HP m7246n, m7248n, m7250n, m7257c, m7259c Troubleshooting

System Recovery
Copyright © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Printed in
System Recovery
This document describes the recovery of your PC using System Recovery discs sent to you by HP Technical Support. Perform a System Recovery when your hard disk drive is not responding, corrupted, or blank.
System Recovery discs are distributed on one or more numbered CDs or DVDs (for example, disc 1, disc 2) and in some cases, a Supplemental Recovery disc. The System Recovery discs are licensed for use only with your specific model of PC.
Planning the System Recovery
Depending on the recovery option you select, the procedure can take up to 5 hours to complete. You can reduce the amount of time a recovery takes by removing user accounts and removing files from the My Documents folder (by creating a backup disc).
The System Recovery program offers two recovery options:
Standard Recovery — This option recovers
factory-shipped programs, drivers, and the operating system without affecting any data files that you may have created since purchasing your PC. Some data files may be difficult to find after the System Recovery, so it is best to back up all personal data files before performing a System Recovery.
NOTE: If you perform a Standard Recovery, you may not be prompted to use all the discs you received.
NOTE: If you have manually deleted the recovery image from your hard disk drive, the Standard
Recovery option will not work.
Full System Recovery — This option completely
erases and reformats your hard disk drive. It also deletes any data files that you created after purchasing the PC. The Full System Recovery reinstalls the operating system, programs, and drivers from the recovery discs. However, you must reinstall any software that was not installed on the PC at the factory. This includes software that came on CDs included in the PC accessory box and software programs you installed since your purchase.
Additionally, the Full System Recovery option creates a recovery image on your hard disk drive. This recovery image contains a copy of the files distributed on the recovery discs that you can use if you need to recover again in the future. This recovery image uses a portion of the hard disk drive that cannot be used for data storage.
Continue to the next section to begin the recovery procedure.
Using the System Recovery Program
1 If your PC works, you can back up all data files that
you want to save onto removable media (for example, a CD or DVD).
2 Insert the System Recovery disc 1 into the
appropriate CD or DVD drive.
3 Turn the PC off:
If the PC works: Click Start on the taskbar, click
Turn Off Computer, and then click Turn Off.
If the PC is not responding: Press and hold the On
button for approximately 5 seconds until the PC turns off.
4 Disconnect all devices that are connected to the PC
except the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse.
5 Disconnect or remove all external drives, and remove
the HP Personal Media Drive (select models only).
6 Press the power (On) button to start the PC.
The PC starts the recovery from the first disc, and prompts you to select Standard Recovery, Full System Recovery, or quit the recovery program.
7 Press R to start a Standard Recovery, or F to select
the Full System Recovery.
NOTE: If you have manually deleted the recovery image from your hard disk drive, the Standard Recovery option cannot be used.
If you pressed R, click Next to continue with the
standard recovery.
If you pressed F, press Y to confirm that you want
to start the Full System Recovery. When the Welcome screen appears, click OK to continue.
When the recovery program finishes with the disc, the drive tray ejects.
8 Remove the disc and, if you received more than one
recovery disc, insert the next disc in the same tray, close it, and then click OK.
NOTE: If you have a PC with two drive trays, they may both open. Close them both before clicking
9 Repeat the previous step for each numbered recovery
disc you received.
10 After the last numbered disc is ejected, remove it,
and click Restart to restart your PC.
NOTE: If the message ”Please Insert Login Advanced Installation Disc Number 1 and Restart” is displayed at the end of a Full System Recovery, remove the recovery disc from the drive tray, and restart the PC. You do not need to insert the referenced disc.
After your PC restarts, a series of Windows screens appear.
a If your PC supports multiple languages, you are
prompted for a build ID (this ID number is included with the recovery discs). Type the build ID number exactly as it appears, and then click OK.
If you are prompted to insert the Supplemental Recovery disc, continue with step b.
If you are not prompted to insert the Supplemental Recovery disc, skip to step 11.
b Insert the Supplemental Recovery disc in the same
drive you have been using, close the tray, and click OK.
Your PC automatically restarts a number of times before displaying the Recovery Complete message.
11 Click OK to turn your PC off.
Continue the recovery by completing the procedure described in the next section.
Performing the Post-recovery Procedure
1 Restart your PC, and when the Windows welcome
screen appears, click Next.
2 Answer the questions in the Windows setup screens,
and click Finish in the last screen to display the Windows desktop.
3 Turn your PC off, reconnect all devices that were
originally connected to your PC, and restart your PC.
4 Reinstall software that originally came in the box with
your PC and any additional software you may have purchased.
Some of the software shipped in the box may already be installed by the recovery program.
5 If you performed a backup before the recovery, copy
the data files you saved from the backup media to your hard disk drive.
6 Complete the initial configuration of your PC as
described in the documentation provided with your PC.
7 After configuring your Internet connection, connect to
the Internet and use Windows Update to obtain all the critical updates for Windows. This helps to protect your PC from viruses and spyware.
8 Open the virus-scanning software that came with the
PC, and use the Update feature to download all available updates for the antivirus software.
9 If your PC came with spyware detection and removal
software (select models only), use its Update feature to download all available updates.
NOTE: If you have questions about the System Recovery procedure, please contact HP Technical Support; see your support documentation included with the PC documentation.
本文档介绍如何使用“HP 技术支持”提供的“系统复 原”光盘复原您的电脑。如果您的硬盘不响应、受损或 空白,则需执行“系统复原”。
“系统复原”光盘以单张或多张 CD/DVD 的形式分 发,其中光盘都带有编号(例如:光盘 1、光盘 2), 有时也采用“补充复原”光盘的形式。“系统复原”光 盘仅授权用于您特定型号的电脑。
完成复原过程最长可达 5 个小时,具体取决于您选择的 复原选项。您可以从“我的文档”文件夹中删除用户帐 户和文件(为其创建备份光盘),从而减少复原过程所 需的时间。
程序和操作系统,而不会影响到您在购买电脑之后所 创建的所有数据文件。由于“系统复原”后部分数据 文件将很难再找到,所以在执行“系统复原”之前您 最好先备份硬盘中的所有个人文件。
并重新格式化硬盘。也将删除您在购买电脑之后创建 的所有数据文件。“完整系统复原”将从复原光盘重 新安装操作系统、各种程序及驱动程序。不过您必须 重新安装电脑出厂时未预装的所有软件。其中包括电 脑包装箱中附带的 CD 软件,以及您在购买电脑之后 自行安装的软件程序。
另外,“完整系统复原”选项将在您的硬盘上创建 映像。此复原映像中包含有在复原光盘上分发的文 件的副本,您可以在日后需要再次复原时使用。此复 原映像将占用硬盘的一部分空间,这部分空间无法再 用于数据存储。
1 如果电脑尚可运行,请将希望保存的所有数据文件备
份至可移动媒体(例如 CD DVD)。
2 将“系统复原”光盘 1 插入相应的 CD DVD
3 关闭电脑:
如果电脑无响应:按住“主机开关”按钮大约 5
4 断开除盘和标之外的所有电脑连接着
5 开所有外部驱动连接或将其除,并除 HP
Personal Media Drive(仅用于部分型号)。
6 按下电开关按钮,动电脑。
电脑将从一张光盘开复原,并提示您选择“标准 复原”、“完整系统复原”或退出复原程序。
7 请按 [R] 动“标准复原”,或 [F] 动“完整
8 取出光盘(如果您有多张复原光盘,请在同一
9 对每张带有编号的复原光盘重复上述步骤
10 待弹出最后一张带有编号的复原光盘时,将其取出,
Insert Login Advanced Installation Disc Number 1 and Restart(请插入登录高级安装光盘 1,然后重新
动电脑)”的消息,请从光驱盘中取出复原光 盘,然后重新动电脑。您不必插入消息中提及 的光盘。
电脑重新动后,将示一系 Windows® 启动屏
a 如果您的电脑支持多语言,将提示您 Build ID
b 将“补充复原”光盘插入您一在使用光驱,关
11 请单击“确定”,关闭电脑。
(可在复原光盘上找到)。 准确键入 Build ID 号 检查后单击“确定”。
如果提示插入“补充复原”光盘,请步骤 b 继续
如果未提示插入“补充复原”光盘,请步骤 11 继续。
1 重新动电脑,出 Windows 欢迎屏幕时,请单击
2 回答 Windows 设置屏幕问题,在最后的屏幕中单
击“完成”以 Windows 桌面
3 关闭电脑,重新连接原先连接在电脑上的备,然后
4 重新安装机附件中所有的软件和任何其您所购
复原程序可为您安装了一部分机附的软 件。
5 如果您在复原之前行了备份,请将您保存的数据文
6 电脑附带文档的描述完成电脑的初始配置 7 完成 Internet 连接配置连接 Internet,然后使
用“Windows Update获得适用于 Windows 的重 要新。这有于保您的电脑病毒监听软件 的侵袭
9 如果您的电脑附带有用于检测和删除监听软件的软件
(仅用于部分机型),请使用其“新”功能 所有可用的新。
HP 技术支持人员;并请参阅随机附带的支持文档。
如果按 [R],请单击“下一步”以执行“标准复
如果按 [F],请按 [Y] 确认您希望执行“完整系
统复原”。“欢迎屏幕时,单击“定” 按钮继续