14 DI 12 DI 10 DI 8 DI 6 DI 4 DI 2 DI 0
CN 2: Digital Signal Output (DO 0 ~ 15)
1 2 3
DA Out
+12V GND DO 15 DO 13 DO 11 DO 9 DO 7 DO 5 DO 3 DO 1
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+5V GND DO 14 DO 12 DO 10 DO 8 DO 6 DO 4 DO 2 DO 0
Figure 2.4 Pin Assignment of CN2
DO n : Digital output signal channel n DI n : Digital input signal channel n GND : Digital ground
CN 3: Analog Input/Output, Extended I/O, Trigger Signals
37 36 35 34 33 32
28 27 26 25 24 23
21 20
19 18
15 14 13 12 11 10
9 8 7 6 5
Figure 2.5 Pin Assignment of CN3
AI n : Analog Input Channel n (single-ended) DA Out : Analog Output Channel
ExtTrg : External A/D Trigger Signal PreTrg : Pre-Trigger Stop Signal EDI n : Extended Digital Input Channel n (0~3)
Installation 11
EDO n : Extended Digital Output Channel n (0~3) A.GND : Analog Signal Ground D.GND : Digital Signal Ground N.C : No connection
2.8 Daughter Board Connection
The PCI-9111 can be connected with five different daughter boards, ACLD-8125, ACLD-9137, 9138, 9182, 9185, and 9188. The functionality and connections are specified as follows.
2.8.1 Connect with ACLD-8125
The ACLD-8125 has a 37 -pin D-sub connector, which can connect with PCI-9111 through 37-pin assemble cable. The most outstanding feature of this daughter board is a CJC (cold junction compensation) circuit on board. You can directly connect the thermocouple on the ACL-8125 board. The CJC only suitable for High Gain version board.
2.8.2 Connect with ACLD-9137
The ACLD-9137 is a direct connector for all the cards which equipped with 37-pin D-sub connector. This board provides a simple way for connection. It is very suitable for the simple applications that do not need complex signal condition before the A/D conversion is performed.
2.8.3 Connect with ACLD-9182
The ACLD-9182 is a 16 channel isolat ed digital input board. This board is connected with CN1 of PCI -9111 via 20-pin flat cable. The advantage of board is an 500Vdc isolation voltage is provided, and it can protect your PC system from damage when an abnormal input signal is occurred.
2.8.4 Connect with ACLD-9185
The ACLD-9185 is a 16 channels SPDT relay output board. This board is connected with CN2 of PCI -9111 via 20-pin flat cable. By using this board, you can control outside device through the digital output signals.
2.8.5 Connect with ACLD-9138 and ACLD-9188
ACLD-9138 and ACLD-9188 are general purpose terminal boards for all the cards which come equipped with 37-pin D-sub connector. The ACLD-9138 has a LED indicator to show the power ON/OFF of your computer system.
12 Installation
Registers Format
The detailed descriptions of the registers format are specified in this chapter. This information is quite useful for the programmers who wish to handle the card by low-level programming. However, we suggest users have to understand more about the PCI int erface then start any low-level programming. In addition, the contents of this chapter can help users understand how to use software driver to manipulate this card.
3.1 PCI PnP Registers
This PCI card functions as a 32-bit PCI target device to any master on the PCI bus. There are three types of registers: PCI Configuration Registers (PCR), Local Configuration Registers (LCR) and PCI -6308 registers.
The PCR, which is compliant to the PCI-bus specifications, is initialized and controlled by the plug & play (PnP) PCI BIOS. User‘s can study the PCI BIOS specification to understand the operation of the PCR. Please contact with PCISIG to acquire the specifications of the PCI interface.
The PCI bus controller PCI-9050 is provided by PLX technology Inc. (www.plxtech.com). For more detailed information of LCR, please visit PLX technology’s web site to download relative information. It is not necessary for users to understand the details of the LCR if you use the software library. The PCI PnP BIOS assigns the base address of the LCR. The assigned address is located at offset 14h of PCR.
The PCI -6308 registers are shown in the next section. The base address, which is also assigned by the PCI PnP BIOS, is located at offset 18h o f PCR. Therefore, users can read the 18h of PCR to know the base address by using the BIOS function call.
Registers Format 13
Please do not try to modify the base address and interrupt which assigned by the PCI PnP BIOS, it may cause resource confliction in your system.
3.2 I/O Address Map
Most of the PCI -9111 registers are 16 bits. The users can access these registers by 16 bits I/O instructions. The following table shows the registers map, including descriptions and their offset addresses relative to the base address.
I/O Address Write Read
Base + 00h DA value AD FIFO value Base + 02h Digital Output Digital Input Base + 04h Extended DO Extended DI Base + 06h AD channel control AD channel read back Base + 08h AD range control AD range and AD status
read back
Base + 0A h AD trigger mode AD mode and interrupt
setting read back Base + 0Ch Interrupt control (Not used) Base + 0Eh Software AD trigger (Not used)
Base + 10h ~3Eh Reserved
Base + 40h Timer 8254 Ch#0 Base + 42h Timer 8254 Ch#1 Base + 44h Timer 8254 Ch#2 Base + 46h Timer Control Timer Status Base + 48h Clear H/W IRQ (Not used)
Table 3.1 I/O Address
3.3 A/D Data Registers
The PCI -9111 A/D data is stored in the FIFO after conversion. The data can be transferred to host memory by software only. The register format for 12 bits PCI -9111DG and 16 bits PCI-9111HR is bit-wise alignment but not fully compatible. For 12 bits PCI -9111 data, the 4 LSBs are used to memorize the channel number in which the AD data is stored.
14 Registers Format
Address: BASE + 0h Attribute: read only Data Format:
for 12-bits PCI -9111DG
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+0h AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 CH3 CH2 CH1 CH0 BASE+1h AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4
for 16-bits PCI -9111HR
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+0h AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 BASE+1h AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8
AD15 ~ AD0: Analog to digital data. AD11 is the Most Significant Bit
(MSB) of PCI-9111DG while AD15 is the MSB of
CH3 ~ CH0: A/D channel number from which the data is derived.
PCI-9111HR. AD0 is the Least Significant Bit (LSB).
3.4 A/D Channel Control Register
The PCI-9111 provides 16 single-ended analog input channel. The channel control register is used to set the A/D channels to be converted. Under non-auto scanning mode, the register sets the channel number for conversion. Under auto -scanning mode, the register sets the ending channel number.
Address: BASE + 6h Attribute: write only Data Format:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BASE+6h CN7 CN6 CN5 CN4 CN3 CN2 CN1 CN0 BASE+7h -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Where: CNn: Multiplexer channel number. CN7 is MSB, and CN0 is LSB.
There are 8 bits in this register. The 4 LSBs (CN0~CN3) are used to select on-board multiplexer. Usually, only the 4 LSBs are used and 16 input channels can be selected. However, if there is an extension board which can provide extension ability to 256 analog input channels, the 4 MSBs (CN4~CN7) can also be used to control the extension board.
Registers Format 15
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