HP Latex Plus Cutting Solutions
Grow your business by enhancing your HP Latex printer with our
unique print AND cut workow
HP Late x 54 Plus Cutt ing Solution
HP Late x 64 Plus Cutting Solution
Complete HP solution—
outstanding print and cut
• Cut full bleed stickers that don’t curl when
printed with HP Latex Technology.
• Enjoy fast, accurate cutting and downforce
up to 600 grams.
• HP FlexiPRINT and CUT RIP includes True
Shape Nesting—automatically save up to
50% more media.
• HP Applications Center design tools
are included, for easy creation of new
applications in just 3 steps.
Up to 50% time savings with true
print AND cut
• Print AND cut at the same time—versus print
OR cut integrated devices—with our reliable,
dual-device solution.
• Cut right away when printing with HP Latex
Technology—with no degas time, you can
deliver same day.
• Quickly deliver short-term print and cut jobs,
with no need to laminate scratch-resistant
HP Latex prints.
Easy and reliable workow
• Print/cut in a few steps—add cut lines from
the RIP, select cutting presets, and easily
send to production.
• Accurate job recognition and error-free
cutting with HP Barcode and Optical Position
System congurations.
• Easy-to-use cutter with a simple
touchscreen interface and media basket.
For more information, please visit
Join the community, nd tools, and talk to experts.
Visit the HP Latex Knowledge Center at
Each H P Latex Plu s Cuttin g Solutio n can be dire ctly con nected to H P Latex 100, 30 0, 500 and 70 0 Printer S eries. In o rder to con nect wit h HP Latex 80 0 Printer S eries an u pgrade of H P FlexiP RINT and C UT RIP is
Compared to printing without nesting. Based on performance demonstration by HP, September 2020.
Requ ires an HP Ap plicati ons Cente r account, I nternet c onnect ion, and co nnected I nternet- capabl e device. Fo r more info rmation , see www.hpapplicationscenter.com.
Base d on intern al HP testi ng, Septem ber 2020, co mparin g the HP Late x Print an d Cut Plus So lution wi th integr ated print a nd cut sol utions at a co mparab le cost. An i ntegrate d printer/c utter dev ice is a larg e-forma t
prin ter that has a c ontour cu tter embe dded in th e same pri nter that pr ints the m edia, the n moves the m edia bac kwards to c ut the prin ted outp ut.
Scra tch-res istance co mparis on based on t esting th ird-ge neratio n HP Latex In ks and rep resenta tive hard -solven t inks on se lf-adhes ive viny l and PVC ban ner. HP imag e perman ence esti mates by HP Im age
Perm anence La b. Outdoo r display p ermane nce tested a ccordin g to SAE J2527 on a r ange of med ia, inclu ding HP me dia; in a ver tical di splay ori entatio n in simul ated nomin al outdoo r displa y conditi ons for sele ct
high a nd low clim ates, inc luding e xposure t o direct su nlight a nd water; p erforma nce may va ry as envi ronment al condit ions chan ge.

Help me
HP Latex 54 Plus
Cutting Solution
Maxi mum cut width
Maximum acceleration Up to 3G
Maxi mum cut speed
Cute fo rce
Cut thickness 0.05 to 0.25 mm (0.002 to 0.01 in); 0.8 mm (0.03 in) with optional sandblas t blade
Connectivity (standard
C u t t e r d i m e n s i o n s
(w x d x h)
Cutter (shipping)
dimensions (w x d x h )
Cutter weight 43.5 kg (96 lb) 48 kg (106 lb)
Cutter (shipping) weight 71 kg (156 lb) 74 kg (163 lb)
What ’s in the box HP Late x cutter, cutter stand, media basket , HP FlexiPrint and Cut RIP, HP Cutter Control software, quick reference gui de, setup poster,
Warranty One-year limited hardware warranty
Grow with this 54-inch business-ready cutting solution Expand into wider applications with this 64-inch cutting solution
documentat ion software, power cords, standard holder (1), standard blades (2), cut-o knife (1), 3-in media anges (set of 2)
9TL92A 9TL91A
135 cm (53.1 in) 158 cm (62.2 in)
Up to 113 cm/sec (44 in/sec) diagonal
0.2% of movement or 0.25 m m, (0.01 in) whichever is greater
0 to 600 grams of downforce, in 5-gram steps
USB and Ethern et (LAN)
1765 x 704 x 1112 mm
(69.5 x 27.7 x 43.8 in)
2230 x 420 x 710 mm
(87.8 x 16.5 x 28 in)
HP Latex 64 Plus
Cutting Solution
1960 x 704 x 1112 mm
(77.2 x 27.7 x 43.8 in)
2230 x 420 x 710 mm
(87.8 x 16.5 x 28 in)
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