Data sheet
HP ProLiant m700
Server Cartridge
Workload-specic server cartridges for the HP Moonshot System
HP Moonshot System: the rst software-dened server
The foundation you need to compete in a new era of computing
The growth of Social Media, mobile computing, e-commerce, and Big Data is actually being
restricted by the very thing that is supposed to enable it: infrastructure. HP Moonshot
System addresses modern IT workloads with a new class of software-dened servers.
Theseworkload-optimized servers provide maximum scalability, eciency, density, and
simplicity while requiring less power, space, and environmental cooling, and fewer system
management resources than traditional servers.
Customize HP Moonshot System for specic workloads
HP Moonshot System uses energy-ecient CPUs that balance performance and cost
to match the needs of specic applications through the use of workload-specic server
cartridges. The HP ProLiant m700 Server Cartridge has four AMD processor-based servers.
The AMD Opteron X2150 accelerated processing unit has the CPU, and GPU integrated into a
single Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) for increased graphics processing, power eciency,
and faster response times. It oers higher single-threaded performance than competing
processors, and the highest density, most power-ecient small-core x86 processors ever built.
Massive power meets unparalleled eciency
HP Moonshot System delivers maximum density
with unparalleled power eciency—requiring
less energy, space, and cost than traditional
The key is the way HP ProLiant Moonshot
System Server Cartridges deliver workload
specialization—eciently and easily aligning
just the right amount of compute, memory, and
storage delivered at scale.
HP engineering internal research.
amd-launches-the-2013ma y29.aspx
This makes it ideal for hosted desktop infrastructure (HDI), oering:
• Improved security and compliance by centralizing desktops, data, and applications in the
• Enhanced worker productivity with anywhere, anytime, any device, secure mobility
• Streamlined desktop support to maintain the desktop environment without
• Improved business agility by scaling and adapting to changes quickly without disruption
HP Moonshot Concierge Services
HP provides the consulting services and infrastructure support these extremely scalable, highly
dense environments require through the HP Moonshot Concierge Services program. It includes
educational tools and services to help you eectively implement your HP Moonshot system,
including HP Technology Services, HP Foundation Care, and HP Datacenter Care.
See an HP Moonshot System in action at an HP Discovery Lab
The new HP Moonshot Concierge Services program also oers select customers and
partners direct access to technology, industry experts, and peers through the HP Discovery
Labs. Thesecollaborative facilities allow for experimenting, testing, and benchmarking of
applications on HP Moonshot development systems, as well as traditional servers.
HP Discovery Labs oer access to all HP Moonshot servers and options, oering great value
to the solution preproduction phase to determine how they will perform. In addition, on-site
testing of future HP Moonshot infrastructure allows you to condentially gauge application
suitability on current and evolving HP server technology. HP Discovery Labs are now open in
Singapore, Purdue University, Houston, Texas, and Grenoble, France, with plans to add more
locations around the world.

Data sheet | HP ProLiant m700 Server Cartrid ge
System-on-chip AMD Opteron X2150 APU, 1.5 GHz
Cache memory 2 MB L2 cache
Graphics 128 Radeon Cores (up to 500 MHz)
Memory protection Advanced ECC
Typ e
DIMM slots available
Maximum conguration
DDR3 PC3-12800 SDRAM (1,600 MHz)
4 SODIMM slots (One per server)
32 GB (4 x 8 GB)
Network controller Broadcom BCM5720 Ethernet Controller
Storage controller Integrated into the SOC
Maximum internal storage 32 GB iSSD per SOC via Mezzanine Storage Kit
Interfaces • Cartridge link LED/button
• Cartridge UID LED/button
• Cartridge health LED
Industry standard compliance • ACPI 2.0
• PXE Support
• PCIe 3.0
Operating system support for H P ProLiant server s
Customize your IT lifecycle management, from
acquisition of new IT, management of existing
assets, and removal of unneeded equipment.
Microsoft® Windows® 7
Note: For more information on HP’s certied and supported HP ProLiant ser vers for OS and virtualization
software, and the latest listing of software drivers available for your server—including how to purchase
from HP —please visit our OS Support site at hp.com/go/ossupport and our driver download page at
Learn more at
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warranties for HP products a nd services are set forth in the express wa rranty statements accompa nying such products and ser vices. Nothing h erein
should be construed as constit uting an add itional warranty. HP sh all not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
AMD is a trademark of Adva nced Micro Device s, Inc. Microsof t and Windows are U. S. registered trademarks of t he Microsof t group of companies.
4AA4-98 83ENW, Decemb er 2013
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