HP OB2100 Service Manual

HP OmniBook 2100/3100
Reference Guide
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as is” and are subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard Co. shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples herein.
Consumer transactions in Australia and the United Kingdom: The above disclaimers and limitations shall not apply to Consumer transactions in Australia and the United Kingdom and shall not affect the statutory rights of Consumers.
© Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1998. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The programs that control this product are copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of those programs without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Co. is also prohibited.
Portions of the programs that control this product may also be copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation, SystemSoft Corp., Crystal Semiconductor Corporation, Phoenix Technologies, Ltd., and NeoMagic Corporation. See the individual programs for additional copyright notices.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium and the Intel Inside logo are U.S. registered trademarks and MMX is a U.S. trademark of Intel Corporation.
For warranty information, see the Support and Service booklet.
Hewlett-Packard Company Mobile Computing Division 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014
HP Software Product License Agreement
Your HP OmniBook PC contains factory-installed software programs. Please read the Software License Agreement before proceeding.
Carefully read this License Agreement before proceeding to operate this equipment. Rights in the software are offered only on the condition that the customer agrees to all terms and conditions of the License Agreement. Proceeding to operate the equipment indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with the terms of the License Agreement, you must now either remove the software from your hard disk drive and destroy the master diskettes, or return the complete computer and software for a full refund.
Proceeding with configuration signifies your acceptance of the License Terms. Unless otherwise stated below, this HP Software Product License Agreement
shall govern the use of all software that is provided to you, the customer, as part of the HP computer product. It shall supersede any non-HP software license terms that may be found online, or in any documentation or other materials contained in the computer product packaging.
Operating System Software by Microsoft is licensed to you under the Microsoft
End User License Agreement (EULA) contained in the Microsoft documentation. The following License Terms govern the use of the software:
Customer may use the software on any one computer. Customer may not network the software or otherwise use it on more than one computer. Customer may not reverse assemble or decompile the software unless authorized by law.
Copies and Adaptations.
(a) for archival purposes or (b) when copying or adaptation is an essential step in the use of the software with a computer so long as the copies and adaptations are used in no other manner.
software, other than ownership of the physical media. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the software is copyrighted and protected under the copyright laws. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the software may have been developed by a third party software supplier named in the copyright notices included with the software, who shall be authorized to hold the Customer responsible for any copyright infringement or violation of this Agreement.
Product Recovery CD-ROM.
CD-ROM: (i) The product recovery CD-ROM and/or support utility software may only be used for restoring the hard disk of the HP computer with which the product recovery CD-ROM was originally provided. (ii) The use of any operating system
Customer agrees that he/she does not have any title or ownership of the
Customer may make copies or adaptations of the software
If your computer was shipped with a product recovery
software by Microsoft contained in any such product recovery CD-ROM shall be governed by the Microsoft End User License Agreement (EULA).
Transfer of Rights in Software.
third party only as part of the transfer of all rights and only if Customer obtains the prior agreement of the third party to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement. Upon such a transfer, Customer agrees that his/her rights in the software are terminated and that he/she will either destroy his/her copies and adaptations or deliver them to the third party.
Sublicensing and Distribution.
distribute copies or adaptations of the software to the public in physical media or by telecommunication without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard.
comply with any of these terms provided Hewlett-Packard has requested Customer to cure the failure and Customer has failed to do so within thirty (30) days of such notice.
Updates And Upgrades.
updates and upgrades which may be available from Hewlett-Packard under a separate support agreement.
Export Clause.
or adaptation in violation of the U.S. Export Administration regulations or other applicable regulation.
U.S. Government Restricted Rights.
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013. Hewlett-Packard Company, 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A. Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set forth in FAR
Hewlett-Packard may terminate this software license for failure to
Customer agrees not to export or re-export the software or any copy
Customer may transfer rights in the software to a
Customer may not lease, sublicense the software or
Customer agrees that the software does not include
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Edition History
Edition 1 ............................................ June 1998
This manual is printed on recycled paper
1. Introducing the OmniBook ............................... 1-1
Taking Inventory....................................... 1-3
Included in the OmniBook 2100/3100 box ................... 1-3
To buy OmniBook accessories ........................... 1-4
OmniBook features ................................... 1-5
Setting Up Windows .................................... 1-8
To set up the OmniBook for the first time .................... 1-9
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility ............. 1-10
To run the BIOS Setup utility............................. 1-10
Configuring the OmniBook with TopTools ..................... 1-16
To install TopTools ................................... 1-16
To run TopTools ..................................... 1-16
To get more information about TopTools .................... 1-16
2. Operating the OmniBook ................................ 2-1
Starting and Stopping the OmniBook......................... 2-3
To start and stop the OmniBook .......................... 2-3
To reset the OmniBook ................................ 2-4
Using the OmniBook Touch Pad ............................ 2-5
To use the touch pad.................................. 2-5
To configure the touch pad ............................. 2-6
Using the OmniBook Display .............................. 2-7
To adjust the display brightness and contrast ................. 2-7
To extend the life of the display .......................... 2-7
Adjusting the Audio System ............................... 2-8
To adjust the volume manually ........................... 2-8
To adjust the volume in Windows ......................... 2-8
Using the OmniBook Keyboard............................. 2-9
To use the Fn hot keys ................................. 2-10
To use the Windows keys ............................... 2-11
To use the embedded keypad............................ 2-11
To use the ALT GR key................................. 2-12
Checking the Status of the OmniBook ........................ 2-13
To interpret the status lights ............................. 2-13
To interpret the status panel indicators...................... 2-14
Protecting the OmniBook................................. 2-16
To set or change a password............................. 2-17
To delete a password.................................. 2-18
To install McAfee VirusScan ............................. 2-18
To attach a security cable............................... 2-19
To set PC identification ................................ 2-20
To enable hard disk drive lock ........................... 2-20
3. Managing Battery Power................................. 3-1
Monitoring Battery Power................................. 3-3
To check the battery status.............................. 3-4
To respond to a low-battery warning ....................... 3-5
To recharge a battery.................................. 3-5
To replace the main battery ............................. 3-7
To install a secondary battery ............................ 3-8
Conserving Battery Power ................................ 3-9
To optimize battery life ................................ 3-9
To set time-outs...................................... 3-10
To get the most from your battery ......................... 3-11
4. Making Connections .................................... 4-1
Using OmniBook Plug-In Modules ........................... 4-3
To replace a plug-in module............................. 4-4
To connect the floppy disk drive externally .................. 4-5
To insert or eject a floppy disk ........................... 4-5
To insert or remove a CD ............................... 4-6
To insert or eject a Zip disk.............................. 4-7
Connecting External Devices .............................. 4-8
To indentify the external ports ........................... 4-9
To connect an external display ........................... 4-10
To enable the built-in and external displays .................. 4-10
To change display settings in the BIOS Setup utility ............. 4-10
To connect a parallel device............................. 4-11
To connect a serial device .............................. 4-11
To connect an external keyboard or PS/2 mouse............... 4-11
To connect USB devices................................ 4-12
To connect audio devices .............................. 4-13
To make an infrared connection .......................... 4-14
Using PC Cards ........................................ 4-15
To insert a PC Card ................................... 4-15
To remove a PC Card.................................. 4-16
To find tested PC Cards ................................ 4-16
Using Docking Products.................................. 4-17
To install a docking tray................................ 4-17
To dock the OmniBook ................................ 4-18
To undock the OmniBook .............................. 4-19
5. Expanding the OmniBook ................................ 5-1
Installing a Hard Disk Drive ............................... 5-3
To replace the hard disk drive............................ 5-3
To replace the hard disk drive holder ...................... 5-4
To create a Hibernate partition ........................... 5-5
Installing a RAM Expansion Module ......................... 5-6
To install a RAM expansion module ....................... 5-7
To remove a RAM expansion module ...................... 5-8
6. Using the Recovery CD .................................. 6-1
Recovering a Factory Software Installation ..................... 6-3
To recover the Windows 95 factory installation ................ 6-4
To recover the Windows NT factory installation ............... 6-5
Installing Retail Windows 95............................... 6-6
To install a retail version of Windows 95..................... 6-7
To install video support for retail Windows 95................. 6-9
To install audio support for retail Windows 95 ................ 6-10
To install PC Card support for retail Windows 95 ............... 6-11
To install infrared support for retail Windows 95 ............... 6-12
To install touch pad support for retail Windows 95 ............. 6-13
To disable automatic CD-ROM detection .................... 6-14
Installing Retail Windows NT 4.0 ............................ 6-15
To install a retail version of Windows NT 4.0.................. 6-16
To install Service Pack 3 for retail Windows NT 4.0 ............. 6-17
To install video support for retail Windows NT 4.0 .............. 6-18
To install audio support for retail Windows NT 4.0.............. 6-19
To install APM for Windows NT 4.0 ........................ 6-20
To install Card Executive 2.x for retail Windows NT 4.0 .......... 6-21
To disable automatic CD-ROM detection .................... 6-22
Recovering OmniBook Files ............................... 6-23
To install the online User’s Handbook ...................... 6-23
To replace a damaged Recovery CD........................ 6-23
To update the OmniBook BIOS ........................... 6-24
7. Troubleshooting ....................................... 7-1
Solving Problems ...................................... 7-3
Accessory Module Problems............................. 7-3
Audio Problems ..................................... 7-5
Display Problems .................................... 7-6
Hard Disk Drive Problems .............................. 7-7
Infrared Problems .................................... 7-8
Keyboard and Pointing Device Problems .................... 7-9
Memory Problems.................................... 7-10
PC Card (PCMCIA) Problems ............................ 7-11
Performance Problems ................................ 7-12
Power and Battery Problems............................. 7-13
Printing Problems .................................... 7-15
Serial, Parallel, and USB Problems......................... 7-16
Startup Problems..................................... 7-17
Testing the Operation ................................... 7-18
To create a diagnostic floppy disk ......................... 7-18
To run the diagnostic test ............................... 7-19
8. Specifications and Regulatory Information ................... 8-1
Hardware Specifications ................................. 8-3
Software System Resources................................ 8-6
Safety Information...................................... 8-8
Regulatory Information .................................. 8-11
U.S.A. ............................................ 8-11
Canada ........................................... 8-12
Japan ............................................ 8-12
Europe............................................ 8-13
Introducing the OmniBook
Introducing the OmniBook
Congratulations! Your OmniBook sets a new standard in personal computing.
Although it’s compact and easy to carry, the OmniBook is infused with the quality and attention to detail that are the hallmark of Hewlett-Packard.
The OmniBook Quick Start sheet shows how to get your OmniBook up and running quickly. This Reference Guide shows how to set up and operate the OmniBook and it also shows what to do if you run into trouble.
This table lists other sources of supplementary information about OmniBook products.
Source Address or Number
User’s Handbook
OmniBook Notes
The introductory Microsoft manual for Windows 95 or Windows NT.
HP website http://www.hp.com/omnibook
Corporate Evaluator’s Guide
HP Support Assist CD-ROM See the
This introduces the OmniBook and shows you the OmniBook basics. It also contains troubleshooting information (Start, Programs, OmniBook Library).
For late-breaking information available after the manual print date, see OmniBook Notes (Start, Programs, OmniBook Library). This ships with your OmniBook and contains information about using the standard features of Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
(http://www2.hp.com/omnibook, European mirror) The provides information about installing alternate operating
systems, as well as how to configure the OmniBook in a corporate, networked environment. Located at the HP external website.
Support and Service
booklet for telephone numbers.
Introducing the OmniBook
Taking Inventory
Taking Inventory
The HP OmniBook 2100/3100 represents a new category of HP notebook computers featuring the latest mobile technologies available. It uses high-speed Intel Pentium and Pentium II processors with MMX technology, large TFT and DSTN displays, and high-capacity hard drives.
This chapter describes
What’s included in the OmniBook shipment. Available OmniBook accessories. Description of OmniBook features.
Included in the OmniBook 2100/3100 box
HP OmniBook 2100 or OmniBook 3100.
Floppy disk drive, installed in OmniBook (HP F1384A).
24× CD-ROM drive (HP F1587A).
AC adapter (HP F1454A) and power cord.
Main battery, nickel metal hydride (HP F1589A) or lithium ion (HP F1382A).
This OmniBook Reference Guide.
Quick Start sheet.
Support and Service booklet.
Working in Comfort booklet.
List of optional OmniBook accessories.
OmniBook Recovery CD, which includes Windows recovery,
operating system drivers, and online User’s Handbook.
Microsoft Windows 95 manual and CD. –or–
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 manual.
Introducing the OmniBook
Taking Inventory
To buy OmniBook accessories
Buy OmniBook accessories online! For the latest accessories and options, visit us at
them listed here. At the time of this printing, HP offers a variety of docking solutions and the following
accessories and plug-in modules:
Docking system and monitor stand (HP F1477A).
Mini dock (HP F1452A).
Port replicator (HP F1451A).
24 × CD-ROM drive (HP F1587A).
Floppy disk drive and external cable (HP F1384A).
Zip drive (HP F1388A).
Secondary battery (HP F1383A).
PC Cards.
Auto / airline adapter.
OmniBook carrying case.
. As new accessories become available, you’ll find
OmniBook features
OmniBook—Front View
Introducing the OmniBook
Taking Inventory
1. Power status light.
2. Built-in microphone.
3. Status panel.
4. Built-in speakers.
5. Touch pad (pointing device).
6. Click buttons.
7. Latch to open and close the OmniBook.
8. Main battery module.
9. Plug-in module bay (can contain floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, Zip drive, or
secondary battery).
10. Blue power button (suspends or shuts down the OmniBook).
Introducing the OmniBook
Taking Inventory
OmniBook—Side View
11. PC Card slots (upper and lower). Accepts two Type II cards or one Type III card.
12. PC Card eject buttons (upper and lower PC Card slots).
13. Audio jacks (left to right): audio line-in, external microphone, audio line-out.
14. AC adapter jack.
15. Kensington lock slot (security connector).
16. Hard disk drive.
Introducing the OmniBook
Taking Inventory
OmniBook—Rear View
17. Infrared port. Use this port for wireless data transmission between the OmniBook
and another computer or a printer with an infrared port. You must install infrared drivers. Windows NT 4.0 does not support infrared communciation.
18. Universal Serial Bus port (USB). Windows NT 4.0 does not support USB.
19. Serial port (COM1). Use this port for a serial mouse, a modem, or a serial printer.
20. Parallel port (LPT1). Use this port for a parallel printer.
21. System-off button (to shut down the OmniBook).
22. External monitor port.
23. Docking port.
24. PS/2 keyboard or PS/2 mouse port. Supports a Y adapter for both keyboard and
Introducing the OmniBook
Setting Up Windows
Setting Up Windows
The OmniBook has either Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 factory-installed on the hard disk drive. When your OmniBook starts up the first time, it takes you through a series of setup screens, including installation of the operating system.
This section describes how to set up the OmniBook with the factory-installed Windows operating system.
Setting up the OmniBook for the first time.
To set up the OmniBook for the first time
Introducing the OmniBook
Setting Up Windows
Use only the HP adapter model F1454A with this product. Using any other ac adapter could damage the OmniBook and may void your warranty. Refer to the warranty statement for your product.
1. Connect the power cord to the ac adapter, then plug the cord into an ac outlet.
The indicator light on the ac adapter shines when powered.
2. Connect the ac adapter to the OmniBook’s left side, as shown.
3. Press the blue power button. The Windows 95 or Windows NT Setup program starts automatically.
4. Follow the instructions as they appear on the screen. During setup, you will be prompted to accept the License Agreement and enter
the Product ID (printed on the Certificate of Authenticity on the Microsoft Windows manual). If you are prompted to set up a user account and password, you can either set up the account, or press ESC to skip this step.
If you installed Windows NT 4.0, see page 6-20 to install Advanced Power Management (APM).
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
The BIOS (Basic Input and Output System) Setup utility is a menu-driven utility that enables you to make changes to the system configuration and tailor the operation of your OmniBook to your individual work needs.
The settings made in the BIOS Setup utility generally control the hardware and consequently have a fundamental effect on how the OmniBook operates.
This section describes the BIOS Setup utility menus and options in detail.
To run the BIOS Setup utility
1. Close all applications.
2. From the Start menu, click Shut Down, Restart the Computer.
3. When you see the HP logo, press F2 to enter the BIOS Setup utility.
4. Pointing devices are not active in the BIOS Setup utility. Press the RIGHT and
LEFT arrow keys to move among menus. Press the DOWN and UP arrow keys to move among parameters in a menu. Press F5 or F6 to move through values for the current parameter or press ENTER to change a setting. See the following tables for more information.
5. After you select the options you want, press F10 or use the Exit menu to exit the
BIOS Setup utility.
If the settings cause a conflict between devices during reboot, the system prompts you to run BIOS Setup and marks the conflicting settings.
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
Main Menu Default
Language Sets the language for this utility and for BIOS
BIOS Revision Shows the current BIOS version. Detected
System Time Sets the time using 24-hour format. Values set
take effect immediately.
System Date Sets the date using dd/mm/yy format (except
English, which is mm/dd/yy format).
Floppy Drive Sets the floppy drive type. Floppy disk drive
Same as operating system.
type detected and set automatically.
Hard Disk Sets the hard disk drive type and various
Quiet Boot When enabled, hides summary of
power-on self-test and messages during boot.
Video Display Device Sets whether the built-in display automatically
detects and switches to an external display.
System Memory Shows the system memory size. 640KB
Extended Memory Shows the extended memory size. Detected
* Setting Video Display Device to Both will prevent the OmniBook from suspending when you
close the lid.
Hard disk drive detected and set automatically.
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
System Devices Menu Default
External Fn Key Sets whether left-CTRL + left-ALT on an
external keyboard is interpreted as the Fn key.
IDE Controller Enables the primary (hard drive) and
secondary (optional CD-ROM drive) controllers.
FDD Controller Enables the floppy disk drive. Enabled
Serial Port Sets how the BIOS configures the serial port
(user specified or automatic).
Base I/O address Sets the I/O address and interrupt. 3F8h, IRQ4
Infrared Port Sets how the BIOS configures the infrared
port (user specified or automatic).
Mode Sets the hardware to support SIR (Standard
IR), ASK IR (amplitude shift keyed IR), or FIR (Fast IR) infrared communications. (Driver installation required.)
Base I/O address Sets the I/O address and interrupt. 2F8h, IRQ3
DMA channel For Fast Ir mode, sets the DMA channel. DMA3
Parallel Port Sets how the BIOS configures the parallel
port (specified or automatic).
Mode Sets the port to normal, bi-directional, EPP, or
Base I/O address Sets the I/O address. 378h
Interrupt Sets the interrupt. IRQ7
DMA channel For ECP mode, sets the DMA channel. DMA3
Audio Sets how the BIOS configures the audio
system (specified or automatic).
SB I/O address Sets the Sound Blaster I/O address. 220h
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
WSS I/O address Sets the Windows Sound System I/O
AdLib I/O address Sets the AdLib synthesizer I/O address. 388h
Interrupt Sets the interrupt. IRQ5
1st DMA channel Sets the DMA channel for playback. DMA1
2nd DMA channel Sets the DMA channel for recording. DMA0
Security Menu Default
User Password Is Shows if a user password is set. You must
set an administrator password before you can set a user password.
Administrator Password Is Shows if an administrator password is set. Clear
Set User Password Press ENTER to set, change, or clear user
password. Password length can be no longer than 8 characters, 0-9, A-Z.
Set Administrator Password Press ENTER to set, change, or clear
administrator password. This password protects BIOS Setup settings.
Password Required To
Boot Sets whether a user password is required
when the computer boots.
Resume* Sets whether a user password is required
when resuming from a suspended state.
Undock* Sets whether a user password is required
when undocking the OmniBook.
Hard Disk Drive Lock Encodes the current user password (or
administrator password if that is the only password set), on the hard disk drive.
Floppy Boot Sets whether the floppy drive is a boot
* Resume and Undock options are available only if Boot option is enabled.
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
Power Menu Default
Power Management Mode Disables time-outs, selects a combination of
time-outs, or allows customized time-outs.
Max Power Savings
Smart CPU Mode Enables automatic CPU power savings.
Absence of keyboard, mouse, and hard disk activity could cause slower CPU response.
Standby Time-out Sets the period of inactivity after which the
computer goes from On to Standby power mode.
Suspend Time-out Sets the period of inactivity after which the
computer goes from Standby to Suspend power mode. (Skips Standby mode if that time-out is disabled.)
Hibernate Time-out Sets whether the computer goes from
Suspend to Hibernate power mode after the indicated period of inactivity. (Skips Suspend mode if that time-out is disabled.)
Hard Disk Time-out Sets the period of hard disk inactivity after
which the hard disk stops spinning.
Time-out on AC Sets whether power management time-outs
occur while the ac adapter is connected.
Power Button Mode Sets the action of the blue power button
when pressed for less than 4 seconds.
Resume on Modem Ring Sets whether the system resumes from
Suspend if a ring signal is received.
2 minutes
4 minutes
4 hours
2 minutes
Resume on Time of Day Sets whether the system resumes from
Suspend at a defined time of day.
Resume Time Sets the 24-hour time when the system
resumes from Suspend if enabled.
Auto Suspend on Undock Sets whether the OmniBook suspends after
When Lid Closed
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with the BIOS Setup utility
Boot Menu Default
Diskette Drive Hard Drive CD-ROM Drive
Exit Menu
Save Changes and Exit Saves Setup changes, exits, and reboots.
Discard Changes and Exit Discards Setup changes since last save, exits,
Get Default Values Restores default settings, stays in Setup.
Load Previous Values Discards Setup changes since last save, stays
Shows the order of boot devices. Move the entries to change the order.
and reboots. Does not affect Security, date, or time changes.
Does not affect Security, date, or time changes.
in Setup. Does not affect Security, date, or time changes.
1. Diskette drive
2. Hard drive
3. CD-ROM drive
Save Changes Saves Setup changes, and stays in Setup.
Security settings are saved when changed.
Introducing the OmniBook
Configuring the OmniBook with TopTools
Configuring the OmniBook with TopTools
HP TopTools is for network managers and administrators with responsibilities for computer system management. It offers additional configuration and security options that allow you to check what hardware and software components are installed on your computer and access how well they are working. This section describes how to
Install and run TopTools. Get more information about TopTools.
To install TopTools
The TopTools package is included with the OmniBook, but you must install it before you can use it. On Windows NT systems you will need Administrator privileges to
install TopTools software
1. Start Windows, if it is not already running.
2. Click Start, Programs, HP DMI, Setup.
To run TopTools
TopTools may be run locally on a PC or remotely by a network administrator.
To run TopTools locally, click Start, Programs, HP DMI, HP TopTools.
To get more information about TopTools
For information on manageable HP PCs, HP TopTools, DMI, and how they lower PC operating costs, see the HP website at
Operating the OmniBook
Operating the OmniBook
This chapter introduces the OmniBook and helps you get familiar with basic operation including
Starting and stopping the OmniBook. Using the OmniBook touch pad. Using the OmniBook display. Adjusting the audio system. Using the OmniBook keyboard. Checking the status of the OmniBook. Protecting the OmniBook.
Operating the OmniBook
Starting and Stopping the OmniBook
Starting and Stopping the OmniBook
You can easily start and stop your OmniBook using the blue power button. However, at certain times, you may want to use other methods for starting and stopping your OmniBook—depending on power considerations, types of active connections, and
start-up time.
To start and stop the OmniBook
When you The OmniBook enters To exit this mode
Press Fn + S
–or– allow time-out.
Press blue power button –or– click Start, Suspend** –or– close the lid*** –or– allow time-out. Press Fn + F12 –or– allow time-out.
Click Start, Shut Down (recommended) –or– Press and hold the blue power button until the display shuts down.
* A plug-and-play operating system, such as Windows 95, can restore network connections when you turn on the OmniBook. For
Windows NT 4.0 or a different operating system, you may have to reset the OmniBook or restart the operating system to restore them.
** Windows 95 only.
*** If you set the Video Display Device to Both (in BIOS Setup), the OmniBook will not suspend when you close the lid.
Standby Mode
Saves minimal power. Turns off the display only. Restarts quickly. Maintains network connections.
Suspend Mode
Saves significant power. Turns off the display. Saves current session to RAM. Restarts quickly. May restore network connections.
Hibernate Mode
Saves maximum power. Saves current session to disk, shuts down. May restore network connections.*
Off Mode
Saves maximum power. Turns off without saving current session. At startup, resets everything, starts a new session, and restores network connections.
Press any key or move a pointing device to display your current session (“Instant-On”).
Press the blue power button to display your current session (“Instant-On“).
Press the blue power button to restart and restore your previous session.
Press the blue power button to restart with a new session.
Operating the OmniBook
Starting and Stopping the OmniBook
To reset the OmniBook
If Windows or the OmniBook stops responding, you can reset the OmniBook.
1. If possible, from the Start menu, shut down the OmniBook.
2. Insert a pen or straightened paper clip into the recess on the rear of the
OmniBook, as shown.
–or, if this fails–
Press and hold the blue power button until the display shuts down.
3. After the computer shuts down, press the blue power button to turn it on.
Operating the OmniBook
Using the OmniBook Touch Pad
Using the OmniBook Touch Pad
The touch pad, a touch-sensitive pointing device which controls the motion and speed of the pointer on the screen, is built into your OmniBook.
This section describes how to
Use the touch pad. Configure the touch pad.
To use the touch pad
1. Move a thumb or finger across the touch pad in the direction you want the
pointer to move.
2. Use the left and right click buttons, which work like the left and right buttons on
a mouse, to make your selection. You can also tap on the touch pad instead of clicking a button.
To open an application, move the pointer over the icon, then press the left
button twice rapidly.
To make menu selections, move the pointer to the item and press the left
button once.
To open the shortcut menu for an item, move the pointer over the item and
click the right button.
To drag an item, move the pointer over the item. Press and hold the left
button while you move the pointer to the new location. Release the button.
Operating the OmniBook
Using the OmniBook Touch Pad
To configure the touch pad
To customize the operation of the touch pad (and an external PS/2 or serial mouse, if installed), use the Windows Control Panel Mouse icon to access Mouse Properties. Select the tab corresponding to the item you wish to configure. Among the items that can be configured are
Button configuration for right or left handed operation.
Double-click speed, pointer speed, and pointer tail.
Touch threshold. Click Help for more information on the use of the touch pad.
The touch pad’s enhanced features are not available when an external mouse is installed.
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